Dio Brando: The Art of Evil

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“I kept thinking over everything that has been ever since Jonathan came to see me in London, and it all seems like a horrible tragedy, with fate pressing on relentlessly to some destined end. Everything that one does seems, no matter how right it may be, to bring on the very thing which is most to be deplored.” Since this is a video on Dio Brando in Phantom Blood, you may be asking yourself “Well, I don’t remember this quote. Maybe this was in some notebook excerpt in the manga.” It’s not, this is a quote pulled from Bram Stroker’s “Dracula.” Yeah, there are some similarities. Well for one, we have a character named Jonathan with a strong will and confronts a vampire with a very evil and dark soul. Both the vampires have a name that starts with D. The same Jonathan also stabs the vampire in the neck. Araki are you robbing me? Araki: No dude, I swear it’s just a coincidence. “Yeah, I believe you, but what about that time you said Phantom Blood shares similarities with Fist of the North Star and Dracula on purpose.” Araki: Ah dude I was just messing around. Me: … Araki: … Ok I might have stolen Jesus. Dio Brando is one of or if not the most powerful person in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. Not powerful as in strength, but powerful as in power. Power in leading, power in fear, and a power that transcends physical presence. Dio doesn’t need to be alive to have an effect over those in the living world. He’s a being that had set so many plans that would work with him being alive or dead. It’s even pretty easy to say that he did more when he was dead than when he was alive. Though how is it possible to do so much? Is it just due to him being an intellectual being? Possibly, but being an intellectual being wouldn’t be enough to do everything he did. Dio had done something that none of us can physically do on the same scale as him. Dio has transcended past humanity. What does this mean? To most it would just be symbolism for him rejecting his human form and transforming into a vampire, which would be higher than a human on the food chain, but I don’t think that’s what he means. The answer lies in the many things Dio had done. This isn’t on the many people he had executed or drank, but those that he kept alive. Ideals of vengeance, steps to a better future, or even friendship. Or, whatever that was that scene in itself is a mystery. Being evil has been affiliated with being a killer of sorts, and having plans of trying to execute more people on a larger scale. A lot of villains want to destroy the Earth, a lot of villains want the lower-class to take over everything above, but what about the other types of villains. There many types, but I want to talk about those that want the best for the world, but they achieve that through the most heinous ways. DIO is one of these villains. Not Dio Brando, but the matured DIO. Imagine that everyone in the world could see their fate. While thinking that seeing your fate would cause you to try to change it, but what if your fate had already taken that into account. How do we not know that us being the sentient beings we are is an illusion? What if everything we’re doing and everything that happens to us is our subatomic particles acting in a specific order that had already been set for us. Would you continue to live your life if fate told you that everything you’re going to do is futile to what happens to you in the end. It’s genuinely puzzling for me, because I’m not even sure how I’d be able to comprehend that. DIO had wanted us to see our fate and not waste anytime living futile lives, because at that point, why continue to suffer? DIO has this god complex without even trying to, he happens to just understand everything on a higher plain. Can I even say the goal that this version of DIO had created is evil, or is it somewhat of a blessing? I have this respect for this version of DIO, a person sculpted by the time he had to think in solitude. He had developed this more matured mindset with a plan that would impact the whole world once he touches back into the world. That’s DIO, but who was Dio Brando? Well, let me ask a question to set perspective. Say that life is bad in all ways possible. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. Your job as someone who wants to continue living is to fight through all that wrong that’s being thrown at you, but while having all this bad, you have on good thing in your life. This one thing had been there for you forever, and would never willingly leave you. That’s until this one thing is beaten furiously and perishes. The one thing keeping you intact had been taken away from you, and you’re forced to continuously live with what had caused them to die. You have all the reason to be furious and even hate the world that you live in, but what do you do? Do you exact revenge on the world that had taken everything from you, or does the world deserve to be made better so that no one else experiences what you had experienced? The second option seems the most honorable and hopeful, but why would you go for the second one? If the world has only given you bad, why try to make it good for everyone else? Why not just make it good for you? Why not make it work under you? You’re the only person looking out for yourself in this problematic world. You deserve better. You are the number one of your life. Matter of fact, you will be the number one of all of life. There will never be wrong in the world for you, if you own it all. They’re giving the chance to do so, will you take it, or live how you do. Dio Brando had made this decision. A child raised in the darkest slums of London. Raised by an unfit father, and had lost his mother at an early age. The only one who he had seen any good in throughout his entire childhood. While he was only raised on the streets, he had become this cunning teenager overtime. Poisoning the father that had caused him grief which would’ve left him to a less annoying life alone, but the debt of George Joestar had ended up being the opportunity that Dio had wanted and needed. During the years in the Joestar manor, Dio had helped with growing more than focusing on his growth. He had originally believed that it wouldn’t be that difficult to raise throughout the ranks of life. He believed that because there hadn’t been someone that he saw as a match to him. If it wasn’t for Dio contributing to Jonathan’s development, he wouldn’t even stand a chance in the future. Jonathan had matched Dio’s intent and intellect with will and conviction. Seeing that since he could be matched, the only way to get him out of the way would be to kill him, but that wasn’t going to be easy since he had be figured out. So, what’s one to do in that situation. Well, I thought about this in a different way. As a human, or as any living thing on the real earth, there will always be something or someone that can match you or something else. For a strong lion, there will be a strong lion. For a smart person, there will be someone that either matches them or even exceeds them. Dio was on the same level of ground as any other human even thought he had attributes that puts him ahead of many, but he was still human. Quoting from Dio specifically, “There’s a limit to human ability.” As a human, he will share the same limitations as anyone else, but what if he can transcend that? Which he does. With his newfound power, he had shown the large difference between humans and vampires. Even with those differences, he was still put down by a human Jonathan. This alone shows where Dio stood and would stand for the rest of the franchise. Attempting to put himself ahead of the game, and it worked against a large amount of beings, but he always found himself being checked by those with bigger limitations on them. He had crossed so many lines to put himself ahead of others, even by doing the most immoral things, but all those things had contributed to those working against him. By doing evil, he had made the power of good stronger. While I couldn’t agree with the things that Dio or even a lot of villains do, I can appreciate what they’re unintentionally doing. It’s fine to have evil in the world, because all of that evil contributes in making good stronger. Even if there’s a world where evil rules over all, there will always be an underdog of conviction. That’s how it goes in fiction. Unless you have some story where nothing gets better and it’s just spiraling down a hole of despair, because that’s just terrible. Why would I want to read something like that when I can just experience everything going wrong myself? Dio had pushed people to their limits, and they broke those limits just because their conviction was strong enough. He had unintentionally got a group together that was meant to destroy him. He had unintentionally created an exact opposite to him that had beaten him, despite him winning in the complete end. Even then, he respected his counter, and became him, but even then, he was still countered again. There will always be a counter out there. It’s possible they don’t exist at the moment of evil happening, and maybe they’re raised under those wanting to defeat said evil. Remember, corruption breeds conviction. That’s not a quote from someone I’m trying to remember something, but it’s very vague. It’s probably not even corruption. Maybe cataclysm, or chaos, or crisis, or cruelty. Maybe it was a Cruel Angel Thesis, I don’t know. You get the point. I hope you guys enjoyed this, although it wasn’t that scary for being a Halloween special. I’ll see you guys in the one, until then, peace out and hail Cthulhu. What. You still here? I don’t have jump scare, I believe in build up.
Channel: Kaleb I.A.
Views: 355,193
Rating: 4.9477868 out of 5
Keywords: dio brando, phantom blood, jojo's bizarre adventure, Kaleb I.A., Kalebia, kaleb ia, jojos bizarre adventure, joestar, dio, stardust crusaders, stardust, crusaders, phantom, blood, jojo part 1, jojo part 3, Dio Brando: The Art of Evil, The Art of Evil, dio analysis, dio brando analysis, character analysis, analysis
Id: Ox_ubEm_qz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2017
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