ISA SA MGA PABORITO KONG KAKANIN! Ang dali gawin, ang mura ng ingredients, bongga sa sarap! BIKO

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My gosh! The prices of goods are getting higher and higher. We will also continue making food products which is delicious but also affordable, it will not hurt your pockets. So there it is, right? That's why do not despair, let us not feel defeated by inflation. We should still keep on pushing. That's why today, let's create a rice cake snack. That you can serve for snack time and what's also nice about it, you can also serve or sell this into your food catering or food tray business. Let's prepare Biko or here in Biñan, we call it 'sinukmani'. This is super duper easy to make. If you know how to make rice then you can do this already. I don't know how to cook rice, I grew up with rice cooker. Then you get the rice cooker, you cook your glutinous rice on it. I have here glutinous rice, this is 4 cups of glutinous rice which I just cooked, the basic rule is just to add 1 cup of water. So if the glutinous rice is 4 cups, then you put 5 cups of water. You just cook it in a casserole. So I cooked it on a non-stick casserole so it won't stick because it is sticky or you can also use your rice cooker. Okay, no problem. "I don't have a rice cooker, but I have one wherein you put it on the microwave, can I use that instead?" It can be. As long as anything you have there, as long as you cook the glutinous rice. It's finish, we are finish. Okay. When you cook that, so here, let's go here. I have here a non-stick pan but my mother will surely scold me, because when she cooks 'Biko' or 'Sinukmani', even in province, what they use is caldron. Right? But of course, with caldron, if the rice cake stick on it, oh my! then you are such a pity on removing the rice cake that stuck on it. That's why I'm using a non-stick pan. But of course! It can be traditional. You can use the caldron. I have here a big non-stick pan, that can accommodate the amount or the quantity of my glutinous rice. Into this, I'm going to put 4 cups of coconut milk. Do not judge me though, my coconut milk is from can. It's canned, yes! I brought it from the supermarket, I opened it with a can opener. I transferred here the canned coconut milk. I didn't squeeze any coconut. You can judge me but I'm sure that you, you also, when you watched this video at night, you don't have coconut to buy in the market. You are also gonna use the canned one, right? Welcome to the club. But of course, it's much delicious if it is just newly squeezed. But there's nothing in the market anymore since it's already nearly night. We use artificial lights sometimes when we are going to shoot. So I don't have fresh coconut milk to buy anymore. The canned one will work too. So there it is, right? So you put it there and then I'm just going to put 2 cups of brown sugar. "It's too sweet though." "I'm thinking of putting a coconut jam, can I minimized the sugar?" "I have someone with me who is diabetic, we don't like it too sweet." Then you minimized it, there is no problem. You can make it 1 1/2 cups. If you don't like having someone to share, who would want to share something, right? You just make it into 1 cup. It can also be, no problem. "But how about those diabetic in the house, that contains sugar?" You use coconut sugar, no problem. It can really be. "Can we use white sugar?" It can also be too. But it's just that I grown up with 'Biko' or 'Sinukmani' that is color brown. That's why I use brown sugar. "But I can see one with Ube flavor." If Ube flavor, you use white sugar and then after, you put 2 to 4 tbsps. of ube flavoring or pandan, or any flavoring that you prefer to put. So there, 2 cups. Because me, I like my 'Biko' to have a bit of sweetness. Right? So there, let us set aside the sugar. You also put a bit of salt, just a pinch of salt. "Why do you put salt on it, is that fried egg though?" No, it's not, it's because your salt is a flavor enhancer. For the starch's flavor to exude and the other ingredients that will go into your rice cake. So I'm going to use my non-stick ladle because I'm using non-stick pan. So there, when it starts to boil, you just get your glutinous rice, this is really glutinous rice. So super sticky. So you put it there. So look at it, it won't separate. I hope your partner is also like that, it won't separate with you. Even with non-stick pan, so what can you say? So I hope your partner is like that. Even non-stick pan, it won't leave you. It stuck. There is it, right? My God! It can't really be removed from here. So there. So it means that it's pure glutinous rice. The glutinous rice. If your partner, if it won't leave you, it also means that they have pure feelings for you. There it is, right? That's why you made them your 'Biko'. Now, you be careful here, okay? you might be scalded. So this is what the old folks are trying to teach, you will join the glutinous rice to the starch, okay? So we are doing this for it to be gooey, so that your Biko or your Sinukmani would be gooey. Don't worry since your rice will be able to absorb it. This one is a bit long, it will make your arms hurt. Your arm will get numb because of this but it will also give the nice consistency. Okay, you just keep on mixing. The idea is reduction. You reduce the coconut milk, at the same time, you are caramelizing the brown sugar. If you are using coconut sugar, it can also be panutsa (crude sugar), the outcome of your Biko would actually be more delicious. So as you caramelize it, the flavor will develop. That's where the delicious taste really comes from and of course, the most important, you really need to use glutinous rice. So there, so you let it dry. That's just quick, it just feels tiring. Remember that all beautiful things and delicious foods are tiring to do. If you don't get tired, then it is fake. So there, this is where your effort gonna start. So we will make it sticky already, no! this is actually sticky already, my God! We will make it gooey already. "How did you learn to do that though?" I always watch my mother when she makes this before. Because you know, mothers and grandmothers have sayings: That you need to know how to make rice cake. "What? Why?" Because us Filipinos, rice is one of the most important food product and this is one of the products that we can really call as own. And rice cakes are not just as snack or gift, it is also a way of living. Because of course, the capital for this is just affordable, right? How much is the kilo of glutinous rice? You put coconut milk, you put sugar. You will just sell it affordable too. Instant income! You don't need big capital because actually, what you are just gonna use is... if you have a cooking pot then you cook it there. You just join the glutinous rice that you've cooked into the pan, right? So when you know the basic technique, oh my friend! You will not be hungry. Even if you lost your work or you don't have any budget, then you cook a glutinous rice cake, right? That's why us Filipinos, the cooking methods we adapted from our mothers, grandmothers, ancestors, it's not just to produce delicious foods but also an income for living. Right? That's it, that's why our foods makes us proud. So there, so you just do it like that. This is nearly done already. When you see it being glossy and shiny, it already means your sugar is caramelizing and the starch is also becoming oily. So you are nearly done too, because I'm oily here as well. It's near already. And of course, I have prepared a tray already with banana leave. I'm using plastic tray, I will recycle that. We keep on using it. So there, it's near already and my glutinous rice is good since it's really sticky. You can also taste it, because maybe you need more sugar or anything, so you can add some. Championship! So it's fun to do this one, right? And they said that doing this can make your arms smaller, but of course, right? Will you still pay for that sauna? So in here, it seems like your arms are on a sauna too. And you can even exercise, right? You can also earn. If you want to stop, then you can stop already. Me, I want it more gooey, that's why I won't stop yet. Just keep on pushing and of course, it should have many latik (coconut curdle). So if you still don't know how to make latik, you watch this! To make the latik, it's very very simple. So first, I have a pan here that I'm going to put over medium high flame and I will pour in here our starch. You can always use canned coconut milk but of course, the fresh one is much delicious. And you will just cook that, until it becomes oily and it becomes latik. It will take a bit long so you need to be patient. So let's cook it. What we just need is for us to do a constant stirring while the latik is becoming oily. And when you notice that it's getting toasted, you can reduce the heat to low for it to not get seared. It's amazing, right? As quick as that only. It's amazing, right? As quick as that only. You already have a Latik. You can keep this on an air-tight container. You just put it an air-tight container, seal it. It will last for days though, but as days will come, it will get rancid already. So much better if freshly made. If you also don't like to make latik and you have watched that already, you can actually buy one to those that sells rice cake in the market. I did that before. So I admit it, right? I go along with, can you let me go along with the latik. So here, when it becomes pliable, So here it is, it is ready. You will not wait for it to be so gooey too, okay? Because once it cools down, that's where you will feel its gooeyness. Oh! It's so beautiful, I'm so proud. "But how would it be, I want to sell it but the tray seems to be so big?" "For example, I will sell it to the office, I will sell it to the school of my child, would they be able to eat that whole tray?" Then you just put it on microwavable containers. It can be like that, so like this one. I have here coconut oil, this is my latik's excess. You put a bit of coconut oil in your container first. So there it is, right? Just a bit only. "But why are you using your bare hands on it though?" You really use your bare hands for rice cakes. Even you go to rice cake makers, so do not be too..... My hands are clean though. So there it is. You will sell it to the officer of your husband. So here, you say: "Babe, you sell this in office." While this one, you put coconut oil in it. You send it to your mother-in-law. Right? You just slide it there. You flatten it. Pak! So there it is, you gave me a hard time, my arm hurts. So there, you need to flatten it like that. Because once it cools down, it will set already. So this one, you can also flatten this a bit. And just to prevent the top from becoming dry. you brush it with a bit of coconut oil too. The one I use on brushing is so fancy. In the market, they just do it like this, right? They just do it like that. They will wear plastic and will just do it like that. That's why do not be too sensitive. Brush and then you put the latik. So I have one thing to teach since I know you will ask about it. I know that you will ask: "What is that sauce?" "I want it to have sauce since I want it to be saucy." So coconut milk, 2 cups. We will just boil that with some coconut sugar. How much coconut sugar? Just do an estimation. 3/4 cup, so like that. That's why you let it boil until it becomes thick. There it is, right? So just like that. You taste it. It's like...what is it? Coconut jam. Actually, it is really coco jam. If you keep on boiling it for long, it will turn into coco jam because it's coconut milk plus coconut sugar. A bit more sweetness, I want it to be more sweet. Okay. So after around 15 minutes, so it's a long boiling, right? This is it, so it turn into like that, right? It's really like a coconut jam. If you also don't like boiling for long, you can also just buy coconut jam. But of course, it's really different if everything is from scratch, right? As well as the banana leaf, we even get it from our neighbor's tree. So you can just put that on top. So there, so you can just pour it there. Okay. Not too much because this is sweet. You just brush it up. Other people even bake it, you can still do this too. You can also use blowtorch on it if you prefer. I just spread it so that it's fair. Okay, there. It can be like that but it can also be like this. I have made this one a while ago already. It's pretty, right? So you choose. Of course, this one can't also be without coconut curdle you also put it a lot of coconut curdle. "What's more delicious?" Well of course, if you will ask me, I prefer this one with coconut jam on top. But of course, this one requires more work and more costly and some people, when you say Biko, they prefer this classic one. Right? So what are you still waiting for? You go to your neighbor. If you don't have banana leaf, you also pick from their's. Of course, let's try the 'Biko' that we put effort on making. Just here on the side. Oh! It's so sticky, there it is, right? You really know that it's sticky. Delicious. It won't make you feel fed up, I will also taste this delicious one. I feel like this is more sticky since it took more time to cook. This is stickier, I joint it with the starch longer. Delicious! I told you that if you will ask me, I prefer the one with coconut jam on top. You make yours already. I feel ashamed because I keep on eating. Do not wait anymore, you make your 'Biko' already. Because it's so good, it's so affordable and it's very easy to make. I'm going to see you all soon :)
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 970,350
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Id: prwc7f2u6-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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