Dinocore Cartoon | Cosmosaurus's Hunter | Good Dinosaur | The Best Cartoon Movies | Animation Movies

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oh so the galaxy stone is now  the stone for the defeated dark know why are you doing  this i've waited for this moment   for you brat to defeat defrito for me  dark no all of us are friends we're friends did you really think that i could ever  be friends with anyone i will betray stop him it seems like i have got yet complete i will  come back and claim all of your galaxy stones   wait for my return daniel master he's back looks like it's just the two of us for  now why you time to pay for what you did to rex my dear dark robots kaya and the dino master  are buried underground please find them and   bring me the galaxy stones and as for you  aachen i'll come greet you myself flash beam   open come out so you'd like to see me well  here i am but be careful what you wish for so how do you like him behold  my mech dragonfly laser claw how very silly you look how could you do that miss rex do  you why don't i send you to him   ah arcane doesn't stand a chance by himself oh rex don't cry frix is strong remember he beat me  you think he'd let a little meatball like veto   hurt him suppose he's right i'm sure rex is  just fine so it's our job to find him yeah   we're coming buddy that's right  look out it's not over yet oh you're up hi look at all these weird robots   where's the core beats me the blast  scattered them now it's just you and me vito wants my galaxy stone  oh so that's a galaxy stone i told ya we'll always be friends let's just work on getting out  of here sounds good we can do it i'm glad you're okay you are huh it's the dark  robots there's so many firebirds lightning beams barrier is fighting up there by himself what  we have to get out of here and help oh   follow me see those robots came from  over here okay hang on we're coming poor boy why not just surrender no way you look so tired how about  afraid i cannot let my guard down   i've already lost far too much duh  from now on i'll protect us all fool   who do you think you're going to protect every single person in the  entire universe huh solar impact but you are so weak you  can't even protect yourself look at that what can you do all alone with no one here to  help you he's not alone what's that fire breath rex i can't believe you're alive of course i  am i'm the invincible dino master poor hogan   so worried about me oh no i wasn't hey admit  it you were no i wasn't such annoying insects i can tolerate you no longer i will make you  all disappear along with this miserable planet stop him before he could use dragon blast what's  dragon blast this can't be true dragon blast is   the mech dragonfly skill to pierce the planet  and destroy it we have to stop him now he's   done it before we will be able to pierce through  the earth's core from here let's go dragon blast this is the end of you all ah  ah he's too fast don't worry   no matter how hard things get if we're with  friends who believe in us then there's nothing   to be afraid of because there's nothing  we can't do we will protect them all the galaxy stone subspace the galaxy stones they  seem to be resonating that's good let's join all   our power yeah join us okay i will yes let's  do it for peace for victory for justice for   hope could it be the disc of hope it appears when  the galaxy stone is truly one mesozoic arbalest   the galaxy stone has resonated but how ignition combining the power of the  defeated is utterly useless let's go okay come on out to earn the trust  of all to write any wrongs of the past   to triumph over hardship and  pain show courage for the future   the power of true friendship we can  save the world together with friends destroy them once and for all dragon blast ah please forgive me i don't understand why am i skipping amazing arkhan you made me so proud rex  hey tough guy are you crying yes i am   oh so the galaxy stone is now  the stone for the defeated dark now are you doing this  i've waited for this moment   for you brat to defeat defrito for me dark  no all of us are friends we're friends did you really think that i could ever  be friends with anyone i will betray you stop him it seems like i have got yet complete i will  come back and claim all of your galaxy stones wait for my return daniel master he's back fire breath blast beam ah so annoying that move really drives  me nuts let's finish this now yeah solar impact attack hey you gassy mcdino come on out master   i think the enemy has disappeared he must  have run away because he was scared of rex   well that rocks yeah joe well done  guys ugh that fart smells so bad   why would he suddenly disappear so did you  spray the gas at those annoying dino masters yes   mission accomplished wonderful and thanks to your  accomplishment we should be able to defeat them and now it's pizza time what better way  to celebrate a victory come on yes great   wow so much delicious cheese i can't wait are you feeling okay hmm guess he's  not hungry you and i can eat now though   yeah huh hey there occan don't you want pizza i have no idea earlier a mech dino  farted it smelled awful then he   ran away could it be because of that  he farted and then ran away you say peculiar ah how can this be what on earth is going on master  it's the dino core you'll never believe me   not here too the other dino chord too you all before and then ran away yes and did he look like this yes that's him that's  the farting mag no it's dumb but it wasn't a fart   he shout out gum gum cash what the heck is dumbo  gas dum dum gas is one of those thesaurus special   attacks if he sprays into your iq trucks and you  become a dummy just like the sanger and thesaurus   huh huh now that you mentioned it  john's acting just like the synonymous   no way that's a load of rubbish we were all  sprayed by the gas yet they're the only ones   acting like that hey hey hey now what do  you say ain't it fishy we still be spiffy that's it all of you dumb tongues are  so dumb the dum-dum gas had no effect   wait what but that would mean i missed  a mustego hey saber that was harsh says right here warning the dum-dum gas  has no effect on those who are already dumb   see we were right to trust dark no and of course  it's no surprise that rex and i have so much in   common so the met dinos attack is useless i am the  invincible dummy warrior i always knew you were   an unstoppable dummy oh man that'd be no praise  at all you two's iq had the least room to fall oh all right that's it there's a leftover pizza who wants it what the cheese ever do to you all  of a sudden you hate the cheese   but jesus tastes so good  makes your body in the mind the cheese made all of them go oh i thought they  loved my the pizza might just be the solution guys wait up please come back ah all is going according to plan they're  defenseless now so we can take the dino   master's powers for ourselves kaya i give you  the honor finish off those dumb dumb dino masters not now huh all of this had to have been a  plan turn us into dummies that attack oh stego   aren't you smart enough let's  unite right mighty dummy what what but they were sprayed how could they unite  me mammoth sego and saber we're already dumb   so your dumb dumb gas has no effect uh could you  not include me in that mighty dummy union okay   let's deal with those smarter dummies who can't  unite first cynornithosaurus spiky spiky feather oh take care of those brats ultrasonic rock too bad you  can't block us both by yourself yeah watch me let's put a stop to this and while we're  at it let's stop you all for good guys don't worry i'll come back for you after  i've taken care of often stop hyper nice   nothing it's too late now  hold on rex we are coming hello dad dark no slippery slippery banana peel where did that banana peel come from these nutrients increase concentration  making you smarter here is especially   made high concentrate cheese powder  so heat up gummies and get smarter wow nice work and now it's our turn core let's unite   tuning star cerato ignition mighty dinosaur union go get them not a chance use dum-dum gas you've got to blow the gas away using the  arcalon disk right archelon go archelon ignition parasol bubbling whirlwind say goodbye to the gas who's the dummy now we're not done yet  let's go yeah darkness purifying fear ah you saved the day dark no without you us  dummies would have been in trouble this time   you know he worked really hard to make it the  cure he's been the great addition to the team   what you think akin he's pretty trustworthy right  no i will never trust dark no never what hehe i can't believe i'm saying  this but i'm in your debt oh right about now hello it's me the awesome hero dino master we are dino master that's me so what is this everyone sees rex as a hero   i would be proud too but this seems a  little much he's cocky from beating dark no everyone move dino master has to  take commemorative photos now photos   like for a magazine can you get one where i'm like yeah photos  they say take a picture it'll last longer yes my lord failure is not an option   dino master rex let's see what you can do oh rexy this is so beneath me technically  you're beneath me right now   emily one like this that's perfect you got dark no  we get it while so many mech dinos on dino planet   are tainted by dark energy we sit around here we  should get to work stop moving you're making it   blur yeah saver stay still like a statue i feel  so foolish you're right we should have hats too oh rexy do you have any other pose huh ah fresh  dino kicks i got the tuner on my foot master   please treat the tuner with  respect oh i like it dino kick fabulous too bright course i am yeah so strong  dino master racks now my eyes i can't it's like   the sun master is this forever no worries who's  that must have overdone the flash try outside   sure outside let's go all right let's go outside  uh wrong way silly oh i knew that wait for me   looking fabulous guys that's great i'm gonna fall  i'm not meant for this just the price of fame john more confetti we need more drunk i'm   trying this is art and the sun's bright  so i don't need flash oh now what who is that it's a drone from dino planet but  i'm not sure who's in control having fun here   aren't we dino master x yeah and you are he looks  like fat dark no be nice maybe it's a condition   how dare you dumb kids compare me to that loser  and beauty is in the eye of the destroyer plus i'm   big boned so you worked for him work for darkness  no way i'd ever be beneath him i'm a thousand   times more evil and definitely better looking  too than you are oh contemplative oh well as a   matter of fact i am the universe's most sinister  most conniving the fabulously dressed gorgeous   veto the great wait i'm still confused so  i'm guessing you're the bad guy well duh   i sure am in that case prepare  to be defeated by dino master rex   level five union tuning star tyranno ignition mighty dino union so photogenic geez we'll take more  pictures after i pummel darkness fat cousin   i told you i'm veto and i'm not fat emily  make sure to get some of me in action   jesus now brat time to finish what  dark no couldn't attack stitchy marlock no one does this better than me rex an  attack sometime today would be great   don't worry saber i got this fire breath his main attack is head butt just like  pachycephalosaurus but he also has a solar ray   that reflects light that's what hit you i'm too  blind to hear why can't he just run into my fists   this is too easy look at him go stingy monic  attack him now they'll hit you eventually you hit my butt with your face  gross careful he's coming master   we need a plan my plan is escaping no  was that the max i know did i get him oh no john what ah what's he doing now man yeah john emily you still there where's stinky what's it rex he's out this way  okay defend us stego ignition court change stego and i lost him rexy how cute take the children out first emily leave my friends alone are you guys okay   you're my hero never been better are you not  that was dangerous you're right i'm sorry i   ever put you guys in danger i was too confident  so right now you're going down tyranno ignition let's get this over with quickly just kidding hands make good sunglasses above you  thanks guys now tuning star fire blaze ignition ah nice try we're on fire literally long day don't you think you think this is funny  that was close he's right we need a plan for   this new enemy i understand we have work to do  he's not gonna do any work shut your mouth hey   it's the camera get some of me photo time use  extra wide angle to fit his big head very funny silly little dino master you're no threat just wait till  you see what i've planned for you well well never thought i'd see you two  again kaya and the dishonored darkno oh please we're just following  orders from cosmosaurus lord cosmosaurus you want me to learn from their experience right  very well i obey your command lord cosmosaurus just wait you dinos super hey troy what's this uh i'm training  to become the best dino chorus huh what did you do to try i just sneezed that's it  see try you're okay right i definitely am not   i couldn't help it rex   come outside john what's going on i think  there's a new dino core outside what it's your boy mammoth sun sun pizza is the  best on the island got all the toppings and   you know that they're styling it's no phony  pepperoni in the house that's right bloodhouse   you can trust i got the crust for days phillip  they got mozzarella what's happening to me i don't know when he try and i don't think my name  is mammoth but i'm not too sure who my memories   are blur now i'm out huh try you've met before  yeah we got separated from each other when we   crashed why doesn't he know you then i have no  idea hey what are you nerds doing bill what are   you jealous that i have a delivery car too now  how about you make room for the cool kids yeah   hey yo it's delivery i may be a truck but i'm  not a monster sun sun pizza's gonna conquer pizza   thin crust a deep dish sunshine is delicious yeah  also it i can't rhyme i know it's pizza you wish   that was cool hey yo start the music if  it's not sunshine then i don't want none son mammoth it seems he lost his memory from the  impact of the crash that sounds bad we need   a way for mammoth to regain his memory i know  what to do here's my idea maybe if we scare him   his memory will come back hiccups oh yeah pizza  repeat i'ma eat it dough is needed and delivered   did somebody order a pizza huh where you're the did from before what are you huh is he remembering something scare therapy success well a dino core without a memory huh  too bad he won't remember when you lose how about we make some new  memories with some new mech dinos   ah three of them why why does this  look so familiar don't you remember   any of this master x we should unite all right  level five union tuning start tyranno ignition an awesome dinosaur union hey rex looks like they're the three  velociraptor brothers they each have   a different attack water cannon ice beam and  hot steam no problem we can knock them out like   that cool things off with ice beam what ice our  feet are frozen let's light them up fire breath good job ah but where did the fire go water puts  a fire duh hey wait it carries a current   don't know what that means but i'll try  electricity lightning beams hot steam gold   are you okay lightning beam didn't work it's  cause they used steam this time the electricity   dissipated in the cloud oh say something  please ah they're small but they're so annoying   they block everything i send them  let's try defense core change stego raptor brothers i see cloud what is that but what now are your minds a little cloudy and  can't see through the fog can't see anything we have no idea where they'll come  from come on fight gladly bad ideas we need help we need you oh hi track looks like your memory's  back yes that's great but we need help what's that the dino master  is under attack in this cloud   somewhere attack huh time to clear the air all right mammoth's got this y'all ready  to get down down where yo master i got this   they're no match against my sick beats beans  i don't see how a vegetable would help uh-uh   mammoth has super sound powers sound time to get  serious we're inside a cloud update the stratus   cause you in trouble now that's right i'ma use  sound to see ya wow so cool how can we trust him   does he even know where he is have faith in his  music i'll trade places with mammoth you sure you   believe in mammoth's feet don't you yeah mammoth  let's hit him with a hot note car change ignition yesterday yo raptors y'all ready to get  down cause i'm bringing you down   ready yep now yo sound check one two  okay drop the b got it sonic echo feel the power of sound waves rex use the  monoclonius disc now right let's go monoclonius ignition keep this let's go sonic spare i'm so glad your memory's back again me  too my best rhymes are in there so do you   remember what happened not really it's like i  was hit by lightning wow that's great lightning mammoth i'm the notorious m.o.t philosopher think he'd teach me how to do that there you are i ackin master barian's only successor  demand that you let go of his tuner   can you lift that foot and that one too thanks so  much why should he own the tuner just for being   a student he shouldn't take it no one's  worked harder or grown more than wrecks he's even great at cleaning as proud  dino master i slay altered in trash hey rex hand it over huh give it this is how a true dino master  gets things clean okay let's see cleaning is complete amazing now wait till you  see me give it huh why do you keep snatching   stuff for me because you can't seem to do a  single thing right i've done just fine till now   is fine good enough the dino master has to be  perfect he's responsible for the entire universe   that's totally epic i am rex dino master and  protector of the universe or not you've just   been taking care of barrion's tuner that's it that  no way makes you the owner what did you say only   barry and student i akin can fully harness the  vast power of the dino tuner so i'll need the dino   tuner and the core uh that makes no sense i can't  give away the core they're my friends friends   you still have a lot to learn being dino  master is a serious responsibility listen first you brought the dino core to deliver pizza  in a flash now i see you've brought a rockstar   to join our happy team as well i'd like it to  personally welcome you our job is simple but noble   spread enjoy making the world's the best  pizza world domination one pizza at a time   so this is the new dino master his name  is atkin way is he a friend of yours too   hmm of course not no i suppose it  doesn't matter how you know him   what does matter is that we destroy him i'll  leave that honor to you kaya destroy them all what was that huh he shows up out of nowhere  and expects the tuner not out of nowhere save   no no who was berrien's only student akin so who  should own the dino tuna akin hawkin wasn't there   when master made his choice master berrien chose  rex as the new dino master that's true but ochen   is back now and occan is the only one who can  harness the true power of the dino tuner and leave   the dino core yeah try no doubt and trusting  us all to rex was master barian's last wish   we have sworn to uphold his dying wish that's  right what what was that you guys are stuck   in the past and all your lipstick is flat oh man  that's enough we dino core have made a sacred vow   to follow the dino master akkon has proved that  he's the better master wait a minute rex is also   a worthy master yo i can be the master of battle  and rex be the master of delivering pizza yo   what'd you say i speak the truth got it oh there's something really familiar about  him it's an upgraded version of the mammoth   meet magnetic mammoth nothing to worry  about we fought him before toreno sabre   stego let's unite dino planet's true  dino master shall take care of this   just stand back and watch serotonin  double md try unite level five fusion dinosaur union leave this to me isn't some game your place is  back there you keep forgetting i bought it before   i know what to do so just step back  out of the way to dino masters egg   such a shame they're having trouble getting along  they should work hand in hand go magnetic mammoth   styx raise now stand back no need to thank  me bravery is key to being the dino master he's shooting you can thank me since i'm the dino master  enough of your antics as the true dino master of   dino planet i will face him and you butt out how  pathetic where do they see the power of the magnet   power of the magnet wait look the s pole what was that i had nothing to do with it my  foot has a mind of its own listen both of you   the magnetic mammoth shoots out stickstick  rays that have a magnetic field which means   if any of its opponents are hit by the race  they'll stick together just like magnus what   harm could a magnet possibly inflict serotonin  let's go think a magnet attack is harmless do you   magnetic mammoth show him  the power of magnetic force what's this what's wrong can't stay on  your feet rex what an idiot wow you two work so well together how inspiring  shall we continue use stick stick raise now what's happening if you two can't get along i'll  have to separate you once more let's put you on the same pole  opposites attract but likes repel oh this is so embarrassing ultra d  kaiser this is the end stitch rays   core change stego stone plate barrier  this will keep you safe careful this is bad the end is getting way too  strong it's time to help our friends   core change mammoth shockwave attack i don't think  so buddy why don't you stick around shockwave that's right it's a magnet so if one  side's the end pole the other is the s pole   what but what do we need to do you need to  flip the barrier that's right the barrier   is really just a magnet so at the back of the  barrier we will find the s-pole right and if one   huge s-pole force meets with another they'll  both be repelled with that much more force it's time for decisive launch let's  go spinosaurus spinosaurus ignition spinosaurus john that was so great [ __ ] fighting with  friends gives you a big boost don't you think   i guess emily and i do know a lot  so listen akin let's fight together   okay it's true we indeed fought well together  but i still can't acknowledge you come now   rex was chosen by master berrien don't you see and  so our true master is rex that's right i can see   why you all feel that way but i will continue  on as the true dino master with or without you i'll protect this world and  i'll do it alone if i have to   my work here's done oh the deliveries are please  ah you scared me uh huh you're cleaning up   i'm good at that that's nice i'm already taking  care of it hey i'll help please don't give me that rex i don't need your help okay um  yep you get the gift of my presence another delivery i'll take this one huh why isn't it working  whoa did you break your thing   no this is your fault well do you  want to take my bike uh take your bike you're back i wait why are you  up there wait no what is going on dark no don't have such a short temper   vito what are you doing here i'll skip this small  talk remember how you lost by dino master rex   dino master x kaya we shall destroy him  oh dark no i'm afraid we're a short staff   cosmosaurus has given me authority but  you made the short list she works for you and you work for me as well now you'll start oh i'm sorry is that too tall in order darknew you will do as i tell you you're now  under my command here your new tools of evil   also don't you dare miss a single  corner do you need a stew yes understood kaiya let him be for now don't bother our  fun-sized janitor go prepare the mech golem   he didn't learn how to ride a bike what is he  from another planet yes emily he is remember dino   planet aachen want to give this a try of course  it's such a simple machine this will be easy here goes   not so easy now what something i'm not good at ah  hey let's try again i'll hold the back of the bike   now just focus and go forward this is kind of fun rex you can let rex you said you'd hold on to the box yeah yeah  doing good just look forward look forward ah get out of the way try get out duh whoa huh this is fun look up what again mr tough guy can't ride a bike don't worry everyone starts off like that  you said you were holding on oh mcdonald oh not kaya again rex unite okay level five ignition dinosaur union ultra d geyser get them bring them down those horns are huge hey the carnotaurus  has horns that are especially dangerous this guy's really strong even together hey let go of me   let go of him you should try nicely no  carnotaurus let's see them do the electric slide is going down and you are  next try let's go try ignition core change drive power quick rex grab it got it  you're not getting away that easy whoa rex now nice job oh wow get those dumb kids oh no oh no it's like riding a bike he managed to steer  him all right now you got the hang of it i wouldn't cheer just yet rex get the  pinaka disc now i've got an idea okay ignition okay we're ready i believe this is yours now yep peanut go lunch go uh he's not the worst at it that's  right i'm the dino master   i can do anything hey in a viking time  for pizza later he really likes it huh   i don't think he knows how to get off of it i  can't tell them i don't know how to get down don't laugh help me stopping will be the next lesson  hmm i don't need your help whoa what's that it's the galaxy stones glowing   it's the meteorite i found pretty how it lights up i wonder what it is it's been activated i shall return to my former glory i'm certain  that the reason darkness attacked earth was   for the galaxy stone within it lies the  most powerful energy in the universe   during the big bang when the universe  was created it was broken into pieces   scattering throughout endless space some  falling closer than others dino masters   use the galaxy stone's powers to protect the world  wow so galaxy stones are super cool but mostly   they're powerful we need to prevent darkness from  ever getting his hands on it how do we do that   rexy hey emily look guys my dad is hosting a  really cool contest yeah i bet rex would win for   sure dino star contest prize is the galaxy stone  this just means to get the galaxy stone we have to   win ah nice try nerds that contest is as good as  one by us but we'll see you there i guess losers you wish watch me welcome everyone to our talent show  please give a hand to our panel of   judges our lovely school principal and our  vice principal and i your school chairman   will serve as today's final judge and now  please welcome our first contestant bill   tada that prize is mine hey thanks i am awesome sure rex look up there our next contestant goes by dark angel color victory will be swift and glorious kaya   good luck don't worry the galaxy stone will  be ours today i know you won't let us down good job but 10. all those  points kaia's in first place that's okay i'll get a million  points for sure to the stage what's up we're team dino pizza  and this is the pizza song you guys are crazy we have to win this i threw it too hard no no no no i got it come on that was hilarious let's keep going i've ruined everything uh i can wait   what do we do well we can't give up now  okay yo this show is just getting started   the galaxy stone there must be some other  way to get it back you can make things again we couldn't agree more the winner of  today's contest is team dino pizza now please come forward and claim your reward   oh wait it's gone keep your  stupid dance this trophy is mine i retrieve the stone mech dino parasaurolophus master let's unite all right   dinosaur union give me the galaxy stone this way why do you have  to get in my way you exhaust me para ser elephants uh being awesome is tiring oh   it's the rock-a-bye sound wave played at  a frequency that makes its listeners feel ah tired sense no wake up listen snap out of  it yeah cool now time for the little kiddos   this should knock you out toronto get him fire we gotta stay away rex what  my arm's asleep yo i'm up you could use some rest dino master i  gotta stay awake rex sand is really soft   that's right take a nap while  i take the stone from you   we have to fight so sleepy master we can't get  in i won't give up but how do we beat this we can   fight sound with sound yo yo yo if it's sound that  you need put me in the lead i got your back man   let's core change right chord change mammon this  kaya chick has got to be stopped so here's one   mic that won't get dropped mammoth special mike  yeah show them what you got master music star thanks a lot mammoth you're singing now   oh please spare never you're sad or sick or you've  had a rotten day you can make things better with   some p-i-c-z-a total satisfaction completely  guaranteed cause when you've got a pizza is thanks guys how dare you  rock-a-bye sound wave max level   now let's go yes boomerang hawking you must practice absolutely not that was  only for battle oh my trophy's gone the trophy   what happened to it no way huh at last the galaxy stone is rightfully mine
Channel: Heroes Cartoon - DINO CORE
Views: 277,658
Rating: 4.2298274 out of 5
Keywords: Heroes Cartoon, DINO CORE, Heroes Cartoon - DINO CORE, heroes, ULTRAMAN, spiderman, animation, kids cartoon, gta 5, heroes cartoon, ultra fight, dino, dinocore, vs, For kids, kids videos, kids animation, preschool, toddler, cartoon for kids, video for kids, kids playing, 3d cartoon, cartoon, animals for kids, Educational for Kids, Animation Movies, The Best Cartoon Movies, Good Dinosaur, Cosmosaurus's Hunter, Dinocore Cartoon, heroes cartoon for kids, heroes cartoon - dino core
Id: xAfDNZNH4co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 43sec (4783 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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