Dinocore Cartoon | 1 Hour Season 3 | The Good Dinosaur | The Best Cartoon Movies | Animation Movies

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uh sonic dash blast that's fast but not fast enough try don't quit after all the hunt is  just beginning zoom zoom beams flash it can shoot beams with its whole body one  dino can do all that that's not fair that's   what happens when a gigadino and galaxy stone  unite what do we do now now you give up dino master don't tell me that's the best you have it's all over now do not worry my lord i will personally hunt down each and  every galaxy stone wherever they may be and with the power of the galaxy stones the entire   universe will fall into the  clutches of lord cosmosaurus in a long time miss me not a chance take a look at dad's newest creation it's  loaded with meat the meaty meaty pizza   oh my mouth's so happy go ahead and try hey can you believe it master even eats like a  dino master of course he does because he's rex wait a minute what ever happened to kaia  um gaia she's sitting right over there uh you're saying this kid is kaya what do you mean   kid just you wait when darkness stole  her galaxy stones kaia lost her power   then she shrunk and lost her height  too bad she didn't lose her personality thanks for everything but we're still enemies  which means i'll be going hey huh we both know   your enemies dark no admit it we're friends and  as your friend i'll help you get your power back   now some pizza it's loaded  with meat and it's no thanks   i see you don't really like meat that's  okay we have veggie no thank you oh don't go kyah you're always welcome here cause we'll  always be friends not true i know you're   lying to me rex is definitely a dummy but he  doesn't tell lies he's not like vito or darknell the disgraced traitor dark no  it was foolish to come before me   hmm cosmosaurus's faithful hunting dog  thanks for gathering these galaxy stones they are not for you now leave take this i'll be taking the galaxy stones how dare you you are not worthy of the stones heading to earth   are they i'll show them when i  capture those and earth's galaxy the heck is stones could  it be what what's going on   what is that it looks just like a shooting  star what it looks like a pooping star   i feel it as well the energy of a galaxy stone  let's check it out huh hey guys wait for us oh no what is that huh wow this is great this is so weird it looks like the shooting  star fell on that small island over there   that's a galaxy stone but why would it  be here a galaxy stone huh oh and what   is that is that really really what we need to  go investigate that rex you ready so let's go ignition ignition union kaiser the power of light lies in this galaxy stone  and the others have they all been scattered oh   this energy there's no doubt who's that oh an old  friend padra hmm very good well aren't you gonna   introduce me she's a hunter she hunts galaxy  stones and then she brings them to cosmosaurus   oh but she's a villain too so you  two are the ones who defeated vito   impressive however i'll be taking your  galaxy stones as well come out majungasaurus he's huge huh but what is he it says  gigga dino magengasaurus   gigadino he's been upgraded by padres power which  means he's even more powerful than mech dino my name is padre the hunter and i don't hide  in the background unlike dark no and vito now that we've met the hunt begins majungasaurus whoa he transformed take this oh what was that no way oh how'd he do that hey guys listen up he used to zoom zoom to do  that remember when he absorbed a galaxy stone   with the power of light well now he's able to  shoot super powerful energy beams like that   we've got some moves too fire breath ah fire breaths into a thing behold  the power of the galaxy stone are you okay all right now listen to me you must  spread out and attack we got it let's attack zoom sonic dash blast   sonic dash it's time core change try that's fast but not fast enough try crane don't quit after all the hunt is  just beginning zoom zoom beam splash it can shoot beams with its whole body one  dino can do all that that's not fair that's   what happens when a gigadino and galaxy stone  unite what do we do now now you give up dino master don't tell me that's the best you have it's all over now uh ah let's try it wow i can't believe it magic bubbles   technique makes pizza that's so good i disagree  and i'm not eating it well one more for me   guys pizza delivery for you hey kaya can't  believe how great the pizza is of course it is   i'm dark angel kaya of dino planet and i  perfectly execute any task no matter what   yep including losing directs what was  that hey we're all friends now right hello i'll take it oh thanks so much and  don't be late don't you order me around   yo master ma'am is with you so tell me why so cranky today master that  rex you'll just never learn even after   darkness tricked him he still thinks  kai is his friend yo that might be so   but ain't nothing she can do cause her power be  all through still we can't let our guard down we better check it out i know it's time to go what's going on someone help  me i'm what's going on here   you're just in time aren't these just the  coolest things it's just why doesn't it burst   ah it's so fun rex oh come on wait for  me dizzy i can't get him back you too yes me too i'm afraid uh this is so fun  hey you look just like a space girl whoa oh i'm sorry i i'm so embarrassed never  mind that do you know what's happening   at last the hunt is back on they don't  stand a chance magic bubbles are the best   this has got to be because of a galaxy  stone oh galaxy stone something has absorbed   a galaxy stone's power really wow we somehow  have to find that object wherever it is   what could be making these  bubbles huh why is my dad calling oh the bubble burst wow that  was neat and this bubble burst   don't worry rex i'll save you ah so how  did you do that it's the power of love   oh dear emily why aren't you answering  your phone what's this let's find out hand it over scary lady i found it at last what this galaxy  stone lord cosmosaurus will become   the true ruler of the universe give us the  galaxy stone what that will not be happening   in fact i'll be taking your galaxy  stones as well time to unite let's do it dino ignitions mighty dinosaur union foreign ready or not the hunt begins it's gotten even scarier you've got to be careful  she just brought out the giga dinos and tell   saurus that's so well too bad is no match for me  show them just what you're made of centausaurus that can't be any good he absorbed the  galaxy stone now he has bubble capability   all right let's go rolling rolling bubbles   oh look it's just a bubble oh oh it got  stuck that's not gonna stop me wait hold on   oh it made me bounce off wait rex that's up   pyro split whoa it exploded in the bubble will  you just listen that is not an ordinary bubble   are we having fun yet let's try  rolling rolling bubble bombardment look out move wow interesting dance moves but  the party is over fentasaurus there's got to be a way leave it to me the  power to punish those who torment wrecks   it's love's mighty cell phone huh it's busted did you honestly think it would be  that easy huh huh what's going on daddy   i'm okay now it all makes sense the phone was  ringing back when the bubbles burst guys i know   what it was vibrations if you can make really  fast vibrations you might be able to find the   right frequency to burst the bubbles oh vibrations  okay everyone be ready to really show our moves are you kidding this is a job for mammoth  let's go mammoth it's time to drop the feet ah you guys made all the bubbles burst  how could this be now you've made me mad that's not gonna work hyper noise that's the end of the  bubbles padra time to give up   padra the hunter will never give  up let's see how you kids like this whoa how'd they get so big hyper noise don't know how much longer  i can hold it off attack   you'll need a galaxy stone for extra  power try using the majungasaurus stone galaxy ignition it can't be for this you all shall pay that was we did it again thanks to the stone look not you i missed you too so i'll take this down   as a memento how dare you returning was not a wise  move to make we've got to get that galaxy stone thanks again for that galaxy  stuff let's do this again sometime wow what was that whatever he is he's super  cool you gotta be kidding but pteranodon why good morning world who's hanging out with rex today  oh wait i think it's possibly me oh that's right it is me hanging out with rex what a good day that was mine another stone triceratops are thought to have been hardy and  brave and their name actually means three horned   face with try i'm not so sure about brave but  he does have three horns even if they move kinda emily what did i do now rex is so dumb i'm always acting weird you're  right what's up with that yo looking wild you got a new style who did this huh you tell me now well   we just saw emily run out of here but she  wouldn't do something like this huh emily come on what is it over here look i made  my first pizza want to try you made it   just try it and don't look  so incredulous uh yeah okay so then is it great not bad   very spicy yeah this is my very first shot i'll  try one too you can't because i like it too much i'm such a good chef that's awesome huh   hot sauce i didn't put that uh is that normal  ah it's so hot oh so mad i didn't do any of that   oh emily you sabotaged my pizza uh what no way it  wasn't me you just showed me liar but it wasn't me emily you tripped me and it hurt  and this is not my best look   and she ruined my pizza but but i i  didn't do any of those things honestly hey you guys what's going on rexy  they're saying i did bad stuff   but i didn't i don't know what they're talking  about but emily how are there two of you who is that i know she's doing all the bad things   hang on which is the real emily oh obviously  me it's hard to tell cause you look the same   hey isn't that emily's mirror huh oh  it is what you imposter that's mine i betsy is mine hey wait based on experience the obnoxious one is  the real one that's right i am the real one   so why is this fake bigger move here this is the work of a galaxy stone   huh that mirror has a galaxy stone look huh it  what i knew she was evil you solved the mystery thanks for finding this padra  rex let's unite sounds great kaiser go get them cardipturix wow he's all shiny and stuff rex it's a giga  dino cardiff derek's the mirror galaxy stone   gives him the reflective tail that sparkles  like that whatever mirrors can break fire breath it deflected your attack  card x let's get rid of them stone press nice job if we attack from the  sides it can't block with the mirror   plasma flash car change saber let's try this  electric stinger use your sparkle shield oh come on time to crush them  like the bugs they are use mirrors oh hey it's me i look awesome oh hey come on me why did i do that okay lightning beam ah rex take this lock him did you get a good look at yourself  it may be the last thing you see this is bad john what if we covered the mirrors  then those stupid dummies couldn't get out yeah   use your frozen mammoth then we can use its  cold air to fog up all the mirrors okay yeah   frozen galaxy ignition let's do this i see chill air that was  great now let me try electric dinner what ah be careful around  sharp edges padra blazing fight time for the cool part you're all the worst you really couldn't tell it  was me well both of you were how do i put this   it's not that we couldn't tell the difference  i know you were cuter than the fake emily   i could tell the difference and i don't care   but wouldn't it be so cool if we could have  two of emily huh well duh then it's double   the dino managers oh yeah i'm flattered  or even three i'm only like 20. as long as yo dino pizza it's great the pizza's got golden  curry on top come and try a tasting hour here shop   just one bite and your heart will scream big bop  dino pizzas curry pizza dino pizzas curry pizza   come in and try our curry hey dude you've got to be more relaxed oh no master you got to be one with the bait yo  bring that rhythm in you don't think it you gotta   feel it uh like this we wanna see more pizza dance  all right i'll get it i'll be one with the rhythm   the pizza's got golden curry on top korean pizza  that sounds great i'll show you what tastes great   everyone knows dino pizza's second rate that's  why they have to resort to musical numbers wouldn't you also like the power to  make people go into a wild frenzy   do you mean with that yeah recorders are cool  why not give it a try i guess it can't hurt   hey what's going on what am i  doing how am i dancing so good looks like it's time to boogie down wow looks like this thing really works  give me that i can't believe it works   that gives me an idea power to create a frenzy  it's gonna be hilarious it's time follow me   let's see what you've got  dino master it's show time yeah that's it just stay  relaxed you're doing great   hey so where'd you learn those great dance  moves hi guys how you doing you want pizza   just what are you guys trying to pull now nothing  just thought you all might like some music oh   stand back cause it's time for the magic  recorder that's magic a good one you too it's like my body's moving by itself yeah it's  weird but it's still fun why is this happening   oh yeah it really is magic  it can't be the instrument   oh look the galaxy stone's in the recorder  with this beat should have known it came   from a galaxy stone there's got to be a  way to get that there's not i can't resist   just go with the flow pizza let's go but why  served on pizza what oh no oh yeah this is great   hmm a galaxy stone has revealed itself i didn't know you could dance like that hey check  this out hey rex now's not the time to bust a move   we have to get that galaxy stone back there must be a way i can't now you're  one with the b oh andra where is she this is how a pro moves to music how  did she do there's no way we'll get to   the galaxy stone before her oh yes there is  huh look out dance master rex in the house the dance ends here maestro give it back you mean this at last we hand over that galaxy stone but where's  the fun in that time to come out ammonite what's that thing a squid a snail neither  that's an ammonite an ancient creature that's   super strong oh yeah well this i've got to see  hawking let's unite all right ultimate d buster hyper dig kaiser be careful see all those  limbs the ammonite uses everyone to attack   we'll just have to stay out of their way tear  a wing here we come you have no chance attack i'm coming let go but of course as you wish time to make things more  interesting let's see how you move lulula sound way go   quick we must get that stone come on let's do it  not now what are you doing just try to fight it no   not me too the galaxy stone wins again now let's  see those moves can't stop hippie there's no use   fighting try and enjoy your final moments i am no  more oh no but i can't stop dancing she used the   lulula sound wave if you get hit by it you can't  help but do the lulula dance i have to resist how are you doing that you dodged them all   i did i don't know but i love to  dance really you idiot take this i've got to relax and feel the  rhythm time to be one with the feet   it's working well nice moves he's doing great how can this be can i have this dance why you the recorder nice move right back  at you that recorder is all played out   no more lulula sound wave you know your  dance skills have gotten way better   guess i had a good teacher i've had  enough i'm tired of all this playing around guys hold on and now high frequency impact now for the grand finale watch out this wind is really weird  it's like it's breathing oh that's right   right now the ammonite is inhaling so that  when he exhales he can launch a powerful   sound wave attack he's inhaling now's your  chance oh look who's taking a deep breath   great because we have just  the thing galaxy ignition this is it do it okay take this no not that horrid smell all right let's attack let's go closet god justice we still have a few more moves i don't  believe it he's blocking their attack   i've got this yeah that's right just keep  on following me oh no special delivery trust me bill you have got to try  this that is really good tell me   where did you get that recorder with the galaxy  stone in it uh from some guy a tall weird looking   guy and all black who like to laugh all black  could it be dark now sounds like it but why give   up a galaxy stone there has to be a reason i think  i know darknew really wants to try our curry pizza the pizza's got golden curry on top  come and try and taste an hour here shop just do we have any more coins but what's this ah bet  i could try using this as a coin give it a try oh man doesn't work oh you okay let's get out of here ah too bad about the pizza hi what was that all  about i'm so sorry i was practicing oh no try   it's time that you listen to  me busting moves is not for you   protecting the world is what we do you only  have one move that you can do try crane and   you even mess that up so just stick to  pizza delivery i just wanted to help out hey guys you guys went too far why do  you always make fun of try   hey what's going on uh i guess we went too far  we made him run off again yo dude we were way   rude let's go bring the boy back you're right  let's bring him back so we can make fun of him stick up for yourself they were way out of  line but you should have more confidence   oh but how can i when i know that it's all true  saber is so incredibly fast and mammoth can   launch a powerful sound wave attack when i think  about me there's nothing worthwhile i can do oh   none of that's true i know  you have a unique capability   all you need is the confidence to discover it you  really think so of course so keep working at it there's a ball monster what's going on what happened what's going on what could have done this hey it's  trap made another mistake i see   what no this has nothing to do with me hold on that's gotta be a galaxy stone unless  i'm seeing things that's a mole from the ketchum   game what the catchable game  time for us to go catch em all found you at last now let the great catchable game begin ah i got you i'm sorry watch where you're going why are you in  my way hey that's what i was gonna say   oh just can't do it they're way too fast i don't believe it try somehow try disappeared with the bowl  huh where am i what happened master rex emily   someone come help me please it looked like the  moles portal opened up and he got sucked in hi   can you hear us i can hear you  try i believe in you make it back   huh master yes i can do this just have  to believe i need a portal to open up now yay you're back how'd you do that what happened   i focus with all of my mind on making  it back i wouldn't celebrate just yet not you me indeed and i'll be taking this ready let's unite right kaiser the hunt begins now you plus epilepsy it's  like his whole body's a weapon i know he's   called euplacephilis thick plates of armor  cover his entire body and he can use that   big hammer attached to his tail as a powerful  weapon we'll need to attack together let's go huh he disappeared no he's using  a here in their hole he harnessed   the galaxy stone's power to make portals  to move around instantly that's cheating look out think you can make a fool of me here i come  wait nice try but you'll never catch us what's going on hey rex it's not going to work   you need space capability for hearing  their holes what space capability let me introduce you to the power of space  capability here in their prison what's this enough of this come on fight i've  got you both in my trap watch out where are you come out and fight let go let go all  right if you're sure that's what you really want you two begin to bore me i'll  be wrapping things up now   ah i can't take this there's gotta  be a way to get through the portal   there is trey is able to do it because he did it  before oh what i did you did and you will again   ah i can't yo try rock that space capability  yo you think i can hey try i know you can try   i believe in you chord change try do you really  think a core change will make any difference take this he's getting away right not so fast try ready yes let's do it  here we come where are you   what impossible how did you get in here we used  the power of try it's time for the shibuya stone galaxy ignition oh what a shame he won't be able  to bring that new weapon in here   no need you're going out to him try crane try now make it back right is this what i did yeah no here i come back awesome himself a true dino core uh he did well in  battle but he still has a ways to go uh-huh   wait a sec has anyone seen try now presenting these dino masters lord cosmosaurus i assure you we've  not lost yet in fact i believe is could it be a dark orb it would be an honor  to use this dark orb for my work lord cosmosaurus   they hold such power   the destruction i wreak on their planet  will be infamous throughout the galaxy kaya surely she's not still with no   she can't be i shouldn't i can't  suspect that she's working with dark no that was fun one delivery down   oh how is it already hungry again step ahead of  you already made a pizza give me a sec yeah pizza let's not forget my secret ingredient  my secret killer ingredient oh she's   putting something nefarious on there but  why all right she's going to poison them did you want a slice the pizza's been burned  to dust oh i um you'll have to excuse me i'm   coming down with a cough it's very bad  i didn't know you guys could get sick   i'll make another one yeah yeah  maybe i'm just being overly paranoid   hmm kaya do these are belonging  to you i found them oh are those um those are no big deal are those galaxy  stones huh kyah found galaxy sounds   uh i they're my earrings i feel  the power of the galaxy stones here   kaia where were they hmm uh these are just whoa  you managed to find two galaxy stones for us   you're awesome so what do these ones do hang on  these ones are mine but oh kaya we need to know   where did the stones come from but i kaia i saw  you back there talking to darkno ah you went away   oh no dog are you still working for darkness  ah i always knew i knew you were still bad   wait no it's just my powers could be what  i know it's the tuner padra must be nearby   let's go kaya you're still our  friend okay see despite what rex says   if you go fight for that side  again i will not be merciful what's going on must be something  padres doing what's going on   huh oh goodness of the way sir i'm sleepier why  do i feel so tired right now apparently that's the   earth's energy it's getting sucked out and going  somewhere else let's check it out you're right kaya what are all of those lights   you're being tricked by their foolish love  lies they all accept me as their friend   truly powerful beings don't need things like  friends but alliances can be useful wait are those   i'm giving you your powers once again oh dear this creepy weather is a bad the darkness  it will consume everything what what's that   supposed to mean that sounds really sinister  oh i feel like i need a nap oh what's happening   oh looks like the earth's energy is being drawn  into whatever that is we need to act let's go rex what is this thing it's huge all this dark power feels scary yeah i feel  cosmosaurus near here padra what is this it's a dark orb as old as the universe  itself it's cosmosaurus's very own third eye   it alone can swallow all the light in a universe   get ready you will soon be swallowed up  into the darkness oh no what's going on if this keeps going we'll turn into a dead  star huh this is bad don't worry we'll stop it compared to the strength of lord  cosmosaurus you two are even lower than ants that's the giga dino be careful  its jaws are really dangerous we can stop a little snake no problem  oh someone's all barking no bites bite   the poison that's on its blades can melt  through almost anything look out god   try this we attack from both sides sounds good we've got you now take this give  up we're barely getting started snakes don't have arms yeah where are these  swords coming from that's disgusting so   giving up already you can  witness the end of your world rex [ __ ] things are going into  the dark orb even faster now   oh no okay let's get rid of  this titanoboa sounds good oh god so obnoxious so that's what you want you won't leave so  i'll make sure you never get away titanospit rex i can't move oh no titanosa has a paralyzing effect you  might be feeling a little stiff cosmosaurus will control this entire  world nothing you can do will stop him   i don't know how they can  get out of this this is bad of course you're doing the same old thing hmm but she looks does this mean but  she's i knew you'd betray us all kyah he can't hear you now he's really strong senseless little child  it's thanks to you that i have this power   ah the battle between you and patron  was a clever orchestration by me oh no my sword the reason i did that was  to get all the galaxy stones in one place   all easier for the taking and now my  powers rival even that of cosmosaurus   it helps that i was able to  absorb your friends powers as well us the same in our thirst for power no i'm not oh no energy i'm getting no signal what that's because archen is no  longer with us in this universe   dark no what have you done to him you shall  see your face i look to see despair of a child   now the universe will bow down to  me thus begins my reign of darkness i want more power well you've got a golden opportunity here ignorant  that can be arranged join your little friends we can't give up this easily yes get angrier  feel the power trapped inside your rage the power that occasion  nothing like the power you use   the only thing we want is  to protect those we love huh oh hey rex akin let's go i can't go back why not i let my anger win and  i put everyone in danger how can i call myself   a dino master akin dino masters are a ray  of hope in times like these master barrion   come on right now her friends are waiting  rex yeah let's do it let's go back master barrion i finally understand  why rex got your dino tuner no worries um thanks guys i'm all right my plan was to use your power and leave  the rest of the universe alone but i've got something even better in mind oh darkness seems to be collecting a bunch  of asteroids as ruler of the universe   my first act will be to destroy  the planet that is of no use to me oh what i'll get rid of this pointless  planet in one fell swoop nah nothing this guy says can scare us anymore   right i think that galaxy stones  and weapons don't hold real power real power comes from yourself where'd they even come from   i was still bitter when i came to earth because  i tried to hide the pain of losing dino planet   i thought no one else could help me but none of  us can do it alone oh yeah just like how eating   pizza is butter when you eat it with friends it's  also better to get through hard times together too no matter what happens in darkness it's not  who you are and being a friend is about helping   others out too and if we support each other  there are no limits exactly we can do anything you'll never win against me if we do this together oh thanks try now we can  finally return to dino planet   but wait do you have to now that darkness  gone it's our duty to make dinoplanet safe   you should come visit oh yes can we oh dear  has anyone seen rex i thought he'd be here and once again you're late here  a snack for the trip really   it's not goodbye it's just to see you  later okay i'm gonna miss you so much emily we'll miss you well hey wanna get some pizza well we should have a slice is this rex's tuner and look it's a photo it's not like we're never gonna see him  again stop you're gonna make me start
Channel: Heroes Cartoon - DINO CORE
Views: 26,481
Rating: 4.090909 out of 5
Keywords: Heroes Cartoon, DINO CORE, Heroes Cartoon - DINO CORE, heroes, ULTRAMAN, spiderman, animation, kids cartoon, gta 5, heroes cartoon, dino, dinocore, vs, For kids, kids videos, kids animation, kids entertainment, kids education, preschool, toddler, cartoon for kids, video for kids, kids playing, 3d cartoon, cartoon, Educational for Kids, Animation Movies, The Best Cartoon Movies, The Good Dinosaur, 1 Hour Season 3, Dinocore Cartoon, heroes cartoon dinocore, heroes cartoon - dino core
Id: H6rQun6e6o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 12sec (4812 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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