[DinoCore] Official | Dinosaurs Toys | EP 07~12 SS5 | Superman Cartoon Robot | Cartoon For Kids

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racing cape what is that thing i've never seen one like that   wow that's awesome it defeated  the mech dyno in one hit be careful here this thing isn't thinking straight   we need the dragon dragonstone and  if we need to fight him so be it alive all right i'll transform too   wait what's going on i can't transform right it  looks like your power is restricted by kane's   taser shell meaning you can't fight no worries  dragon this is something we can do time to fight tornado see that dino masters are  the best don't celebrate yet leo's on the way to save the day plasma shield the shield's energy is dropping fast what there's no way the plasma shield's gone   it's the dragon stone now that he has it he's  even more powerful than he was before oh man   this guy can really throw a punch still i think  we can win if we work together let's unite yeah leo look out that was a close one i got this emperor blaze over here stupid monkeys hey leo watch where you point that thing my bad master that watch out all right i'll definitely get him this time huh what are you waiting for this is not good at all my dinobot and my dino header gotta do things myself look out okay time to go down okay that one hurt pretty bad huh where's aaken i don't you're okay right i'm fine this is your fault you lost your chance you hesitated when it should  have been an easy win but i just couldn't do it you're being so young and naive let's all calm  down this isn't the time to fight it's just king   he just seemed different somehow wrong all our  enemies are exactly the same but wait keynes not   a mech dino he's a person like us we're dino  masters we're supposed to protect everyone   since when do we protect the enemy your sympathy  endanger everyone you hear me i mean it everyone   your hesitation could have gotten us all killed  oh you don't deserve to be a dino master awkin huh look guys huh aren't  those tracks from the trail huh it's no use the more you  try the more tangled you'll get time's up dino hunter kane the dragonstone's ours so i'll be taking it  back kane what are you doing all this for anyway i don't understand your motivation no more tracks they stop right here but what happened she couldn't   fall down there there's no way rakina  ah she fell because you let kane live it's your fault but kane is a person and rex i  followed your lead in the past but i'm done if   anything happened to requina because of cane  i won't forgive you as long as i live uh arkan huh big problems small problems where am i huh you're in human form seems you've lost  your strength i can still defeat you easy huh we have guests seems like you need my help yeah right  i could do this with my eyes closed that's what you think looks like she's with someone ah cool give me that kane might be down there with  her we need to find a way down huh you don't need to help sure is a weird  way of saying thank you is that all of them   these stupid bugs don't quit do  they tired already no way huh my radar wait what's going on  why is it huge we're just small hey don't these spiders ever get  tired let's just get out of here it's huge or perhaps we simply shrank does that  mean there's a dragon stone somewhere nearby   seems so it's testing whether we can be  just as powerful when our bodies are smaller hey there are footprints over  here they're probably working us   let's go wait you have to be alert  you don't know what dangers are ahead feels good to breathe we have to get out of here but which way hmm this way rex john leo we'll catch up later let's move get out of  the way rex get your [ __ ] under control it looks like a way out don't wait i have to do everything great job retina this way there's still one little issue of course what what is it now so that thing's a specter isn't it yes that's  correct he was hiding among the ants he's able to   completely cut off the energy from the dragonstone  we'll show this amp what we've got transform yeah forgot how to transform don't need  to transform to bring you down we'll see about that you're gonna lose i think  our bigger problem might be here leo to the rescue   yeah what the heck it got so small leo watch out the specter's beam can change an object's   size that's how he's able to shoot  and make our weapons bigger small   if i could transform i'd defeat him in no time  don't fret dragon i'll take care of him for us i won't hesitate like rex did  so give us the dragon stone   and you can live i don't think it would  match your outfit besides it's mine it's time to squash a bug requiem you're next huh no stop i've i've returned hey guys there's no time let's  combine now dragon evolution ultimate dino fusion minus dino union ultimate  king dino everyone ready saving the universe no there's still something  you need to give back to me   oh no he's hurt from saving me the grand illusion huh cosmosaurus he said he smelled something yummy in  your leather pouch and thought it might be   food the there's definitely  something edible in there sorry you should really try to limit your movement  you collapsed and we treated you but you haven't   fully recovered yet i didn't ask for help  you're welcome silkane was dragging right   yeah do you really have something  to eat in there i know what i smell we're sorry it's just our rations ran out  and we haven't eaten in two and a half days these are dino jellies emergency  rations for dino hunters   you can last a week off one of these pearls yeah you should know this before you eat any why does it taste so bad well as i was saying  it's made by drying a lizard's tail for a week   then adding the smoked toenails of a feral cat  and boiling it all down in three day old dino poop   i think it's tasty that figures huh how could  someone like you know what normal people eat   not tough enough for hunter's food why you   does anyone have lots of water we've been out of  water for a while huh look there is that an oasis that's odd the valley is not  included on any of our maps huh rex i see food over there what there's food do you think it's safe let's go investigate no thanks i'm full from the dino jelly  be careful the food might be poisonous is that strawberry cake how could just one  bite hurt it's so scrumptious not rekina too how long do you plan on following me  i can't let you wander around alone   hmm you know this valley isn't even on the map so  my guess is this was all created by the spectre   i see and you thought you'd  search for the dragonstone alone   i wasn't about to go looking for it with  fools like you you'd only be a liability huh a dragon stone you cheater stop right there  the last cookie mr x will take care of this   let go of my cookie you've got to be nuts  i so got it first rex we're keena what's leo where did leo go hand it over now or  face my wrath listen up where's leo huh don't panic but i think something's out there  ah dragon rex rekina where did everyone go it's all disappearing dino master awkin is this really the best  you're capable of don't you wish it's just   that i take pity on the weak and the wounded  your efforts amuse me but i'm sick of your mouth   none of you idiots are worthy of the dragonstone  i'll be taking this huh why would it disappear   it's a trap john what's going on it's that giant frog it's  swallowed rex leo everyone and now it wants me what oh john all of you are ridiculously weak  i'll take care of this myself i'm too weak i can't transform not yet huh i don't need anyone to help me now's not  the time to brag about how great you are we can't just play defense i know i think so too i'm starving i don't have much strength left take this now dino jelly if you don't  have the strength to fight we'll both end up   as frog food so just eat it it's way too gross  to eat huh i can drop your shield that's nuts   i have a special present for a  hungry friend okay i'll trust you do it now take this what just happened huh i can't believe it we fell  for a specter's trap this entire valley is just an   illusion that a specter used to deceive us none of  it's real what you mean that fool is just a trick how dare they use food as a  weapon let's make them pay huh it's about time you reveal yourself not bad but now it's our turn great dino huh the dragonstone but why don't flatter  yourself think of it more like a test   i want to see if you all really are worthy  of the dragonstone rex let's combine kane   stone with our stone oh yeah yeah let's  do here now it is time to make my move loyalty huh we've now gathered every stone everyone but it's  not at full strength maybe there's a tiny piece   missing somewhere that we just haven't found yet  that's impossible i'm positive we have them all   we don't have a chance against cosmosaurus like  this huh emily look at him roro has not been   acting like himself emily that to me looks  like a bomb and there isn't much time left   don't be silly rex how could you say that yeah  i guess i'm being silly anyway i think something   happened at the north witch railroad's timer  is almost at zero so i'm going to head to the   north witch now good idea i think that we should  head there as well if we're lucky we'll find a   clue of how to restore the dragon stone to full  strength right we'll wait for you at the north witch how is it leo leo almost finished  fixing the engine what a relief   well the starting motors broke and leo can't fix  it what but without it the engine won't start   what do we do can't think of anything else  do you have an idea i know where we can find   parts for the tray on but getting  there will be extremely dangerous   um well we've got to try yeah it's been  with us all along so we owe it that if master goes then leo will also go no  matter what agreed kane will you take us there when your timer does run out i  wonder exactly what will happen huh there's something underneath us what what is this anyone else think that this place looks way  too creepy what is this place cosmosaurus   needs dinos to make mech monsters  this is where dino hunters bring them   those are taser towers they're  powerful traps for hunting wild dino   what hunting dino those hunters must be evil  i can't believe places like this still exist   most dino hunters like to use treons to  transport capture dino the treon that still   works should still be near that taser tower in  the center then i'll just fly over there huh i wouldn't recommend it wow can i see look out move it we all need to be on high alert that  bomb triggered the security system that was way too close whoa that tower really is  gigantic huh look it's a treon hold on rex that shock was powerful  hey rex you okay i am thanks to you huh that taser tower is the most powerful i've seen   your shield won't be able to withstand  it i know but we have no other way oh hurry up here's the starting motor i can't keep this up run i don't believe it there's  another huge engine down what's here i have to talk to rex now   kane rex we gotta transform cosmosaurus though you've disappointed me  i'll let you live if you join me in darkness i will never fight by your  side but i will destroy you it's amusing that you think you could  win so try not to cry when i crush you a mech dino at least give me a challenge that which you most desire is close at hand no way i don't believe you it's true you're now in the palm of my hand do you think kane's okay hey guys let's help is   first we'll deal with that guy and then cosmosaurus kane what are you doing give me the  dragon stone give it up rex forget him he's a fake   look i had trusted him too but he's betrayed us  all he wouldn't come on open your eyes he chose darkness okay no how can you do this   i'm truly sorry but there's  someone i need to protect   that's just an excuse you  really only care about power a wrinkle in kane's time huh the clock it's going  backwards but it what's going on witch what are you doing just a little longer wow where in the world are we now  the clock it stopped again but what are those dates that's  it's showing us dino time now   dino time yes we've just arrived on this  planet ten years in the past ten years   what is that something get me out here right  now huh huh is that emily's voice there   this door seems to be offline so it won't open that sounded like a big explosion  john and i will stay behind in the   north witch and save emily you guys  need to go outside and look inferno take this tornado twin dino cross are you dino masters yeah i'm pretty much a big  deal and stuff like whoa hang on kane dino masters   what gives you the right to waltz back in  here after all this time huh i don't know   how to waltz hokey pokey maybe where were you  in our time of need when our planet was attacked   the whole planet was taken over by dark energy  entire towns were attacked i witnessed it   first hand then they took my sister gone meanwhile  you dino masters were nowhere to be found   pain we don't need your help anymore pathetic wait  keem stop just let him go he said they kidnapped   his sister we gotta help don't you remember  that guy betrayed us he doesn't deserve our help   furthermore it's the past we have to be careful  or else we can mess up the entire future   come on say we help him out now then  in the future he would pay us back   he has a point hi a dragon there is a chance that  what we do could affect the present for the better   i don't want to help you either hiya buddy you're one of us hurry up  and open the door i'm trying to do that   john that can be fixed right sure i mean it's  probably something with a circuit board which   connects to the engine that's my best guess  at least so if we reconnect the offending   circuit then it should open right away um  oh yeah hmm let's try this doohickey here   nope didn't work i'll try a different one again  man no luck there huh you might want to step back   what are you planning to do with that  hammer i hear a lot of talking and   not much saving me once in a while the  best solution is also the simplest one attack detected on core structure  system defense mode is now online   see that easiest way can you  quit hitting the north witch john emily but you're a bit is this the door over here there's a way mech  dinos use when they attack a passageway this   one's dangerous so it's actually a little more  lacks to get in it's ready everyone stand back   looks suspicious to me i don't  think we should all just jump in   we don't have time to find another way  in cowards can stay up here whoa let's of course he got caught i you got it don't have to tell me twice  wait we have no choice emperor blade no more using our friend as a shield inferno spin huh emily you're you're all  young like you were before i'm all young again how is this possible   i have no idea but since we went back 10 years  in the past again and you were outside then   main engines online searching possible  courses for alternate destinations   i'll alternate your destination returning to  point of origin in five minutes and counting it's too quiet bad sign everyone be  ready look at this weird statue thingy cracks can you hear me whoa emily you're  not old anymore oh wow it's true emily's a   kid like us we'll talk about that later listen  the north witch is going to move again we have   about five minutes until we're out on time  what we only have five minutes to emily huh what kane's sister is actually kyle it's not working he's gonna get sucked into kion   no cosmosaurus you okay we're trapped we need a plan or else this  could get real bad huh what's going on the north witch is summoning us back to the  home base uh but there's no way we can leave   kane here all alone dragon leo wait who are you  guys well we're you were uh are you going to   disappear too uh it's kind of hard to explain  but we're gonna meet again someday and then   when we do we'll all save kaya i  promise well then i'll remember that huh he looks like he got hurt we've changed the  future i've been waiting for you rex losing light   kane you're wounded it can't be dino master  do you remember what you promised me huh huh seems like we changed the future cosmosaurus  tried to use my sister to control me   what that's mean does that mean  that mech dino has kaya inside gaia don't attack it's no use right now kaya is  completely absorbed by the dark energy   dino master only you can help  her with the power of light huh the stone is yours do what you must   ah man with your help we were able to find all  the other stones yeah i know you can help kyah god is we'll handle this with the  power of light and stuff galaxy you're here kaia you came back from me   such silly creatures you give up on the  power of darkness which you will regret to access emergency backup power and prevent  engine damage please begin vocal recognition okay   north which turned battle systems to on voice  not recognized what this is your captain speaking   how do you not recognize me sorry no uh your  voice sounds a lot younger now that you're a   kid again is that so hmm hello north witch  turn on not recognized hey emily just relax let me show you what you're missing  without the power of darkness   we have all the dragon stones with  us we'll show you what we're made of we're going to ensure that you never  contaminate another soul you'll never succeed please wake up where am i rex it's  okay kaya we still have a chance   the stone gave dragon as powers  back no stop rex it's too dangerous what the pain is unbearable but no matter this is the power of light you were counting  on pathetic what's he talking about you've   made a terrible mistake you can't win 10 years  ago when you and the others came to rescue me huh that's when cosmosaurus learned  about dragon and what he is cosmosaurus   knew our weakness from the start oh rexy the  power of the light comes from the stars of   the universe but right now so many worlds have  gone dark which means the stone's power weakened   you're absolutely right over the past 10 years  i've been slowly spreading darkness like a disease   you stop what does that matter i have  all of you in the palm of my hand   leo hyper cannon time yeah that's the key  we got this power of light protect the universe you'll never be able to conquer  the darkness i've created all this and we've only just begun giving up so soon dino master we have  to do something turn on right now   please you have to help us now vocal  recognition complete access granted i'll make sure you all never unite again is this sad little shield all you have  left i'm having trouble moving dragon he's right we can't last much longer like this  the next time we disengage we won't have the   power to reunite then what do we do all the light  in the world it isn't gone it's still there hidden   as long as we never give up we can bring  that light back here i i believe in you all i wouldn't celebrate just yet if i were you yeah   it's not worth the effort wait what's happening  whatever it takes that's what dragon titanos   would you really be so foolish is to destroy  your own stone i said whatever it takes if   that means destroying my stone so be it he can't  at this rate dragon is going to lose for sure no dragon never give up dino masters you'll pay for this but this has stopped being amusing these brats are annoying as insects leo no leo get up get him rex just give up already i won't ever give up it's so funny watching your hope  drain away pathetic little dino master i won't give up i have waited a lifetime for  this moment to come the universe is all mine
Channel: Heroes Cartoon - DINO CORE
Views: 1,311,956
Rating: 3.9689484 out of 5
Keywords: Heroes Cartoon, DINO CORE, Heroes Cartoon - DINO CORE, superman robot, siêu nhân robot, siêu nhân người máy, siêu nhân điện quang, siêu nhân biến hình, siêu nhân, biến hình, heroes, ULTRAMAN, spiderman, người nhện, Spider-Man, animation, kids cartoon, siêu nhân đại dương, gta, gta 5, siêu anh hùng, heroes cartoon, ultra fight, dino, dinocore, siêu nhân hoạt hình, vs, 울트라디버스터, Official, Dinosaurs Toys, EP 07~12 SS5, Superman Cartoon Robot, Cartoon For Kids, heroes cartoon - dino core
Id: Q9SyK7b2rvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 26sec (4046 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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