[DinoCore] Official 🦸 Dinosaur Robot Kids Stories | The Battle Of Hot N Cold🦖 Funny Cartoon For Kids

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hmm i can't fail this tuner must get to the dino  master one year ago today history was made today   we remember our victory over the forces of  evil and so the champions of this victory are   celebrated today for the heroes they truly are   welcome you know them as dino  master our wrecks and the dino car dinosaurs ted you have to say your line oh what was my line  again we forgot it [ __ ] gravity hold huh yeah and here to ruin the day here  comes a scary mech dino there ready to get punched dark no dino  master rex is here and now like   super attack you and stuff blaze clash you came this whole way whoa emily this is super awesome those mech  i know almost look real uh here's the thing   i don't remember putting those in the  script that means those mech dinos are real so awesome dino master x to the rescue  roxy what can you even do i don't have a tuner um that was great you just need  all of them by yourself huh you you must be dino master rex  uh not me you got the wrong guy so you're him then rex right i've come here for you retina   i am dino planet's princess that means the  news of how cool i am has reached other planets   whatever just come where to there's not much time  i'll explain when we get to dino planet excuse me this is very much my business you can't  just come out of the sky and take him away   just who do you think you are watch it wait goodbye oh come again what's that thing doing it has three heads i bet  the mech dino from before combined rex you need   to transform now take this i got it ah nope  i tried oh gosh that hurt tuner oh this one's mine okay let's do this starting vulcan   wait wait hold up did i miss something  cause i seem to be a dinosaur oh ow my dinobot i don't know what i'm doing that seems right  huh i am tyranno vulcan i will assist you   in this battle oh that's cool let's take this dude  down teach me how to attack this guy now we're in   dino mode with increased strength and flame  attack i like the sound of that feel my super strength take this i am strong we did it still got it dino mode is amazing and super  fun we haven't won yet master   this hydra is a new and upgraded model he  is also equipped with a flame attack huh from there you have a larger variety of  weaponry yeah do that fighter mode time type   our agility also increases we  should be able to dodge them oh yeah look at me i can't sneak up on him this is not how you're gonna go down dino master can't burn someone who's already  on fire you're just adding fuel you are so amazing good  cooperation i look forward to more hmm no time to waste let's go my entire planet is in danger i'll explain more  in the way there but we need you dino master i   need to say bye to my friends first and stuff oh  sexy don't go help me emily this lady is crazy no way family   desolate dino planet oh my face   hello i really must be going uh i forgot  uh i have a thing in the oven oh huh what this must really be  it dino planet whoa huh weird what's happening stupid thing look at this how did things get so  bad in such a short amount of time   things are getting worse faster if this  keeps up the whole planet is gonna go dark   well we'll fight and the dino master will help us please i came here to see if you're planted from  the darkness and stuff how about a whole pizza   yeah for free i'll let you guys have a free  pizza for my new restaurant who are those guys that mark oh no spino tribe  i'll see what they're up to hey   hey leo while we were out we  caught a suspicious kid wanna see okay later then uh hi can i get these off seriously how am i supposed to go to  the bathroom what a way to start a day   we must confiscate your property all your things  are belong to us hey my tuner and what is this   it's mine and i want it back tuner what is  a tuner i'll tell you if you let me go that   tuner is the coolest thing it makes  me transform into a giant robot also   i attack with stuff like inferno spin and drill  something and it brings down enemies and it's   awesome unbelievable why not just go ahead and  tell them everything so you're gonna let me go   now huh inferno giant robots well i've heard  enough silent servant of the dark king huh   but you won't let me go but i told you  i'm a dino master what's all this research   hi there you seem important so you'd  know i'm a dino master you a dino master a lightly story there are no dino masters  left anymore why wouldn't dinoplanet have   any dino masters you really don't know in  the war they all disappeared 10 years ago   what that stinks the short human is very  loud can we throw him to the animals have him for dinner no this can't be real tuna  or could they be after that huh that's it you know it isn't polite  to make up story short human they're in cahoots get that tank that's mine thank you very much  send out mobley card yes yes sir   oh i'm saved you're the best   there's no time to thank me now right  so uh dino planet seems cool yeah   before the war it used to be a lot cooler the dino  planet i know didn't have all these barren deserts   do you know who those dinos were before no idea  they were the mark of the spino tribe but then   it seemed so much has changed while i was on earth  getting your stupid butt you can't hide from me hold on hmm which one of you is the dino master you  first who doesn't matter to you it matters if you scratch this how much harm can a  hammer do you'll pay for that literally i'm the one you want not here vulcan evolution   are you okay yeah i'm fine well where'd that dino  robot come from who are you i don't know who you   are but stop attacking my friend uh we're  friends now you don't want to warm up please that was amazing yeah well thanks so much   i am kind of amazing yeah no time  for games now you're in a battle fine let me show you what i can do yeah awesome i got something else up my sleeve  what's that just a little helpers spider balls rex look out spider balls see that did you feel the power of my spider  bots there's more where that came from oh yeah master there's too many  spiderbots to attack them individually   we should get them all at once got it one attack  to get them all at once it must be so frustrating   seeing how limited you are compared to me i'm the  real deal now help yourself to draw spider balls time to finish you off whoa you really are one a dino master  a real one wow we haven't won yet   huh rokina it could be a trap never let  your guard down but hang on i don't know   we don't yet know who that kid is they  could still be an enemy so could you that's quite enough sir terror from beneath it seems we have an uninvited guest  hey hi grandma it's me tribe leader   look he's totally a dino master that's me can you believe how he defeated mobile i icon just  look he's totally an amazing warrior the spinal   tribe is known for its great honor so what's the  deal honor there's been no place for that for the   last 10 years not since the dark king defeated us  now all we're concerned with is survival did you   say ten years then that must mean we were in the  portal for a whole ten years weird it felt like   a second ten years so that's why the planet is so  different the dark king conquered us dino planets   under his control dark king who in the world  is that guy anyway uh it's hard to believe now   but he was once a great hero back when dino planet  was thriving the dark king was our finest general   our king named him captain of the guard when  darknell declared war he protected the king with   all his might our famed captain of the guard saved  us all but ambition got the better of him then   he could not save himself suddenly cosmosaurus  appeared and made him an offer he couldn't refuse   bring me the galaxy stones and i will  give you the power to rule the universe with his new powers the dark king sought to cast  dino planet into darkness we all tried to stop him   but we never stood a chance in the end we were all  defeated and all because of the betrayal of one what our princess last of the royal  line took our sole hope and fled the   tuner was the only thing that could have  saved our planet she promised one day she   would return from earth with the last true  dino master but they never kept that promise   she abandoned the planet to save herself the  princess is a traitor when the princess took   the tuner she took from us the only chance our  planet had to survive that cowardly traitor stands before us this very moment isn't that right princess rakina uh prepare yourself who are you calling a traitor surrender huh what's that what's  happening what are you doing get out of there oh no help me someone no what is that it's a  death worm as soon as the planet turned dark   those evil creatures began appearing but  why is no one trying to save that warrior   there is no way to defeat  that monster just watch me what leo will save her holy he'll stay here it's a mech monster rex right leave it to me tuning start up is hey you creepy big guy get ready  for things to get hot blaze volcano huh he's running away but we just started   don't underestimate him the deathworm's  main attack is to dig underground   then suddenly shoot out and attack his target  with his spinning head he's waiting to surprise us huh where's he hiding now oh blaze  volcano take this a level three combo oh i lost him again wow leo fire sword leave them alone oh man close call i was almost creepy  death worm line are you okay rex   yeah i'm fine but that guy is way too strong  how do we stop it rex i saw dark energy light   emanating from his mouth you'll have to destroy  it do i really have to go inside his mouth just be careful what there's nowhere to move too he  left gigantic holes all over huh leo's not afraid of you leo we're not running from you anymore that's  crazy run now chew on this intense game oh huh master not the dino booster  it'll drain our energy too fast   what are you doing with that i  am doing what needs to be done rex you've got one shot make your move when his  attack rhythm is broken but how the second we stop   using breath beam will be buried in the ground  forever the sinkhole is his main attack if there's   no ground there's nowhere for him to hide that's  it if we can't use the ground then we use the sky   disengaged booster limitations  we only have one chance do it now here it goes   enjoy this because it's your last meal wow princess regina for the last 10 years there has not been a single  moment when i did not think of you with scorn   but that's not fair i kept my word it just  took a lot longer than i i know you're not a   traitor what i don't know is how i could have ever  doubted your loyalty i thank you for coming back wow look at that over there right here i have finally found you galaxy stone   it's almost time for cosmosaurus's  resurrection the universe will soon be mine wow it's a giant cave whoa what the what  happened here this is the day we have all feared   thanks to you kids our village has been exposed  to the enemies the galaxy stone that brought   them here and look what they did to our village  the dark king i guess now we'll have to leave   that's right it's not safe they're sure to come  back but do you really want to live like this   the dark king will always be a threat so let's  defeat him together that's right as long as master   rex is here you have nothing to feed nothing to  fear while rex is here enough we have to leave   that's right the dark king is unstoppable wait a  minute you're the final tribe the great warriors   the proud fighters remember now you should stay  and fight why would you run how dare you say   that how are we supposed to wage a battle with  a bunch of kids how about i show you right now   what i'm capable of enough the spinal tribe must  see a new dawn but to do that we must leave now ready hmm can't we stay in fight cause  the dino master is really powerful   so if we fight together we'll win what makes  you think that dumb kid could make a difference   rex is a hero not a dumb kid you're just a coward leo is this the only road going into the village   yes this valley's at the end of the desert  so we call it the walls of death wow probably will it be safe for leo to say general we  didn't have a choice he wouldn't listen to reason   none of them would how foolish to stay and fight  when there's no hope for victory no we're the   foolish ones for abandoning our honor those brave  children are staying behind to fight our fight   is this our fate to run my cowards isn't the  warrior's path the spinal tribe's destiny   we made our choice it's too late now not fast enough at this speed the  dark king could easily catch us leo likes cactus skewers they're the  best wow it can't get better than this   with just us three we don't stand a chance don't  worry about it dino master rex will save the day   and i could become a dino master too  oh yeah leo give me your hand whoa there okay oh wow it's a tuner i accept you as  my student soon you'll be dino master leo so cool   leo has one now a real dino  master tuner dino cross are we ready where are you hiding dino master come on it's time that was really  close we did it so awesome yeah leo reporting for duty huh it didn't work you're more fun than the cowardly  spino tribe or at least they know when to quit   leo charging won't work that was a good laugh but now  it's time to show yourself   dino master rex leo master that's the drill  beetle that the dark king is controlling   we have to transform to block that drill  it's dark metal that's bad leo i'm coming now vulcan evolution that's me master rex catch  me if you can here we go   looks like phase two worked  he won't escape this time   wow i can't believe we caught the dark  king insolent bratz how dare you dark restore dino planet to what it used to  be what it used to be do you mean that   when it was disgustingly weak disgustingly  weak it's destroyed now all because of you   thanks to me the disgusting weakness of dino  planet is gone only the powerful remains now   why don't you hand over the galaxy stone rule  the universe with me and lord cosmosaurus i have   wrecks with me the dino master and i will save the  planet are you sure about that you won't listen   to reason let's finish this all right let's go  fire breath it seems i'll have to take it myself leo enough is enough fire sword at last we meet dino master rex i was hoping that you would be a worthy opponent   but i see you are just as weak as  those other dino master fools i the cried sword do you really think you can defeat me with the  likes of that master rex the galaxy stone is the great spider tribe has chosen its destiny   we'll always protect each other  no matter what hyrule wire fires do it now attack that glowing spot on his chest   we'll succeed thanks to the brave hearts  of the spinal warriors beating as one you we had forgotten what's most important  the destiny of the warrior spinal tribe   your bravery helped us to remember you are so  cool master the rock cosmosaurus's resurrection   we must destroy canine where the dark king  keeps the tuners does anyone here know how   to get to there is only one person on dino  planet who knows the way to cosmosaurus's base   that is the witch of the north which of the  north remember this you are now the only flame   that can bring us any light general there may  yet be another flame there may be another flame the time has come for you to depart with  the help of this you should be able to   arrive at the north village within  three nights time thank you so much take care goodbye leo next time that  we meet let's train together bad dream scorpion wow that's a nice piece of jewelry on  your wrist there's more of them behind you   hand over that wristwatch to me and  we'll let you walk away mostly unscathed what do you say why don't you make this easy for both of us   i uh come on man i just work here i gotta go i left the oven on where these guys come from [ __ ] it look out could it be come on your stupid thing just drive we don't  have time for this right now rex yeah get out you're all right you fell right over the side  it's not like you to lose your focus like that   i'll tell you that mech monster created  something like a mirage and then   right as i was falling i think i saw  the monster's true form oh no was it him wait this one belongs to rekina huh i'm pushing as hard as i can huh that's right dino pizza i haven't had pizza in like a zillion years rex where have you been we have deliveries hi dad  and john and emily's here yeah why wouldn't we be   rexy don't listen to john  but um didn't you miss me yeah i missed you all a bunch i'm  so glad i missed all these toppings oh tuner oh my gosh what is that giant monster thing  save us yeah man i'll take care of this is one of the strongest there is  but he does have a weakness and it's john what's his weakness huh john  emily oh no where'd my pizza go toppings in everything blaze volcano huh the dino's gone did i do that huh   change time you'll pay for that pizza why are we not getting anywhere it's like  you're not trying it huh huh is that rex hey rex what's going on rex what on earth  are you doing princess rakina look out rex stop doing that i'm afraid it's no use what do you mean he can't hear what i'm saying  at all as you can see he's currently locked in   battle with something that isn't there i believe  it's a mirage conjured by a dream scorpion oh no   then we have to find the dream scorpion  before he finds us and stop this behind you wake up this guy won't quit he's so strong well two  can play this game i'm the best let's go why is he gone why does he keep disappearing not so fast scorpion what you good rex huh oh nothing's  changed huh still need me to save the day that's enough we have a bigger problem here that is our real enemy he was controlling  you with a mirage and [ __ ] destroyed it so that food wasn't real and all my  friends and family that's so wrong let's show this giant bug how  a real master gets things done take this taste of your own attack  reverse attack plasma shield again he's done we did our best but we still weren't  able to fend off the dark king   the portal messed up and now they're all in a  different time uh but what about the dino corps kaia and the corps are now somewhere gone the  north which is the only hope we have left finding   her might be the key to getting our friends back  let's go what are we waiting for we gotta go save   our friends wait you know where the north witch is  there's something else you want to see first huh look it's dino island stuck in time dino master rex is back in the game i know  you're all happy to see me know what we need   a giant pizza party with the greatest pizza  catered by the one and only dino pizza pizza   we'll invite john uh emily my dad and the whole  rest of the world pizza all in one giant pile   a pile of pizza sounds just so incredible right  and the best flavor is silence look there oh wow   it's dino island can't wait to see all my friends what do you  think we should do first i just can't wait   should we eat first no not that i'll just  sneak up behind them it'll be really funny so weird it seems so quiet you're  right like the city's asleep hey yeah   aren't there supposed to be uh people uh what's going on here everything's like on paws  oh that's weird even bird dooky rex come look the whole island has been stopped in time i wonder rex huh oh yeah uh looks  like everything stopped on victory day john john look it's me surely you'll wake  up for your friend rex i found mr fabro   my dad sir it's me hey dad can't believe they got my dad then could this  mean they've been frozen the whole time huh you monster get off me wait stop  that's just a puppy not a monster uh puppy i guess he isn't so bad of course this is your work time snail time snail  it survives by stealing time from other living   beings once it eats your time you're stuck  and you can't move until you steal it back oh get that snail if we get that snail we  can return the whole island back to normal well well well we meet again tiny dino  master and princess rakina as well   dark king you better believe i'm gonna bring  you down and restore peace to our planet but   we really need to catch the time snail first  we'll handle the dark king fine next time then dark king now you gotta deal with us  you're here for our galaxy stones right   you must be that silly little dino master akin  but of course now that you mention galaxy stones   i will be taking them not a chance right rex yeah  you won't win not if we can help it right let's go is weak little creatures allow me to  teach you how foolish you really are good job now it's my turn please hey it didn't work this is almost too easy i can do this all day listen there must be a faster  attack we can use right you're finished don't scratch my paint now it's my favorite color your downfall has only begun time's up snail stupid snail  he wants to fight dirty does he i'm tired of this child's play  it's time you respect your elders   and kneel before your dark king those things  are controlled through the air look out hey i always said we should take some time here he comes plasma shield how cute you've  blocked it here have another rex now sonic drives this thing isn't awesome dark  king just give up now please   one iron fist is more than  enough to end this little game   the iron fist looks like it's getting bigger oh slippery little snail the galaxy stones are as good as mine  and then you will pay for your insolence   and kneel before your true king not a  chance we're gonna send you to alien jail   what what's alien jail any last words no  wait i just remember i don't care oh no hmm stop now's our chance the power of  justice will win twin busters why am i here wasn't emily i rex what are you doing here i i thought  you went back to dino planet mm-hmm your   whole island was swept up in a portal now you're  all on dino planet hang on we're on dino planet   huh hey dad i was so worried about you oh what for  i just saw you hurry up but the pizza's getting a   cold hooray but uh where's emily gone the last  time i saw emily she was going into the portal what
Channel: Heroes Cartoon - DINO CORE
Views: 2,143,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Heroes Cartoon, DINO CORE, Heroes Cartoon - DINO CORE, superman robot, siêu nhân robot, siêu nhân người máy, siêu nhân biến hình, siêu nhân, heroes, ULTRAMAN, Spider-Man, animation, kids cartoon, siêu anh hùng, heroes cartoon, ultra fight, dinocore, siêu nhân phim hoạt hình, vs, 울트라디버스터, Dinosaur Robot Kids Stories, The Battle Of Hot N Cold, Funny Cartoon For Kids, Hot N Cold, heroes cartoon - dino core, คริส พีรวัส ร้องเพลง, คริส พีรวัส เพลง, คริส พีรวัส ตีกลอง
Id: uJWusQz_O8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 14sec (4034 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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