Dino Kartsonakis at the Piano 9-2-21

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good evening folks did you read what i wrote on tom grab yourself one of my cookies the dino cookies right here a lot of you have gotten these and you're just raving about them well i i do too because i really love these something that we came up with and uh a lot of you are enjoying this so i grabbed myself one of these lemon cookies that come in this box like this you've seen that the gold bow and the scripture verse on top i'm telling you people are buying these like we'd say in new york city like hotcakes like cookie cakes but anyway i thought i'd have myself a nice cup of coffee i would just sit back and relax it's nice to do this once in a while especially in this life there's so much hassle and stuff that's going on just to relax can you do that with me this evening can you just sit there and just relax and be in the presence and have a cup of tea or coffee or milk whatever you you drink and just let's just try and enjoy the presence of the lord and and i've got to take a i got to take a bite of this cookie first of all this happens to be the lemon cookie i shouldn't use that through that fight with my teeth i did it anyway because i want to get this out here this is how it is so delicious with the lemon icing on it wow so wonderful just one bite you don't mind okay you can do the same thing father we thank you thank you jesus for this time that we can just sit here and meditate on on view and the music that you've laid on my heart tonight lord just leave me as i play sometimes i'm not even prepared except i just say lord when i say to the panel bench and i share with all our wonderful facebook family that i play the music that'll bless their hearts and we ask you the next few moments as long as it'll be that we can just just sit here in your presence and enjoy the sweetness in the presence of jehovah hallelujah it's so wonderful to be in this presence there's nothing nothing like it and we thank you for this opportunity this evening on a thursday evening when there's so much oh disaster going around this world with floods back east and in new orleans and things that are happening in afghanistan and down the border lord there's just so much chaos around us but you know what we are in this bubble right now we're sitting in the presence where there's peace there's love there's an awesome atmosphere of comfort thank you lord thank you father it's so nice to be able to do this with you and like i mean like you're in our living room right here and i play [Music] so [Music] so [Music] if you [Music] want is [Music] thank you [Music] how many testimonies will we hear this evening of how god has pulled you through so much difficulty in your life pulled you through the sickness and the hardship and the hurt that has come upon you but to be in his presence praise god thank you father we thank you for this peaceful moment i pray for each and every one that's watching tonight may they sense your presence as we sit here just around a cup of coffee or whatever lord just a just a fellowship together it's so nice that cheryl and i could be here in the presence of jehovah what are you asking god for what are you asking him well tonight's the night where does presence he will hear your request oh he's listening yes he is no matter what you're going through right now god's ear is open to your request speak it out right now before you're sitting father help you finances lord help me with my sickness help me with my family whatever it is lord my back is aching father please touch my back just talk to him he's your friend as we've sung many times what a friend we have in jesus what a friend no greater friend than jesus the son of the living god surely the presence of the lord is in this place [Music] so [Music] through this word [Music] [Applause] so [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] um [Music] smooth this is [Music] wow [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so so so you belong to the lord oh if you're a christian tonight you can sing this [Music] so [Music] jesus this do you know that jesus can return in the moment any moment oh would it be something quickly caught up in the air [Music] so me [Music] there come on singing [Music] thank you [Music] to be in the presence of god [Music] we are his presence rightness [Music] so so [Music] thank you jesus [Music] so jesus [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] so so [Music] so so i'll sing it [Applause] all fear is gone no more fear because we know god is with us [Music] just say hallelujah just praise him right now in the presence of jehovah [Music] just praise him now father we thank you great healing will take place right now order your presence healing to america [Music] thank you [Music] times [Music] foreign [Music] is not too long from now is [Music] eyes until then [Music] gives [Music] we'll see [Music] oh [Music] future [Music] oh praise god isn't it wonderful just be the presence of god and sing these songs cheryl is singing and i'm playing and i believe that people as i was playing you know uh i've always believed that that when i play the keys on these on on the piano that it just just jumps out into your heart into your body for healing thank you i believe that these ten fingers are anointed of the holy spirit and you can be healed by the power of god this has been happening for most of my ministry thank you and i believe it can happen right now perhaps you already received your miracle yes how wonderful is that share your share your testimony we want to know that builds everybody else's faith that which they've been praying for are we getting any messes of cheryl from nobody dino you know we have some prayer requests for jeff uh he's a retired fireman who's waiting for a lung transplant and his lungs were damaged from fighting fires and then coveted struck him and his uh he's been hospitalized for 32 days but also his chief uh they've you know fought so many fires and i don't know if they're in california or where they are but oh my goodness there's been so much justice his name is jeff and we must pray that he will get that lung transplant and that he will come out victorious amen let's pray together for that let's pray let's pray for dennis sir he's still in the hospital they're going to release him i talked to you about him and cindy they're such good such a wonderful people of god minister dennis is a teacher of the word of god god and the enemy is just trying to destroy him that's all but we're rebuking it we've been praying almost around the clock for dennis as we pray for you we pray that the lungs will be cleared out there's a lot of people right now that are having lung problems you have a hard time breathing and i pray that if you take that breath right now you will fear feel the spirit of god just going through those thumbs and healing you you know i'm simple when it comes to words i don't i sometimes i don't have i don't how to how to i don't know how to express myself i even kind of study and stutter if you notice but this is what i do i play the piano this is the gift that god has given me i think the devil tried to stop it yes when he gave me this problem here with the shoulder but you know what i am an overcomer amen you are an overcomer in the name of jesus i'm able to listen to what i did for the past half hour i have no pain no hurting praise god and what he's done for my shoulder he can do for your shoulder i know there are people with shoulder problems right now oh yes father i pray that those balls will be reformed i know that you know what joe i really feel that god is recreating my bones you're in the shelter i really do i really do believe it i remember i couldn't do this at all and i had to play all over the keys and listen we are getting ready cheryl and i are getting ready before god doesn't reach if jesus doesn't return in the next year or so we're going back out there on the road nothing's going to stop us we are going to go and preach the god listen these are the days that we must pray and ask god to give us a desire to see souls one into the kingdom of heaven worshiping because time is short when someone look at just read your just read the prophecies in the word of god don't listen to just anybody get into the word they're all they're only i know few people that are out there that that are evangelists that are truly teaching the truth yes of when jesus is to return prophecies have come to pass we are living that any day the next event is the rapture oh hallelujah it could happen any time any moment because everything that has been fulfilled and tiff shuttlesworth we keep mentioning this man if you haven't heard of him shuttle's work get on tim tf listen to him as he teaches god and proclaims the gospel of jesus christ hallelujah oh i'll tell you what if you're out there right now just over my cup of coffee i'm going to tell you something and you don't have jesus christ in your life oh don't go a second further ask him right now say dear jesus come into my heart forgive me of my sins it's so so simple it's profound it just has to come from the utterance of your mouth and from your heart sincerity of your heart saying father forgive me i want to be caught up in that rapture thank you jesus oh i'm telling you what sin is not worth it we must turn our backs on sin so you lose eternal life because of a sin you need to you need to really what's the word cheryl analyze and think about the things that you're doing right now that are not godly yes that you see you define that and you need to ask god to forgive you and you need to just walk away from it turn your backs on that and don't let that sin keep you out of heaven oh amen i don't know how better to say it it's just that bottom line and if you're watching me right now those that have been going to church all your life and you're still not even sure if you're a christian i mean you can just it's a habit sometimes but have you truly received jesus christ as your personal savior i pray you have as a matter of fact i want everybody even if you're a christian right now i want you to pray pray this prayer let's encourage those that are accepting christ right now as we pray just pray this dear jesus dear jesus say it again dear jesus dear jesus forgive me of my sins forgive me of my sins take those sins away take those sins never to remember again never to remember again and father i promise and father i promise to to think in my mind yes to think in mind that which the enemy has tried to put into my my very being the sins that sometimes wouldn't even realize we're sinning but god i pray that those sins be gone in the name of jesus christ jesus we go into the word father to read your word about salvation that you died upon the cross your blood was shed to wash our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness pray this dear jesus dear jesus thank you for coming into my heart thank you for coming into my heart thank you thank you for giving me eternal life for giving me eternal life the gift the gift that we receive like we accept you as i personally said we receive when we accept we see him as our and even while i was playing the piano under the anointing oh i felt so annoyed tonight to just keep playing the songs that have been dear to our hearts and the words that we we have heard as i was playing as you're always singing that bring us closer to you just a closer walk with thee [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] let's sing it just trees [Music] thank you so much for joining us tonight this has been a very special time i've been praying throughout this day lord what should i play what should we say you know this gospel of jesus christ is very simple it's not that difficult to understand if you'll just receive it by faith into your life it'll change you he will give you a brand new life full of joy and happiness even through amy the deepest waters i'm thinking about all those floods that are taking place right now lord i pray those hurricanes stop i pray that all this turmoil that's going on right now around us that you will intervene that we will get on our knees and praise you and worship you and ask you for forgiveness as we've done in the past few moments praise god amen i belong to jesus jesus belongs to me now you belong to the lord [Music] well thank you for sharing this time with us over a cup of coffee and music and oh wow awesome it's been a wonderful what 45 minutes we've been with you how time goes quickly when we're in the presence of god time is no more you know what i'm saying like that's going to be that's what happens in heaven there'll be no more time don't worry clocks no more watches up in heaven that we have to keep looking at amen oh praise god well anyway thank you for joining us and again please if you can if you remember be sure to give teresa a call in our cafe and get this we are we are sending these out by the dozens the lord has given us something that is blessing our ministry and is blessing the life of so many people are buying several of these at a time and giving these out as gifts what a wonderful gift this is there are 12 this there are 12 lemon cookies okay and it's the frosting from our lemon cake that is absolutely marvelous and there's a wonderful cookie that's made and it's got a script reverse here and a you know our jason really knows how to decorate and she has put this together it preaches this does that preach oh it really does so if you give it as a gift you're giving yes yes the word of the lord call teresa you've got the number it's up there i wrote it down for you four one seven three three four oh two two three is that right cyril four one seven three three four oh two two three you're right and be sure to get this and the coconut will only just do the lemon and the coconut thank you lord that we could have these nice sweets and just rejoice as we did this evening and uh and if you have received these cookies let us know tell the folks how if you didn't like them don't say anything how's that if you're gonna say anything negative don't don't even say don't say it only those that say oh yes dean no that's a good good cookie for sure thank you jesus thank you lord hallelujah we praise the lord tonight do you know four and we pray for all those who have needs yes that uh maybe you haven't heard us pray for your need but you know that we read we'll go right through and tonight we go yeah and read every one of these comments we do and plus we have prayer warriors that read these and they answer for you as we go along through the evening so many of them do and we just praise the lord that you're with us and pray for us we're about to take a trip we're excited uh because we've been kind of settling down here in branson for quite a few months you know because we came from california and take a bit take care of ant data and we are back here and we are prepared we're packing to go to you ready for this south carolina who's in south carolina we're going to come see you we leave here on sunday morning god willing sherlock in a drive get in our car and we're going to just have a wonderful time driving to the beautiful south carolina now why south carolina because our daughter sheree and steve that's where they moved and our granddaughters are there one of our granddaughters has two little babies we have never seen well i should say that babe we were waiting at the birth of faith yeah yes but we haven't seen them but we haven't oscar is a doll that's we've been they've been videotaping us and you know how they do on an online whatever facetime yeah and we are going to hold them in our arms and pray for them and bless them and just be there with our family and we're going to still do our facebook because because sheree's got a piano yes in her new house there what kind of piano it is oh it's a baldwin piano it's a dinosaur you know piano piano piano uh but anyway uh we'll be there and we'll be sharing it with you on sunday morning and thursday nights as long as we're there so we're going to be away for most of september so if you're here we're in town come see us pray for our other granddaughter who is never supposed to have a baby but she's expecting and we're so well that's a miracle baby there's a miracle doctors told me they're all miracles but boy i mean no seriously the doctors told her that she's not able to have a child and she called us once she said papadi grammy i'm pregnant we're so free yelled and screamed jumped up and down and i have one of the requests that we pray for the godly politicians yes godly men and women that are serving yeah uh as as political leaders here and there and and need to be we pray for california california politics but pray for california they need god if they need a good leader yes i'm not telling you who to vote for let god lead you in that where we never we never do that but we ask you to just keep this nation in prayer yes and ever before service people and pray listen that god protects them protects us from the isis and all that that's going on they're the middle east but i'll tell you what it's all part of prophecy yes it's all in the word of god all these nations are coming together to come against israel that's in the last days i'm telling you but i believe the rapture is going to take place before we see the mark of the beast or any of that this is my this is my and my and cheryls and those that we know well that are really uh uh really professors of the word of the word of god they know they study prophecy and they dig into they tell us reveal to us through the word there's something about the 70 days we're gonna fight after maybe someone could tell us right now in daniel that prophesies about the 70 days since israel became a nation now i think there's a set is it a set of 70 days or is it 70 days because when that happens that that kind of gives us kind of a guideline of when the rapture is going to take place so if i have any theologians out there tell me tell me what you know about that i'm still we're still learning we're not prophets we're not we're not about preachers god we're just studying along with you and we're going to bring the word of god something about 70 days now someone out there i know they're going to be several they translate that for us so we understand what that means in the word of god yes but it's it's telling us that we are very close to the rapture rapture could happen any day are you ready yes oh come on let's go to heaven together let's go in the twinkling of an eye twinkling of an eye we'll see our g's not just speak with him and hear from him and love him but see him face to face and that is on the i think the coming of the lord coming of the lord when he when he steps down on mount olive in israel with the church and we're going to be caught up with them oh it's going to be awesome read up i'm not going to go into detail because i'm learning too if you don't yes we are we are i am we all are yes and we love it being with you and and learning with you and uh bringing the word to you okay we gotta go cheryl i know we do we gotta get ready pack we're thinking about leaving sunday morning so pray for us but it's going to be after our sunday morning service now you know we have every sunday morning we're here at 9 00 a.m central time cheryl sits right here she shares the word of god and i background her with the music and we sing hymns and we praise god it's really wonderful just to love him and we have a lot of people that say this is our church now this does not substitute going to church but i know a lot of people can't go to church so this is something that is good for you for you but those that can go to church please go to church that's what we do we're through here we go right to church and fellowship with christians and praise god but anyway uh so sunday is when we're gonna start traveling and hope to arrive it's about what it's a 15-hour drive cheryl they say 16 16. that's what they we're going to take our little macy with us we're going to leave nico here yes and he's gonna be well taken care of yes uh and uh because he hasn't really traveled that much and he's kind of a little hyper you know he's a shepherd he's a herder you guys know what i'm talking about an aussie shepherd so we're praying that god settles him down a little bit so we come back he'll be a lot calmer but we love this dog oh we love him so much he's a doll without as much we love you i want you to know okay and you and your pets be sure to get this blessed is our ministry please yes please this is a wonderful thing for our ministry and in turn you'll receive something that is really delicious and you know what and still doing the birthday special we haven't stopped doing that yes we have to look i got the whole people are still calling in saying i want that package right there with my piano book this is like a souvenir book a lot of my great arrangements are in here i should say great i'm bragging a lot of wonderful arrangements are in here cheryl cd here with her with her devotions i play all the 101 hymns and the hymn book and the thumb drive of the peace music six cds be sure to get this go to bransoncakes.com and just order it that way we'll get it right out to you you promised okay god bless you we love you sometimes we don't know what to do to express to you well i guess we just can say it and hopefully you feel it coming from our hearts yes we're we're concerned about you yes we are we want the best for you we care and we are conquerors we are conquerors overcomers yes and overcomers yes we are okay don't let the enemy pull you down he'll try you know his job in the last days is to get you on his side working extra hard so be careful be wise because he's afraid he's afraid well yeah he's afraid his time is sure he's going to be shortened and shortened okay folks we're going to let you go thank you for hanging in there with us for this whole time bless you and i pray this bless you share this with others please that anointed music the very beginning of this session oh i'll tell you what i played with the i just felt it as i was playing yes music was going out to those jesus that needed to hear and be blessed okay anything else you want to say just that we love you very much and keep praying keep believing go and learn the uh from tiff shuttle's work and others we love it and i've i just uh just read someone said thank you for introducing me yes yes and he listen to the one about afghanistan how that plays into prophecy how does it you'll see they'll say afghanistan that's his latest video and he preached in some church about that but oh he's he's solid yes oh he is full of wisdom that's wonderful okay we got to go we're thankful for the lord we'll see you guys good night god bless you and uh the lord gives a good night's sleep we bless you in your name we praise you father amen bye-bye
Channel: Dino at the Piano
Views: 1,697
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Dino, Dino Kartsonakis, piano, piano hymn, piano hymns, piano hymnal, piano music, gospel piano, Christian piano, sacred piano, church piano
Id: NovBlHc1Pak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 56sec (3476 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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