Brazilian pianist, Eliane Rodrigues, LITERALLY taking the performance below the stage!
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Channel: Black Piano
Views: 9,621,446
Rating: 4.850173 out of 5
Keywords: piano, piano cover, pianist, pianist in tears, Brazilian pianist, pianist piano scene, pianist america's got talent, piano concert, piano perfomance, piano perfomance live, classical music (musical genre), perfomance goes wrong, classical music perfomance, fun piano performance
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I want all concerts to end with the performer leaving stage via lift.
Wonderful. I would have loved to hear the rest of the Debussy piece on the broken pedal. Looks like she might have played it but it got edited out.
TIL how concert halls move pianos
This is the greatest lighthearted improvisational example of "the show must go on".
Does anyone know what piece shes playing at 3:37?
What does the pedal do?
At a Billy Joel and Elton John concert I was at, this happened to Elton's glittery piano. He just sat, complained, and refused to play. Billy Joel ran onstage, jumped under the piano and tried to fix it. To no avail, they lowered Elton's piano and Billy did his set instead.
*distant piano noises*
Can I just take a moment to give a shout-out to Jack Horkheimer and Star Gazers? That's my first exposure to this particular Debussy tune and my mind was opened that day...