Digital Painting Using GIMP

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[Music] hey everybody Kleber here we're gonna go over our new digital painting project we're a new territory here so for those students of mine that need more clarification if we go to Schoology and we look in here well notice that i archived grading quarters one through three that's before covin 19 and now it's a little bit set up differently so now we're looking for green folders so if you don't know what to do and this is like the first time you've seen something on Schoology go to week 27 watch these three short videos how to download and install Gambetta make it look like Photoshop and obviously discussion board netiquette how to properly talk you know online and if you know if you aren't one of my students and you want to see these videos on how to do this how to do this stuff I will post the video link right around here so this is the netiquette video [Music] this is the video on how to download and install so the link will be right here you need to type in how to make look like Photoshop which is for me this is my basically my second time using so I think I think I did pretty well the first time so you need to download and when you open it up hopefully you can maneuver it around to get it somewhat looking like Photoshop you can see it's kind of similar but what we're going to do is we are going to take a picture like one of these like this and we're going to turn it into our own digital painting and you can see in Schoology that I've kind of set a premium already and this is what it looks like right here so we're gonna be turning a picture like that into a digital painting like that and you can see it's vastly different what it did look like so if I play it again you can see it dissolve but this was my first attempt at using and it turned out pretty good it's just seeing the digital painting based on a picture so the first step you need to do is you go to Google Images and look up landscape or landscape nature you can see that's the one I use somebody use some different don't it's all based on kind of challenge level so I wouldn't choose something insanely hard like this like that or like that something easy like this or that or this or this you know don't try to make it to our do you mean if you want to challenge yourself by all means you can like this looks pretty good like this one alright so as long as you can get it on the screen you know right click save image as hopefully it's a JPEG I think it will open J v o or P and G's or whatever just save it somewhere where you know where it is I'm gonna save it on my desktop alright so I don't need this anymore now I'm going to go to and you see it's right there looks like a hole somebody got a file open and this is gonna pop up and I have no idea where it is I'm gonna click on death excuse me desktop oh there it is right there sunrise landscape okay so I hit open you see the preview right there so the first thing you need to do is we get acclimated to what everything is hopefully you've watched the videos and you've set up your layers over here you can see it's just like Photoshop there's layers you can turn the layer on or off your options bar is no longer up there instead it's right here so whatever tool you select that changes so it still has the magic wand in the lasso tool and the move you know rectangular selection tool I'm still learning all these other tools but right now we're just doing a basic so the first thing I want to do is is I kind of want to figure out what my first layer should be so here's how you make a layer because you're gonna eventually delete this and you won't even need that anymore so you get up to layer new layer and then this is gonna pop up so we're gonna call this one sky cuz we should always do this guy first so sky hit okay I think that's all good so there's your sky and this often the song so you see there it is all by itself II still see its highlight it's just like Photoshop you go back and forth that's how you go you know between layers just like Photoshop so on the sky layer notice it's highlighted going to choose my brush B paintbrush tool - told you can see over here where it says tool options hopefully you've done that I want you to see something opacity right now it's at a hundred percent so well we will be turning this down eventually so you can see turned out a thirty point five or a hundred this is your brushes right here so if you click on that you get all these different kinds of brushes to use negan's to kind of see what they look like I kind of just experimented so whatever that that's acrylic how would you like brushes are pretty cool right now I have a green so if I go like that you see it's kind of jittery it's definitely not what I want I'd do that edit unbale and you see down here maybe I'll turn the jitter off and all that off see what happens now there we go that's much more fluid still have the wrong color let's make the brush a little bigger and maybe the force a little bit much see what that does I'm gonna experiment with this because like I said this is my second time so if I turn the force up you notice that it gets it's more you know that's kind of opaque another fake it's kind of trying you know see-through and it gets more opaque as I go so you know experimenting with these experiment with the hardness I don't even know what that does okay so you see the difference if we turn the hardness up you get much much more of a texture on the outside so if you want it to kind of look like an impressionist painting which is what I'm kind of going for maybe I'm going to experiment with my hardness in my space oh that's [Music] I kept my spacing around 18 my hardness and I'm on acrylic four by the way you don't have to use this brush if you don't want to use any other brush or just experiment second always its texture hose okay so I'm learning as I'm going this is grunge so it's different between maybe not make it so hard all right so I again I experimented with all this and I kind of want to remove it all so I'm just gonna select all I'm gonna try to hit backspace on my keyboard okay so that doesn't work like I said we're all learning I'll use my eraser eraser tool it looks like it's using the same brush I'm just gonna make the size way bigger because I want to erase all this okay so experiments over so that I guess all our select done all right try that all right so first color I want to do is kind of this red so here's your color picker if you click on that this will pop up right here and I want to get this red right there so what I'm going to do is there's your color picker click the eyedropper take it right to the red and you can see that's your current color right there and then I'm just going to paint over that if I can why is it [Music] is not working Oh cuz I'm on the eraser okay so making making sure your brush is selected not the eraser tool I'm on the brush I have the right color and going to just basically he concedes I turn this off it's got sky and then it's got foreground so turn this back on so you can see what I did right here if I turn this off and then I just painted that red turn that back on cuz you're gonna be doing that a lot now I'm gonna just pick a color that kind of will go down here I think I'm gonna choose that Brown so I'm gonna click on this red [Music] okay except this time I'm gonna make a new layer layer new layer this time I'm going to call it round okay and then I'm just gonna paint that right there an overlap just lightly with that so now if I turn this one off there's my ground there's my sky this guy ground and ground should be above sky now I'm gonna turn off ground for now go back to sky [Music] because now I try to get that gradient right there to look like that so what I need to do is go back to my brush is still long and now I'm going to turn down the opacity to probably around 30% or so and now did I choose a different color yes such as I chose different [Music] if that orange okay turn the sky back on make sure it's highlighted and then I'm just going to turn this off fiancée want you to go right about here go once like that maybe go over it a couple times you can see it's got a nice painterly effect right there it again by opacity is only at 30 so if you do three passes that means basically means it's a hundred percent so you can see it's a nice gradient you can even turn the opacity down even more Florida fine tune that gradient turn this off okay now I got this yellow right here so I'm going to go back to my color picker right here pick up that little eyedropper this color brush turn on my sky and you'll notice my opacity is at 13% that's fine you're just gonna do one little pass right here passes right here is still at 13% I'm just the more I do the lighter it gets that's good just break it right there so I'm gonna turn this off turn it off turn it up you can kind of see maybe you wanted to add like a darker right up there that's totally fine I want you to he doesn't have to look exactly like it I just want you to kind of create something because lord knows you've been consuming non-stop the past two weeks and maybe it's it's time to produce something you know I'm a big proponent on always creating so yeah let's try a darker red so I'm gonna go here click on this red I'm just gonna drag it down a little bit so it's darker hit OK my opacity still up 13% I still have a really big brush you can see my size is like 748 you might have to experiment with your size I mean I don't even know what kind of make sure you're doing obviously you see as I go one time like that you've been probably don't even notice anything but if I go back and forth back and forth you'll see it get a little darker and you can even go dark perfume on so I think I will okay just like that okay so let's see what this looks like okay good so there's my sky here's my ground so now turn sky off turn that off and now I needed to figure out how to do this son so I'm gonna make a new layer layer name there call this one type in son maybe even give it a color tag yellow if I can okay okay so you know that's our son all right I've never tried this so I'm doing this on the fly okay good that's what I thought all right if you go up here to your tools and you the ellipse select that's what we need to lip select it's just like the selection tools in Photoshop I'm just gonna click and drag and it doesn't matter where it is because you can always move it because it's a layer so there's my selection now I'm gonna go back to the brush tool and I'm on the south choose this color it's really dark right now we go over to painted upper right over the Sun hit okay and hopefully just color that [Music] obviously the opacity is all the way down so you might need to push your opacity up to 1% if you want it to be you know nice and opaque like that [Music] okay so select none now we can move it [Music] what we have now if you want to do these couple little clouds like that I would what probably wait till the end so what we're gonna do now is we're going to make our Mountain layers and uie maybe it's not mountains maybe it's something else for you maybes trees or whatever but you kind of get the idea for the sky and if you have a son if this guy you have them forward around most landscapes have that so now we're just gonna kind of nitpick the details so I'm gonna turn off the Sun turn off the ground turn off the sky and I'm gonna leave the original aunt still on get a layer new layer and I call this give it a purple one to indicate no color tag it's purple okay so here we have the mountains now here's where you're gonna need to use the free select this is similar to the polygonal lasso tool in the lasso tool kind of combined if you click once and then you go down it's just like the polygonal lasso tool you just click click click I'm basically tracing with my selection tool these mountains don't worry about that one as of right now so go over to this one like so bing-bang-boom and go Bungo alright make sure you have a nice and slow don't double click to fast like I said I've never really used before so I get down here I'm gonna go down here and I'm gonna shoot past it a little bit cut into this trim it click right here go straight across over here I'm going outside the canvas click and then I go up to the yellow to connect it it's all connected so now we're gonna get our brush tool I'm gonna choose my color [Music] go over here to the high jumper hold it over like that it okay and basically rush over that that was easy now if you want to do those details like the roll that's gonna take some extra work and I will show you how to do that I'm gonna turn it back on and now I'm gonna click it off and I'm gonna see what kind of color that is right there so I'm going to go back to the purple back to the bank robber I click on that color okay turn the mountains back on now I'm gonna turn the opacity down to like 40 35 40 % and I'm just gonna go over it like that just turn on turn off okay see I'm trying to do all those little things up there I might turn it back on and now I'm gonna experiment with another kind of harder brush maybe it's acrylic one see what else I got here bear with me I might have to edit all this [Music] [Music] alright so I'm gonna choose block I kind of have to experiment maybe you don't have all this detail that I do but I'm just gonna show you how to do you know kind of detail I kind of like the second brush here at block two if you uh see how it works it's kind of old I guess it's kind of a lips brush turn down the opacity use those two I guess maybe turn down the hardness a little bit and the force alright so I need this color right here so click on my color [Music] turn back my mountain using these short brushstrokes like that see where they kinda now I have the opacity set where it is at 30% so the more I do the lighter it gets they get that kind of gradient effect that's why I'm doing all these kind of small brushstrokes it's not gonna look dead on it I want it to look a little different let's make sure it's on when you paint those reasons make it in my own [Music] make it maybe turn this softness down that's way too hard to be softer off I'm gonna do the other side where I see [Music] brush being bigger I'm constantly turning it off and on and see where I need to go with my brush strokes and again make sure you experiment with these you know get them into a kind of where I like it I experiment with the size and the hardness and all that good stuff and we'll use the jitter and those later especially progress you see there's kind of like our colors in there too so I'm going to go back to this color and maybe make it a little lighter and then go back you know make it not so it's all the same color it's lighter it's got more you know variety I guess that way it's not all the same color you know when you experiment notice the selection still on because if you take the selection off it's gonna be really hard to get it back alright so maybe I'm going to turn this off maybe I want to go a little darker in certain spots too because you can see like right over here and right over there it's it's a little darker so I'm gonna go back to my color pick on that and then all right so that's my color and I'm gonna make it purposefully just a little bit darker because I have the opacity set at 30% so maybe turn it up to like 40 or 50 and like I said your picture might be completely different it's just gonna be you kind of experimenting on brush size you have all week to do this or two week so it's not like a big deal I just want you to you know kind of create something this is kind of cool with digital painting Oh notice I was trying to color something but nothing was at me is because my mountains aren't on so my mountains are on she has selected now going to notice it's a soft brush you know where it makes sense it's gonna be darker towards the bottom alright so there's the ground there's the mountains and there's the Sun so that's what we have so far if I was to turn off all this sorry let's turn off all this this is what we have so far so this is all ours I think the mountains look pretty good for right now so I'm gonna turn them off I'm gonna turn the ground off and the Sun and I still see my selection right there so anytime you want to get rid of a selection go to select none gets rid of it this guy around what else do we need we I am all turned off except the original I think we're gonna do this this kind of area right near this middle foreground so make a new layer layer new layer I call this middle ground like I said you might have a totally different setup than me so it might be you know a beach or something else you just kind of have to you know problem-solve about how to how to set these up because usually you want you know sky to be the very bottom you know it's gotten Sun probably next you know clouds if there's any clouds and you're basically working your way from the background all the way to the foreground so that's why the ground should be all the way up there so I got the middle ground and that's this is kind of spot right here so if I was to turn this off I'm sorry turn all these on kind of doing it right there so I kind of want to get rid of that line that's why it's important that the middle ground is above the mountains so I'm gonna turn off the mountains and the Sun in the sky so I can see in the ground so I can see that and they go back to my free select and I'm going to click once out up out here I'm gonna click above the mountains so I know the mountains are right about here that straight line all the way across I hear some click I clicked once and then I'm gonna make this one kind of round it because I don't want it to be so you know straight otherwise I'm trying to follow that path right there forget about the hill in the middle for right now notice I'm not being perfect I'm just kind of you know just playing it by ear and then I go back up to the original spot you'll see it turns yellow and you just click on it and it makes it a nice selection for you so if I was to make a color for this it would probably be this this green right here so I'm going to go back here go to my color picker click on this green okay go back to my brush I'm gonna stick with this second brush this block to maybe make it a little bit bigger [Music] and Mickey opacity I make it near 100 again you might have to make your pass City 100 or you know 20% it's totally up to you so I'm gonna go about 80% I'm just gonna kind of go green where it's green it looks like it's just pretty much green all the way through out here you can see I'm just going right up to right about there now if I was to turn off of this this is what I have so far so you can see if you have any you know gray white checkerboard always means transparent so I'm gonna turn this back on all right good good good now I'm gonna try to put in this I guess this water so go back to the brush [Music] [Music] turn this off see that looks like okay good now I need to get these darker green spots and this is kind of where you need to experiment with the brushes because it's kind of like bushes and trees like that you kind of want to find the right brush so I'm gonna just I don't even know what half of these are that's a chalk brush charcoal charcoal [Music] fine vegetation okay we'll try the vegetation brush okay so I'm gonna click on this blue go over here I'm gonna try to get this dark green and that's decent brush size I want the opacity to be a hundred I'm gonna maybe turn down the hardness a little bit to like 80 and then I'm just gonna see what happens oh you know what I think I want to undo the selection now so select none and that way I can get a little higher if I need to pushing a couple times click OK click it click but you see kind of populate clicking a lot that kind of vegetation I just keep it click to quickly click click click don't worry if it's all kind of flat looking because it's pretty much all the same color it goes there alright so that's what it looks like might turn that off ok so you see the spots a missing that's why it's good to turn this on and off you can see the little green spots that I missed and you can see that transparency over here now to make it look better I mean that's all the same green turn off the middle ground you see there's other like lighter greens in there so I'm going to go to the color and make my brush way smaller and basically oh I don't like that at a done deal I still have the vegetation brush maybe make it a little bit just a touch this a touch happy little phrases Bob Ross would say you end this one right there you see that it's fine I'll get to there let's look at the other side I just just basically skating on you know where it makes sense it'll be on the sunshine here so it's gonna be brighter there maybe I'll even get a if I turn this off a different color let's choose back to that dark green it's right there I'm gonna make my brush way bigger constantly turn that on and off on and off to see where I need to go or you push darker can't see and see that it's already starting to work all right cell is turn it off right here's what that looks like turn that off still got a lot of detail to do in there [Music] [Music] and maybe get a lighter that lighter color again [Music] maybe get a little bit more yellower so it doesn't always say so you'll see that I'm constantly like going back and forth I don't like it's too opaque turn down the opacity greatly it's all about you experimenting with the brush you know opacity is a big one don't always leave it at a hundred you know you get those nice kind of fading effects when you you turn down the opacity so don't forget to do that in fact I'm gonna go even darker on some of this stuff I'm gonna try to make it look better in the picture which is possible but we'll try let's get that green we go a little darker okay opacity is still pretty low I got a good brush maybe make it a little bit bigger see it's now dark because the more I go over it the darker it gets because I have the opacity set where it is but a little bit down there towards the bottom of the vegetation because that's where it's gonna be the darkest with the shadows now if I turn this off right here you can see oh that's pretty good yeah looks nice let me go back here this kind of looks still kind of flat you know still all the same color green so maybe I will make it a little bit lighter I'm not gonna do all that I don't think so that's that's too much so I'm just going to you know make it up like I said you can pick and choose what you want to do I want to go back to my block to brush opacity down really severely like 25% just speeding it like that [Music] like that one okay so let's see what that looks like if I turn this off so you know it's pretty good look so what I can still you know add more of this to kind of work on that edge so it doesn't end all of a sudden it's got the yeah it's where I drew the the selection line it's kind of faded out now over here and my opacity is set really low so that's why I'm able to kind of get this kind of nice dissolve so let's turn them all on see what we got you can see the ground now covers up the middle ground so what I'm going to do is move the middle ground above the ground and then you can see where I still mountains are still there so what's what's really happening with that maybe I'll move the ground back down to where it was middle ground and go back up to the ground layer and now get my eraser which is right there choose a brush that you can control well so I would say block 2 works well he and I'm going okay so I selected that brush [Music] and now I'm just gonna like leave a race [Music] turn off turn it off turn off turn off got this guy right there and off so what is happening between the some something happens and I still need to fix this kind of part right there I'm trying to figure out on the sky what that is I guess the sky layer so if I get the sky layer race in this part that there's nothing there so that'd undo like I said I'm still learning this this software to somebody turn that on what is right in between there looks like another row of mountains like turning mountains on I got that middle ground so basically I'm missing this in this inside part so turn off that turn off that I'm going to now try to get that gap fixed and that this is that gap right here see that orange you still see the Sun I guess right from there to there so I'm gonna make a new layer layer new layer I'm gonna call this [Music] lower mountains basically let's get loud lower mountains that will be above the Sun from back to forward it's sky Sun and mountains lower mountains middle ground ground okay good so I'm gonna turn off mountains the Sun the sky and the ground I'm gonna leave the middle ground on because I want to see where exactly I need to go in the lower mountains I'm gonna get my selection [Music] [Music] still getting all those overlap dismount a little bit click click click quickly you too maybe I'll go ahead and just do this little mouse and then I go back down here it's yellow I love this I wish they had this in Photoshop so I click on it creates that selection so now I'm going to go to my brush tool [Music] Oh opacities down 25 so always be aware of her your opacity is I'm gonna turn that all we have to 100 brush see that's what it looks like so turn this off I think I'm gonna leave that the way it is kind of like that no the way that looks simple money hits except I'm gonna fade it out into this Creek a little better so I'm gonna gonna select none turn off that and you can see right there I want to fake that see that line right there so get my brush maybe get a darker color cuz I think that'll look nice brown just slightly darker turn the opacity down because I don't I'm basically feathering this brush that is way too big all right so see them basically trying to create a little bit of value and depth in there you can see that the middle ground is above the lower mountain so that's why as much as I try to blend that I can't because I need to go to the middle ground to do that so I'm just gonna basically skate the bottom of these mountains with this darker color that nice gradient going you know so now I'm gonna go back up to the middle ground because that's where I see that that greens not really blending and I'm gonna choose that green so they're passing yes I'm gonna turn the opacity down [Music] it seems going over it now I'm just trying to get rid of that okay so now when I turn on everything let's see what that looks like you still get a little bit right there and right there that I missed so what I need to do is I'm gonna give up to the lower amounts no in the mountains mountains because the mountain layer is behind the lower mountains and I'm going to choose a kind of a dark purple maybe and I don't worry if you mess up a bunch of times you can always start over I'm not creating these really hard I just want you guys be able to you know create stuff it's always good to learn new stuff alright that's way too dark compared to [Music] after a fill on the spots we still have like this little spot right there so I need to go to the middle ground and fix that and get up [Music] I'll tell you get it to look like that it's got some you know delineation between the levels now I'm gonna turn the opacity now because it still stands out a lot it doesn't blend very well [Music] [Music] so so far we have all that and so we have so far we still need to do all this down here so so far so good I'm gonna turn this back on turn these off that's what I do you do now is maybe this path right here and again if you don't want to do the path you don't have to do the path you can do something else maybe I won't even do the path now that I think about it cuz I didn't put it put it right there so I'm not I'll do the path but I won't do that one so I'm gonna make a new layer layer new layer [Music] use this tool click if you hold down your mouse you can do the kind of you know more organic selection but if you let go of the mouse it goes back to this [Music] really polygonal lasso tool type so I double click to connect it you see the selection now I'll use probably just a green brush now it's time to experiment with more brushes so I'm just going to go through these it's you know a vegetation brush so let's see what this looks like anytime you you color something nothing shows up it's probably because you know past see it's nice to have that selection because my brush is bigger than this part I need to color but I can use the selection to my advantage [Music] see what it looks like [Music] [Music] this looks like alright good now I need to get that Brown in right there so what I'm gonna do is make a new layer while this is still selected they later call this one path around and I'm going to get this color right I'm basically gonna use my other brush go back up here to block to turn capacity up turn the size up that's just going to color overall this you're probably thinking what did you just do you just tell it over here your green path no I didn't it's fine I'm gonna turn this off still look like other flecks of purple and lighter colors in there so I try to put this we do the yellow - now the opacity back to the path around gotta figure out [Music] I think that's where it is [Music] here is where you can use the jitter tool I'm apply jitter and you maybe make it even lighter so you get like even lighter color and okay and if you click and drag see out it does that kind of stuff [Music] so you'd see that's a nice effect right there the jitter can work wonders for you to learn it right now I'm gonna try to get a that purple that I saw you choose that purple right there pasty still really low but if you go over more and more it gets darker see like that [Music] all right so we still had that vegetation but it's underneath the path so I'm going to take this layer and move it underneath the path and then you can see oh that's why I did that so now we go back up to the path and turn off the path turn off the path around you see there's like other little bits of yellow in there some other path layer always remember what layer you're on click right here choose a lighter green and this is where the jitter comes in and again you can experiment with that I'm gonna click and drag you can kind of see it does it little it's a nice make the brush smaller though because it's overpowering what I already laid down let's maybe go a little lighter a little bit more yellow just a little bit this is it almost exactly like painting you just kind of a little bit now that I have it you know pretty much where I want it I kind of want to get rid of this selection so I'm gonna go select none' see that hard edge now I don't like that so I'm just gonna take this green go over it a couple times like that so it gets rid of that hard line over here Joe just go down that line like that if you want to get darker you obviously can do that darker choose this green it's cuz the opacity still it's still pretty low [Music] and if you want to see what it looks like obviously you turn off all these and then turn these on this is what I have so far I need to put the ground underneath both paths like that all right good [Music] so the next step by turn again you might have to rearrange your layers so they make sense I'm gonna turn all these off turn that on now I'm gonna try to do this part and then that part and I think it should be done so make a layer new layer will call this wheat [Music] and I'll use this selection tool for this as well except there's something we'll hold down the mouse button to make it a little bit more organic and not so precise right now I'm going to get my brush [Music] and you drop her try to get that same color max and why is it the darker color first so go back to color [Music] if you drop some of this color right here and brush it off you'll keep the block on and make it a little bigger and tamp the opacity a little bit brush is still too small [Music] you see I still have the jitter on it adds that nice kind of effect like that I think I need a yellow or a yellow or color so let me get my colors that looks like it's still really see through a little bit so I'm just basically go over all over with this yellow and then use that darker Brown to kind of blend it in a little bit definitely turn down the opacity even more [Music] so it's not so so you have more control over your shading ability so it looks like there's all kinds of you know darker Browns over there to us is why I wish I had to burn till I don't I don't even if they have the burnt when here I don't even look so if they do it's great but right now we're just gonna be painting so I'm going to go a little bit darker it okay try to get a spot over here now I need to get a brush that really looks like vegetation and I don't know where they are see what this does like that trying to get a brush that resembles grass or something there's are just long [Music] brunch now splat splat see they're pixel Noel one pixel smoked pencil Oh [Music] grass you ever ask I don't see doesn't look like grass I'm gonna go a little bit darker turn up the opacity just a little bit basically just experimenting with us [Music] it's on a little bit lighter [Music] [Music] yeah always be aware of your hardness as well because I didn't even realize it was at a 100% all right so let's see what these look like [Music] okay I guess the last step is right over here so so turn all these off select this area right over here so go to layer new layer and now I'm going to put like grass left [Music] and I'm going to use the selection tool again and hold down my mouse button I can review all this right here and connect there's your selection grass should probably be at the very very top because it's one of the first layers that we should see so I'm gonna go to the brush tool and get my color I think I'm gonna stick with the grass brush I might turn up the opacity though to wander if I just want to get a color in there I still have the jitter on and you can see what this looks like if you turn this off so I have all that so far and off so I want to get a darker I'd kind of darker color there so I click on this clip okay still have the jitter on and you can see the opacities at a hundred which is fine because the jitter kind of helps with that I'm just you know kind of skating around this bottom part while it's selected [Music] all right turn it off it still needs to be a little darker over here [Music] good good good I need to go a little bit lighter up there and you still see it's kind of see-through so I definitely need to address that and fix that so I'm gonna go back to my brush click on that get these lighter colors no one obviously mess with the brush sizes maybe even go even lighter [Music] okay so let's see what that looks like it's pretty good select none now I'm going to turn all of them on except the background now I don't like really the way this hard edge looks so I'm gonna try to fix that with make sure nothing's selected I'm on the grass left layer and I'm gonna get my brush I'm gonna get it prior dark brush whatever that color is my brush so it's not so Blair looks like really hard pixel wines and if you have anything you need to fix it be your top layer that you want to fix it at say you don't like the way this this blends in right there you can always figure out you know maybe I go to the wheat layer and kind of add a lighter color to there so it'd be this one just gonna maybe turn the jitter off [Music] okay so that's pretty much it if you're kind of happy with it it's still see some transparency right there so maybe I need to you know go back to the greens and you know you kind of have to look for that kind of stuff Oh [Music] jitter back on like I said it I'm still learning too so it's all about experimenting you know get it to where you like if you mess up don't worry cuz it's this is just kind of for fun and I mean I would like to grade it but I'm more concerned with you guys you know creating something just at this point so I had a little I don't know if I like that so maybe I'll get a little darker [Music] now if you want you can sign your name somehow I don't know how to type in here okay maybe a system all right here so make sure nothing's selected sites nothing selected when I click on the a and I just click just gonna type wonder if we can do something I have no idea what I'm doing to be honest yes you know hopefully you learn something but you're not even close to being done yet because you still have to if you wanted to add clouds you could add clouds but this video is going on long enough it's over an hour already so here's how you save it first you don't need this layer so do not turn this layer on I mean even if he do nothing's gonna happen hopefully that you covered all the spots so you can actually delete it so right click and I guess delete layer there it is so there is this so file save as it's gonna save it as a xcf file we don't want to do that so it cancel we want to go to file and we want to let's say it's export export as there it is sport as and this is gonna pop up in the name type in your name digital and make sure that says jpg if it doesn't you got to go down here select file type and scroll down to jpg and then make sure that's selected you can see it up there save somewhere where you know where it is so you might have to go up here and make sure it's not saving in some weird folder so make sure you know where it saves you might have to click on this to make sure you know where is it getting safe to so I like the desktop the Claver digital pain JPEG blah blah blah it export this is gonna pop up you can crank that up to 100 if you want it's not necessary you're gonna have to click export' again [Music] alright so it should be right here now if you submit these and you want to get a grade it would be really helpful if you submit both of them what she looked off of and what she finished so you can do that in Schoology when you go to [Music] submissions so we'll just pretend I'm going to a different it'll be available the this folder I just haven't made it yet the submission assignment but it'll be there but you know act like you're going to you know another project we had to submit something you know submission link over here add submission you're gonna do that twice so you're gonna submit the first picture will be the picture you lift off of the second picture what it what it ended up looking like so for mine if I go this was this was the picture and this was the digital thing of those Schoology or if you want to comment anyway just I just want you to put you know do something so hopefully you learned something about digital pain and obviously [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Klaber Ar†
Views: 7,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6tjYB0ygIjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 1sec (4381 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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