Building a Small Business While Balancing Motherhood & Work | DITL | What I Eat on WW Purple |

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[Music] we can't pretend love we're just friends yeah but who are we kidding we can't pretend love we feel nothing but if you're game i am willing to jump [Music] cause i've been thinking about you all the time [Music] [Music] hey guys and welcome to another day in the life so i just got to society west salon to get my lash fill i wanted to show you guys a little before and after i can't even like i'm so blind i can't even see but this eye has held up really really well and it usually always does i feel like my right eye is always my good eye when it comes to like mascara my lashes don't seem to really fall out a whole ton this eye not so much i definitely definitely need a fill um i kind of push it out to three weeks just because going every two weeks would really add up pretty quick that's pretty expensive so i go every three weeks and yeah so by the time i need to fill i really need to fill but i'm actually surprised i feel like this i held up really really well so um so yeah i just took a shower this morning i blow-dried my hair i did not have time to straighten it so it's kind of a hot mess um but my appointment's at nine o'clock and it is now 8 55 so i'm gonna head in here in just a couple minutes i start work today at 10 o'clock so i should be home right around that time usually the fills don't really take that long they're like 45 minutes or so and so yeah when i get home i have to start work right away and then i have a extremely extremely busy day today i'm not looking forward to it to be honest but i have calls scheduled back to back to back from 12 30 until five o'clock tonight so i have a ton of appointments today and that just happened some days i don't have a ton some days i have quite a few and then some days are just completely packed like today and so um you know i've been out of the office for i was out of the office for almost a week um because i took last thursday friday and then monday tuesday off um so i yeah i've been gone for just about a week so kind of goes comes with the territory i guess when you're out of the office for so long you know you have to kind of make up for missed appointments and all that kind of stuff so yeah so when i get home i have to start grinding right away um probably just really focus on getting my emails taken care of any of my you know essential actions or tasks taken care of and get those all done just so that once i get to my calls i just have to focus on my calls and focus on putting notes into the system and that sort of thing and then i'll get off work at five o'clock and we'll have dinner as a family and probably go for an after dinner walk as per usual you guys have seen that a million times by now that's pretty much our routine and then um i really want to start you know kind of participating more in bedtime with the girls i just really miss it honestly there was just a one day i remember what day it was but there was a day that andrew wasn't home and i did bedtime for both of the girls and i just loved it so much like i love getting them ready in the morning i love putting them to bed at night i love giving them a bath and brushing their hair and just all that kind of stuff and yeah i just miss it so um i am going to be doing that and i set business hours from eight to nine tonight so i'll probably spend that time just getting my digital plan with me that i post on fridays ready to go so that is the agenda for today i have not set up my daily duo quite yet so i need to do that i normally would do some business stuff in the morning from 8 to 10 but i had my appointment today and so um they don't want you to shower or get your eyelashes wet for 24 hours after you you know get your fill or get them on so i wanted to be sure to take a shower before i left for my appointment um so yeah that is where we are at i'm gonna go ahead and head in and then i will check in with you guys um a little later all right i am back home from my appointment i've actually been back for a couple hours now but i wanted to sign on and really get all of my emails and tasks just completely out of the way so i am happy to report that those are all done which is good my inbox is cleared out all of my tasks are taken care of so now i can just focus on let's see i've got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 11 12 phone calls um so i am booked solid for the next five and a half hours with calls so that is all that i am going to be doing for the next five and a half hours so here are my eyelashes now that i am back um and everything so i absolutely love adriana she does such an amazing job so i'm really happy with them i had her do a little bit more um like volume fullness in them but i'm really happy with them so that is done they look way way better well this side was not bad like i said earlier but this side really needed it so um so yeah that is done so now i'm just gonna focus on all these calls and i'm gonna get off and then we'll do dinner and hang out with the family for a little bit do bedtime all that good stuff and then um i think i mentioned earlier later tonight i want to make sure to get my digital plan with me taken care of because that is going to be tomorrow's video and tomorrow i have a very short work day i always just work like four to four and a half hours on fridays and i adjusted my hours a little bit so that i get off really early so i work from 6 to 10 30 6 in the morning to 10 30 tomorrow so i'll get off really early tomorrow so i may um like include some of tomorrow into this day in the life depending on how much i film today so we'll see um because you know there's only so much i can film with me just talking on the phone constantly so um and then yeah i'll do my digital plan with me and stuff and and then yeah that'll be it so i'm just trying to mentally prepare myself to talk on the phone for five and a half hours i'm struggling a little bit um i mean i look forward to catching up with all of all of my students it's just um talking that much like my voice my throat ends up hurting and just i don't know it's just yeah it's a lot um to not have any breaks that's the thing is i should have scheduled like a break-in so but i'm gonna get ready to do that and then um i will check in with you guys when i get off work i guess because i'll be talking until i get off [Music] work want to be there and baby dance the night away i let my head down if i want [Music] don't you just get tired chasing fame and being [Music] so much better [Music] beauty [Music] if i want let yourself be free and maybe you will find that there is more to life than being pretty honey let's just face it you can do better let [Music] okay so i got a little lucky i only have a few minutes so i'm gonna real quick show you guys what i'm eating because i um one of my appointments he didn't answer and he had a 30 minute appointment scheduled so i was able to dart out make lunch real quick and yeah so i wanted to show you guys what i'm eating because i do include what i eat in a day in my day in the lives i am currently on a mission to lose more than 100 pounds through ww which is weight watchers so in my previous day in the life videos you can see kind of what i eat in a day and all that so i just yeah ran out real quick and got something because otherwise i would have eaten nothing all day until five o'clock um because i have not eaten like breakfast or anything like that so um so yeah i'm gonna flip you guys around and show you what i have and then i'm gonna eat real quick before my next appointment okay so this is what is for lunch i've got a grilled cheese this is the sara lee 45 calorie bread and then i put spray butter on it and a slice of velveeta cheese so this is three points each slice of bread is a point and the cheese is one point and the butter spray is zero so three points for a grilled cheese not bad and then i have got a clementine here and then i've got kind of a mixture of these quaker um salted caramel rice cakes and then i also have some potato chips or like some sweet and salty so these are the simply ruffles and the quaker caramel things are four points and the chips are three points so that's seven points so this is a ten point lunch i also have my mountain dew diet mountain dew right here for zero points so yeah so ten points all together for this not bad at all so i'm gonna eat this real quick and then i'm gonna continue making calls it is almost two o'clock and yeah i've got an appointment at two it's 1 47 so i'm gonna eat real quick and then i'll check back in with you guys once i get a chance okay it is now 4 56 and i did a lot of talking today but i made it so now it's time to go check on the family see how everyone's doing i'm going to shut this computer down i've got my automatic replies on so i'm just going to close everything up and i've noticed if i don't like at least restart my computer it just like acts up big time on me so um but yeah i feel good that was that was a good good amount of work it's hard getting back into the swing of things when you take so much time off of work is i think what i found most challenging but let's go check on the girls and andrew and kind of see what they are up to i heard some giggling out here oh maddie's hungry shocker hi pumpkin [Music] [Applause] i'm hungry no dinner will be ready soon what you doing what you doing are you paying for me we're just waiting for dinner we're making salmon and what else how do you do that you're so weird stop veggies and potatoes veggies and potatoes but i'm not i don't need to see your eyeballs i'm not do you need to be held i missed you too i see myself hi i want to see myself who is their pretty girl hi so we are getting ready to sit down and have dinner so i thought i would just go ahead the lighting looks really weird it's thursday it's the day i filmed my day in the life the lighting looks really weird for some reason um but i wanted to show you guys what we are eating thanks to this uh chef over here yeah salmon so you'll learn my food oh she's on the table oh my gosh so we've got salmon and veggies and then some roasted potatoes all of which are zero points which is great so that is what is for dinner so we're just going to eat real quick and then we'll go for our little family dinner walk what do you think of the salmon good yeah what do you think you got salmon and veggies too maybe get you some potatoes so some potatoes for our little potato julia was struggling she wanted she didn't want to be in her booster so now she's on the bench and she goes ah whenever she wants a bite or something [Laughter] yeah whatever works julia wants to be grown up like now [Music] they're eating salmon oh yeah the rest she spit it out all over the table oh yeah she eats when i feed her yeah she does ah yeah [Laughter] [Music] i was at the wrong place at the right time because suddenly there you were with those bright blue eyes we were conversing into the night sky [Music] when you took my hand said let's leave now [Music] don't wanna be shy [Music] a little deeper love a little louder we went to a small bar with neon lights talked about everything that was on our mind [Music] talking to you give me butterflies then you [Music] don't wanna [Music] [Music] talk a little deeper love a little louder love a little louder out loud love out loud don't wanna be shy i will let my guard down i wanna laugh out loud [Music] hey so it is now the next day i am filming this friday february 19th and it is about 12 30 so i've actually already wrapped up my work day for my full-time job um we just didn't really get a chance to film much else last night and honestly julia was just not in the best mood so we kind of just rushed to get her to bed and everything so i kind of had to cut it off after our family walk so i hope you guys enjoyed that um my husband tried to like sabotage my filming and was just being a total goof so yeah it's pretty funny so yeah so now i'm just uh getting to work and everything on business stuff and let's see i have been editing this day in the life i think i maybe mentioned that already i don't know and then i need to film my daily duo plan with me that will be monday's video so i'd like to get that done today i do have my um daily duo set up so i'll show you guys kind of what the game plan is for today okay so let me go ahead and um flip you guys around and show you what's going on okay so here is the game plan for today so as i mentioned full-time job stuff is totally done i got everything done there i ordered a couple custom script items from sarah marie stickers that i'm really excited about i think it'll kind of help me organize my to-do list a little bit more the video for today went up that was my digital plan with me and then i'm currently editing and uploading well editing my day in the life and then whatever clips i film today will get um tacked onto that but everything i've filmed so far is edited and like ready to go and then um yeah i want to get my daily duo done and then i want to start designing my budget kits i have my planning kits all designed and ready to go but if i can get all this done today that'd be great and then over the weekend i want to work on cropping and compressing this is all for may by the way which may won't actually get released until um let me pull up a calendar and see so may will get released on april 14th so the reason why i'm working on it now is because i figure if i have april and may done that will give me all of march all of april to work on my meal meal planner and other projects because i'd like to get my meal planner up as soon as possible but there's a lot of other fun things that i've been thinking about that i'm really excited to share with you guys so yeah so that's kind of the plan so what i'm gonna do now is i might actually go grab some lunch i did eat earlier today and i forgot to film it so for breakfast i just had toast with um i'm a creature of habit you guys have probably seen this meal before but just toast with a laughing cow spicy pepper jack cheese and then a fried egg on top and then a couple clementines it's what i eat for breakfast almost every day although i do want to start switching it up a little bit i'm kind of getting to the point where i want to start focusing on like not that that's like an unhealthy breakfast in any way it's not but i want to start um getting more like vegetables into my diet so whether that means adding vegetables to the eggs and then still having that spicy toast that would be fine but i also really enjoy doing veggie scrambles so i want to start doing those more and then i've been really missing oatmeal a lot lately it's been and you guys are going to think i'm ridiculous but it's been a little chilly in my opinion in arizona but for the rest of the world it's not at all it's um we've been in like a high of 60s 70s and then like the low of 40s and stuff like that but when it gets like nighttime and in the morning it's chilly to me but um that's just because i'm not used to like super cold weather um so i've been really missing oatmeal because i just really enjoy having hot oatmeal on like a cold morning i do not like cold oatmeal i know you can make like overnight oats and stuff i'm not a fan um let me know what you guys think down below but i just i don't know whenever i have oatmeal i feel like it has to be hot maybe that's just me i don't know so um yeah so that's where we're at again it's about 12 4 it's 12 40 right now so i'm gonna go ahead and make some lunch i'll show you guys what i'm eating or you know what i'm gonna film my daily duo first because julia is currently napping and the house is a little bit more quiet so um and i know my husband's not going to be taking the kids to the gym because he already went this morning with julia so this is kind of now my chance to get some quiet time in where i can like um film my video and all that kind of stuff so i'm going to do that real quick and then i will get lunch and i'll check back in with you guys and show you what i'm eating in just a little bit so i just got done filming my uh daily duo plan with me and i just uploaded everything i wanted to show you guys kind of this process because i i what am i trying to say it's been a long week you guys um but i get a lot of questions about what software i use how i edit my videos things like that so i thought i would show you guys sort of some behind the scenes of that whole process one thing that i'm gonna be working on moving forward is kind of instead of batch filming filming certain videos on certain days and filming like two videos max in a day reason being because when i film so many videos in one day i feel like i don't have very much to talk about so i filmed my digital plan with me today or did my voice over for it i'm filming my day in the life today and then i filmed my daily duo plan with me today and i don't know i just struggled filming the daily duo plan with me um today and maybe i should have waited to film it i think it turned out fine but i just i don't know i didn't have much to talk about and um yeah so i'm gonna start working on kind of spreading things apart a little bit more which you guys actually probably saw if you haven't seen already my digital plan with me i did my to-do's throughout the week and um you can kind of see that so i have monday tuesday and thursday morning from 8 to 10 off where i can like focus on business stuff because i don't start work until 10 those days so i figured those would be really good days to film videos because a two-hour block is plenty of time to film it edit it upload it get the thumbnail done all that kind of stuff so what i want to start doing is filming my wednesday video whatever's going up that week on wednesday film that on monday and get that done and then on tuesday i want to film my daily duo plan with me and then wednesday would be my weekly budget check-in because it kind of has to be that day and my digital plan with me so i want to make that a priority and then on thursday i always film my like day in the life video and i think that's pretty much everything right because wednesday video why do i feel like i'm forgetting something let's say yeah no i think that's it that's all of them so and then i have like blocks of time from eight to nine on wednesday thursday and sometimes friday evening where i can do some editing if i need to specifically for the day in the life video the other videos i try to film them to where i just have to do a minimal amount of editing but for the day in the life videos i definitely do a lot more editing um because i add music and i speed clips up and i you know slow them down whatever i may do so that one i typically need some extra time to edit it and then i've got big chunks of time on like friday um to work on like etsy stuff and then if i don't need to edit stuff in the evenings i would work on etsy stuff in the evenings as well so that's kind of the way i've got it set up i think with the way i have my schedule set up currently i have about 18 hours set aside during the work week for business stuff so i have 8 to 10 monday tuesday thursday i have 2 30 to 5 and 8 to 9 wednesday and then i have 8 to 9 on thursday as well friday i get off work at 10 30 so i would work on stuff from 10 30 to 5 until we eat dinner and then i would potentially work that evening as well so those are kind of my business hours right now and i'm really trying to work hard to make it to where i don't have to work on stuff on the weekends anymore so yeah so anyways i thought i'd mention that um just the batch filming it worked for a while but i've just found that i get really burnt out um if i'm not like if i'm filming too much in one day so um so yeah i'm gonna flip you guys around and kind of show you what we're doing here let me go stir my soup real quick actually so for lunch today i'm making soup and meatballs this is something i have all the time um but i need to stir it and make sure it's not like getting crazy our stove um gets really really hot so let's see there's 10 minutes left on this i could microwave this but it's not nearly as good if you microwave it so i like letting it simmer on the stove for like 20 minutes i feel like i'm gonna sneeze and they're just hanging out on the couch i don't know if that's not gonna focus but andrew and maddie are just relaxing and julia's taking a nap so um so yeah i'm gonna flip you guys around and show you this whole process it's pretty simple so here is my computer i've just imported my clips so they're right down here um i know the lighting's kind of a little off but i just plug my sd card into this little thing back here and then once my sd card is in i can upload into imovie using this little arrow and the way i film is overhead so the the footage is always upside down so i'll go in here i'll correct the lighting i will flip this to where it looks right and then i always just improve the sound right away and then i'll just drag this over here i always have my like little intro um thing i created this in keynote oh i'm gonna turn the light off or the light off the sound off oh my goodness um and then i'll grab the other clip and i'll do the same thing i will improve the lighting on it i just click auto and that usually does a good job and then i flip it and then i improve the sound and i drag this into and then i'll just add like transitions i like doing the fade to white when i'm transitioning into my ends and slide and then i like the cross dissolve for the beginning and then i've got my like music in here so when i play it there you guys can see that a little bit better so this is the video you guys might have seen yesterday this is my daily duo plan with me [Music] and then i'll trim off because usually i'm like in the very beginning kind of straightening stuff up or i just like totally fumble my words and need to so i'll just like trim this little part off and here [Music] this is my classic intro it's on most of my videos hey guys welcome back to my channel today we are here for another so then what i'll do is i'll just kind of go through i know i like messed up a little bit um on my like last little clip here i just kind of fumbled you know uh definitely let me know if you have any questions or have anything to say down there so please do not be shy um definitely you know uh [Laughter] so i'll just you know edit that part out um my camera also stops filming at 24 minutes so it cut me off here so i know i'll need to like trim this a little bit and you just split the clip and then i delete it and that's really all there is to it so i'll like edit that little part in here in just a second and then i just um click this little thing and i export it as a mp4 and then i upload that to youtube and that's really all there is to it imovie comes completely free on apple products so that is what i've always used i've never used anything else i find it to be very simple i really like all the features it's really easy to use so that is what i do for editing and uploading my videos and um like i said the date the daily duo plan with me um the digital plan with me the weekly check-in videos those videos typically are very quick to edit and upload so um but where it's a little longer is definitely the day in the life because there's a lot more work that goes into that like i can show you guys this day in the life um let's see so you guys can see like look at how crazy this is so you guys can see like there's music and clips that are sped up and i know the lighting is not good but you guys can see how many like little clips there are and like all the music there and then i need to add more clips at the end the ones i'm filming now so it's a lot more complex to to um edit the day in the life videos but everything else is pretty quick sometimes like the like monthly budget or monthly plan with me and things like that can take a little long too but like i said i really really try to film it to where i don't have to make a ton of edits and but some days i have a harder time talking for whatever reason and i have to do more editing and all that so that's a little behind the scenes of um my youtube process if you will so on my daily duo see i got that all set to go and here's some behind the scenes too of uh the mess that's created after i film the daily duo there's usually stickers like everywhere sticking out of my binder that i need to put away and just like all over the place so that's the aftermath of filming a plan with me i'll have to put all that away but here is my and i got some questions about what the heck this is this is a scalp massager i highly recommend it highly recommend it i have it in my office for moments when i'm very stressed and it definitely helps these are really cheap on um amazon just uh search for scalp massager and you literally just like push it on your head and yeah so and this is a deep conditioner that i still need to bring upstairs but let's go ahead and open up to today and we'll cross some items off and then i'll go check on my soup again so we've got the daily duo filmed and then i just need to edit it and upload it and everything so that is probably what i'll work on when i'm eating lunch and yeah so let's go check on the soup i've got stuff like all over i need to build this little ottoman thing i switched out the colors on that like it's just kind of a mess in here right now here's the big old pile of stuff that we still need to go through but here's the soup so i just want to make sure it gets like super hot this is just um amy's lentil vegetable soup with some turkey meatballs in it and then i like to put a little mozzarella cheese on top it's really really good pretty healthy i get the light sodium soup so that is what i'm having for lunch the soup is two points for the whole can and then the meatballs are i believe five points for six meatballs and the cheese is two points for a quarter cup so it's like a nine point lunch and i'll probably have a diet cherry pepsi or diet mountain dew with that so um i'll share when i actually sit down to eat everything but yeah so i'm just gonna as that's finishing cooking i will work on editing the daily duo plan with me and then um i'll check in on you guys here in just a little bit i'm gonna try to work up until about dinner time so um yeah i think we're off to a really good start i'm just gonna start designing my budget kits and i'll show you guys that here in a little bit so yeah we're making good progress lunch is served so i'm going to show you guys what i am eating so here is lunch i'm having as i mentioned earlier the amy's lentil vegetable soup for two points for the can topped with a quarter cup of mozzarella cheese for two points that's four and then six turkey meatballs for five points so this is nine points for the soup and then i'm having a little treat on the side this is a ww chocolate pretzel snack bar i don't know why it's not focusing but it's chocolate pretzel snack bar just for a little sweet treat and then i have a diet mountain dew right here so that is what i'm having for lunch i'm kind of actually thinking i might go for a walk after lunch i'm just feeling a little like antsy so i feel like a walk outside would be really good for me um i haven't gone on a good walk in a while so i might do that before i like really dive into other stuff but as i'm eating i will edit the daily duo plan with me so that is done and then maybe while it's like uploading and stuff i'll just go ahead and go for a walk so i'm gonna eat and then i will go for a walk maybe check in with you guys during that walk i don't know so we'll just kind of keep the day going okay checking in i have not gone for a walk yet but i finished eating and then i kind of just got very motivated to like start working so that's what i'm gonna do maybe i'll take a longer walk um later tonight i don't know but i wanted to kind of show you guys what i've been working on so i'm gonna turn you around one thing i've been doing um i have my daily duo as well of course but i also started just using the reminders app on my computer because it's just so simple and clean looking so um i've been kind of making like a running to-do list of like what i want to get done so i know i've got like a lot of lists all over the place but for some reason this just kind of works for me don't ask me why i kind of think of my daily duo as like my must-dos for the day like things that i definitely want to get done and this would be more of like in an ideal world now this is not realistic at all i'm not gonna finish this all today but um i did edit and upload my daily duo i have not created the thumbnail for it yet but sorry that that's all fuzzy but it's pretty much done i just need to create the thumbnail for it and then i almost gave you guys a little bit too much of a sneak peek but this is one of my may kits and i've been working on this i won't show you guys like the actual design but here's some of the colors and so i've been designing budget kit one and then i want to try to get two and three done and so this is kind of my process for creating all of my sticker kits is i you know find all the designs and then i will compress the designs and start creating my stickers and i create all of my stickers in canva and once i've got them all created then i um you know um what's the word i'm looking for oh crop them i crop them and i compress them and then i create the goodnotes file so that's sort of my my process and stuff so i've got budget kit one completely done i love all these colors so cute so that is done and then my goal is before dinner it's 3 15 right now before dinner i would love to have budget kit 2 and budget kit 3 designed and then that way later tonight i can start working on cropping and compressing the kits my super ambitious goal is to try to get all of my may kits cropped compressed and get the good notes files done by monday it's going to require a lot of hours but andrew and i have talked about it we know the month of february is just kind of going to be a really busy month for me business-wise since i'm trying to kind of get ahead on things so he knows and he's been amazing i could not do any of this without andrew he has been just super hands-on with the kids like gives me the space and the time that i need to like really invest time into my business and i'm really grateful for that so um hopefully starting in march things will be calmed down and back to normal and i can you know have weekends off but for now this is kind of the sacrifice that i'm making in order to just kind of have things more organized and be and like feel more on top of stuff so anyways so um yeah i've got all my like planning kits designed for may i've got my budget one done all of my april stuff i think i said earlier is completely done i even have like the listings made and everything so the only thing i need to do is film my new releases video and then publish my listings on the day that they go live which i believe is march 10th is when my april stuff will be going live so that is where we are at so again it is 3 15 and we will have dinner around 5 so i feel very confident that i will be able to get everything designed by dinner time and if i finish a little early i might go for a walk before dinner or i might just like hang out with the kids and stuff like that so yeah that is where we are at i just wanted to do a quick check-in and let you guys know what was going on so i'm gonna continue working and then i will check back in here in just a little while all right so it is now 4 30 and i am happy to report that i was able to design all of the budget kits so now i have all of my kits for me designed and ready to go so now i need to move on to the step of cropping and compressing all the stickers which is probably the most tedious part of the process but once everything is cropped and compressed i can create the goodnotes files and then from there i can start to create all the listing photos and all that kind of stuff so i'm pretty excited about that i'm hoping that later tonight i can work on cropping and compressing stuff just to get a head start on it and then um yeah so i'm gonna flip you around and we'll check in with the to-do list for today the daily duo andrew just took the girls to the park i can see them over there they're over there playing so um so i might go join them actually and see what they're up to and i'll take you guys along with but i'm gonna flip you around and we'll go ahead and check some things off the to-do list which is always really fun right we were able to edit and upload the daily duo i do need to create the thumbnail still for it but that does not take very long at all so and then i designed budget one designed budget two and i designed budget three so that is all done editing and up uploading the day in the life i will probably do tonight as well obviously i'm still filming the day in the life but if i can get that done and ready to go for tuesday that will be great so then monday and tuesday's videos will be done and then i will be uh filming and editing and uploading wednesday's video which is my march plan with me i haven't quite decided i'm trying to decide a couple people asked if i would do my monthly plan with me like digital and i can definitely do that for sure i i create a monthly view both in the daily duo and in my digital planner because for my digital planner that's more for like on the go type of stuff um whereas my daily dough kind of helps me create like my daily to-do list and things like that so i don't know how i'm going to do it i don't know if i want to do like two separate videos i can definitely understand why um you know you'd want to see the digital because i set it all up and all that so um i haven't really decided how i'm gonna how i'm going to do that i don't know if i'm going to combine it i feel like that would be a little much so you guys you know you guys are going to see this after i film that video so yeah i don't know i'll figure it out i guess you guys will see tomorrow what i what i came up with but i'm going to go ahead and i need to grab some water i feel like i am like dying of thirst right now but i'm going to go ahead and um i've been really bad about drinking water lately um i'm gonna go over to the park and go see what they are up to and yeah so um and i don't know what we're doing for dinner tonight so i'll touch base with andrew on that as well but i'm excited that i was able to get everything done that i had wanted to and then i'll just work a little bit after bedtime tonight and get kind of a head start on stuff and i need to go to bed early tonight because i have my way in tomorrow so um i do my way in super early on saturday morning at seven because i try to not eat or drink anything before my weigh-in so um but yeah let's go see what andrew and the kids are up to well i was gonna go see how they were doing and then they came home are you back home how is the park i'm playing with markers what's big doing can i just do macaroni and cheese yeah how many parents hear those words when you're making dinner so what you doing they're so high i got two two boxes of mac and cheese beers okay guys so the girls ate dinner we made them mac and cheese per their request or maddie's request and they ate we ended up not going for a family walk um jules has been very snuggly and like really tired i think she's going through a gross spurt so her and i snuggled on the couch and we just watched shows together for a while and then i just got done giving her a bath and putting her to bed and andrew made his own dinner i'm making my dinner right now and i'll show it to you guys i don't think i'm gonna work for the rest of the night um i think andrew and i are gonna watch impractical jokers and just kind of hang out and stuff i'm eating a little later than i wanted to i'm kind of worried about how this is gonna affect my weigh-in in the morning but it's not all about the numbers so um so yeah we'll see how that goes but i'm making my mac and cheese from trader joe's this is my last box so i need to pick some more up in the morning because this is so good and so i've got that with some chopped broccoli and then um these like blackened tyson chicken strips that are like slightly spicy um the only place that carries these near us is target and hopefully they never stop carrying them because they're like my favorite they're really good in like wraps and stuff too or like quesadillas so i just mix all that together it's an eight point dinner um this is eight points and then i've got two points left for the day so i might heat up like a brownie and put some cool whip on it or something like that but yeah i'm gonna close out this day in the life now we're just gonna relax the rest of the night um yeah i definitely thought about working but i'm pretty exhausted it's kind of hard on fridays like once the work week ends and everything it's just i don't know i don't have it in me i got a lot done earlier today though i got everything done i wanted to get done so whatever i would have done tonight would have been bonus stuff anyways so we're gonna watch um a show and then i'm gonna go to bed because my weigh-in's at seven in the morning and we've got grocery pickup tomorrow we have to take the car in for an oil change we've got lots going on tomorrow we go to church tomorrow so yeah i figure i will just go to bed a little early tonight after i eat dinner so andrew's just wrapping up things with maddie upstairs putting her to bed and then he'll come down here and we'll hang out and everything so yeah i hope that you guys enjoyed this day in the life if you did of course please give it a thumbs up and be sure to subscribe if you want to catch my future videos i hope that you guys are having a wonderful tuesday and i will chat with you all later bye [Music] you
Channel: Planning to Prosper
Views: 518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Day in the life, iPad, entrepreneur, Etsy shop owner, planning to prosper, digital planner, digital stickers, work life balance, mom life, ww purple, ww, weight watchers, weight loss, losing weight, YouTuber, building a small business, quitting corporate job
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 47sec (2987 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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