DIESEL vs GASOLINE / PETROL OFF-ROAD, which is better?

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hey Ronnie they'll four-wheeling in Australia welcome to diesel vs. petrol or gasoline this video has come about from mass requests all that off-road aspects of diesel verse petrol a lot of people will sit there now and say no it's an obvious choice as diesel not necessarily there are a lot of different factors here I'm going to cover storage transport off-road all different terrains mud hills sand everything also just a longevity of the vehicles basically every single thing and if it's worth you getting a diesel or a petrol which one's better stay tuned and find out before we get into it we'll start with a fun fact diesel was first used by Rudolf diesel not being diesel Rudolf diesel so next let me fill up your diesel Thank You Rudolf diesel for your diesel engine over here we have petrol Edward Butler was the first to use petrol in a carbureted vehicle and he also invented the carburetor and spark plug and the core pack which one came first well the correct answer is they came at the same time Diesel's not a byproduct the petrol and it's not the other way around in fact kerosene was first petrol was considered a by-product which are then used in vehicles motor vehicles diesel was later used to replace steam engines so there we go let's get a distortion handling storage and handling on road and off road and also transport the first thing we'll talk about is petrol do you want that stuff on your roof probably not but it's probably the safest ball to have it you can't have it in your vehicle so as far as storage goes petrol has vapors diesels more oil-based and petrol is flammable diesel is combustible sidenote flammable combustible how do you tell the difference well there is a flashpoint right in the middle 37.8 degrees celsius anything that burns below that from a naked flame it's flammable anything that burns above that is combustible for example petrol negative 43 degrees it'll just light up it'll light up anywhere diesel on the other hand needs to be heated to about 52 degrees there abouts depending on what additives are in it before it starts igniting frozen comms to diesel and petrol or gasoline when it comes to storage handling and transport well we all know that diesel safer to store and transport we also know it has a better shelf life if there's any cracks or leaks in it availability wise diesel again petrol you're not going to find that on farming equipment machinery and mining equipment they mainly use diesel as far as other uses petrol has way more uses generators chainsaws and starting a fire I don't recommend doing that but if you want to start a fire on a cold wintry night in all the woods wet you can build with petrol you can't do it with diesel filling up your vehicle from a jerrycan okay so petrol is a bit more dangerous to do it with but you know if it's in a controlled environment it's pretty damn safe diesel on the other hand if you get on your hands it is so hard to get off your skin petrol will burn your skin but it's easier to wash off also these are less heavier than petrol not by much but it's still a pro the petrol vehicle cost maintenance cost is all Geo engine petrol gasoline or diesel diesel engines are considerably heavier and stronger constructed than petrol engines why is that why thing is talk another side note thank you very much so we're using a beer can in this case as a piston and cylinder so both diesel and petrol use the same engine principles the four strokes we have intake stroke we have compression stroke power stroke and the last one exhaust stroke everything that's pushed out the main difference between the two is when the fuel is injected into it so take for instance a diesel why they're so much heavier these are what's hard to control and it's going to slow hot spoon so when diesel is injected it's injected right at the point where the compression when you compress air it increases in temperature because you're compressing all that air into one little space that temperature increases to the point of auto ignition Auto ignition is basically when a substance will spontaneously combust so at that point diesel is injected into it on its own into the air that's already in there that's compressed and it explodes uncontrollably all over inside the cylinder and that is why diesel engines are built so much Beeker heavier and stronger and that's what is so noisy there's a lot of knocking a lot of ticking as a rattling that's what diesel engines are so much heavier let's take a petrol engine fuel and air is injected at the same time and a spark plug ignites the fuel at the perfect time it's so much more controlled and so much more smoother and it's also why they can rope so much higher and you can get so much more out of a racecar for it for instance these will motors are made for talk and they're very hard to control on how everything is exploding inside those cylinders and that's why they've built so much stronger we all know the difference now between diesel and petrol gasoline but what does that mean in pros and cons well for example at diesel it's much more expensive rachels cheaper but why is it more expensive well because the more robust build its stronger it lasts longer in comparative to a petrol engine now we're talking the same make and model ok I know that there's some diesel engines I won't our last a petrol engine because there's a much better vehicle we're talking same vehicle relative here parts are more expensive maintenance and some more expensive take for instance a diesel fuel pump way more expensive and a petrol fuel pump petrol hits a lot quieter and a lot smoother noisy rattling vibration driving loss 70 into the flooding noise box but it's awesome because it's torquey race car when I talk petrol I think race car when I talk diesel I think a tractor but tractor long slog through staff race car smash it up dunes and we're gonna get to off-roading in a sec though the end thing here is diesel is an investment petrol is the vehicle you might have for about five years maintenance costs factor all those things in days all versus petrol/gasoline in fuel economy right at idle diesel is going to burn less fuel than a petrol why is that well diesel is a combustible liquid as you already know so it takes its it's a slower burn and it's a more torque at a lower rpm why am I telling you this because it's going to have a factor in something very shortly a petrol burns faster revs higher so at idle there's what burns less petrol burns more let's get to towing you load up a trailer you're going on a long trip on a long trip these always going to be far more efficient than your petrol motor it may not be as fast but it's going to burn a lot less because it's got higher torque at lower rpm you may feel sluggish and it is sluggish compared to a petrol however petrol will burn so much more fuel and to be able to pull that trailer let's load a vehicle up we loaded right up with gear we're at the gvm we're over to GPM because that's what most people are let's be honest a diesel motor will still outperform a petrol motor what we've all been waiting for the terrains now diesel versus petrol/gasoline pros and cons let's talk about sand now this is going to come down to the driver okay this is going to come down to the driver and the top of vehicle the age of the vehicle but in most general cases a petrol I will consider more fun and better off-road on sand however a diesel will use less fuel and it has more torque so to push through the sand in boggy conditions torque is key to stay on top of the sand momentum and power and acceleration is key so let's move to a sand dune petrol why more fun and way better at it however if you get to the top and you're dropping in rpm that's where a Diesel's going to go see you later petrol I'm going over that dune so there's a lot of factors involved here but generally speaking petrol is the winner on sand much more fun I think the fun aspect has got to come in here much more fun driving a petrol on sand rocky terrain we're talking boulders really uncomfortable rocky sections places where you got to worry about your panels diesel is the king of this Conor area with an exception if you have a ridiculous petrol with reduction gears and all that kind of gear but that's not we're talking about we're talking about in general aspects speaking a diesel stock vehicle compared to a petrol stock vehicle far better far be king of the rock slow talk the slow acceleration crawling over rocks sure a petrol can actually match that but there needs to be a modern-day petrol engine with an automatic transmission that has crawl control but where's the fun in that petrol manual and a diesel manual the diesel every diet a week now he gets it uphill and there's all different corner hills this heels you can go fast on and still some go slow on regardless of which Hill it is basal especially on the low hills the low hills you want low talk slow acceleration you don't want to be smashing over rocks sure petrol engine can do it it'll be revving higher be going faster going downhill this is where diesel absolutely smash petrol that's going downhill now with the exception of modern petrels with the crawl control and all those other fancy systems at diesel is much better you use the engine compression you cannot beat engine compression on a diesel compared to a petrol the slow rpm the first gear low on the diesel going down you have so much control compared to a petrol and if a petrol is the olden day automatic forget about it you're going to have brake fade on a massive hill that's all we have mud driving now there's all different cars in my driving but the main principle of my driving is having mud tires with big gaps between the lugs and you want to inject the mud you actually want me all spin in mud so petrol is king in this case rapid acceleration diesel can be a bit sluggish even the turbos petrol if they're it's Bank power power power diesel it's all that talk they can't spin wheels of course but not as good as petrol long grass draw environments people always want to know do DPF SRIA lee catch on fire what are petrol engines and people think about petrol with gasoline engines inside the engine of a diesel we all know the compression goes to a point where it has Auto ignition temperature so it's a lot hotter inside the chamber when it comes out exhaust pot though it's not as hot as a petrol engine so in long grass a petrol engine has a hot exhaust and is more prone to grass fires than a diesel engine is so if you want a very remote trip right out there and there's a lot of spinifex grass or there's a lot of tall grass and diesel motor it has less chance with less prone to starting a vehicle fire so think about that one yes a deeper you can probably level the stakes but DPF have heat shields around them some makes and models don't have as good heat shields I won't mention a particular one in mine but I'm sure someone printed comments below for me water crossings okay so here we have a diesel when we have a petrol gasoline vehicle we're talking I'm gonna talk modern-day you know not carburetor stuff okay forget about the carburetor stuff you're crossing a river that diesel motor providing the snorkels on both vehicles and the air intake is completely 100% sealed the diesel fares better than the petrol does the petrol has more risk it has all these coil packs spark plugs you know all this electrical stuff you have to worry about sure there's modern diesels also have a lot of electrical stuff but the petrol is more prone to that now let's take a snorkel that's not 100% sealed there's water into the intake the diesel will blow up a lot faster than the petrol the petrol can tolerate a bit more h2o inside the block then a diesel can diesel motor 30 to 50 mils of water it's going to kill that engine you're gonna get hydro lock game over these will vers petrol who wins in your mind well I'll give you my force my conclusion on the whole thing there's no denying that diesel won most of those pros and cons however it comes at a cost and that is the cost you pay more money it's an investment I think I mentioned a couple of times so if you want to invest in a vehicle un to keep for longer than five years at a time diesel is a guy if you're not going to keep the vehicle for longer than five years and you're one of those people who trade in vehicles every five years like a lot of other people do petrol petrol makes sense if you are going to remote places you're doing a lot of touring diesel if you you're just going fishing down to the beach if you are just going on the occasional weekend even if you're towing even if you're overloaded petrels fine it's just the frequency of your traveling and the investment in the vehicle that's what I put it down to so you know if you just like in the Sandia's definitely go petrol they're much more fun and they're much cheaper to repair as oh so that's my thoughts that's my conclusion a lot to know yours put it down below and what are you gonna get are you going to get a diesel or a petrol well have I just made a decision harder for you thanks for watching and if you're lots of watch another versus video I've got one on tires here we've got one on automatic versus manual check those videos out subscribe here and I'll see you next time Cheers
Channel: Ronny Dahl
Views: 539,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off-road, tracks, 4wheeling, adventure, 4x4-off-road, DIESEL vs GASOLINE, gasoline vs diesel, diesel vs petrol, diesel off-road, petrol off-road, which is better diesel or gas, diesel 4x4 vs gas 4x4
Id: jcekhtJbqpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 05 2018
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