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The automotive world is filled with good engines  and bad engines. But, some of them are so reliable   and so indestructible that they have reached  legendary status. So, today we're going to   look at some of the most indestructible engines  of all time, and this includes engines from GM,   Toyota, Jeep, Honda, and more. So, let's get right  into it. All right, before we get into this I want   to mention that this list is in no particular  order. There's a lot of good engines out there,   there's a lot of bad engines out there, there's  a lot of indestructible engines out there, so if   your pick isn't on this list, drop a comment down  below letting me know what it is. That being said,   no engine is truly indestructible, as all engines  are mechanical and all mechanical things can fail   in one way or another. Okay, so getting straight  into this, what better place to start out a list   like this than with the Toyota 22R and 22RE. This  little four-cylinder powered various Toyota models   from the late 1970s through the 1990s and gained  quite a reputation for being nearly bulletproof.   One of the most important features that gives the  22R its longevity is its lack of features. It's a   very uncomplicated design and extremely straight  to the point. Overseas you could most famously   find this little engine in the Toyota Hilux, which  if you live here in the US, like I do, pretty   much just the Toyota Tacoma or the Toyota pickup  depending how far back you want to go. But, you   can also find this little 2.4 liter engine in the  4Runner, the Celica, and the Cressida. It doesn't   make a whole lot of power, but it practically  never dies. Like, ever. The only thing you have   to do to keep one of these in commission nearly  indefinitely is changing the timing chain every   100,000 miles or so. That's it. And in typical  fashion with Toyota being Toyota, they completely   overbuilt both the 22R and the 22RE. They flat  out wanted to deliver the most reliable product   possible, even if it meant cutting back on their  profits. Part of the 22R's ridiculous reliability   is the fact that it doesn't make a whole lot of  power and the rev limit is very low for a modern   four-cylinder engine. It might make vehicles like  the Toyota 4Runner absolutely gutless dogs to   drive, but it also makes them nearly unkillable.  Unfortunately, Toyota had to eventually retire the   22RE in 1995 because of its lack of power and  performance, and they wanted to move to larger   engines to get things like the 4Runners to not  be as slow. But, to this day, it is one of the   toughest engines we've ever seen in any automotive  product ever. All right, moving from one little   truck engine to one much larger truck engine,  let's take a look at the Cummins 6BT, which   is the next indestructible engine on the list.  And before you get your panties in a bunch, yes,   I know, the Cummins 6BT was used in a wide array  of different applications. It's a lot more than   just a truck engine, which is partially what makes  it so bulletproof. And before we go further into   the 6BT and what makes it such an indestructible  engine, we should mention that it does have one   fatal flaw, and that's the killer dowel pin,  also known as KDP. As a quick explanation,   KDP is simply a timing cover alignment dowel pin  on the front of the engine. After many many hours   of engine run time, vibration and heat allow  the pin to wiggle loose and then fall into the   timing gear assembly, which can either result  in the pin falling all the way to the oil pan   safely or the pin getting lodged in the gears and  blowing up your entire timing system. Luckily,   it's a very well documented and very well known  problem, so it's super easy to fix. There's tons   of different solutions on the market, so it's  not a complicated thing to fix. Now, part of   what makes the Cummins such an indestructible  engine is the injection system, and if you were   to look at the 12 valve, for example, it's a fully  mechanical injection system. Meaning there are no   electronics controlling the system whatsoever. It  is 100% mechanical. That means there's no stupid   sensors that break, there's no sensors that can  cause the engine to not turn on or to not have the   correct fuel delivery or anything like that. It is  completely mechanical, there's no dumb sensors in   the way of anything. Now obviously there are some  electronics, there's an electronic starter on it,   but you get the point. The later 24 valve  Cummins isn't as blessed with the fully   mechanical injection system, but it's still a very  strong and reliable engine. And it's not uncommon   to see these things, a 6BT, whether it be a 12  valve or a 24 valve, absolutely blow past 300,000   miles with ease. I've personally seen quite a few  of them well over a million miles. It's flat out   one of the most dependable diesel engines of all  time. And I know diesel bros love to argue who has   the best engine, whether that's Duramax, Cummins,  or Powerstroke, but it's hard to argue the 6BT   being the most reliable of the bunch. Maybe you  could argue the 7.3L Powerstroke, but that's   pushing it. Now, I think it's pretty obvious that  if we're talking about a list of indestructible   engines that Honda absolutely must be on there  somewhere. But, for this particular video,   we went with an engine series from Honda that you  might not expect, and that's the D series. Now,   why you might ask? Well, the B series, H Series,  F series, and K series are all incredibly reliable   and robust engines, but there is something  that separates the D series from the rest,   and that's the fact that it wasn't designed with  performance in mind. The lower power output and   more civilian nature of the D series flat out  makes it more indestructible than the B series,   H, K, any of them. The D series was designed as  an ultra reliable little commuter engine. All the   other engine series I just mentioned a moment ago  had a much larger focus on power and performance,   which ultimately does sacrifice on the engine's  reliability. And for those that don't know, the D   series is the little single overhead cam commuter  engine that you'll find in Civics like the EG,   EF, and EK. The majority of D series engines are  single overhead cam, but Honda did make some dual   overhead cam models that had a little bit more of  a focus on performance rather than just being a   pure commuter engine. Now, these little turds were  available for quite some time and displacement   ranges from 1.2L all the way up to 1.7L. But,  you'll generally find find these as 1.5L or   1.6L engines, as those are incredibly popular here  in the US. And in terms of features, the D series   is basically completely void of anything special.  It is as bare bones as you can get, which again,   helps to add to the reliability. It's simple, and  simple means indestructible. I can't tell you how   many stories I've heard about these little engines  with people boosting them and quite literally   trying to kill them, just slamming them off of the  rev limiter, neutral dropping them, you name it;   just physically trying to kill the engine, and  they just won't die. That's how tough these little   things are. All right, now I know the GM guys out  there are waiting for something in this video that   makes them proud to own a GM vehicle, but I hate  to break it to you, it's not going to be a small   block of any generation. I hate that I'm about to  say that these engines are reliable, because they   sound like absolute turds, but there is no denying  the truth, that GM's toughest engine ever, is the   3800 V6. Now 3800 was officially born in 1988  when GM had a major revision to their existing   V6 engine platform, but right off the bat, the  3800 was absolutely nothing special to write home   about. It was a little 160 horsepower natural  aspirated turd, but it had a handful of changes   and innovations that made it better than GM's  previous V6 engines. The 3800 received a few small   upgrades in the early 1990s that bumped power  all the way up to a much more respectable 205   horsepower, but that was only with the addition of  forced induction through a supercharger. Arguably   the best version of the 3800 came around in 1995  and it was known as the 3800 Series 2, which   had a ton of new changes that made it smoother,  lighter, and produced quite a bit more power, with   the naturally aspirated version coming in at 205  horsepower, the exact same amount as the previous   supercharged models, and then the new supercharged  models output a much healthier 240 horsepower. And   I know that on paper, 240 horsepower out of a  supercharged 3.8 liter V6 sounds pretty weak,   and well, it's because it is pretty weak. But, GM  left a ton of power on the table when it comes to   those supercharged 3800 V6 engines, there's a lot  of power right on tap with a smaller supercharger   pulley and a little bit of tuning, these things  make way more power and a lot of torque. Even if   the performance figures weren't particularly  great, it doesn't matter in this context,   because it was super tough. I can't tell you how  many of these little engines I've seen chugging   along well after they should have been dead, which  is even funnier in something like a Buick Regal,   which is the ultimate Grandpa super sleeper sedan  that you would never expect to blow past you on   the highway. If you want a sleeper that's stupid  tough and will put up with your terrible tuning   skills as you learn HP Tuners after putting on  a smaller pulley and wanting to run ethanol,   this is the absolutely perfect engine for the  job at hand. Unfortunately, as we all know,   Ford introduced an overhead cam design to their  V8 engines in the 1990s. And unfortunately,   that ended up destroying the reliability of their  V8 engine. But, long before they did that to their   beloved V8 engines, they offered one of the most  reliable and toughest engines of all time and   that's the Ford inline six. Now, this came in  a few different forms throughout the decades,   including four different generations with a total  of 11 different displacements spread throughout   those various generations. And to give you an idea  of how old these things really are, the very first   226 cubic inch engine was introduced all the way  back back in 1941 and used a flathead design. Now,   the two versions that you and I are most likely  to see are the 240 cubic inch version and the   300 cubic inch version, both of which are part of  the fourth generation iteration of Ford's inline   six engine. And these weren't designed for big  power and big performance like Ford's V8 engines,   rather, these were designed for the complete  opposite. They were designed to not be special   and to power basic commuter cars and simply just  be a reliable little engine. And an interesting   feature that you'll see on one other engine on  this list, is the cylinder head, which forces   both intake and exhaust ports to the same side of  the head. Now, this isn't great for performance,   since the intake ports end up receiving a lot  of extra heat, but it's very simple. Eventually,   the 240 cubic inch version was phased out entirely  due to its poor performance, which left just the   300 cubic inch model available, and it lasted  for quite a bit longer. The larger 300 cubic inch   engines block was quite a bit beefier than the  smaller engine, with seven main bearings down low   and up top included an improved cylinder chamber  design to help out with performance. And frankly,   part of the reason that this engine is so  reliable, so tough, so indestructible, is the fact   that it's not much of a powerhouse at all. This  big ole 4.9L engine only managed to squeeze out   anywhere from 100 to 150 horsepower, depending on  the model. On top of that, this engine also ended   up in loads of non-automotive style applications,  such as tractors, ski lifts, generators,   wood chippers, and so much more. This engine truly  was and is, just about as tough as they come. Now,   this next engine we have actually covered on  this channel as one of the weakest engines of   all time and arguably one of the worst engines  of all time, and that's a Chevy Iron Duke. But,   the reason it was in those videos is because  the horsepower is comically bad, but that same   lack of horsepower is what makes this engine  nearly indestructible. Now, this is a little   2.5L four-cylinder GM offered as a fuel efficient  alternative to their larger V8 engines, but the   power is comically crappy at just 85 horsepower.  That's just 34 horsepower per liter. Now, to put   that into context, if this was a 5.0L engine,  the power output would just be 170 horsepower.   It's impressively bad to say the least. But, on  the bright side, this is a very burly engine,   with an all cast iron construction and a complete  disregard for weight in the entire design. That,   combined with the ultra low power output, combines  for an engine that never experiences any major   stress and ultimately never really breaks. And it  doesn't even feature anything fancy, it doesn't   even feature overhead cams, instead relying on  the much more traditional cam-in-block design,   with push rods to connect everything together.  While it might go down as one of the worst engines   ever in terms of performance, it is one of the  most indestructible engines of all time. Now,   I saved this one for last, because this is an  engine that's personally my favorite on this list,   as I've had a ton of hands-on experience with  these, and that's the Jeep 4.0L. Now don't get me   wrong, although this is known as a Jeep engine, at  its core it is an AMC engine, but not just any AMC   engine, but an engine that can trace its roots  all the way back to 1964 with the AMC Rambler   American. And while the Jeep 4.0L doesn't share  a massive amount with those older AMC engines,   they laid the groundwork that the 4.0L was built  on. During the development stage of the 4.0L,   AMC wasn't exactly thriving incredibly  well, so to save on development cost,   the 4.0L used many of the same parts and  dimensions as other inline 6 engines in the   232ci and 258ci family. And because of the fact  that the Jeep 4.0L has some pretty old roots,   it has some pretty odd design features that you  might not expect for a modern inline six engine.   For one, the cylinder head only has one side, and  what I mean by this, is that it's the same as the   Ford 300 that we looked at earlier, meaning the  intake and exhaust ports go to one side of the   head rather than being split, now this isn't  great for performance as I've mentioned before,   because it pretty much just heat soaks the intake  ports, but it just helps to show how old and   simple this engine design truly is. And unlike the  large majority of modern inline six gas engines,   the Jeep 4.0L doesn't feature overhead cams,  instead using an overhead valve design with one   camshaft residing in the block with push rods to  activate the rockers. Through and through, this   engine is much like a tractor engine and it truly  is nearly impossible to kill. I've personally seen   these things run on five cylinders for thousands  of miles, run while overheating for hours on end,   run under temperature for hours on end from lack  of thermostat, run on zero oil pressure for hours   in a boat. I've seen just about everything with  these and I've only seen about two of them explode   ever. If you guys enjoyed the video be sure to  smash Thumbs Up Button, get subscribed so you   don't miss out on future videos, check out some  of the other stuff on the channel, follow us   on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, we post a lot on  everywhere, and I'll see you guys in the next one.
Channel: Dust Runners Automotive Journal
Views: 999,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 22r, 22re, 6bt, cummins, jeep 4.0l, gm 3800, honda d-series, iron duke
Id: 49Sujap_D6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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