Diesel Engines 101. Class 1.

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hey guys this is Joshua the duct tape channel and this is my free diesel 101 course this is basically the equivalent to a college course you would take not in an engineering sense but as a mechanic and I've taken many diesel courses and automotive courses over the years and this is basically the same information they would be teaching you however I'll be teaching it and it's free which are two big differences from what I was exposed to so this is basically gonna cover the origins of the diesel engine how they work we'll get into the fuel systems air systems oil all the components and this first one we're basically gonna be talking about theory of how it works we're gonna be building our own first diesel engine from our own mines here so it'll kind of give you an in-depth basis to start out and this is gonna be a base level course basically I'm gonna treat this as you have no engine knowledge at all you graduated high school you've never even opened the hood on a car so let's get into the video so it took me a little while to figure out what would be a good starting place for the diesel engine and first thing I could think of was the first place the start would be a book and this book is Moby Dick by Herman Melville and many consider it to be the quintessential American novel if you haven't read it I recommend it although it doesn't have a lot to do with diesel engines it has a lot to do with whaling now what the heck do large sea mammals in the ocean have to do with diesel engines well in the mid-1800s whales were very important to the economy for a couple reasons one was they produce something that in two different forms one was from sperm whales one was from the other types of baleen whales and they would create what they call whale oil you could get a lot of whale oil something like 1800 quarts or something from us a single sperm whale and this oil was used for lamps and was also used for different industrial processes like lubrication and machinery things like that well it was actually quite a good lubricant in certain instances feck will doing research for this I learned that they used whale oil in automatic transmissions up into the 1970s and if you don't believe me they'll look it up I think you'll be surprised by that I did not know that that was kind of interesting now of course anyone with a basic understanding of history realizes that of course whales are not an infinite resource and not only that the very dangerous to get and costly to get now there are other places you can get oil and of course that would be petroleum there's also vegetable oil other items that were developed during the Industrial Revolution but nothing is as abundant and easily processed as petroleum also known as crude oil and as the whale population started to decrease and they were looking for a more reliable and easier and cheaper way to produce oil for machinery of course this black goop that people have known about for thousands of years petroleum is coming out of ground in certain places now if this could be tapped and harnessed it would be a huge boon for the economy not only that it would enable machinery to have a seemingly endless supply of fuel and lubrication so whaling kind of led into the use of petroleum and that's important to understand at least for the history sake of it now there weren't any cars there weren't any airplanes when this was going on in the mid-1800s but there were still machines there were the steam engine of course which didn't use whale oil however it was a either coal or wood powered steam engine and steam is a very interesting engine type because it is very easy to replenish the fuels for it if you're using coal that's very plentiful or wood and you're out in the west on a train you can of course find lots of wood and of course the medium for the steam engine is water which of course is usually found all over the place the profit of steam engine however and another thing with Steven G you could use literally any fuel to power a steam engine you could burn gasoline or kerosene to create the steam to use a steam engine however the problem is it's an efficiency problem a steam engine knows only about five to ten percent efficient that means you pour in a gallon of fuel for a steam engine you burn it to create steam to create propulsion of your train only ten percent of that fuel is getting used for the propulsion the rest is wasted in the heat process so while steam engine is extremely simple and easy to produce especially in the early Industrial Revolution it had many problems mostly due with efficiency so people in the late 1800s with petroleum when it started getting distilled and used especially for kerosene for lamps started to think there's got to be a more efficient way to use this natural resource known as petroleum which is then distilled now distilled petroleum crude oil does not just turn into all diesel or all gasoline or all kerosene and the distillation process is similar like how milk is separated in the skim and cream and whole milk the fuel the crude oil is turn into different items to take a closer look at this distillation process you can see as crude oil is distilled it becomes propane petrol which would be gasoline kerosene diesel and you can tell by the weight how heavy the fuel or oil is so Diesel's more towards the bottom it's a heavier fuel so needed a way to figure out how to use that fuel now the first man to basically invent the diesel engine is the man that it's named after Rudolf diesel who is a german inventor around the turn of the century from the 1800's to the 1900s and in the 1890s he was working on a compression ignition engine and strictly speaking a compression ignition engine is a diesel engine opposed to a spark ignition engine should be like a gas engine or natural gas engine or a propane engine compression ignition does not rely on spark and there's a big difference with that because it changes a lot of the components and the fuel types you can use diesel does not burn very easily in a gasoline engine and gasoline doesn't work very well in a diesel engine so you can use the different fuels in different types of engines and utilize the natural resources of petroleum better after its distillation process now the main reason they were doing this was of course the efficiency of the engine now diesel engines run about a 30% efficiency give or take every engines different so we're talking if you're going from 5% to 30% that's a six-fold increase in efficiency now of course the first models of the diesel engine weren't running that efficient but they were still 15 16 percent efficient so almost a three times increase over the steam engine so the very principle you could see had a lot of potential in it however it's a fairly complicated engine compared to a steam engine because you're just relying on a boiler and then steam pressure so let's theorize and talk about what makes up a diesel engine and what you need for it to operate okay so the basics of a diesel engine we are going to theorize like we're gonna have to invent our first compression ignition engine ourselves none has been invented yet now one good thing about a diesel opposed to a spark ignition engine is you do not need any sort of electrical input since you're not making a spark you could have a fully mechanical diesel engine this would require it no battery nothing electrical it would be strictly mechanical unlike on a gas engine where you always have a spark plug so you have this natural resource you have petroleum which makes diesel and then you have all this energy a gallon diesel has about 35,000 calories in it which compared to a gallon of milk about 10 times as much so you have all this energy and you want to efficiently use it to power a machine and the machine you're powering doesn't really matter it could be a piece of earth-moving equipment it could be a car which hadn't been invented it it could be a train which had been used for several decades machinery and manufacturing almost limitless possibilities so how best to utilize this diesel fuel now diesel fuel is not easily ignited if you just pour it on a table and put a match in it a light you need to get it under pressure and it needs to be exposed to a lot of heat so what if you put it in a can let's say you took a can you took the lid off and this was a big steel heavy can and you pour it a little bit of diesel fuel in and then you took a pump like a bike pump and you pumped it up and you had to figure out a way then to ignite the fuel right that's an issue not only that the diesel fuel if you pour it in we're just being a puddle on the bottom it's best ignited when it's atomized when it's a mist so you would need something where you're actually gonna spray the diesel fuel in with it under heat and under pressure now if you take a can and you pressurize it let's say you take this same canister and you you put a lid on it you pump it up with a bike pump and you create 800 psi of pressure in there while compressing all those air molecules initially is gonna heat them up because all the heat in those air molecules is gonna be compressed and maybe that'll be hot enough to like this diesel fuel well the downside to that is once you're done compressing it the heats gonna start dissipating through the machine through the canister because he goes from higher heat intensive to lower heat intensity so you have to somehow get this canister and pump it up really fast and then try to spray in your diesel fuel with some sort of mister or something under pressure very rapidly now if you were to say do that quick enough you could create a compression-ignition explosion which would cause the diesel fuel that has sprayed in to ignite and then compress it would burn up all the oxygen but where would the pressure go you then just wind up with a canister under pressure that would then have a lot more pressure because you'd have an explosion that going on it so you have a canister and but what does that do you've just created a bunch of pressure well this pressure you need to harness that pressure remember the steam engine had steam pressure that was used to move things so you need something that when you explode it it would force something to move and moving this item you could utilize the movement of that item as a machine and with that machine you could do all sorts of stuff you could put it through a transmission that would go through a differential though turn your wheels it could be used on some sort of crop harvesting machine it could be using any sort of textile industries pretty much anything that could spin or rotate could be used by this machine so you'd need to take that canister you had and put a hole in the bottom of it and then you'd need to fill that hole almost completely up with something that would move right now what would you call that well you would call that a cylinder and the thing moving inside of it you would call a piston now this is a piston believe this is out of a 3208 caterpillar engine and you can see from the chart marks that this has had millions of revolutions on millions of these explosions were theorizing about and to make this piston it would also have to be subjected to the heat and the intensity of the liner so or the cylinder so you would need to make it out of something hard like forged aluminum or steel now the problem is is the piston needs to be able to move in the cylinder so it can't be the same size as the cylinder the problem with that being is what happens to metal as it expands or I'm sorry as metal heats up as heats up it expands so if you had a piston that was one-tenth of a millimeter smaller than your cylinder that's moving up and down in as that cylinder was getting heated up by the combustion process the piston itself would actually expand to the point where it would grab against the sauna and what would happen then is when you combust it it would grab against the cylinder and if there was enough pressure it would dig into the sides of the cylinder and push down in the cylinder and ruin the cylinder basically you get heavy vertical scouring this still happens actually and how does this happen well this is generally seen on engines that are severely overheated if you get your engine up to about 250 degrees depending on the engine most diesel engines you'll get what they call four corners seizure so what happens is four sides of this piston will expand to the point that they start touching the cylinder walls and in the up and down motion it'll just destroy the cylinder there'll be so many heavy grooves in it that the cylinders destroyed so basically you need a way to move the piston up and down in the cylinder while creating this explosion that would harness the energy and force the piston down but not have the piston contacting the cylinder walls so you would need something that is somewhat movable but also extremely strong hands gonna fill up the gap between the piston and the cylinder wall and maybe you could use rubber the problem is high heat and high temperature so that would burn off you would need to use something like that oh just like this piston this is metal piston ring and what they call an oil control ring but we'll talk about those later so you have your piston and then you invent your piston rings which have a gap and the gaps there to allow for expansion because remember the cylinder when you put it in the cylinder it's gonna compress this and you need a little bit of a gap if there is no grab the ring would break immediately once it heat it up okay so in our theoretical engine here we have a cylinder now we have a piston and we have piston rings so you now have a canister and a piston and not only that the piston is gonna help create this force of air pressure because when you push the piston up in the cylinder now instead of using your high-powered bicycle pump to create all this air pressure moving the piston up on the cylinder will create tons of air pressure and tons of heat by compressing all those air molecules so we don't need our bike pump any more Pistons gonna do that for us now what about a way to get fuel in the cylinder using a mr. doesn't really work you need some sort of extremely reliable way to fire and mist the fuel into the cylinder when the air is compressed well that is where we get an injector and injector is not really a good term for it actually be a nozzle now a nozzle just like a hose nozzle when you put pressurized liquids fuel in this case through it it's gonna Adam eyes it kind of like a mr. except this was you know steel instead of a plastic bottle now the nozzle is gonna be supplied with high-pressure fuel and when it gets a high enough pressure it's gonna spray a mist of diesel fuel into the cylinder which has been pressurized by the piston and it's then going to ignite once the fuel hits the superheated air and pressure once it's ignited it's gonna force that piston back down okay now we've identified certain parts already we've identified the piston the importance of the piston rings the nozzle the cylinder itself now there's many other components we need to add to this to make it a functional machine because what does what's holding on to the piston the piston just moving up and down you have to push it up with your hand or whatever and then or just push down and then you'd have to push it up again so you need a way of a machine that when the explosion happens it would push the piston down in the cylinder it would then need a way to move back up in that cylinder so you would need something that would connect to the piston some sort of rod that connects to the piston to something that's spinning so this is called a wrist pin this connects to something called a connecting rod because it's a rod that connects to the piston and the other part of that that it's going to connect to is something called a crankshaft now a crankshaft is where your vertical movement of the piston up and down on the cylinder gets converted into rotary movement because the crankshaft is moving in a circle meanwhile the piston is moving vertically in the way it does that is when it fires the connecting rod is moving around the crankshaft so it's always the end of the crank or the end of the connecting rod that's bolted to the crack is always going in a circle meanwhile the end of the connecting rod that's connected to the piston is always moving vertically so that's how you convert your downward force of the piston into rotary force which is much more usable there's not a lot you can do with just a back-and-forth motion unless you're running like a a saw or something so you have now found a way to convert your downward pressure of the piston through the connecting rod into the crankshaft in the crankshaft will spin and that spinning motion you can harness that energy and like I said most of the entered not most but a large percentage of the energy is going to be retained and go directly into the crankshaft for use for whatever your application is so we now have a nozzle that sprays the fuel we have a piston piston ring connecting run to crankshaft okay so we have a lot of the parts that are in a diesel engine already that we've theorized and figured out ourselves right now one thing we haven't addressed yet is err you need oxygen now air has oxygen in it but it's not mostly oxygen there's only a percentage oxygen most of it's actually nitrogen which of course you can't burn you need oxygen for combustion so the way we were talking about it before you were compressing air it was getting hot it was igniting with the fuel and I was pushing the piston down and then the piston was coming back up the problem with that is if you were to take your cylinder and put your piston in it and then do that once compress the air ignite it and push the piston down and come back up when it comes back up it's not compressing air with oxygen in anymore you have burned the oxygen and you've created carbon dioxide because you've added carbon from the fuel and ignited it with the oxygen 90 of carbon dioxide which is not useful because you need oxygen so okay well that's a problem because how are we supposed to get air in our cylinder every single time then we would need a way to move air fresh air into the cylinder turn that device off so that the air is trapped in the cylinder so that when the piston comes back up in the cylinder it is now compressing your fresh air when that ignites with the spraying of the nozzle forcing the piston down that air is going to be superheated and create a lot of pressure it's also going to burn up all the oxygen and then on the next stroke up that piston is gonna have to force out all of the carbon dioxide unburned fuel and exhaust air it's exhausted air out of somewhere so you may have a single let's call it a valve let's say let's say you have an an air valve that you could open it would let air in as the Pistons coming down you would then close it before the piston comes back up you would compress this air ignite it piston go back down on a downward stroke burning all the oxygen and then when the piston comes back up to compress the now exhausted air you'd have to open that valve again but now you wouldn't be allowing fresh air in because there's all this pressure and heat in there you'd have to let that air out now the problem is if you use a single air valve you would be pushing that exhausted air into the same manifold as the fresh air in coming to the cylinder so that doesn't work very well so instead of having a single valve on this stroke that's taking for four different actions here we have an intake of air we have a compression of air we have the ignition powering the piston down and then we have the exhaust of the the exhaust that are being pushed out you have an intake compression power and exhaust stroke so you'd want an air you'd want to valves one would allow fresh air in that would close when the piston starts coming back up on the cylinder to compress the air and then you'd run a different valve to open after the Pistons come down after the power stroke to let the exhaust that air out into a different manifold now this would create what we call the four stroke cycle four stroke engine cycle we just figured it out we have an intake compression power and exhaust now there's a simpler version we're not going to be going into in this video called a two stroke cycle but it they're very they're dirtier running and you don't really see them that much anymore and the four stroke cycle is pretty much everything you're gonna see so we're gonna focus on that four stroke cycle we'll say the two stroke cycle for another video so we now have we now have an engine you've just created your first diesel engined has a piston a cylinder you have valves you have a nozzle that will spray fuel in there you have a crankshaft connecting rod and a liner or cylinder so that would be basically the first diesel engine that Rudolf diesel invented and understanding those principles will help you understand how a diesel engine works and that will also be the conclusion of our first class you now figure out all the minor component or major components of a diesel engine now there are many other components but we're going to be focusing on those in the next class a lot of those have to do with opening and closing the valves how do you time those how do you push fuel into the nozzle it doesn't just drip in there what keeps the crankshaft from seizing up what keeps the cylinders cool there's a lot of extra components but we've identified all the major ones that basically take place inside and contribute to the cylinder and the combustion cycle okay hope you enjoyed this video I'll be making more of these and we'll be elaborating on this process and then start talking about the actual diesel difference for Tuchman air fuel ratio is all that stuff in the future videos so hopefully you liked the video if you did please click the like button and if you haven't subscribed thank you [Music]
Channel: Adept Ape
Views: 647,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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