DIESEL | How it Works

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10-4 good buddy keep me when I'm good old boy jackknifed semi horn honks even though they're these give me some of that they're diesel that's right diesel baby today we're talking about the differences between gasoline diesel so strap in because I'm about to talk like a gosh darn truck driver but I mean normally you guys need to let go of your inaccurate truck driver stereotype the biggest difference between gas and diesel is that gas or petrol if you're nasty it's highly volatile it evaporates easily making it very flammable while diesel is a company that makes jeans to make your butt look good thanks for watching everybody sure to check out my upcoming Comedy Central special that jokes my over he and my closer and all the ones in between around 1876 nicholas august otto invented the gasoline engine technically most gasoline engines are Auto cycle engines back in Otto's days these engines work very efficient in fact only about 10% of the gasoline used actually moved the vehicle the rest produced useless heat went out on burn so in 1878 Big Daddy Cool Rudolf diesel not to be confused with Big Daddy Cool diesel Kevin Nash decided he was fed up with inefficient fuel who is it am i right well in 1892 he patented what is now known as the root off engine oh no that's the wrong time line I meant the diesel engine both gas and diesel engines are four-stroke internal combustion engines strokes our intake compression ignition and exhaust but we know these engines got more strokes to Michael Phelps right the swimmer guy these swings with strokes that's in my next Netflix special I'm gonna feel bad if Michael Phelps has a stroke now ooh unless that means I have special powers those four-stroke engines convert the chemical energy in the fuel to mechanical energy that moves the Pistons Pistons connected to a crankshaft in the up-and-down motion of the Pistons linear motion creates the rotary motion needed to turn the wheels of a car but we already know that the big difference is that right here in the auto cycle engine a gasoline engine has a spark plug that ignites the gas air mixture causing combustion the diesel engine don't need no stinking spark plugs the hot air diesel mixture combust when highly compressed the engine intakes air compresses it and then injects the fuel directly into the combustion chamber this is called direct injection it is the heat of the compressed air that lights the fuel in a diesel engine most gasoline engines used port injection or a carburetor a port injection system injects the fuel just prior to the intake stroke outside of the cylinder so it can mix with the air but with a diesel engines direct fuel injection the diesel fuel sprayed directly into the cylinder in a fine mist so why are they more efficient it's a confluence of a few things really Big Daddy Cool Rudolf diesel knew that higher compression would lead to higher efficiency and more power and he was right gasoline engine compresses at a ratio of 8 to 1 to 12 to 1 while a diesel engine compresses at ratios from 14 to 1 to his eyes 25 to 1 diesel fuel has a high energy content as well on average a gallon of diesel contains about 147 thousand BTUs while a gallon the gasoline well it's got about 125,000 that's one of the reason diesel engines usually get better mileage than gasoline engines they can make a lot more boom with those high compression ratios also because of that forceful boom and long drive stroke they can be more powerful so their their preferred engines for hauling stuff and instead of the fuel producing heat by igniting via spark the compression produces that heat and that ignites the fuel gasoline so volatile that it it ignite before the compression stroke and completed we don't have gas cars nowadays with super high compression ratios that's only recent because of the compression of twenty five to one expand so much a lot of that heat energy gets to dissipate and diesel engines are generally cooler than gasoline engines the reason that diesel can handle those pressures has a lot to do with its composition compared to gasoline diesel fuel molecules contain more carbon atoms and in longer chains these longer chains of hydrocarbons means that they store a little more boom but it also means that they're heavier so diesel gives off fewer fumes making it less volatile we love showing off how flammable gasoline is so much so then I'm about to do it again yeah this never gets old I'm gonna make this fire very cool because of the type of hydrocarbon it contains diesel emits relatively small amounts of carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide and much less of it goes on Burt and that could be fewer emissions that lead to global warming but it does release high amounts of nitrogen compounds and soot we're talking in some cases two times the amount of nitrogen dioxide and 10 to 20 times the amount of soot which leads to smog some health conditions and acid rain acid rain is a cool sequel to a prince song that you never heard of but I've heard of it because I bought it from his estate but it's not cool when it's fallen from the sky let's do a quick bing-bang-boom to further show some differences wait a minute in case I burned myself before I do this make sure you hit subscribe here's gas super quick super volatile up and out here's diesel a little bit of slower boom and look at this that's it this is gasoline this is diesel do you see inside of here let's turn this off you know what let's get rid of yep just as I thought foot one of the benefits is that you don't lose heat energy it's more efficient but the exhaust is cooler who cares well cooler exhaust means the catalytic converter won't work on it so it's harder to get rid of those nitrogen compounds scrubbing the exhaust of a diesel engine is a little more complicated there's often filters that need to be clean now that we talked a little bit about the basics of a diesel engine let's get into a couple kooky crazy behaviors you might have seen from diesel engines first you can get its tongue Pierce I'm just kidding that's a little modification humours you guys are all grown up now so it's time we had a talk about rolling coal you may see some of the other kids out there with diesel engines doing it but that doesn't mean you should do it I mean they all jumped off a cliff would you do it no cuz you're too scared you'll never jump off that cliff because you're not as cool as them rolling coal is basically when you make your diesel vehicle fart a giant black soot cloud out of its car but you just get under the hood there and increase the amount of fuel entering the engine so that it emits large amounts of black exhaust fumes into the air way back in the day it was popular tractor pools trucks and tractors and go against each other to see who could haul the biggest load they'd roll call' like a special effect to show how much power they're putting into then rolling coal kind of morphed into like a protest being a counter-protest thing a bit diesel drivers would roll coal and shoot a big black soot cloud at protesters or maybe at hybrid vehicles or maybe just a foreign card and show them their American freedom but most protesters hybrid vehicle owners and foreign car owners and her rolling call they just think your trucks broken got um look I know it's a responsibility you probably shouldn't be doing it but me that looks pretty kick butt I mean it's cool if that's how you want to express yourself just keep mine at the American Cancer Society's linked exposure to diesel exhaust to lung cancer it impairs visibility making a massive safety hazard and it violates the Clean Air Act so you could be fined for making those kinds of modifications but at the other end of the diesel spectrum is that free love hippy fuel known as biodiesel bio is short for bio dome and diesel is short for Big Daddy cool Rudolf diesel you put them together and you get biodiesel meaning a vegetable oil or animal fat based diesel fuel consisting of one chain alkyl esters starring Pauly Shore and the adopted Baldwin brother biofuels can be made from just about any biological and green from corn soybeans to animal fat even delicious human fat but no one would want a car powered by sweet succulent human fed that would be ridiculous I don't want to be the one eating people okay biodiesel can generally be used in standard diesel engines with little or no modification not even a tongue piercing biodiesel is usually blended but it can be used in its pure form that's pure bio baby standard blend is 20% by on 80% diesel animal fats plant oils and even use cooking grease have stuff in them called triglycerol that's actually a fancy word for fat through a process called trans cetera fication make esters and glycerol the esters that remain are what we then call biodiesel biodiesel isn't that neut when Big Daddy Cool Rudolph diesel first demoed his diesel engine he ran it on peanut oil that's nuts I've seen people using vegetable oil in their diesel engines how they do that it's actually pretty easy vegetable oil is also long heavy hydrocarbon chain vegetable oil is thicker than diesel so it doesn't form a spray as easily you could dilute it with some diesel fuel but then what's the point so you change out the injectors it can vaporize and you're good to go if you want to use old oil from behind an Applebee's grease trap well then you need to make sure you got a lot of filters to get rid of all that crud before it gets to your engine but it'll work Diesel's come a long way and with exhaust filtering systems and more efficient engines it's a viable alternative to gasoline-powered cars people are even coming around to them in the u.s. I mean heck it's basically rock and fuel and that's pretty cool these all make sure you subscribe to donut guys hopefully you notice they got a new shirt sign up on our email list and shop dot donut media and you'll get alerted for new stuff every week follow us on Instagram and Twitter at donut media follow me at bids Bardot why don't you check out this cool up to speed check out the first episode we ever did on gasoline thanks for watching guys don't tell my wife that I put diesel in her plain spritzer
Channel: Donut Media
Views: 2,139,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Donut Media, Cars, automotive, Science, car science, car tech, science garage, how it works, doughnut, doughnut media, donut media science garage, science garage donut, garage, doughnut science garage, science garage donut media, Diesel how it works, diesel, what is diesel, science garage diesel, how does diesel work, roll coal, biodiesel, alternative fuels, alternative energy, diesel truck, diesel car, rolling coal, why is diesel more efficient, gas vs diesel, petrol vs diesel
Id: 4YT0WcI7hjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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