Run for Fun | Safely running in the summer heat

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live on WFLA now this is run for fun with running Enthusiast leban all right let's go welcome back to the stream Center for this week's episode of run for fun we created this show to help you enjoy the sport of running so so much emphasis is placed on how fast you go and how hard you push yourself and while that has its place there are also ways to just experience the joy of movement and that is also important I'm your host Lee vanan I'm a meteorologist at WFLA here in Tampa but also an avid Runner and been running now for closing in on 14 15 years and like all of us ran the I started out running the same speed every time no matter what the weather no matter how I felt and quite literally running myself into the ground so I was very lucky that I was able to find a group of Runner friends who really explained to me how the importance of really just the consistency of showing yeah not necessarily pushing yourself all the time and and making it a healthy part of a lifestyle and the leader of that group of course coach coach Maria coach's drill over there yeah coach's drill that's what I got called this morning I I love when you do that opening because it's like every time you say 14 years I've been running I'm like that's so amazing like what a metaphor for life you just keep getting up keep doing it and look at all the benefits and I certainly 14 years ago would not have thought that I I would be still running because I thought I'm signing up for this race I'm going to train for this race and then and actually one of the things I told myself during that training period when it got hard was after this race you never have to do this again yeah and then of course the race came and happened and I was like oh I'm definitely doing this again well and I think it is something that you can brag about like I I think I would I would rather brag about how long I've been running than than anything else I've done just because it says a lot about the person you are and that you're able to you know face adversity and do all those things and that's cool 14 years is a long time should be really proud of that thank you and I hope for another 1424 I know right that's what we all hope that is the goal so um of course coach we want to help other people do that as well so we have our run for fun straa group is growing you were say you were looking at the number earlier close to 300 so close 293 members on our Strava group our R our WFA run for fun Strava group and one of the things that we're doing as you see the topic of today is tips for running in the summer heat is we want to teach people you know just to get out and enjoy it even when it is going to be so much harder so let's talk about the juicy June challenge yeah so we we came up with a challenge because it is difficult to stay running in the summer and part of running over the years is learning how to make it through the summer um because it can be very challenging so I always say the best thing to do is to just have a CH challenge that's different from PRS because you're not likely going to have a PR and if you are and if you are going to have a PR I'm going to always tell you that when it gets colder you'll run even faster so that's that's a good thing but um the juicy June challenge is we're going to do 200 miles we're going to try to do 200 miles this month now it does not have to be running you can do it with running if you want to I would suggest if you do that um be careful and make sure you're running easy enough and make sure you're not just jumping from like 100 miles a month to 200 otherwise you can do it biking you can do it swimming you can do walks um we take any kind of Miles as long as they're logged on straa so um yeah get yourself in the juicy June challenge and it will be juicy it will be juicy I I pumped up the tires on my on my cruiser bike not my road bike and I rode yesterday for a little over six miles and with the music go my music in my basket out front I love it and and really it was quite nice now uh I tell you the uh the one funny thing that happened I guess was that um first of all I'm not very good at biking so but I I I never fell I was very good but then I was like oh I'm gonna um I have all these sort of electrolyte packets that I have around the house that are things you get from uh races or whatever just I was like oh I'm just going to grab one of these and I just put it and I drank it and it was not very good and I was like great I won't ever use this one again I didn't really read about it and I think there might have been some either cathine or energy and so like in bed three hours later I mean like laying in bed for three hours just as wide awake as I could possibly be and I was like this is why you read the labs read the labels oopsies oopsies I was like oh this is you know but it was that's the worst kind of not sleep too because you're like I'm tired I know I'm tired but your eyes are like nope you're not sleeping and I did and so I did check this morning it looks like it didn't have caffeine but one of so it must have been maybe just like I don't know but did I have green tea or anything in it maybe sometimes they put that in but on the on the label it said electrolytes Focus energy so it's some amount of energy that it was giving me but I got eventually got to sleep that's good that's good and I won't be using that one again before right before bed yeah um and that kind of takes us into what we're what we're talking about today which is you know being healthy in the summer heat because even when I talked about this today on the news you know uh Beth rouso is a runner deian ran track in college and they're like there's ain't nothing fun about running in the summer and I said it can be it can be less fun but it can still be fun you just have to do it correctly I think so much of it is about Expectations first off everybody in May struggles and they start texting me even even if they've been doing this for years it surprises them every year and it blows my mind because I'm like you guys do this every year we know that it takes two to three weeks to adjust to it even and in this year especially we went from due points in the 50s to like dup points in the low 70s pretty quickly it wasn't there it wasn't gradual right um so that takes a little bit more time to adjust that is the most dangerous time for um dehydration by the way because our bodies are not used to it we don't have the extra blood plasma so in in the spring you got to be really extra careful about the electrolytes um and then you just have to know that this is going to happen and say this is part of what's happening and it's going to take me two to three weeks and even then it's still not going to feel great but the expectation is I'm going to be tougher for it and every run should probably feel hard it's going to feel hard speaking of me um pumping up my tires and doing the juicy June challenge does be just being outside like with walking or biking does that help because you're not you are outside in the Heat and in the elements but you're not putting so much effort in well the biking is great Zone to walking it's really tough to walk in zone you have to be motoring but you can um but you can on the bike you can get a lot of extra zone two from the bike and and that's an excellent way and it doesn't feel as hot because you've obviously got the tires going and you're going with the wind and so you have a little more Breathing Room you can take your electrolytes easier with you on the bike uh you can carry fuel with you a little bit easier on the bike so I always suggest biking swimming is another good one although this swimming pools can be kind of hot this time of year still um but you and you are sweating so you still need to you just can't feel the sweating so you do need to take in water and electrolytes when you're swimming as well that's actually really important to know because you do feel more refreshed when you're done swimming because you've been in a chlorinated wet wet pool but you are your body sweating mhm and that goes to speaking of the sweating let's see I was so first of all I wanted to help people know how to look at the weather yes because one of that's half the battle ble Maria says is never on the summer like always check yeah always check I actually like people to check all year round because people inevitably this is the funniest thing like even last week the due points were lower the temperature was higher and so people were like oh I had great runs I had great runs and while I think it's awesome that they had great runs when you register oh the due point was lower it's not because I'm in better shape or less shape it's just the weather then when it's bad you're like oh okay it's just the weather right you got give the weather credit you got to give the credit the credit where credit is Du on both sides so that you're not overwhelmed knowledge is power right yes what is it you can't beat science all the time science this is just this is the National Weather Service so everyone has access to it I know everyone a lot of people use their phones but this is one way that you can get a little bit more detail especially um again a forecast because you want to look you know maybe you want look at this right when you go out but he might be saying like as you plan your day I'm kind going to go out in the evening what's it going to look like so this kind of gives you the hourly for I have a question about this for you how ACC number one how accurate is the dupoint and then is is there places that it's taken in different areas like is a d Point different in every area it wouldn't be a massive difference unless there's some sort of big change coming like you know where a cold front is coming in and so northern areas would would see the dupoint drop first in the summer they're all pretty Sim they're all pretty similar sometimes the coast is a little if you live closer to the coastline you're right there next to a big body of water and so so the D point maybe a degree or two more there versus if you're right in the center of Florida or certainly if you're up into Georgia um you that D point is going to be lower just because you're farther away from a big body of water so there's that so you do you know you want to find the reporting station that's closest to where to where you live CU Lakeland versus St Pete they're going to feel very different different times of the day true all right so you go and find your city and then you can look at the hourly forecast so you can say Okay I want to go out at two in the afternoon because sometimes you just have to go out at two in the afternoon so you can look at the dupoint that's in red um and then the I mean the D Point's in green and the temperature is in red um and the the dupoint is more important I think than the temperature as far as your run is concerned how Maria and I when we first met it is more important pay attention to the doe Point yes because it is as you see it stays kind of the same obviously with cold FR or something like that there might be but generally the dupoint is going to stay the same through the day even as the temperature goes from 72 to 92 so yes it's hot but how your body is going to sweat and and and be impacted the dupoint really is more important than the temperature yes absolutely and there are ways that you can adjust quicker the do Point um mostly they're miserable but it's fun but it's fun I found if you go out you know around 9 o' when it's like really kind of hot and and I do not suggest going not in the morning 9 in the morning or 9 or 10: in the morning when you're trying to adjust if the latest you can possibly go but just do less so I would say start with 20 minutes then 25 then 30 and then your body will acclimate a little bit quicker and you can get that blood plasma that we all want so that we it feels less miserable right um because we do adjust to it a little bit Yeah if you talk to the same runner in August yes they are very you know they are very different than the way they were when the dupoint just started getting higher in in may like they're just out there in May 68 dupoint feels miserable in September if we get a random cold front well we don't usually get cold fronts in September but if you get 68 randomly you're like oh my gosh I can I can run cuz we're used to 78 at that point um so yeah that it does change but it doesn't change the fact that it's still going to suck like I'm sorry you just have to know it's going to suck and embrace it like that's the thing embrace it and don't feel yeah like you need to keep being the exact same Runner you were in January because you're not going to run that fast and it's and it's not going to feel as as joyful as it did in January and there's nothing there's no better way to steal your joy than to set yourself up for failure by being like I'm going to PR in July now I have you could have a July PR yes but especially if you've been running a long time it's less likely to PR in hotter weather if you're a newer Runner you you can easily do it but if you've been running for a few years and you've been running correctly for a few years highly unlikely you're going to do that um but still you can have different goals like you know the watermelon Series in Lakeland I use them all the time because you can do one in June and one in July and one in August and it's the same course so you can be like Oh I'm GNA try to do this one at this pace and I'm G to try to do a little faster when I'm acclimated and a little faster and you can have summer PRS or um age group PRS or just think about it differently don't try to don't try to go for your ultimate PR because you're just setting yourself up for failure and that's no fun that's not going to keep you running not not for another 15 25 years right no no no no and also I will call out Beth rouso because she got caught in the rainstorm yesterday while she was running and we both like as soon as she said it I started smiling and she started smiling she was like it was amazing so nothing better than a rainstorm in the summer that you get caught in as long as there's no lightning long as there's no no lightning so you can all you know so on this same website also tells you the wind direction which a nice breeze is helpful we don't really get much of that you know but nice breeze would be helpful some cloud cover would be helpful if you want to see like okay when's it going to be the cloudiest and then when you might get some rain although also keep in mind that there's also the Thunder possibility as well but this could be really helpful so that you can plan out when might be a little less sucky yeah and you can also actually you can trail run trail running in the summer is less stressful it's less stressful in the body it's it's shed shaded um so you can and then you don't you don't tend to worry about Pace as much on the trails because you naturally run slower on trail anyway so that's a good way if you need to change of scenery that's always a good idea um and then you know if you stay on top of your hydration and your your nutrition you can still run really really well in the summer it's just all about expectations and how how to kind of manage those through the summer and that looks different for everybody yeah and that's one of the reasons you know we put this juicy June challenge it's it's really easy not to get out and do things in the summer heat so like this is a challenge to just get out walk run bike swim do the things get outside because and just stay moving that's the biggest St like if you quit in the summer oh so much harder in the fall it's well and you're you're running the races you're just like oh man like you can't take advantage of the Fall anymore because you just have to get back in shape so um I always say keep moving in the summer even if you just do less it's okay it's okay to do less I'm telling you right now it's okay extra rest days yeah with Lee we've talked about this before Lee really is affected by the heat quite a bit and actually this is a good thing to talk about it is genetic some of it is genetic some people I'm I have Eastern European blood it does not like heat and it's cold out there if your ancestors are from a different place uh you cannot do heat I don't care what you say it's genetic so um that doesn't mean you give up and you're like I'm Eastern European blood I can't run in the heat it just means you have to take better care of yourself and I have to be really careful about my carbohydrates especially um and my electrolytes because I can run better like you can run better if you do the cor correct thing so don't get too discouraged so I do want to jump on what you were just saying about the carbohydrates because I think that a lot of people I mean we'll talk about electrolytes because we had a question from one of our one of our viewers on straa about electrolytes but uh one of the things that I'm only recently learning is that you need more carbs yeah but you also aren't super hungry in this kind of heat either so what can you do to make sure that you're getting the carbs that you need before during and after a run when you don't feel like eating at all yeah so funny thing is you know research is always changing and recently there's been a lot of Articles and studies done on more women which I love finally um and it turns out women are eating less carbohydrates on a regular basis uh than they should be which is contributing to um low energy availability uh and that is even at the same calorie intake so if you're take if you're taking in the same calories but you're not getting in enough carbohydrates you're harming your body so and it only takes 48 hours to that for that to take effect so couple reasons that is first of all in the summer we're burning more carbohydrates right um we are already good when women are already good fat burners so the whole fat adapted stuff has been debunked it's not appropriate for females fat adapted what does that mean like there was some research that came out a few years ago that said well actually it was 10 years ago now but it's been de debunked that you should try to adapt your body to more fat burning fat instead of carbohydrates because then you can be more efficient we don't need to do that as much uh because we naturally do that as females um men typically struggle with that we don't that's like our our bonus that we can do that um but that doesn't mean that we don't we need to have carbohydrates we primarily burn them and for Recovery carbohydrates hold water in your muscle so if you're not eating enough carbohydrates you're naturally dehydrated when you go on a low carb diet people will be like oh my gosh I lost seven pounds in one week you lost water that's water just leaving your body and we especially in the summer in Florida we need our water to stay with us so and that's even if you're not running even enough if you're not a runner nope you're just out there R running your errands going to the bank you are losing moisture so glycogen in our muscles otherwise known as carbohydrates and sugar um we need more of it when we're running in the summer and it's because our heart rate is higher like you will know your heart rate is an indication of how hard your heart is working if your heart is working harder you're burning more calories so you need to compensate for that by eating more carbohydrates it's just the way it is stop fighting it guys especially women um active women we have to be really careful because there's such a small percentage of us that are are as active as we are um and and we need more carbohydrates than the general population and so there's a lot of things on Instagram that talk about the general population and how we should we there's is blood sugar is real trendy right now and and trying to keep low carb and menopause and actually for active women that's not true so we have to be really careful about where we're getting our information how we're getting it and making sure that we take care of our hormones by eating the right things if we want to stay running a long time yeah it's just the way it is and can you drink those carbs yes because again the last thing you want to do after running and you're hot all day from you know even again just running the errands uhuh like just eating bread or whatever the carb is that you know it still feels like no I don't want to eat so it's so funny because they talk about the 15minute window and it's extremely important especially if if you're running in the heat um 15 to 30 minutes we want to replenish replenish those glycogen stores and get some protein in so that we can Aid in our recovery as quickly as possible I struggle with this so much in the summer because my stomach is like no I'm not eating even if I'm doing an easy long run afterwards I just feel uh so but the thing is you don't have to eat a lot right away I have found Fairlife Chocolate Milk that is very good I had that I love that stuff and it has a significant amount of protein carbs and it's really sweet like I mean I mean it really feels like a milkshake thickness to it it's like so yeah so I will have 8 to 10 oun after a long run on a Saturday morning and then I just wait till I'm hungry and that gives me the replenishment that I need for my Muscle Recovery quickly but it doesn't make me feel like I'm going to gag because I can't get food down and then eventually my Hunger signal will come back and say oh I'm hungry you just burned a lot of calories and then I have a big breakfast okay so yes you can do a smoothie you can do but you do have to do that in that 15 to 30 minute window so if you gone to if you drove somewhere to run with friends you should probably bring something bring chocolate milk the fair life you don't even have to have it refrigerated which is kind of cool you can put it in your car they have you know just make sure you're getting the right one um but you can just take that down or sometimes I'll have a protein shake with an apple or I tend to I tend to not like to chew that's my thing it's just like feels vomitous um but I always get something in so there's you just kind of got to play with what you your stomach can handle afterwards and then the other thing is if you're eating enough carbohydrates on the regular basis and then you're taking in enough carbohydrates on your long run which is really important it's you're less apt to be nauseous okay because your body's not working as hard your heart rate is going to be lower if you're eating the proper carbohydrates and electrolytes they're it's you're not going to be as depleted when you're done and and that's really important and so when you so when you say carbohydrates on the run or you say so I have some of these so like you have the goo which is actually sort of a g gelatinous yeah and then you have like mixes which one or does it matter which one is it just what you like is one better than the other it's what you like and how you like it so they suggest now for long runs 200 calories an hour every long run every single long run for years we were doing 100 I was to say 200 is so much so people get um and this this helps with your recovery if you're getting it in um it's going to help with your recovery and if you're a macr Tracker do not count the stuff that you eat during your run in your Macros interesting I mean I don't do that I don't do this but I know a lot of people do a lot of people so you're just saying this this is being used immediately it's being used do not put your gels do not put your scratch in there it's being used don't do it um so I mean before and after yeah you can track your Macros that's fine but your during the run fuel is needed every time the research is shown the longer that you go in a hole after a long run or a hard run in any way the the longer in the day that you go in a hole the more your metabolism suffers so make sure that you're doing this one thing and then you can listen to your H hunger signals running kind of turns on the hunger signals and turns off the hunger signals like both it can do right in the heat it turns it off yeah so the other thing is you sometimes if you don't eat enough the the day of your long run you'll notice your hunger signals are stronger the next day that's okay eat more yeah listen to your hunger signals the um and then um you can replenish the next day okay it's just not as recommended but try to get but as long as we get something in the window then then we can start we don't need to be dramatic because like everybody's because you know I'm only saying you've already done this every client has got like they S one way and everybody's trying to be so typing I have to do it this way and I got to do this then I got to be perfect and you don't need to be perfect number one right but you do need to if you have a bad day and you don't replenish the way that you should have it's not the end of the world it's not like I'm I'm done I can never run again next day fix it right next day eat more and should you make sure your electrolytes have calories as opposed to like always when you're running in the summer and your goal is performance you should always have electrolytes and sugar do not be afraid of sugar like do not be afraid I can't tell you how many people are like I'm drinking Gatorade zero during my runs I'm like please do not do that you can drink them all day long after if you feel like it that's good to have electrolytes one one thing I see a lot in Runners is that we tend to have really healthy diets for the most part uh you know we like to eat Whole Foods a lot of us track macros when we do that that's great but we typ typically lack in carbohydrates because it's tough to eat Whole Foods and get enough carbohydrates in in a day and then the other thing is we lack salt because processed food has a lot of salt right so when you're eating an apple they're not putting salt in it so you if you're a Whole Foods person and you're running a lot of miles number one I would say get on the rice please add that get on the rice and bread it's not the enemy okay um of course eat your fruits and vegetables that's important too but you do still need a significant amount of carbs and then second make sure you're salting everything salt your food um make be really careful about your drink your Gatorade zero during the day and then during your run drink the real Gatorade that has the sugar in it because you actually do hold it better in your muscles when you do have sugar it's better for your body sugar and you're running and so and you know we T talk I know we've talked about this before before but I always remind people who are M you know who are just getting into running that just water is actually bad it's bad it you are sweating out all these things and so you only H so you have less of the nutrients in your body already all the potassium the Magnesium you're flush you're flushing it out and then you just add water to it it's diluting what you have so please in the summer just drink water like drink sodium I can't tell you how many times I see on the internet too drink three liters of water water a day I'm like Oh my Lanta don't do that did you like how I said my lancea you did Tred really hard really hard to swear Less on on the podcast I well I don't swear on the podcast I know that's why I said you're doing very well she's a she's a tough cookie off the podcast I know I try I'm I've been known for my trash mouth but that's okay um there's research that says that actually is good too right I I've seen this research so uh so we all right so things that you could do to replenish those things that you sweated out that's so that was what I was going to um say one of our viewers on straa uh this is candy she wanted to know I asked if anyone had any questions about this and she says water versus electrolytes and then in printh she says favorites so we already know just plain water is just plain bad unless you just pour some salt in it I guess and actually salt is a performance enhancer yeah so don't I mean listen if you have high blood pressure talk to your doctor about this first but um yeah because there are obviously anomalies and things that we have to avoid but electrolytes I use relight okay R E I think it's a dash l y Tes okay um it's a powder I put it I actually before I even run I do 16 ounces I do one scoop drink the whole thing down and then I do another one right after just to again replenish go out with it and then it's just a powder and it has what do you what do you like about it what's the I like the taste it's got real Salt in it it's real Salt it's not you know fancy stuff so I kind of like that um it was recommended to me by my doctor so I've been using that because I've been using liquid IV yeah liquid IV is great too I think a lquid i that that one got on the on the social media like a lot of like a lot of and and actually um liquid IV has calories relite doesn't have calories I do it before and after I run and then I take I usually use scratch I love scratch scratch and that is again this is if you're watching us on you know and then the other thing is they have cool patches now where you can wear them for an hour you can buy a patch and it can tell you exactly how much salt you're losing how much water you're losing it can tell you all of these fancy things so that you know how CU some people are heavy heavy sweaters and salty sweaters I I'm a salty sweater and a very heavy sweater when I run long and I'm training for a marathon in the summer I have to change my clothes at the 10 Mile Mark otherwise it's ugly like I literally change my shoes and I change my clothes halfway through and yes because I just I soak through it and it's so uncomfortable to run that I just it's fine so if you have to do that that's fine but you have to be you have to replenish it and it's a significant amount and it's different for everybody so so what do you think about pickle juice I love it I do like pickle juice I've never I do love pickles I've never actually on a on a run ever had pickle juice now they give these I I got this little packet from the gasp distance classic because they're always handing them out do you I mean you know see I think I love pickles pickle juice is great it's great however I've I never can like really stomach that like just the thought of it I love pickle juice after I'll drink it but during a run it just gives me the heebies but a lot of people do it a lot of Trail runners use it for like their long long stuff because it's high in sodium that yeah it's extremely high in sodium yeah this what this little bottle says 520 milligrams so just in this some people rehydrate with coconut water me it's okay it has potassium in it that's good doesn't have a lot of salt okay so you got to you got to find what works for you but if it were me and I'm running a ton of miles in the summer I would find a patch and I would do a patch test and just see what I need um because that's the most accurate and I can't tell you you know I worked with Megan featherston for a while um and what she did for my long run nutrition and hydration plan literally change it was a game changer for me my heart rate was lower on long runs I felt much better during my long runs it is a literal GameChanger when you're eating eating correctly and and getting electrolytes in and it's it's much more than what people think oh it's like it's I mean it's much more like actual ingesting you know as far as the carbs the electrolytes all that than what you I would say it's the single most important thing actually what you eat how much you're eating um how your body's recovering if you're not eating enough carbs it's going to be Miser miserable in the summer like absolutely miserable uh don't do that uh so and again if you feel miserable you're not going to keep running we we're trying to make this U Less less sucky we know that it's not joyful in the summer all the time but we can make it still fun just just again I'm gonna say it again and again and again and again mindset is everything mindset is everything if you say I can't run in this weather guess what you can't if I say I can't run this 10K like guess what you can't if you say that in the warm-up to a race you're not going to run well like you absolutely cannot say those things to yourself you have to just you don't have to be positive and be like wo I love running in the heat although I do have a couple of those that's impressive but we got to be a realist and the realist is this is hard I can do hard things I'm not going to die this I'm because I'm not going to die because well right well I'm not going to die because CU I'm doing all the right things because dangerous heat exhaustion you literally can die this you have to take it seriously this is you're not going to die because you have thousand milligrams of of sodium here and you've got fighting more than you can chew and you're not running right getting stuck out you know without fuel like don't do that there's a there's a lot of things you can do you can park your car in a place and I've done a million out outs and backs just because I'm afraid that I'm not going to and I don't want to carry all the things yeah cuz you said you CU I I did get the handheld and this is the one that Featherstone recommended because she she seems to be amazing and she's just but it's a you know when your hand is sweaty and you're holding this little thing and all you want to doing yeah all you want to do is get rid of it but you know if I'm doing a long out and back there's only thing you can do there's really great trails around here the Upper Tampa Bay Trail has water um there's things you can do you can bring the packet with you in that little water bottle and refill your water bottle and put it in there put your packet in so it's okay to stop it is okay to stop okay to stop so I think I was with Maria you were maybe maybe you were my second time that I went running with the group that um you know when I started running and I just ran by myself before I started running with the group never once that I think you could stop and then we all just everyone got to the cooler and everyone stopped and I was I didn't know what to do yeah so and then you know you do that about three times and you're you you long for the cooler stop like that's becomes the thing that's like I can in the summer especially in the summer yes the only time I tell you not to stop is if you have a tempo run don't stop in a tempo run and if you're running a tempo run and you have to stop you're running your tempo run too fast so and that is different in in the heat so people think this is why we do we go over this do point and you know you're going to put up the the calculator that we use because if you run the tempo run too fast you miss the the benefits of it and it's not as fast in the summer you you have to go more by effort because even the calculators aren't going to be accurate for everybody you know we can't we're not all the same people and we're not robots so you can use it as a guideline we' use the temperature and the dupoint they have this new thing on straa called true Pace yeah you were telling me about that I haven't used it yet I I keep trying to download it but I think doing some uh different stuff to it because it it's not able to be downloaded right now what you would have been running which is past it's this calculator okay oh I should have come we should have come up with this year goie like what were we thinking else making money on it now yeah they have an app and it will take your it takes the the algorithm that is the temperature and do point and it calculates your true Pace on a day that is is ideal weather right which is so cool so if you're feeling bad about yourself you can download this thing and be like oh your true pace is this okay and that yes because it's just managing expectations it's yes you know like knowing that I'm working hard enough to hit this pace that that means I'm not you don't have to actually hit that pace because your body is working very hard so we get down to the quick the quick little in your head I showed you how to find out the to Pure the D Point add them together if it's if it's 180 or more they say Don't run hard we hard running yeah around here it's around here we we do 170 plus like all summer right so yeah I don't hard running we can do what I do say is like track this morning we do 10K Pace effort effort we do effort a ton moderate Pace effort um hard Pace effort and it's going to look different and it's even I did a track work workout with another group today and they did one minute 5K effort one minute walking like in instead of doing the granny jogs you can walk instead it's okay to do things a little differently in the summer to get through it because the ultimate goal is we're still going to get better as long as we keep moving and we don't get hurt right so we do shorter faster track workouts we don't grind on the track for three four miles we do shorter faster workouts we sometimes have to take more breaks it's fine guys it is it is fine to run slower it is not going to hurt you in fact it is someone asked me one time they said you know I feel like I'm getting a better workout when I'm when I'm running in the Heat and I said well yes in the short term but if you could then run you know extra an extra day because you didn't wipe yourself out on the one day you get a whole other day to run now you have a better workout and you feel better you get a whole other day to runy yeah and that's a good point and if you do have a hard workout don't be afraid to take an extra day off in the summer we the down weeks for for you like Lee likes two weeks up and then we do a really low week and I've been doing that with a lot of my clients recently just because that low week kind of gives you a kind of a h pass to like do whatever you feel like and I think we we want to be able to have some autonomy right and especially in the summer when people are you know have more things going on but that does say like I can it helps me be more diligent on those other two weeks knowing that okay in the third week I can I can make a dinner plan later I can do these things because I'm not running quite as much and that does allow me to not feel boxed in all the time which I yeah and I think the hardest thing is we give you all this information and then we're like oh yeah by the way don't overthink yeah by the way but the reality of it is we still want you to be pragmatic like you have to you have to take emotion out of it and say this is just the way it is and don't and then we go back to the stories we talk about don't tell yourself a story oh this didn't work because this didn't work and this and and try to overanalyze it just say oh this was a hard day hard workout done right next time I'm going to work on my electrolytes more next time I'm going to eat more carbohydrates next time I'm going to try to sleep better if you did all those things it was just a crappy day yep right move on and don't forget to check that dupoint because I will tell you that there is a huge difference between a 70 and like a 73 degree dupoint yeah for temperature that doesn't that's not g to make that that make that big of a difference but a 70 to a 74 like yeah your body is working exponentially harder with a one degree two degree Three Degree well and last week we had record temperatures right had yes we had 60s in the morning and we had a lower due point and people ran great yeah people were oh this is it was a nice reprieve you were away so you didn't get to benefit it but it it was it felt amazing again I'm like oh I hope you guys enjoyed this and I kind of say it to my clients so I'm like pay ATT that's my way saying pay attention it's weather um but it it's uh I mean it's going to be warm and we do sometimes get a little bit of a reprieve for a few days is yeah yes and they um for for getting into the weeds a little bit about the weather even you will know when you have a higher dueo we we have a more of a consistent onshore wind so this a wind that's coming out of the west or off the Gulf of Mexico is going to give us a higher D point if you get a East Wind which is coming off the Atlantic that air has traveled over more land and has dried out so you can even look for that you can look for oh today there's an East Wind the dupoint may be a degree lower it will D points one or two degrees do make a difference it does especially above 70 oh yeah when you like 73 70 to 73 still feels manageable is when it gets up to 76 or 70 I mean 77 you're like oh this is brutal and it's okay to bail on your workout it's okay as long as you're not going to go wrong running easy miles so bail means slow down not well you can you can't stop but yeah yeah I mean if you gotta if you got to turn around and walk home it's okay it's okay nobody's out there like I I say this all the time people in the Northeast they complain about their summer heat and I'm like you guys wouldn't survive two days down here like they just don't know how to do it we this is our superpower if you look at it like that and you're like this is our superpower this is what makes us tough instead of being like poor me it sucks here like we have benefit and all these fall races that we do they have a chance of being hot we always have a chance of being hot and we have better ability to handle that because of the our training they call it poor man's altitude for a reason because we're poor and it's a they call it that because you you do get benefits from it from the blood blood plasma but it does it's detrimental to your hydration level so if you it's it's a little more dangerous but we can do it you know like but you have to do all these things all these all these electrolytes all these extra carbs it you can't do it with and just be like Oh I'm just going to tough it out I'm going to go out there and run no matter what like you listen to your body you and sometimes don't listen to your body your body might not be telling you to eat anything you know so get that there's a very good balance and I think the more you do it the easier it gets if it's your first summer running and training for a marathon give yourself Grace it's there's going to be a couple long runs where you're going to question everything and that's okay I I did my first summer training last year I question things yeah you you do I question things and actually if you don't question it I'd actually be a little concerned CU like you're supposed to question things sometimes it's anything that's worth anything costs a little bit right it's a it's hard and if if it was easy everyone would do it that so it's like okay I'm doing this hard thing this is this is where the discipline comes in this is where the discipline comes in because it's easy to run when things are going well yeah it's not easy to run when things are not going as well so trust in yourself you know find your friends to motivate you manage your expectations and stop more stop Yes enjoy a nice slow run nice slow walk take in the electrolytes if you have to bring in a a handheld if you have to carry a water bottle if you have to set out bottles for you or go back and forth Just you got to figure out what works for and the cool thing is if you're hydrating and eating enough carbohydrates and getting enough protein you can run faster at a lower heart rate you can do that so you don't if you want to run faster eat more just do it do it it's kind of cool just do it Nike like said that do it they did it yes they did the L the all right so at the beginning of this I said your coach's drill you someone recognized your voice out on the track and they ask you yeah I so I I was feeling a little low this morning so Mira thank you you really helped me um I haven't been running as much um because I'm focusing on building muscle and so I needed a little motivation myself so I asked this other track group to if I could join them and they said yes which was really nice of them it was happy Pace running group and 813 running so thank you guys and Mera came up to me and said are you the coaches drill I recognize your voice you sound like the coach's drill I was like oh my gosh yes I am the coach's drill so it is now time than you for the coaches drill and I think this one you're going to it's it speaks to to Maria so Maria yes don't knock effort yeah so in the summer we we really really fight not hitting Paces we're such type A people and we want to hit a pace that we hit in January and February because it gives us confidence to do that actually in the summer it can be detrimental to our confidence because we cannot hit the same Paces that we hit in January so Embrace effort effort is such a powerful tool in the summer and can make running so fun when you say I'm going to go out moderate effort I'm going to run by minutes instead of time I'm going to focus on the point of this workout which is shorter faster intervals or longer slower intervals and I'm not going to put the pressure on myself to hit a number on the track on the roads try not to hit the number just listen to your body and you'll still be so physically fit at the end of the summer and you'll enjoy your running so much more ah two seconds ago you had the whole minute in there yes and that really is helpful um I told you I had my little fit when I didn't hit my Pace because it was right when we were transitioning and I was like I know that I couldn't hit that pace I don't know why it made me throw a fit that I couldn't hit it but if I had just said you know this effort and then then hit the pace and even as a coach sometimes I give you Pace ranges to hit and I'm usually pretty accurate but again there's a lot of genetics that goes into who C who can handle heat and sometimes the adjustments need to be a little bit more for some people than other people and that's okay just it's okay it's it's better than doing nothing right so just embrace the process if you're really questioning it go do a time trial in the summer do a one mile time trial uh I think Cody has one on the track if you want to go do one tonight or tomorrow night um but and I think it is tonight but you should look that up he's doing a track mile um go do a track mile as hard as you can and then base your Paces off of that mile that would be mile effort and then you just add a little bit more time for 5K effort add a little bit more time for 10K effort add a little bit more for half and then you have a a baseline summertime that's not quite stressful right there's not no because you're not doing a mile in is going to look very different than a mile and actually the the shorter the distance the less the heat affects you so yeah Mak sense that's why we do shorter workouts on the track because we can do shorter faster stuff um without beating you up so badly so much fun but Embrace what do it say embrace the suck right embrace the suck that's good it's GNA be great we're gonna we're gonna take our we're gonna take our carbs before during after we're going to take our electrolytes before during after and we're going to get through through this summer yeah and you're going to be a speed demon on the other end of it yes we will that is the plan all right thanks everybody we'll see you next week let's go go
Channel: WFLA News Channel 8
Views: 268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: running, exercise, fitness, walking, YouTube, podcast
Id: 6O0mXnpBi18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 46sec (2926 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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