Did you know that? LIVE with Developer - Pixologic Paul Gaboury - Episode 21

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my microphone just went hold on a second there it is it's back now now it's back okay can you hear me now do you hear me everything's good now I don't know why my mic went out okay I know I might just stop working oh I guess it's still working okay all right what a stirred up okay so since you hear nothing I was saying previously because for some reason my microphone just turned off by itself I don't know why so always on our segment here for the did you know that we're looking at from you the audience what you want to learn more about what you want to find a little more and discover a little more about ZBrush so that's why we call the did you know that segment because I want to make sure day did you know you could do this so the topics from the last stream that I had about a month ago I think I don't saw blur for me right now the number one item was folders and zremesher so these might be a little straightforward features but there's a lot of little hidden gems a lot of things in there with both of them that can speed up your workflow and you could probably do even some quicker techniques so I want to take some time obviously to go through them because that's what you all requested that was the number one item so we're gonna do that and then as always I'll be monitoring the little chats so if there's questions that you have or coming through that I can answer I'll also answer those through there because really when uh when I like to stream we're trying to make it a little more fun and make it just like as I like to say captain tangent I'm all about going on tangents so the first thing I want to start with is zremesher okay I really want to go through the options here okay make sure you're understanding what everything can do there's a lot of times when I see stuff for maybe online or there's certain features turned on within there and in some cases some of the features are almost kind of trumping the other feature in a way okay so I want to make sure everyone understands what you're going to be able to do so I just loaded this because I think this was a really good example of how I use zremesher along with all their features the design ZBrush and for those that know me I like to call ZBrush like well if you're if you got the dad bot going like me it's a cake right if your salad person you want to put some onions I'm a salad person too though put some onions in a salad then it's not like as an onion so what I mean by that is you don't have to you don't have to use feature upon a future upon a feature but there are some amazing things you can do when you grab a one feature and you grab another feature and then boom you got amazing results so there's definitely some things to say for that for what we're talking about here so in particular this piece here in the back okay so this is a zero meshed version of my piece but this is not where I started I'm going to come out of perspective mode just so we can see what we're doing and what we're messing around with okay so you can see you got nice clean lines good topology then again the point of zero measures topology is the point for sculpting purposes is to clean up the mesh have all qua 'td geometry is flowing with the sculpt it's not meant for animation per se alright so I want to go through the new features here that came out with zremesher in 2019 and also make sure you understand that so let's let's kind of go through the process of how I made this I don't even think I have the original sub tool left now I don't think I do and you can see I'm already using folders for this particular piece which we're gonna get into in this stream as well so let's look at kind of remaking this piece let's keep it a little simple first so we can understand what we're doing here so um I'm a big specially when I'm doing hard surface a big component of using cubes make you bhur friend now I personally don't ever use this cute okay the only time I use this cube is if I know I'm gonna turn it into a dynamesh that's it other or not I never use this cube and the reason being the poles here at the top right because the the cube this cube here is more like a mathematical equation more or less think about it write all these things here they say 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d they're more of like a primitive that allows you to do things on an equation base like and that's what we did then is did ok well let's put that in a UI element so that's why the initialized state for these are gonna be different for every one of them ok all right so I see a pickle Rick over here so but what I mean by that is you can change your size on-the-fly you're gonna add a twist to the cube ok you can change your divisions on the fly right so that's really what this is why that's got a pole is being able to change these on the fly like this it's beneficial right so if you look at say something like the cylinder this one I actually do use because if I'm gonna use a low polygon like this I'm gonna end up using zmodeler anyways and there's certain reasons why I want to make edge loops around this so that's why I want the point in the middle but this one also gives me the ability I can make an inner radius real fast I can do that and then start with more of a cylinder like this right well that's low polygon Alif I'm gonna go into zmodeler world okay so with that said the cube that I prefer to use is this cube that's the initialize cube okay so you as you notice the initialize menu just changed okay and the reason why it's changed is because now I'm on an actual polygon mesh this cube is not a polygon mesh it's a primitive that you can't sculpt on okay so this is a different initialized State compared to now that it's an actual poly mesh you've got a different initialized state okay so the one with the pull so someone's asking why not just delete the one with the pole it's because I'll be honest with you adds all this little developer of the application any time we do something dresser we changed if we try to change something may be very drastic I'll never forget when we tried to change the move brush normal movement and we switch the hot key that didn't go over well with you guys the user base you guys wanted like hey wait I don't know what to do okay so I where I'm always hesitant to think about deleting something because someone in someone's workflow will probably uses this cube and if you just took it out you probably ruin their workflow so it's something got to be careful with you got to think about that yeah you and I might not use it but that doesn't mean there's another 10,000 people using it so it's tough so going back to this I prefer this cube so that comes from this so when I click cube I get a cube like this right this is the cube I prefer in fact I normally knock these sliders down all the way to one and then just do a six sided cube like this especially when I'm gonna do something zmodeler sense right so that's the cube I prefer which also is available here in your gizmo right so I can click on this little gear and now you have these here so these are now actually a combination of these two things I just talked about comedy they're coming together come together right now only cube that's right I don't know what that means just go with the people all right so what I mean by that is these are the nobility in the sense they kind of have the primitive state right but they're already a mesh that you can sculpt on but they have cones for me to change right so in essence I these sliders are these cones now right which means they're also they have the ability like you can with a primitive so in that sense if I look at say this cylinder right that's the same cylinder you're getting from the cylinder 3d but I can do things like open it up I can change my spans right here and do things like this so I like this a lot because it starts giving me some great workflows especially if I switch to a gizmo I hold that control key and I click on an arrow I'm copying right so and of course you guys probably know now maybe not if you hold ctrl key and then my finger still on control key and my hand is not off the Cintiq right now if I let go of in control key I keep moving my hand I keep duplicating that cylinder at the exact same distance right so this starts giving me a very fast workflow because now I can even say Center this click on this gear and say hey you know what at the end of this now I want a sphere and you can see we automatically swapped out that last cylinder for the sphere these cylinders aren't touched because they're masked off these are masked off this one wasn't right so I can switch this to anything now right I love that I just literally click them the same thing right I can switch to anything and I can even switch to an insert mesh brush right so I can grab something like this okay and if I turn the gizmo back on I can cycle through right so this is a great way to design I can't tell how many times you're like where I'm trying to figure something out on my own I'm like I don't know if I like what's going on there okay this is another important part of this I let's see I love tangents we're already going tangent we haven't talked about zremesher right now okay you see the the green the red and the blue arrows that's very important so if you notice I'm looking at the back because the blue arrow is facing this way so these were all built in the sense of they were looking at forward progress forward progress forward camera right so that blue arrow is in essence forward camera so what I mean by that is if I we turn this and rotated this like this right see now this is facing the direction I want and so now the beauty is as I cycle through these they're all facing forward now right now I can say you know what I like that on the end of I don't know what it is I'm creating just go with it of that right so let's rewind so going back to this this is just another way so this is I'm just showing you three ways you can start creating something okay so this this is a great way so I want to just gonna make a cube let's just I want to start with a cube let's kind of recreate this piece again that I had over here let's let's see about Cree creating a piece like this or creating a pretty piece that's something very similar to it okay so we can understand the workflow and then we can dive into how I use zremesher to get that going on what's up seagull rush we got pickle Rick so you're new so a very new to ZBrush hana trail week I'm just reading a question from pickle Rick man you got the I don't know how you stole that it's awesome you got that name pickle Rick pirate that's great so you're a newbie how do I mask a section then deleting its mass and also just one so the change the cylinders inner radius I'm assuming you just you got that ones already answered right so you can use this gear with the gizmo and I'm switching up here from draw to move okay and I'm using the shortcuts I'm just using the W key to do that so you click on this you'll get the cylinder right and then this white cone is what gives you the ability to do the inner radius right the benefit of this workflow is no matter where you are in space wherever this gizmo is so if I do this right so what I mean by that everybody if I move this gizmo way over here and in the world and if I come in here and say click see the cube goes exactly where the gizmo is so you got to think about it that we think about in the sense of here let's grab this thing now and let's grab a gizmo and I hold the Alt key and I tap see what that is if I click on anything see I get where that is right so if I want to first I mask off this piece and then now tap and see this stays and now I have this piece to do whatever I want one so I can say oh I want these for whatever reason on the back of this right and then I can say you know what that's not actually what I want I want more of like a booster looking thing and then so I can go boom and then what booster do I want right this is so powerful this is what I really really love about this workflow is that as a user I'm still I'm kind of staying within here this I love it you can I love that I'm doing this gesture right now on my Cintiq as if you guys can see it I need like an over shoulder camera so in essence I'm staying within the document space that's pretty much it I'm not even going over into the UI much at all so that's the beauty of this kind of workflow as well so being able to mask and delete obviously you're going to want to be careful about that when you're doing that it's the sense the ability of that you're creating a hole right so you're not going obviously you're going to need to close that hole off which dynamesh can do something like that as well so for your question alright so if I here let's just delete the subdivision levels on this if I had a mask okay this is my mass so number one I can do a control W and that makes our new polygroup right which is super helpful because now I can select out just that group right and swap between them if I want to so if I want to delete this and now it's a poly group I can hold down ctrl shift and tap on the red there'll be a whole now there if I go to geometry and go to modify topology there's a delete hidden right there so that's how you would delete stuff that's masked or armed in essence hidden so you can't delete just the mask Porsche you can't do a mask and then just say delete those points but what you can do which you could do is create a macro that does this for you so just like an action in Photoshop so you could do a mask right and then with the masking there's a visibility menu and you can see there's a hide and show points right so if I do hide points it hides everything that's not masked okay and then you do show points right will show everything so in essence I can do a hide points and then now what's what's not what's mass is shown right so as a user I can inverse this hide the points right and then now do a delete hidden okay so I could put this in what we call a macro and then with one click it'll do everything for me in one step would be a way to go about doing that but right now you can't just mask something and then tell it to delete the masked points so pick a Rick hopefully that helps you so all the transform options okay so moving on so I'll go over the transform options as we're going through this so let's get back to my cube yeah queue it up alright I don't care what cube it is right now because what I'm going to do is I'm going to turn it into a dynamesh okay so I'm gonna come in here my tool my geometry and for me I turn this blur off cuz I don't want any smoothing to happen so that's pretty much what the blur is controlling is I have a little bit of a smoothing to the process I don't want that okay the resolution like we can dynamesh it you can see what we get as far as density I don't really need to be that dense I tend to prefer to stay on the lowest lower especially when I'm trying to figure something out and block out something I'm just it's just my preferred method okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna cut this in half I'm gonna drop it down to 64 and then dynamesh it that's enough for me but that's enough right I don't need a ton of detailing right now okay so let's go ahead and start recreating so I want it to be a little bit longer right part of the ship and then it's definitely wider I want it to be a little bit wider right so I'm looking from that angle and maybe not so thick like this right so now we got that okay so now I'm like I want to put some design in this and go about this so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna switch to a brush that I actually use that I enjoyed using and then you can see here's something that is a rookie mistake I think while all of us do it I just did it right now I literally started building this thinking about this is gonna be my back end right so then this is going towards the front of the ship so if we turn on the floor grid you'll notice the red and the green here I'll turn off this the red and the green the red and the blue right so blue is z-axis the red is the x-axis so this blue line in essence is forward Z which in essence that's what you want the camera looking at so I'm building this ship sideways right now the wrong way so what I really would want to do is more like okay that's really the width I want that's a good length and not so thick right this is an important thing to understand right because they especially we're gonna go from program to program you want to be building facing the forward camera and then by default ZBrush is symmetry its default is on Act's symmetry so of course you can go in a transform and select the symmetry points that you want but but these little things can go a long way especially for pickle rickover here who's a new one right a new person new user to ZBrush so I'm looking at forward Z and then this is my AK so this is what I want alright so let's continue going on here so let's hold down the ctrl and shift key okay and I'm gonna click on this selection brush and there's some other brushes here so for me the clip brush was perfect for what I was trying to do for this detail okay so Seagal you're asking can I mask the curves from when I move a tip of a curve the whole thing moves no so you're nessing's you want to just be able to move the curve and none of the other curve moves mm that's a yes and no that's the the that's a yes and no it's not it's not what you want exactly but why I say it's a yes or no because when you draw out a curve right you have this right so as you start moving the curve it moves everything and as you stated in the stroke palette you can lock start in the end right so that just means it's locking the start of that tube and the end of that tube so if I start pulling on this for those that don't know you can see this isn't moving now right if I pull from this direction this isn't moving now right over here right what he's really looking for is he wants to move this part of the this curve and none of this move so I say say yes and no because this is where the liquid in elastic State come into play so in essence you can move right this right through here right and see you're getting movement but you want to be able to do more than just this right so if we start looking at this right and say let's put on liquid now and you can see you're not touching this part of the curve anymore that's really the only thing you're going to be able to do you can't just we know the ability to say mask off a section of a curve and not have that curve map moving we don't have that ability but this is in essence the liquid states and the elastic states are now more they're not just about adding they're not moving the other parts of the curve right and then of course if you guys click on the curve and then hold the shift key I can even smooth things out right and if we go to something a little more meaningful let's go with this and let's say some we're making jewelry making jewelry for for for the family okay so if we go to liquid state alright you couldn't pull on that and say this is not moving this section is not moving this section is not moving right you're adding sections in essence but clicking on the curve then Shift key will smooth it out click on the curve and ctrl key will rotate it right so if we go with a large brush size I can click on this and then use the control key and I can rotate it or click and then start smoothing things out that's about all you're going to be able to do with the curve you're not going to be able to do any kind of other masking thing with the curve to answer that questions okay what are you referring to two boolean curves because you can do that already in essence you can use the curves and with boolean z' I use it all the time especially for scribe all right darn and let's do it okay especially for scribe lines guys we're we're going on real big tangents today I like it okay so since this was asked this is a great little trick that I use a lot this is huge for me okay so when you say bully and I'm thinking the bullying's alive bullying's itself so I'm just because my mind's here now we're gonna do this so I'm gonna say let's make that handy-dandy cube that I like okay and let's switch to zmodeler and I'm gonna put an insert here I'm gonna put an insert there okay let's let's look at the floor so I'm looking at ok the forward part okay good now I know where I am in space so let's do let's do this let's manipulate these so let's be in symmetry mode and let's let's make sure we do this make it have a little bit of that and you know for giggles let's insert another edge loop here let's do a cue mesh out saving the project so important well let it save run free save save save I was in the middle of the process there we go I'm gonna turn that off actually we don't I don't need that mmm so let's go to squits quick saves and let's just pretty much turn it off all right so we'll do something like that and then let's just do a single polygon maybe something like yeah we'll do well do let's do this and then let's delete this and I'm just I'm just going with it right now okay let's do something like that that looks pretty good I'm I'm I'm I write it I'm okay with it okay so I'm gonna come from this angle alright and I'm gonna say let's insert multiple edges I'm just gonna add at least mmm let's add at least that okay so what I want to do now is I want this middle one to be a polygroup okay and then I want this top one to be a poly group and then I want this bottom one to be a pull-up so I hit the wrong shortcut okay so and I want that one to be a poly group and right now I'm using growing ability so I'm selecting out a portion and I'm actually coming over to use visibility and I'm using grow which I'm using the shortcut ctrl shift X as an expand okay so this I want to look at first what is this gonna look like right when it's divided okay so I'm not a fan of that so let me throw some creasing on this okay that's better that's more what I'm hoping for and I'm gonna crease also along that edge right there so I want something more like that yeah that looks yeah there there I like to turn down my creasing level and then see what that's gonna look like alright so that's pretty good I'm alright with that I like it I like it okay so now what I'm going to do is look at the brush from this sense so in essence think about this now when I'm drawing this out okay I want to be drawing this along a curve and the part that I want to be sitting on the surface is not this part I want this part to be sitting on the surface right so if I wanted this part to be on the surface then I would look at the piece this way but it's not what I want I want this part to be sitting on the surface when I draw and you'll see it once we draw it off for those that don't know what the heck I'm talking about right now so I want this this is what I want okay so then well then I gotta sneeze sorry so what I want is the ability then to say let's go ahead sorry sneezing left and right now so I'm gonna hit the B key for my brush I want to say let's create an insert mesh brush it's a new one and now I've got yeah I got this piece right this is what I get right and now what I want to do is I want to put this along a curve right and then I want to now have this doing this kind of a thing and you can see what's happening here this first polygroup is at the end the middle polygroup is with repeating and the top polygroups at the end so the beginning in the end is one the two polygroups here and there and the polygroup in the middle is what's getting repeated right so then I'm gonna come over here to the brush because what I want to affect is the brush so in essence the brush right now is the mesh that I'm repeating along the curve so think about in this sense the stroke is the curve itself so how I'm applying something to a surface so that's why the curve mode lives in the stroke and then the mesh itself is the brush right so in the brush I can go to my modifiers and you can see the little piece that I made sitting right here and I'm gonna turn on weld points and then I'm going to just up my resolution a little bit of the curve a little bit so that I get something like that so see now I have a repeating pattern and now you can see how it's bending on itself right you can see how it's bending like this I don't want that ability actually so in the brush palette I'm gonna up up drop down this this bending ability right so I'm gonna put it let's put it at 15 and see this is more what I want I don't want this ever to be able to go bigger than that I want to have that nice ability possibly there okay so now I've got this brush okay and what I want to do is use it with live bullying's okay so let's go ahead and download another sphere all right and let's go back to the control shift and list I'm gonna grab my slice curves I'm gonna do like a slice a slice and we'll just do another slice like that okay so we got multiple slices happening through here alright so right now I have a brush that I can draw and you can see it's drawing on the surface right you see that back part now and that profile is what's sitting on the surface so the next step I want to do is I want to have this surface this pushed into the surface right so in the brush palette because I'm dealing with the mesh again I want the depth to be different the depth of your fourth or sweetie that's a depth so right here the item bad value I wanted to embed in so I like to just start at zero and then I just come here touch on the curve and then this is what I get so that's good that's that's what I want I want that to be sitting in the server I'm gonna go even a little bit lower I'm gonna put it at negative 10 so it's set sits a little bit even more inside of the surface okay so now with that done this is the beauty of this okay is I can draw out I can hold the shift key and do certain things okay but what I want to do is this I want to go to this stroke palette and I want to go to curve functions and I want to frame the mesh based upon the board or a poly group or crease edging so really the only thing I want to really look at is the poly grouping so I click this and I get all those curves and the exact parts where I have poly grouping and now if I just tap right I get what I created going perfectly in there right and then it's sitting inside the surface beautiful it's what I'm looking for so now the next step would be okay I want to now grab let's say this sphere and let's split it off now so I'm going to split so I have now the sphere and I have these pieces which in essence I use the sphere to give me these pieces all right so hey all this so when I look at this now I can put it in smooth mode right and what I'm gonna do now is turn on live boolean 's up here and then over here I got a tell ZBrush that I want a boolean option so this first one is Union subtractive intersect so if I click this subtractive that's what I get which I use this all the time and the reason being it's non-destructive so if I don't like those scribe linings that I literally just did is an easy swap for me right and then this is going to go into start now folder in things okay because you're gonna have start groups now for bligh boolean s-- Heisey creator and then all the other things that go with it so this is why I kind of like that is I have now this and this is this looks perfect this is exactly what I want right but any point in time that I don't like this it's a simple turn off that's subtool and they're gone turn that sub tool back on and then they're there again and then I have this brush that from here on out I can use it on any other sub tool in this day creation and it's always gonna be the same depth it's always gonna give me this exact same result so really opens up an elegant non-destructive workflow for me okay so there you go I saw the busy and curves I hear you how's it going Z ton sorry time that's a great name just this is just a name this cell yelled ciudad it's almost reminding me of uh what's that what's it what's the villains name and uh Buzz Lightyear's villain uh Zord or shoot no that's not it it's oh wow go and blink on it someone will throw it in the chat okay so let's get back to looking at the zremesher again okay so that was that was one tangent we'll have 15 others I'm sure by the time we're done okay so looking at this again let's make sure I'm looking at the front right so I'm gonna turn on my floor grid I know I'm looking now at the front okay so I'm gonna go ahead and say let's use now the clip curve so the benefit of these brushes is they're symmetrical so I hold down ctrl shift draw it out Annoying snap of the fingers means I am NOT holding the key Oh so people that use these brushes there's no need to hold on ctrl shift anymore okay it's gonna open up me using the spacebar to be able to do things tapping on the Alt key to change the curvature double tapping the Alt key to make it a harsh right so this is what it's gonna give me the ability to do so think about that in the sense once I call this I don't need to hold this anymore and then boom that's what I'm looking for so then now I read dynamesh okay and then I say okay now let's do a little something else you know what let's let's make this a little bit longer wider there okay perfect I want the front end to kind of have a little swooping down look to it will read ina mesh that so now I'm starting to create this you know a little bit unique different type of piece okay and I'm gonna say that's good that's enough what I want now I want to be able to start using other features again cuz ZBrush is a cake for me no no no I want to use those I want a layering feature on top of feature I know in my personal workflow what I want to do is start using lower polygons old zmodeler things okay so this is too dense for that this is 52,000 polygons really well probably more than that because it's got triangles in it so it's 5050 2311 polygons okay I want to come through here now and say I want a crease right along there or I want this top part to be a poly group okay so what I want to do now is I want to start making things for my benefit so when I'm making something like this a very important thing for me is polygroups okay polygroups polygroups polygroups polygroup it polygroup a poly group at poly group at polygroup it okay so that's thanks maverick plus I'm still at the summit but you know it's I'm all over the place now I've stepped away from the as you say what does that m seem right okay way so I'm just reading a question I don't understand very well the window on the right top with all the tools so you're talking about this in here so I'm assuming neither this large icon when you click on it it's just showing you all the meshes that have been loaded into this particular session of ZBrush so you probably don't want to touch any of the two and a half bees because that's old school so you don't want any of this and then this is just showing all the other meshes which we were discussing this earlier in the stream these top ones and you can see I have multiple pieces loaded right I got multiple meshes here loaded and I got this loaded through here okay so these are all the pieces I've been playing with making things on so it's just swapping through them right so if I say okay so for example I'm working on this piece if I want to see that glider sci-fi I would just come here because this is it I click on it and then we're gonna swap them for you but they're still loaded they're still here it's just a way for us to click on things quickly right so you can see the piece that I've been working on is right there right so I can click on that it just automatically swaps on it if I want to see my Gundam when we get in the folder sex conversation there's my Gundam alright so in essence I've got a Gundam loaded now I've got a sci-fi ship loaded and I got a piece that I'm working on so that's all this is this is just open up the whole tool palette right in one window and then click on the ones I want and the little ones are just giving you the individual tools that you can click on now if you want to clean this up real quick just for the sake if you start getting really long here that's what this little R does it resets in it now resets that to only show you the one you have ok selected that doesn't delete them they're still here it's just reorganizing the tool palette ok yeah I'm in the process this is like a never-ending project that's Gundam actually formlabs wants to print this out rather large so I got to finish it I'm moving on the lake so I got this is obviously the torso and we'll get into it because if you saw if you see folder city 165 sub tools and I'm not even done yet right so I'm not even close to done yet so in the sense of my eyes my artistic eyes I'm not even done yet alright so back to this okay so poly grouping is going to be just huge it's going to be a very important thing so we have the ability to assign polygroups in multiple ways right I can do a mask and hit ctrl W so in this sense I'm making something kind of hard surface that clearly has right very defining parts here so I can come down here to a poly grouping and I can click this groups my normals ok and then there's an angle slider so I can say let's drop the angle maybe to 20 and hit this button and you can see now it starts to establish polygroups uncertain plane shift changes ok and I'd like to point out what what what up here right get your guys's going here is this also has this wonderful little dot so that means that there's two algorithms the open algorithm with that open dot actually does even better job of analyzing the surface and finding normals in a certain way okay so you can see if this one it found the top right the previous one wasn't finding the top okay so if I forget to do poly grouping I'm just showing there is a feature to do that but forget forget all this okay forget all that let's go all the way back to where we were before we started clipping things okay so I can clip again right so we're in symmetry mode I'm clipping now when I will go and do this clip I am now telling you polygroup server are pretty important especially what we're about to do with zremesher what's up George okay so I want to do something specific I actually want to make not only the clip I want to make a new polygroup when I'm making the clip okay so I'm going to tell it to make a poly group so when I clip through here boom I'm getting a new polygroup so here I'll make it be a different color so you can really see that right so again I I wanted this to be a little bit let's grab this a little bit and let's make it a little bit like that will read ina mesh that and then when I come across here and click now like this right see I'm getting a new polygroup automatically right this is really important for me okay cuz I want to establish new polygroup so in essence I can continue I know I want a poly group here along the top right and then I know I want a poly group along on the front and I know I'm going to want to paly group run along on the back and then when I remesh this you're getting different polygroups now so now I've got different polygroups in essence I want a different polygroup for each plane because I'm doing something hard surface right and then bottom being bada boom there you go now I've established this okay I'm bringing this up people because working with inside of ZBrush the stuff I'm about to show you there I'm doing this on purpose to set myself up for when I go to I find eventually here uses zremesher or 41 minutes and yet and I've set yet to use a zremesher okay is it possible to animate in ZBrush black picks black pixels zero one no I wouldn't say animate but you definitely can put stuff in motion yeah I like to say putting art in motion more you can use the timeline that's the only thing really but you could definitely do some fun stuff with that timeline you can teching the kind of animate but I would never tell somebody like hey let's use the brush to animate but there is ways to do that yeah there's stuff you can do in two hundred percent in time timeline and make things move you can do in lips lip talking remind me to find an old video and yes you could export in fact you can export the timeline as an MDD file and then you can throw that in then the animation would be in another program that actually is meant for animation or vice-versa you can export an MDD file from a program that does like say let's just say maya as an example you export that MDD file and you can import that MDD file and the model would move inside of zebras just like it's moving in the other program that's all that is possible doing all that and so how I brought up this poly grouping I'm holding ctrl + spacebar right which is also living right here really there it is right there so I'll pause for that in case somebody wants to take a screenshot so it's just a clip brush modifiers as all I'm doing that's it no biggie no biggie okay so I'm gonna duplicate this alright and let's take the one now that has all the undo history and let's now go backwards I'm gonna make two versions of this okay because when we get into the zremesher part here I want to I want to have an understanding here why I would want one over the other so we know we want this bigger okay perfect and this time instead of the clip brush which by the way before I go there this be radius thing man if you guys are amazing I love this boom that's awesome god bless like doing stuff like this so the things that you like look at that little design quick start look like a vehicle right but that like it's a car like boom like that happy mistake there there this be radius is amazing the use some really fun stuff with it it's using your brush radius and essence to to limit the clipping okay so again let's look at the front all right I'm gonna look at that red one cuz it's gonna be very important for about this brush I'm gonna switch to the trims now alright so I'm gonna switch to trim curve and I'm gonna trim so the one downfall of this brush is it's not symmetrical so I'm gonna need to make mirror and weld my friend so I'm gonna use mirror and weld to give me that ability right so this brush now automatically makes a poly group but not only that is the the edge is very clean very very very clean right so when I start doing the same process that I was doing previously right the difference now that we have what we have here is I am making a very very very sharp clean edging right and you can see what I get and I'm not gonna read ina mission so I want to keep it like this right so we have this one now and now we have let's turn this off this one right there so they're pretty much the same design y is the same but you can see once a lot more sharper than the other so this is going to be important now that we're gonna go to zero measure okay so let's go to zremesher and let's start looking at some options here what we're gonna be able to do so the first thing we can do right being in symmetry I can just pretty much hit zremesher and get my result boom done right so it does a pretty good job it's pretty much there that design but you see I'm not getting very clean edging right there and right there right it's not exactly what I wanted it's not what I was looking for alright so if I undo that okay we have poly grouping so this is gonna be important everyone Lisa needs braces Lisa needs braces Lisa needs braces look at my screen look at me look at my screen okay there are two options now there's the frieze groups and then there's the keeps groups okay so this was really important to me I see this all the time okay this this is pointless okay the one algorithm is pretty much trumping the other algorithm and we're gonna get to detect edging Mordecai don't worry there's a reason why also I'd made two here as well okay so the fries groups and the keep groups they're doing different things okay the fries groups algorithm what that's doing is going to an S it's pretty much Trump to keep groups it's gonna override I'm gonna stop saying the word Trump it's got an override okay so what they're doing is this okay so let's just look at fries groups let's remesh this okay and what these options are doing now is using the poly grouping as a forced to try and do something with this right we're telling it to try and look at the polygroups right the trying remesh okay it's doing a totally different thing it's almost looking at when you have fries groups on it's looking at each polygroup as like an individual remesh so right it looks like this looks at the poly grouping border and then tries to remesh this it looks at this one then and tries to remesh this so you're gonna get different topology it's not gonna make necessary clean topology as well right so it's not gonna be maybe what I it's not necessarily what I'm gonna want okay so you see you're getting kind of weird little topology points through here as well okay the keep groups is doing something very different that's now looking at the polygroups and re mashing based upon the actual poly grouping right so you can see the result we're getting it's trying to keep that poly grouping line but you see it has difficulty in other spots right and that's because when you look really look at this look what that polygroup looks like right it's got a little bit of a border that's going over top into this so that's why there's this smooth sliding ability ability right so here we'll do one with it at zero and let's see what kind of changes we get so here let's remesh this at zero okay this is what we did it did a better job on the back but it did worse right here and it's not nice through there and now let's turn this on and remesh this okay so now we get this okay not horrible and let's be honest where people refreshing one pipe button and getting results so that's not I don't like either one of the results obviously there's it's not perfect so again what I'm now doing is using poly grouping I don't really ever use the freeze groups anymore it's nearly not worth it I don't really like it anymore obviously the keep groups does such a better job now the problem here now we have is this mesh isn't clean like this so this has got super clean edges right and that poly groups are very much determined so now if I click this on I don't even need this slider right and we're looking symmetrically if I remesh this okay you're going to get a different result coming through here right so now you're getting edges exactly where you were cutting right and it's having a hard time with this poly group because of all the topology going through there so off to manipulate that a little bit so I can say well I can turn on also the smoothing so that's looking at every poly group and then applying a smoothing edge to it okay but let's be honest you know when we're working we're using different tool hold time and different features so I still want to be able to clean this one up so instead of just only doing this I like to come down here to deformation and I like to just polish by the groups so I turned this once and it's gonna start cleaning up the lines for me automatically right and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna open up that algorithm and allow the in essence silhouette to change and the more I do this the more you're gonna see these lines are gonna get sharp sharp sharp sharp right they're gonna just keep getting sharp sharper and sharper right as I go through the process here okay so this is a way to do this and if I want to even now clean this up a little bit more I can just do little Clips now like this and then throw this on it and then now we got something like that and then say you know what I'm gonna clipped us across there and then polygroup that and then there you go right so in essence I'm taking the mesh that's not clean and making it clean so now the beauty of this is those poly groups are very clean that we have here right so we got to keep groups on we remesh it and then now I'm gonna get the results that I wanted some about difficult time with that piece right there for some reason it looks like we got a straggler polygroup maybe through there okay so but this also leads me to looking at this and looking at with someone already brought up the detect edges so these edges now this is pretty sharp and you can select you could just go with this and tell it to try and rematch based upon edge detection right so it's trying to find edges at a certain point and detect those right so you can this you could do both for this one because there's times where you have poly grouping right and then you also have particular edge detection going on right so it just does not like this side here at all interesting so let's go ahead and turn that on let's go ahead and clip that let's redo this one I'll read dynamesh it and we'll throw some grouping on that again and no Nike let's try that see if we may get a better result this time it just does not like my design okay so the point of this in essence is trying to combine these alright and so the detect edge is doing something where if I don't even have any polygroups it's still trying to find these really sharp edges okay and then use those as guides in essence to try and maintain this silhouette in this form that I'm creating here right and then the keep groups is looking at individual poly groups and using those as kind of like the guiding border where edges need to fall okay so that's that's what's happening here so this is an essence was the workflow going back to what we were talking about that I was using for this final piece here so this is what I got as my final piece right this gave me the ability because I'm low-polygon to do big changes and in fact I did a big change through here right this this was added so what I did here is I didn't like the width that I actually had so then I came into Mar deformers here so I clicked the W key for the gizmo gizmo right not don't ever feed it past midnight and don't ever give the gizmo water it won't work out well for us it's gonna create a gremlin that's a bad joke take it gobble it up see what you want with it so I use this extender right here right so what happened to me is my original thought idea design wise it was more like here let's mask off the one part and let's just the original design was more like this right and then when I started looking at it ship wise I was like I don't like that right so I went okay let me Center the gizmo here it doesn't actually have to be centered but I'm just it's just me my ad D so I'm using gizmo I'm clicking on this and then using extender right and then now if I grab this I extend out and I can grab any of these and extend in any direction that I want and then see looking she creates something cool like that in the back right so this is I got a better way to go about this now the things I understand about this people which is really cool about this these deformers is they're driven by the gizmo and what I mean by that is okay you can hit the W key and I can go back and forth between the gizmo and that deform I'm playing with but if I did now say something like I'm gonna hold the Alt key and move the gizmo and now I'm holding the shift key now I don't have my finger on all anymore and I only have my finger on shift so I'm using shift to snap sound effects so important right and the Alt key is taking me from a lock to an unlock state so if you guys can't remember that just click the lock right so that means I can move my gizmo and not affect the mesh if I hold the shift key and then do this I'm snapping to five degrees so let's say I wanted a 45 degree okay now watch this if I go here and hit extender I've now got a 45 degree so what's nice about these two formers I now have an essence 360 degrees of manipulation here which is pretty awesome okay so oh and you got a headache oh man I'm sorry I try to limit my volume levels it's just not possible for me I just like and when I have tried to do it hi welcome to did you know that I'm Jack hey Dee deep thoughts smoothing 99 points if I turn to my radio voice ninety nine point six to ZBrush summit cam welcome to it right so now back to this and me stop being silly now I have this direction right so this is pretty handy people like that that's pretty cool like this is a heavy that's a pretty cool piece I would totally use this on like some arm of a Mac or something that's pretty cool now let's put it in another context here before we get we get back to the topic today which is the zremesher really and I'm so good at keep it on topic great so let's just say let's switch to a different brush let's switch to something like let's just do a primitive and specifically let's do a cylinder and I draw this out right so this is looking forward but let's say as a user you guys started manipulating it you start doing this you start doing this right and I also made me go mmm all right that's good yeah let's do a free like this and like this so now what we have here is this cylinder right and it's sitting not symmetrically in any axis right so another what I mean by that it's not looking straight on the C it's not looking straight on an X and it's not looking straight I don't know why it's it's just in space it's just a rotating ball a fun cylinder alright and now as a user I start manipulating going okay this needs to be let's put this here it's gonna go there in the front it's gonna be like a booster that comes off right this is gonna be some kind of booster because maybe this it's a spaceship so I need other boosters coming off this now my problem is okay I want it to come out of the surface more right so that's an easy fix I hold the Alt key in the gizmo I tap on the surface normal and now I have this happening right and I can move here okay I can now elongate this okay because it is sitting on the normals of this flat planing right so this is awesome I love this ability to be able to do this okay now for those that have art directors or directors in their lives or project managers it's never always gonna be the perfect thing all the time right so let's say now the designs changed and now they're like okay that's no longer a sphere it's more like a spherical cubic kind of shape thing right so I want to maybe now manipulate this and changes or let's say even think about this you have a character with an arm and now maybe along the arm you want to just expand and that character's arms sitting somewhere different in space okay this is how I like to use also the ability to have the deformers now when we now make a deform and I click on this and I just say deform er okay you can see my bounding box is now only looking at this right it's because this is all masked off right now so the only thing is looking at is that and you can see now the benefit here is my de former right is being manipulated now or set based upon where my gizmo sits in the world right so if I did something like this and like this and switch in here and click the former you can see the deformers I'm a completely different angle right so as users we're never like okay now at that point if you're nocturnal it's always like okay I'm done yeah and then they come nil can you make this adjustment this just position what's just gonna happen where artists we have our mind will change and things what's gonna happen right and now your users like okay well that's sitting somewhere in space right how do I just amass only that portion out so this is where all again cake none of them comes into play alright so I'm gonna switch the gizmo I'll hold the control key number one that's gonna mask every other polygroup out but this polygroup now I want my to deform or sit a certain way so I'm gonna hold the Alt key and I'm gonna tap what that does is snapping on vertex points but not only that if you guys move your hand okay while you're doing this all right you can see look at the green arrow and you see it's pointing to this so right now my little cross cursor is right above where that is so here let's turn this on so you guys can even see it even more so I'm holding all key clicking right on a point right and then now this right here this area right in here is what I'm referring to see how that green arrow is pointing to that vertex now now that my red square sitting on okay so when I hold the Alt key in tap I can actually align my gizmo along this edge right here if I want to I can hold Alt key and align it to that edge okay so this is important because now what I want to use is the extender and I want to extend this direction right so having this ability to snap that gizmo to the points becomes important because now I want to come to extender and you can see my extender is in the direction that I want to extend this out because maybe that's the shape I want and then look I can switch to say let's switch back to gizmo okay it's gonna sit like that now and maybe like this let's size it down maybe like that and then I can sit w key and I still have the extender to manipulate and play with like this is pretty powerful for me someone that also does a lot of hard surface this creates a very dynamic workflow right and again since we're having a discussion about things like zremesher okay Andry meshing if I ever want to rematch this thing obviously what becomes very important to me is poly grouping right so I want to be able to use this keep groups option down down the pipe so I can say brush zmodeler I can even switch the polygroup flat island and I can assign a new polygroup to that right there and then I'll just click these two inside a new polygroup so now I know down the line okay when I'm looking at this okay and I'm gonna sign by polygroups by Poul Gabri right there I got this but if I ever need to remesh this at any point in time I've got a great starting point of information in the sense that I can give the remesh or hey this exact edge right here is rather important to me try to maintain and hold that edge and then that's where when we go to our zremesher this keep groups is going to come in very handy okay so moving on the keep groups in essence is just using our poly grouping right the freeze groups is more or less using the poly group as a frozen section okay so if we if we take this off and let's go ahead and split this from this and let's even go ahead and apply my dynamic sub dual subdivisions that I have on so I have something like this and now I go and say hey let's remesh this okay and let's freeze groups and then let's just see what I get who knows it's always an exciting mystery I will show the poly grouping ring this a second here let's just let this finish up let's see what we get with freeze groups okay so this is what we get with freeze groups okay you see the geometry that's right there it's not the nicest it's not the cleanest right it's not what I want okay the actual keep groups is probably more or less what I'm looking for in essence I want the quality of speed let be used as a general guide but I don't want to be used as an absolute guide in the sense each polygroups vertex edging isn't being used to drive the rameshan I just want it to kind of guide it along remesh and see that's what I'm looking for I want that not this right you'd look at the density difference and notice I didn't change anything with the target polygon count look how much more dense this one was than this one and that's because we use free groups compared to keep groups okay so to give you another example and ideas about this if we grab this little guy again okay and let's go ahead and give it some spans here let's not have an inner radius we'll make this let's go ahead and assign some poly groups will use that groups by normal so I'll get different polygroups on the top and the bottom okay and then here so if we turn off the line you guys can see the to poly groups that well the three polygroups alright okay and I'm gonna go ahead and also I'm gonna crease this crease and we'll divide it up so we get something like this right so there's times all right as us as users let me turn my lines back on we're just only this needs to be rematched okay so we're the fries this fries groups is coming from is actually kind of the same thing that fries border is doing okay so if I click on this this is now a border edge right so there's certain vertex points ending along the border so now if i remesh this it's only remesh in the visible so you see i get a nice quad rematch but on the edge see it's not perfect and because we're trying to make sure these vertex points on this green still match with the remesh that's on now this green right just let me rewind that so freeze border rematching so what it's doing is looking at every single one of the vertex points along the edge and laying those first in the remesh before it Ramesh's the middle section and so it's making sure that this is welded still through here that's what it's that's what it's doing right if I do this and turn this off and just remesh will still weld for you okay so the geometry looks a lot cleaner but you can see there's a there's a still a point where the geometry is not perfect through there the benefit here though this has got its own polygroup this is a quick awesome way to create a little quick bevel there right because I know I have I know I know when I do that there's another polygroup so what do you mean by that again layer cake come back and do this little polish by groups right now make it a little bit stronger see it's gonna automatically start messing with that poly group right there right and I can start doing stuff like this and then just polish it and then there's a automatic bevel happening right there right okay so this should help you guys understand you know you got to know when's the white ones the right option to use so never do this that's pointless never do this that's pretty much pointless right this is why you can only do one or the other right so this is just there's no point in doing that okay and the new detecting edges are just allowing it attacked what ads do we want okay so looking at sharp sharp sharp sharp edges and then to keep creasing because I have this crease when I remesh this it's actually using this creased edge here and these creased edges here as a gauge to push so I'm gonna get a pretty good result here without even telling you to use the poly grouping right so what that means is if we have no poly grouping but I've got creased edges I can actually still get a very good remesh result okay let's do this and it's really what I want I want that edge to stay very sharp and I want that edge thus a very sharp and it did it and it also gave me polygroups automatically which is nice okay so what it did in this scenario it used this creasing so if you see if I don't move that's a creased edge okay so that's how you would do that okay so that's what you're doing now growing a mask I see that okay you can have the ability in masking there's a grow mask right in here right so you can have a girl mask right here so that's how you can grow a mask me you could also grow it by using selection ability right so you could also just switch to a selection ability like this and then now just grow out and then mask and then there you go you just grew that and then I can soften it if I need to all right or sharpen it if I need to whatever I want to do so growing a mask you do either one of those to answer the question that came through okay Sameer you're asking can you remember that s'what to keep groups that's exactly what the keeps groups is the keeps groups is that's what it's doing it's keeping the group's Andrey meshing for Ramesh in sections is now visibility thing right so the thing here with this is what I just showed that's why there's a freeze border okay and if you have a keep groups it'll also look at the grouping right so for example of this front end right was its own poly group and now we grow it so in essence I've got two polygroups right but I always have an open border so if I click on this the freeze borders looking at this and the keeps groups looking at those so you can see you're getting a different result right there right and if I turn off the freeze border and just Ramesh it you're still gonna get this and you'll get this but then this Ramesh right see isn't gonna line up so it has to create this in order to make sure this is still welded together growing the selection is just using the shortcuts so I'm just here so if we selecting something out I'm doing I'm holding down control shift and I'm tapping on the X key and every time I tap on that X key I'm growing an edge a complete edge around the selection that's it and then control shift tapping on s is shrinking one at a time okay and of course if you just hold him down it'll just we just keep growing it I'm just holding the three buttons down now look into my ZBrush you want to grow and shrink your selections so that is in visibility right here so when you look there's your grow right so for screen grab capability here and shrink and then there's an outer ring give the edge of the selections which can come in handy all right so if I even did a selection like this right and now I only want the outer rings you know that will only give those outer edge loops and then you know I can do stuff like this you know that's got its own polygroup or vice versa now that I have this I want to grow it a couple more and now I have that okay and there you have it ah the question what do you want can i remesh maya prop ins you really are you meaning you can can you bring in a model from another application of mine or something that in remesh inside of ZBrush 100% but are you if you're asking more do we have odd do we have manual read apologizing tools like Maya we do but not to the extent that Maya has the grow all shortcut okay like where this comes in handy the girl shortcut people is this kind of stuff you guys gonna start doing things like this and you're gonna have different polygroup in you're gonna different meshes right you could even have something like this where they're all now the same polygroup right and now you're like oh I want to change that one that now needs to be a cylinder right this is so easy you just select a portion of it in this case it's one face I'm selecting and then I just hit grow all which is shortcut is ctrl shift a and bingo bango I am right and now I can make a new polygroup if I want to control W right I got the gizmo and then now I can do whatever I want with that and move it and mask it off right it's giving me a big capability here now so I can do whatever I want no we don't have VR sculpting like ZBrush okay there my audio should be back audio test audio test all right so this target polygon count is in the thousands okay so this is just saying how many polygons you want right so if I one in the hundreds I drop it below a thousand we're good to go okay it's just a target polygon count now what comes into play which we've really important to understand is is adapt and this is obviously using the adaptive size slider so the default for the most part gives us what we want right it's pretty simple right it gives us what we need now there's gonna be times where I want something that's not having changes so as an example let's load something now let's load this guy okay get rid of that cube and let's do a little dyna-mesh Animesh no I don't want the subdivision though hmm let's go up a little bit more resolution here I don't want those let's do something like this okay so now we got this head right closed off surface and I want to remesh this okay so we can turn off dynamesh and I'm gonna remesh this okay so let's see what the just the defaults giving us here so I'm just telling now okay give me a clean version of this then look at the sculpt analyse the sculpt a little bit and make sure the flow is kind of following the sculpt okay so you can see what we get here now I'm sure for those that are crafty veterans in here you know that there's actually another algorithm so if you hold the Alt key and click on zremesher there's another algorithm coming through all this when you're saying option to mirroring custom orientation no I'm assuming if I'm assuming what you're asking that since you want to bring something in ZBrush that's off-world orientations like it's rotated and now you want to put a plane kind of guide in there say go on an angle orientation no that does not it exists if that's what you're asking for so I'm assuming this is what you're asking around this for me okay this model is looking straight on right whatever you bring if you have something that's like this right now symmetry right isn't going to work you want to be your ear like that in essence right there is one thing that you can do I listen and it's it's meant to not work on very very like super-dense but there is in the symmetry there's use poseable symmetry right so that will work so it's always a yes/no question it's a yes/no answer for you so yes you can do that but this will only work Oh we work is if the topology is symmetrical that's what we're using we're finding out that the left right side of this mesh the topology on either side is symmetrical so even though this is on an angle obviously I can still see work on both sides even though in the world this is sitting on an angle that is possible so you could do something like that okay okay so going back to this there are two algorithms so you can see there is a difference between the two this is not as dense is this one right look down here on the bottom you can see there's more topology edge looping and see that the rectangles are a little bit different down there than here looks Li right in this area by the throat right very different a little bit different flow look at the chin see there's difference here right so holding the Alt key you had different stuff here so what I want to talk about briefly is this these change in polygons okay that's what this adapt doing and this adaptive size slider is doing right so it's giving us the ability to control the size of our polygons okay so when you have the adapt on that out part of the algorithm in essence is looking at the mesh is evaluating its understanding hey this this is like an ear that's flowing this way so we need to make topology that will actually kind of flow that way and then work around the ear right they there's a no sew flow it down this way right this has got a looping around the base so make topology that loops around the base that's what this is doing now what's important is this slider is controlling the geometry and what is controlling this and the keeping in the simplest terms is the ratio by Siegel so it's taking care of the ratio between do you want perfect perfect quad or you're allowed a big huge triangle so very perfect or do I want allow this kind of a thing what's that range that we're gonna allow right so when you go lower so if we put this at one and remesh this you're telling now the algorithm I want everything to as close as you can to be a perfect square okay the lower you put that slider they want this is important because there's other features maybe I want this nano man just down the road I can think of Ralph's top my head already there might be times where I want perfect as close as I can quad it meshes right so you can see the difference now this has got trying to be as close as it can perfect quads like it's not gonna be perfect watches they're still part of the algorithm that's got a look at the mesh but you see the ears not maintained as much now compared to that right you can see this bottom part is not maintained as well as there okay and then of course obviously upping this slider higher is doing the opposite we're giving a wider range now to go from being a cube right to being more of a rectangles in other directions you're just playing with that ratio is what we're doing and so you can see you get a lot more sliver rectangle encountered there a lot tinier and also thinner than what we got originally Regan said this is getting more dense in essence than this it's adding more topology where it needs more topology look at the ear the ears also more dense than that ear so this was by default this is me now changing that adaptive size up okay so that's what all that sliders doing right it's pretty pretty simple not difficult okay then the slider below that is your curve slider so use with your remeasure so your remesh guides right so this is just again a general you shouldn't be doing this yes our topology do this and I wanted to do this and then I wanted to do that and then on that and then I wanted to come up like that and then it also does this and also does this and then it goes around the shoulder then comes up the back and comes up like this and no wait I want a little bit a little bit but so forth and so on this is now you're like you're taking away automatic read apologizing now you're just trying to be a user-defined 100% doing something like this would be more like doing a hand polygon so these are just meant to be more of a gesture like guide guide is the word I'm using here not right and saying I kind of want it to flow along that way and make sure it flows like this along part of the face and maybe yeah just kind of guide that a little bit more for the ear to do that kind of a flow right so this slider then is just telling it how much should it act as a guide so the lower you put it the more it's just like it's just a general guide the higher you put that curved string slider the more it's like no no I want to try and put an edge as close to this curve that I've drawn here okay so this is what we're trying to see units really put an edge pretty good edge right there and edge right there and an edge right there right so if we undo right look at this one right here and redo look it came pretty close to putting an edge trying to get that edge flow so you to follow that direction right it's still gonna already do it naturally but this is just kind of guide it more right and you can see the ears a little bit different than what I got originally now not huge changes so that's all these curves are doing but where these can come in very handy is if you ever encounter some kind of spiraling in your mesh okay so if we remesh say something like this let's let's divide it up a little bit okay and you're working on something and you get and if you do get spirals which is very rare at least for me okay you got this right I don't even think this guy will get me spiral so let's see now see it doesn't give me any spirals okay so but if you ever run into it this is where the guides actually comes in really handy so you can do this right when we need to get rid of our subdivision levels and if I hold the shift key while I'm pulling on it it wraps a curve completely around like say in this case the arms right so this is gonna give a very good result now as far as apology flow goes right so these guides will help get rid of hey doctor depress Oh get rid of any spiral II might have so this is why I'm bringing this up it's a great way to use that okay so the last thing is looking at painting alright this can come in handy so I'm gonna delete delete' The Strokes let's see what time do we have you're running out of time because I gotta get going here soon so the poly paint one is very beneficial in the sense that I want as an artist to control some things so when you turn it on you see that the head turns red okay so I'm gonna switch to the paintbrush paint and I'm just gonna start painting read through that face here okay and you notice when you do that now now everything else turns back to white and it's right because now poly paint has been turned on alright so this little icon here once I've applied the paint we're turning that on and then now this is what you get so going back to this there's a slider and you can see there's a color density of two okay so if I crank this to four you're gonna see the color in red is very different in saturation wise okay so this color painting is giving you guys the ability to say hey I want more topology when you remesh in certain areas or vice versa I want less topology size in certain areas okay so what I mean by that is then we can have this so anything above one point one lower one really right is going to give us more density so in this case I'm telling ZBrush now when you remesh give four times more density in this bright red okay and then let's say 0.5 okay that's gonna be half the density now so if I say let's put that up here on the top of the head because this is going to get covered by hair anyways so why do I want to waist putting a lot of topology in this area if I'm gonna have some kind of other sub tool or I'm gonna use next-gen Haring or whatever might be right covering this why do I need to have density here I don't it's that's pointless okay so then now when I go and say let's remesh and see what we get not only are we now using everything that we've been talking about but zebras are looking at this paint and saying okay you got really this four times the front of the face you get half the density in the top of the head so the face should stay pretty close to what we're already even looking at and the head will have bigger polygons so you can see it's getting pretty much and almost like the face never changed so you can see a much more dense and you can see look how much less density so see this was default look at the default compared to now right see there's way less density here then here this is important because there's times I'm sure you guys have had parts of your sculpt and let's just say in this case a face where you want to put way more detail around the eye right and you're just got not getting it you have to keep dividing dividing dividing and dividing maybe where your solution should be is how about I rematch and then just tell the remar in that area that I'm caring about more than another area this is where you guys got to start thinking about using this in that sense putting it in a workflow right because if I come go backwards and I've been sculpting here right and I want to change this so let's just make this all white right and let's just it for the sake of argument now the eyes I want to put some crazy details in it because camera wise I'm gonna do something extreme close up like this so obviously the only really important part of this face if this is going to be my final render my final piece is this area right and spread in particular the eye so why not let's put more density in that area right so now I can say that's gonna be pretty important so let's go create let's just do three and let's just paint in that area right through here this is going to be really important for me so I just have three times more density there right and then let's just have less density everywhere else let's say 0.5 we'll say you know through here okay coming through here now when you guys are gonna start using this one thing that I would recommend doing which is rather important I think for this is the transition right because there's still even though we're painting like you guys go obviously could do this we right what's what's really the pull alright so when you have transitions and so what I mean by that is color transitioning now so I've got this red that's three times the density and this blue that we're looking at now is half the density so that's gonna be a big change right that's gonna be pretty dense too not dense really at all so what I would recommend everybody whatever is I would when I'm holding the shift key would turn off the Z ad and I would blur that transition right I would blurring this red transition and all this painting transition through here I would blur that so it's got a slower rate of color between the two right so then when I go to remesh this I my goal is I'm hoping I'm gonna get pretty still density here and it's gonna slowly get bigger bigger bigger bigger than big right but I'm not gonna have crazy ugly topology that's my goal here that I'm trying to make that transition so it's got that better flow happening right so you can see specifically through here see that flow this is this is just a smoothing thing right so you can see that flow there's a there's a transition happening here right where it's a slow dent to the big polygons right compared to if we don't do that right keep it very harsh and then remesh that that is kind of like a harsh transition you've got that red red red and then also the blue I only stream around Halloween that's not true it do i it's all about goals dougie right so you can see you might want to mess it with that and think about that in the transitions so you can see we're getting bigger polygons now faster then we were previously right so and then this is just a smoothing thing right so you want to be able to manipulate this so this is where I would use something like this painting ability there's parts of my model that I know I'm gonna get more density and instead of dividing the entire thing up four times just to get more density in one little area how about Irie man and get some more low density happening ok so there you go that's where that comes very important now moving along here and we currently will keep working here ok let's let's transition now into some folder talk let's grab my gun gun damn ok cuz it's where folders are very important for me ok so let's turn on life billions because I'm using line billions to make my my my piece here ok so what we have now is I've started use my folders as a way to section off right so my gun domes gonna look like this piece once like this right so this is me this is my blocked out face right so this is me this is how I like to work at hard surface in ZBrush so this is me using like the clip brushes the trim brushes and I'm blocking things out right so I want to be able to figure out manipulating figure out I get my proportions right before I worry about trying to create something like what's in the folder right this is the clean finished version right that's I want it that's perfect that's exactly how I want it to look what's up werewolf jacquard our werewolf I like that okay so folding has become obviously important for us so now what's really nice about this in this sense right I've got 165 sub tools now there are times when I'm working and I have done this on just previous projects I've been working on I'm using for example live bully ins on everything here right through all these folders I'm going to turn on my large cannons too if I want to and now I got these cannons right so let's just say even as a user I want to take these cannons and put them on something else I don't let's put them on the super average dude for whatever reason alright so this is the beauty thing now of a folder we're gonna be able to rip this cannon even though it's 15 sub tools and in a folder off and put it on to onto the super average dude okay so the FIR thing that comes to us is we know how to need to know how to make a folder real quick right so there's multiple ways to make a folder so I'm just going to use the demo soldier right now to make that folder okay so the first way obviously is there's a shortcut but there's a button and I don't ever use the button anymore it's new folder I use ctrl F that's my preferred method cuz why not use the shortcuts I hit ctrl F and asked me to make a folder dude right and now what gets plopped in the folder is the selected sub tool simple enough of course then I can drag and move sub tools up and down the list and I can add things to that folder so now if I turn off the folder right everything turns off right so if I don't have him selected I can turn them on and off now simple simple simple right nothing crazy here now for something like what I was working on yeah I've got 165 sub tools right and what if none of that was in folders now we've got well how am I gonna quickly make a folder for everything my preferred method he's using the gizmo okay it's also a great way now for many folders for posing especially for hard surface so I like to use the gizmo to do this so my go is turn on this little last icon right here okay which our man Joseph dressed called pizza boxes and then I'm adding on angle how many people you bring to the party are you bringing one subtly bring in 50 sub tools it's a par dampen yeah obviously that icon is referring to a sub tool list now if you look at it it's just recreating the sub tool menu right so in essence am i moving one sub tool or am i moving multiple sub tools okay whatever way you need to remember it go forth sub tool party have a good time okay so why I like this is I can now use selection abilities okay so holding down my ctrl shift I can just select on sub tools that I want to be part of a folder okay so ctrl shift and say now I got the body you know what I want the wristband I want the glove and I want the goggles so all I'm doing is holding down control shift and I'm tapping on the ones that I want and now if I hit control F it's gonna say hey you have selections and you're in this mode do you want to make a full excuse me a folder I'm going to say always yes because I'm always want to do that do-right and you can say boom I've got a second folder now doodoo right and now I can open and close that and then there's my folder which that's nice okay you can also do it this way you could just click and drag and anything that's in the green right is going to be used right so if you selecting over any of the meshes it'll grab it right and you don't need to completely select all right so for example I want the kneepads I can do that now they're in the selection right if I do this red then they're out of it's out of the selection and so I can do this now the body's added to the selection so this is a great way so obviously by default you guys will have to select rec so I can say let's let's only have the head in the goggle so I can just do this and see only the head goggles or in that selection I can control F don't that many use right and then now I've got a new folder and you see I've got two in this one now and I've got two in this one right so this is a really great way to for me to start creating some folder systems because as as we're looking at that gun gun Dom is that there's a lot of sub tools and for me I was able to quickly create those right so with that said now that we have folders what can we do with the folders right so like I said I have this where's my Gundam there's my Gundam ok Gundam where I'm now started folder in things off right and I'm doing this on purpose because I want it it's also obviously to organize myself but there's also times where I want to rip things off and in this case you know that glider ship right I actually the wings were part of my Gundam right so my wings let's see this is the main back piece you see I've got these wings that I've made right so I wanted to be able to just take these wings right off and reuse them okay so no no I don't remember now which which ones top guns see as I turn these on you can see all the pieces I'll hear large wings there you go so see these large wings when I was building that ship I'm like you know what I'm just gonna go rip the wings off that I have on my gun domes is WP pack and then boom design right so this is where if something like this will come in handy so let's again let's let's look at the large cannons so let's let's just select that folder its collapse so you open and close it by clicking on the folder icon will open and close it and what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna come up here to a plug-in and I'm gonna go into some tool master and this is really great now that we have these folders because everything you see in this sub tool master now can be driven by a single folder okay so I can for example if I select this torus now right there's a little gear and there are options here right so I can say transpose set okay and now all the sub tools in that folder are selected and now I can automatically move those where I want to yes symmetry is on okay so now I can have manipulation of every single sub tool and I'm gonna have a quick so I don't have to even do the selection things anymore I can just say you know what's selected by transpose set and then I can say hey you know what the next nap moving with this right so that means I made a folder with just the neck and then I can say watch this so here let's let's zoom in close to this right so you can see the neck is is is not selected and you can tell because it has those like it's more of like a looks like line okay to it so I'm gonna say gear and I'm gonna say add transpose set right and see now the neck is visible so now when I move I'm actually moving not only multiple sub tools I'm moving multiple folders so you got to think about this right this is really crazy done now and Mike and as far as I'm considered I'm done with this piece it's clean it's what I want but what if the size was wrong what if I wasn't positioned in the right spot compared to where how close I wanted to the head I like I just disappeared you this is like extreme back up I just lean back on my chair I just realized how far back it goes from the camera it's like I just I'm here I'm not really here okay so this gives us that ability and then it's quickly also I can do whatever I want right I can add anything else I can say let's add the large wings to this right now I can move the wings and the torso as a unit okay or I can say you know that's ridiculous Paul much like you and your jokes so click on this and say how about we sub it and then now it's out so again this is like a cake to me man I'm layering things on top of things to make my life easier and get to the end result a lot faster right so when you start working on like this kind of a piece that I'm working on you need more flexibility you need more movement right so that's why we have these gear options so the steak for hey you know what I really like this torso you know I don't want it to be all the sub tools I want it to be one I just want give me the boolean result because right now we're using live boolean so you see we turn it off this is really what my piece looks like right you can definitely see that there's wings there and there's some cannons and guns but there's a bunch of craziness but I'm using a lot of live boolean to do what I need it's like my lifeblood right it's like my placenta in my blood man I gotta have a live million special when I'm doing a hard surface I use it all the time okay so let's say as an example like for these wings right these wings were made up of like 50 or 60 sub tools when I wanted to go to that ship I didn't want to bring all 50 or 60 over okay so I wanted to say let's boolean those but only boolean that folder so that's why we have two options here right you have boolean folder and boolean with D as div which stands for dynamic subdivisions I am a massive user of dynamic subdivision levels a special and I'm low-polygon looking at something like this right this is what I want I have so if we look at this main piece here right and come down here the geometry and dynamics FC I have it turned on so if we look at just this piece this top piece if I turn it off this is what it looks like it's really this is the topology right and I turn it on this is what it looks like okay so the difference here people and everyone you guys got to understand this is this is a big difference so let's turn off let's just look at the torso right now again beautiful can turn off beautiful turn off sections okay so I have 24 subtools making up pieces in here right so we'll open it up and expand it and turn this back on well not that one I don't want that one okay so i will have all these doing particular things okay and now i want the result of this so let's make one without des des des des WV des div and make one with it okay so here we'll do the first de boolean folder click it and what that's doing is looking at the folder it's already done bada bing bada boom everything gets turned off in the folder and a new subtool gets made and that new subtool is the mesh right and you'll notice now every single mesh right there's one there's two there's three there's four okay so here I'll turn on the poly frame without the line so you guys can really see I'll turn off live boolean now right so there's that piece okay there's that piece there's this is the back and then there's that piece okay so why is it number one making four and if you look at the topology alright well need to turn the line back on it's pretty ugly right it's got really long this is more like I would see coming out of a CAD program that's trying to convert the CAD polygon what's up my man let's go to bed I was seeing the CAD program coming from here to here right so because I'm using something like dynamic sub div this is not really giving me a result that I would want right it's it's not pretty at all any shape of the form but why am I getting for the reason why we're getting four if we turn this all back on we'll turn on our live boolean and let's turn these ones off in fact let's just do this let's select this one this one this one there we go yeah and let's have this one let's actually make a fold let's put them in a folder right so this is where again I can select things that I want to be in the folder not in the folder right and then I'm going to say ctrl F I'm just keep it untitled and now I have an untitled folder all right so it's got those those items in there these five items that I had selected okay so now it gives me the ability to turn this folder on and this folder off and so now I can look at right deme the clean version okay and so now what I want to tells you brush to do this time is make it based upon the D s div so this is gonna take longer now right it's really not that long and what we're doing is we are applying the subdivision the dynamic subdivisions and then going on to then boolean right so if I close this so we get the pieces again but they're exactly what we were looking at right this is what I wanted I want to clean clean pieces like like this so you can see the density is very different look at the apology it's very very different now right it's a lot dense that's ugly that's ugly right what this is because whatever piece I'm using here to cut into it it's not divided up enough it doesn't have enough information but you can see now the difference right this is what we have now compared to what we had with the untitled one right if we look at these two look how different that is that's very different this is important people because people that I see using live billions they're creating geometry like this you guys kind of think about this now when we go to say try and remesh it this one's gonna have a way harder time to give you a good reach apologize remesh compared to this one this one's gonna give you a way closer almost perfect result because there's more actual topology there for the remaster to use to figure everything out as well okay so that is very important I don't use the cue grid very often as much with the dynamic sub did I use it only when I know I'm making something that's very going to be cubed right and so what I mean by the for those that don't know what me and Ben are talking about right now so like I did like a Gundam hangar um I don't even know if I have it let's see let's see if I can let's see let's just grab a cube let's just grab a cube handy-dandy make it good initialize let's make a cube a little more density let's go 8 by let's go 16 by let's go 8 okay so we got some like so what what bends bringing up okay and you know what it's important I think because I used dynamic sub give a ton can when you got something like this in dynamic sub divs when you turn it on you're gonna get that you're gonna get a soft nice look to it right and that's because the cubes pretty dense right if what's up it's not real dense okay so this is being controlled by this smoothness right the higher I put this smooth designer the more look so what we're doing is giving you a preview of what for subdivisions look like that's what we're doing here right I'm a big component of using creasing I love to crease right so I can crease my polygroups and now it's the nice cube again but I like to turn down this crease level to say something like - and I can get that smoothness again that's that's more what you want for a hard surface the problem you have with hard surface in the digital age is it looks too perfect right nothing exists in the world that looks like this it's it doesn't exist you don't have the ability to do this okay like look in your room right now that you're at there is nothing with a super crisp hundred-percent 90-degree edge it does not exist okay so I want something like this right to have ability of right and then of course if I drop this keep dropping this lower see it gets more smoothing through there so it's using these two sliders together now I'm use them as a unit okay so what Ben's bringing up is there's three ways to look at dynamic sub div okay and I can even increase this all right and what I can do is say not only smooth but do a flat one first and then see now you do this and I can get to pretty much what I was doing with creasing but a difference is now we're previewing six subdivision levels so this is an old trick where people used to do this they used to turn this off divide a couple times and what we're doing is actually adding polygons turn the smoothing back on and then divide right and then now you get this again so the preference here is we've got subdivision levels and we're at a hundred and sixty three thousand polygons okay so I want this look but I don't want a hundred sixty three thousand polygons that doesn't make any sense this is why I love dynamic subdivs there are people that don't embrace it and I'm just like you're crazy they're amazing okay so boom I'm only at 640 two polygons so if I start using something like zmodeler right and I start going on this and I start manipulating this and let's say Q mesh now I can actually watch this change on the fly right I can see what's going on here on the fly I don't need flat right so you can see this like this right and what's going on here is these are not creased over here now so if I can hit the old crease Paul Gabri boom right we're good to go now we've got something like this going which looks great now what's say let's delete some edge looping here so to get back to what Ben was bringing up now listen you don't forget it will keep it I'm gonna do a split now I'm gonna do a split point okay and then now I'm gonna say let's queue mesh that by polygroups and do let's see it's got two polygroups happening so I'm gonna say you know what I don't want these two polygons are the same so only not only do I want polygroup but I want a poly group and a flat right so I want poly grouping and flat ability to happen so I'm gonna say flat and poly group together and then do this and I'm gonna change my poly group by tapping the Alt key on the fly and then this one doesn't move but it still stays red by Adam thanks for coming by okay so the difference here now is you look this is more starting to get rounded this is more squared right so if we took this here let's duplicate this and let's put it on something really simple so you guys can definitely see the difference here so let's go back to the default cube here okay so you can see it's it's rounding off right a little bit so I'm gonna say you know what let's go ahead and let's just crease by the polygroups beautiful beautiful beautiful stuff I'm gonna split here and then let's queue mesh and pull that out right so now I'm getting this approach that I want okay so I'm going to add another insert and edge loop here and another one there if I want to so I have abilities to do whatever I want okay so this cube is still cube shape and this is starting to become more of a cylindrical shape right so I want to keep that kind of idea in that concept through there alright so what I want to do now is say if I turn on this cue grid this is now what we get right so you can see this is now no longer really rounded this is very cubed so here will even turn off the smoothing and this is now what we're getting okay so the cue grid is awesome but it's only really beneficial if you're creating something that's gonna be all squared hard-edged there's no roundness in it at all right so this grid is now allowing a bevel to automatically happen to every single edge right so there's now two edges on every single edge side right so i'm beveling it or i can chamfer it so it's rounding or flat and then this coverage controls this rating here right it controls what I'm going to be doing right so you can see that on the fly so when I did my like my Gundam hangar for a man here I can see if I let me see if I can find it real quick here because I made a hangar for my Gundam as well that I never do anything with there we go found it I mean you ripped this off okay so see something like this everything in here is pretty much squared right so this I used the q grid I use it for everything right because there's nothing really rounded there's no spherical shape there's no cylinder shape there's no hard surface that kind of round slowly that doesn't exist right so when you're using that Q grid it's great you got to think about it though you're creating an edge about every single side - right so you're gonna have constant edge you can control the coverage of that right you can be bevel or a chamfer and then this Q grid slider honestly never put it there's no need to put it above one unless you're really gonna use chamfering but I even when I was making that hanger I kept it at one the entire time and you don't need to combine with both right and then now you got coverage but is then you're gonna have to think about when you go and create this piece and you hit apply you're now gonna get all that topology - right so that's the thing you got to think about like I don't really need six edge loops right here that's pointless but though two edge loops became six because this is putting edge loops on either side of what you're doing okay so - to what Ben was talking about that's what I like to use known you can't limit the beveling it's a global setting it's a global setting so if you want to do limited beveling you're gonna need to use the zmodeler brush okay so if I'm switching to this and doing a smooth ability like this and now I want to bevel certain edges you want to switch here and you can do a bevel or you can do an ad to curve so when you're sitting on edge I can click on these curves and I can bevel now these curves right here and I can put a beveling right in there now I have a bevel going on just through there that's kind of something that I like to do really quickly right is if I did something like eight let's make that a new mesh so something like this this is what I like to do and some of my designs let's get rid of this is I like to put a little element through here just to kind of break it up so it's not like like using this a is some kind of piston or part of it a leg or let's say you know your bone structure maybe I want to use this as like a bone structure through here but I'm doing hard surface I'll do stuff like this and then I'll say hold spacebar over the curves and I'll say bevel and I'll throw a bevel in there so if we look at it it gives me that right and then for me I like to crease it so now I've got a crease in so when I look at it I get that and then I like to also then throw a little crease in there right and see that's super sharp so this is where the crease level comes into play and then that is way better that's really what what our goal is right and you can say crease level one crease level three right you can watch that change now to on the fly and does a better job right so this is the kind of stuff that I like to do for beveling in certain areas okay I didn't answer any question about edge snapping I didn't see your question about edge snapping I'm gonna have to get going here so let me find that question step to another edge and zmodeler no but there's no way to like I don't I'm not sure if that's a loose word to me snapping because I don't know if do you want certain snapping like you can take an edge and move in and then make them be combined edges in essence right so all your edge here are through here so there's not really I'm not sure when you mean by snapping I'm not sure of your meaning do you want this edge to snap to that edge exactly me in the same space if that's what you're looking for no there's nothing like in the edge controls to do something that but that's creating ugly geometry so that I would do something else I would use a point control right then I would do a stitch and then say end points and I click here click here and then see it's stitching and then click here and click here and then now that's one edge now instead of two edges so there's that snapping me yeah there's a way to do what you're asking for sure so snapping degrees just use masking do a mask and then inverse it and switch to the gizmo right and the gizmo has the ability to snap to degrees and now that edge right can snap you can do that if you want to there's of course also a spin right well spin the edge at 45 degrees automatically so you could do that if you wanted to as well okay and the last thing before we go when we're talking about folders because unfortunately I have to go everybody I wish I could stay longer but I cannot one big thing that you guys want to do we were talking about I was talking about the cannon part okay cuz this is big for me I do this all the time so this large cannon folder in here right I want to take this cannon folder right and put it on something else so if you guys have the folder selected right if you're selecting this folder you can in the subtool master turn-on folder only just like the gear does and there's a copy folder right here so I can say copy folder select another mesh right come back here and you see now it'll say paste folder and I just click paste folder and sit back and now it's taking only the folder of the cannon and we're putting it on the super average because he's got to be super average man he's got out of these massive Canon's right and then there you go and now I've got that folder here let's get rid of the curves right in here and now we've got these guys right sitting here and now I'm gonna say okay I want to manipulate all the sub tools but just these right this is all I want to do right so this now gives me the ability to put these cannons in place where I want them and then size them all down as a group and I'm not ever losing my design you guys gotta have fun man gotta have fun with this yes he's gonna have cannons for ears right so this is I do this all the time right and now I've got look at the cannons there for him ready to go okay so unfortunately buddy I gotta go thanks for tuning in again to another wacky and wild and crazy Paul Gabri did you know that here are the ZBrush live Channel I'll be seeing you again next month I will be streaming next month okay so please tune in for that I appreciate all coming if there's any last-minute question I can answer throw it up there now hey befall Egon abend two streams with us thanks for coming by hopefully you guys took away a lot from this more to come I did a lot of tangents with this one okay so I really appreciate you guys tuning in it's a lot of fun to be able to communicate with you like this I enjoy live working over making videos personally okay unfortunately I can't say when the update will be and when it's coming I love where do you guys get these rumors to where do these rumors start on now I'm intrigued because Dougie's also throwing in that there's a rumor we're giving you guys the new features that we showed it to some what is it where did you guys find this out cuz we've we've said nothing write a new book uh yeah I thought about it I definitely thought I'll write a book books a lot of work it's a lot of work but I'm gonna write a new book I want to go crazy with it I want to be something really cool like I want to take that Gundam and break it down for you guys in the book and take another project and bring I want to be like project-based book oh you got it from dougie dougie you're spreading rumors you're spreading rumors Doug so unfortunately I can't say when that versions gonna be hitting the market for you guys for you guys to get on it okay so I'm on my way out have a great weekend for those in the US and celebrate everywhere else happy Halloween enjoy next week's Halloween have a great night I'm out see ya
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Views: 4,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pixologic, zbrush live, digital sculpting, 3d modeling, art, design, tutorial, how to, making of, twitch, character creation, live boolean, vdm, sculptris pro, deformers, project primitive, illustration, mudbox, 3d coat, autodesk maya, adobe, photoshop, cinema 4d, 3d printing, concept art, games, reel, tips and tricks, workflow, developer
Id: dLRl3d_DNms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 19sec (7459 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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