Did You Know That? LIVE - Pixologic Paul Gaboury - Episode 20

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hello hello everybody back yeah it's been a while I don't know I think it's probably been well over a year so we're bringing back the did you know that's here on the zbrush live channel so for those that are just tuning in for my wild and wacky and craziness for the first time welcome to Thunderdome so you're gonna get used to that wonderful eighties themes references love it need more of it so we are taking a look in this segment is things specifically inside of ZBrush how we can use some features to create specific workflows and having that as our topic in the sessions so we are going to be today looking at the snapshot 3d because I just think it's super powerful there's a lot of really cool things you can do with it I'm just not seeing it use a ton yet which is understandable we're all learning things right we're all good at it so I want to focus on that and really take a look at that and show you guys the things that you can do with this because it will open up a lot of avenues for you of course I find it extremely useful for hard surface so but you are definitely can be using an organic mindset as well so I'm gonna take a look at just two particular models so that's kind of why I started with the art station here so you've got a glider here right so we're gonna just take a look at this piece that I made using pretty much the snapshot 3d and then this is an MPR render out of ZBrush hey Thomas how's it going my man so of course yeah a hundred percent looking the questions coming through already I like this already there's a question about having the ZBrush sculpt being sent to CNC machines and getting card out of wood a hundred percent yes doable they're doing it now in fact let's even go to it here if for all the you that don't know we have our own of and called the ZBrush summit so you'll want to go to the URL summit dot pixologic dot-com and one of our sponsors so here we got a sponsors page here so we got a lot of other companies gonna be here we're giving away I haven't tallied up the final number yet but it's between forty to fifty thousand dollars worth of product we're giving away so these are all of our sponsors I'm gonna be part of the ZBrush summit so Monster City is actually gonna be here in person James is gonna be here and that's one of the things they actually do they have CNC machines for cutting out of wood he's gonna have stuff on display and they use ZBrush a ton and they also have a bunch of clients that contract them out so to answer your question about C&C machine and wood a hundred percent doable yes can be done in fact I am my own little tiny CNC machine myself and I know our main man mr. Joseph and dressed Joseph We Trust has one as well so but going back to the summit that's the end of this month so this is actually perfect timing so it's in about two weeks two and a half weeks so we've got a great line of a presenter so you want to come to this web page presentations are gonna be Friday through Sunday so that's Friday September 27th through Sunday the 29th we've got a whole bunch of things as a biological visual stuff that's the first presenters week a ubisoft we've got a break so important so so important Hasbro's gonna be here zi long from china it's gonna be here he's amazing artists we pixologic will be making our presentation as well so you want to go through here and take a look and if you can come in person I'd highly recommend it it's a lot of fun being here in person like the Griffith Observatory is gonna be showing some stuff which is pretty cool MPC by the way MPC's presentations only available here in person so we streamed this entire event for free it'll be on the channel ZBrush live it'll be going to our face book our YouTube and our twitch however the MPC 1 cannot be streamed they're gonna be showing Lion King stuff and unfortunately that can only be shown to the people physically here so another incentive for you to come by KS Mason's amazing stuff I'm telling you're gonna love them they've presented the very first year and now they've just got a ton of stuff what's going on Winston thanks for tuning in our man Raphael grazetti I'm sure you all know about him we have a artist from Japan showing collectibles for anime kind of stuff sake and then we have our word ceremony we have our art gallery opening slash party it's happening Saturday evening here and then you got your Sunday presenters you got Maria pimple OVA you got tippet studios yet Carville this is another person going back to that question Cameron which Carvell creative does is all large monumental huge things so obviously they're using a lot of CNC machining they're using 3d printing they're doing a lot of different stuff to make happen in ZBrush is one of the key applications that they're using you got Gilbert though also got some amazing pieces and then you have elastic that is commercials but so they're gonna specifically show in like games of thrones the West world main titles they did all that also on top of that we have workshops so currently there's only two workshops available so there is cameras workshop for doing large monumental stuff again but also talking about CNC machining 3d printing workflow so this would be a great shop it's only 200 bucks this is the only thing we charge for our workshops everything else is free but this is still got some seats available and last I looked up the beginner introduction class of ZBrush has got two seats left as well so these are the only two workshops left the other ones are all sold out so if you're gonna be here in person those might be another great thing for you we also have portfolio reviews so we are constantly still adding so these are gonna be companies individual artists can sit and look at your work if you want to come down and put your work in front of them they can give you some tips some tricks or there's like I said there's come here and then we also have an on-site challenge so last year we did a Michelangelo challenge where the artists people here we're physically sculpting they got 15 minutes it was a lot of fun and the winner is actually taking home like a $4,300 printer they're taking home an Ultima core 3 extended printer so this year's theme is gonna be emojis so you got to create an emoji in 15 minutes inside of ZBrush so that's happening here on site so okay so that's the summit just as we got into that so I want to go against a we're gonna take be taking a look at how we can do things like this in particular right or a walkie talkie here that we have here okay something like this so in fact that's the model that's up here right now okay so when I throw in our live boolean's you can see then the walkie walkie talkie niner-niner vector Niner right so this is what we have I'm gonna come out of perspective mode and you can see I know it's a walkie I know it's super exciting okay and then here's the ship so that we have okay and there were a lot of different techniques that I used to make this happen here okay and so I colorized it here we can turn off the color so you can also see it without the color all right and it's just seeing the work flow is what I want to cover okay so if I turn off live boolean x' you can see what it actually is so I want to go through this and take a look at this feature and really start to use it and have some fun with this okay so by all means - you got questions coming through fire them away at us okay I'm also gonna put a poll in here from time to time in our chat so for our next topic so if you want to click on that link these are ideas for our next topic so in this you guys control what I'm gonna be talking about for each one of my streams so since it's been so long I just picked one of the newer features that I'm getting a lot of questions about so I thought I'd cover that but if you click on that link for the straw poll you can start clicking on what it is that you would like okay so let's just load something very simple okay I just wanted let's just first start grasping our ID and getting around this and I'm just reading the question sorry okay so I'm gonna just load this cube here okay nothing nothing crazy here just loading up a cube all right and then I'm gonna come over here and for me personally obviously now in 2019 we have the ability now to stretch out our subtool menus okay so I like to hover around like 12 right and then of course now there's gonna be folders in here that we're gonna use today as well so I've got a cube I know whoo a cube right so we want to take a look at now using the spotlight snapshot 3d to create pieces and be able to start doing things so I'm just gonna go ahead and open up my lightbox I'm using the hotkey the comma comma comma comma comma Kamini told you a tease okay I can't sing too much or YouTube will just say no so I want to open up the lightbox which is again clicking this button or the hotkey is comma key and I know that because when I scroll over the lightbox button it says show/hide lightbox and you see there's a little comma so for example if I went over perspective you can see it says perspective distortion and the P that's the shortcut is P right and if I go to floor you can see shift P okay so that's all I'm doing and then I'm gonna go to this little spotlight option here which is in essence a folder that's on the computer so this is an S as an internal browser okay so that's what lightbox is it's an internal browser for us to see things so I'm gonna load this one right here I'm gonna load this very first one which is 512 hard surface and then you've got images floating here okay so what I have here now is spotlight turned on right so where I can find spotlight is in the texture menu okay you can see right here there is an on/off and now you can see the shortcut for that is the shift Z so if I'm tapping shift Z on my keyboard you can see I'm just turning it on and off okay so now that I have this ability to have these images that's great okay so what spotlights going to allow us to do and spotlights been around since version 4 which is about 10 years ago maybe 10 years ago it allows us to use images to paint or images to sculpt okay so what we added in the most recent version is now we're using images to actually create 3d meshes and in this case we're using specifically just black and white so pure black and pure white images so if you have an image that's got pure black in it that'll be transparent in spotlight and in its pure 100% white you'll visually see it like we're looking at this right now so this is just a spotlight file with several images in it okay and then I'm gonna hit the Z key which is bringing me in a different mode so this is edit spotlight mode okay so there you have it right okay so there's a question coming through just some guy I like it that's a great user name I'm just some guy all right I like that that's awesome actually does ZBrush have a way to do exact specs for instance example if I'm creating a piece of furniture with legs that are exactly 2.18 8 inches by 3.5 inches by 16 inches yes there is ways to get this and get the scale anytime I'm doing toy work okay I like to be able to know the size or like maybe if I'm going to have to readjust something in like a couple millimeters or having for Betty your your directory right records and we need to make this like 5% larger ban okay there's you got to figure out that math but you'll have that you're gonna have different changes so since that's got brought up for me my halper for scale and getting through that and helping me on understanding everything is scale master so this is a plugin that ships with ZBrush so you have it okay so this right now is going to allow us to set our scene world in millimeters centimeters inches in feet right because like many other applications they don't know what world you want to be in so you tell the application what world you want to be in so I can do this with this plugin so as an example you know we got this cube right now right if I just hit set scene scale you're gonna get all the measurements to pop up so this cube is two by two by two right that's just numbers - bye - bye - it doesn't ZBrush does not know do you well is that two by two millimeters inches feet centimeters what is that exactly so you the user are going to tell the application so you can see I got - bye - bye - bye - bye - bye - right in inches feet centimeters and millimeters and if for those that have just tuned in watching me for the first time I'm back baby and I like to talk fast so if I'm talking too fast rewind know but seriously if I'm talking too fast pipe up in the chat and I'll make sure to answer your questions and slow down so you can see there's only one millimeter number because actually ZBrush is default world is millimeters okay so what we're doing is okay this has got a measure a two by two by two millimeter but if is that really actually point two point two centimeters or is at Point C we doing the math for you so that's why there's multiple numbers and the other ones so I'm gonna say you know what this is two by two inches so what I've done now is I've just set this particular scene this world in inches okay and you can see the sliders update to two by two and then it switches to inches okay so what this also does for us is if you hit the W key or W the W key all right they pose up our gizmo so all I'm doing is switching to the move moon right now right and I'm gonna hit the Y key why you ask bad joke is I want to switch from the gizmo mode back to the transpose mode transpose line right so you can see I'm just turning this button on and off which I use the hotkey Y okay and why I'm bringing this up is this is now a measuring tool as well so you can see there's little dashes here sound effects so important right so the little ones and then there's a big one so every big - that's an inch okay and then of course every little dash is now a quarter so this is this would be two and a half two and three quarters Ryan you can control this in your preferences so there's transpose units so by using that plug-in we also set this line to now be in inches okay so you can see you have major ticks you have minor ticks so if I want to have more accurate I can say 10 and now you can see I'm go one point one two three point five inches right and so now the beauty of this if I turn on this poly frame okay hitting shift F okay I can click anywhere and start dragging out now what's nice about this is this is snapping to particular parts of the mash it's snapping to vertex points okay so as an example right if we walk down to the lowest level so I'm doing that by moving this slider and then I'm just using the shortcut which is shift D as in David and then the letter D by itself walks back up okay so what I can do is I can click here and then click there and I can see that those are snapping right or I can click here click there so no matter where I move this you see it's eventually when it gets close to a vertex point it snaps okay so this is telling me the size from this vertex point to this first X point in inches so for example if I want to know what is the from here to here okay up here in the top left you can see one point for 1 for 1 inches so that's how long that is in the world of inches so there's an example now if we take this to context of a character all right so let's just load our demo solider right and now I'm looking at our demo solider I would say okay well let's set his scene let's see he's an inches right so he's actually I want him to be seven point nine one inches tall right so that's all tall he is that's this particular sub tool that I have selected okay so when I now type I go to another sub tool okay which I'm just using the up and down arrow key right that's all I'm doing right now I've just cycled through so you can see I'm using the down on the keyboard up and down arrow keys as a way to cycle through sub tools of course you can hold the Alt key and just tap on any one that you want as well and there you go so you'll notice the sliders won't update so I need to click the sliders to update sub tools and you can see now this is the new measurements now of this vest okay so what I like to do is you know when you're doing your let's place you're not using a cube when you're creating stuff you're right like this person was asking me just some guy was asked million through doing furniture he's doing furniture it's gonna be a nice piece of furniture I'm doing creatures or a Mac or I'm gonna more whatever it might be right so I like to do this because when I get freelance work they'll tell me hey Paul this can't be any bigger than let's just say 10 inches by 4 inches by 5 inches right so this is because it's gonna go in packaging and blah blah blah okay so I like to do a new bounding box sub tool okay and what that does is create a box that is going around so I turn on transparency here and I'll turn off ghost you can see that's box I know from tip to finger the tip to finger right what that width is I know from the lowest point of the foot to highest point ahead what that height is so when I click this you can see the bounding box is actually this is 8 inches from the very lowest point to the highest point is 8 inches your Z's your depths here this is my Z right so from you chest to the backpack that's 1.9 and then the axe of course is his wingspan right okay my webcam wingspan right so that's five point four four inches so this is the plugin I like to use okay that does that and no there's no there's no plug-in against sound effects Winston but I am working on it you know you know if you know me that's one of my things I'd love to put in ZBrush okay so this is what I like to do now I have and remember I've got measurement ability now with this I can measure across things right I can go up to any of the sub tools and do measurements right so if I wanted to go back to him and again I'm just using the up and down arrow key and I want to say hey what's what is the length from this arm to that finger and that's two point zero nine nine one inches that's where I'm at so hopefully that answers that answer that question four measurements and how I like to use it okay so hopefully that helps unfortunately I can't talk about anything about development or release tune in to the summit or be here and see me in person and Joseph just in person many other pixologic people in person just stay out of the spit zone you know Joseph and I like this pit when we talk right so we have our own presentation that's happening Friday evening the 27th so it's streaming also obviously on ZBrush live but I would say be here it's a lot more fun so cuz someone was asking you sorry someone was asking about UV plugin that we've been working on when's that gonna be released and unfortunately I can't discuss anything about what we're developing okay so back to it back to our wonderful cube yes the cube I made a cube wonderful so let's look at this spotlight let's make something you know what let's start making let's do some kind of ship let's get a little different I'm gonna do instead of a cube I'm gonna do let's do some kind of spherical ship okay so I'm gonna load the poly sphere this is the sphere I prefer to use I really do not like to use this sphere 3d because it's got a pole it's got triangles at the end top of it I only use that when I'm doing like an i cuz then it's perfect right but sculpturally wise if I'm not gonna do something like dynamesh Inge then I will use this sphere this is just what I prefer to use and we're gonna keep this low polygon so I'm gonna delete the hires and let's even reconstruct and get a little bit lower that's that's low enough so let's make some kind of ship that I want to maybe mess around with and work with so Martin Newman what's up Facebook no you don't need 3d print hub to set those dimensions as well before printing technically so Mark's asking about the 3d printing stuff because we were just talking about scale master so technically mark you couldn't even export right from this plugin right here okay so you can export this you can say alright and so you export it unfortunately little Dylan you're gonna have as an obj which for most 3d printing now that's good enough you don't need STL's really anymore okay but mark if you're gonna go back and use a 3d print hub this plugin is not currently looking at right at the measurements so you would need to do this update size ratio before you went and export it through this plug because you gotta think guys these are this is mark there's two different types of code right scale masters its own plugin with its own type of code and then 3d print hub its own code but in essence the same thing that I just showed in scale masters is what 3d print hub is doing as well it just won't do turn the transpose line into a measurement for the 3d print hub okay does that does that help that is I'd answer that question to mark by sound effects right so let's move on let's go okay so we can go and say let's go back into the world of a gizmo and we can squash like this I'm gonna start doing something like that and maybe something like this right have some kind of shape like that I'm gonna decide to let's do a de former instead I'm gonna make it symmetrical on the Y and let's do something like let's move that which is you can see it's pretty much doing the same thing but what I will the former is I also want to do something like let's do a little bit of in here and let's just mask out only that and maybe have a little bit something like this going on flatten that front part a little bit so what I'm doing here is I'm using it a former right so you can see the little white dots that I have I'm gonna slow down here because everyone some people might be like I don't know what you just did dude what's happening okay so we've got these cones here so this cone when I scroll over you can see it says why symmetry so one parallel to mirror so I'm just gonna say I wanted this at two and you can see as I'm moving this some of the white dots disappear well because now and I'm symmetrical you don't need to hit these dots as controllers down here so whatever is white is what you move right so you can see as I move this one this one's automatically moving because that's my y-axis right and I'm telling it to be symmetrical so what I'm doing when I find very useful is these white dots can be masked out so in essence if I hold the control key and drag out you can see I masked out those dots and now they disappear and now just those dots are left I personally though when we did this we added something we added the ability to do this right and so what this is doing is unmasking right keeping these unmasked and in masking out every other dot okay so for example if I turn this off right and now I did this again you can see all those other white dots just disappeared cuz technically they're masked okay so if we put this in the terms of here if we grab our demo soldier guy again let's turn off ghost and let's just look at just him okay so if we're looking at him how many times have you guys ever wanted to go hey I want to mask something off right but I want theme for so like I want to mask off eyes right so of course we could just do this right and then you inverse right as an example so you're you're holding controlling you're tapping through to inverse you're masking right so or you'll do something like this and then you inverse okay I'm now like I use this a lot I will do this and then just position this where I want it and now I'll hold the Alt key and you can see I don't have to do an inverse it's automatically doing the inverse for me so what it's doing is whatever is in that box stays on masked and everything else gets masked guys I'm telling you right now everybody I'm telling you this you might not think like whatever that's not that big of a deal this one for me was a big deal and I know that because when I we were developing this and then I would go into class and teach and I was using the version that none of you knew about I kept my hands kept doing this and I was like oh man I'm not in my beta right now development I'm in the version that everybody else knows all right so that's when for me was like aha moment I was like wow this is I'm gonna use a lot so again I'm just holding the Alt key and I'm there you go right so here if we pull out so instead of doing this and then ctrl tapping to inverse I can now just do that and I got the same thing so again ctrl keys start drawing it out and if you look right I'm not holding the keyboard anymore people that's why I'm being annoying right now this is a very important moment I'm telling you that's why I'm snapping my fingers anything I snap my fingers people it's not because I'm trying to carry a tune here I'm trying to tell you I'm not holding the keyboard anymore now I'm holding the keyboard spacebar in it right now I'm not now Alt key right so the Miss Nome is when you guys start doing something like this you got to keep your finger on ctrl key you don't the brush is engaged now you don't have to hold the keyboard anymore that allows you to now to use spacebar right it allows you to use the Alt key okay so you might not think this is a big one but this is a big deal okay so I use this a lot okay so here we go so back to my wonderful fear I'm gonna just start saying okay I want to now squash it right and you can see it's only happening on the one side I'm gonna say I want that symmetrically happening so I'm gonna do that and then I'm going to do this and then that'll only move that point I'm gonna make the symmetry X actually would be useful as well now that I think about it so I'm gonna squash that and then I'm going to take this one and we're gonna move that and then I'm gonna take that and move these out kind of just make some kind of little different type of ship shape okay I'm gonna turn on now my dynamic subdiv by hitting the D key for dud dynomite right which is right here your dynamic so it's in your tool geometry dynamic okay so now I have this I'm starting to look at it smooth okay I'm gonna open up creasing because I'm a big crease guy okay and I'm gonna switch to zmodeler and I'm gonna say you know what let's crease some of these edges okay so I'm gonna say this edge right here holding the spacebar complete edge loop crease I'm gonna crease that and let's crease that one okay so now we got something looks like this you know what I'm going to delete this one in there so now I got like that I know it's amazing isn't it beautiful okay so this is really important for me especially for those people that start doing hard surface within ZBrush and things like that I think hard surface takes a different mindset it's like chess or like an onion or like if you're like me fat kid that likes to eat unhealthy food cake its layering there's layers here there's things that are gonna happen right you got to look at something very that's just crazy max stuff going on break it down backwards really okay we're organically grab a sphere and just make a head right boom right you don't have to reverse engineer as much hard surface is a lot of reverse engineering or there's all looking at a design and making sure you're placing things proportions all that I digress so one of my big things I like to do obviously I don't want this super crisp lines that does not exist in real life okay so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna tell ZBrush first in the dynamic subdiv I'm gonna tell it to smooth my surface more all I'm doing is telling it divide more so now I'm divided more time right more times okay so in essence I'm dividing for subdivision levels we're just giving you a preview so I can turn it off and on off and on right and then what I want to do is I want to tell ZBrush you know this crisp sharpness that I've main here don't hold that forever okay so I'm gonna go to this Cris level slider or Cris level crease level and I'm gonna drop it down okay and you see at four nothing happens okay and nothing's happening because my sub div level is sitting at four the minute I go to three you can see that updates now Ryan you can see that's a lot softer that is more realistic right and so I would say I would want probably mmm - I like - my go-to for me if or when I'm choosing something like similar low polygon oh workflow in ZBrush I use I like to start with my smooth sub that at four and my crease level at two that's that's just me that's what I prefer okay so it's just what I like to do now let's now get into what the topic today was going to be which is our spotlight feature right making three so now this is in essence my base mesh of some ship I'm gonna start making right and I want to start thinking about making some elements to this alright so back to spotlight okay so there are two modes to this alright we've got this mode where you see your dial and then you got this mode where you see the images and the dials disappears now right and in this mode I can move my model around scale right zoom in things like this right so I want to be able to manipulate images as well so that's why there's two modes there's this mode which is in essence editing my images that are sitting within spotlight and then there's this mode which is projecting the images onto your mesh whether sculpturally or texture whatever we want to do right I want to now use the images and edit them and use them to make shapes okay so I'm hitting the Zeke by the way which that buttons found right here you can see there's an edit spotlight button okay so this is ELISA needs brace braces moment Lisa needs braces moment a real thing by the way no I'm not a coder I'm more like in 'native I'm the head of development along with a couple other people I helped come up with the features I helped implement the features I helped when we're coding them I'm working with them figuring an amount see if they work I go in and out of the studios and also help them implement ZBrush show them what they could do with the application itself all right so here we go edit you can see that the Z key as in ZBrush right there it is so let's just grab an image so to grab an image I click on it boom I've got an image okay so what we've now done the capability um you're gonna see this throughout this stream today is now I have the ability to snap to parts of my image right so I can snap to middle portion here we'll move this over here right snapping to the middle parts and the ends you might not think this is important people but we're I'm gonna show you today why this is gonna be really important okay not only that is if we now look at this straight on okay and I've turned off perspective cuz I want to be looking in orthographic views a lot so not I want a perspective camera to be taking away or I'm making it so I can't line things up okay so I have perspective off and now that I have this okay if I click anywhere inside here I can move the image right if I click anywhere inside of this circle I'm moving the dial right and you can see I can move this dial to snap to any of the images Boop okay but what it also can do is snap to the mesh so you can see now we have the ability just like in the images to snap right to the middle right and I can snap to the middle lower mid points and the corners right this is becoming now very useful okay so with that said I can take this image move it and now the image is snapping that would be a better sound effect for the snapping I think okay it's like suction cross so now I have and I know this image is sitting directly center of this mesh that I'm creating and then I'm making this ship okay I can scale this right I can rotate this okay as simple options I can undo those actions to the point where I can even undo the movements that I did okay where I can undo and put it this image all the way back to all the way back over here if I want to deviate you're confused tell me what you're confused about I'm gonna keep talking I'll come back and see what you're confused about I want to make sure no one's confused here okay so again anywhere in this open area of the dial so inside the dial except for inside this circle that moves the image so yeah it's moving the image even though the dial is nowhere near the image I'm clicking right in here right so here I'm clicking in this area so from the dial in okay that moves my image if I click inside this circle here inside here that moves the dial that's different right because you're gonna want both actions and if I click anywhere on the outside you can see it moves all the images as a unit which is beneficial because maybe I want to put all these up here in the corner and I just want to be messing with this image okay so I don't know if that was what you're confused about but hopefully that helps okay so let's take this and say alright I'm gonna use this H I'm gonna scale it up okay and I'm gonna say I want to use this maybe here on the top or maybe along the side or something like that so I'm gonna snap it to where I want it to go and then I'm gonna click this little camera right and this is the snapshot 3d when I click that boom nothing happens of course something happened right so if I turn off spotlight you see I now have the H right as a piece of this topology right and now this is now part of my ship okay so now you can see I've got this piece and what it's done is created a new subtool so we started with this sub tool and now we have that right and you can see my polyframe will turn that on it's also polygroups so the Front's got its own polygroup we'll make it a different polygroup visually so you can see better so you got a poly group here you got a poly group through here and you got a poly group in the back now the other thing I want you to pay attention to let's look from the top here let's turn on this transparency again you can see the front to the back of this is the width okay of the first sub tool so in essence what we've done here is the sub tool you have selected is being used as how big of a piece of geometry deep is it going to be I got it this way I got a here when you ever done this on webcam you do this play and it's like the opposite right cuz you got are the cameras actually this way I just had a stupid moment for Paul hi welcome to Paul's brain working kind of okay so so throw your throw your questions and other topics go ahead we'll get to them for sure I want to answer whatever I can so again to grasp your head around this everybody okay I'm gonna keep my sub tool palette open now all right let's turn this back on let's grab a different shape now but let's just let's grab the ZBrush logo I don't know okay and I got this sitting here it doesn't matter where it is in space that's not relevant okay it will be relevant here in a little bit for what we're gonna do now if I just click on this snapshot boom see it automatically creates a new subtool directly below the selected sub tool right and so if we look again at this you can see we got Superman looking z-man logo now right and now I have that with your trust me you're gonna see while this why this becomes important okay it's gonna become pretty pretty important to us all right so I'm gonna delete this and say okay let's just have this I kind of like what's happening here I'm gonna use this image kind of this thing as thrusters okay I'm kind of I kind of like where this is sitting space I like what's going on here so we're gonna end up using this okay just answer just some guys last question you can't snap subtool to subtool known under someone saying just ask yeah if you want to work at obj and a working measurement you could just import the obj and then set that as your scene right but if you're adding an obj to an already existing scene then that scenes gonna have the measurements set it's just like I was another external application if I go in the actor can say I'm in centimeters world and now I just import something it's importing into that centimeters world right so an obj itself if you guys just import any obj right it's gonna have measurements right it's gonna have size there and now you just have to tell what size is that okay and then you would go to the scale master again and then you would do the same thing we talked in the beginning of this you'd set the scene it would give you the numbers you got to know I there's no way for the application to know hey did you mean this in centimeters inches feet so forth and so on right and then you just click it and there you go so to Jim and some other guide does that answer the obj question there's nothing different it's just you're importing it obj now that already has a worldly scale that you want and now you just have to tell ZBrush what world you're in so I can use that step part to do that okay so moving on okay so here we go I want to be able now to continue designing an element and doing more with this so let's continue looking at what we can really do with this spotlight so now we know we hit this camera BAM we can have things message created automatically okay so what I want to do is take this to another level all right let's take this looks this is a cool piece let's take this right I'm gonna take this piece and I'm gonna say let's put that right about there okay and what I want to do now is I want to tell this piece okay not only to be another subtool okay but as we created this we have that right and what I'm gonna do now is turn on this live bullying up here and you can see now that's actually cutting into the surface so I got a I'm gonna sneeze once again I think right so now this is actually cutting into the surface and what I've done is I've set this sub tool to be a subtractive so you can see these icons right here these are and as these are boolean options so this is Union okay this is subtractive and then this is intersect so I want that set as a subtract and now I have that cutting into my surface but what I did to make this workflow faster for me I did something very specific okay and I'm gonna turn on my floor and you can see you've got a red line right there that's my X so I want this on the other side as well okay so in my geometry okay well close this now and it modify topology I can do a mirror and weld and now you can see it's got it on the other side so really I have two of these okay so if I now switch to a gizmo okay and again I'm hitting the W key I can change the size of this up right which in essence is changing how this is cutting into the surface so maybe I want this cuz there's gonna be some lights that I'm gonna put right there you know what I want to go a little bit deeper it was something a little bit more like that and that's what I'm looking for okay so now the benefit here is I have this right and this is now a particular size all right and I by default automatically set this as a cut so watch this let's now come back into spotlight all right let's grab something else let's grab this circular piece okay and I'm gonna put this right here let's size that down okay and we're gonna say right there so I currently have this sub tool selected which is that little notch that we're using where I'm gonna put some lights okay I'm gonna say you know what I want to add it to the existing sub tool alright so now what I have here okay if you look I want to have the ability to say okay this notch right in here I want to add parts to this okay so I want to make sure woops sorry I hit the shortcut for expose okay that looks like nothing happened but what really happened is I'm creating other pieces of geometry so you can see there's circular pieces there right so there's one here alright so you guys can see that right and then I created another one here right so there's this one as well right so you have this right you can see there's different pieces being created right and then notice it didn't create a new subtool it added okay to another sub that just do the same sub tool so in essence what I'm doing here is this one button this one snapshot thing you can either create a mesh that's a new sub tool and it's automatically just a union you can create a new sub tool that's a subtractive and you can add to existing so now what I've done here is you can see all these are the same length right and this is gonna become very handy for certain things you're gonna you're gonna see here in a second so what I want to do is say okay let's take this thought process right I'm gonna delete these other circular pieces we don't need those anymore and let's do something now at the top of the ship here okay so I'm gonna select this piece because the heights that I want here is what I'm looking at so let's turn this on and I'm gonna say oh yeah I want a circular piece okay I want this in the middle boom it's in the middle right so that's the mesh Center I'm gonna do say something maybe like this okay and then you got a world center as well okay I'm gonna like where that is I'm gonna hold the Alt key now and I'm gonna click on the little camera that what tells the application is create a new sub tool but make it subtractive so if I turn off spotlight you can see that is going through so here if we turn off this piece you can see it's going all the way through now this is why that knowing the width or the length and how you're looking at a piece with this feature is very important so this width for this particular piece was dependent upon the sub tool that I had selected so this was my selected sub tool so the highest part here and the lowest part here that's the width then is created for this cylinder so what it does is for me is perfectly creates a cut into the surface right and that's because I'm creating a new sub tool that's automatically set as a subtract right and then because I have live boolean Zahn it's being used as an axial subtract so if I turn live bullying's off and on you can see the difference again off and now on right because these pieces are set is to subtract right and then this piece is set as a subtract okay so let's turn this back on cuz really what I want to use this cylinder for is something like let's do a little flat surface like this with a little Ridge maybe something like that okay I'm liking the looks of that perfect oh you know what I also want to do let's add a little bevel so the beauty of this here we're gonna look at just this solo so this has got polygroups and it's got creasing so in the crease menu you guys can just start beveling right this right so you get that we beautiful that's not what I want to do what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hold the ctrl key and click on this and we're gonna make a little bevel right and by holding the ctrl key it's using the polygroups as where to put the bevels so with this spotlight 3d and this little hidden easter egg feature they work really well together they it creates very cool work for me right so if i turn solo mode back off you can see this is creating now a nice little bevel in there so if we move this up a little bit you can see there's a bevel that's happening there now and maybe that's what I want I want a little bit of that kind of bevel happening through there okay but before we do that let's undo ok and let's look at this piece so now we've got this piece right it's making a little cut into our surface all right we're gonna have the height a certain height so what I'm gonna do is actually I'm gonna move this down and adjust my height because I only need about that much high twice okay so I'm gonna say yep just about right there that's good ok so why this is important to me I'm gonna look from the top again ok and then I'm gonna turn on the spotlight again and this time instead of using the circle okay and our selected mesh is that circle we just made right so we'll get rid of the we'll just size these down let's take the keep this little square or right and then I'm gonna size this up okay and because I can snap I'm snapping to the mesh Center right so I can snap up here I can snap down here alright and what I want to do hey Pro 42:10 hi mortar caner ok so what I want to do is I want to snap this to the center ok and I want to scale this ok great I can scale which is just being able to scale the whole thing right it's just proportionately okay scaling I don't want to scale that way I want to scale this way right so now I'm scaling more of an asymmetry right so what I'm doing is I'm holding the control key and then I'm just clicking on the image and I can scale this direction okay great and then I can hold the control key note scale this direction right and now watch this I'm gonna hold the shift key and click on the camera right that's what I want I want to hold the shift key and click on this camera what that's going to do is create another mesh but it's gonna be put within the same sub tool and see now I have that going across right so if again if we look at only this this is actually what we have right now I hit the button twice so let me get rid of one of them because we don't want I don't need to him we don't need two of those all right so the first one was this little right in this little circle and now I took this cube and I actually stretched it hey Ruby what's up so now I have these two pieces in the same sub tool and again I'm doing that by when I go in here into the spotlight in this camera I'm holding the shift key so let's kind of regroup here if I just click on the camera we automatic create a new sub tool based upon the image we're looking at if I hold the Alt key we automatically create a new sub tool okay and set it to subtractive okay if I hold the shift key we're just gonna add to whatever the selected sub tool it doesn't matter if it's a subtractive intersect or units just adding to whatever it is and everybody when you guys are hovering over these look up here in this top portion up here we're actually giving you the shortcuts right there right so we're telling you what things can do right here so I can just hover over that and the show cuts are given to me again at the top of the UI there's a question coming through by black pixel hi everyone what's the keyboard shortcut for resizing brushes in its alt drag left to right so resizing the brush key so there's many ways to do that okay I prefer the S key to resize my brush okay which is obviously this slider right here you can also hold the spacebar and then you'll get the draw size here or like Photoshop you can use the brackets just like in Photoshop you can use the brackets themselves which that is actually found right here your brush size you know you can even set your own shortcut if you want to to change your draw size okay so there's multiple ways so there you go all right moving on here okay let's put a little let's put a little bevel in here so let's do that little trick put a little bevel on that yeah that's good let's now move it up because I added that bevel ability yeah that's what I'm looking for something like that because I'm gonna put like some kind of cockpit or something in there alright so let's now keep taking this idea alright and let's look at something in particular okay so let's load another tool here let's load my walkie-talkie right so you can see this little walkie-talkie I know it's not anything super impressive it's just a walkie-talkie but there's some things in here that was a lot of fun using this feature for example the numbers I want to show how I did and how I did this transitional stuff through here like this part and more importantly this part okay so if we look at how I built this I started again with just a simple base mesh okay so I'm gonna clone this right and then this is what I started with it's just a cube and then I use project primitive to put in a little bump in there right cuz so I got a nice transition okay then I said you know what this needs to have a little bit of design alone or has a little bit of another piece there that's out there where a person's gonna be gripping it I want to have a little more volume with the hand special me with behind big hands and odd right so I said you know what let's make another piece of geometry so right that's what this piece is so if we turn this on right there's this piece of geometry there's this piece of geometry okay so let's go ahead let's go to this clone version and let's append this so you guys can just get an understanding what I'm talking about here right so this is what I mean by looking at hard surface a different way this is more looking at it in its a again onion a chess piece right I now have two pieces of geometry that are making this right piece and I know boolean z' is gonna weld this all together for me because these are both set as a union so I'm not worried about that okay so what I want to do is okay I want to have some kind of nice transitional element in here all right so let's look from the top like this let's turn our spotlight back on okay and let's grab this piece okay so I'm gonna move this again to the center I'm gonna snap it so I want world or mesh I'm gonna go with mesh Center I'm gonna size this up something like let's say something like that okay and the little camera is what creates the subtool the new mesh on the left side okay so real thing if you found a bug create a ticket do me a favor create a ticket on support dot pixologic comm so we can take a look at what you ran what you encountered okay and we'll be happy to help out and figure it out and see okay so instead of just clicking on the camera which is just gonna create a new subtool that's a union holding the Alt key creates a new subtool that's subtract okay holding the shift key just adds it to the existing sub tool what I'm going to do is I'm going to hold alt and shift at the same time and then click that and you'll be like well what does that do well you can see it automatically created a new piece of geometry so it does that right if I turn it off it looks like nothing's really happened okay watch this if I start moving my gizmo though look at that right it starts cutting into the surface okay now watch this I'm gonna move this sub tool down to be the the lowest one so I'm just clicking on it and I'm just clicking dragging right now it's below these two sub tools okay so now when I move this look at that yes right this is what I mean about building upon building something else right so I'm using this mesh is pretty much the main part of my walkie talkie this mesh is the handle part a little bit to give me some more of those handles and now this I'm using as intersect right or if you have Apple product it's your Apple router right so this is now transitioning the two and what's happening is this sub tool is sitting below the two above it so it affects any sub tool above so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna create a folder now I'm gonna hit ctrl F and I'm gonna just say walkie right and then now I'm gonna say I want that sub tool and that sub tool so now these are all placed within a folder for me right so this is a really now great way for me to start working so let's go back to this ship now that I'm starting to work on okay now let's start taking some more of these ideas now and laying some foundational things and some elements here all right so when we created this sub tool that's great I can take an image in an image and put it on itself right the problem we have with this is you're creating a lot of overlapping geometry here so you had a lot of coplanar surfaces okay so what we wanted to do instead of doing that what if we allowed you to do that actually in this mode here okay so what I mean by that all right is I'm gonna click on this piece as a example alright and I'm gonna say okay doubt that's a cool piece let's do a little something more with it right let's take this circle piece and I'm gonna let's say snap here let's snap here and then I'm gonna move it along here and now I'm gonna hold the shift key so now that locks also this image to only be able to move horizontal so let me do that again I start to move the image once I hold the shift key it'll snap so see this one snapping to the green line right and so if I start moving this way and then hold the shift key it's now snapping to that red line right so it's you got to start moving and then hold the shift key don't hold the shift key first that moves all of them click on the image start just selecting it and then hold the shift key okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna snap to the top here I'm gonna hold it and hold the shift key let's size this down and now what I want to do is I want to use this okay as a cut so that's where this icon now comes in so this is called Union so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to hold the Alt key and I'm gonna click and you can see we use the circular image to cut out of the stretch rectangle okay so let me rewrite okay so again I've got this shape snapping ability advantage us now right clicking on this and holding shift key advantage I know I can keep it along this line now I want it to be about there I'm the artist that's where I wanted to go my man baby okay so now I'm gonna scale it down because I just want to kind of cut in a little bit right and then so I say okay hold the Alt key and then click on that this icon is now using the image that's selected and cutting in to any image below it and so now I have something like that okay so again you guys could also do stuff like tile it right so I could tile this if I want to I can tile in all directions if I want right so I could technically size this down now and say I want this to be here let's size that down and say that hold the alt tap right and you can see it's making a circle there but you see the tiling isn't working so we need to solve that we need to figure that out okay so I'm gonna show you now techniques to start now combining some of these elements and make some really great workflows okay so number one the problem I have is let's go back to where I was because I wanted to not do this I wanted this I wanted that hole okay so I got that here but I don't have it on the other side right so now I'm going to click on this image right and you can see we have a flipping ability right here and then flipping in either direction okay what I want to do is not only do I want to flip okay so I not only want to be able to flip left to right I want a mirror the actual cut pretty cool right so I'm just mirroring the cut so I'm saying put it on the other side for me because right now spotlight doesn't have the ability to do this or having having a symmetry in the axis but that's why we put symmetry actually in the controller's okay so what am I doing here so let's grab something that you visually everyone can really see okay something like this okay so I got this piece alright let's come over here all right let's size it up so you got just tapping mirrors horizontal tapping mirrors vertical or flipping sorry flipping okay but this button could also be used for mirroring again look at the top we're telling you what you can do hold the shift key and click and it mirrors left left to right right and if I go over here and I hold instead of the shift key I hold the Alt key it does the opposite it mirrors from the right side and puts it on the left side so of course this one holding the shift key mirrors from the top to the bottom and then holding the old key mirrors from bottom to top right does everyone everyone understand that so then as a user I can come here click here and say okay I'm gonna Mir over there and then I'm gonna also Mir this way right so I can Mir multiple ways in essence right and then I can say you know what I don't like where that one was sitting so we're gonna go backwards look I can do undos for 4 days now there I'm undoing even my cuts right so this is also new you weren't able to do stuff like this before you were not able to do that so I'm gonna grab this again and I'm gonna say I wanted that actually a lot smaller I wanted to be more something like this ok Alt key tap ok there it is I'm gonna select on this now holding the shift key mirror to the other side shift key mirror to the other side ok so now what we have here is we're creating a benefit for herself ok so what I have is if you remember this piece I know it's been a long time cuz Paul likes the talk I'm a talk I'm a talker baby okay I've got overlapping topology here see that red and the green the purples there's a ton of topology sitting here what I am now doing instead of doing the original workflow that I was talking to you guys with I am saying you know what let's just create the Alpha rate in here right and so now when I have this selected here we'll go from here all right and we'll select this piece ok and now if I just hit only the camera right we're selecting a new piece and what it's doing is creating the new piece of geometry based upon that new Alpha so I can create my own alphas here right so it doesn't stop there watch this this is when we can start now really having some fun here and this will start getting in some new features here so you can see I keep reorganizing myself because I like to have I don't like having a mess I like to just my I I have a DD I think so I to be just focusing on this image right so all the clutter going on over there right but I can also just reorganize pieces here right I can reorganize things how I want okay so when we did this right we scaled this up great super so forget the way I showed you that's right forget that control click thing what I want to do is start maybe making images here and doing something a little different so let's create an alpha and let's start combining some features here so instead of holding the control key right you guys can use this extend right and you can see I'm extending one way and then I can extend another way right now you can extend this way right back and forth or I can even extend this way right so the benefit to this is watch if we grab say something like this okay instead of that control trick I showed you guys with scale right I'm gonna scale this up a little bit so you guys can really see what's happening here all right I'm going to extend this now and boom now I have something like this and then I can extend this way and see now I have something like that right the control key scaling is not going to allow you to do that it's just see it's just scaling this is actually extending so where that red line is we're cutting right there right and then extending from there so you see that red line is the center point so what that also means for you people is if I do this right I move this dial say maybe here and now extend you can see now I get something like that right and you guys gotta now remember think about what I just showed you here I can mirror it across and now I've got an alpha like that so I'm mirrored from the bottom to the top going on there okay I went from boom boom all right so now I'm gonna say okay I'm in essence creating a whole new different alpha alright so I've got this alpha okay and now what I want to do is put something in the middle I want some kind of circular shape in the middle right we know we can click on this now do this and snap it boom it's in the middle I'm going to say something like that I'm now just gonna click on the Union and what it's done is added that now to this image so you guys starting to see my workflow here is whatever image I grab and put over top of something else it gets added to it right and now I say you know what I want a little circle a hole in there I can grab this one there it's sitting right I'm gonna move this snap snap snap let's size this down then I'm gonna say I want that to cut in so I'm gonna hold the Alt key tap right there you go okay so now I'm I'm going wild here right I'm doing whatever I want to do now right I'm gonna grab now this piece and say you know and I want some kind of I'd rather have this centered here so let's Center on this piece okay and then let's come across and say let's go right about there and I'm gonna click and boom at it right and then I'm gonna say okay I want to now come over here and I want a mirror cross right this so I want a mirror from one side to the other side right I'm creating now this image which is now again now now if I just click on this and hit this little camera we are gonna get the topology now based upon the new Alpha I'm creating my own thing man from scratch now okay so now I have that ability to be able to just start creating my own alphas through here now let's take this another level okay let's keep expanding upon this it's a cake right or an onion whatever way you want to go about it let's take this piece okay and let's go ahead and now use this feature and I can frame so what I did is I took a piece that was solid and now ZBrush is only giving you the framing element right so if I wasn't selected this piece that I've been making and now I framed it I would get a double frame like that right because it takes the outer part in the inner part and frames it right and then I can say no no no I don't want that that that's a bad idea Paul horrible horrible horrible idea right but I have this framing ability which is really nice okay so this framing ability not only does this okay but it also does this where I'm growing the Alpha inside the image then it also will shrink the Alpha inside the image okay so why is this kind of thing what I care about okay so let's look at this ship that I've kind of got off track from okay so what I want to do is take this and I want to make this kind of the afterburner so I'm gonna say all right let's look at the back this is the back of my ship okay we're gonna say that let's turn this back on and what did I use to make that I used this right here right so I'm gonna say you know what I need that H is my selected sub tool right because I would like to snap that there and then I'm gonna size this up and kind of be in that same size right in there right so now it's sitting in the same location so in essence I'm using a piece of geometry right and I'm using an alpha don't line it up all right so watch this now I'm gonna say you know what I wanted that shrink a little bit like that right so I'm holding the Alt key let me read let me rewind okay holding the Alt key holding down the frame and then doing that okay and now I say you know what I want this to be a new subtool so I'm gonna hold the Alt key and click on the camera because now I want to turn it into a piece of geometry and so we have here now is this H is going through the whole thing right that is not what I want a hundred percent now what I want okay so I'm going to turn on my polyframe and here's the beauty of this I can just size this down right like this we put no edge loops in this middle polygroup so it gives us the ability to do stuff like this right and what I want is this to only be digging in a certain portion right so maybe about that much in right so now this is digging in how far something like that right and now I have say that okay and now I say okay let's do some more here all right so let's let's take okay I don't let's take this little piece here right so I'm done with this let's take this one let's rotate this so I'm gonna hold the shift key so I get something like that let's move this maybe to here let's sighs this way down I'm gonna say I want something like I don't know let's go really tiny yeah something like that okay what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna hold the shift key so it uh Shift key and I'm gonna click on the camera what that does it's adds to the existing sub tool so that existing sub tool is set to a subtractive so that's gonna cut it into the surface and not only that the distance right is what I had originally right so if we look at just this sub tool this is what I'm actually creating right so then I can say you know what I don't like where that's sitting in space now that I have it looking at my model I want this to come like yeah right about there let's put it there and then now let's even do this let's duplicate it a couple times perfect it's what I've always wanted right and then look boom masking just move those that's where I want them right so I used the spotlight to create the peace today and now I'm just duplicating that mesh and moving it around right but but that thickness was set perfectly for me right so if we think about this again let's turn this back on I don't know let's grab this okay and then let's put that in here like this and say I want that right there if I hold the shift key and camera right I turn this off you can see those little notches now or in there all I did was added it to the existing sub tool right so you see the word full you can either add two sub tools but I also can create the images so now let's take this and practice again all right let's go back to the walkie talkie walkie walkie talkie at Niner vector Niner Niner in there sir a Niner in there do I hear a Niner okay sorry I got to do it I'm talking walkie-talkies all right so let's edit this let's go ahead and I'm gonna reorganize these let's see I grabbed oh I've messed this image up so I'm actually gonna reload them let's reload this from scratch so I can get all my defaults again I'm gonna take this okay this is sitting in the middle right this this is sitting in the middle so I'm gonna grab this and say mesh Center so I know that's sitting dead center of the walkie-talkie what's your vector victor like it James right and now I'm gonna say let's go down here hold the shift key right and I want it to go about that big but what I'm gonna do is tile this so I can hold the shift key and tile uniformly but what I want is I want let's see three this way and I went for that way and now maybe I'll size them down and I know that's sitting where I want it to sit because of the snapping ability right so now I'm gonna say alright this is gonna be where I'm gonna make the buttons so the first thing I want to make here we go cake onion I need to make the cutting in first right I'm gonna need to cut into the surface so I'm gonna hold the Alt key and click on the camera that creates a new subtool that's a subtractive you can see where my cursor is because live bullying's and on that's what I get right and you can see that's cutting through the surface but it's only cutting through the one above it it's not touching either one of these right so I turn the polyframe own on you can see it's going from beginning to the end of this one does everyone understand that let me just hold that for a second take a swig of water for what I have left okay and make sure you understand that would it be very calmly making an auto even out of the edge thickness of that profile from the extended v's that's what it's gonna try and do is create an uneven you're gonna see right here in a minute to your question okay so what I want to do is you know what I don't need to throw all the way through I'm only just making this four button so that's deep enough right I just want a certain depth for my buttons I'm gonna say probably rate about there that's nice that's good right that's where I would want it to go okay so now I'm like okay let's take this and say okay let's size this back up get these now I got our reposition these because I move everything around right to where I want them right now I can even move the model if I want to either what whatever whatever so in essence I can move a model right in position or move an image right so for me I didn't move the model when I did this right I just kept everything as it is but because I'm talking to you guys I'm walking through things I'm moving things around now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hold the Alt key and click on this and that's shrinking those duplicating parts right and now I'm just gonna click the camera and that's gonna create now a new subtool that's my buttons with the depth of the previous one right and I think that's still a little so maybe I want something more like that okay and then now I come down here and then this is where I did the handy-dandy hold ctrl key and did something like that right and then I didn't positioned this a little bit more where I want them right and then same thing for up here hold the ctrl key and did something like that right so this is how looking back at now the finished walkie talkie that's how I did these right so you see I made a cut first and then I did in addition okay so what's fun about this people not only can we do that all right let me load my ship now let's load the ship okay so you can see back here right all the stuff I was doing here in the back right here will turn off the coloring and the material so you can get a better view here right so this part in the back right I wanted to be able to create quickly and fast so if I look at just this piece right which makes up you can see there's different pieces that make up different parts of my ship here right so there's one main piece that's pretty much most of the haul right there's another piece in here that's just that portion are you seeing the stacking of meshes I'm doing here right and then I'm using different shapes to cut into them right I got different like look at this sub tool right look how many pieces are here but all it's doing is making cuts right so if you look at this looking at in this form and then I undo this that's making the cuts like they're through there right and then up in the front right it's making that cut through there right so for example this piece right to make the afterburner to the back I just used I just grabbed a cube and I cut it up and then I just used some zremesher so I got this nice base right so this is something I created this this wasn't from an alpha it's just taking a mesh right this is literally just because I like you guys this is me just going okay let's make this and saying okay I want it to be a little bit wider okay then I said all right let's say and use the trim I don't say I want something like that right and then I used a lot of mir and welding if I wanted to something like that then I'd say okay let's do like this then I want it to have maybe a little cut through there right and I'm getting new polygroup senescence is what I'm getting right and then I say I'll cut through that well Mir and weld that and so this is an essence how I was making the piece okay and you can see the geometry is a mess right it's a disaster that does asked uh so all I did is here is say group by normals right and starts looking at the normals I turned on the other algorithm which is this little circle here you can see it open or closed opened will actually look at it differently and see it does a better job of trying to assign different polygroups right so that's got a different polygroups that's got a different polygroup now right that's got a different that's gonna do they look it's not doing a very good job of coloring taking different color IDs to you guys they look the same but they're not right these is the flame so now I can just say well let's knock it down and then there you go so now I've got multiple different polygroups here so then all I did was go here right go to zero measure right and then I said by groups no smoothing definitely want it symmetrical and then remission and then this is what I start to get right I start looking at this and seeing what I want that's all I've started to do and then I started controlling what polygon count I wanted right so in essence that's how I made this okay now I made this okay so this has got a very distinct shape to it right and now I want to start creating that afterburner right if we look at the final peace right there's a there's a lot of cutting happening through here there's cutting and then there's expanding and there's cutting again expanding cutting again expanding blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah right so if you really look at the complications that I have through here it's all started from that one singular piece this piece right so if you come down here in this folder that has made 28 subtools right are making up what I'm doing to this one piece in essence okay so let's take now this concept let's remake this okay so I'm gonna clone this just so we can visually get an understanding of what I did here with this because I think this is also a very powerful part of the snapshot ability okay within spotlight okay yeah you're looking there's vo days we have if someone's coming in late no worries okay so I'm sorry if I miss any questions put them again because I've been trying to keep an eye on this alright so I've got this mesh that I've created I now can do we've been talking about just bringing images in and using images pure black and pure white and then creating geometry out of it you guys are going to be able to do the opposite so you're gonna be able to use anything that exists and I'm gonna say come to alpha okay and I'm gonna say from mesh and what opens up is a little window and you can see what it's doing is it's grabbing the document for us I'm setting my map size here's a little known fact for everybody don't go any bigger than 512 by 512 if you're gonna use a snapshot by 3d it's really not necessary okay because when we create the geometry we're not using the necessarily the resolution okay for the amount of topology you're gonna get so now I'm gonna say alright let's frame this and I'm gonna zoom out just a bit and you can see when i zoom out you can see what I'm getting then I say okay what that does is creates an alpha right so it doesn't matter if it's an alpha it doesn't matter if it's a texture and you can see right here our little button add the spotlight would all so exist in the texture palette right there's an ad to spotlight rate there so we've done is we put that button here so I select this ad to spotlight and you can see bingo there it is now it's floating here and I've got it here now I'm gonna start creating shapes for the ship I'm gonna start creating a bunch of ships so obviously you want to be able to save out so to the question you save here to your spotlight that'll save out all your images you're looking at into a spotlight file but I literally just showed you now how to take a piece of Giambi and turn it in an alpha and then save that out right so that's a way I could actually take a mesh and turn it into an alpha as well so there you go okay now with this set now I'm coming in here and I'm gonna say okay I want this to snap to world center or mesh that mesh Center then I'm going to size it up I'm gonna get it to the size right of that okay I'm gonna hold the Alt key and say okay that's about the thickness I want there hold the Alt key I'm gonna camera that right that's automatically being used as a cut now right you can see that in there and so now I've got two sub tools live bullying's on so now I'm gonna say okay perfect let's now size that down a little bit more something like that let's just camera that okay so now this is creating another sub tool alright and I'll watch this we're gonna alt bring this in okay we're gonna camera that so that one's now cutting in so if you see I'm like doing an alternate anything I'm cutting into the surface adding the surface cutting into the surface right okay now I'm gonna undo and now I'm gonna use this frame portion here maybe something like that okay I'm gonna hold the Alt key and click on that so let's turn off this and see what we have okay so yeh what do we have here wonderful just just love lovely stuff okay what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna turn on my gizmo my handy-dandy gizmo okay and I'm gonna polyframe so you guys can see what's going on here I'm gonna Center my gizmo just because I want to right I'm gonna turn on this little icon right here which that icon is about subtools or if you want to go Joseph's analogy pizza boxes and then I took we took it during their level of I saying how many people are gonna have at the party are you just having you and another person cuz then you only need one pizza but if you having a big party you're gonna need multiple pizzas so in essence do I want to move one sub tool to sub tools or 100 sub tools okay so what this is now doing is it's looking at everything I have and it's gonna allow me to use move these as a unit okay what I don't want is the main one to be used right so in essence this sub tool here right so if we're looking at this and here we'll go back to the selection I don't want that sub tool to be a part of the movement right I just want other sub tools right so you can see you can move in in section so here let let's use the demo soldier so you guys can get a better visual cue here okay so let's turn these all on let's get rid of let's get rid of that so now that I have this right I can say give me the body and the goggles and now the body and the goggles if I turn symmetry off we're gonna move as a unit okay and if I want to add the shirt I hold down ctrl shift click on the shirt and the vest and now those will add if I want to take it out hold down ctrl shift and tap and now that takes out right so this is a way for you to move things as a unit okay so you can also then start going okay what about not only musing as a unit but we can start doing things like folders as well do-do-do-do-do folders so now this one's in a folder right and then let's say let's take this and let's make this another folder as well right and then now I'm going to say I'm adding this I'm adding this I'm adding this right so in essence I've got this piece and this piece so I could say watch this gear transpose set and now only these pieces are moving as a unit right so this one that's sitting in this folder isn't being touched cuz now I'm using just folder by folder basis right and you can add that I'm gonna try let me turn off my quicksaves we don't need I'm not I don't need to save anything I'm good all right so I'm moving this okay because I'm gonna want to start using these in a certain way right so that I can say let's go in here now let's delete the folder right and I wanted this ones to subtract subtract right and then audition or subtract right so what I'm doing here is I'm creating if you look okay so let's let's turn this off let's just look at just this piece so this is my first subtract right so I want this to be a cutting into the surface right so I'm gonna add them to this folder now right and you can see this one sub tool was the cut so this is the first one he did right and then this one is adding right because I wanna you know what have it to be whoops I want it to be something more like this let's go something sticks out a little bit looks something like that right and then this one's a subtractive and I want that right to be cutting into the surface through here right so how do I want this to go where do I want this to be so I have it way out here might help if I do something like that here we'll do this so now this is sitting there right watch this I can use this blue one and adjust where do I really want that to be right so oops I'm just creating something like that right I'm just going along the way right so this is how I started doing all this right so that creates that then I said I want to create more elements to this right I want to cut into the surface so then I brought back my spotlight here and then I said okay let's create something a little bit more let's grab this right i sized this up then I snapped right to mesh Center and I said okay let's let's start moving this okay so let's snap it start moving that then I'm going to expand it this way and then let's move it down so starts cutting the surface like that and I'm gonna make that a subtractive and it's own new subtool right because now I just want this to be little little accent parts so I'm just resizing this down because I only needed to be so deep going cutting into the surface so I want something like that maybe like that right so it's like happy little mistakes there now the beauty here is - now the spotlight right I can say okay I'm done with that I'm done with that I'm done with that let's grab this let's rotate this holding the shift key snap it and now maybe let's cut in a little notch here hold the shift key addition so what's happening now is that's notching in there and it's staying the same width as what this one is okay so this is where it's the benefit to be able to add to an existing sub tool right that's all I'm doing here is adding is this existing sub tool and then I can Miren weld if I need to so again coming down here I can mirror and weld right and I can get it on the axis that I want so looking at the floor right this is sitting here in negative space this is stretching across so what I need to do first is mirror it along the X then mirror and weld because I'm looking at the back right so wherever that red line is that's the positive side that's what mirror weld is looking for okay so now I'm just starting create like a little design element here that's it right I'm just going with whatever I want now and I know no matter what I click right when I'm sitting here in the spot spotlight right this edit mode that's gonna have the same depth and it's gonna be added at the same subtool if I go that route so this is exactly what I started to do okay so then what this did for me is going back to creating other alphas I also wanted the ability to do stuff like that to continuing this idea and say okay I'm able to snap to the surface and create these mirrors and have all these meshes be centered with another sub tool what about the image itself right so what I mean is let's do something like let's take this image and now I want to take this alright and we're gonna Center it so we know this now and I'm gonna say this if I hold the Alt key and click on this Union it cuts out right so that's sitting somewhere in space right now okay and what I want to do is swap so you see this quick selection and I want to swap it save for the z-man and see now the z-man is sitting there and now I can scale that down and now I just only click on that and what I've done is created an alpha that looks like that right so I've got the ability to even swap alphas okay so let's try this again let's try it in a different sense so what I mean let's grab this now so now I literally see whatever I click on we swap right so now I have this one selected we'll scale this and say something about there let's say I want to scale that up right around there right hold the Alt key right and click on the Union that's that you know what now I want I don't know let's take this it's gonna swap it and now I'm gonna say okay let's shrink this down a little bit like that okay and then I'm gonna say Union net now watch this I'm gonna hold the shift key and I'm gonna say let's rotate okay I want to start rotating this to maybe do something like that okay and then I'll click on Union now I'm gonna hit the 1 key Union one key Union one key Union one key Union right I'm actually repeating this pattern right now swapping out you can see I'm swapping between them right so this is now the selected one all right so you can see if I turn this off now I click and now this is the selector 1 and then of course to get the other side you guys already know right you just do stuff like this as well okay so this is swapping out the images ok so what I just did there let's let's look at this again alright because the swapping part becomes really important for this all right so let's let's move some of these images out of the out of the way here and let's move this mesh just out of the way let's just let's just look at only let's say this ok let's look at this piece so this is just a circular piece right so now I'm gonna say you know what let's duplicate that piece ok and what you guys got to be thinking of right now is you're creating rubber Ruby you're creating a new that's what you're doing here right so I need to first have what is the Alpha that I want to edit I love that I'm tapping on my Cintiq like you guys can actually see my hands right so I have this circular shape right I duplicated it because what I want to do now is I want to use the circle piece on itself in essence right so I made a duplicate I want this the snap I'm gonna size that down okay and I'm gonna say let's use that as a cut in so Alt key boom it's cutting in all right now I'm gonna say all right let's move this to the top up here all right so I want to make sure I'm snapping and I'm gonna size down maybe something like that okay so I've got this right I'm just snapping along here okay so this is why I wanted to create a duplicate cuz I'm Ari I'm in essence I'm making a new alpha here right so I've just already changed that circular shape and now put a hole in it okay this is not gonna work well this your question Bland's about working on the Rainman that's a yes and no there's no array mesh in spotlight but I use these to create pieces that I didn't use an array mesh which I did a ton on my walkie-talkie and I'll show you alright so now I have this I want to now keep building an image so I'm gonna hold the Alt key and click on the Union right and now what I want to do is rotate but this is just a circle people so if I did this it just rotates like this on itself I'm gonna now remember the beginning I'm gonna move this and I can snap to another image Center oh and then I can say Shh rotate and hold the shift key I'm gonna say let's go there right and now I'm gonna say Alt key Union now watch this the number one Alt key Union the number one Alt key Union the number one Alt key Union number one alt if this is not at least it needs braces mo I don't know what is Alt key number one does the repeat Alt key right number one all key union number one Lisa needs braces right so what I've done here is started creating some kind of crazy little gear right so I'm just repeating an alpha an action that I did to the Alpha that's what the one key is in essence that's repeating replay last so it's replaying the last action I need alright Lisa needs braces more than anything so now because I now have that ability and because I have other things I maybe want to start doing I don't know let's grab something else here here let's grab this let's let's tile it back down to normal and let's snap this to the middle and then I'm gonna do like that and I'm gonna say just click adding it so now it's added to that alpha okay then I'm gonna say let's snapshot it there let's do that and let's alt click into it let's turn on quick select let's grab the circle and let's size of that down say something like that click on the Union right and now I can see the workflow that I'm creating here I don't know what this is don't try to figure me out people Dano plan so see now anytime I click on any images you see it's swapping out wherever the dial is that's where it swaps out ok and then of course why I'm creating this everybody right now I can create this by just clicking on the camera right and then now I've created that piece of geometry look right and then this is what I get ok now continuing this thought all right there are many times now that I'm using this okay I might want to take now say something like this let's size that up alright and I'm gonna take the circle we know we have snapping ability right I'm gonna size that down and I'm gonna say let's do a union negative right and then in union positive okay so let's do now replace and what I want to do is put the logo right so now I swap there's my logo right so now I can size this down and use that as a negative okay so you guys are getting I hope you're getting this workflow that I'm doing there are going to be times though where you might want to in essence combine and Alpha's making one alpha two or making three alphas one stuff like that okay so this swapping ability is going to allow me to do a lot because I might want to start cutting into this let's say I want to cut in up here right with something I don't know this right but I also want I don't know this to be with it when I do that what I'm gonna do the cutting okay so I can obviously cut these in right so I can size this up but it may be something like that okay if I hold the shift key and click on the image we move the image over to there right so let me do this again okay so I currently have this image selected so from what you guys know if I just click on an image we're just swapping the images right and it's taking on the scaling and the direction right when you're in you're rotating you're snapping to degrees so when I'm when I'm doing this when I'm rotating I'm clicking I'm snapping to degrees you see that's why it has notches right so that's 45 right there there's 90 right there's 45 right there and then there's ninety so this is snapping to degrees by 5 to 5 degree increments okay so I've got this feature so I'm gonna say you know what I want to cut this and then now I also made me wanna you know what I would actually like to add this right and start cutting with that piece first right so you can see I can swap between the images so what it did here if we turn off this is it cut into both see that so I made that cut and it also made that cut right because the images were stacked right so if I turn this off see so I got that cut now the images were stacked on themselves so I allowed to start placing them in a nice stack ability which I know then they're all lined up and good to go right so that became very useful for me because again I'm trying to create stuff that's gonna go on this ship right that's all I'm trying to do is create pieces right so if again we go back to this not the walkie-talkie you'll back to this right if you look at this this piece right here right really what this is is this that's all it is look it's super low polygon it's just using all ideas you zmodeler right gave me this so if we clone this right this is it and then I said okay let me start designing and I started thinking about what did I want to have on this design well I'd want to have a nice may be something going on there may be something going through here alright so I just start okay let's go from the top and say what do I want okay let's reload because I have messed these up a lot let's reload from the beginning okay and I said okay I want this piece right make sure I'm snapped in the center snap right and then I said okay let's extend that this way held the Alt key right and then I said camera right I want this piece in here to generate and be made right now this is the new selected sub tool right and so you can see what I'm getting I made two um sorry I hit the button multiple times so let me delete I got click happy come on my pen is acting up sorry my pen is not being seen there we go let me get this one off I'm a little welcome problems here whoa welcome problems ok so again this is my piece right turning on my spotlight I want this I'm on like something's going on with my pen alright coming on here I'm snapping say something like that holding the Alt key camera right so that's now creating that cut then I say okay I want to have now a different cut I want to have more of a little bit more something maybe more like this so we'll snap to here I'm going to let's extend this way all right and maybe extend downward and maybe tile it like that okay and then watch this this right now I'm just gonna say hold the Alt key I'm sorry shift key and click this and all that's doing is adding to the existing right so I get the same height the same everything right through here right and then I maybe I come to the front now or maybe I figure out something else I want to do a you know here let's make some on some notches through here right so let's put this back on and let's grab this guy instead right we scale that up maybe maybe do something like this let's rotate hold the shift key will snap it right and then maybe I'm gonna do that I'm gonna hold the Alt key amaura so it makes a new subtool right so what we have now is this and I don't want that going all the way through so I'm going to adjust this and do something like that right now what I've done is I developed a workflow okay here for myself so what I can do now is say alright this has got a particular depth there is nothing now stopping me from grabbing anything else and say I can grab this now and let's say let's snap this here alright well size that up and then hold the shift key and click on camera and now I have that right or grab now maybe the diamond snap in that hold the shift key camera right so see I'm creating fade really quick workflow here where I know those are all sitting at the exact same depth because the sub tool I have selected is this sub tool that I've also already tagged as a subtractive so it's not only that I'm attractive not really let's be honest people let's be honest so this is then just adding to the already existing right so hello I'm just catching up with some questions here ah now I want to play this reverse or check if Paul really says something when he rewinds nice nice you never know I could be saying something hapten late you might have explained this already but say you're working on a character is there a way to control the depth of which the Alpha cuts into the model instead of going straight through yep I'm explaining that right now their depth is begin being controlled by the depth of the sub tool that you have selected so this sub tool that is selected has a certain depth so no matter what I do right even if I was to make something new even if I was to grab this okay and then just hit the camera key it'll make a new subtool but the depth of that subtool right is the same depth as this right that's what it's looking at it's looking at this and it's making the same depth is what it's trying to do that's what's controlling the depth okay now one other thing that I want to touch base on with you guys you can see there's a little bit of some softening happening you see there's some roundness okay so let's just take this piece and move it up here let's take a look at this okay so this image right is what I use to create that right so let's clean everything up let's do a selected let's grab just this let's hide the rest I don't need everything else no I said hide them Paul Paul I said hide them okay so you can see this piece right you can see how it's kind of more sharp there than what I'm getting through there and so you're getting roundness roundness nice so there's controllers for this for you guys okay so when I click and hit this camera it's creating the mesh but it's got some smoothness that's happening to it so you guys can control this in our settings so in the Preferences you have a spotlight controls okay and you can see there's a snapshot smoothness there's a snapshot retain corners there's a snapshot detect corners okay so if I turn all this all the way up to retain corners and then camera it you can see it's already starting to get a little bit better right then if I say you know what don't put as much smoothness here let's knock this down a quarter let's knock this down the ten and camera it you can see you start getting more and more closer and closer to this image right so there is controls here for you so I could even say snap detect corners and you can see that slider actually now gets turned off and I can say let's put this really low even and now camera it and you can see you pretty much now get the image right so you have the ability to mess around and control with this okay and you can see the difference is it's not it's not huge it's very subtle but there are times that you want to control this and then what's controlling our resolution in essence of the match so you can see this is 114 thousand polygons one hundred sixteen hundred sixteen hundred sixteen see they're all about the same this one's only twenty one thousand so why was this twenty one thousand and these in the hundreds I don't know you guys are supposed to tell me this I have no idea somebody tell me of course I know come on I'm just being really bad jokey right now okay so what's controlling that is the image but not necessarily just the resolution per se its how large the image is okay so smaller image creates less resolution larger image creates more resolution okay so if you look this is 128 thousand polygons right and the one before it's only twelve thousand polygons so if you guys notice when we were talking about me doing this ship part right no not that one this one right when we were talking about this note that I kind of when we were talking right I kind of zoomed in closer to here right that way cuz I was dealing with the larger image which then I knew I knew I was gonna get a little bit more resolution there okay and 512 by 512 is the optimal I listen you can go one K into K but guys that's not gonna improve your resolution okay if you go above 512 by 512 you're not really improving resolution as far as the mesh that's created what you're improving is the resolution of your image right because of course if you got images that are 512 by 512 when you start you know sizing them up and stuff like that you can start seeing right the pixelation but isn't looking at that it's only looking at pure white right that's all it's looking for is pure white okay so it you could definitely go larger but you're just making your your spotlight file bigger in megabytes right so there's no need to do that I would keep it 512 by 512 okay so that's should take care of the resolution question right and go there right so what I mean by file size right when you guys if you guys are going to embrace this feature which I'm hoping after today you do because I love this feature and that's how I create really fast it's about working really fast creating your own alphas very fast whether it be from mesh right you're gonna want to save this stuff out so you're gonna texture and you save spotlight so I obviously had one for the ship that I called like sci-fi glider ship and that was my spotlight files for this ship now with this sad there is something else we can do people so I'm gonna size this up okay and I'm gonna just move this over here and I'm gonna switch to the paintbrush okay and now watch this I can even paint with white and if I swap I can paint with black right so why do I care people this allows you now to make anything that your hand can even do right so I'm just erasing everything that's in this alpha in essence right so if I hit the V key to switch between white and black because that's the selected colors see I'm switching right this image right it's got nothing now so you see I can draw whatever I want right so I'm gonna say let's switch to a standard brush okay cuz that's what we need and then I'm gonna say you can go a smaller draw size and I'm gonna start drawing now right then I can cut a hole and buy it just all like I need to do is hold the Alt key right I can go smaller and I can even hi right I can write whatever I want hold the Alt key okay guys I can even do this I can erase and add right fill different colors right now I'm adding all white everything is all white now everything's gone right so what I'm doing here is I'm gonna show this feature in a minute what I'm doing but now you got to start thinking about this I'm gonna say alright let's get a harsh alpha right so then I have something like this okay and then I click here whoops click on the Alpha might help if I click on the Alpha all right and I switch to the paintbrush this is why I'm moving this over here because I want to click here and start drawing and now I can draw a straight line like that then I say I want maybe something like that now let's go a little bit smaller and let's do something like that right and then oh okay so what if we turn on right I want maybe some lazy mouse as well to help with this but this is allowing me to create straight lines right not only that I can come in here and say okay let's rotate 45 something like that okay and then now I'm gonna make a line that goes like this and another one oops I moved my hand like this like this right and really what this is done whoops is created this on an angle right so what I'm doing here is I'm just painting freely but when I hold the shift key it snaps to either vertical or horizontal right so I can write things out whatever I want to do I can make a smiley face right guys think about this is geometry so you can use as the cut into the surface right so the minute I hit this camera I create the geometry so see I'm sitting on this one sub tool so that's where it was created right right here so there you go there's the Geo and see how kind of rough it's getting right there that's what this slider is controlling this smoothness this is why by default we have it set to 40 all right could just it just created a better result right so if I grab this same image whoops turn off the turn this off so I can select it and then just camera it right so you're getting a little bit better reef cleaner result now right but what I'm trying to emphasize here everybody again is seriously there's nothing there's no limitation here for you you can draw your own alpha you can grab images you can create office in another application and bring them in it's your world man so this is how you can go right you can do whatever you want how many light balls have gone off what we will need sunglasses ah so many light bulbs James says I like it bigger file for no reason known don't need it we need to scale up or for working a minute okay answered that question I'm just looking at questions so keep the questions coming through cuz we're almost done here guys I got a head off to another meeting so I can't stream all day if I could right so what questions do we have now about this spotlight feature right especially in the sense that we've been looking at it creating - Paul you're like guys seriously grab a triangle and now just think of the things you can create I can now boom it's a rocket ship yay right then I can say let's move it down here and boom now it's even multi-tiered rocket ship then I can say all right well let's expand it this way now it's more like a building you get what I'm saying here and now let's just frame that so now it's framed right shift key will scale out Alt key will scale in right and then you can frame a frame so now this is double framed right because I've already framed and now it's double framing it again right you guys got a really serious when we were making this I was really trying to think of a home and what kind of good like you could do something as simple as this and just extend right and then now move it down here and now extend again right and then move here and then just keep extending and now extend across flipping it flip in and then extend this way no I'd rather I'd rather move this up here and then I'm going to extend that way and that's the shape I'm looking for actually right and if you don't want this anymore right I can grab another image okay say okay let me grab this image and then use this to just cut that out and now it's cut out all you know and I didn't make it long enough extend this I want to cut like that there now it's cut now I grab this right and then now I'm just I want a mirror and weld in essence on the image all right so I'm just Union over does this make sense to everybody is everyone feeling good now are you guys all feeling like so here's my challenge for you okay before the next stream I just challenge okay by the way is your the topics for this these streams are all ran by you the you the audience okay so here is our next possible topics sorry the overlay didn't get to work before I get in the stream so click on that link those are some for topics that we're gonna be looking at for the next stream so here's my challenge before my next stream create something with this put it up on ZBrush central and tag me in it okay so that I know that you guys have done it cuz you can tag people and search for people in the new ZBrush central okay and let's see what you guys can now do now that you guys have had me for two hours talking about this feature and then of course you have the recording after this to watch again and again and again right let's see what you can do now challenge yourselves people guys when we're when I'm developing it's not like we have even what you guys have we have the bare-bones features right and then we're trying to figure out things and going huh huh so for example if you look at this part of the walkie-talkie right here you gotta go you gotta know okay what are the steps maybe I can make this happen the fastest okay and here's where my mind went okay here's exactly so I wanted this right so I said okay I need to create this kind of shape right and then I want to add a bevel all right so this is gonna be really easy for me to do in the new spotlight feature okay so let me grab that's not old walkie this is the old walkie okay so this is the piece so let's turn these off so we're just focused right on this okay so I said all right well let's grab this circle all right so let's let's hide everything else okay now I got this then I said all right let's size this up let's go ahead and duplicate this now and then I'd say okay I want this now to stretch across like this something like that right and then I said okay snap right and then now I'm boom snapping to the other image right and then I can keep moving along that same axis right but here's the thing if you guys you see this image how long it is see the one that's orange see how long it is everyone see that see it's very long okay the thing you're gonna have to understand that I didn't even actually talk about is when you're doing this right what image you're trying to copy on to is important so you see this one is squared so if I come in here and I start doing this and go yeah I'm gonna line this up this is gonna be awesome right and then you come in here and you hit this little Union right it can only copy based upon the size of the underlining image okay so what that means is this is really the image I want to add to so I probably say let's let's let's shrink this down a little bit right through here let's not do that okay then let's copy let's take this image now all right I'm gonna restore it back to its glory okay and now this is my main image now right and so now I'm taking this image and saying let's let's snap to this right this image here and let's move it here let's scale that up and then now Union and you can see now this is what I want right because I need this to have the same length right so what I mean by that is if we guys if we grab this right so here's another example I do this and then let's say let's grab let's grab this image okay and then let's go ahead and put this here let's do this let's scale that up okay so you see this part right here and right here because it's being it does it's being passed the underlining image this will not end up in this image right so when I click this little Union right see it gets cut this image needs to be completely in the border of the underlining image right so it's got to be sitting more like this right and then when I click on this little Union right seat there it's being added you can see the whole things there so you got to make sure you're first making a large enough image this is pretty much how I did this right and then I said okay I want this and you know what I would like to actually maybe even you know what I don't like what I did here so I'm gonna undo back to where I was I don't like this I don't like this okay so let's undo undo undo undo undo undo and do and do and do Beauty football about on do let's go all the way back to the duplicate right I'm gonna start with actually this being smaller and then doing this all right so I'm not longer scale that up now okay now I'm gonna hold the Alt key and shrink this down quite a bit something like that alright and now I'm gonna grab this and now this is what's gonna go here and now I'm going to shrink this down so I'm gonna snap it click start dragging holding the shift key I know that's aligned now Union it and now what I have is this right so now I have this image okay so if you look this is too long right this is where now this comes into play see I can shrink it down to make it fit and it's all about where this is sitting okay so if I put this here and then I say okay I want to street based upon there right you see the circle this will just disappear right so I'm gonna say middles fine and then let me just shrink that down some let me go ahead and shrink it down some more all right and then I'm probably gonna size it down actually and then I'll shrink it back up and now I say okay this is gonna be a sub hold the Alt key click on it right there's my piece then I say alright it is too deep right now so I'm just gonna make it not as deep so I have something like that okay and then I threw on a bevel so I came to this hidden feature holding the control key thrown on a bevel in here right so this is to give you guys here a look right I want to bevel this through here right so I want a beveling the head start happening okay this is now something that I can look at and go you know what okay I don't know how many I even want down here coming down right so then this is where I use a Ramos alright and then I say okay I want to have them moving this way right and then how many do I want to repeat right and then I can move them like that then I say okay it's too big let's scale it down maybe something like that right and you can see we can do so much now with this it's disposal right I can change the repeats alright so this is how I start using things like a Ramos for me which is really really beneficial right and then I can just if I make these deeper right and then now I can maybe move it to there and is that what you want is that what I'm looking for am I looking for something like that or watch this I can even say extend extender here right and I can stand this way so I can actually even extend the topology itself so it's got the same thing built in at a former right so there you go that's how I started doing that walkie talkie why is it leaving an outline of the added image it's just uh it's just so you can visually see so when I was doing the copying it's not there it's just visually by default we are rendering the image behind the other one a little bit differently so for here for example here so you guys can see what that is what that question is they're asking hey why is there a little line being there okay it's important because when you guys are say cramming and other mean you start bowing over so you can't see you can't see it it's it's a little bit off but that's why we have this we have a background opacity right so you see this one's changing a little bit you can see back there so watch if I move this to be in the front there it is right so there's a background oh there's opacity changing here right but there's also a background opacity see so depending on what I had that at is also what's why it was creating when I was going in here and clicking this Union right it's creating that little thing because there's different opacities and the images but when I go to click on this and turn it into an actual piece of geometry you're not gonna have that that's all it's just so you could visually be able to tell the difference because you're dealing with pure white on pure white right there's no way you'll be able to see it so there's different background intensities that you can set per image no so the comics legend so when I was doing the rocket I'm assuming you're asking for example when you had the rocket ship alpha shape that that can that shape be extruded as a cylinder to make it be a rocket shape in 3d space or will you just be a squared off extrusion so it will be a squared off extrusion right because this can only go forward it doesn't have the ability to do rounded but I could do that that I an essence I could use another feature to help me get to that point if I wanted to that would be possible I could use a ray mash first thing that comes to my mind to do that right so don't even have that rocket ship anymore no right no I did away with it it was a trailer so what I mean by that here's let's reload these I took the triangle right and I sized that up then I started doing a extend this way and then I said all right let's move this down here let's extend this way right so then I have this so then when you create this right this is just creating a new subtool so we'll just look at just this one right it looks like this so here I'm gonna put it at the center of the world so okay so now it's at the center of the world and you can see all that's all it is okay you could if you wanted to start playing with things like this and saying okay let's rotate along the wah along the Y 360 degrees right and then let's just repeat them and then there you go so now that's got the rounded portion of it so this would be the first thing comes my mind and then I would make a mesh and then I would turn this into a dynamesh so then everything because nothing's welded together right now that makes sense something like that could be a way you could go about that using the flatting ability and going from there let me see if I missed any other questions that came through so we guys we've been at two and a half hours unfortunately I do have to go but if anyone's got another question right now why I'm still here throw it at me now now's the time uh uh oh that's cool he's on my side yes it is done I got like bullying's on and everything still so I don't know what my next stream will be but again let's again look at this poll again so that I put in the chat let me find it again so if you guys want to quickly just go to this poll seeing it's a web page right you can go to that poll and then we can see the results and that'll help me determine what's gonna be our topic for the next stream but again now I'm challenging you people to try this spotlight feature right really give it a shot no they cannot be you well so Bland's is asking could these shapes be used to make a custom vdm brushes that's a loaded question the reason why I'm saying is a loaded question because you can only create VD brunt and vdm brushes from a flat plane it has to be a plane and the geometry has to be equally distributed like this right it has to be creative from this but there's nothing stopping me from taking like a plane right that we have here right and then start doing like things like appending shapes cuz this is how I did some of my vdm s and projecting those in like there's nothing stopping me like I would divide stuff like this up right and then I would start using things like the zebra Jack brush and then I would start projecting this into the shape right because zebra she is looking at this whatever this sub tool is it'll start projecting it into it right so you can go or you can hold the Alt key right and it'll just start projecting out into that right so this would work as a vdm now so in technique so that's what I'm saying it's a loaded question you can't go to spotlight 3d make it and now turn it into a video a video can only be created from a flat plane like this that has perfectly equally distributed polygons it can't be rematched it can't be dynamesh it can't be skewed sculptures proton it it must be perfect kua 'td mesh like this so I always use the plane that comes with ZBrush the plane 3d I always use this because it's already equally distributed I know it okay ZBrush ZBrush so many someone's already put is coming up the end of this month so the sculpt off begins four twenty six actually you're gonna wanna watch the 24 artists go head-to-head there is no organic and hard surface side this year it's everyone from the self so there's only gonna be one winner one belt one champion so you're gonna want to check that out that's streaming live you can only watch that online we don't allow people to be here for that because the artists need to concentrate but the other three days the 27 29th and 29th that is all open so again you'd want to go to the summit page okay so it's just summit pixologic calm if you're gonna be here in person there's a lot more going on we've got an on-site challenge as well for anybody you've got all your presentations we got workshops we've got a word ceremony we got portfolio reviews there's a lot going on for those that are physically gonna be here if you're gonna be in LA area and during this time I tell you come come in person it's just so much better you just take way more away from the event itself and you're mingling with the with our kind right artistic creative sculptor people so the pole is if the pole works out to be even I decide then what that topic is going to be so again people one last time here's your pole right so let's see what the topic and where are we at let's even take a look here so again you just come here and click so we got 36 36 percent no no NPR huh hmm interesting okay so jump on here right now take that poll okay this is obviously a web page so even when the stream ends you can still go jump on this poll really quick all right so there's your URL make your votes okay and get on there there it is again right let's see what our next topic will be all right I gotta head out honestly I appreciate everybody here coming in watching me be crazy Paul again Corey Paul I really appreciate it I appreciate you taking the time spending with me it's been a lot of fun again it's been I think over a year since I've streamed on the channel so I am making a commitment to come back on a regular basis monthly to you all so of course you're gonna see me again at the end of the month here at the ZBrush summit but I will be back again in October and so forth and so on so we're gonna do a monthly challenge with you anybody that watches now my stream whatever we discuss I'm now gonna challenge you and I want you to put the stuff up on ZBrush central and be tagging it right so I buy those speaking of that I there's there's there's two of me actually so let's go to ZBrush central here really quick so by the way you can search for users and everything in here okay so I just lose it okay so when you're doing you can search for the users right here right so you can I am Gabo 1991 is like my original back in the day like and I think I made that 15 years ago okay so that's my personal ZBrush central and then there's a pic so Paul so that's my pixologic one which is right here so you guys can you guys can tag me in things right now all right there's a tagging system and you can call out you can hack into an app in essence used to do at just like you do your social media at pixel Paul so it would be awesome for you guys has a challenge from here on out whatever I give you let's try make some stuff thrown on zebra central and throw the at so either use pixel Paul or use the Gabon 1991 and I will see both right so when you're making that post just like in normal social media okay so thank you again everyone I'll be back soon have a delicious delicious day enjoy your week I'm out enjoy the bad jokes bye
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 4,798
Rating: 4.9424462 out of 5
Keywords: pixologic, zbrush live, digital sculpting, 3d modeling, art, design, tutorial, how to, making of, twitch, character creation, live boolean, vdm, sculptris pro, deformers, project primitive, illustration, mudbox, 3d coat, autodesk maya, adobe, photoshop, cinema 4d, 3d printing, concept art, games, reel, did you know that, paul gaboury, developer
Id: y6iBSvn88GI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 24sec (8844 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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