Did we hit water??

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thank you well it is the following day and we're at a different location so this is the third one that has been drilled and what he's doing now is welding the well casing pieces together and his welder is a hydraulic driven motor that's all as well there is right there that's driven with a hydraulic motor right on the end of it 2000 PSI and I think it requires 10 gallons a minute this is the casing that he pulled up out of the hole yesterday so he's already got one weld on it he cut it now he's putting it back together what do you think Bobby you said you hit gravel already oh I wasn't down here when they first started it but they've got one casing in and then he'll get ready to drill here again and we'll see what it does [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] good wow [Laughter] it's got a little better gravel coming out he likes to see that [Applause] thank you foreign but we're not to a different layer yet further if we have any roof it wasn't plugged up we'd have all kinds of water thank you very fun with a little paper grab five feet they have a great well I put water in well he's gonna weld another section together and he gets fired up as well there you can hear that running that's probably just like a little unit right there 250 amp yeah it is a why model 250-5.5 I guess nice and slack doesn't have to have a big gas Drive welder on there so that's well dragged this well great runs off of the engine on the truck drive line here is coming back into a drop box somewhere there's a drive shaft you can see the drive shaft turning down that drop box is right there I didn't quite see it that's what rides all of the hydraulic pumps and one over on here this this one male run off of the PTO that's on the transmission it's just not heavy enough [Music] got another casing on there and this will be the third one [Applause] [Applause] foreign casing on the fourth casing they were able to get a little bit of water out there's some sand here they're hoping this time we'll do it he thought he had about 10 gallons a minute that last section they put on so we'll see what this does [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign down what the layers of gravel and sand are you got his point uh Mark there [Music] he wants to see what he has for gravel all gravel anyone else know how much gravel there is in the layer foreign nose [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] pressure is they have water that I'm demonstrating at geckos [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right he has all right he has everything where he wants it as far as whoa and whatever else like that and we're just going to fill this tail here to see how much flow there is you got to remember the drill bit is still in the pipe so we're gonna go ahead and measure this out so that he wants this pail in there oh he's got this drilled as far as he's gonna drill it [Music] all right so we put the bucket underneath there a lot of it spilled out of the pail but we had 10 gallons a minute we're in pretty good shape here [Music] all right he is tearing us down here now they just cut the pipe off the the excess piece that was left on there because he's got the casing down in as far as he needs to have that go [Music] and then of course he's got his drill bits that he has to start pulling up out of there as well [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right so he's got everything tore down and then the plan is he's going to come back here week or two yes and this is slightly different than a typical well yes so you're going to be putting some kind of a screen on there and we're going to yield more water than normal we don't exactly know how much yet but it's going to be more than a typical that's right well so so that this well is plenty good for a homeowner it's 10 gallons a minute plus so five is enough for a homeowner but to get more water because we did find gravel we put this well screen which gives more surface area and we can get a lot more water yeah so this this screen that he's talking about he has one in the back of the truck here and what is that four foot long or is it five this is a five foot long 30 000 spacing screen which holds back the gravel lets the fine sand come in and allows a lot more water to come in because there's all this room for water to come in your typical well your pipe is down in the dirt and the water is only going to be coming in through here right you're going to have soil gravel dirt right up around this end of the pipe so the only surface that you have is the diameter of the six inch as well yeah but this has got all of this area so and then you've got a little bit of ground pressure too yes around that pushing the water to it its own head they call it the head of the water is going to force it in that's why the deeper the weld the better for water flow because there's more head pushing it in ground pressure you call it so so he's going to tear down like I said and that's gonna do it for this fatty all right yep three uh three times to get her right right sometimes you got to do that though huh right nature makes us earn our money yeah so well all right that's gonna do it for this video thanks for watching folks we'll catch you at the next one
Channel: Farming Fixing & Fabricating
Views: 39,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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