………. Along with Silo problems

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well today is the day that we are going to start wheat we just pulled this grain head out of storage if you will and we need to just run a grease gun around it we need to put a little bit of air in this back left tire and then we'll be able to slowly get a few things ready here and get to the field so we had a couple of plastic pieces that we ended up so replacing before we put this on the header cart we've got one right there a couple of them down through here so the head should be ready to go the next question is is this combine going to start we had when did we have this running we got the grain tender out of here or something seed tender so it's been a couple of months since we have started this we've got to come over and get the grain buggy out of here and every time we are over in this Barn everybody asks what is this white stuff on the floor well several years ago we parked the combine in here we went around the combine with hydrated lime the thought was it would keep the critters out of the combine away from the combine because what happens is they walk in this line they get it on their feet it dries their feet out then they lick it and I don't think it kills them but it doesn't leave too good of a taste in their mouth so let's go ahead and see if this thing will start and then we'll jump up into Cam we'll see how many Critters we have in the mouse trap hail [Music] I was at The Rock okay foreign [Music] [Applause] no oh yeah well I guess it's a ball it's not enough foreign [Music] [Applause] well we ended up hooking up the batteries the level's fine and when I opened up the side compartment door Jared heard something fall I don't know if you guys know what this is but this is a bolt that goes in the oh side of the auger right up top there I'm hoping that it didn't break again oh it goes right up in is that where it goes but I replaced that at any rate I'm almost certain that this is the actual old piece I don't know where it was but oh boy yeah we'll have to uh yeah look that over I recognize it but I can't think right off yeah where it goes in from this side or the other side I can't remember but at any rate we might as well see if this starts what we have inside here is a pale that we catch mice in and I've got an exhaust pipe to replace on this and I've got that stuffed inside the cab here so it doesn't stink too bad in here and it looks like all of the fluid that was in the bottom of this pail has dried up and there is four of them down in there so now the real question is I should well I'm gonna taken put this somewhere here maybe it can ride a mirror I can throw it over with Jared so we'll go ahead and if this old girl starts we got lights and buzzers [Music] [Applause] I don't like that [Music] fuel pump turned on or not [Music] [Applause] all right uh I think we got a bang on one of the relays up in there [Music] yeah there's a relay of some kind more here and grab this muffler pipe all right so there's a relay up in here that loses connection once in a while [Music] Jared said he heard the fuel pump turn on jump up in there and try starting that well I tell you too the uh you gotta rotate the key forward and hold it [Music] turn the key on try it oh there goes a critter right there we scared him out all right that did not have anything to do with ah the relay because you could hear the fuel pump turning on right I think it was just dry on fuel a little bit and it needed to be turned over a couple times the fuel pump is right there in front of the rear tire on this side we've had issues with that before and what we have done is we had relay issues with it and we ran wow we ended up hooking the the light the work light the wire from this work light we powered that into the fuel pump and we powered the fuel pump with the light circuit we would turn the lights on and it would power that fuel pump we did that until we realized that we had a relay connection issue so we just unplugged this guy actually it wasn't that work light I'm sorry it was this light here and this light is the light bar inside the sieve slash suit shoe area we just unplugged it right here pulled the pins out of this plug and use the pins switched them around so that walked into there so we'll go ahead and get this back down out of here we do have a exhaust pipe put on this we ordered that exhaust pipe and it didn't come in until after we put the combine away but it's not that hard of a job to put it on there it's rather easy so we'll go ahead and get this out of here and get back to the shop [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] back to the shop we do have wheat over here on this Farm I know it doesn't make any sense to drive this combine all the way home and not just cut this wheat that's right here but this week isn't quite ready yet the wheat that we have that is the furthest along as far as it being ready is the wheat that is furthest to the north of the farm we're south of the farm here now and this one variety of wheat that's on this farm this is over here where Jared lives and where we have the uh Lagoon this is a bearded variety of wheat I can't remember offhand exactly what uh kind it is I would have to look look it up but you can see that there's some regular wheat mixed in through it no real difference other than it's just the uh variety that it is I don't really like the bearded varieties I want to say it was a pioneer variety of wheat that is the bearded version but it could be home there too I'm not sure I'll have to look that up but you can see there's some different streaks through there [Music] of a different variety that was in the grain drill or that is a spray tip on the sprayer that being goofy so we are about seven miles or so away from the farm we'll get back to the farm let this sink cool down put that exhaust pipe on there I thought there was a wire plug harness that I had to replace on this flasher light on that stop but it's working now so I don't know what we have going on there got the AC on that seems to be working I don't know offhand if I had my heat valves turned on or off we need to get a 2630 display mounted in here we need to get a receiver on on and plugged in just so that we could kind of monitor yield and I'm sure once we get combining we'll be do like every other YouTuber and we will lie about our actual yield everybody that uh posts anything on YouTube here they claim they have 100 Bush a week so we got to be better than that so we're probably gonna have 150 Bush a week so all right let's get back to the farm and get this thing ready to roll here now we're ready to work on this combine we got the boat covered and if you followed along in the last video you all have learned that we have a silo issue which didn't develop until after we came home with this combine here so I didn't video any of it in the last video and when we get back working on the silo that'll be in this one right Nathan yes so we need to fold our bin extensions out put our shower cap on we've got a couple other things to do to this too we've got an exhaust peace to replace we might actually have to do that before we do the tart because we might have to fold this [Music] yeah yeah we're gonna have to do that first so we need to replace this piece here this would be easier to replace this up in here Nate before ah we do that so uh 9 16 tools and looks like a 7 16 for this turbo clamp so we'll go ahead and get this exhaust pipe on there it has a hole in it on this front side and uh I noticed that uh in the winter time when we were getting this ready to be put away for storage we got done combining we got everything ready on this for going right into wheat uh this summer however they did not have that pipe in stock and the roads were good and I decided to put this thing away before installing this exhaust pipe so we'll get that off in there we'll have to do that before we put the tarp on because of the way this uh yeah so we'll get this on there and then we'll join up with you um I'm gonna have to break away once my brother gets back here and we're gonna get that sound motor back together here so we'll join up with you in a while here [Music] all right he's getting that suction there off and I'm going to go ahead and loosen this Muffler up so we can slide this Muffler back so we can very carefully slide this pipe out now when we picked up the combine that bolt that piece that hit the ground was that bolt and it was that pin right there for the I don't know if you want to call it the turret of the auger what have you and to be honest with you that was broke out uh last year during corn and we didn't fix it here until this past winter I did not see that bowl I don't know if you could see that this Bolt from here Nate can you see that with a grease zerk on it when I opened up this door something hit the floor Jared went over and it was the old Bolt but it must have been Satin who knows where maybe inside this panel I don't know where but it hit the floor I mean one day when I was combine and last fall I seen it was broke because I was on Corporal Welch I'm like damn it and uh because all I seen was uh um it's got a hole in it for the grease circuit I'm like what the hell does that look like and that was that piece there so I need to get some half inch uh sockets for this and he's trying to get what do you need a hammer and a chisel probably need a hammer I'll get you a hammer chisel because I got to get some half inch tools [Music] gonna grab some tools and get that apart well we've got this just about ready to come off now it's going to depend on ah we slid that back but does that break apart there that's broke apart now we just got to pound that off we might now this this pipe has to come out that way I was gonna say we could take it off well let's just see how that works I don't know how that's going to come apart why don't you whack right there [Music] wow it's gonna want to come out that way can it if we [Music] which way did I say it was going to have to come out yeah I was wrong show everybody the hole sure by the hall it's on this it's on that other side right there yeah can you see it yeah now do you do you have any thoughts to share with us for today I mean we shared one yesterday maybe we're only good for every other video or something okay all right well let me grab the new pipe and we'll get that slapped on there and make sure we video The Wrap we're coming off you know it's hot there we go all right who knows how much that was that could have been like I don't know did you happen to pay attention to that panel that I worked on on the chopper the other day how much that was uh you said it yesterday [Music] 2 958 I need to be paying attention yeah [Music] what was that other one was it inside or was it outside oh this is mucho gonna work where's what did I do with the old one the Old One's fell what the heck it should fit [Music] it acts like it's ladder probably gonna kick out on me here maybe can you take that off of that end [Music] [Music] we need to take that clamp off maybe but maybe we need to slide it slide it on the pipe there [Music] what is the damn thing welded [Music] all right we've got to put it over that one [Music] wow I need to get my handy dandy Crescent run child Nathan [Music] we need to open her up a little bit okay foreign [Music] [Music] thank you and I'm there all them years Nathan all them years you know look at this look at this it's got a bend on it you need a hammers [Music] there we go [Music] hold on come on now hooked hand right between there and there we backhanded it all right is that mucho good [Music] we got a turd [Music] there'll be two months it might be too much are we too much watch your fingers [Music] all right so let's reach our hand back there's not a bolt that rubbed on that is there what's up [Music] foreign [Music] okay so it appears that maybe somebody put a bolt in there and made me put too long of one in yeah because the knot is welded on the back side either that or the knot yeah whatever whatever it doesn't matter right it's water under the bridge okay let's continue with our job here so we just need to put a clamp on there put this clamp on tighten everything up and this will be done all right Nathan's gonna finish this job up I have the run up in The Silo now all he has left to do is put this clamp on he'll pound that down tighten these bolts up and get this thing into place and then um if you want wait till I get down here for the tarp [Music] I don't know I got a second I think it's got to go like this [Music] well let me take out what we think we need and I'll send that back down I don't know it's good all right so this is what we're working with we didn't show you the old blower yet but this is the new one and I didn't video any of the start of this because my brother had most of this apart already and we'll have to bolt this one into place my nephew is going to let the unloader down to it and we've got to check he talked to one of the owners over at Center State and they said to check a few things so we need to do that as well so he was worried about obstructions what else something with them bolts on that auger right [Music] now yeah so we'll uh get to work here and we need to bring off the top part which is this part here so did you already send that pail down or there's no sense of sending it down because that could go on last yeah okay all right okay so we'll get to work here we've gotta bolt this in the uh we're gonna bolt that up on the top and then we're gonna let it down I think if that's easier that way yeah all right [Applause] yeah we seem to have a collector ring that is not turning we're thinking that is what but our housing so we've been into this before we need to get this apart get them slip rings off and get it freed up because we really don't know problem we're running into here or what it's going to turn into but we need to take it all apart we're believing that that's what bent the housing the collectoring stop turning at the bottom and then this unloader kept turning and it twisted it so we're getting this apart and I get this guy out of there this one's completely free this one could stay with us if we wanted to you could take this fall out to be able to decide [Music] or if you just took that ball off you got it make sure you get this washer here [Music] I'm probably gonna need this whole thing all right so as we talked about the court to stay up here where's the spin what's spins yes like that so did you put where did you put these things um [Music] we're gonna need a new suspension thank you yeah well that's collector rang for whatever reason is seized so we've got get a screwdriver up in here you need something no that should do it so we're going to take this cover off I need to get in here get some screws out take the wires out they have the brushes on the end of them and whatever and then we can send this guy down the Chute with the shroud on there so we need to uh get this down on the bench probably get some heat on it we really don't know what happened to it but yeah not good [Music] well we're trying to get this to break itself free here put some heat on it and then we've got to get it to rotate get it apart and try to uh yeah get it going here Good Times well we have this apart and I don't know we're gonna get the wire wheel in there wire wheel all of that out it could be the Molly grease that we used on this the combination of the grease and the dust and it just to get some lithium in there so we're gonna get the wire wheel in here we're going to clean out this Edge looks like there's a grease Groove all the way around that that's not it's all filled in so the combination of the fresh grease in there from a few weeks ago and the Dos that just kind of locked it right up like a not good honey all right so I'm gonna get glasses and a wire wheel all right we've got this all cleaned up the brother took out a lot of crap that was in this Groove this is a grease Groove all this stuff here was inside that and now it is freed up and good to go so now we can put this back together and head up in the style here so this is going to go on there and then we've got those there that I gotta go on as well so well that's what this looks like all together we used white lithium grease and we are ready to pull it back up The Silo shoot and get it back installed [Music] so we've got this in place we've just got a bolt down our brackets bring over the distributor and then set our neck on and then we can put the housing on underneath so fun stuff [Music] we have the new blower housing installed Richard just got done putting watch out of turn just got done putting new paddles on the blower itself only three paddles on this guy ah the old ones were the originals we could have flipped them but there was a couple of them that were bent so we'll just set this in the housing get that set the bearings tight and then we'll set the gap between the paddle and the housing itself and we could put the top on we actually have to let the unloader down to this point so being that that ring didn't turn the unloader Twisted the housing because it is supported the center of the unloader is supported from that blower housing so this will just set [Music] up there it is [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] thank you well we have this blower housing back together we just need to have a man down on the ground to let it down my brother had to go and do some cow stuff so I've got Nate up in here with me he's gonna help me finish it up because we're gonna have a man on the ground that's going to let this down and this blower is going to bolt to these two points here and that's all that holds the center of this unloader up is it hangs from the blower housing so we'll go ahead and get somebody to let this down get four bolts in there get our belts on and uh run some corn out for morning [Music] yeah go down a little farther I guess [Music] we'll try that I'll call you back when we're ready all right we'll see ya [Music] all right so I've got to find a bolt for this I think I can line it with a punch we've got them half inch bolts that are up underneath this collector ring so you got to take that nut off on that side and that stabilizer that's right here goes there so I'll hand you a three-quarter wrench that was here somewhere and it's right here 's that I gotta find my long bolts [Music] too [Applause] [Applause] or one two three four punch punch [Music] I'm gonna put this one on this side yeah [Music] thank you okay I got that ball foreign well we've got this all back together Tim's down on the ground and he's going to go ahead and turn this on you can go ahead and turn the auger on to him okay turn your saw loader on [Music] all right now you can let it down go one two three and then let off all right do that again all right that's good right there thank you all right this is working the way it should be and what we're gonna do is we're gonna have to bring off a grease gun here Saturday morning when we take doors actually I don't need to take doors out Saturday morning I need to think about a week from now because we took one out today it is Wednesday we just took just took away after the week every seven days a lot and really good the grace got up all right hold up a second shut this eye loader off there's nothing coming out of the auger all right you gotta shut the saw motor off there you go so there's nothing coming out of the auger [Music] look down in the chute all right we've blown the clean shoot off so we've got issues all right well yeah well all right we'll uh we'll be down in a minute shut shut the auger off all right so we have the clean shoe and a pile down there we really don't know what's going on other than I'm gonna send the Rope down see if you could tie that out I don't know we might have a mess in there stay tuned folks we'll uh keep you posted but the clean Chute fell off Nate's got to go down in there see if he can hook onto it and get it out we really don't know what happened I did cut enough off to compensate for the ah unloader being lowered here but who knows what happened down below without climbing down the Chute we really don't know so let me see what they came up with and we'll go from there yep this is what things look like from up above here clean Chute came off plugged the auger attempt to know whether or not there should have been corn coming out he didn't realize there wasn't any corn coming out though a few minutes went by so we might have to sacrifice that clean shoot we might have to cut it really don't know what happened we don't know if I assumed he had the auger on when we started maybe he didn't oh well all right yeah now just turn it on but be ready to turn it off okay thank you let me see if I can dig down into this thing there wasn't a pail or anything stuck in there was there I don't think so we assume he took everything out right yeah see if you can reach it from the outside reach in that Okay so we've got that problem fixed I threw the clean shoe down and it might have got stuck in a ladder wrong and then folded itself up and when it did that it caused itself to here okay everything is running perfect now we'll have to watch the unloader when it gets up to that spot there all right we're back up and running now I don't know if camera caught that last clip let this unload or run all the way around this spot that got caught in earlier uh the rank Drive seized up somewhere around there and then it kept forcing itself and ended up twisting off that blower housing Point here got lowered down a couple times there's a couple of bolts that we must have left down on the corner or something heard a couple of them go through already might need to have them raise it up once it gets to that spot there see how it handles that hey Siri call Tim call Tim thank you yeah you can shut that off now just uh Crank It Up one two three [Music] all right yeah all right we're gonna go ahead and climb down [Music] well Nate to get that tarp put on the combine while we are monkeying around with that Silo so other than putting fuel in the combine and washing the windows that is all ready to go I see we've got a fire extinguisher to put on there so I went ahead and blew myself off with some shop air I've got some corn running out of this Silo so we'll go up crank the unloader down or let the unloader down and we'll see how the girls are making out working on the terror disc they're just riding the bike up my kids ended up putting a basket on this bike I thought that was kind of cute to do that and it's got little pink and yellow ribbons through it and it even lights up when you're moving but it kind of works good for putting my coffee cup in there in the morning I would have been a little butter if Maybe it was a black basket but yeah so what we need to do now we need to pull this payloader over and clean up our Mass before we do that we'll go ahead we'll go ahead and check on the girls here they are working on putting discs on this Terror disc [Music] getting the job done [Music] swing over and work on the front row are you disappointed that we weren't able to cut any Wheat today so disappointed yeah I just realized there wasn't one job I did that I felt like doing today usually that doesn't happen too often but at any rate that Silo uh turned in to be quite the little Fiasco so this is a two-person job got one to hold it up there and the other one to put the bolts in right so new hardware new discs this is the second time that we have put iron on this disc so what we'll use this far once we get the wheat off we're going to apply manure and then we'll go in and uh use the terror disc here to mix the manure in and to get the ground ready to see down with alfalfa have you snapped any bolts yet no not are you talking them we're gonna do that later all right well I'm gonna clean up a mess it's not that big of a mess but it is a mess so yeah well we went ahead and run out a pretty good sized pile for morning and we also cleaned up the mess that we made from the clean shoot bang clogged and having to pull it out on the ground so we got this mess here all cleaned up from what they pulled out of the Chute there and they dumped it on the ground and that's where they left everything so we need to go ahead and get this bike in for a battery charge up so we'll pull this into the shop hook the charger on it for the night and uh we're gonna call it a day like I was saying Nate's got this combine all ready to go we need to just wash the windows fill it with fuel get our monitor uh put inside it and we'll get started cotton wheat here tomorrow so I've got my battery charger plugged in here and I know I'm going to get some comments about you shouldn't leave it unattended you'll cause a fire and every other damn thing well um we've had bigger fires in the shop here so we're going to go ahead and plug it in right there I might as well go ahead and turn it this away and we'll leave it for tonight just take this guy here set that there put this on up in here and we'll let it do its thing so uh I need to do a update video on the old electric bike um it is somewhat handy to have around the farm it's about as handy um it's a little handier than having a side by side believe it or not if you compare a side by side to a a small truck the side by side is a little easier to get in and out of than it is getting in and out of a uh farm truck and this is just that much easier like today going back and forth from The Silo to the shop it's a lot easier to get on the bike than it is to jump in a truck or walk for that case so I've had to charge this battery up this will be the third time now uh the first time was after I had ridden it Psalm after I first got it we've had this since just before uh uh Christmas time I believe it does need a wash um the basket on here is a little goofy but it is what it is so with that being said that is gonna do it for this video I want to thank everybody for watching this isn't exactly the uh day that I was expecting I thought we were gonna be able to roll into uh cotton wheat we covered a bunk first thing and well I ended up going up into the silo first thing after we got the combine out but it is what it is you got to do these other jobs as well so that is gonna do it folks thanks for watching and we will catch it the next one this is a Nine Star Tedder not a 10 anymore if you happen to notice it's got one spinner missing so story for another day
Channel: Farming Fixing & Fabricating
Views: 49,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 10sec (3610 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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