Is Doctor Who Transgender Now? A video essay

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Doctor Who's first explicitly trans character hit our screens in 2005 the villainous Cassandra O'Brien Delta 17 was a flap of skin attached to her frame her brain in a jar underneath who like so many LGBT people needed to be constantly moisturized to keep from drying out moisturize me she'd had so much surgery trying to be thinner that she'd basically had her entire body removed I've had my chin completely taken away and look at the difference look how thin I am created by head writer Russell T Davis her transness is only revealed in a passing remark when she says that's where I used to live when I was a little boy down there in her second appearance her brain dies when she tries to take over the doctor and Rose's bodies Sandra goodness me I'm a man young so many parts and hardly used in a short story by Davis it's revealed that she's a con artist who has transitioned back and forth multiple times conning and killing her way through the universe needless to say Cassandra is a controversial character espe esally as the first and only trans representation the show would have for the next 17 years Russell T Davis was no stranger to controversy having penned the groundbreaking gay drama Queer as Folk back in 1999 where he managed to piss off both straight and gay people I was really disappointed at the way gay men were portrayed the characters were promiscuous from the beginning and that's how it continued they really played to every Prejudice and stereotype in the book and I think it would be quite damaging and send a pretty awful message followed by another controversial drama about a gay man falling in love with a woman even in his first season of Doctor Who he not only introduced bisexual swashbuckler Captain Jack Harkness having him kiss both the doctor and Rose but he also managed to piss people off when Rose used the word gay as an insult your face it hurt so gay so no stranger to controversy the showrunner has now returned to Doctor Who with the 2023 specials in the 2024 season and he's already run into trouble you see Doctor Who did a pronouns and everyone was immediately traumatized and it's all because of this beautiful little look at that fluffy little face God I love him oh no wait what's the right pronoun when the doctor assumes he a trans girl replies you're assuming he as a pronoun oh the line delivery it's all a bit did you just assume my gender so the doctor asks the fluff ball are you he or she or they My Chosen pronoun is the definite article I am always the Meep I do that I mean this did feel a bit Public Service Announcement you half expect the doctor to turn to the camera and say and a very merry pronouns to all of you at home and what do you mean your pronoun is the definite article your pronoun isth your pronouns are theeth what are we supposed to sayth is a space alien look how fluffy that is I would die for the even if that is evil I love this so much obviously the conservatives were triggered apparently the BBC received 144 complaints from viewers saying the inclusion of a trans person was inappropriate 144 probably not quite the Army the trans phobes hoping for out of the 7 and 1 half million viewers but you know what I also talk to trans people who were thoroughly cringed by it like thanks so much but it is a bit embarrassing on like the level of like your mom showing your baby pictures to your worst enemy unless it's not unless it's actually a genius bit of writing which weaves together the entire history of gender and Doctor Who to ask one of the most pressing questions of our time is Doctor Who transgender now is Lord of the Rings gay is Doctor Who transgender this is a terrible Channel and you should unsubscribe after 54 years of the doctor being played by a man the doctor regenerated into a new body now played by jod Whitaker the first woman to play the part unfortunately this new era of the show was a bit I say but it wasn't like watching a train wreck it was more like watching paint dry but this time it was a woman painting it so it was feminist paint but was the doctor really a woman now is gender so simple in the world of Doctor Who for instance the Loch Ness monster back in the 70s was referred to with he pronouns but the shape-shifting zygons would drink his milk so I don't quite know what's going on there but more power to him Nessie big naturals K9 is a robot dog but uses he him pronouns was K9 assigned his gender by his creator or did K9 choose his own gender identity just to ruin JK Ring's childhood when Perry's brain is taken over by a man transitioning slug to human we get a comment about new pronouns now I am she alive within this oh so wonderful Wonder beautiful frame but did the new doctor identify as a woman I mean her gender seems to be almost assigned to her when she meets her first companion why you calling me Madam because you're a woman am I does it suit me and she seemed to repeatedly forget about it come to Daddy I mean mommy The Marvelous apparating man Lady apparating Lady every time it was almost as if the doctor was still a man still identifying as a man and was just played by a woman well when asked by David Tenant if she would be playing the character as someone going through a gender transition Jody Whitaker said no she wouldn't and when designing her costume she based the whole look on a photo she found online which became the inspiration because it felt timeless it was neither male or female which was really important to me so did the doctor really become a woman she didn't play it as a gender transition she wanted an androgynous look and the new headwriter Chris chel wrote her as if she still thought of herself as a man and in fact the other writers on her first series weren't told that the new doctor would be a woman chel said it's very hard for me to think of a decision that the doctor has taken in 55 years that is a gender-based decision or action I'd really struggle to think of one true it's really hard to think of one I mean you'd have to go back at least a few dozen episodes such as the two occasions in Steven mofet era in which the doctor is unable to save the day because he doesn't have a uterus and actually in the episode in which Peter Capal regenerates into JY Whitaker the first doctor is portrayed as a misogynist telling his companion to clean the Tardis and threatening to spank her for being naughty the 2010s were a simpler time and actually literally hours before the doctor meets Yas Bill gives his whole speech about how she's a lesbian and would never fancy the doctor because he's a man the doctor may be an unusual hero in some respects but the history of the show is nothing if not gendered with an often patriarchal dynamic between the male doctors and his usually young gorgeous girl companion the doctor is inspired by traditional male archetypes Sherlock Holmes James Bond Charlie Chaplain what are you like I don't know gandal but a space Gandalf the little green one in Star Wars woman but I get what chel means really the doctor can be a woman there's no reason the doctor couldn't be played by a woman except that the doctor's past May complicate this as a man a white man at that the doctor has had access to history in ways a woman might not have just because you're a man you think you're Superior do you no I didn't say that of course it's true have you know girls beyond the stars no women to do the lonly work it would be different if I was a man but I'm only a girl since she is only a female her activities are of little importance go out the headress like that you'll start a r Barbarella the Prophecies of women are limited and dull but even if this doctor is more or less written the same as she was when she was a man what about this idea of an androgynous costume how did that work out does that help us make sense of her gender well the doctor's outfit always says something about them the 11th Doctor's costume says this is is an old man in the body of a young man and that's very literally his character the 10th doctor's outfit is Geek Chic the third doctor says this guy works for the military sure but he dresses like a rock star so you know he's a dirty little SL and the sixth doctor's outfit says quite cleverly and quite brilliantly that the producer is an idiot and need sacking you need to be able to read the doctor's character in part just at a glance but how do you design a female version of the doctor well it had kind of been done before I have a complaint to make the doctor's companion Romana was also a Time Lord and her looks often had a very doctor-ish Vibe on one occasion being literally a pink and white version of his costume many of her looks are masculine while still definitely feminine they're Timeless but modern some play with the androgyny of historical masculine dress this was an Edwardian boy swimming costume but on Romana in 1980 it looks cute and it looks feminine but it still has this androgynous Edge to it because of its history it's like time traveling gender fashion this outfit might have looked masculine in the 19th century but in 2024 she would just be like a dark Academia influencer in a way they were so eclectic and kind of mismatched and muddled through that that doesn't date because it can't it sort of isn't any date what a great idea I love that time and gender so Jody wha was maybe going for a similar vibe to some of Roman's costumes then something Beyond Time and Beyond gender something which quite explicitly said this person is doing gender and they're doing it hard did she succeed well well is there is there anything actually masculine about this costume I mean she's wearing trousers I guess you know boys boys wear trousers so I can see that yeah totally God I'm trying so hard to talk about the 13th Doctor Zer without totally slagging it off I have an angel on my shoulder called the Meep and a devil on my other shoulder also called the Meep but is this costume actually androgynous not really it's feminine enough that when Russell T Davis returned bringing David Tenant back as the 14th doctor he refused to have tenant wear Whitaker's clothing after regenerating because he was worried it would seem like drag and he didn't want the papers making stupid headlines taking the piss out of a man wearing women's clothes which I have mixed feelings about but the the point is this outfit was so feminine Davis thought it would read as drag if a man wore it so I don't think the costume succeeds as androgynous I don't think it says what she wanted it to say I don't think it communicates the characterization of this doctor as a man who just happens to look like a woman but then what does it say about the doctor what does it communicate I love these colors because this to me is space and this is the sky that I fell through to the kind of land on Earth ah yes blue the famous Doctor Who color symbolizing the SK hi there's a whole journey of stars and hands so there's silver stars there which is essentially where I've come from obviously and the chain is the journey the rose gold hand is Humanity okay I've never been able to see any of that in an episode but sure okay violet and green were the colors of the suffragettes so I said to Jodie can I put Violet in the sleeves yeah it's brilliant what are you talking about the premise in this show is that the doctor found these clothes in a charity shop she didn't get them custom made to tell a story story about the suffragettes in the inner sleeves she didn't pick her jacket because it looked like the colors of the sky which one these references aren't part of a meaningful visual language for the audience like Edwardian boys fashion for instance is a very legible tangible reference it says something about history and gender or when Romano wears a doctor's costume but it's pink it's very simply saying she is the same as the doctor but a girl but this idea of her jacket is blue like the sky and the doctor comes from the sky is not a reference the audience is going to be able to read easily there's no fashion vocabulary for woman wears all the colors of the sky it's too abstract details like Roman's fob watch chain evoke very specific references it says Victorian it says masculine and you can read that at a glance but the 13th doctor's earring which is barely visible anyway doesn't communicate anything to the audience it's just a fun thing for jod and the costume designer time travel fashion is tricky there's no such thing as genuinely Timeless fashion everything dates but if you can take something historical and reinterpret it in a contemporary way you can communicate to a modern audience that this is a timey y costume on a timey wiy person Roman's costumes largely succeeded in communicating timelessness and even androgyny because Roman's costumes actually allude to different areas of fashion as if she picked up random items in her travels along the way but the 13th doctor's costume doesn't really refer to anything it doesn't communicate timelessness it barely communicates androgyny I think in the 21st century putting a woman in big loose trousers and acting like you're doing an androgyny is a bit of a stretch and if we take a look back at that photograph what really makes this feel genderless well it's the haircut right she has a masculine haircut it's lesbian Chic and it looks super cool and the doctor usually has cool weird hair the second doctor had a Beatles haircut in the 60s while wearing a frock coat and a bow tie David tenant's hair was Modern and absolutely iconic but jod Whitaker has like 90s mom hair which is fine but if you're going for androgyny or a quirky look you have to go further than this all of this would be all right if there were any versatility to the costume whatsoever the doctor has purchased presumably from that charity shop a whole stack of graphic te's of all different colors and sizes all with the same graphic on the front the idea of trying to make a Doctor Who costume which is both Timeless and genderless is a fascinating one but I think it needs to be something which can be versatile something which can be either feminine or masculine with slight adjustments wouldn't that have been cool or otherwise just let her do a Roman andar whatever she likes maybe adding to her costume as she visits different times and places maybe like the 15th doctor give her an iconic coat and then let the costume underneath veryy to be honest The Fugitive doctor got it all right and I have zero notes for her it's Victorian but it's modern it's androgynous and the contrast between the African wax print and the Tweet is beautiful there's actually a picture of them together and Jody Whitaker's outfit really is the color of the sky cloudy and miserable oh God the devil Meep is clearly winning four solid years of a cloudy miserable sky androgyny is a world that I very much live in and it's complicated but what the Doctor Who team went for with this costume gave us nothing but the costume is emblematic of so much of what's wrong with the 13th Doctor she just lacks any depth this wasn't thought through next to the fugative doctor next to Romana this doctor's costume looks so cheap and flimsy it's genuinely depressing they were like you know what young girls hate fashion what little girl wants to look up to a fashion icon yuck and so the doctor still hasn't put on a dress since 19 1973 I remember back in 2013 the cries of frustration from my roommates when they saw the preview of Peter kali's old white man hands just before he was announced as the 12th doctor because we were ready for someone different with traditionally male roles in properties like Star Wars being given more and more to women the market trends were definitely in favor of a female doctor and so were the fans but Doctor Who had a problem other Heroes didn't this wasn't a girl version of the doctor like Superman's cousin Supergirl this was as if Superman had cas turned into a woman and then got on with his life as if it was no big deal the male hero the doctor had to transition had to change pronouns now she wore earrings and makeup and showed off more skin and was never ever allowed to tie her hair back transitioning your male superhero is an unusual challenge which perhaps this group of creators was not quite prepared for if only there was some other sci-fi character from another franchise somewhere to take inspiration from judia Dax from the 90s Star Trek series Deep Space 9 belonged to a species who kind of had a similar deal to the do their memories could be passed on so in dax's case she had been a pervy old man who was now in the body of a brilliant young woman and though it takes a few seasons to get to it you can really feel that almost in the way that the 11th doctor is an old man in a young man's body you really sometimes feel that Dax is a man but the doctor's transition wasn't explored in any meaningful way and it wasn't explored in a particularly fun way yeah there are a few jokes about how she used to be a man never did this when I was a man but whatever half my friends talk this way anyway so it's really not that special anymore the 13th Doctor was not a fully fleshed out female hero she wasn't a fully fleshed out male hero and the show wasn't particularly interested in making her non-binary either the 13th Doctor was inevitably going to be a woman because another piz Capaldi just wouldn't cut it but they didn't know what to do with her where the doctor's gender had been at least somewhat significant to the characterization in the past chibal just couldn't figure out what to do with a transitioned doctor and like so much of this era she just ended up being Bland but the doctor's people the time Lords are meant to be gender fluid right as the 12th doctor said we're the most civilized civilization in the universe we're billions of years beyond your petty human obsession with gender and it Associated stereotypes which sounds great in a modern context but the original series doesn't quite back it up in those days the time Lords were almost exclusively men literally having episodes where there are no women in the entire serial because all of the time Lords are men in fact in the classic series there are often almost exclusively men in the show with the companion one of the if not the only woman woman because even the monsters are all played by men the Cybermen will convert you to a cyber man whether you like it or not they're all played by male actors as are the dals as are the Sans as are the original silans the sensorites the zygons and unless we're talking about space lesbians we have a small number of men as many as we need the rest we kill all the other aliens are probably going to be played by men and most of the old school aliens appearing in the new Doctor Who will be the same whenever a Steven moffi companion gets turned into a Dal or a Cyberman which happens quite a lot actually they'll always be played by men so even when these creatures are meant to be completely genderless and sexless they're usually still he hims even the Meep has he him pronouns in the original comic the novelization uses they them pronouns for the Meep but Davis's script actually uses he him pronouns only once replacing he with it but probably the first time Doctor Who had an explicitly non-binary character was 52 years ago with this giant talking named Alpha centuri it's the doctor Alpha centuri my dear fellow or is he or she neither she's an it it's a hemaphrodite hexapod being a hemaphrodite hexapod alpha centuri finds it tricky to tell the difference between men and women not the female how did you come across that voice well I was told we want the pure voice of a young boy with the mentality of a homosexual civil servant but despite the fact that the character was neither a man nor a woman everyone usually refers to Alpha centuri with he him pronouns the sarons are also a monog gender a race of he HS and they also struggle to tell men and women apart girl you have two species on this planet but we still use he him pronouns for these little potato enbies silence boy two genders is a bit further than he can count the darx and the Cybermen are called either it or him interchangeably out of control how do I know all this because I just spent the last few months obsessively making notes about everyone's pronoun use in Doctor Who I Am a perfectly healthy person and I have friends see my friend in English it is a pronoun generally reserved for objects but can be used to dehumanize people and that's literally what the Cybermen and the docks are dehumanized the docks were once people called careds who were mutated into the creatures they are now no longer people to our eyes but Monsters the Cybermen are humans stripped of their Humanity turned into soulless cyborgs their body parts repl until they're no longer people it's it's all quite ableist actually in this iteration they've become a brand with a logo on their chest that is part of how their humanity is lost as our souls are absorbed into brand loyalty but the creators of the darx and the Cybermen are men they're still he him while their Creations become it a thing that is no longer human you absolutely had to bring her did you her it's a Cyberman now and if we can sufficiently dehumanize someone then we're all the more comfortable blowing their heads off or destroying their homes kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it it is the other gender neutral pronoun the one which says you're not a real person anymore she's got a name you know she's not even a she she's a thing but when a darc for instance like Dal SE or Khan is given a name that's when we can't help but give them gender these guys have he him pronouns sometimes just a name or a title is enough to take them from being an it to a he gender and our human seem to go hand in hand to their enslavers an oud is an it I'd suggest a postm which means it's got to be dead first while the doctor who wants to free them uses he pronouns he part of the horror of the Cybermen is that they will remove all features that make us individuals including gender Cybermen will remove sex and class and color and cre didn't you used to be a woman the dals are made in a lab and the sarons are clones in this universe to lose gender is is to lose a piece of our Humanity which is exactly what has happened to these terrifying monsters it's only in torch with that we ever see a cyber woman but that's only because she's incomplete she's still largely human so the darik Cyberman and sarons all represent a loss of individuality a loss of self a loss of diversity you shall be like us these creatures stagnate while the doctor and friends are individuals constantly changing in fact the doctor has a literal plurality of individ uality but generally the gender of these aliens is not terribly well thought through okay so the Sans were established early as not understanding two genders but even in recent times the gag around them is essentially that they are men who don't understand what women are who he stra should be like alpha centu or the Meep right so why does genderless seem to usually default to men how can men be gender neutral well Ursula kaywin did something similar with her non-binary aliens back in the 60s an entire planet full of heims only because of course in English he is considered to be the singular generic pronoun right each student must do his own homework is a slave a slave he doesn't know he's enslaved simple he totally works for everyone except of course pronouns have been a feminist Battleground for literally hundreds of years in the 19th century those opposed to women's right to vote would argue that documents declaring his right to vote naturally only referred to men there's no she pronoun anywhere in the American Constitution now it is there selective use of he as the generic pronoun has long been used to enforce discrimination against women he refers to everyone when it's convenient but at other times only refers to men so what's the alternative well there have been many alternative pronouns over the centuries but at the moment the pronouns which seem to be winning are they them and before anyone throws a tantrum over singular they the use of they as a singular generic pronoun is at least 650 years old there's no real debate about singular they it's been a thing for longer than any human has lived so who's they I don't know but it is the right personal pronoun it's day Ursula kwin came to regret sticking to Heim pronouns for her non-binary aliens and started playing with alternative pronouns in the ' 80s calling the haters grammar bullies she saw the use of neutral pronouns as feminist pushing back against patriarchal language but in good old Doctor Who even while the main character was transitioning gender the topic of pronouns was never really brought up until now so this creature the Meep originates in a comic strip from 1980 the Meep appears to be just a cute little fluffy little fluffy baby little little baby baby fluffy guy but turns out to be an evil Intergalactic criminal the creepy bug aliens chasing the Meep on the other hand turn out to be the goodies the comic quickly became a classic story but the Meep had never actually appeared on television until this adaptation while the Meep had used he him pronouns in the comic the TV Meep seems to use no pronouns at all my chosen pronoun is the definite article and this is obviously a joke the Meep only wants to be called the Meep because they're an evil Intergalactic conqueror like a monarch to the to the the joke doesn't really land but the important part is that the question was asked and the next episode follows up on the pronoun question when Donna casually asks about an equine alien did they throw them out her out them out huh I wonder and this time I think it works and it's comfortable and easy and simple and this is what the show will be like moving forward maleness will no longer be the default in the big wide universe so the Meep and alien pronouns is gender theme number one of this episode gender theme number two is the Doctor Who has literally just transitioned back into a man at the beginning of the story and by the time of the 60th anniversary specials in the star Beast there were kids out there for whom the doctor had always been a woman why is she a he so the doctor changing gender was a big deal for many viewers official promotional materials have also changed the doctor's pronoun they're officially using they them for the doctor so gender theme number two of this episode is the doctor is a bit transgender now and finally gender theme number three is Rose Noble the daughter of the doctor's best friend Donna who was introduced in this story for the first time so Rose is a complicated character in a Spacey wayy sense you see her mother has a piece of the doctor's mind in her brain buried away this was passed down to Rose so Rose also has a piece of the doctor's mind buried away this means that rose has a bit of doctor-ish to her without realizing and so does her mom we learned that Rose's dead name was Jason a name which essentially comes from the Greek word for doct her which means that Donna actually named her child after the doctor without realizing it subconsciously at some point when she decided to transition she changed her name to Rose the name of the doctor's former companion this girl said I don't want to be the doctor I want to be Rose this whole thing with her dead name is actually very blink and you'll miss it the episode doesn't revolve around Rose's transness but there are some nice moments such as when her grandmother slips up and accidentally uses the wrong pronouns for her when I say she looks gorgeous is that right I mean is it sexist never said it to him when he was oh oh sorry and it's actually a very sweet moment of someone who cares messing up and feeling bad about it where the pronoun scene feels like a PSA this just feels genuine of course Sylvia is an old grandma doing her best but not quite getting it it feels real and we love it but more prominently Rose's transness and her being deadnamed by bullies serves to illustrate Donna's protectiveness over her I would burn down the world for you darling anyone has a go I will be there and I will descend a protectiveness which will ultimately lead to Donna risking her life to being ready to die for Rose you and I can stop this but it will kill you okay my daughter is down there and also convincing the doctor that letting Donna die is the right thing to do so the gender themes are really not center stage in this episode it's about the doctor and Donna and bringing them back together bringing Donna back to the place she was back in 2008 so we can pick up that story but these three themes come together for a really interesting conversation one which it has been mentioned might be super cringe this moment is about the doctor's pronouns it's about letting a transperson actually be a trans person on Doctor Who for the first time ever and lead the conversation on gender transition and it also opens up a whole new way of looking at the universe and thinking about aliens and gender it's actually very clever and masterfully done unfortunately it also sounds like a transphobic meme whoops you're assuming he as a pronoun I mean this was definitely unintentional and it isn't helped by the super awkward delivery of the line and I think the joke of the definite article being the meeps and the doctor's pronouns is lost in the grammar confusion and the cringe so it all just seems weird and self-serious and none of this is helped by one of the last scenes of the episodes when those pieces of the doctor's mind have to be removed from Rose and donor or they will die but when the doctor brings that up they respond by saying s you're not a woman anymore I should have understood there is a way to get rid of it something a male presenting Time Lord will never understand what it's so weird to end on this note of gender essentialism that all these years the doctor just didn't know how to deal with this because he was a man at the time was it always this easy could Donna have done this in 2008 because of her gender or is this just meant to be a joke Donna teasing the doctor and actually they were able to let it go because it's been split between the two of them I don't know it's not a very satisfying conclusion and it is a very weird time to bring up gender especially in an episode that seem to be about transcending gender and gender fluidity I've also heard people talk about the weird possibility that Rose might be trans because of her doctor-ish binary nonbinary we are binary she's not because the doctors and fale and neither and more people have interpreted this as meaning that Rose is non-binary and that she may be only transitioned because of her doctor brain the metac crisis but when she does Let It Go and is now only human she says after all these years I'm finally me I think what's Happening Here is the same thing as with her name she wanted to be Rose not the doctor and to be Rose is to be human Rose is only non-binary in the sense that she is a doctor metac crisis she has a piece of doctor brain and of course the doctor is non-binary within the narrative I think the non-binary aspect is doctor-ish and being a transhuman girl named Rose is her choice she chooses to let go of that part of herself that was the doctor that was Jason that was non-binary so when the doctor's side is gone she can finally just be Rose but in a more meta sense there's another reason for Rose's inclusion David Tenant is not trans J whiter and be galdi aren't trans either the only trans person to ever play a trans character on the show is Yasmin fineas Rose Noble which means Rose had to be the one to say that the doctor is truly non-binary and Beyond gender because to appropriate transness for the doctor without representing real trans people would just be kind of messed up it's really beautiful in a way so you see it's actually not cringe at all just kidding no it's still cringe and it definitely has Vibes of how do you do fellow kids but his intentions were definitely good as Davis put it diversity on screen is improving across the board the point now is for Gatekeepers like me to make way for Trans storytellers because that's when you really improve things and that's only going to happen if more space is made on screen for Trans people trans people need to appear on television for young trans people to be able to consider working in that industry as a viable option it is a good fight unfortunately it was written by a CIS man in his 60s who doesn't use Twitter so it comes out in this weird garbled version of online discourse and leaves us all feeling incredibly confused you're assuming he as a pronoun n binary M presenting Time Lord but despite its flaws this episode said more about gender in Doctor Who than any episode has ever said before and far more than the four previous years in which the doctor had just transitioned into a woman but I do have to say Rose is not the most exciting trans character I've ever seen on television I mean Cassandra is a very dated portrayal and I genuinely am glad that we have Rose now but now I'm going to defend Cassandra the skin flap the last time we see Cassandra she's dying she's done all this body hopping and now landed in a body which is dying so the doctor takes her back in time sort of fulfilling a Last Wish taking her back to the last time anyone ever told her she was beautiful then we discover that the person who called her beautiful was herself this version of her from the future I just wanted to say you look beautiful well that's very kind you strange little thing you look so beautiful suddenly the younger Cassandra is filled with compassion when this stranger falls to the ground someone get some help call a medic or something quickly so Cassandra doesn't die alone because her own past self is there to hold and comfort her these two versions of Cassandra give each other what they need most it's such a complex layered moment of kindness and humanity and most importantly it it just has real heart she might be a mass murdering con artist but I empathize with Cassandra not in spite of how she's characterized but because of how she's characterized and I think that is a marvelous achievement and while I've barely squeezed out an emotion watching Rose Noble and I couldn't even empathize with the main Heroes of the 13th Dr Zer I have sobbed like a baby watching this scene and you know what the validity of Cassandra's gender is never called into question in Universe her gender is not what makes her a villain I think the worst problem with Cassandra is that she's played by a CIS actress and I would totally love to see a character like her again in Doctor Who but now played by a transactor and maybe even written by a trans writer episode two of the new series is set to Star Jinx Monsoon as a villain which I'm pretty excited about but also one of Ruby's friends is played by a trans actress Mary Malone and there's another transactor Pete mcale who is set to appear in an upcoming episode I just hope that they get roles as juicy as Cassandra because although representing transactors on screen is vital I think it's just as important to make sure those characters get to be as complex and Brilliant as any other because what makes this ridic ulous show these wonderful weird aliens and monsters and adventurers truly come to life is when they have heart and I just want to remind everyone that if you're a fan of this show you know that one of the doctor's most important values is antiviolence it's a show about standing up and doing what's right when no one else will the doctor has compassion for everyone regardless of race where they're from so just to do our small part as Hans I recommend watching Doctor Who season premiere and then skipping Eurovision that night as we boycott and also a reminder that the BDS movement asks us to put pressure on Disney at the moment Disney has the international streaming rights to Doctor Who They Don't Own It by any stretch of the imagination but we should let them know what we think about the propaganda in their upcoming Captain America film and ideally find other ways to watch Doctor Who thank you so much for watching this video please consider liking and if you unsubscribed at the beginning of the video please subscribe again if you if you enjoyed watching the video I shouldn't have I shouldn't said that also consider becoming a member on patreon where you can check out exclusive content including this Doctor Who video the smok and mirrors of Steven Moffett and we also have another video on this channel called Doctor Who versus women if you want to check that out thank you so much to all of our patrons and very very special thank you too two slices Aaron fer adzy maybe maybe I should make this more exciting because it's this is the last time I'm going to read all the patrons allow um so uh let's see two SCE two slices Fisher ad Sparkle Emoji Aaron aent Maxwell AJ mango Ruth alexand or I could do like ASMR Aliah maraa Alex zodo alien Cheryl Amanda Krueger Amelia T Anna Maria chipper and anonim Ariel Rodriguez best love byon bir break every y BM girl button SE wit Caroline K of theard Mary casual Observer Katrina Lexi chis Edwards can I do it really deep Charlotte H Chelsea s CJ Gibson cjk CL C mcka Comfort Adam Courtney Ray Kelly Dan hippoc crisis Danielle bra DX Dennis De oh sake I go through this every timein 120416 Dorothy Eden ladley I'm just going to go normal again now cuz this is this is all getting a bit silly let's be honest Erie enby Ellena McDougall I said Eden ladley didn't I Eden ladley L like the LW allora walmisley Elsie Astro Emil England Emma Randall Emmanuel emotional support catboy you know okay here here's here's the tone of it we do them all really emotionally Emy James Fair grieve Ena heart emoji heart emoji heart emojji Ed Erica lien Eve Griffith EVN shell Fay Crossroads fancy angles fatal drum F Fay Foo fickle Harpy Fluffy Bunny Boo Fox e Frank McManus Fredick irons Gabriel POA Gabriella day Gabriella gwin moonwater Galileo's balls gav you might J Ginger Grace Robertson gin [Music] Gill [Music] hak haly leang HB H Mona infot toxin y Costa Jack Warden Jackie King of Thieves Jackie Elise Jamir Jamie Jamie mij Jackie K Jax Monty JK Jess Jillian D Joe McManus Joseph Jules Jules inil Juliana Boulder's daughter Juliana Baka Julio leot Julio Mendes Julio sawin that's all the all the jewel people June September Juniper Lopez Justin Delma kale Cara the gamer girl from Mars kolina oan cat Kata Katherine Lennox Katie Ballinger or Katie Ballinger or Ballinger I'm really not sure I'm really I'm sorry I didn't ask I should have just asked I have social anxiety everyone C Kaa Kera katua kazia Garett Smithson Clin aot Kyle Denley llama Lee Fowler leet REM wait isn't a legot from Star Trek like a Kardashian legot Leland Calver Lewis McLoud Lee hom lean Leanne lore Lindsay Mercer Lisa Spitz Lobster mster Logan Q Loki Cassandra Harley Quinn melin Laura mcclaflin lost Tunas ma o mice Mario Margarita St Mary bass mad marim math class Warfare Max jlla Maxim shulin Meg Melissa metor manilo Mike mcaffrey milk tea minurva Gale missing intern Mo moan mumba mun salil metha mirin mclen Mikey nen far Nicholas venturo Nick s Nina Nina Noah Mur Nora Carlson not specified ol o 1 2 3 4 Olivia omaria Orange Paige mlin Panama poer panny Lin paper Samurai 0000 Pascal Andor Patrick button pels pinky Socrates Primrose F sudo Pacman public loser Rachel o Rachel rat relle radical planning Ren Rosboro rainbow unicorn Ralph Gil brunchie Beav Reed Davidson Renee Cohen Red Peacock River Felix Robin Ellis rolling Eddie RSS rraa Sabrina gross Salem Sam Mina Sarah and Sarah buan all the Saras sarah sarah buman sarah R and Sarah R and then S I think the jewes people have them beat though savann Smith shocks toia Scott a Snellgrove Shan hasket sha Miller selenia Lova sha Sierra Kaplan Nelson Sierra RH Sylvia Simon patience siki Sith fich soam banaria solel Sonia J Smith soon to be Dr Worm Sophie spooky latry Stefan C Steven Gibson Steven Wallace summertime killer sus s Simone West Tara Welling Taria peterside Tan malford t Michael Tess McCrea Taylor white the basenor the fisherman and the Priestess the nihilist Theo falling Thiago Tim Anderson tiny wooden tree to Merlin L okay now we're going in for the big finale Tom Harrison to to sh tro the the it's The Hobbit It's The Hobbit the shy music Valia lucious Panda Vicky Green P Whitaker vinc reinfeld Vian charot w we trash it's not a very climactic song though is it now we've got like eight left to go which one did I last do weep trash Wesley Botham will will cor winter F wizard [Music] W that's it that's them that's all of them and now I'm never going to do it again I thanks everyone thank you all so much I hope you enjoyed this like very um experience that we just had together thank you for getting me to the point where there's just an impractically high number of patrons to read and in future it's going to be a scrolling list and but thank you for getting me to this place where this is a wonderful problem to have thank you so much okay I said thank you a lot of times now goodbye is a computer is my own personal Data Bank he knows everything that I do don't you Kine affirmative take Kine back to the Tardis he's out of juice we'd never have managed without him her it sorry K9 apologies are not necessary will he be all right it will be all right it just has a little corrosion and it circuits I can call K9 here if I want to you call the Tardis she I better finish repairing him you called him him you called him him I can call K9 him if I want to he's my dog aren't you K9 a
Channel: verilybitchie
Views: 272,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the meep, nonbinary, rose noble, 13th doctor, they/them, queer, verity ritchie, ncuti gatwa, russell t davies, 15th doctor, 14th doctor, the devil's chord, space babies, the star beast, beep the meep, jinkx monsoon, video essay
Id: Rl4h3IeOuY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 32sec (2732 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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