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[Music] waiting for a couple hours um just because it was so early from our pars guy our par guy is not there but coffee what morning how's it going sir problem how are you everything good mhm an freeze go uh I think here I can see you think it's coming from this hose uh-huh it is coming from that hose broken now yeah it's [Music] broken that hose is custom so it does uh it does this like that uh-huh so we're probably going to have to go get it at next TR so I'll take a picture of your VIN numbers and stuff we'll go get it you see here guys we have a broken hose all his antifreeze in through there so simple fix we just got to do different things to get it so usually in this case we uh we have to call it in to the dealer and then they're able to figure it out for we got to uh go and find it a it's too big [Music] smarter than [Music] that RI go find that hose probably next TR Volvo they're going to do Vol serious around here for Myers oh so I mean cuz it's a it's a it has a Bend to it you know this a specific hose yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and do you have antifreeze yeah yeah yeah I'll bring you antifreeze good about 11 gallons okay so I'll be back thank you you need anything to drink no I have inside okay this door is open when you're coming oh it was it it probably opened up cuz I I'm going to leave these two uh po clamps here so I'll be right back thank you no problem so you guys see one little hose could cause your whole truck to uh go down that's it's not enough to get told so that's what the importance of road service is for the importance of road service is cuz why would you get towed if you have us for these little small things you know take some pictures from the boss lady so basically we came out here we um we assessed situation it was a broken uh coolant hose small coolant hose uh it's not it's not a it's not a straight hose so it has some curvature to it uh in those cases you go crazy looking for it you're not going to find it in local shops you have to go straight to the dealer I think it's a waste of time to go out and see if you find something similar um just based on the specific curvature to the uh to the hose so um a lot of people are like oh can you make it anything with curvature uh it's specifically made so it can make that turn in that specific area and so um it's uh it's it's really uncommon that you find one you know so I I always head towards the dealer so uh that's what I'm going to do now I'm going to go uh long story short we found the hose I had one of my guys go get it from pordo to Tampa Florida and the driver was willing to pay for the time the labor it takes to go get it uh so we did that we we uh went and got it for him so he uh he just installed it now I'm on my way to uh to show you the uh fin o repairs which is really these breakdowns are not hard they're pretty simple to get to it's the accommodation that we do the resourcing the finding out where the parts are the um and how quickly we could get a guy a mechanic to you is is the importance of this job we're not swapping engines we're not swapping injectors we're not going inside the engine we're not doing nothing drastic you know unless we really need to but it's really not breakdowns are pretty much this you know broken hose broken fuel line things that are easy the resourcing portion of it is the uh hard part finding the the right uh Parts Guy having the right connections being able to find uh the parts quickly now guys time is money so drivers are willing to pay us to bre resource the parts find the parts get them installed doing everything within the hours of one and 2 hours 3 hours you know you're back on the road so for us for them everybody wins you know so this is the importance of the importance of uh of road service is resourcing everything quickly having everything available going and get it and accommodating the client so this is the uh we're going to put up on the service truck right now got to take it on we went to Tampa can I take a look at it [Applause] you happy yes I am okay were you able to contact uho for payment I for p okay okay all right guys long story short we got him off the road customer was happy we asked him if he was happy he said yes back on the road good to go that's what we do that's what we love to do catch you guys on the next one
Views: 693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yEy_ICsRItA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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