250,000 Lb Windmill | SUPER LOAD | Leaner

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[Music] [Music] hey everybody welcome back so i'm in my pickup i'm following the uh rotator michael and mike are in the rotator and we're probably going to have uh our other heavy 15 coming on this he's on another toe and has another one holding it's been super busy um but what we've got here idaho state police called it's a truck and trailer hauling one of those huge windmills which you guys know are gigantic and weighing a lot um last one we winched out weighed over 200 000 pounds total so um apparently the jeep part of the trailer uh is off the dolly part is off the road and maybe in like a ditch and the officer was saying he wanted a rotator so that we could lift and rotate it over but i don't even i don't know how much those weigh i mean that could weigh so much i really don't know i assume we can do it um but we there's a chance we might need on our other truck too and use them both to try and get this thing back up on the road i don't know how bad it is it's really difficult to know until we get there um but we're headed out and uh it's at uh exit three and on it a4 on the freeway so we'll be there in about 30 40 minutes so we'll be there in a bit okay well i just got a little update for you guys um just got a phone call from mike um he actually facetimed the officer so uh they could get a better idea the officer wanted to facetime us so we could kind of give an input on what we think we should take um we're definitely gonna be sending our heavy um he's finishing a call and then he'll head out to it so i know we'll beat him by a little bit and then our medium duty which i was going to take um had another toe and so it's finishing up when it's doing and then it's going to come out but i guess this thing weighs 250 000 [Music] pounds [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right the rotator is just right behind me the fact that you're gonna pull in here in just a second grab my gloves and hard hat that's it right up there yeah i just took the corner a little too tight and that the trailer totally went in so yeah that'll be it's a lot of weight there but we got enough trucks um we decided to hold off on sarge because we did the math and we should totally be fine with our three trucks the medium duty won't be doing a whole lot but it'll definitely be helping but with the rotator and 15 we should be just fine and they're not too far behind either by the time we get rigged they'll probably be uh showing up so it'll actually be probably really good timing so i'll walk up there and then i'll start the video again i can't believe how huge that thing is you see them go by you never up close to one and really see how big those things are oh my gosh crazy man just took it too too tight huh [Music] yeah right there you can see where it steers [Music] crazy yeah it's you can see right there the trench he was building there in the mud oh yeah look at that oh man yeah he's stuck [Music] okay wow [Music] you see the other side you see the other side see how stuck it is all that that whole body of that trailer is in the mud on that side wow did you see the other side yet very buried oh what's that looks like he's gonna decide to back it all the way up well the rotator is finally turning around that took a while and then seven or medium duty he just went ahead and backed up down there and 15 should be here any second i saw it a while back drive by so he's going to be here any minute so i was just talking to the driver and the other side of this trailer i'll show you it's completely on the asphalt too i mean everything here is i mean that's to its belly super super stuck there's a lot of weight and i didn't realize it but we're actually going to be pulling a lot more than i thought initially way more than 90 000 pounds because this trailer needs pulled because it's sitting on the asphalt it's not going anywhere he can't move it and he's unpanding he had pinned from the jeep trailer um so what we'll do our plan is take 28 our rotator and we're actually gonna we'll t it to a 90 degree and then we'll boom up here if you can see where my hand is we'll boom out about up here and then we're going to drop two low lines around here and here and lift and get some lift going at the same time using a drag winch to pull this part up in that direction while 15 comes next to him and does the same thing with this two lines to pull it that direction and our medium duty as well if we need it which she's i think we better it's a lot of [Music] weight all right rotator getting positioned we got seven where we want it and we're gonna be two part nits line he's getting that set up up there at the trailer with two parting both lines we'll have four lines of the load up there just giving it some nice tug [Music] not a lot of room to work with huh the area that we have to work with here is definitely going to be an issue too because we need to make sure we get our legs out all the way on both sides i don't know how well you guys can tell but there's not a ton of room here so this is about the best we're going to be able to get with the rotator so that that leg can still go all the way out and then we'll get 15 position and yeah go from there we got truck 7 hooked up to give it a little bit of an extra help up there [Music] true one line you can always yeah true [Music] all right so i'm helping the bryce marry the hooks on this side that way we don't have what we had at first and michael made a good point that when you go to do it you don't know how much pressure you have on each one so one point one has more one point the other one has more but if you marry the hooks like we're doing here then you have equal pressure on both lines so we're setting up a seven same time getting these true trucks ready careful now don't fall down [Music] oh then then yeah that one there [Music] just a half inch here i'll take it mike hurt his hands nobody knows about that on youtube mike hurt his hand he broke his hand and he's still out here that's how much of a stud mike is how much of a stud is mike still out here with a broken hand he's a stud he's got three pieces he's got three pins in his hand he's still out here working like a stuff dude's awesome [Music] [Music] hey michael i'll give you more on the drag oh that's easier that's good [Music] my [Music] all yeah i'm gonna get up there and hook these i'm the monkey [Music] okay whoops i get hooked is that crooked is that straight or crooked okay next one just giving you the it's making you nervous [Music] okay all right tightening those up let's stay up here and make sure we're good before i get down look good okay all right get out of here i'll balance beam this all right we're cool what's that i think i'm gonna have you put a stance block on the end of that boom oh okay all right same thing we're doing here with seven you want to make sure they're married so you have equal pull on each slide yep all right okay i'll change it all right if you guys didn't hear that we're gonna do the same thing same setup we did here what's happening we married the lines so that way you're doing equal pressure with both of them oh this is set up right there they do the exact same thing with the rotator up here so i'm gonna change that huh we're switching it okay we switched it up i did most of the switching it up with these huge heavy snatch blocks so i didn't record it but if you can see up there we've got the lines married [Music] all right so here's our setup so far here's what we got and then 15 are heavy is in the back hole in the tail of the trailer backwards pretty cool lineup right there how you doing bryce thumbs up that a boy had a boy we're having fun hello stuff like this love challenges this is definitely a challenge has so much weight [Music] why did that just happen what is that oh i gotta get that on film even though it's so gross oh why why is that happening is that the pins that's the metal rods oh gross [Music] how's it coming down here there you go that's better that looks better jumping up and down they going up there seven's loaded [Applause] [Applause] uh okay drag winch okay he's loading with the drag winch there it goes she's moving [Applause] so there's the lift okay he's lifting on the highlights seventh movement just haven't slid a little bit okay [Music] oh and then you can tell we're going to go ahead and pull them [Applause] he's moving [Music] it's about 5 30 and the sun starts going down at 5 30 and my my uh iphone takes a lot better picture when it gets dark so i switched over to my iphone here gopro gets a little too dark and you can't see much so they're trying to save that air bag there's a bag down there that's trying to catch that lip of the asphalt we're trying to skate it up and over trying to save that airbag as best as we can so we're gonna hold here while he tries to get that in and we'll start going again but it's coming the skates are working put that airbag up on the asphalt now and she's coming yes 31 000 on the boom up there it's pretty good considering there's two other trucks pulling it this direction as he's lifting it that direction it's a lot of weight right 15 is gonna have to pull forward all right mike's gonna go tell 15 is going to pull forward but you can see they've got that last axle up in the air so he's coming towards him he's doing what we want he's gonna pull forward and we'll do it again there's bryce there looking good putting out the vibe looking good there awesome all right i'll pause it while 15 gets repositioned we'll go again so [Music] hey okay all right 15 is going to come up again a little bit okay okay pull forward we're gonna go again remove that snatch block from that higher spot to the lower spot so we're not getting so much lift back here but it's kind of where we want we knew this back game was going to turn because the jeep on this turns and uh so we knew it was gonna have to come this way first and then we'll get the rest of it come pulled back around so he's just wiring in we'll start going again here it is getting getting a little dark so i might be switching back to my phone but right now i think we can see well enough so so it's a lot of weight guys so it's little movements it's constantly checking everything a little movements constant communication but so far everything's going how we want it we'll go around the other side see everybody else is doing over there that's all sinking we got to move these up okay okay go ahead and wire out we'll move them up [Music] and then free spool them all right we're gonna move these up here they've got if you can see they've got that pretty well up so doing a good job it's moving again now yeah i was watching them they're still pulling so let's do it quick watch here here i'll do it i'll do it watch your hand boy they're just going about to stop and point them over you hooked here right here mike let's make a big loop that way they can just pull on it from right here you have to go in on blue you have to go in on blue to get away from that white it's going to get sucked into the snatch block okay go ahead a lot of moving parts on this one okay we got them re-hooked so they're pulled back further we already pulled it about 10 feet actually more like 15-20 feet michael's rotating to get a different angle [Music] so [Applause] tell me right before the trailer hits your back leg hey she's coming up we're gonna have to reposition the rotator because this trailer is gonna get too close to the leg but it's going what we it's doing what we wanted it to starting to come up i was going to go a little bit more with his drag winch [Music] we're getting her up though so yep i got it all right i'm gonna climb back up and redo these take these snatch blocks off that way we can pull the rotator forward because now we need to go another oh 20 30 feet forward okay watch you got it there it goes okay got it you're good it's hard with one hand huh oh boy you balance it out never lost any strokes they broke this hand good streak okay ready okay i'm gonna climb down and move the rotator forward all right we got the high lines hooked back up we moved the rotator about 10 12 feet back now we're ready to get going again and we're getting dark now michael out on green we'll re-hook the drag winch for that half-inch chain there seven still doing a good job back here still plenty of room to winch too [Music] so the way it's coming up we just keep doing this we're looking good all right perfect okay drag is hooked let's go around to the other side of this thing show you guys uh kind of how it looks over here as you can see the progress was made a little dark i'm gonna pull out my phone here after this clip that rotator puts off a ton of light but the gopro doesn't do so great at night time but you can see how much we've gone on this tons yeah i'm going to stop it here i'm going to pull up my phone and show you guys so that right there has slid a ton here hate to grab flashlights see better [Music] but yeah let's move the bunch see these huge ruts it's a good 30 feet we've moved it he's got 41 000 on the uh boom good i think you're gonna clear the leg good [Music] yeah you're gonna clear it you're good cleared it he's more on green there you go he's coming baby come on come on girl oh man that's beautiful she's coming right we almost have the main trailer back on the asphalt you can see it right there it's really close okay we're gonna reposition all right we're no longer using the medium duty it's not uh it's done its part the hardest pull is done it's done its part getting it over where we need it and this trailer here is actually slid over a lot and we're about back onto the deck like the deck's back on the road so he's gonna de-rig all that put all that away get that truck out of the way and we'll continue going yeah yeah i'll watch it because unfortunately we're going to run into our leg again here so we got another two feet and then we'll move again and do it again but we're looking really good here you can see it moving towards the road see it moving towards the road there that's exactly what it's awesome and i'm going to stop it here just a little bit but that is perfect it's going perfect it's doing just what we wanted that trailer came perfectly this way towards us it was awesome okay we're going to move the rotator hopefully one last time in fact it should be just one last time i'm going to wait till it moves forward and i'm going to re-hook these again we'll get one more winch and that trailer should definitely be on the asphalt by then and then we'll pull that tail end over and he'll re-hook and then try to make that turn again super tight turn so i can see how that would be difficult to make that run away when i sleep and that's how i feel [Music] [Music] so what do you want to call it mike okay so from here we pretty much got him on other than getting this a little bit over more but we got to make sure we get our trucks out here before we get too much farther and we're getting really close so what we're going to do now is rotate is going to go up as far as he can and then 15 is going to pull this whole jeep unit over that direction towards there that way the rotator can get out and then 15 will move out and wins this thing out the rest of the way then we'll get it lined up for him to hook back up and then he's back on the road so we're just about done here so we'll get that going now all right so here's our progress you can see there crazy rut that whole line there and then i'll show you where the the main trailer how much it's moved so you can see there's our rut travels all the way up there on the road and then here's the actual trailer park so it slid see it's back on the asphalt now you can kind of see it's marks right there yeah you can see it how much it slid over all the way to here's where it used to be that's where it is now back on the road so yeah looking much better we're almost done we'll get our trucks out of the way and get them the rest of the way that's where he used to be all of that crazy all right so 15 is gonna pull this end of the trailer away from the rotator so that rotator and our medium duty truck can get out of here and then from that once they're out of the way pull it the rest of the way are you dancing i caught that on camera this time wow that's the victory dance [Applause] [Applause] yeah talk about tight corners man all right so we got the trucks moved over finally took some wiggling and uh moving around some things but uh finally the hardest part about this job is really the amount of room we have to work with here but we have the rotator moved away enough and now we can finally start getting this all the way out now that we have some room so he'll back up get out of the way and let 15 pull this the rest of the way and then we should be good [Applause] [Applause] mike is trying to move it out of the way with it so the tail end of that thing isn't coming down so tight here it's crazy it's so tight so three in he drives forward pretty soon to get him out [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm all straightened back out now [Applause] okay have him set his brakes [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right they're driving out of here [Applause] just got to be careful of our trucks here but as you can see he's just going to go ahead and drive on out now that he's all the way out but thanks for watching everybody like and subscribe and god bless we'll see you all in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh
Channel: Country Equipment Rentals
Views: 202,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rotator, Wrecker, Towing, Windmill, Wind energy, Leaner, Recovery, Heavy, Winch, Winchout, Heavy weight
Id: FlrGWZI4dhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 2sec (3302 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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