Did Missing 13-Year-Old Have a Secret Life? | Tabitha Tuders Case Analysis

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this is Dr Grande today's question is can I analyze the case of Tabitha tutors just a reminder I'm not diagnosing about this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon I'll put the link to patreon in the description for this video first I'll look at the background of this case move to the timeline of The Disappearance and offer my analysis Tabitha Danielle Tudors was born on February 15 1990 and raised in Nashville Tennessee her parents Bo and Deborah had two other children Kevin and Jamie who were a few years older than Tabitha Kevin was about 12 years older and Jaime was about eight years older in 2003 13 year old Tabitha lived in a house with her family on Lillian Street in East Nashville this area was described as having a lot of rough edges the level of crime was significant the area has been described using a number of euphemisms like transitional area up and coming neighborhood trendy hot spot and crime challenged community as far as the transitional area euphemism the most likely transition made in East Nashville would be going from innocent person to victim of a crime Tabitha attended Bailey Middle School which was about two miles from her residence she was in the seventh grade her performance in school was excellent she routinely earned Straight A's and had perfect attendance Tabitha was described as having a good sense of humor and being a little immature for example she was overly attached to her mother and would routinely sleep at the foot of her parents bed Tabitha would start off each night in her own bed then move to her parents bedroom Tabitha sang in a church choir and was interested in pursuing singing as a career now moving to the timeline of The Disappearance on Tuesday April 29 2003 Tabitha's mother Deborah woke up early in the morning to get ready for work her job started at 5 30 am she stepped over Tabitha who was sleeping at the foot of the bed and left the house before Tabitha was awake Tabitha's father Beau woke her up at 7am before he left for work as usual Tabitha's parents indicated that she was in a good mood that day because she received a favorable report card at school the day before at this point Tabitha prepared for school she left her house sometime around 7 50 am she walked to a bus stop which was one block away at the intersection of South 14th Street and Boscobel Street the bus typically arrived at around 8 A.M Tabitha had standing orders from her mother to leave that bus stop and walk a block down the hill on Boscobel Street to South 15th Street if no other children were present at the first bus stop Deborah did not want Tabitha alone at the bus stop the bus stopped at both South 14th Street and South 15th Street SO waiting at either location would achieve the same goal of getting to school around 1 30 PM Deborah arrived home from work she expected Tabitha to arrive at about 4 pm but this never happened Deborah went to the bus stop returned home then drove to the school she could not find anybody at the school she returned there for a second time and made contact with one of Tabitha's teachers the teacher said that Tabitha was not on the bus in the morning for some reason the school never bothered to contact Tabitha's parents about the unexpected absence Deborah contacted some of Tabitha's friends looking for her but no one had seen her she called the police at about 6 pm to report Tabitha missing here's what the police found during their investigation the police initially suspected that Tabitha ran away but eventually came to believe Foul Play was involved Tabitha was not a rebellious teenager she did not have a boyfriend who anyone knew of and all her clothing was left behind there was even twenty dollars in cash still in her bedroom the police found a piece of paper containing Tabitha's handwriting it had seven letters on it the letters tdt then the letter n followed by the letters MTL Tabitha's initials are tdt and the letter N could signify the word and so it was like a little love note Tabitha and MTL the problem is that no one could ever figure out who MTL was Tabitha did not appear to know anybody with those initials this left a few possibilities MTL was a perpetrator who took Tabitha MTL did not exist or was someone that Tabitha never met or the note didn't mean anything Tabitha was just fantasizing when she wrote it several eyewitnesses spotted Tabitha on the morning of April 29 a man saw her at South 14th Street and Boscobel Street a woman saw her in the same area and two of her classmates saw her one of those classmates an 11 year old male told the police that he saw what happened to Tabitha the boy said that a red car driven by a black male wearing a baseball cap pulled over on Boscobel Street where Tabitha was walking Tabitha entered the vehicle the red car made a u-turn and drove back up the hill toward South 14th Street it's not clear if the boy actually saw Tabitha get into the vehicle The credibility of the boy is in question but his story was corroborated in one way the police had dogs track Tabitha's scent they lost the scent on Boscobel Street halfway between South 14th Street and South 15th Street this is consistent with the story about the red car the witnesses who saw Tabitha reported that she was holding something in her hand and looking at it perhaps the report card that she was proud of she did not appear to be looking for anyone and was not in a hurry the bus driver did not see her as the police started to look for potential suspects they noticed that Tabitha's older sister Jamie had a boyfriend who had once lived in the Family Residence he was black and drove a red car the police cleared him after learning that he had an alibi one of Tabitha's friends came forward and said that on one Saturday they went to a local library to use a computer Tabitha logged on and accessed chat rooms the police seized the computer identified by the friend they were able to confirm that Tabitha used it but no other information was found by that point all the data related to Tabitha's alleged Communications had been overwritten by other activity the police received a few tips from individuals who thought they knew various creepy men who could have been involved but the men had alibis about five months after Tabitha disappeared a man named Millard Earl Smith was arrested for assaulting a 17-year-old girl he had picked up the girl on his motorcycle and taken her to his trailer Miller did not have an alibi and was considered to be a person of interest he denied any involvement in Tabitha's disappearance in June 2008 an unusual tip came into the family Deborah's niece had a tattoo shop a man who spoke to the niece in the shop claimed that he had information about the case the man said that he was writing a bicycle on the day Tabitha disappeared and saw her enter a green car this of course contradicted the 11 year old witness who said Tabitha entered a red car the police started looking for people who had a green car but they didn't have any more success than they did when they were looking for someone who had a red car about seven and a half years later on February 10 2016 a local woman came forward to the police and said that she just realized she knew of a person who had a green car she identified this green car possessing individual as a man named Juan who was 19 when Tabitha disappeared allegedly Tabitha would spend time with wine smoking cigarettes the woman said that Juan talked about how he was worried the police will be looking for a car like the one he had been driving and sent something like it wasn't supposed to happen that way the police cleared one of any wrongdoing they said the woman embellished her story the police continued to investigate Tabitha's disappearance at the time making this video she remains missing now moving to my analysis the police believe the foul play was involved in this case and Tabitha's family members agree others look at Tabitha's age and the circumstances of The Disappearance and think it's more likely that she ran away let's take a look at the factors both for and against the idea that Tabitha was the victim of Foul Play starting with the factors that support this Theory Tabitha may have been 13 years old an age where running away is not unheard of but she was immature for her age for example she was strongly attached to her mother and slept in her parents bedroom Tabitha had never climbed into a vehicle with a stranger she was told not to do this and had an aversion to it she had a perfect attendance record in school and performed well academically two weeks after her disappearance Tabitha was scheduled to visit an amusement park she was excited about the upcoming trip now moving to the factors that contradict the theory that Tabitha was the victim of Foul Play investigators doubt The credibility of the 11 year old witness who claimed to see the red car this witness was the only one of a few children at the bus stop who saw the car Tabitha may have been involved in activities that her family did not know about for example going to the library and using a computer to access chat rooms smoking cigarettes with a 19 year old man who lived nearby and of course potentially having a relationship with a person who had the initials MTL Tabitha was inquisitive and may have run away to discover new things when considering all the evidence do I think Foul Play was involved in Tabitha's disappearance yes I think it's reasonable to believe that she was either abducted by force or by deception the perpetrator almost certainly used a vehicle I don't know if it was red green or some other color but it would have been difficult to conduct the kidnapping without private transportation Tabitha may not have initially believed that she was being victimized but no matter how the contact with the perpetrator started out a crime was almost certainly committed at some point I think it's likely that Tabitha is dead she was probably killed within a few hours of her disappearance moving to the next section here are my thoughts in a few areas that stood out to me in this case item number one is how the perpetrator appeared to strike at the perfect time Tabitha was not at high risk to go missing she generally avoided dangerous behavior and there wasn't much of an opportunity for her to be kidnapped in a way that was safe for a perpetrator arguably there were only two windows of opportunity for the kidnapping that would be acceptable to most perpetrators the 10 minutes in the morning when Tabitha was walking to the bus or the 10 minutes in the afternoon when she was walking home from the bus which brings me to item number two assuming there was a perpetrator and assuming it was a man this man almost certainly knew Tabitha the narrow window for the kidnapping could have been exploited by a stranger but how did he get Tabitha in the vehicle it doesn't seem as though Tabitha intended to go missing on that particular day perhaps there was some type of open-ended Arrangement between Tabitha and the man who picked her up like she was communicating with the man for some time he told her he would try to pick her up one day when she was walking to the bus stop he did not know which day it would be but she should be ready to go whenever the time came on April 29 Tabitha saw the man pull up and climbed in his vehicle item number three if a stranger was involved in Tabitha's disappearance he must have had ties to the area if he just randomly entered East Nashville how would he have known Tabitha was there and what her daily routine was it is possible that the man drove to the area several times looking for potential victims which of course would have increased his risk of being detected if a stranger did this he was taking an extraordinary risk although from his point of view the advantage of this tactic would be the lack of connection to Tabitha if he could initially get away from the area it would be very hard to figure out his identity because he essentially struck at random item number four is the story about the red car when looking at the area it's hard to believe that there could be multiple children waiting for the bus at the intersection of Boscobel Street and South 15th Street but only one would see this mysterious red car from the intersection there is a clear view back to South 14th Street the red car should have been spotted by everyone who was standing there furthermore the 11 year old witness specifically referenced the car performing a U-turn and driving up the hill the area of Boscobel Street near South 15th Street is relatively flat the part with the hill is closer to South 14th Street this means the red car encountered Tabitha at about the halfway point on boscovale street or even closer to South 14th Street the dogs the police used to track the scent also support this Theory they were about halfway down Boscobel Street when they lost the set this is a long block how would the 11 year old witness have been able to see the driver so well that he could both identify his race and see a baseball cap I'm wondering if the 11 year old didn't simply see a red car driving there that morning and fabricated the rest of the story perhaps he wanted to be part of the excitement he wanted to pretend to make some type of meaningful contribution to get the attention of everyone who is interested in finding Tabitha now moving to my final thoughts The Disappearance of Tabitha Tudors is a mystery is a case that has had many leads but very little credible information Tabitha disappeared during a narrow window of time and in a small geographic area but other than that there's not really much to go on as far as finding her this case Taps into the worst nightmare of parents to have a child disappear while walking to a bus stop is terrifying it doesn't appear as though Tabitha did anything to increase her risk there is no record of her communicating with dangerous people yet she is gone somehow someone found Tabitha and managed to leave no evidence behind except a scattered collection of dubious reports those are my thoughts in the case of Tabitha Tudors please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always I hope you found my analysis of this topic to be informative thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 133,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N7t-Ycs6lXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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