Teenager Who Pursued Undesirable Friend is Murdered in Remote Area | Kelly Bullwinkle Case Analysis

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this is Dr Grande today's question is can I analyze the case of Kelly Bullwinkle just a reminder I'm not diagnosing by this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon I will put the link to patreon in the description for this video first I'll look at the background this case move to the timeline of the crime then offer my analysis Kelly Bullwinkle was born in California on June 8 1985. her mother separated from her father when Kelly was three Kelly lived with her mother and one of her mother's friends at the age of 14 Kelly started attending Redlands East Valley High School she was described as a deep thinker who liked to write Kelly spent a lot of time alone and was a bit of an outsider when Kelly was a junior she became friends with a senior named Kinsey Nordman who had established an LGBT Club in the high school both Kelly and Kinsey identified as bisexual they were in a group with two other people elodie Romero and Damien Guerrero elodie and Damien were in an on-again off-again relationship Damian had a number of narcissistic characteristics like a sense of entitlement grandiosity and arrogance the group of four were considered outcasts but their relationships with each other were fairly strong at least for a while Kinsey and Damien graduated from high school in 2002 Kelly and Kinsey went to Kelly's prom together they were not a romantic couple but they wanted to create some drama and get a reaction in the spring of 2003 Kelly and elliday graduated from high school not long before this Kelly started an on-again off-again relationship with Damian eldie did not know what was happening for certain but she suspected that Kelly was seeing Damien even though Damien and alade were on again off again themselves Aldi was upset by this Melody and Kelly considered each other to be romantic rivals evidently neither one of them stepped back to examine their own behavior long enough to realize who they were competing for the winner would be with Damian this was a battle to see who could demonstrate the lowest standards LD wanted Kinsey and Damien to push Kelly out of their group the trio started being mean to Kelly calling her names but Kelly did not understand what they were doing she was clingy and dependent she kept trying to stay in the group despite being mistreated by them on one occasion the trio invited her to a party but then refused to let her in and laughed at her through the door on another occasion they locked her in a closet on September 2 2003 Kelly wrote a message to aladi explaining that she had been seeing Damien on and off since April of that year LD responded quote stay away from Damien before something bad happens to you unquote now moving to the timeline of the crime on the evening of September 13 2003 Kelly went missing after working a shift at a restaurant called Bakers Kelly's mother was in the Coast Guard she was at sea at this time so she didn't notice anything was off two days after Kelly went missing the other woman who lived with Kelly and her mother returned to the residence from a vacation she found newspapers that had not been collected the pets had not been fed the porch lights were on and the answering machine had messages from Kelly's job looking for her the woman contacted the police they found Kelly's Car at the Ontario Mills Mall the police interviewed Kinsey she told them that she had not seen Kelly in a while but they had talked about getting together on September 13th again this is the day that Kelly went missing when she didn't hear from Kelly Kinsey went with Damian instead they ate at a restaurant and watched a movie in a theater on October 4 2003 two residents of Redlands were playing paintball in an Orange Grove in San timoteo Canyon which was informally referred to as the ghost town it was an area where young people would congregate to use drugs and engage in other activities they wanted to keep a secret the paintball players smelled something unpleasant and then they noticed a foot sticking out of a shallow grave underneath an abandoned sofa at the bottom of a 28-foot embankment they notified the police who eventually identified the body as belonging to Kelly not far from her body there was a spent 25 caliber case Kelly had been shot twice in the head the first shot grazed her head the second shot was fatal she was wearing the same clothes that she was wearing during her last shift at Bakers the police once again interviewed Kinsey she gave them a story about two men who may have committed the murder the police discovered that both the men had alibis the police spoke to elodie Romero and she supplied them with an alibi they confirmed her Ally and she was ruled out as a potential suspect someone who knew Damien told the police that he had seen a small silver gun in the glove compartment of Damien's vehicle the police spoke to Damian about this he initially denied having a gun but later admitted that he owned a raven Arms model p25 which is a 25 caliber semi-automatic pistol Damon denied that he still had the gun he claimed that it creeped him out so he threw it in a storm drain I guess Damian was familiar with this concept considering how many people he creeped out the police searched the storm drain but did not find the gun a search of Damien's house was also unsuccessful as far as the pistol but the police did find valuable evidence three spent 25 caliber cases that matched the one found at the scene of Kelly's murder on November 4 2003 the police brought Kinsey back in for another interview she denied any involvement in the murder but soon modified her story here's what she said happened on the night of September 13 2003. she and Damien were trying to scare Kelly because she was funny when she was scared Damien produced the 25 caliber pistol and pointed it at Kelly the gun accidentally discharged and Kelly was killed the police could have arrested Kinsey on the spot based on the available evidence but they let her go hoping that she would make inculpatory statements to people who she knew the next day she called her boyfriend and admitted that both she and Damian shot Kelly the boyfriend notified the police I guess he was giving up on the Romantic relationship probably because of the murder part the police stopped a vehicle Kinsey was traveling in and placed her under arrest Damian was arrested at a movie theater watching Matrix Revolutions it was bad news and good news for Damien he was facing a potential life sentence but at least he did not have to finish watching Matrix Revolutions Kinsey spoke to the police after her arrest she repeated her story about trying to scare Kelly but then added a few details she claimed that she and Damian had planned the prank two weeks prior to the shooting they drove to the ghost town and dug a shallow grave as part of this plan on September 13 2003 Kinsey invited Kelly to go hiking they used Kelly's car to get to the ghost town Kinsey told her that they were there to meet Damian after he arrived later than expected they all walked to the shallow grave Damien pointed the gun at the back of Kelly's head and fired one time the bullet grazed Kelly he immediately said that it was an accident Kinsey took the gun and shot Kelly in the head killing her she said she did it to put Kelly out of her misery when asked why she didn't use her cell phone to call for assistance Kinsey replied that there was poor reception in the canyon after making an effort to conceal the body The Killers fled the scene Kinsey drove Kelly scar to the mall where it was later found Damien met her there with clean clothes they had dinner at a Denny's restaurant and then went to a movie theater the film they saw was Once Upon a Time in Mexico and Damien kept the receipts in order to establish an alibi Kinsey and Damien were tried together but with separate juries Kinsey was convicted of first-degree murder and discharging a handgun during a murder she was sentenced to 45 years to life in prison she will be eligible for parole in 2026 Damien's trial resulted in a mistrial the jury deadlocked 11-1 in favor of convicting him in 2008 he pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and was sentenced to 15 years to life in prison Damien was denied parole in 2018. he was granted parole in 2019 but the governor of California reversed the parole board's decision he was denied Pro again in 2021 in January 2023 Damien Guerrero was granted parole but at the time making this video the governor has not approved or rejected the recommendation now moving to my analysis here are my thoughts on a few areas that stood out to me in this case item number one Damien was described as a goth loner kid who was sarcastic mean and disturbing he wanted people to believe that he was a philosopher who possessed superior wisdom Damien was a fan of Marilyn Manson and he was obsessed with the movie Natural Born Killers Kinsey was obsessed with the same movie The couple even had matching snake rings like the ones worn by the characters in the film Damien and Kinsey had an odd relationship they spent a lot of time together and shared fantasies but supposedly were not romantically involved item number two Kinsey was described as Disturbed anti-social violent manipulative and dangerous she wrote a message in an online Journal that read quote I am a very depressed person I have no respect for human life and I believe I could be quite capable of taking someone's life unquote Kinsey's mother once listened to Kinsey talk on the phone with her boyfriend her boyfriend talked about how great it would be if Kinsey's mother was diagnosed with cancer and died and their father brought an end to his own life Kinsey seemed to be enthusiastic about the idea of her parents being dead her parents were devastated by their daughter's attitude Kinsey's mother knew about the confession that Kinsey made to the police because she was there during the interview she was angry at the police for not arresting Kinsey right away she said to her daughter you need to be put away I think this illustrates the degree to which Kinsey alienated her family and expressed anti-social Behavior usually parents are somewhat supportive of their children even if their children commit serious offenses one could argue that Kinsey's parents were relieved along with the public that Kinsey went to prison item number three Kelly Bullwinkle wanted to fit in and was desperately searching for romance she became attracted to Damien and believed that he was her soul mate it was not clear to those who knew Kelly why she would be interested in Damien or for that matter why anyone would be it appears as though Damien used a manipulation tactic that was simple and effective it would alternate between being mean and being nice to Kelly this only made her more obsessed with him Kelly was described as gullible which may explain why she was deceived by this tactic Damien eventually rejected Kelly and told her that he was with elity but Kelly continued to pursue him item number four why did Damian and Kinsey commit the murder this is just a theory my opinion I think they each decided to kill for different reasons Kinsey was probably the leader she simply had a desire to kill a human being and Kelly was an easy target she was gullible and Kinsey could maneuver Kelly into a vulnerable position pretty easily Damien's motive was probably to impress Kinsey he wanted her to believe that he was a deranged and rebellious killer he used Kelly's unwanted Pursuit Behavior as an excuse to kill her but that wasn't his real motive item number five should Damien or Kinsey ever be released from prison as I mentioned Damien has already tried to get released from prison he claimed that during his years there he overcame his sense of entitlement and learned to empathize his recommendation for parole was rejected by the governor because Damien did not understand why he committed the crime he had a pronounced lack of insight I imagine Kinsey will be applying for parole when she is eligible probably arguing that she has changed in my opinion these killers should never be released from prison there are a few reasons I believe this the premeditated nature of the crime their attempt to avoid responsibility by claiming it was a prank the callousness that the couple possessed and their obsession with murder now moving to my final thoughts Kelly became fixated on a repulsive irritable and arrogant young man when she had a number of romantic options it's like she developed tunnel vision perhaps she liked Damien because he was an outcast who was despised by many people there was something about being a rebel that made him attractive Kelly identified with him she also felt rejected by her peers loneliness is a powerful and sometimes hazardous motivator it can drive people into destructive relationships they tend to forget that the pain of being lonely is less severe than the pain of being with an anti-social partner those are my thoughts in the case of Kelly Bullwinkle please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always I hope you found my analysis of this topic to be informative thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 87,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iWKB6cz1oh0
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Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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