Dr. Cyril Wecht On What REALLY Happened To JonBenet Ramsey - Drinkin’ Bros Clips

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i want to move on to the jonbenet ramsay one uh because this has been a mystery for a long time with jbr yeah um i i had watched the uh the latest documentary that was out on abc um that that happened that everybody got sued for uh because they speculated that they correct yes um do in your knowledge i'm not going to ask if you believe it i don't want you hit with a lawsuit as well obviously um well you know well i'll tell you what i believe because it's in my book who killed jonbenet um ramsey by by me who killed jonbenet ramsey this was not a murder this was uh well technically it would be manslaughter whatever um but it wasn't designed to be a murder it was an accidental death that occurred during sexual play by the father there was no intruder no intruder when you see me next and i have hair down to my waistline like some of the nfl football players do that's when the intruder will be found this is a game passie ramsey the mother was out of the sex business stage four ovarian cancer she followed surgery radiation chemotherapy and the little girl was a surrogate and the father uh penile penetration not penile penetration i mean not being up penetration finger penetration digital penetration it's all there in the uh autopsy a chronic inflammation vocal erosion uh the vaginal wall seven o'clock position um by refrigerant material the most common source of which in any household is is talcum powder put it all together and then you have this cockamania note we represent a small foreign faction 118 000 you like that number is exactly the bonus that john ramsey received the year before yeah not 100 not 200 118 dollars and then and by the way he forgot to bring pen and paper but no problem in the middle of the night he finds pen and paper he starts to write it he writes he doesn't like the beginning he troubles the paper throws it down and then starts to write again you like that and then he leaves the house and by the way he knew about the room in the basement the homicide detective was getting there at six o'clock in the morning never even knew that room existed looking for the six-year-old girl never even knew that room was there a maid who worked there for six months never knew about that room but this outside intruder who was able to get in without awakening anybody he knew about that room where he took the little girl and he had his way and then he left well usually usually people who uh do home invasion spend a lot of time down at the city clerk's office looking up the blueprints of all the houses in the area right yeah or is that not kind of how it works like we expect these games or array all these low-level knucklehead criminals uh they're like criminal masterminds all of a sudden it's easier to believe they're a criminal mastermind than to believe that the government was somehow involved now speaking of well real quick how did the murder then occur with jonbenet ramsey wasn't she hit with a blunt object in the back of the head so the father she was head but that did not kill her um she had she had um the seven cc's of blood you know that's one teaspoon and a half seven cc if somebody comes up right now even with your hat on sir and um or my bald head and hits us with an object you're going to have a lot more bleeding you have some thorough hemorrhage you die right away you don't die immediately my my son's a neurosurgeon operate on these people hours after the bleeding has occurred that that bleeding was already in cause when she was dead or dying there was no actual active bleeding that was just oozing from a little bit of uh gravitational flow from some small vessels she was already dead strengthened she had she had her collar up the rope was around the neck make sure that there are no marks on the neck the collar the rope came down the sleeve was pulled on make sure they never touched the skin so there would be no indication of this and then when you tie something around someone's neck then you can inadvertently get a vagal reflex the vagus nerve the tenth of twelve cranial nerves coming out from the brain one on the right one on the left sends fibers into the chest controls the heart controls the lungs when you apply pressure to the neck that vagal reflex can lead to bradycardia slowing down of the heart and then you get cardiorespiratory arrest that is what led to the death of javane ramsey as they say a a horribly um a horrible death um but by no means an intended american i don't say this in any way uh to to get john ramsey off the hook but to point out uh exactly what happened so that's john bernay ramsey yes and with that um because the mother is now deceased he's still alive and then the brothers you know filed a million lawsuits against this so yeah uh if you're the brother does he know what happened and if so why isn't he coming forward and saying anything i i i don't think he he knows what happened and in fact when he awakened and he came down um and john ramsey was on the phone with a relative in california and you hear him saying to brick you should go back to your room john ran burke work work nine year old three years older uh he came down he was trying to find out what happened no i don't think that burke had anything to do with it i i i do not believe so i think patsy obviously came to learn about it and what was she going to do she already lost her daughter she's going to lose her husband she's dying of cancer she got a son so you know go along with it and that's what i believe happened and it set forth in my book who killed john bennett ramsey [Music] you
Channel: Drinkin' Bros Studios
Views: 52,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drinkin bros, drinking bros, mat best, matt best, Jarred Taylor, Ross Patterson, Evan Hafer, Lord Hotdog, podcast, Vet, Veteran, Army Ranger, Air Force, tacp, green beret, ross patterson revolution podcast, ross patterson revolution, Jessie Wiseman, Tiffany Hart, SERE, SERE Specialist, Drinkin' Broettes, Drinking Broettes, all female podcast, Jables, Tiffany Heart, Dan Hollaway, Danthony, Lemacks Media, Cyril Wecht, JonBenet Ramsey, John Bennett Ramsey
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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