Did I Survive 100 Hours In Minecraft Hardcore?

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welcome to the last episode of this hundred hours challenge yep the last one because this is going to end one of two ways today we are either going to succeed and make it to 100 hours which i do realize is 34 hours of that's a long time that's a long time to put even by my standards of video making that's a long time for one episode or the alternative of course is that we perish but either way today is the last episode and we're gonna find out what happens so i got a couple of things to do one i've got to do what the chicken decreed last episode which is we're gonna go adventuring until our armor breaks and we've got to we've got to try and finish this build whatever it is i've kind of stopped making progress on it purely because i don't actually know where to take it but i've got a few ideas now but as i was looking and picturing things i noticed an opportunity an opportunity has arisen and we are going to take full advantage of it yeah not having wings really sucks now the chances are joel is by his computer and should be able to hear if we're doing something to him first things first we don't want this little scare prank to be the end of joel's series so we're gonna put up a little tiny wall oh no why is he using torches okay if he falls we should be okay i really hope i've got enough scaffolding for this now it's extremely unlikely that he's actually recording because why would he if he's afk what we're gonna do is try and get him to panic tab back into his game and freak out a little bit okay why am i nervous okay here we go right so we need to try and get his attention and then if he comes back come on joel i know you're there this plan has mildly failed on the basis that i don't i don't think he's actually here part of me is tempted just to wait play the long game the other part of me is uh the the very green part of me is getting very bored waiting for for joel and i think joel's home but i'm i've got let's be honest i've got 34 hours to get through so i'm going to play the long game he'll be back soon i hope he's back he's back he's back oh no he's he said he's turned the tables on me no no i missed it i was going to the bathroom no he has wings and i don't stay away this is the worst prank i think i've ever pulled this opportunity has backfired something fierce okay i have several ways out of this he's not he wouldn't i've got ender pearls he would i dare you i dare you oh he's done it oh he's done it oh my gosh oh that was the that was literally the worst i went to the toilet the exact time you came back that was the biggest fail of a prank i think ever joel almost turned it on my head there okay so what we're doing i've got all my shulker boxes we are gonna go for a little adventure until our armor breaks just like the chicken prophesized we're gonna take our armor with us so we can get back easily right we're off on an adventure i call this part of the hundred hours tempting fate although we're going to get some resources there's nothing particularly that i need except one thing i do need a bit of sand and gravel as i'm probably going to be using a bit more concrete powder in my build so while i don't need diamonds or pretty much anything out here in the wilderness we will go adventuring and do what the chicken says one thing that i definitely realized about this challenge slash series is a hundred hours is a really really long time to the point where all three of us me joel and scar we all managed to kind of complete in quotation marks minecraft within about 50 hours so the last 50 hours where have they come from we're really far from our base huh i didn't throw those on the floor okay someone someone's definitely been this way before it's just very odd that we managed to go the same way so the second half of this challenge is basically building and death doesn't really become that frequent of a thing so we've got to entertain ourselves so i was speaking to joel how do we make the last little bit of this interesting because i'll be honest with you we could just go afk in a whole right now and survive the 100 hour challenge and win but this only becomes interesting if we do crazy things like iron armor i want to be taking a couple of hits from things to get this iron armor broken so if this is the last episode some of you might be wondering well what's next well there's a good chance that i'll probably take a little bit of time after this series to start thinking about hermitcraft season 9. i'll be honest at this point i haven't really been thinking of a a whole lot i've just been kind of chilling so after this episode and series is finished i'll really turn my attention to thinking about what to do about hermitcraft why are the baby zombies the worst right i'm getting a little bit bored of exploring now i've got a whole bunch of stuff i don't really need i have found an azalea tree which means that there's a lush cave under here and sometimes it's nice just to check out the lovely terrain i didn't realize the rooted dirt went so low this is the only way i'm gonna get my armor broken is just by going in and really fighting for it taking some damage and getting it broken what's going on here [Laughter] i thought this was a glitch i haven't i haven't actually seen too many pandas not since season seven you you do you my my dude the one thing that there is wrong with this seed is that there just isn't many oceans i've been traveling for a while now and this is the first ocean i've come across it feels good so let's do a little bit of collecting for our build that we're gonna do okay i've got myself a decent amount of sand now what i think i'm gonna do is try and find a shipwreck i'm not gonna break this armor by hunting for treasure all day okay it should be there it is now we've got a decent amount of damage done to our armor but if we can get just a little bit of gravel then we can really focus on trying to get this thing broken you know i really think that they should change the design of this so that this is a wooden plate uh just in case like something like you throw it on it that would be so much more dangerous because people do mine in through here and if an item fell on it it still explodes that would i think that would be a much more dangerous design oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no save me save me save me save me save me that was really silly oh okay at this point i think i'm ready to continue with the build but i'm not going anywhere until this armor has pinged now we did say that there's a rule against intentionally like letting a zombie destroy you while you eat golden carrots what we didn't make a rule for was making a cactus parkour hmm i actually can't i can't actually do this parkour and my arm is breaking faster than ever okay i this is becoming a genuine challenge there's something weird like when you're on a cactus and you can't jump this is how i feel in mcc i made it to the top of the there we go cactus parkour yes yes yes yes we're losing our armor faster than ever okay i gotta make another one now the cactus parkour let's go you have to wait for the right time to take damage this is a really bad time for you guys to be here not gonna lie really bad time for you guys to show up this is called instant karma i've only got a chest plate i've already got a chest plate oh no and we've got just five durability on our chest plate and i've got a big bad omen on me and yeah okay we are free of our iron armor we are definitely within our rights to put our gear back on i'm there was a few really hairy moments back there where i thought i was probably going to die alright i actually set up this lodestone compass so that i could find my way home a lot easier all right we're heading home and we're going to start building some stuff because i have bad omen on me that means we've got quite a an important thing to do when we get back and that is set up the iron golem defense system so let's prepare this because it's the raid is gonna strike almost instantly i should probably let joel know that there's a raid whoa look at his base is he afk where is he i need to let him know that there's probably a raid going to be in my base and he can come and watch me die if he wants joe what no why is there a raid here joe he has villagers might have brought a raid to for joel um and um i think now might be a really great time to uh take a few of these out of my uh my iron farm and head over to joel's house um because there's uh there's a raid that's that's fine everything is fine everything is fine everything is fine no need to panic everything is fine i remember you i'm genuinely scared of these mobs now joel's uh joel's deep underground right now so um i guess i've got to take care of this by myself his base is such a horrible place to have to defend from the pillagers village is okay you scared the life out of me oh i forgot that you had i knew that i had bad omen but i forgot that you had villagers so i was like gonna come over and be like hey joel i've got a bad omen do you wanna come and help me out with my place and then they raid started everything is fine everything is cool nothing was mining where where are they your base is like the worst place to defend yeah it's a maze this is why i wouldn't start raiding go on little golem into the world no no don't look at me look at over there you see that that that look at this base design though they can't get through my walls to my villagers this is some good design on my part they literally can't get in i'm going in everything is fine no no no everything's not fine get him go get him there's vexes yeah there's vexes oh gosh that does a lot of damage at least i'm gonna get a totem out of this i could just i could just leave this with you right no please help i am struggling i've got 16 arrows left right this should be the last one that's what you said the last five times where the heck is this final raiders are they around here go on go on yes all right i'll take these guys don't worry oh bad idea that's half my heart's just wet you're gonna get you're gonna get them are you last one got him nice i got another no we won you can have you can have this i've got still some left over from last time take these glasses what do you mean last time i don't remember i don't remember last time the last time i don't remember i don't remember last time i've got a load you probably need them shut up joel right well i'm gonna go back to doing what i'm doing now thanks for that that's uh my gift to you oh what a nice game now i've got a flipping base full of iron golems okay we've got our armor back we've got a whole bunch of stuff and we've even somehow ended up with a whole bunch of totems of undying for that extra safety so what we're going to do now is we are going to start building more of this part of the build unfortunately this wasn't built by me so we'll have to leave that as it is but we can make some progress on this bit and see what happens so oh wow we're going to actually get on with some building now so without further ado let's go [Music] there we have it this is what i came up with while winging this entire build i've got to say it doesn't look terrible but this is a really good example of why i like to experiment hey joel's over there this is why i like to experiment with my builds before i build them in a in a smp it's because it it could be better it definitely could be better and i've done something just to annoy everyone it keeps it on brand as i've i've left a little bit of the back um no no windows this is it's just a key marker it's just part is part of my style now so i haven't done any interior but i've still got 12 hours on the server so i've definitely got time to do the interior here and i've got a bit of space to fill now speaking of uh approaching the end of the 100 hours challenge we're 88 hours now this took an inordinate amount of time just because of resource collection joel and i were both discussing that 100 hours is a really long time and we're both at that sort of 90 hour mark and what can we do to make things a bit more interesting and we came up with something pretty cool once we hit 90 hours we'll be in a similar position where we can start the last phase of the 100 hours series the thing that's really gonna make this the ultimate challenge because at the moment we don't really have to do much we could just sort of fly around and not not really put ourselves in any kind of danger and we would we would succeed oh no way another one scar's here scar is here so i need to kill this guy scar is back where is he where is he i need to unmute where is he scar been five minutes he's there nobody has said hi back scott i'm here i was staring at the sunset thinking nobody was gonna say goodbye or hi to me welcome so of course i said but why do you have a mustache oh oh yeah uh no no reason can i have one yeah if you really want scar let me introduce you this is grien he goes by grian now grian is dead so now we have gried can i be scarian uh no no you don't like it you don't want that i i died really badly to to a vindicator in in a woodland mansion or rather i didn't die gree green died brienne has not died created on 88 hours um it is very good to be back i am very very hungry here so i will start eating by the way by the way heard you guys have a creeper farm yeah oh you like have you seen it have you seen what we've been doing look over there dude it's amazing some stuff yeah clearly guys you have built some stuff oh i used my last rocket i was just wondering if maybe you could spot me a couple look at this carrot and everything look at that and some diamonds and some nether right uh uh so look at our build yeah look how big that is mine's not tall enough can i just put on the thanos helmet just please just for a moment if you really want to oh oh this is good oh look at it look look thanos he's gonna fly off now isn't it what did he just nose dive into the ground no i think his elytra broke no no it didn't it broke grid he's dead wait did he have your helmet he's taking my helmet with him how has he managed he didn't even give me his helmet oh that's unfortunate well sucks to be you i've got a nice shiny helmet what just happened i didn't even i didn't hear anything he was just laughing and then he was laughing he was just laughing he was just like oh i've got his helmet oh and now and now he's dead scott does that is that it i think so unless he wants a mustache but i think it's a bit late for him yeah there's no way that he could restart the series i think okay i think joel he literally just got if there's no episode here he hasn't got an episode it's gonna be like 60 seconds long it's fine we'll make him a grave if you can is he still here scott if you can hear us be on the grave i i love you but why i can't believe what we just witnessed oh man i had no idea here is scar he is dead it's a nice monument to him is this where i appreciate it i mean that jelly cat's up for grabs now but that jelly cat is up for grabs it was never claimed oh scar well you know what he lived as he died i don't know what i'm saying queen i'm just actually like i've got nothing to say running out of items and who would have thought this ravine would have killed him with all his well-protected stuff yeah who who would have thought with all of his like diving boards that this this would have been the end of him oh scar he hasn't even got enough foot he's he was he said hey and he was complaining that we didn't say hey i don't even know if he was recording uh i hope he was he's saying bye bye all right oh dear well you know what green i say we move on i was i was we move on i just got myself another helmet um well i was actually saying to my audience uh before skark turned up that at 90 hours i was that we were speaking about making this interesting yes by inviting as many other life last lifers on as possible and have them attempt to kill us because i'll be honest i don't know if you feel the same i don't have anything to do for the last 10 hours i have nothing to do i actually have one thing to do and that's make one final tower to make my base taller and then apart from that i've got nothing to do so here's what we're gonna do at the 90-hour mark which i think you're already over i'm a couple of hours away what we're going to do is have everyone come on and it will start off that we still get to keep our gear but we are going to be vastly outnumbered and they can they can log on at any time they can lay traps they can get themselves geared out and gang up on us and kill us if they want but i guess at the start we'll be hunting them and then the tides will turn as they outnumber us right yeah it should be interesting i will be able to tell them about my five never right blocks because they might steal those they definitely will steal those we're just gonna we're basically just gonna let it let it all go loose right just invite everyone on see what happens yeah try and survive for the last 10 hours of this series and if we do we do and if we don't it's embarrassing it's embarrassing oh well i'm going to get another helmet now i'm going to go build a big tower goodbye scott's taking mine to the grave [Laughter] that's really annoying that's like it's got a lot of enchantments on it that helmet has oh yeah so it's mine but it's working and it's on my head oh shut up joel uh i don't i genuinely don't know if scar's gonna even upload a video of that assuming that he was recording i think he was five minutes he was online for five minutes there's uh very unlikely that he's gonna put a mustache on and oh scar come on why didn't you check your elytra literally lost for words okay well i've got diamonds so i can get myself a helmet back it's all it's all the rest of it that comes with it as the as the pain i've also accumulated 60 levels so getting my helmet back won't be too difficult there we are look at that that's really good okay we got protection for respiration and breaking all right we've got mending that's that's not too bad i haven't got aqua affinity but that'll do well anyway what i think we should do is crack on with this small interior so that we can call this build mostly finished sometimes when you make videos you have some technical difficulties and that definitely happened with this basically i lost about five or six hours worth of footage after i finished building the interior of this so unfortunately you don't actually get to see what i built properly i then made the base bigger by making the tower a bit taller above joel's if you can learn from this if you make videos make sure you restart your computer after you update any drivers because basically everything i recorded just didn't fortunately i have joel who's going to lend me some of his footage and then i caught the issue as we were recording the finale everyone has arrived on the server at this point and we're gonna kick off with me meeting up with joel panicking that a bunch of our friends have joined the hardcore world to try and kill us let's get back into it joel they're here what who's here is your base taller than mine now i already just noticed that what the heck i don't care who's here but he looks so stupid i thought mine looks stupid but you're out stupid in me oh dear but i see what you mean i've just looked at the tablets green that's not good all of our friends uh that you know you you put a message out to your friends on discord hey who wants to come on my hardcore world and kill ya and uh the whole the whole squad rocks up they're more than happy i don't know where they are exactly we should i'm gonna go grab some stuff and we should go and see if we can oh wait i've just seen them they're there oh they've got they've found scars they've oh my gosh all right um wait well they don't know where anything is oh wait unless they do know where stuff is they might have been watching scars series yeah they they definitely know they're heading straight for it what the heck but jimmy must have spawned in at the old mansion still uh which is crazy yeah bless him uh so they're all raiding this stuff and jimmy's just chilling at the woodland mansion he is uh if we're gonna go take care of anyone that would be uh easy pickings all right so um just to clarify just like with last life third life we've invited our friends here to blow up our bases take our lives there's no rules it's like it's like saying ants on a picnic or something they're just they're just raiding stuff oh should we go tell timmy that they're all online and uh he might yeah let's let's we we should go and help her guide him home okay let's go find him i see him i see him i see him what oh my gosh oh hey jimmy what are you boys doing what are you doing jimmy oh well i was on my way to the to your to your house to uh take you out actually take us out it was yeah i thought it was time to maybe not let you boys uh get to you 100 hours and um take you home with me because i'm the i'm still alive on this server but could i have my boat back please first yeah sure could i please hop in let me just let me i can't just hop did he just hit you oh where does it hit me wait how am i oh wait [Laughter] oh my gosh she's actually hurting me i'm leaving korean you you and you're not yeah i'm not die i'm not dying well i recorded you ever again no it's time no wait i am actually no don't do it green please i'm on two hp no don't grin please no i feel like we should let him go say hi to him really at least yeah look at his little face you want to let him meet up yeah he's so cute look at him if he was smart though he wouldn't take a swipe at us that's true but he's not smart is he it's jimmy how has he got away so quickly he is he may be stupid but he's quick he's he's scuttled away so quick is he just dug himself in a hole and he's crouching maybe oh he's wow oh look there he is he's on his boat he's got a boat oh look at that isn't he's so cute that's beautiful with the boat disappearing oh that nearly hit him i think it it was worth letting him live just for that moment yeah that was a beautiful moment i'll remember that was a beautiful moment stuff is working let's let's continue we've only got to survive for two hours well one hour 50 minutes for me it's two and a half for me oh no oh they are not in my base the one thing they have done is let my my snow guy out let me let me free you from your your cage oh they're not at my base release the inner beast release the enemy they've definitely been here oh no but where are they because they're not at my base and they're not scared they're definitely well they're all on they're still on the server they're all here yeah pickaxes and [Applause] oh my gosh all right um i can buy you a chest paint but you're gonna have to enchant it i i haven't got time for that i've well i haven't got two hours prediction what it is actually uh yeah i might i might go i might have to they are in your base i heard them talking about all the stuff that's just freely available oh yeah i did go ahead ready what have you got i did have six elytra um some chess pieces some helmets all diamonds why i just i thought it'd be nice for when we did have guests on that they could gear up in there it's not realizing that they were gonna kill us obviously yeah okay we did we did switch up the rules like this was third life okay um so yeah they might be pretty stacked out now okay okay no problem i'm gonna go and enchant this i'll be back in a minute okay oh they're playing oh man well if that isn't ominous uh they are all geared up where's charles where's chuckle gone they are they're they are they're playing scary new scary music this is our base now are you going to build this i'll you better come down here you better come down here oh my gosh great try the eye columns you need to try check the belly for me oh what the heck they're hitting them do you have a bow uh i've got a trident guys just stay away just for a second oh you can just hear them laughing you know oh my god no all right let's go i think we should head to your base right here let's back up let's back up let's back up i do not have any minecarts or anything like that i have my car i want to blow up your own base yes no it's okay i'll blow it up for you guys let's grab let's blow up this bamboo fab because it's just terrible no i know it's oh man it was it was the rates were useless green let's be real um we're on the same team joel joel hello joe joe what is that that's that's that's raining tnt they've not blown up the top why are they going for this part and not the uh not today not today what they building down there is are they building a trojan horse oh oh didn't do that much these guys these guys don't know how to t and t he just hit me in the air that was a good shot has he blown up his own base oh wow oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh all right okay okay hopefully they don't go through my portal we might just made life harder for ourselves here well this this didn't work i think i scared tim away he didn't really follow us i had to well i had to i shouldn't we need to make tim feel like he's winning the fight and then he'll follow us blindly into here oh scary i was falling through the ground just for a second i know actually scared me i know i died inside okay this is the one right this should be the one so where have they gone wait what i thought they trapped it where is the are we are we the bad guys we are the bad guys okay that's definitely not the one don't go through that one though gosh what the wait you don't think so no don't go through that i think whip is trapping that one right now all right let's go back through the original original one right so this has gone terribly wrong this is gone don't switch through on us so i think we go through this one we should be fine i thought i thought the quote was whip is doing the other one is trapping the other one yeah but there's two parcels up here okay new plan we fly a little distance away and spawn a new portal we take this one right all right i'll i'll be the guinea pig i'm going for it i got that all right we're good we're good where the heck are we i don't know where we are oh maybe there's a music disc we could play for them how deep down we're at minus 18. all right okay we gotta get out of here we're also over 2 000 blocks away what we're at minus two two five six my face is not like all right let's try and get out of here [Music] what the heck just happened what was that [Laughter] they tried to make a treasure hunt for blue up themselves oh the idiots that was great oh no joel this time they're chasing me great i have an idea nice i also all them oh my gosh oh jeez okay oh he's dead at least i'm running out of rockets i need to get some of it just it's it's just destroying everything it's not even attacking it slowly and elegantly yeah hey hey who was that your wife just threw a potion of bad at us what's the problem lizzie what was that oh my gosh she missed my thumbs oh she got you she didn't this is chaos and nothing's hitting anything no oh oh gosh the weather's getting a bit low now joel we can do this we could actually we could genuinely make it to 100 hours ollie's already down no you're not get him out of here get him you're dead jimmy i'm sorry you're so dead jimmy where'd he go you're so dead how's your life oh my gosh yes okay and the beacon of strength has been lit oh gosh i've no my fish tank [Music] oh it's too late for too late [Laughter] right we got time to kill oh what the heck was that oh my god run away run away what the heck that was it didn't even do any damage it didn't explode wait it did it's just look how much damage it did i'd even noticed to attract doors in all the confusion oh well thank you kill this there's a tnt minecart trap just outside the portal so i think that's what was uh intended for us oh yeah how many tnt minecarts are in there that's fine isn't it they just need to collide oh incoming incoming all right did you hear her gasps yeah yeah that was so funny right i'm boring every everything about this is horrifically like wrong and funny just scuffed just completely so scuffed up that's the funniest death so far why what's happened because sausage is just around the corner come on be quiet over here i was being quiet okay sausage if you lure them in if you blur them into there we will we will like you okay i'll lure him hold on i'll call him over here don't go in the front door he's he's lit he's lit he's like oh gosh [Music] oh my god i just don't know what to do i just have no we should have trapped this before i know we did zero prep you survived fellas you survived today this is so ridiculous it's getting i just don't know what to do no i mean either i'm only on 98 hours i've got whip get out of here all right we need to do something quickly i went and got some iron minecarts sorry from my base all right i've got at the moment seven tnt minecarts which i made um we need to trap somewhere okay well here's here's my thought right my thought right is that we need to survive to 100 hours for me that's an hour and seven minutes hour and fifty that so a bit bit more ah jeez so my at the moment my thought is wait for them to come to us yeah that's true we could do that or we could go to them and kill we bunker down yeah if we bunker down yeah they're sorry i just like murder i just love murder i forgot what you're like on last night oh geez they got netherrite oh yeah i did have five blocks of never right and uh the top of my base oh joe what okay we're incoming that they're just they've they've literally just come to show us that they've got never hello yeah i see see the nether right thanks for that chandelier joel it was great they must die joel you i play i know we're not pl like you know as friends we should be playing the blame like playing game but um this is entirely your fault they raided all that stuff from you they got there never right yeah korean you know what it is and you know what i've yeah oh luckily there was these beds here uh yeah maybe let's go hide in a tunnel somewhere the whiffer is kind of annoying who spawned that in one idiot um let's go maybe we could tunnel yeah yeah why don't you tell scott who's oh you sticky nothing is sacred anymore uh nothing against me nothing is sacred that was you i i saw it look left out so i did it yeah but remember we just have to survive yeah that's true we chase after them we put ourselves at risk all right um we should make out hmm i'm sure i think like we should we should make out sorry oh no no sorry it's been a good hundred hours ago but we're not there yet uh we should try and get somewhere like a we need like a a bunker or something and make out like we're hiding in the bunker we could gather some obsidian hello they're inside they're luring us into a trap i can taste it yeah don't follow us that would be terrible i know this cave i know this cave wow it's like being oh gosh lost you for a second there this is a big cave there's literally no way there yeah okay right yeah that was that's the plan okay so now we gotta we gotta dig our way out again oh we're out oh wait what oh it's what did you see that it's so glitched right now that was weird i think i found a trap you found a trap i think so what where oh is it blown up already oh unless that's a wither just hitting us oh gosh that's a lot of explosions that was definitely some sort of trap that was being heck they've got okay well that wasn't me wait where's all that is that my fish tank where's that water company fish your fish you're fishing i think your fish are out wait joe what are you doing anybody i was just testing nothing it's got nothing to collide with right oh yeah it just stopped you just got you gotta have another one that goes oh [Laughter] i want to know what happened before we murder you he was pushing one of these along right and then he just he just went like i just wanted to see what happened and then he went to investigate a boom oh my god that took me off guard is so angry [Music] okay well you guys can log off now and um you sure thanks for thanks thanks for coming online helping out and stuff you know that's that's very cool of you but the the challenge is uh the challenge is definitely done now i think um i think that's gonna go afk 50 minutes okay 50 you should go out like a man turn around put your chest plates on oh you want oh chocolate oh you want to do it okay gotta go let's go oh yeah come on copy this get [Laughter] it's just the worst oh man this is how it ends well i think in theory in theory we could have flown away and hidden for another 50 minutes or we could have had the worst pvp fight in my life with joel gone i think i i effectively made it longer than joel and that's what matters [Laughter] okay well that was a better way to end the series than just uh waiting around for 10 hours because once you were at the point we were at there wasn't an awful lot to do ah but 99 hours in hardcore minecraft very fun and i just i it was all worth it just to see the way that joel went so massive thank you to all of our friends that came online to try and kill us it it was actually getting a pretty long a battle just flying around trying to avoid each other look at the mess that there is on this series i had an awful lot of fun and i want to thank you all for watching and sticking with me there is going to be hermitcraft coming up really really really soon so i hope that you will tune in for that because season 9 is going to be amazing maybe there's a reason that i decided to stop at 99 hours and nine minutes
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,713,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, hardcore minecraft, hard core minecraft, 100 hours, 100 hours minecraft, grian minecraft, minecraft grian, 100 days, hardcormode, minecraft hardcormode, minecraft hard mode, hard mode survival, 1.18, episode 7, finale
Id: TcC7WkW-uMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 26sec (2726 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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