I Built a CUTE Animal Barn in Minecraft HARDCORE! - Episode 6

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ever since starting in this hardcore World we've had a big focus on the village I live in and the bills that helped me simply survive and thrive in the world but today it's time to refocus our attention on the animals that have helped our journey so far I want to build an epic and extremely colorful Barn welcome to episode six everybody today I have a very ambitious building goal for us in mind we've had these animals here in these pens since like episode one or two one of those episodes since very early on in this let's play and well I figure it's finally time we start properly transforming this entire Village and we gotta start somewhere I suppose you could say that we already sort of have started because we have a couple of preliminary early game structures right here but today I want to build bigger and if I'm building bigger I'm gonna need some motivation my motivation is coming in the form of these animal pens which are not only an eyesore but they're also well a little bit cruel because when it rains there's no shelter for the animals good timing weather thank you for that that really helped my monologue we have this little pathway right here that leads towards our spawn point and our soul that first archeology site that we found so I think we'll use this as a main route into our village and we'll transform it into a sort of barn or Stables sort of structure that you can just walk right through and enter the village all we gotta do to start is clear out a little bit of space and fix up the terrain this temporary wall was useful last episode but I think the Staples will do a better job at blocking this area off exactly how much I should be eating up this terrain I mean I don't want to take away its character but uh my animals are gonna need a pasture you know there's this giant hole here and I don't really have any plans for it I mean typically you'd probably make this into some sort of mine but I think I'm just gonna cover it up is it bad to just cover it up I mean we don't really need a cave here right oh yeah no we're covering it up oh jeez that actually scared me don't worry we're doing a double layer of dirt on some of it yeah that seems a little more villager safe to be honest and with the land prepped now it's time to plan for the actual build and uh this is this is gonna be a big one well at least pretty big for episode six so we're gonna need a lot of materials I think to make this all go a little smoother I'm gonna just make a little crafting area right next to where I'm going to build we got our chest and our stone cutter and another crafting table don't judge me at it's fine now as for the blocks this is where things are gonna get a little tricky we'll start with the ones that we can get in the Overworld which is my purple farm and also my cherry wood growing man I'm so glad I built this thing it's so convenient all right I've got some of the Overworld materials gathered now so I want to get started on this barn and maybe like right here is good enough I'm literally just gonna use this pathway that we already have for my starting point and actually I think I wanted to be seven wide in the passageway through my inspiration for this Barn is taken from my lovely friend mythical sausage who has made some amazing Barns and stables in the past I'm going to be taking the shape inspiration of one of his designs and turning it very pink and purple so let me show you what I'm thinking for one of the wall sections of course they are going to be reasonable and do a not pink Foundation but that's where reasonable stops because I'm thinking for each of these walls we're going to make things extremely pink like extremely extremely let's see we're gonna want a little bit of depth like this here and then maybe we're gonna want something over the top of it so like this and some more intricate pink details on the inside trap doors on all the sides fences and finally now listen I know you're probably thinking I'm insane for doing a completely pink Barn like this I mean it's literally a cotton candy Barbie barn wall design and it's not gonna be everybody's cup of tea I'll be real we're very used to the spruce wood and dark oak and Cobblestone sort of vibe so if that's your thing and this is not listen no judgment but I'm gonna have some fun with this color palette and I think so far I really like this we've just got to do it on all the sides and then do a big entrance way here the only thing is we're gonna also need a couple of contrasty blocks the good news is the Bark on the Cherry log matches really good with these Nether Bricks that we got in the last episode and then that also matches really good with the Crimson blanks so we're gonna start leaning into these colors which means we have to go to the nether to collect them which is fine I mean what could possibly go wrong it'll it'll be fine before I go anywhere in another I think I'm gonna make a quick Fire Resistance potion yeah not that I think anything bad's gonna happen but you know just in case there we go I'll do it quick enchanting break not much luck today that's all right off we go forgot about that oh my gosh that was such a good shot so satisfying to collect all right I think that'll do it for the Crimson stem now all we gotta do is go and get some nether brick no Strider grew up this part's a little scary because I have to actually remember where I went last episode and um to be honest I don't remember really should have left some markers for myself yeah there we go there's the danger Bridge this is fine one of these episodes I'm gonna set up a proper nether tunnel now this is the block that I need a ton of I'm gonna build the outline of my rooms in this block um I could smell the Netherrack for it that would probably be the easier way down the line but for right now since I only need a couple of stacks I'm going to start deconstructing this leg of the nether fortress I'm sure this is fine right nobody was using this the weather skeletons don't need this block okay maybe the blaze needed it it's not bad I didn't know okay it's fine we carry on this time leaving a wall so the blaze don't know what they can't see won't hurt them okay all right you know what that'll probably do it for today didn't even end up using the potion look at me go oh home sweet home hello villagers wow everybody's going to work I think I've given myself a little bit of a jump scare coming back to this it's it's a lot of pink it's very it's very pink you know what um note that I've collected up all of these blocks I think that I would like to make a small compromise mostly for my own sanity we're not going to use the pink powdered concrete okay you know it it's really nice and we will absolutely be using it in a couple of structures around here but this is not the one in the interest of making things just slightly more reasonable in the construction of This Barn I'm gonna go back to the classic spruced add in just a little bit more of that neutral Brown that we're all used to you know give the eyes a place to rest don't worry though it's still going to be mostly pink I've also realized before we get started here that I want to make this whole wall section just one block taller the reason for that is this is seven blocks across and then this is six blocks tall seven by six is a rectangle one block taller would make it a square and I think the squares are just a bit more satisfying so one block taller it shall be gosh my character is a little bit too short to be building something this tall when I was trying to plan the color scheme for this build I actually debated between regular old cherry wood being here Birchwood being here or even jungle wood or Acacia logs like the gray ones and to be honest all of those options all looked great I just settled on the spruce because it's the easiest to get I think jungle wood especially is great in this sort of scenario next to the pink all right not to be dramatic but that is already so much more elegant granted it doesn't look that much like a barn so that's the part that we're gonna fix now in order to make this structure actually look like a barn we're going to have to actually shape everything out which means putting in the basics of the rest of the walls and outlining the roof I think this is probably tall enough this roof shape is the part where I'm mostly taking inspiration for my friend's sausage but in his build he does this amazing Barn shape up at the top and then slowly kind of slopes it down towards the edge just like so yeah honestly I think this is gonna work [Music] I think this is my favorite stage of building something this like framed out stage where you could totally see exactly what this Barn is going to look like it just has no details and you know you can see right through the walls gives me a really good idea of if this is actually gonna fit in this space and I think in this case it fits really well here I mean you got to imagine that this pen is relocated to there but I think overall this is lovely so all we gotta do is fill in all the walls and also the chippy yeah pretty simple let's let's do it maybe in this case we'll start with the foundation all right foundation is in next stage is well probably the wall so we just need a ton of spruce locks and and I'm out oh it's a good thing we've got some trees to chop over here look at the barn from here I actually think that fits so good all right okay back to work [Music] foreign [Music] for details details lots of details this is definitely the prettiest Barn I've ever done I'm just loving the process of seeing this come together I've never built with so much pink and purple in my whole entire life and it's it's definitely something I think I just have one side left to do and it's this side over here which has a pretty steep sort of foundation so I'm gonna have to also extend the Deep slate down over here a little bit of building parkour no big deal hey got our first Barn cat oh oh I wish I had fish on me I don't think I've done any fishing yet hold on everyone this is important oh God by enchanting luck what's fun as fishing is if we're being honest this is just easier all right I got the goods now let's see if we can get the cats oh no I don't see it I mean you've lost it Kitty that's okay I'll just keep a little bit of fish in my inventory in case I see another one we do need Barn cats for sure now where was I all right the exterior is basically complete so I guess the next thing we need to do is actually work on the inside and get it all ready for animals in here first thing I want to do is switch out this path for some coaster I think it'll just look a lot better in the barn and this yellowish color does not go with our Vibe then we'll of course want to flatten out the ground over here for the animals we're gonna have two distinct sides down here for the animals and I want those separated by these big pillars so that everything looks supported which is great because that gives us lots of room upstairs for even more activities gonna need some gates perfect oh and then we also can't lose any animals Through the Windows but I don't exactly want to put glass windows in a barn maybe fences or trap doors oh we could do nether brick fences I just need Nether Bricks smelting Netherrack is definitely not something I've done recently but it's very useful that you can do it nice all right let's see how this looks oh I like it yeah that ties in with the roof and also with the cherry wood log there fantastic I'm absolutely loving this color palette it's honestly just so nice to work with some colors especially colors that I love I'm really into pink I'm also really into green but we don't have green stairs and slabs yet at least not in the color that I want when we have that I I'm gonna go crazy I'm never gonna build anything else once we have that let me know what your favorite color is and what stairs and slabs you would like to build out of with it the pink is definitely pretty close for me I'm enjoying it normally in Barns I just do ladders up to the top but I think it would actually be cool to do an actual staircase in this one I mean we have the space this is a huge Barn okay here we have the Loft and here is the animal pens down here think this should work fine because whatever animal we've put in here isn't going to be able to get to the entrance out here so this should be okay I think I just heard a cat Hello whoa kitty it's in Minecraft I've got to be the most frustrating mob come on come on come on yes oh nice got our first Barn Kitty come on come on that's it you can guard the entrance way don't worry Kitty we're putting lots of details into this thing next thing that I need to do is just basically clean up all of the lines especially along this roof where it's such a weird shape just want to kind of Polish everything off okay next up we need a bunch of details first of all of course some lanterns but I think I would also like to make a couple of cauldrons for like little water areas for the animals I'll put that down there and another one just over here and for the lanterns we want to light up the outside and luckily we have the perfect shapes out here to be able to place tons of lanterns while we're on the topic of water for the animals I also want food for them so I need a bunch of hay bales and that's going to involve harvesting a ton of this wheat there we go 11's not bad and I think we'll just put the extra upstairs so you know don't be realistic and stuff oh I think it's time to move the animals in I'm so excited first though I've got to figure out where exactly everyone's gonna go I kind of imagined my horses living over here only problem is I don't have any horses so let's focus on what we have maybe cows and sheep can share this pen together and the chickens could potentially hang out in the loft where do chickens like hanging out I guess I probably should have built a coop it's fine The Loft will do do have lovely donkey here that I got earlier so we can start with the donkey there you go welcome to your home and then we just need the cows and the Sheep there we go yeah this is great come on everybody oh so sorry cat yeah it's a huge Barn lots of space for everybody oh nailed it now I can finally take down these pens Barnes just add so much life to an area and you know what as I was doing that I actually had an idea for the upstairs what if up here we had our bulk storage I mean a barn could be sort of like a work area after all we could have like crafting tables and things up here in places where the villagers maybe won't really come after all I have so many things in my tiny little starter house right now that it is starting to overflow some bulk storage would be greatly appreciated only problem is now I don't have quite as much room for my chickens hmm we'll have to build you guys a coop I am super happy to finally have a place to put all my extra stuff though like for example all of my extra gravel all right now before I work on anything else with this Barn I really want to fix up this whole terrain leading up to it only problem is my shovel's about to break and it's kind of a lean shovel anyways let's hope we get something other than on breaking oh efficiency I'll take it oh yeah this is way better that is definitely better already it also makes me want to dress everything up with a couple more leaves after all there is just so much pink it might be really nice to balance everything out with a little bit of greenery perfect now we just need to help out our chickens and build them a proper Chicken Coop which hopefully shouldn't be too difficult oh gosh why are they all fleeing okay um it's fine I want the chicken coop to be slightly elevated off of the ground layer so I'm going to do a little slab floor right here now what are you doing up here this is how you guys get in weird situations get off the roof get out of the coop honestly these villagers will get a little cute Purple Gradient moment going for them oh yeah all the chickens are gonna be jealous of you got the best chicken coop in this whole world all right chickens you ready to see your brand new home there we go oh my God it this is so cute you can put like little shelves in here that look kind of like roosts for them maybe even if we ever find some Coral we can make it look like nests for now I'd say they look quite a lot happier head to uh replenish the population a bit I love that we can see in through the trapdoors that's so fun now it's time to have a little cleanup and get rid of all of the Clutter outside the barn from the building process and of course I still think this is a great place to potentially have a bunch of workbenches in here nice and organized now the chickens are happy in their Coop the sheep and cows seem pretty happy in their pen over here but my donkey well my donkey's all alone I have a bunch of extra Saddles and also some iron horse armor from when I was in the nether exploring I also love the fact that you can craft a leather horse armor and that is dyeable I get to find a pink and also purple horse for this armor and we can hang the extra saddles in the barn all I need is a bunch of sugar so that I can make better friends with all the horses this horse is so beautiful and has been living out here for so long you'll be my friend please no okay we try again come on dude I've got a beautiful Barn for you you'll love it I promise oh there we go yes this horse looks so good in purple and it's actually a pretty decently quick Horse let's see about the jumping um can you do two and a half yeah huh this actually is not a bad horse all right horse number one now we just had to find you a friend and luckily there's a whole bunch of horses over here hello horses would you like to be my friend this horse doesn't have as many hearts as the last one but let's see if it's quick it's a lot slower can you jump two and a half blocks no sorry dude you're not the one I want to start off with two pretty good horses so that we can potentially breed them to get a really good horse baby hmm is it cows pigs sheep where are all the horses oh there we go there's some the spotted one is beautiful oh dear this is a pretty slow horse I won't lie finding the perfect horse is hard work oh a three block jumper and pretty quick fortunately this was the exact same color as the last one but I'll take it oh this makes going over this Mountain Ridge so much easier so without the armor on this one is all brown and this one is brown with white Hooves and a white stripe on its face so I'll be our pink armor and our lavender armor I love them already we'll have to breed them and get a mule as well that'd be awesome and with that the barn is complete along with of course our little chicken coop over here and our old sheep farm which we'll probably have to move to a better and more sophisticated area as always let me know all of your thoughts down in the comments down below I can't wait to hear from you oh and give me some names for the horses and the cats I'll see you next time everyone goodbye don't forget to subscribe
Channel: GeminiTay
Views: 423,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, GeminiTay, building animal barns in minecraft hardcore, minecraft barn build, minecraft cute barn build, minecraft pink barn, minecraft pink build, minecraft cute animal build, minecraft cute survival base, geminitay hardcore, minecraft 1.20 hardcore lets play, minecraft hardcore 1.20 series, minecraft hardcore 1.20.1, i built a barn in hardcore minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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