Did I Just Delay Breath of the Wild 2???

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dust cloud not like this not like this so nintendo just announced that they are delaying the sequel to breath of the wild to spring 2023 yay zelda delay delays we love zelda delays oh boy what's that what's that bane meme what's the line it's like you know this ain't my first rodeo you know thanks zelda delays is pretty much i've been dealing with this for decades now and i feel that i might be partially responsible for this because i should have just put out a video uh talking about how 2022 has so many games coming that i i just needed to stop i just needed to stop and i and i didn't i i meant like don't announce any more games you know like whatever higher power i was talking to whether it's the year of 2022 or nintendo or whatever not this not this oh oh the irony oh the irony a finger has curled on my monkey's paw they they really knew they really knew which one to take away didn't they i'm actually a little relieved like i actually am at least a tiny bit relieved there's just there's so many games coming out i think i'll be playing eldon ring for like the rest of the year so like uh i don't know it's okay okay so before we start talking about the actual delay uh i do have to say it was very very very nice of them to give us some little tidbits to chew on like obviously they didn't want to actually reveal anything to us yet because they're not ready probably not till e3 or something but they didn't want to tell us it was being delayed without giving us just a little something and they did and it was very nice i'd say two major things anuma said that while this world is basically the same high rule as you know from the first game as we've talked about and you know i've even made a whole video about it and stuff about how i was kind of worried about that concept um he says that it is being expanded it means that there is more to the world that was not in the original and it seems that might be at least partially responsible for the game taking so long i mean really that's like one of the only things we actually know about the game is the reused world and you know it's been a big topic of discussion so like yeah it's it's really nice to hear that i mean like i always imagined there would be some new stuff to it but i don't know it's it's nice to hear that there's new stuff and that you know that's again why at least partially why it's taking so long it's good more importantly though look at this sick master sword look at this something happened to the master sword it's like destroyed it's all it's not even just ragged it's like it's been used for some just awesome epic purpose and like just like destroyed it's all cool and so like are we gonna be like rebuilding it we're gonna make a we're gonna make a new one we're gonna fix it i don't know that's sick it's sick link's arm is all messed up master sword is all messed up the world is all messed up stuff flying everywhere can't wait so back to the delay it is so funny like it's so so funny i i made a video in 2020 about how i was like almost completely sure that breath of the wild two would be coming out in 2020 it'd be the holiday title and um that video gets funnier and funnier with each passing entire year doesn't it so that didn't happen obviously and uh okay i was like all right i went a little bit out on a limb there but uh but now 100 billion thousand million percent sure that it would come out in 2021 because why wouldn't it because why wouldn't it it's an asset engine reusing sequel the reason that you do sequels like that is because it's easier it's cheaper it's quicker so like okay 20 20 sure whatever but come on 2021 four years after the original that's as long as it took them to make breath of the wild after they like you know it took them like two years or whatever to make the the engine and the tools and everything and once they did that it didn't even take that long so four okay of course it's gonna be 20 21 and then it didn't and then i'm at this point then i'm at this point where it's like okay i know it keeps happening but now it's even more ridiculously just like obvious of course 2022 no reason i thought people who were saying it was gonna get delayed again were being just like overly negative i like some negativity you know i like a little cynicism here and there but you know that was just too far for me there's no way there's no reason you know it's like you you roll a hundred-sided die you're probably not gonna land a one but then you do and you're like okay it's not gonna next time though and then you do it again and you're like okay stop hold on okay like i know technically i could do it again but i'm not go and then you do in this okay so obviously obviously 100 obviously goes without even saying that a delay is a good thing if it's something that needed to happen like nintendo's cool they're they're one of the only companies not doing the whole crunch employee abuse thing so like that's cool you need to take some extra time to finish your game instead of rushing to the deadline that is a good thing but i do have to wonder i do have to wonder as an asker of questions what the heck [Music] i'm saying what the heck is taking them so long so like the first immediate response to that is usually like pandemic you know like that really probably didn't help for like the entirety of 2020 things were super duper weird and while that is true i'm not willing to put too much weight on that like there's a chance that that did delay it by a bit but like i don't know they've been announcing and releasing lots and lots of other games like obviously things are moving at nintendo so i don't think it can possibly be like that much it's not i don't think that's accounting for like the years long thing you know most likely it's just that their vision for the game just kind of kept on expanding you know they started out wanting to make a dlc and then they're like you know what no we should make it into a full game and it could just be that got bigger and bigger and bigger and like usually with like big triple a games like you want a good solid vision of like where you're going uh you know like goals to meet all that stuff because these games cost tons of money tens of millions of dollars just so much money and the longer you spend the more money you're spending but like i would say like nintendo overall does usually like to take their time with stuff but i'd say with zelda in particular they really like to take their time they like to really um play with concepts until they get something like skyward sword they talked about how they struggled for a long time trying to figure out what skyward sword was and then they got it it took them like five years and then obviously you know breath of the wild same thing took a long time a lot of r d to make it happen and it could just be like that's happening now too and i don't know if it's like with zelda it's just because like it sells well enough that they think that it's worth it um could be like an artistic integrity thing they just they know that they're making a game that will be in there well you know not if they don't let you play it later but that's a whole other discussion but basically they're making a legacy game a zelda game stays with us forever could just be they're like the money doesn't even matter make it good you know what oh numa or whoever you know they're all they're very much based on like their senior executive members and all that stuff at nintendo so i wouldn't be surprised if it's just like that's what anuma wanted so we just let him do it because he's the zelda guy you know and honestly maybe they got burned by wind waker you know like that game like the gamecube was struggling they wanted it out like in time for they needed it out fast and they ended up having to cut a huge amount of content from it and uh who knows maybe that still haunts them to this day you know like wind waker's a great game but it could have been even greater and maybe they're just like you know what no we don't do deadlines with zelda anymore we just don't we do it until it's done and you know what that's pretty cool because wind waker is one of their big legacy zelda games and it was it's great but it was permanently damaged by that rushing process and i also got to ask like all like pretty much ever since twilight princess like that was the one that felt like it was delayed forever it wasn't in retrospect which is really funny like back then that was a long time but now this is just like how it is but like are these all coincidences is it just like oh well you know twilight princess we had to delay it and then there was the wii we had to get it on the wii but that was just one thing but then skyward sword oh that was just kind of a coincidence we couldn't figure it you know where i'm going with this like and then now it's an asset reusing sequel should be the quickest of all yeah two three years tops right but like maybe this is just what zelda is they don't want to do it fast you know i'm i'm a little more capitalist e you know like i'm cool with just get us a sequel like it doesn't even have to like be mind-blowing if it comes fast because we just want more but like i don't know maybe that's just not what zelda is they don't want to do a majora's mask or uh you know spirit tracks anymore they want to just hunker down and focus on it and play with it until it's done maybe the next game will take well i mean probably five years it's always about five oh man it was five years now we're looking at six it's very very funny that the game that should have been the fastest out of all of the recent zeldas in the last like 15 years or whatever uh the the one that should have taken the least amount of time is gonna take the most six years six years for the quick sequel oh my gosh so final potential reason they delayed the game not a serious one at all just to be clear they wanted a shot at game of the year and they knew they could not have it this year i mean eldon rings is going to win it's that's it it just is i'm sorry if you don't like it you don't think it's i'm sorry it's going to and then like even if you didn't have eldon ring you got horizon two and you got all these other games and we got a new pokemon generation this december so like maybe they were just it was just too crowded for them they're like you know what now 2022 they you know they saw my video that really is it they saw my video they agreed 2022 it's too much just push it to 2023 just do it whatever you know then maybe they can get a game of the year okay final thing that i will say about the delay and how it makes me feel yes it is sad that i will have to wait that much longer to play the game but i think i i think i might be more sad just that 2022 is a little bit less wild now like there was just a novelty to having a year with so many amazing games and it's still gonna be one of the best years for gaming in a long time but you know just having the next big zelda on there too that's the that's the icing on the cake you know i'm like i'm like more sad that we in the you know in the future we'll look back at 2022 and like it'll still be great but oh just that just that extra little bit to make it like one of the most legendary years ever boy spring 2023 though it it really does feel good to get an actual release window that's not a year that's not just like well sometime in the future you know like there's the past and the present the future is the window i mean in retrospect without a solid window we were always walking on shaky ground you know but uh but now we have it and i think i think for real this time for real realsies there's no real reason to expect another delay famous last words no i i'm willing to believe it now i believe it breath of the wild 2 is coming in spring 2023 and we're definitely gonna see it with the name reveal and everything this e3 but what about you are you sad are you happy are you angry do you hate zelda do you not care at all let me know in the comments and in the meantime i'm just gonna go wait a year you know i'd be just like oh my gosh this june will be three years since the reveal three years since the cinematic reveal and we have to wait another year gonna eat some chips gonna eat some chips actually no i'm trying to eat better i'm not gonna eat some broccoli good eat some broccoli
Channel: Arlo
Views: 175,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: puppet, blue, monster, nintendo, switch, zelda, breath of the wild, sequel, botw2, delay, 2022, 2023, release date, aonuma
Id: MvtKtTnC_kE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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