Did Hitler Have a Son?

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[Music] did adolf hitler have a son it's a contentious subject because a real candidate for son of the fuhrer existed and even today that man's claim hasn't been totally disproved it's no secret that hitler liked children he was uncle adolf to many of the children of his top ministers and was indeed a godfather to many of them and was photographed and filmed often with the children of martin bauman joseph goebbels and other nazi bigwigs particularly at his private home the berkoff in southern bavaria the children liked him also but zero evidence has ever surfaced that he fathered a child with his long-term girlfriend and eventual wife ava brown this has led to much speculation concerning hitler's sexuality or sexual health much of it really stemming from the minds of allied propagandists seeking to demean the german leader for understandable reasons during a world war but hitler did have one period in his life when he was relatively free to do what he liked regarding relations with the opposite sex world war one hitler served throughout world war one as an infantryman on the western front much of that time in france and belgium during periods out of the front line german soldiers enjoyed leave in the small french and belgian towns and villages and inevitably some struck up relationships with local women the results were plenty of illegitimate children one such child was jean-marie laurae born jean-marie lobjoy in 1948 when his mother charlotte was on her deathbed she told him something startling jean-marie knew that his father was a german soldier but had no other details however charlotte confessed that his father had been none other than adolf hitler such was the shocking nature of this bombshell that jean-marie's wife reportedly left him soon after so the first question is could hitler have known charlotte lobjoy according to german historian verna maza the relationship had begun in 1916 when charlotte had met hitler at primor the relationship had turned sexual and charlotte had followed hitler's unit via places like ceban corps forum and all in northern france through to the autumn of 1917 and to ardroi in belgium also in 1917. charlotte's sister confirmed that charlotte had had a relationship with a german soldier when she was 16 years old but she said emphatically that it wasn't hitler she had seen him many times in 1917-18 and his face did not resemble hitler's in the slightest there is also the problem of hitler's attitude towards french women he was noted by his comrades as violently against fraternization and considered soldiers who had relationships with french women to have quote no german sense of honor end quote it's also been pointed out that a soldier of so low rank as hitler who only rose to the rank of lance corporal could not have taken a lover with him when his unit moved locations presumably settling her into accommodation behind the lines after each move perhaps one point which has probably pushed this along a bit further than it should have been was the interest that hitler had in young women or his sexual partners hitler was only ever interested in women considerably younger than himself and in 1918 lobjoy was around 16 or 17 whereas hitler was 29 years old the reason why this story hasn't been killed off is because of some intriguing details concerning the lauray family in world war ii in 1936 jean-marie had joined the french army by the time world war ii broke out he was a staff sergeant and was taken prisoner by the germans and released soon afterwards from the german occupation of france jean-marie laurae having taken his stepfather's surname worked for the french police in a management role he would also later claim that he got his job on hitler's order but no evidence exists to back this up however he certainly held a very good position in the police when only in his twenties this doesn't quite add up and his full relationship with the germans has also never been properly explored larae himself later claimed in the 1970s that before being made police chief in the city of san quentin he was taken to gestapo headquarters in paris and subjected to a lengthy interrogation so is there any evidence that hitler knew of the lorraes during world war ii well sort of hitler's loyal valley ss obershtam banfira or lieutenant colonel heinz linger has provided some evidence he was beside hitler daily from 1933 until the fuhrer's death in april 1945. after surviving soviet captivity linga wrote about his service to hitler in his book linga claimed that on the 24th of june 1940 hitler asked heinrich himmler the reichsfuhrer ss to locate charlotte and jean-marie laurae no further details appear to exist concerning lingard's assertion and he doesn't seem to have been questioned about this by journalists laurae also claimed that hitler sent his mother charlotte gifts of money during the second world war but again there is no documentary evidence to support this in the days before dna testing establishing paternity was a more imprecise business than today the university of heidelberg conducted a paternity test on laura in the 1970s but could only establish based on several factors that quote at best laura could be hitler's son end quote after a brief period of international celebrity in the 1970s jean-marie laurae the father of three children died in 1985 at the age of 66. efforts have subsequently been made to properly establish laura's paternity notably in 2008 when belgian journalist jean-paul mulders traveled across europe and to the u.s to collect dna from hitler's known living relations he then obtained a sample of laura's dna from postcard stamps the dna tests show that laura was not related to hitler in 2018 a russian television channel conducted an interview with philippe lorre supposedly one of jean-marie's sons this person claims to be hitler's grandson again dna testing was to be conducted but so far no results have been released the two dna tests mentioned have surprisingly failed to put the matter of jean-marie laurae's paternity to rest leaving just enough doubt that some people believe him to have been hitler's son however unlikely that may have been many thanks for watching please subscribe and share and also visit my audiobook channel war stories with mark felton you can also help to support both of my channels at paypal and patreon details in the description box below
Channel: Mark Felton Productions
Views: 1,294,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hitler's son, Mark Felton, Loret
Id: sN6zPcP0zAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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