Die Glocke - Hitler's Anti-Gravity Machine?

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Pretty good mini doc.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/reddittinandwhatnot 📅︎︎ May 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
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code mark felton to receive an 83 percent discount and three extra months for free did the ss perfect an anti-gravity machine at the end of world war ii could nazis teleport between dimensions did hitler escape to the moon aboard this fantastic craft don't be alarmed i'm not self-medicating but rather repeating some of the claims that have been made in the popular media and on the internet concerning a device known in german as diglocker or in english the bell the existence of which is a hotly contested topic as an historian i've decided to seek out the truth behind the headlines and discover whether di glocka was a real machine or whether the story is as some suggest bovine excrement diglocker exists against a background of real history that is fairly astounding and historically indisputed german scientists and engineers created a plethora of highly advanced machines that to a world war ii audience would have seemed to be almost from the pages of science fiction they built jet fighters like the messerschmitt me262 the rocket interceptor the bakim nata the v1 robot bomb the v2 the world's first practical ballistic missile and plenty more besides and all these weapons were built by a sinister secretive regime that used slave labor and inhabited a world of vast underground bases worthy of a james bond novel in short nazi germany was fertile ground for exaggerating historical truth di glocca entered the public consciousness in 2000 in a book that spawned several more examining this phenomenon all were in agreement that the man who created the glocka or at least was administratively in charge was ss obergruppenfuhrer dr hans kamla the sinister head of the v for vengeance weapons program fortunately for all concerned hunts kamla was straight out of central casting an almost comic book nazi villain who managed to disappear into thin air at war's end in may 1945 never to be seen again i've made a video about this disappearing act link in the end screen according to many many internet sources which all seem to reference the book i mentioned from 2000 and another from 2001 the ss designed and built the strange anti-gravitation craft whose shape gave it the name the bell powered by a mysterious fuel called zerum 525 otherwise known as red mercury diglocker was very dangerous and unstable but i won't describe how it was operated as all explanations are entirely theoretical suffice it to say the bell was described as being between 12 and 14 feet tall and nine feet wide made of three inch thick ceramic material just in case anyone was unaware of its origin a large swastika was conveniently placed on the side for identification purposes so who actually built this device here we run into roadblocks or more precisely a complete lack of documentary evidence this is unusual as the germans carefully recorded everything else that they did in world war ii yet when it comes to diglocker the paper trail is stone cold in fact it appears that the modern evidence for the existence of di glocka seems to rest on one author's alleged conversations with a polish intelligence officer who had access to a secret dossier of material from the interrogation of ss involved with the project various names have been suggested largely due to their proximity to real nazi secret programs one of the foremost being dr verna heisenberg heisenberg was one of the foremost german physicists to work for the nazis and was a leader in the german atomic bomb program which slowly and rather unsuccessfully attempted to construct a nuclear reactor partially successful and build an atomic weapon unsuccessful before the war ended we know where heisenberg was and what he was working on throughout the war he was also handily captured by the americans in 1945 and thoroughly interrogated by them but failed to mention diglocker well there were plenty of nazi scientists who could have been involved with the bell yes and the u.s captured and shipped nearly all of nazi germany's best scientific minds to the states in a top-secret operation codename paperclip just after the war could the u.s have also captured d-glocka and shipped that to the states as well in fact diglocker was not first mentioned in 2000 but rather in 1960 in france in a book titled the mourning of the magicians translated into english in 1963 it covered a series of nazi topics that all had some dash of real history at their core for example nazi ufos nazi occultism and diglocker regarding ufos or flying saucer craft the horton brothers had built flying wings for the german air force the luftwaffe and the brothers and their designs ended up in the u.s in 1946 you can see how the horton design would influence later u.s aircraft like the b-2 stealth bomber some have suggested that nazi flying wings and us-derived test vehicles contributed to the ufo craze of the 1950s and regarding nazi occultism again there is a dash of truth behind the story heinrich himmler head of the ss was a notorious crank and used the german castle willsborg as a sort of holy ss temple where some strange pseudo-religious ceremonies and researchers were conducted this is fact but it is open to sensational reinterpretations by certain authors and tv companies the subjects in the book the mourning of the magicians fed into the 1960s counterculture and the later 1970s and 80s new age movement the glocka was presented as fact but a fact bereft of any supporting evidence such ideas as deglocker were also very popular in the pulp fiction of the 1960s and 70s where the nazis were portrayed as having developed some truly astounding secret technologies including space travel and even time travel the reason this sort of nonsense arose was precisely because the americans were astounded by the high-tech weapons that they uncovered the jet and rocket planes the ballistic missiles the secret underground bases the flying wings the electro u-boats and so much more in the post-war period of atomic bombs and cold war tensions imaginations were given free reign particularly as the ufo craze emerged into the popular consciousness in the 1950s and americans were being exposed to a huge amount of sci-fi movies and tv shows that often referenced evil nazi scientists and their otherworldly inventions the glocka was supposed to be an anti-gravity machine so did the germans experiment with anti-gravity as they seem to have experimented with everything else from jets to rockets to the occult perhaps is the answer but again not much evidence exists however according to some periodicals nasa has been experimenting with anti-gravity or should i say the manipulation of gravity since the early 1990s the russians have likewise been doing the same and even published a scientific paper that described an anti-gravity device they built in 1992 for all nasa's exceptionally deep pockets and modern computing power it has struggled to design and build an anti-gravity device of any sort private companies like boeing and bae systems have also dabbled in anti-gravity research it appears that when america was gathering up hundreds of nazi scientists in 1945 to 46 under operation paperclip they managed to capture the rocket scientists and the chemical and bioweapons boffins and the aeronautical engineers but not the anti-gravity experts to this day we don't know their names where they worked or have ever recorded even one credible document that show what they were up to under kamla's urging we have to pose one obvious question at this point if the glocker was built and perhaps flown in 1945 and the men who built it were captured by the us or the soviet union why were the russians and americans trying to build an anti-gravity device from scratch in the 1990s and 2000s surely the nazi research would have already shown them how to do so decades before and this leads to the most overwhelmingly obvious question of all if hitler had ufos and anti-gravity flying machines how the hell did he lose the war so apart from hans kamler and verna heisenberg have any other names emerge from the literature on the glocka that might shed some light on whether it really existed many sources have mixed the german atomic bomb project with diglocker some sources state that the bell project was run by ss obergruppenfuhrer emil mazov but mausolf was a governor of the province of pomerania from 1940 to 45 and the higher ss and police leader and general of police heavily involved in the holocaust before the war he had been a factory worker and was a career ss and nazi party member what use would mazelf have been to the bell program another name put forward by researchers allegedly from secret files i mentioned concerning the interrogation of ss leaders by poland after the war was ss gruppenfuhrer jacob sporenberg again schwarenberg was a career ss police official involved intimately in the holocaust in poland and the soviet union he had no scientific or engineering background and no evidence exists for his involvement with diglocker one piece of evidence often put forward by researchers who believe in the existence of the glocka is the kecksburg ufo incident of 1965. on the night of the 9th of december 1965 a large fireball was viewed by thousands of people across six u.s states and ontario in canada trailing some kind of material the object crashed in the woods at kecksburg pennsylvania 30 miles northeast of pittsburgh the u.s army quickly cordoned off the area adding to the mystery before long a ufo was reported to have crashed and then d-glocker was named the story being the object was a captured example of the bell that crashed during tests regardless of what landed at kecksburg it soon became almost as famous as the roswell incident in popular culture and ufology circles nasa revealed in 2005 that the object had actually been a soviet satellite cosmos 96 that re-entered the atmosphere and broke up hence the army cordoning around the site at the height of the cold war and great secrecy surrounding the event whatever the truth the story has grown up that a craft similar in shape to diglocker was recovered from kecksburg by the military whatever it was at kecksburg it like diglocker has provided plenty of material for certain kinds of tv documentaries much in vogue from the 1990s to the present german scientists were certainly busy working on many projects that were either abandoned during the war or curtailed by germany's surrender in may 1945 if d glocke existed from some interviews conducted with scientists involved in the atomic weapons program the bell was probably part of that program as some kind of nuclear physics device rather than a flying time machine and if it existed at all remains the million dollar question as they say the truth is out there thanks for watching please subscribe and share and also visit my audiobook channel war stories with mark felton you can also help to support both of my channels at paypal and patreon details in the 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Channel: Mark Felton Productions
Views: 1,178,105
Rating: 4.9034739 out of 5
Keywords: Die Glocke, Mark Felton
Id: nXsth_xb5KE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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