PC Games on Console - Scott The Woz

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hey y'all Scott here I have molecules I can admit that those molecules form a man with skin who uses it to play bug evil isn't born but that was my brain was only ever designed to be this which means if I want to tolerate using a PC for 30 minutes to discuss PC games on consoles I must go forth with brain surgery replacing it with an exact copy though now with the PC game tolerance toggle switch to iffy the results maybe what's scarier than a serial killer a serial killer in your house this is a video game console a piece of Hardware designed first and foremost as a game playing device you may be able to do other things on it but at the end of the day these products are meant to be plugged into your TV connected to a controller and playing games specifically designed for it not much can go wrong here when using a video game console the only thing you truly use is your ass this is the simpleton's method of playing video games no necessary knowledge on fixing anything no fears to if your game won't run the only thing you have to worry about is if Applebee's will be open after this and because of that I feel that many console users myself included forget an entire world exists Beyond this ever hear of personal computers yeah video games on PCS yeah I don't believe in God either Some people prefer playing video games this way some people also punch cats now I have a PC here wait let me get the dust off of it yeah I am primarily a Mac User which I can play games on here Uno there's actually more games than you may expect that release from Mac but that doesn't really take away how I like my computer to be for productivity and my console for pleasure but there's reason Some people prefer gaming on PC much like how many say there's some reason people bugs a game console's controller only has so many inputs with thumbsticks offering limited range on where you can go with them compared to a PC's natural input the keyboard and mouse yo they got caps lock on this thing well you have like over a hundred keys and a mouse that can go damn near anywhere I mean move a cursor on screen with your controller now with a mouse yeah it's fair to say this control is set up has some advantages at least with certain games not sure how much it helps with Wii Fit so I guess we just have to live with the fact that some games they're meant to be on PC with a keyboard and mouse and if we want to play them we're just gonna have to log off wikiHow and I'm too busy using my keyboard and mouse not paying off my loans to play video games with them I would love to get into PC gaming believe me was that believable could I've accepted the fact that PCS and I get along about as well as not me and not PCS it just it wouldn't work out I would love to play The Sims 2 pets but I just don't have time to use a keyboard and mouse did I say keyboard of us I meant states of matter PC games on consoles dogs and funny suits get them out of there well PC and console gaming can be quite separated at times numerous titles share the mediums even if it takes a while many console games eventually get a PC release which is oftentimes met with roaring Applause like you finally Unshackled The Prisoner it's about damn time so of course you'd expect the same perception when a PC game spreads its wings to consoles the president's been shot let's start with a classic SimCity created by the company Maxis first released on PCS as early as 1989. create your own City and you do will understand the life of government officials you need more housing or a third Zoom SimCity is a game that'll never get old no matter how many times you boot it up you always find something new to try with the game actively encouraging you to screw around and watch everything burn sometimes featuring a toggle to turn on a monster attack for example well the PC was always simcity's home the series received numerous console editions with not only the most notable but the first one releasing it for the Super Nintendo as a launch title in 1991 published and even developed by Nintendo yeah they nabbed the Sim City license and made the SNES version themselves even changed the monster attack to a Bowser one from Super Mario Brothers but this is still a classic Sim City and honestly it may be better than the original on PC Nintendo added a ton of charm to the game with background music everywhere fun visuals with the character of Dr Wright coming in to tell you they even added a lot in the form of new buildings this felt like Nintendo had a ton of love and admiration towards the original PC game and just really wanted to make a version themselves but gaming in mind this is on the Super Nintendo and uses a controller so instead of just moving the mouse wherever you please you now have to control a cursor with the d-pad which isn't nearly as precise oftentimes I find myself overshooting or under shooting where I want to go and the user interface doesn't feel adapted to the console enough it still looks and feels like the PC release and because of that it can be tricky to click on specific things or know what some buttons do and they released a damn Mouse for the system a year later if SimCity didn't use it thank Christ Vegas Stakes did it isn't too bad without a mouse though I think it works fine enough with the controller and doesn't get too frustrating mainly due to how simple the original Sim City is however it does immediately show the problem with bringing some PC games to console but hey for an older conversion this holds up insanely well and was done with a ton of care which puts well for the other PC to console games after SimCity the sky is the limit the ants are winning Sim ant one of the many follow-ups to SimCity I mean they covered all bases and mirth some life some Farm it was only a matter of time death taxes ants in contrast to SimCity on SNES and plus the other SIM titles weren't developed or published by Nintendo this one specifically was actually published by Maxis themselves I feel that the success behind City on the platform to open the floodgates for all these titles to go all over the place which is both great and terrifying and more people get to play cement oh God same Anton SNES is all right compared to the original PC version this one feels a lot more zoomed in and confusing to navigate that works though decent version of the game on Console now you can actually use the Super Nintendo Mouse in this one which is a more than welcome feature I can support for the super scope though not realistic the problem though is these games kept getting pumped out on PC they were getting more and more complex which worked great on computers but made console conversions so much more complicated Sim City continued to get console games throughout the years but here I have SimCity DS released in 2007 while this isn't a direct conversion of a specific title it just doesn't feel like they put the time in to rethink how SimCity could work on the handheld instead it kind of adapted to how it's designed on PCS to the interface of the Nintendo DS what it works it just doesn't feel as optimized for the DS as it could have been everything's too small and awkward to select with the stylus pen how everything's shown at an angle well true to the PC game it makes it clunkier and less intuitive to place objects with a stylus since your damn hands in the way it seems like it would have been a match made into heaven the touchscreen can replicate a lot of the Precision you get with the mouse the problem is they didn't make SimCity for the DS they kind of just threw SimCity on the DS constant don't seem to be the right fit for many of these types of games which is why sometimes they'll put out original games based on PC series just for these things from the Sim series only for Wii and Nintendo DS we got Sim animals now why was this not on PC foreign Peter it works well with the Wii remote's pointer but that just makes me ask why this didn't also released on PC hey sometimes You Gotta Throw the console users a bone in this case it's Beaver Allen thank you windows The Sims Series has been throwing console uses a bone each and every entry as part of the same sim franchise as the previously discussed Games The Sims is one of the most successful video game series of all time because people love to use a keyboard and mouse to do weird it's all about creating your sim and living life customizing your place getting a job starting relationships or none of that piss on the floor starting with the original Sims that may have launched on PC but eventually made its way to consoles three years later the PlayStation 2 Gamecube and Xbox yep here it is the worst thing the Samsung console oftentimes isn't bad but it just isn't Fun to control man going from a keyboard and mouse to 2000 a torso feels like I'm controlling Sims with a keyboard ball every action is crammed under the controller but it's still not enough and you have to go through all kinds of menus and different screen screens for Action that would just require you to move the mouse and click on PC whenever NC The Sims on consoles I'd get excited but after 30 minutes of trying to make do I would give up and just try to get into nicotine again it's not unplayable by any means it's just too clunky for me to really have fun playing with a controller now the Samsung console is followed up by The Sims Busting Out a game that was never on PC this was a console only join I'm PS2 GameCube Xbox Game Boy Advance and engage The Sims on PC had loads of expansion packs am I these you get more content in your game like dogs and sex and cats The Sims Busting Out is pretty much a new version of Sims 1 with various features from those expansion packs included with the biggest feature being the ability to leave your house which is where the title came from okay moving on it's more the same from the last one control wise but on the Game Boy Advance we have an entirely different experience that honestly feels a bit better to me it's not trying to be a constellized version of a PC game because it's on the GBA they just had to flat out make a different thing entirely this is more of an adventure game with RPG life simulation elements you can't achieve the level of detail on consoles and PCs so why even bother just make something that works leagues better on the Game Boy Advance while retaining the character of The Sims beautiful the console version I I mean if you're gonna play Sims one on Console you might as well go the busting out route there's just more in this one it's just every second I play this I just wish I had a damn Mouse I think everyone you wish for because I got a rat instead the herbs Sims in the city was a total console only spit off to the Sims this one focusing on grungy City and apartment living a boxing ferrets why this wasn't on BC I have no damn clue but it does feel a bit more tailor-made for console wall maintains the tropes of a life simulator herbs is a bit more focused on getting to an end point it's not as open-ended as a normal Sims game you want to build up your rep across all the districts and that lust is what drives you through the experience whereas normal Sims games I'm gonna make you piss your pants this game looks like a tried monster Twice The Sims 2 on consoles features a new control scheme where we aren't telling our Sims where to go with a cursor we just control our Sims outright scared the out of me when I first played this goes against everything I expect from The Sims but I will accept it for the sake of my happiness it's so much more enjoyable to use a controller with a control scheme like this plus they have a story mode multiplayer I mean sure features have been cut from from the PC game that's generally the case with console versions but honestly this is a decent version of Sims 2. regardless of how many changes they made from the original so Chad no expansion packs you couldn't just buy the Sims 2 pets Expansion for your game you just had to flat out by The Sims 2 pets yeah this was an expansion pack on PC but on Console it's a standalone release controls just like the console version of Sims 2 which is a blessing and it's just taking the gameplay of the Sims 2 and making it more focused on owning pets gotta be honest this one I was getting pretty into I mean it's easy to earn money you just rub the mud stomach a bit that's a new sink right there and I found the house building and editing controls to be surprisingly intuitive on the GameCube controller The Sims 2 console lineup is actually pretty well done overall they even did a console exclusive spin off The Sims 2 Castaway focusing on surviving on a deserted island it felt like they were improving the state of Sims on Console more and more with each new entry genuinely these games even if they remove some features from the PC version work well on a controller they feel optimized for for them but when the Sims 3 launched on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 Sims 3. [Music] [Applause] C game on consoles with barely any features removed which is good because like I said the previous versions would cut content and this is basically the exact same game but because of that we lose the Direct Control we had in The Sims 2 and my god do I miss it it's sure pointing and clicking where to go is way more true to how The Sims was always meant to be played but there's being true to yourself and not changing who you are to conform to society and then there's just not taking a shower for God's sakes take a bath I liked how this was a bit different from the PC game sure we're missing some features but they made up for it with enhanced control and some new exclusive content and I'd much rather take that than this which is impressive no doubt it's a pretty faithful Sims 3 experience but this is what I was talking about earlier this just isn't fun for me to control I might as well check out the Wii version then I mean the Weir modes pointer can easily replicate a mouse so of course in this version you have direct control of your sim so the version with a mouse replacement has you controlling your Sims like in The Sims 2 on consoles and the version with a standard controller has you pointing and clicking we're just doing things that make sense today I guess the pointer controls plus the Direct Control option would make the Wii release the best of the bunch but it is on the Wii [Music] say I get better control for Worse performance maybe the DS version well God damn it now the Sims 4 was basically a one-to-one conversion you even get the same expansion bags from the PC on consoles for the first time ever The Sims 3 still did the Standalone pets release thing but because of the parody between versions controls are still clunky point-and-click here it's great that console users get the same exact game now but what if I don't want that I'm wrapping up the Sims discussion we have to mention my Sims a spin-off of the series made specifically for the Nintendo systems at the time we NDS it's kind of like how the herbs was an attempt to consolize The Sims but this time we have custody my Sims did actually get a release on Windows but it's very apparent how laser focus this game was on capturing the Wii's audience The Sims in this game look far more like me's than Sims the gameplay feels much more akin to something like Animal Crossing with you needing to rebuild your town by crafting and customizing furniture and housing and collecting things through the power of friendship I don't know isn't this from the series with the piss meter yes a far more family-friendly cutesy take on the Sims of course when you Whittle the franchise down to anything under a PG rating you're pretty much left with a Furniture Builder that's my Sims hey the game did well enough to get numerous follow-ups My Sims Kingdom was more of a linear Adventure going from island island solving residents problems my Sims party my Sims racing my Sims agents my Sims Sky Heroes that's a stretch after all these games I'm not really sure what the my Sims franchise was yeah you can have them on weekends because if I'm gonna be spending my time doing anything it's improving my credibility let's try Half-Life the first game by Legendary game developer valve released for Windows in 1998. see I can do more the known gobble I can play one of the greatest video games of all time on PC even nowadays the world Design Story and interactivity are second to none it's wild to play a shooter from this time that isn't a slog to get through or confusing in some way Half-Life is amazing if only I could play at 12 feet over there well we're in luck just barely Half-Life came to console in 2001 on the PlayStation 2. my sentence has finished this was the only console version of app Life 1 never came to the Xbox GameCube 360 PS3 PS4 Xbox One none of that it was meant to release on the second Dreamcast that's right just like the Grinch they eventually canceled this version as by the time it was ready to come out the Dreamcast wasn't that's not to say you can't play the game on Dreamcast a nearly complete build leaked around 2013. you can burn that onto a disc and play on the console but the PlayStation 2 version that legally released everybody give it up for doing the right thing let's play Half-Life on PlayStation 2. and loiter oh man They're Gonna Cancel each other out you know this game still holds up tremendously well even on PS2 you obviously get a much nicer and smoother experience on PSE but the console version is no slouch with new multiplayer modes loads of control options including mouse and keyboard support plus just an overall fairly stable conversion from the computer it's shocking to me that this was the only console release Half-Life one ever got when this I'd considered to be a technical success now just imagine adding a two on the original Xbox to the title Half Life 2 on the original Xbox much like how One was a console exclusive on PS2 two is a console exclusive here though it eventually made its way over to the next Generation platforms ever play one of the greatest games of all time and your first game experience was the Xbox Port avalife 2 was a landmark title and it's still impressive to this day and how interactive everything is how smooth it all feels the incredible design it feels so natural to play like your first playthrough is your seventh you feel like a badass in this game on the PC on the Xbox it's still Half-Life 2. yeah this feels like the PC version with resolution and frame rate clocked down a few pegs that's a good thing meaning they barely changed or removed anything and yeah good on the original Xbox for being able to play this game that surely was not an easy task in 2005. it's just not the most compelling to look back at at least with the Sims Busting Out on GBA like damn this game has Dusty hog that is one seldom used Pig nah this one is just Half-Life 2 running somewhat poorly Maybe figuring that out is almost as impressive as me being colorblind it's more than playable but obviously there are much better methods of playing the game on Console now plus many of valve's other games the purple box a collection not only containing Half-Life 2 and its follow-up Half-Life 2 episode 1 but three games that made their debut as a part of this set Half-Life 2 episode 2 Team Fortress 2 and portal seriously this was how these games launched still one of the greatest deals in all of gaming getting three new valve releases bundled together alongside Half-Life 2. the good version this time but since these titles launched day and day on PC and Xbox 360. they aren't really PC games that came to console though with valve historically being a PC game developer it's obvious these are PC games at their heart that doesn't mean they don't work well on Console I mean these are all first person games and map everything perfectly to a controller the keyboard and mouse is definitely a preference rather than a necessity for these games which shows how control may not always be the reason for a game sticking to PC due to game consoles being a dedicated piece of Hardware that's not upgradable like a PC and are meant to last a good few years more often than not if you're developing for the latest Playstation system you're developing for years old technology PC games you can craft your tunnel around the latest and greatest specs out there I'm sure the market that's able to buy your prodding may be more limited but you're not going to have nearly the amount of restrictions you'd have on consoles that's why many things not initially made for this screen look like ass oh that's why the company crytek was originally known for developing games so graphically intense that PCS were the only known apparatus that could run them the original far crying crisis were PC exclusives held been on making me happy some of the best looking games of their time now they still look pretty damn good today but obviously when you can only sell your game to people with a powerful PC reality sets it you gotta swallow your pride and release your game on home consoles eventually we got Far Cry instincts on the original Xbox and crisis on anything with buttons crisis on Xbox 360 and PS3 is basically just the PC game with one level missing no online multiplayer and downgraded Graphics to the point where it's not the graphical Powerhouse it once was it still looks fine but 95 of the reason most were interested in crisis in 2007 was to Ogle when you take that away I mean it's still a great game but the intense Graphics were honestly a big part of what made Crisis crisis Far Cry instincts on the other hand this is just a flat out different game from the PC original it's based on it but to ensure it would run on the Xbox they basically made a new game that got the gist of Far Cry one the story is a bit different the level design has been altered to be more console friendly with less options for the player it's pretty much just a dumbed down Far Cry but this game got a sequel instincts Evolution yeah but it's only a sequel to this version not the original Far Cry 1 then the sequel got a remake on Wii titled Far Cry Vengeance then Far Cry instinct's Predator was an Xbox 360 version of both instincts and evolution and then Far Cry 2 released oh I'm sorry I wasn't explaining Far Cry I was explaining quantum physics far cry's PC Origins are similar to many a series like The Witcher yeah The Witcher one on it never released on anything but PC was meant to get an Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 edition titled The Witcher rise of the white wolf but that ended up getting canned it's a shame because there's nothing about this game that feels like it needs to be a PC game eventually The Witcher 2 released on PC only as well later on receiving just an Xbox 360 version and ever since then the series has been multi-platform with The Witcher 3 launching on damn near everything actually anything which is definitely a trend for many of the most iconic PC franchises of all time just take a look at the Elder Scrolls and Fallout now now this is a PC game I think Elder Scrolls made the jump with Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind being offered on the original Xbox in 2002 though Fallout didn't get a Mainline concert release until Fallout 3 in 2008 prior to that the only taste we ever got was Falla Brotherhood of Steel on Xbox and Playstation 2. not Fallout tactics Brotherhood of Steel on PC released just two years before no no no no this is just Fallout Brotherhood of Steel and it's just as much of a follow game as beat saber so the original Fallout games were top down RPGs they may be incredibly difficult for a newcomer to approach these days but there's still a lot to appreciate here Fallout Brotherhood of Steel is also top down this is such a Mindless and misguided title this isn't Fallout this is a beat em up with some RPG elements with a world and dialogue options kinda like Fallout I mean I can't blame for not putting the traditional fallouts on Console look at this this is an example of trying too hard to make a game for a console audience those console players don't want to think unlike the PC guys let's finally bring Fallout to consoles and just make it Baldur's Gate dark Alliance what was this created out of a threat pretty embarrassing when the SNES versions of PC games are more faithful the Super Nintendo was apparently the Primo spot for people who didn't have PCS to play PC games what did they do their taxes on they didn't I mean it was amongst the most powerful systems of its generation and the most popular boots so those only made all the sense in the world maybe if they named it something else even more PC games would come to it as it stands we got the grandfathers of the modern first person shooter Wolfenstein 3D and doom not PowerPoints of them hey the bang these work as well as they do is a bit of a miracle and set the standard for future ports oh there's the standard these games are completely playable yep far from idea with horrible frame rates and sluggish control wolf inside 3D got butchered by the sensors really cleaned it up it's like damn this is like a Pixar movie now both of these games have gotten numerous re-releases since or so with doom it's been made available for most things now why is is this the game that got spread everywhere I mean obviously it's Doom it's one of the most iconic and beloved PC games of all time and being a first person shooter using primitive 3D and numerous 2D elements does make it one of the easiest of the whole genre to make available elsewhere but that just makes me question the amount of differences between these versions most of the console Boards of Doom are missing levels they may be shortened or out of order or missing music or have completely new features it's always up in the air with doom ports they're all different but that's kind of the beauty of it all would you really want all the versions of Doom to be picture perfect the exact same as the PC version because even if they weren't you just move on to the version of Doom on the next console you'd own and leave these ones to irrelevancy the differences between these ports no matter how Negative they are keep these games alive in the form of talking points sure you have no reason to play Doom on the second Saturn anymore but at least if you did you'd have something to say about it well that stunk but if you can pull Wolfenstein and doom on a Super Nintendo of all things damn it why not civilization why not do hard drugs Civ has always been one of my favorite Mac game series every Mainland games released on Mac I said nothing wrong Hee Haw a strategy game about running a civilization from the very start discovering new land or other civilizations deciding whether or not to declare war on them or team up figuring out how to utilize your resources what to research it seems very overwhelming and complex at first but once you start playing it all makes perfect sense and is incredibly natural and addictive to play you can easily lose hours to just one play session and much like SimCity you can either chip away at the same save file for months or always start up a new game and it'll be an entirely different experience and it shocked me how many games appeared on consoles starting with the original SNES honestly this one has loads of SimCity energy they added tons of courage to this version music graphical touch up the original civilization is for lack of butter words creepy this this ain't too bad in fact you could say this is preferable to the original PC version in many ways but moving forward in time to civilization 6 on Nintendo switch I don't know man this just isn't Fun For Me Maybe playing during the fire had something to do with it but I doubted Civ just has so much more going on with the user interface now not that it's super complicated rather it just feels far more clunky mapping all these commands to a controller and not that it's bad this is just my opinion I've seen numerous people adapt to the controls and find them to be incredibly intuitive it's just not for me personally well maybe Civilization Revolution is for me then just like air this was a console only spin-off of the series on an Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 and plays very similarly but is more dumbed down and simplified for a smoother experience with a controller on a TV it works pretty well here though obviously the series is still best experience on PC in my opinion the revolution did get a DS and mobile release and with the touchscreen it's seems like a match made in heaven which really makes you think what about a Wii version that pointer would do wonders for the experience and while it was in the works it ended up getting canceled due to the amount of resources it would have taken to craft a lower end version of a game made for HD consoles that's a shame because this control setup would have been amazing it really makes you think why more PC games didn't come to the system out of fear there we have back to the future of the game on Wii an older episodic Delta bun and click adventure game brought over to Wii and Playstation 3 which was oddly a trend for that company some of their other PC releases would eventually go there but not Xbox 360 or are we in Xbox 360 but not Playstation 3 or just Playstation 3 or just Xbox 360. Back to the Future eventually got an anniversary edition which finally put it out on 360 alongside PS4 and Xbox One so you know I can finally sleep hey I assume this would be best on weed due to the pointer controls what I got was a game that freaks out when a new color is introduced on screen it always does that when purple happens this game only matters but it's like oh you're just clicking on things in the environment and selecting dialogue options but it just makes the whole experience feel sluggish like Why Can't This be smooth like Spy Fox if the Wii can run this there's no excuse I mean this is a classic edutainment point and click from the 90s alongside the others like Freddy fish Pajama Sam Putt-Putt they may not be everybody's first pick for a PC game to bring to console but their Simplicity makes them so easy to put on systems like the Wii or Nintendo switch that you might as well these are great for kids and created such fun memories for players back in the day much like the Oregon Trail one of the greatest PC games of all time has barely been ported to home consoles outside of a few very specific instances including a release on the Wii in 2011. oh man I can't wait to learn about the struggling pioneer life by strategizing what to buy when to hunt and where to go foreign this isn't the struggling pioneer life this just stinks yeah this really feels like they over engineered the Oregon Trail trying to make it impressive and modern more of an actual game but it's like the original version is more intuitive and fun than this that game was so quick and easy to jump into and play this one is just a slog and it's like this should have been perfect some game systems just have the perfect interface for these types of games but nope put Starcraft on the Nintendo 64. Jesus have you ever heard of foreplay like sure it works Starcraft made the transition as good as it could here but but why it's just confusing this is the only console Port the Starcraft series ever received it's pretty good for what it is but like what the hell Warcraft is in the same boat the second game is the only one that ever came to consoles just the Sega Saturn in PlayStation I just find it confusing they try once and then give up then why Try once instead of not at all or at least try one more time because while these blizzard developed series barely have ever came to consoles Diablo has consistently with all the main entries receiving ports I guess it makes sense as Diablo being an action RPG hack and slash translates pretty smoothly over to a controller but blizzard has always been a PC oriented company so much so that their biggest game of all time World of Warcraft was always just a PC game most of these games were simply just designed with that keyboard and mouse setup bringing them over to consoles it'll work but it's just not the same even nowadays they seem to be putting less effort into revamping user interfaces for consoles and just putting the game as you know it on there like Microsoft flight simulator however with the amount of games I've talked about making an oddball jump to consoles many of the most iconic series of all time began as PC only titles Tetris Minecraft Call of Duty Battlefield Grand Theft Auto all games that launched as PC exclusives hell a series like Grand Theft Auto abandoned its lineage with console versions launching first in most instances these days it shows how releasing on PC is is oftentimes easier for some games to start off on even if they end up working better on consoles in the end so while many titles can stumble in the transition that transition is necessary for franchise's evolution even if it controls or looks worse trying new things is how growth occurs maybe I should do the same I've had fun playing these PC games and they're console counterparts oftentimes well worse are perfectly playable enough there's so much more to gaming than just the latest Nintendo thing and I feel like I've severely limited my options and my growth as a human being by just assuming I wouldn't like these games and there's so many more PC games on console that I haven't taken a look at or even mentioned maybe someday but for now I think I really just need to look at that PC over there and give the biggest nod in my life saying yes I will relapse [Music]
Channel: Scott The Woz
Views: 2,209,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y8qhSduN6sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 52sec (1912 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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