Princess Diana and Dodi were murdered says Mohamed Al Fayed | 60 Minutes Australia

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what is it about muhammads and mountains the muhammad in this story lives with mountains of controversy so high ranges of conspiracy theories so broad and peaks of anger so extreme it's almost impossible to get to the bottom of them muhammad al-fayed is the most talked about written about and rumored about billionaire in england as a businessman he's the owner of harrods and a soccer team that likewise is a british institution but it's his role as a grieving father and almost in-law of the royal family where we begin this story what is the most important place for me in the store is this one and again to put this was princess diana's favorite this place in the basement of his harrods department store muhammad al-fayed has erected a shrine to the memory of his son dodi and princess diana victims of the world's most notorious car crash and you see again this is an artwork masterpiece and everybody comes here they need flowers they need clothes they leave messages and it's wonderful to see people still have the same feeling after nearly two years after two years i just became like a maker let's talk about that question yeah um you believe there was a conspiracy to kill they've been murdered dodi and diana been murdered definitely i am the father who knows everything who follow up everything who see things because i am the one who've been hit by the tragedy who would want them dead and why would anyone want to kill them dirty and diana because they still don't accept that dodi my son an egyptian or muslim can be the step father of the future king right in the world according to muhammad al-fayed the paris car crash almost two years ago which claimed diana and dodi was calculated and cold-blooded a massive conspiracy involving the spy agency's mi6 and the cia working on the orders of the british establishment because not only mi6 have done it by themselves they have also used the american intelligence to spy on dory and diana during their trip by bugging their phones all the satellites all the mob know where they are fine everywhere every step i'm passing all the information from myself so this is an amazing story i'm sure you're not a grieving father are you sure you're not just trying to find a reason a conspiracy are you sure it's not just your grief it's not no it's real because i'm the father this is my son and i know what happened to him and i know we have done it and it upsets you still yeah what was he like daddy your boy the british establishment makes no bones about what they think of this egyptian billionaire they hate him but his loud mouth is louder shirts and what he's done to that bastion of everything british so what's the ceiling all about ceiling is the history of valley of the king they started hating him 14 years ago when he used his new money to buy their old harrods you see this is ramsay's head i took france's head and i put my face there yeah a vandal they cried as he carved the nile through the heart of knightsbridge with himself as pharaoh so they said muhammad al-faisal in the middle of the heart of the greatest story in the world nothing i can do about it all my life you know when egypt was a civilization you know thousands of years ago here they were still wearing animal skin and running with sticks fine and this is six seven hundred years ago that's wonderful muhammad al fired cuts an unmistakable figure as his bodyguards parked the sea of shoppers for one of his regular tours of the store shopping australia little is known of his life before he emerged profit-like to deliver harrods from decay and near-dear election but we do know that rather than a knighthood for his efforts the british have yet again refused him citizenship it doesn't bother you at all doesn't bother because again sounds like it bothers you i just like to talk about it when i have the chance talk about it to expose him is this too harsh to say that the british establishment don't accept you because you're the wrong race and you're the wrong religion and you're the wrong nation right i have a curly hair i'm a little bit dark-skinned you know i am egyptian right okay racism pure and simple racism at the core so why do you bother with britain i put my roots here for 35 years right still i love the country and i love the masses and the people i don't care about those pastors for me they just they have no value for me for a man who says the british elite can go to hell muhammad al-fayed and his son dodie came impossibly close to smashing their way into it it started on the french riviera when princess diana accepted an invitation to be a guest on their yacht but she ended up more like one of the family would dodie and diana have got married do you think definitely and what did dirty say to you he said daddy yeah that just one hour before in the next cities they're enjoying having a great fun dinner and say daddy on monday we're declaring our engagement i'm going home now having a bottle of champagne i'm gonna give her the ring i bought the ring and he told me from where he wandering say it's your life you're happy that's it that is beautiful this is the ring picked up in paris the afternoon they died for muhammad seven hundred thousand dollars worth of proof positive that his son and princess diana were serious about marriage you must have been tremendously excited for me it's make no difference my son again for me is my friends you know and she is and he's such a you know down-to-earth person but after all these years of battling the establishment you're this close to having the fired name right at the center of the british don't give that damn don't give a [ __ ] about the establishment for me they are nothing they are just bunch of bastards and crooks and people want to create a class of themselves and they think they are different i never want to be related to any type of a class system because i am the people's man i am one of the ordinary people muhammad al-fayed has preserved his son's parklane apartment exactly as he left it nearly two years ago it was here that dodie whined and dined diana as their summer romance blossomed the apartment is worth a small fortune but no one lives here now muhammad the grieving father stopped the clocks the calendars are all stuck on august 1997 and the magazines though regularly dusted are all from that time everything is just as it was and when the grieving father is a billionaire there are shrines all over the world this is dodie's paris apartment like london this apartment remains in a time warp dodie and diana were on their way back here from the ritz hotel about a five-minute drive away when the crash occurred even if you're a bit cynical about the dodi diana industry it's difficult not to be moved by being here since the accident how have you been treated by the royal family that don't exist anymore finish do you suspect the royal family or their staff ordered mi6 to have them killed someone there of this invisible criminal is it yes or no you think you suspect them you suspect i suspect them but i can't just say 100 until i get to the truth right and i'm sure god will help me to get to the truth do you ever look at him though and think poor mr al-fayed mi6 cia satellites laser guns conspiracy theories personally i don't buy it i don't think mi5 would murder prince's diet but i don't know maybe that's the way to do it piers morgan is the editor of london's tabloid newspaper the mirror and a well-known al-fired sympathizer do you think muhammad al-fayed has a persecution complex yeah but i think he's perfectly entitled to i'd feel pretty persecuted if i was muhammad ali established when i write together nothing better than to wake up one morning and discover muhammad isn't there his morgan's view of muhammad al-5 is reflected in readership surveys seven million or so mirror buyers he says think muhammad's okay the father of a man who finally made the people's princess happy they also know muhammad al fired as the man who bought the struggling fulham football club in london while he doesn't kick the golds himself he has poured so much money into the club he's guaranteed the team's future you played soccer you played football yeah when you're a kid absolutely yeah i had my only problem when i was 14 years old yeah so you were the proprietor even then these are muhammad's people and he knows as he casts a kingly eye over them he shares not only their passions but their prejudices we've seen since the crash that prince charles who was a very unpopular figure in britain has uh re-established himself he's now popular again and the notion of him becoming king is quite palatable what do you think when you look at that pr uh overhaul that first challenge bologna just made up you know again to bring back again go out with this dracula i call her you know this is what dracula dracula camilla parker-bowles yeah i don't know what he's seeing i just don't believe him you know just see the beauty with just goddess face diana you know and you go with a grandmother i don't know complete gaga right subtlety clearly is not one of muhammad al fayed's strong points he's turned his own little bit of rural england this prime surrey real estate into an egyptian shrine for dodi the neighbors most likely are aghast but this is not what he wanted for dodie this is it's the villa outside paris which was home to another troublesome royal edward the scandalous duke of windsor and his inappropriate bride the once divorced mrs simpson muhammad al-fayed says diana and dodie could finally have been happy here she there's a star right but my son also with a star because he pulled that up he gave her the happiness he just you know that was two souls just fit to each other and to see them disappear you know after i feel both of them can give a lot of happiness to thousands of people right they just disappear but again this is god wish they are there in god now in heaven i'm sure they're looking at us and they're trying to help us in the same time hello i'm tara brown thanks for watching 60 minutes australia subscribe to our channel now for brand new stories and exclusive clips every week and don't miss out on our extra minutes segments and full episodes of 60 minutes on nine now dot com dot a u and the nine now app
Channel: 60 Minutes Australia
Views: 1,522,785
Rating: 4.8220429 out of 5
Keywords: 60 Minutes, 60 Minutes Australia, Liz Hayes, Tara Brown, Liam Bartlett, Tom Steinfort, Sarah Abo, karl stefanovic, 60Mins, #60Mins, Megxit, Oprah, harry, duchess, sussex, queen, royal, family, Mohamed Al Fayed, princess diana, camilla, prince charles, prince andrew, murdered, paris car, paparazzi, billionaire, conspiracy, dodi, piers morgan, the mirror, MI5, government, plot, meghan markle, Prince Harry, william, kate, interview, allegations, institution, archie, royals
Id: oTNrcV6VmJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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