Diana & Dodi's Crash: What Really Happened On The Night They Died? | Diana: The Inquest | Timeline

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[Music] the mystery of how Princess Diana died has fascinated the world for more than a decade was she the victim of an accident or something more Sinister this is the question a British jury of Six Women and five men must decide the answer this week three coaches carrying the coroner and his jury went to Paris to visit the alma tunnel the place where the car carrying Princess Diana and Dodie F Edge crashed it is now 10 years since we first saw these shocking images the wrecked Mercedes the mourners who came to pay the respects in Paris the tragic spectacle of the funeral in London 10 years on the British inquest finally opened into the deaths of Diana and Dodie it it will cost some 10 million and last 6 months from the outset the coroner has been unusually open releasing much unseen CCTV footage of Diana's last 12 hours it's now possible to tell the story of that night frame by frame the images reveal small details such as Dodie and Diana holding hands for almost 8 minutes before they got into their car I think the footage that's been released um by the cor is actually very compelling because we get a a second by second almost take on what was happening to Diana just before she died and there in that way it's quite haunting most haunting is what might be the last of Diana's Smiles that any camera captured the coroner produced a list of 20 likely issues that the jury must consider they rang from whether Diana was pregnant to whether ory Paul was drunk to the role of the paparazzi and letters to Diana from Prince Phillip William and Harry was said they want the inquest to be transparent uh and to um and to be as quick as possible uh well I think if by transparent they mean thorough there's no doubt that um the coroner intends to be thorough we've seen that already and as for Speed I think it would be a shame if thorus was sacrificed for Speed I think that um we've waited this long for it it might as well take as long as it has to take particularly if at the end um enough people are satisfied that it has reached the truth two years after the crash the French inquiry headed by judge elve Stefan blamed the driver of the Mercedes HRI Paul and said he was drunk in Britain a coroner was appointed but died before he started the inquest the second coroner asked Britain's most senior policeman Lord Stevens to investigate in December 2006 he reported on the evidence available now there was no conspiracy to murder any occupants of that car a few weeks after the report the second coroner resigned a the third coroner lady Butler Sloss was then appointed but as a family court judge she had a problem with the process and there was a suggestion at the outset that lady butos was not going to have jurors and she was not going to hear it in public now that would have been appalling I think and that would have added to the conspiracy theories when the court of appeal insisted on a jury lady Butler Sloss resigned saying she did not have the necessary experience of working with juries last week the fourth coroner Lord Justice Scott Baker finally opened the inquest legally required when any British citizen dies abroad in unusual circumstances I am certain what happened to them I know they've been murdered and I'm sure the jury of ordinary people will confirm all my doubts for the last 10 years which I've been fighting to find Justice for my son I'm that they have you have to ask yourself why are we having this inquest the only reason we're having it is because aled is Rich and he's been able to manipulate the British legal system which is one of the fairest in the world he's been able to manipulate it to his own ends to bring this circus to town 80 wouldbe jurors were summoned to the Royal courts of Justice in London and presented with a questionnaire they were asked are you associated with the royal family the aled family or the Spencer the family have you been employed by MI5 or MI6 have you been involved with investigating or reporting on the circumstances of the deaths of the 80 people who were questioned here 25 were deemed eligible to serve and asked to return here on Tuesday so 55 were disqualified because they were related to those involved worked for MI5 or MI6 or had definite views about the case in court 72 Lord Justice Scott Baker began dramatically you will be in the public eye as no inquest Jury has ever been before we all will but you must not let that deter you from approaching the facts dispassionately disregarding anything you hear or have heard outside this courtroom Katherine witty was Sky's Royal correspondent but now works for Muhammad aled she was in in court on day one I think there was expectation that something big was going to happen on that first day but then the coroner began his opening statement and you could have heard a pin drop because this wasn't just a brief outline of uncontested facts he went straight in to talking about the evidence he went straight into putting across his point of view quite subtly but it was definitely there and I think Muhammad to start with was a little bit surprised certainly our lawyers were but it just showed that even on that first day Diana and her phenomenon and the process around this still has the power to surprise the coroner spoke about a conversation that happened between Frank Klein who's the general manager of the Ritz hotel and Muhammad Al fired only a few moments after the crash and when Muhammad first found out about the news and he alluded to the fact that Muhammad then referred to it as murder and the coroner's own opinion on that was well how did he know it was murder just a few moments afterwards the key images were captured on 31 of the 43 CCTV cameras in aled's Ritz hotel in the center of Paris so what do we see we see Diana and dony going into a lift she appears to be fairly happy why not no one's disputing they're not in a relationship is what people in a relationship normally do so they're believing that everything has been arranged they're going to the back of the hotel to leave to go to dota's apartment they have no idea that minutes later of they're going to be dead of the 20 likely issues the inquest must consider one has dominated all others whether hry Paul's ability to drive was impaired through drink or drugs good evening the Paris prosecutor's office disclosed today that the driver of the car in which Princess Diana was fatally injured had an illegal blood alcohol level he said to been more than three times over the French limit and twice the British one one of the most intriguing images was shown four years ago on Channel 5 at 11 minutes past 11 ay Paul supposedly three times over the French limit manages to tie both shoelaces he squats switches his balance from right to left foot before standing up unaided he looked pretty sober to me and I think to everybody who was watching that footage so he certainly didn't look somebody who was intoxicated and most definitely he didn't look like somebody who was as drunk as a pig as the newspapers reported in the aftermath of that crash Lord Sten report said Hy Paul was walking around the hotel apparently functioning normally with no indication he was unsteady but his verdict was that blood samples that were from ay Paul did have a high alcohol content if the jury are not convinced aie Paul was too drunk to drive they will challenge all previous judgments the coroner has already alerted them to what is called a major issue whether evidence has been fabricated to suggest HRI Paul was drunk when he was not in the Diana inquest one of the 20 issues the coroner has highlighted is whether and if so in what circumstances the Princess of Wales feared for her life in October 1996 in a letter to her Butler Princess Diana expressed the fear that she would die in a car crash and it wouldn't be an accident I am sitting here at my desk to day in October longing for someone to hug me and encourage me to keep strong and hold my head up high this particular phase in my life is the most dangerous X is planning an accident in my car break failure and serious head injury and at the inquest the coroner read out a note of a conversation Diana had in 1995 with her solicitor the late Lord mishcon I told hrh that if she really believed her life was being threatened security measures including relating to her car must be increased I frankly could not believe that what I was hearing could be credible as to this alleged conspiracy and sought a private word with commander jeffson who surprisingly said he himself half believed in the accuracy of what hrh had said it gives you some idea actually of how sane she was if I tell you that she reacted to some of the the rumors that was started about her own mental health um with humor I can remember going to a uh a fundraising lunch that she was speaking at and picking up something that had been in that morning's headlines uh she said um I hope that I'll be allowed to get to the end of my speech before the men in white coats come to take me away uh this of course produced um lots of laughter I can honestly say as somebody that worked with Diana for as long as I did and prior of that I work with her two young Sons I saw Diane as a very levelheaded individual working under extreme difficulties not least of all because of the public life that she was leading but also within the framework of a very unhappy marriage I never saw any evidence of somebody that was unstable mad or Paranoid by July 1997 Diana was out of her unhappy marriage and living a single life Muhammad alfed invited Diana and her sons to San Trope in southern France it was here that her romance with Dodie started 3 weeks later Dina went back without her children to join the aled family on their 12 million pound yacht the johnic [Music] Cal during the cruise Diana made very public her new relationship with DOD aled the couple gave great headlines princess of the Paradox Diana yo-yoed between posing for Stills and pleading for privacy on Saturday the 30th of August Diana doie and bodyguard Trevor ree Jones left the jonikal and arrived at Alia airport in Sardinia there they boarded a private plane it took off for Paris where they were met at the small B airport by Paparazzi one was fabis Shazer his pictures caught a moment in history the first time the four people who would drive in the doomed Mercedes ever [Music] met Dodie was close to aie Paul Deputy head of security at the Ritz aie Paul was a man with a complicated past and that prompts another of the coroner's key issues for the inquest whether the British or any other Security Services had any involvement in the Collision hul's closest friend told the Steven inquiry that Paul was never paid by the security services but he did liaz with them it was consistent with what he told us in 2003 [Music] [Music] spe Lord Stevens said that one of the French secret Services confirmed that Paul was known to them and specifically tasked with inquiries in hotel circles but as for MI6 we spent 3 weeks mainly in MI6 looking at the records being allowed to go where we wanted to go and examining all of their records in a way that's never been allowed before in this country uh we found no trace of information coming from honor Paul we also found no Trace in terms of anything that would add and give evidence which would Aid the theory of conspiracy to murder and those organizations being involved in that discover the past with exclusive history documentaries and adree podcasts presented by world-renowned historians all from history hit watch them on your smart TV or on the go with your mobile device download the app now to explore everything from the wonders of ancient Pompei and the Mystery of the princes in the tower to the life of an berin and D-Day sign up via the link in the description on the Saturday ay Paul accompanied Diana and Dodie as they visited the Villa wiza just outside Paris it had been owned by the Duke and Duchess of Windsor now it belonged to the alads I think she was aware that she was a potential Duchess of Windsor a sort of loose cannon who they were going to watch very carefully and she was not averse to upsetting them and I think she quite enjoyed how much the affair with Dodie would upset everybody back at Buckingham Palace as indeed it did and a bit of in yourf faceness was in her nature Diana and Dodie then went to another of aled's magnificent properties in Paris the Ritz hotel newly released footage of events recorded here give a remarkable insight into the couple's last hours at 4:35 they walk through the lobby behind them is Trevor Reese Jones a minute later Diana and Dodie come out of the service lift and go to the best Suite in the Ritz the Imperial 10 years ago one night here cost £5,000 at 5:40 Dodie leaves the hotel ory Paul opens the door to a rit's car for him [Music] then doie is driven to raposi one of the smartest Jewelers in Paris just the other side of the pl fond what follows highlights two key issues for the inquest the circumstances relating to the purchase of the ring and whether the Princess of Wales and doddi aled were about to announce their engagement DOD spends 7 and 1/2 minutes in rosi then comes back to the hotel with a brochure he hairs upstairs to Diana in the Imperial Suite Dodie dispatches one of the hotel managers Claud roule to rosi he's marked by the red spot he returns to the Ritz with a bag inside are two rings he takes them upstairs to Dodie in the Imperial suite and claims Dodie chooses a gold band part of the dis mua we or say yes to me range valued at $130,000 [Music] roule is seen putting the ring in the RIT safety deposit box and signing for it there is a debate as to whether it was really an engagement ring and there's also debate about the Jeweler Albert rosi's version of events when questioned by Lord Steven's inquiry Team all matters for the jury to consider just before 7:00 Dodie and Diana leave the hotel [Music] only Paul sees the car off at the rear exit and then goes off duty for the weekend or so he thinks neither the French police nor Lord Stevens nor MI6 nor the French secret Services have managed in more than 10 years to solve one of the coroner's other key issues hry Paul's movements between 7 and 10 p.m. on 30th of August 1997 meanwhile Dodie and Diana went to dod's apartment at one Ru aren Us near the shanz they drank champagne Dodie booked a table at a smart Parisian Restaurant for 9:30 but at 9:40 he canceled because there was a large crowd outside so they decided to return to the Ritz for dinner where he said he'd be able to relax the CCTV says they came into the Ritz at about 10 to 10 Dodie appears to look tense as it was said the presence of the paparazzi had bothered him because the couple have come back unexpectedly ay Paul is suddenly summoned back and arrives in his mini outside the Hotel there's a red dot here to Mark him out this outside camera said it's 9 minutes 10 when he walks in the inside camera says it's 7 minutes 10 there are small discrepancies in all the camera timings the CCTV footage actually shown so much and one of the interesting points that was was shown was when Once hre Port had returned to the hotel we see him very quickly um walking in with this air of authority which he did have and he goes to the bar I mean he's been called back we don't know exactly by who but now he's back at work before that he was off duty doing what we don't know we have that 2 three hour period we don't know exactly where he went at 10:20 Dodie is seen talking to duty night manager tier Ros he later States doie outlined a plan to leave the hotel and get back to his apartment the plan was confidential but H Paul was one of the few who could be told 5 minutes later tiar Rocher is talking with hry Paul and another member of Staff Paul then waves to the chauffeur who had driven Dodie and Diana Back to the Hotel 6 minutes later hre Paul talks to one of the drivers again one one of the key uh pointers for me in the release of this CCTV footage um has been the role played by hre Paul and it seems to me that he has a much stronger place in this organization than either Trevor ree Jones or KZ Wingfield now there's an answer there of course well hry Paul was a seasoned member of the fired establishment he'd been at the Ritz for many many years and he was halfway up this sort of hierarchical ladder at the Ritz and so he had this this relationship he had this contact with Dodie the two security officers on the other hand are are way down the bottom end and they're waiting for pieces of information to drop off onry Paul at 10:34 onri Paul makes the first of what will be five trips out of the hotel and into the pl vondom where he spends 7 minutes talking with the paparazzi at 10:43 ory Paul re-enters the rits and go goes to the bar to finish his R an aniseed alcoholic drink one of two he ordered at the Ritz that night at 11:10 H Paul goes out again to the pl [Music] Von he goes to talk to the driver of dod's Range Rover then he walks towards the [Music] paparazzi some people begin to gather around [Music] him 2 minutes later he's back in the hotel and this is when he realizes his shoelaces have become undone the cameras show it takes Orie Paul 44 seconds to tie his shoelaces visitors Mill around and he talks to Hotel staff from here he will go upstairs to join the bodyguards outside the Imperial Suite where Dodie and Diana are I must admit I was extremely surprised when I saw the bodyguards Wingfield and REE Jones sitting outside the Imperial suite and I was surprised at the the amount of activity in the anti- room outside the suite one reason they were outside the suite was because they were to be briefed on the getaway plan it was eventually decided to use two decoy cars kez Wingfield would leave from the front while to fool the paparazzi Trevor ree Jones Diana and Dodie would leave from the back with Orie Paul at the wheel aie Paul went down the stairs and out to talk to the paparazzi again it's now 23 minutes past 11: the plan needs three cars dod's Range Rover and two identical Mercedes one at the front one at the back chasing Princess Diana the crowd which is now filling the pl vondom and hoping to see Diana has no clue about all these mations this is how one Australian tourist caught it all shouldn't be here I'll get at 10: to midnight ay Paul makes a fourth trip to the pl vondom where the CCTV spots him standing in front of the large crowd of onlookers and Paparazzi for the coroner this is the Prelude to another key issue whose decision it was that the Princess of Wales and DOD aled should leave from the rear entrance and that hry Paul should drive the vehicle this is what Muhammad aled told us four years ago D called me was about 12:00 he say just I'm going now to the apartment and he told me it's a lot of Paparazzi I don't know what they do the plus one Dome is full of people I told him please it's so dangerous just stay in a hotel everything is there no need for you to go out he told me I think I will follow your advice why after d assured me that he's not going to go out uh Paul uh Henry Paul gone to him at 12:00 after d talking to me and convince him no problem we're going to go from the back entrance everything is okay don't worry I know the way and please you know because you have already prepared everything there change Do's mind but far from changing Dodd's mind Lord Stevens concluded the decoy car plan had been Dodd's idea all along Lord Stevens reports that Muhammad al-fed told him that Dody wants to go back to his apartment for a romantic reason to give Diana the engagement ring the jury will have to sift through this evidence and decide the truth just after midnight outside the front of the rits the crowd are waiting the decoy driver seen here with the beard enters the hotel and and passes onry Paul at the same time upstairs the bodyguards check the way Diana and doy will leave the hotel by the service lift at the back downstairs omry Paul has his final meeting with the drivers of the decoy Cars 4 minutes later we see Princess Diana come out of The Suite Diana and doie chat to The Bodyguard kez Wingfield although there's been some apparent disagreement with the bodyguards over the plan to get away from the Ritz there doesn't appear to be any sign of [Music] tension and as they get ready to go Diana seems to be giggling she seemed very relaxed I think when she was leaving the uh the Imperial Suite as she went down into the lift she's quite jovial quite jokey with all everyone concerned no one seemed particularly tense K's Wingfield has gone to the decoy cars at the front while Diana Dodie hry Paul and Trevor RE Jones continue down the corridor towards the service lift Diana Wags a finger at Dodie she's very play Trevor reee Jones is close to hry Paul and as he testified to Lord Stevens he smelt no drink on the driver's breath he was at work as far as I was concerned and he was behaving in a very sober way there was nothing in his uh in the way he was that uh that that uh should have said to me that that he was had been drinking alcohol if only Paul was drunk then he wasn't driving um that's not just a a security professionalism thing that's just common sense at the end of the day and whether if that spoiled the atmosphere then so be it that's uh that's one of the thing one of those things I can categorically say that as far as I was concerned he was Stone Cold Sober Diana and Dodie and the others now wait at what is the tradesman's exit for Diana it's a stark contrast to Royal routine and Scotland Yard protection she expected these decisions to be made for her like of the whole family expect these decisions in security to be made like Prime Ministers presidents I've worked with every conceivable Head of State uh in the Western World in my life and they all take that guidance that that that steer from their security now on this occasion it would appear there wasn't this steer there wasn't this advice what we see here suggests just how close Diana and Dodie were that night Diana's right arm is behind her back and their fingers are laced together at one point it looks like Dodie is nuzzling her neck ory Paul goes out to see if their Mercedes has arrived he appears to wave at one of the paparazzi inside Diana and doie are still holding hands this lasts for 7 minutes 48 seconds the princess then mock salutes ay Paul you can see her sense of humor in these images and particularly where um staff servants are concerned um she was uh she she rightly had a had a a reputation as being somebody who was um easy to work with at 19 minutes past midnight the Mercedes finally arrives at the back of the Ritz aie Paul Trevor Jones Diana and Dodie file out to the waiting vehicle the princess appears to be shielding her [Music] eyes the car moves [Music] off at the front of the hotel the decoy cars make their move the paparazzi scramble realizing they've been fooled Diana and Odie with only pole driving now have a head start the chase is on Princess Diana's Final hours were spent in the Ritz hotel in Paris many of her last moments captured on video just released by The Coroner at 20 minutes past midnight the Mercedes with Diana was moving away from the Ritz ahead of the [Music] paparazzi the last thing I remember we got in a vehicle we pulled off and the the the couple of pap perzi vehicles that were at the back of the hotel started to follow us the shortest route from the Ritz to Dodd's flat is along the Sha but as the Australian tourist video showed traffic was heavy that night at the plasta Concord instead of going up the Sha ony Paul drives straight on towards the embankment of the sen the Mercedes should now exit right before the Elma tunnel as the red line shows Once it goes into the tunnel the Mercedes is heading away from dod's Flat we now know that the speed the Mercedes was traveling at was between 61 and 63 mph the coroner has said H Paul obviously knew Paris so something caused him to vary the obvious route by going into the tunnel the question is why did he go past the exit slip Road just before the underpass was the Mercedes blocked from exiting the slip Road one issue the coroner has highlighted is whether a Fiat Uno or any other vehicle caused or contributed to the [Music] Collision the Paris Police found fragments of the rear light of a white fat Uno in the tunnel had it got in the way of the Mercedes news reports 18 days after the crash made the link the Mercedes Wing mirror was found at this point with traces of another car's paintwork and shards of a Fiat tail light the Mercedes was thrown into the right hand wall then hurled across into the 13th pillar in the middle of the tunnel the French police examined 4,668 vehicles but did not find any Fe at UNO which have been damaged in this way aled hired a team of senior retired French policemen and they claimed to have solved the mystery in a field they found this fat its tail light had just been replaced and it belonged to a man who had spent the summer photographing DOD and Diana James on donon he was one of the most famous Paparazzi in the world he had a white Fe at Uno and the inquest has raised as a likely issue whether James Ona was in Paris on the night of the Collision he was the subject of a French television program in 2000 andon told people he was in the tunnel on the night of the crash Elizabeth D the Widow of one of his friends told us 5 years ago he had claimed he was at the scene Lord Stevens spoke to Elizabeth D and her daughter Josephine and says they appear to be truthful Witnesses who have nothing to gain by fabricating such a conversation nevertheless Lord Stevens does not believe on donon story and concludes he was not in Paris on the night of the crash a footnote to all this is that and donon died later in 2000 after setting fire to himself in his own car in a deserted Woodland Lord Stevens added there is no evidence whatsoever that he was murdered the jury will decide if he played any significant part in the crash still photographs released by The inquest offer an insight into what was going on in the Elma tunnel at 32 minutes past midnight jie aled and aie Paul were already dead Princess Diana was in a critical condition and being given first aid by Dr Maya a French doctor who was driving through the tunnel the pictures address another likely issue whether the actions of the paparazi caused or contributed to the cause of the Collision these still pictures show the paparazzi Milling around the tunnel although Lord Steven said some might see their behavior as morally questionable there was no evidence they did anything wrong but the first reaction of the French police was to arrest seven of the paparazzi and keep them in the cells overnight many of their photographs were confiscated and were never given back though every inquiry has found they didn't contribute to the crash the role of the paparazzi will be considered by the jury another issue for them to consider is whether the princess of wales's life would have been saved if she had reached hospitals sooner the ambulance did not go to the nearest hospital but to latit petrier still a distance of Less Than 3 mil it was 1 hour and 43 minutes after the accident when Diana got to hospital every inquiry has rejected suggestions that this was part of a conspiracy normal practice in France is for paramedics to try to stabilize and treat victims of the scene by the time Diana got to the operating theater she was in a desperate state the French Minister of Justice and the British Ambassador had arrived at the hospital and heard the news everyone dreaded EX it was the most tremendous shock yeah and yet in some strange way um I think I've I've written I there was a part of me that felt that it was inevitable that um she never did anything by hares it was like being hit with a shovel it was a I don't know I don't know how I felt I think I tried to cry at one stage but I couldn't couldn't make any noise cuz the the track he was in um but it was just complete shock it was like like a parachute jump everything just Falls Out Underneath It Lord Stevens in his report for the inquest examined claims that the tunnel had been reopened too swiftly and washed down not helping a forensic examination these images are from 7:00 a.m. the morning after the crash when one journalist went down to the alma tunnel Lord Stevens recorded the French traffic police view that the westbound carriageway of the tunnel wasn't reopened prematurely the green Vans went into spray and sweep and officially the alma tunnel was open for traffic again by 10:30 that morning the coroner decided it would be useful for the inquest jury to see the Elma tunnel for themselves no one can remember another time when an inquest jury went abroad to visit the place where people died the trip had its moments a policeman came off his motorbike the wheels came off the coaches carrying the jury and this was not the only drama of the first week the coroner has told the jury they will have to consider a surprising development this time the man who has to answer the questions is the man who asked the questions on behalf of the inquest Lord Stevens The Coroner told the jury there is an apparent discrepancy between what Lord Stevens said to HRI Paul's parents when he met with them in Paris on the 8th of November 2006 and what was said in the operation padet report a few weeks later the alire team have sensed the importance of the controversy and are demanding answers on the 8th of November 2006 Lord Stevens went to ory PA's parents and said don't worry your son won't be found drunk in charge of the car as we know a few weeks later operation padet was published where he said that Oro was three times over the drink Drive limit and had he been alive he'd be prosecuted for Dangerous driving so there are three options to this discrepancy which is recorded in police notes he can't deny that the conversation took place so there are three reasons for this the first is he doesn't know what's in his own report which given that it costs 33.7 million of taxpayers money is pretty scandalous the second option is that he lied to or Paul's parents which again is shocking well the third option is something happened between 8th of November and when the operation page uh report was published to somehow make him change his tune and that's what the inquests have to address we'll have to wait and see what evidence Lord Stevens gives but it is quite um a strange thing for Lord Stevens to have done because in his report he clearly concludes operation padet concludes the hre Paul was drunk the coroner said I anticipate Lord Stevens will give evidence that he was trying to reassure Paul's parents that their son had not been drunk as a pig one of the other issues the coroner highlighted was explosive the question that's always been seen as a major threat to the Royals whether the Princess of Wales was pregnant from the moment she died there had been questions about whether or not she might be carrying a baby through Diana's last weeks hours days and minutes showing them a series of photographs her bump led to much speculation the coroner told the jury you will also hear evidence that Diana was taking a contraceptive pill it is likely that pregnancy is not a matter that can be proved one way or another in scientific terms in this case but Lord Stevens has no doubts whatsoever the Princess of Wales was not pregnant at the time of her death our conclusions were strengthened by forensic tests carried out on blood recovered from the Mercedes car when we brought it back to this country from the evidence of her close friends and Associates she was not engaged and she was not about to get engaged this is not what Dodd's father believes but it will be a matter for the jury to judge over the next 6 months the jury will hear many such claims and counter claims inside Court 72 and outside people will Express deep passions and sharp skepticism and she wasn't just a princess she wasn't just some sort of pretty girl who did a bit of Charity on the side and she had an enormous influence this woman and that's one of the reasons I get so cross about this inquest is to think that this is what she's being remembered for I just think is the ultimate tragedy for Diana the public certainly I feel and I've having chatted about it with a few of my friends feel that you know she should just be allowed to rest there's something fishy about it for sure but the fact is it's unlikely that we the common people are ever going to know the truth the royal family booted di out and they stripped her of HR there is so much rubbish talked about Diana and people dismissed her as mentally unstable it's grossly unfair and her fears her very genuine fears into her safety need to be examined properly in a court of law and that's why we're all here what I'd say is if you do turn up and look at it happen um there is uh something rather reassuring about seeing the legal process however long it takes however expensive it is however cumbersome it seems to be there is something reassuring about it it's uh um it's certainly given me the sense that once it's over we will be that much nearer the truth I think the inquest will now proceed more slowly I think there'll be a good look at the forensic evidence I don't believe that it will be as dramatic as we've had in the opening uh week or so the coroner said the inquests are expected to last up to 6 months it will start looking at more periphery uh uh stories which will make headlines in the newspapers but won't necessarily prove whether Dina was murdered or or not what what they will do is Muddy the waters and leave po possibly leave the jury open to believe there were uh questions that are [Music] unanswered the coroner has told the jury how important these proceedings are one of the purposes of these inquests is to investigate the facts thoroughly so that the public suspicion is is either dispelled or substantiated we shall be conducting a vigorous and searching inquiry through the evidence so that the true cause of death May if possible be determined once and for [Music] all [Music]
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 1,129,407
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Keywords: Timeline World History, Timeline, Full Length Documentary, History Documentary, World History, learn history, history facts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 34sec (2914 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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