Diana's Influential Sense Of Style | Model Princess | Real Royalty With Foxy Games

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as the world's most photographed woman no other person can compete with her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales Diana enjoys the spotlight as a child her ambition was to become a dancer as good fortune would have it she became a princess instead like all Royals the Princess of Wales decides to dress according to people's expectations but diana does it much better whatever the occasion she's there to please the person or people she's going to be with and that usually means dressing for the part something the princess enjoys doing very much on and off duty she marshals her expressions perfectly she's rarely photographed looking bored or dispirited over time the formula has become simpler and more played down but above all she wants to be seen for what she does rather than for what she wears Diana's day wear amounts to an interpretation of an Executive woman's wardrobe standing out in a crowd even on family occasions she's rarely caught off guard fashionable dressing has never been a special aim of British royalty yet Diana begins from a position of enjoying clothes despite accusations of being a clotheshorse Diana knows looking good is an important part of the show [Music] the principles that govern her dressing at home abroad and in the public eye confirmed she's a very different preacher from the other members of the royal family the British upper class dressed smartly above all to be polite and conventional [Music] one sign of her remarkable strength of character is the way she faces up to media attention she's always fair game to photographers the world over on and off duty what's more being Diana she's decided it was a game she would win at the beginning of her marriage she deliberately appointed herself promoter of British fashion diana has emerged adept in the language of clothes demanding foreign tours mean three or four changes a day causing accusations of extravagance and an obsession with her image when favorite outfits are worn on several occasions newspapers interpret this as evidence of thrift in the time of recession yet she's managed to lighten the routine of being photographed on parade a routine which started at the age of 19 with rumors of a romance between her and Prince Charles because you never see a looking like this now she's got this sort of pink slightly frumpy evening gown on and she's got green wood and Lowden coat over the top she's obviously her coach she wears during the day she hasn't got an evening gown gown coat and she's huddled into this coat and she subtly spotted us and she's absolutely bright red she went absolutely bright red really really red and she was sort of hugging the wall she walked alone she was terrified of us as she walked along to the car and she just looked so young and I thought god this is the beginning of it all caught by TV cameras leaving by the back door of the kindergarten where she worked as a nursery school teacher who could have speculated that within months women around the world would be looking for inspiration too Lady Diana Spencer future Princess of Wales and one day Queen speaking about their engagement the young bride-to-be were a modest off the peg blue suit by kahshanna purchased from Harrods during her engagement Diana's exposure to the press was intense as a public figure in embryo she began to learn lessons the hard way particularly when she tried a plunging neckline on one of her first official engagements much to the delight of the media who'd been watching her closely and it was when the princess when the Prince took the princess to the guild hall for dinner one evening and she was wearing a very low-cut strapless black dress and she in climbing out of the car she did all very nearly the story is differ for completely out of this thing and that was something she could never ever have foreseen I mean who would think of it you know you but of course getting out of this this grand limousine was just the the final kiss of death for her and it was a very embarrassing lesson that we learned very quickly and she's never repeated it and she now wears frightfully brave and exhaustive things but they are very much more tightly clasp to her months later on the steps of support cathedral millions watched as the young bride unraveled her wedding dress designed by david nils above him an UL made of ivory colored silk her father Earl Spencer accompanied Diana down the aisle [Music] to create a wardrobe befitting a Princess Diana had to start virtually from scratch in the absence of any formal royal training how does a young princess know how to dress well there were two influences I guess one was obviously the circle of friends that she mixed in and the other was actually what was fashionable at time and in I guess we're talking about 90 days he knows one she was very and that sort of said that she moved in was very much into sort of neck things you know freely here and it'll kind of crack things and rather sort of they we haven't hit the suits yet because the rest of the very high fashion world was in amongst the Japanese at this point we were all wearing black with sort of you know things the holes pulled out in sizeable I mean totally unsuitable forum the Princess of Wales and so she was really on in the she dressed in a very English county stroked Chelsea way which was absolutely perfect for the fiance of the Prince of Wales there wasn't any question about it but everybody in England totally understood the signal she gave out in the way that she was dressed as a 19 year old and I think for its purposes it served her very very well to look very conservative and very sort of English and beautiful English Rose County sort of person and so I think that was her first I mean she obviously then started to look at what she actually did look like and she felt well maybe I could you know have a bit more next showing and so on so forth so nowadays when she's absolutely you mean she doesn't you know she's just so confident that it doesn't make any difference so the difference is extraordinary from that you know sort of chin down with clothes was clothes and now it's sort of wonderfully and sort of she just feels comfortable learning she wears Diana's first official foreign tour was to Australia and New Zealand in 1983 for the first time in her life she realized the need for a huge wardrobe to meet the demands of the job having a suitable change of clothes was a formidable task particularly for a young mother constantly under public scrutiny and intense pressure that that was the grueling two six weeks and I think they vowed never to do a tour that long again she had William with her and of course he was only was he six months old at that stage and it was just a whistle-stop to her always traveling and they kept the baby back at a ranch in central Australian they kept commuting backwards and forwards so that she could be with a baby and since then they've never ever had a long tour like it because you could tell after about a week she was just totally exhausted I mean not only was it I mean also it's her first trip she's learning how to meet people you know it was also new to a very daunting but to have six weeks of it - and six weeks for us - I mean trying to keep up with them but it was exciting because it was all fresh you know we didn't really know much about her and everybody was still sort of getting over the wedding and the excitement of that and the Australians were really sort of huge crowds turned out to get a glimpse of her she was very shy still it was a interesting visit but too tiring walkabouts are occasions when Diana can almost forget the conventions and restrictions of being a leading member of the world's pre-eminent royal family and come face-to-face with her adoring public everybody loves to catch a glimpse of a princess dressed in clothes to which they can relate soon the girly outfits were to vanish as her wardrobe began to reflect a growing confidence this was her first big tour her first big sort of tour away for weeks and it was about four weeks into the tour and we'd had lots of sort of girly outfits all through the tour lots of day dresses and evening clothes had all been sort of full gowns and sort of things you would expect her to wear but then suddenly on the last night she turned up at the dinner wearing this really what I would call her first sexy outfit and it was a very slinky fitted dress beaded and it looked very sort of dynasty and glamorous and it was so different from everything she'd wore on the whole trip this outfit actually looked without having a low-cut it looked wonderful Diana fell naturally into the routine of royalty she developed her own sense of style and one of the principal beneficiaries of her high profile public role was the British fashion industry down the years they've benefited particularly from her position in the royal family firm designers like Belleville Sassoon Jasper Conran and Bruce Oldfield are among her favorites [Music] Kathryn Walker of the Chelsea design company always at the helm of British fashion has constantly topped Diana's list very soon her designs were copied in the high street shops as her bows and gathers gave way to the sleek tailored styles cultivating a more sophisticated image [Applause] she tried out everything she could in order to experience what was around in the British fashion scene above all it was the rags to riches London designer Bruce Oldfield who introduced her to the sleek glamorous film star look replacing the strapless top with a big flowery skirt Bruce was the first person I think really to introduce it to a kind of swathe more sort of glamorous film story sort of look she did have those dresses before but they were sorted they were much more the sort of bustier with the big skirt and Burroughs tended to make them kind of slinky and rather wonderful and sort of gathered and were the kind of thing here so I think he freed her and made her aware that she could perhaps you know be a bit more shapely with the evening clothes rather than just wear the classic hunting shooting fishing ball dress that you tend to get I think he probably pushed on that direction quite for us the princess looks particularly good wearing Katharine Walker's designs her fitted suits look perfect on Diana's shapely figure the Rising Sun motif on the Hat was originally created for an official visit to Japan the Hat by royal milliner Philip Somerville tops off the whole on song the English fashion scene benefited tremendously from adding is extraordinary patronage of the world's most photographed woman I mean I don't think anybody could quite believe that she was actually they're wearing British Anna and it was never no public statement was ever made nobody I mean there's this myth about how she was told she had to a British and there is a completeness I mean the princess felt that she should as she does in all things support what was right to do and she did it and it was I mean it was like a goldmine for British fashions but in the 80s she really wasn't any worse to us without probably even knowing it in the beginning one British designer who's benefited from Diana's support of homegrown talent is Victor Edelstein famous for his incredibly grand style supported only by simple accessories Victor can get incredibly grande which is wonderful you know you get those huge collars and enormous amounts of jewels and a huge skirts and I think she sort of travels to Victor for those kind of things from time to time [Applause] on an official visit to Washington in 1985 the Americans were not slowed to celebrate a royal tour in their own way Diana and the American people hit it off immediately she enjoyed their warmth and openness and they were charmed by her good looks and friendly manner president of mrs. Reagan with the hosts at a glittering White House ball the highlight of the tour and for Washington the social event of the decade for the occasion Diana looked radiant in a dark navy velvet spectacular gown designed naturally by Victor Edelstein she wore a seven strand pearl choker with a huge sapphire clasp and sapphire and diamond earrings the thing was when she actually does dress up to go to things like the White House gala she really understands that simplicity is above all things the master and so she looks incredible I mean she really does she can do it I mean she really said okay guys you know whatever you've said about me in the press and hit some point I'm gonna go for it and I think that that was all that particular occasion she did look extraordinary and it was the moment she had to look extraordinary and she did it she knows when to do it I'm quite sure at a dinner in bond the princess arrived wearing for the first time in public the matching set of exquisite jet and diamond jewels a gift from the Sultan of Oman final touches were added by the Spencer family tiara and a deep blue velvet evening gown by Victor Edelstein well her taste in jewelry is is marvelous because she's been given a sort of Queens ransom in jewels a lot of it by the Saudi royal family they gave her a lot of sapphires when as a wedding present and she then she got a lot of family jewels the Spencer family tiara and the what we call the Queen Mary TR which isn't strictly speaking of Queen Mary tiara but it's one that Queen Mary used to wear and she wears those two and then she combines these fabulous jewels real jewels with a lot of stuff she buys you know button Wilson or Harvey Nichols wonderful inexpensive jewelry but looks dazzling on her and I think that shows the great taste and style she's got that she can wear something like that that cost you know a few pounds and any woman could afford it and on her it looks like it cost a million dollars we couldn't have all the Chanel buttons in the world and there are a lot of things you mustn't put with him and an awful lot of jewelry you can't wear with them and so she she's really in the end - she's very much a minimalist with accessories she doesn't load them on you you see a choker from time to time but mostly when you see the little Catherine Walker suits there's very little jewelry and there's the beautiful hat which is absolutely way it should be first impressions are always memorable how Diana looks the moment she steps off a plane is the image that finds its way onto television screens and front pages around the world being a woman constantly in the public eye has additional image problems particularly on a windy day what is foremost in Diana's mind as she steps off the plane on yet another round of handshaking and official duties other decreases I should think I would think that's it the one thing getting off planes is no it's it's nerve wracking as if you're totally creased but I would imagine everything beautifully breast I definitely but I just think a lot of pro I would think that the preparation that goes into those moments must be you know enormous the Princess of Wales has about 75 hats naturally she knows how to wear them to bring out the best in an accompanying outfit she wears them so beautifully now and I think in the early stages she wore them in the way English women were hats to weddings plunked on the head with a veil pulled over or the fluff feather and now and she in very very very fast we found her wearing them where they should be warm which is across here I mean despite the fact that the photographer's probably couldn't get into the eyes or couldn't see anything but she really in me almost immediately maybe two years into being princess the world and having to worry about her hat she suddenly realized she had to wear them the way they should be worn because she has great show that's a terrific posture she looks marvelous but there's you know very broad hats and once you wear those hats you actually begin to like wearing them she really does that like you know she could be a Vogue cover wearing those hats because she wears them properly and she wears them with the right outfits which is terribly important me she's always the one on the steps of the church at Christmas you know when they've all gone to the service and she's good she's immaculate everything matches everything's perfect and the hats exactly where it should be so I mean it's a great heart wearing a hat properly - it's a great heart hair is important too early on she experimented sweeping her long hair back off her face before deciding she looks better with it short her hair's been getting shorter and shorter and that I think tells you a lot about her that she's not a vain woman her hair's short because it's practical it's easy to manage it's easy when you swim in every morning and you come back and get ready to go out short hair is quicker to one to redo and if she had long hair it would take hours and hours and it would be a lot more fussy so although most people consider long hairs more glamorous she doesn't bother with that she sort of cut down everything in her life like that getting dressed getting out the door down to a minimum she can do it in like five or ten minutes flat generally women grow into their hair I mean I think during the sort of 18 19 20 age group you were finding out what your hair does and doesn't do and most of us were allowed the 20s to experiment but the princess was not allowed that because obviously the media attention was so huge so I suppose she very sensibly got to her self organized with hairdressers who could deal with the way she wanted it but that is what happened to her hair as far as I can see as it's all to do with race in relation to the neck and as she became more aware that she could expose her neck so the hair started to come up and get shorter and shorter children and as her confidence grew she was able to deal with much shorter hair and the princess very soon came around to thinking well you know maybe I've got this nice thing here in the jawline and the the chokers and the bit and if I get goes up up up and finally nowadays I think that she it's probably much more functional for her to have that cut the hair she has now because she's obviously a busy mom now but she wasn't ten years ago and you actually can't spend time here when you're working and you're out and you trying to get from school they've got to look good and you got to get out and so I think she it's probably it looks wonderful now and it's I mean from a purely functional point of view it has to be that way I'd I'm in once you've had short hair that works well you never grow it again activities centered around being a young mother particularly at school sports day naturally calls for a suitable kind of casual clothes befitting to a princess she looks wonderfully casual personally I'd to the picture for me the best picture is the one of the the school race you know and she had her shoes off and she had that long skirt on she was going for the winning line to remember that it's a great great picture and I think she looks great in jeans and you know she wears the odds City baseball cap I just think that they're you know with all the strict dressing that she has to do all the time in it's very nice that she can actually just go out and wear jeans and wear kind of rough riding boots and a great sort of sloppy sweater and that the feet she I mean if you were ask somebody who's appearing who appears in public or has to dress up all the time you've got to have a very safe nice easy comfortable wardrobe that's your friend she is has three wardrobes actually for her life one wardrobe is the working wardrobe of the more already mentioned the one that she wears on official engagements then there's the kind of Kensington mummy look when she goes to pick up the children from school and this is a bit of a slowly kind of wardrobe but she was a bit of from sometimes from Escada or designers like that Maundy she used to wear a lot of Maundy you know jackets and skirts and trousers from Mondial or roca Lots and then there's the what I think of sometimes as the Essex girl look that she has I think there's a bit of Essex girl in most women but it comes out in her when you see her on weekends she looks very very ordinary then she you would often walk straight past her never recognized her sometimes when she's shopping and so and sister on a Saturday morning maybe it's deliberate maybe it's camouflage but I don't think it's it's very flattering it's probably very comfortable but I think sometimes the Essex girl creeps into official work once recently she wore a red evening gown by a Bruce Oldfield which has a gold Fleck in the fabric and it it's it's rather a nice evening gown well it was when she first word in the mid 80s but then she put a pearl choker with about five strings of pearls in it and that seemed so over-the-top the combination of pearls gold bright red it was very flashy and I thought that was a bit of a mistake but then we all have off days don't we diana discovered the coat dress it proved to be a practical and yet extremely smart addition to her working wardrobe among her favorites is one by Katherine Walker in a pink and white check wolf who's over the years the coat dress has become quite popular with her it's been a very good workhorse sort of outfit because this looks very smart always and yet it's comfortable she's got many many coat dresses in different fabrics but this was really the first Catherine Walker coat dress we saw and it's beige well creamy actually with a navy stripe in it and it looks quite nautical and in fact the first time she wore it in Italy she it was a visit to a naval base and she wore a cheeky little sailor's hat with it he looked quite quite appropriate actually standing on the deck of the ship but the whole outfit over the years just as always looked good always looks crisp fresh never creases and whatever event she's out it looks that way looks wonderful [Applause] on official occasions diana is never caught off guard her skirt seldom blows up and she is rarely photographed climbing in and out of cars with her funny shown with maturity she's learned how to conduct herself with photographers the press does not make a distinction between the Princess of Wales as a royal figurehead and princess die the celebrity on a recent official trip to Canada her appearance confirmed she knows all the tricks of the royal trade particularly when it comes to dressing it sort of shows her it was 1992 so no fuss an elegant sort of shape on the clothes the jacket is long very plain neckline gone are all those the ruffles and whatever from all those years before sort of how it's half like a business suit but it's got a little bit more glamour to it it's got a very short skirt in dark chocolate brown velvet and the jacket is edged in it - it looks elegant it's a very pretty color on her - makes her look color emphasizes her skin tones but according to some press people Diana doesn't always get it right as they discovered on a visit to France when she got out the car we almost didn't recognize it because she was wearing a very unusual hat and it was the first time we had seen her without her hair so in fact you didn't recognize her at first because all her hair was concealed this big hat was over her face and it was a Philip Somerville hat in felt and he had a black snood attached to it and tied it back in sort of scarf fashion that completely concealed every inch of hair and I thought it looked very French very chic and obviously she did too but all the men my colleagues didn't like it at all and they all thought that she looked fat made her face look fat I didn't agree but obviously she read it in the papers their comments and has never worn it again since the hats are I think they're rather wonderful most of them come from Philip Somerville who can make any woman look a dream he produces the most flattering hats in in London probably and they're they're ideal because she kind of broke the royal rule about you mustn't wear big hats they they can conceal too much of your face and upset the photographers I remember in India we were all groaning because she was walking on this wonderful memsaab looking outfit that just looked like she'd stepped out of the days of the Raj and the Hat was covering most of her face but then she'd lift her head she knows that they're not what to do and when she got close to the camera she would suddenly look up and then everybody get a shot but the the whole effect was just absolutely perfect for that setting it was in the presidential palace in in Delhi and the outfit she wore just looked like something out of the 30s in the last days of the Raj was wonderful as a performer by Nature Diana enjoys the routine of being photographed on parade although public interest in her activities can be intense particularly on family occasions with posses of hungry photographers in hot pursuit appetites wetted by exotic Caribbean island backgrounds diana wants to keep her children out of the glare of publicity but when duty calls she happily makes herself available to support her media image on this occasion the photographer's were particularly demanding whilst she was on the beach posing for the photo cause she had her on a one-piece swimsuit which in fact she looked very good in but as soon as the photo call had finished and the photographer started to drift away in their boats once they got to about 200 yards out she appeared again on the beach from behind a bush in a miniscule red bikini and it was sort of like a sort of tantalizing in photographers because they were sort of so near yet so far because it's too far to take a picture and they said that she looked stunning in his teeny-weeny bikini prancing up and down the beach and they will try to make the boat turn round to go back and there was this huge great big round with the boatman they were all grabbing the wheel his little boats were all rocking we're over the place and the Royal protection would were waving them away and it was almost as if she died on purpose I think she sort of come to terms of the fact that that we the press were gonna be there whatever she did so she'd have to learn to live with it and I think she then realized it if she did give us a good picture it would take the pressure off her we would sort of disappear off you know far happier mood and she could get on with whatever she was doing pressure to perform to look good at all times is taken for granted by everyone except experienced royal watchers she does a fantastic amount and I think that's where we've got to give her a lot of credit I mean if you see somebody in the glossy magazines like Joan Collins or Ivana Trump they have nothing else in life to do except work on looking wonderful they've got endless hours to to devote to pampering themselves the Princess of Wales doesn't she has to squeeze that sort of thing into a very very busy schedule as a working woman and as a wife and mother and so she has to do it at the odd hours that she can manage so she goes swimming you know 7:30 in the morning does 30 lengths of the pool of Buckingham Palace and then she'll dash back home and get changed and have a hair done and take Harry to school and then rush off the other end of the country and do an engagement and then she'll come back and maybe play a set of tennis in the afternoon or whenever she's got a morning off try and play tennis with friends and and she also has somebody to come in and advise her on workouts you know she has an instructor that helps every couple of times a week so she needs to maintain a fantastic level of fitness because of the the the strain of her life I mean foreign tours are exhausting on an official trip to Japan in 1986 media interest was unrelenting it was dye mania on a world scale her popstar status was hard to believe in a modest way her wardrobe included an off the peg dress from tatters in London's Fulham Road with great for thought for her Japanese hosts it was emblazoned with Rising Sun motifs this was the first very obvious example of what I call flag dressing when she wears an outfit that sort of honors her host or it sort of ties in somehow with the country in the national colours or whatever in Kyoto she visited the castle and it was a tea ceremony it was very traditional everybody was in kimonos and she wore this red and white silk dress from tatters and it was a white base with big red large sort of Rising Sun circles exactly as a Japanese flag and had a big red hat and it just was sort of very appropriate for the occasion the Japanese returned the compliment by presenting Diana with a kimono of their national dress even if it was a little bit too long for her [Applause] [Music] on an official visit to Hong Kong in November 1989 it was a Philip Somerville hat in the shape of a Chinese temple which Diana had to keep a tight hold on Catherine Walker designed the brightly colored silk suit a short red jacket a cream camisole top and a wraparound sarong skirt in brilliant purple as if in competition with the dazzling images of the Orient Diana was original in her choice of colors Donna has defied all the traditional rules about color and I think that actually is one of the most exciting things about her every outfit she wears is is is remarkable in some way or another it's not just beautifully cut she has put violent pink with red which you ever thought simply couldn't work she's been terrific ly brave about the things she's chosen to wear together the outfit she wore to visit the Taj Mahal which I thought was a bit of a strange outfit to wear for sightseeing because it was very hot and she was walking around the outside of the pond in front of the Taj but she had on this quite formal suit that she'd worn before in Hong Kong but I think she must have chosen it because of the colors because when you looked at the photographs the colors that she stands out so much to read in the mode against this white marble it looks really stunning and in fact the colors do blend in with all the sarees if you look at her standing against all the local women to begin with who thought why she chosen that outfit to wear today it seems a funny thing to wear when you look at the pictures it just fits him all the colors of India looks wonderful traveling abroad the climate is not always kind to the royal visitor in the call of duty The Prince and Princess of Wales regularly encounter the rigors of extreme heat for Diana looking and feeling good demands cool clothes to endure the hottest hours of the day actually she's very good in the heat because I always wonder how she looked so cool but was she her face looks extremely hot she no she has beads of perspiration she goes redder and redder but actually her clothes you never see them looking sticky or sweaty you know when she's been sitting against a chair in extreme heat in Indonesia even when she put up she didn't have any sort of sticky marks at the back of I mean I don't know how I don't know she must have some mysterious secret deodorant formula or something because she just looks so super cool with maturity diana has learned to conduct herself in public avoiding awkward or frivolous moments particularly when her husband is around she's very cheeky when she's on her own away from the prince actually she's she's more extrovert when she's on her own and she reacted she seems more relaxed and she's not with Prince I suppose it's just that she's she's hasn't got to watch what he's doing and sort of remember what she's supposed to be doing at the same time she can just sort of wander along on her own but she's got a very very good sense of humor she's a great giggler and she's very quick-witted and she someone will say something and she'll come up with a very cheeky quick-witted answer instantly and she's very easy a very easy rapport with with it we sort of banter with people the relaxed friendly Australian manner and the great outdoors bring out the best in Diana she has family connections down under and the Australian bicentenary celebrations in 1988 was a perfect opportunity for her to relax despite the occasional sound effect her wardrobe included an emerald green coke dress by Katherine Walker and a cool short sleeve red dress by Alistair Blair characterized by very short cap sleeves extremely practical in sticky heat any suggestions of discomfort are quickly dispelled with a glorious photo opportunity at the bow of a paddle steamer at a dinner dance in Melbourne Katherine Walker scored again with a shell pink bigger hugging long dress with bursts of bright blue floral patterns on two previous visits to Australia in her younger days Diana showed great confidence in the way she supported her husband particularly on the dance floor [Music] naturally on clothes occasions lightness the press always speculate about the state of the royal marriage I think every marriage goes through ups and downs maybe they've had their problems but I know that they are both devoted to their children and devoted to their jobs I think she did a lot for him and of course giving him two children and and and giving him a kind of a home that was the greatest change of all and I think that you know the birth of his two children were probably the greatest days in his life they form a terrific partnership for Britain as ambassadors abroad and you know they really enjoy their jobs they do feel they can make a difference and I think we've seen that for ourselves the princess what she's done for aids which was a subject that was practically untouchable in the beginning and she has totally turned around the world's attitude to AIDS victims she's probably done more to destroy fear and Prejudice than any member of the royal family in the last 200 years at every opportunity Diana campaigns for a better understanding around the world of distressing social problems like drug abuse and AIDS she has turned into a really serious woman who has a very real talent for people that is not a PR exercise it's nothing it's not done for the cameras that is absolutely Diana as a human being reaching out to other human babies and that is the talent that she has just brilliantly and naturally and in in a way that no other member of the royal family or anyone that I've actually seen in operations like that the princess is always respectfully dressed on a visit to the Muslim Gulf states local customs and religion were respected a desert picnic in Saudi Arabia meant sitting cross-legged it had to be planned and for the occasion Kathryn Walker had created a blue and white tunic with white pantaloons strictly no legs showing on a visit to Pakistan again local custom was observed diana appeared wearing a Catherine Walker creation designed for the occasion and to match the sumptuous surroundings of the presidential palace for official occasions like this Diana's gowns are paid for by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office as part of the cost of showing the flag around the world her beautiful gown of shell pink silk had a bodice inlaid with encrusted pearls one of the Catherine Walker dresses has got little paisley designs all over it which is wonderful I mean to actually complement a country by having a sumptuous evening dress embroidered in that way I think that's magnificent this evening gala think is my favorite outfit of everything she's ever worn and and it doesn't photograph well either when you act when you see it you can't stop staring at it because it's so beautiful the the chiffon silk is so soft and flowy and the workings of embroidery on the bodice so fine it's just exquisite the whole dress and as she walks it flows with her and she wore it in Pakistan and because of local customs with about showing the neck and being very demure she wore a very long stretch or the same fabric just sort of thrown around his shoulders like Grace Kelly type a bit just sort of slung over a shoulder that sort of flayed out behind her and it looked beautiful as she walked along because she was so tall next to all these Pakistan dignitaries who were tiny this dress made her look even taller she looked about ten foot tall and it all sort of flowed out it was a wonderful dress royal protocol demand standing out in a crowd in a dignified and respectful manner on a visit to the Vatican the Princess of Wales wore a black lace calf length dress by Katherine Walker with the drop to v-shaped skirt with a lace veil in the same fabric Diana's troy's proved yet again that a cope dress was practical and an important part of a working wardrobe in Florence a cheeky addition of a black bowtie made an interesting variation to a white wolf suit by Jasper Conran Diana's tastes are definitely influenced by her love for foreign travel and exotic places not least Italy where her choice of clothes reflects her eye for the original look one of her favorite Italian designers is Makino Moschino is a wonderful designer and he's very witty designer and you always feel very sort of jolly if you wear his clothes and very happy and there there's always a sort of pun in them or this kind of a joke I mean like the big houndstooth that she wears quite a lot now if you could pick a designer for her Moschino is a great one for Spurs you know bigger cage will not be occasions but I mean actually you know that the bouquet occasions and then walking down and the shaking hands occasions because it makes people smile and it is something different and they do look great and he cuts through on a visit to France the Paris fashion world was captivated when Diana stepped from the plane wearing an outfit by Chanel their national design label I was delighted when she went to France and she wowed them all in her Chanel seat which was bright red and the longer skirt and the hat and everything I thought that was terrific it was very important for the princess to make an enormous impact because I was it's a fashion capital of the world and I think she chose very good outfit I think she looked terrific and they really were bowled over they were completely mesmerized by the fact she didn't get off the plane wearing an English designer which would have been the export business wonderful but she actually came wearing their top label it was the first time Diana had worn French clothes on French soil but later all eyes turned to an evening dress designed by Victor Edelstein it was at the Elysee Palace dinner very elegant extremely elegant French women arriving in his wonderful gowns the whole place is just exactly as you'd imagine a sort of super French banquet to be and she arrived and got out the car and this stress it I don't know it just looked something from another Arab it seen a very heavy ivory Duchess satin it shimmers and the the body somebody's all worked with embroidery and has a short jacket and it's very very elegant very regal often diana will arrive wearing something that's been seen before like this red woolen suit with black lapels by refat oz Beck he's always been the darling of the sort of not really truly glamorous but people that really understand and like fashion and he's um you know you find people I mean a lot of people like Tina Turner where I was back he's there's something about him in the same way there is about Moschino that that is he's very good design he cuts beautifully but he's a little bit witty and a little bit scary and so when you when you actually start to wear like a lot you know a lot about fashion you know a lot about yourself you know you know many things and he does do quite outrageous things and I'm sure the princess has probably got some of those we've only seen the rather sort of tamer ones but he's good and I'm glad she wears his clothes because they're beautiful with more than 350 public engagements a year Diana's choice of clothes reflect the activities of a busy working woman always at the center of attention her experience tells her exactly what is suitable for the occasion when she first became the Princess of Wales I'm sure that she had to have she wanted to have endless clothes made because she had to try and see what worked and to know how she suited a longer jacket or a shorter jacket or a longer skirt or a gathered skirt or full skirt and I think what happens finally I mean I certainly if you're 10 years into wearing a lot of clothes you begin to know exactly what you want so in fact well wear five suits had to do one suit does because you can wear it often you can change it slightly you aren't really bothered you know you look good in it and that's the end of it and it doesn't you can wear it endless occasions it doesn't matter who says what to you but that's the suit you feel good and that shirt that's the true sign of confidence is that she's actually wearing a lot of things now very often that we've seen before and nobody's commenting nobody cares because what they really want to see is the Princess of Wales and she's come over that great what is she wearing now we all know it's three fat again and it's a marvelous it's raava's change in her that we don't actually care too much what she's wearing anymore because she always looks wonderful and she it could be something that's seen you know two weeks before above although it's on really formal occasions like state banquets in presidential palaces but Diana's elegance is so arresting her wardrobe for this visit to Indonesia included a gown in ivory lace and satin designed by David and Elizabeth Emanuel careful about what she drinks Diana refuses a glass of champagne preferring water instead when she's really dressed up in the evenings and she looks really stunning she's all sort of glamorous and glittery and she arrives and she knows she looks good and she sort of got a little swagger to a walk and it was very happy with herself and she always she sort of goes towards that glows towards the cameras when she's like that she she's sort of she reacts to the cameras when she knows she's looking good she'd said ray cheeky and good humoured she sort of do a little not a dance but sort of shuffle around and move around so that we get good shots and this dress is an example of that sort of confident dressing you know sort of showing off her sexy shape as she walks along it's a very long fitted tube dress and completely worked all over it with beads and it's got a short jacket with it with a very high collar and as she walks along it's a very high slit at the back so even from the back it looks good and it fits her sort of hips and her because of her height it's really accentuated she just looks like a long white slither walking on him and she always seems to wear it when she's got a good tan she was chooses it to him looks looks very glamorous she understands taste she understands proportion she totally knows if fashion just lately we've lost our shoulder paths as you might have noticed we probably haven't in the last two or three years we began to lose our shoulder pads after the huge you know dynasty kind of thing went on during the 80s after the kind of Japanese thing and finished then the princess immediately has lost you know she's really okay with what's going on I mean she does totally once you're in the fashion sort of thing it's not a question of being a fashion victim or not having your own taste or not being or being told by the people to it it's something you do you just evolved with it and she is Margaret's and she just seems to she's almost ahead of us at the moment she looks better than she did right at the beginning she's slimmer she is more gorgeous and she has a more distinctive dress style I think that's because early on she was very influenced by perhaps her mother of family and friends she wore a very traditional English look lots of girly swirly ball gowns that were very romantic and very pretty on a girl in nineteen with a totally unsuitable for a more sophisticated woman and so as she learned a lot about the world and about life you could see a great transformation come over she dropped all those full-skirted romantic ball gowns that used to look like a portrait by winter halter on their walls of Windsor Castle and she got into a very sleek chic look I think that was also because she began studying fashion making her own decisions and and dropped the advice of some of the fashion experts she talked to in the beginning and and realized that the Continental women she met who looked incredibly elegant always wore very slim fitting clothes the sort of clothes that reveal the figure underneath when you've got a great figure it's nice to wear clothes that emphasize it so in a way you know the demure Diana look went out the window and the devastating dazzling Diana and I think that when she wears one of those Viktor ever Stein their evening gowns now there's nobody can can be more of a knocker than she can I mean I've seen a walk into a room and just the the women just sort of kind of reel back she hits them like a wave on a surfing Beach and knocks everybody sideways you know she's just looks fantastic dressing up is just part of the job for Diana she is instinctive about what she wears and naturally intuitive about her role calming nerves and easing tension in a charming and humorous way is second nature to her in people's affections diana is a natural successor to the Queen Mother as the role of monarchy moves towards the 21st century diana model princess will be there bringing to the face of royalty a unique and personal blend of style dignity and charm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Real Royalty
Views: 692,553
Rating: 4.7825947 out of 5
Keywords: royal family documentary, princess diana car crash paris video, prince william and kate middleton, prince william and harry, prince harry and meghan markle interview, prince william and harry talk about diana, royal family 2020, royal family channel, meghan markle prince harry prince william and kate interview, prince charles and camilla, royal marriage, prince andrew interview, british royal family, prince charles, princess diana, lady diana, prince william
Id: v9tjeUHQmBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 2sec (2942 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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