Diana and Sarah: The Royal Wives of Windsor | Absolute History

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Diana Princess of Wales and Sarah Duchess of York have not been seen together officially since their last appearance on the balcony of buckingham palace of trooping the colour in 1991 since that moment both their marriages have ended in separation once the world was enthralled by scenes like this ignorant to the reality that two of the world's most famous royal women were unhappy in their marriages to the Windsor boys Charles and Andrew now living separate lives and no longer part of official royal activities Diana and Sarah have chosen an independent lifestyle as single mothers Diana as mother of the future King William can never turn her back totally on the royal family yet only six months after her separation to Charles a life took on the poignant role of a lonely princess [Music] [Applause] at Lord Linda's wedding to Serena Stanhope Diana appeared as a lone figure not yet divorced she was prevented by royal protocol from appearing on the arms of another man [Music] a traditional family turnouts like the Queen Mother's birthday both diana and sarah are now conspicuous by their absence leaving their solitary men folk to highlight the state of their respective royal marriages yet for the sake of the children Sarah and Andrew do appear together their daughter school sports day they're both present to give their support and participate in all the activities including the parent race [Applause] [Applause] [Music] in the absence of a normal family life diana is compensating her children by showing them a more relaxed style of monarchy as a single mum she enjoys their company on a day out at Thorpe Park a popular theme park near London [Music] diana is now out on her own officially independent of Charles she's determined to maintain a high public profile and continue an active role supporting her charities at home and abroad on a visit to Nepal shortly after their separation diana reasserted her position as a powerful focus for her charitable activities energetic and compassionate way has become her trademark despite the sadness of the marriage breakup diana continued her public duties bringing a sense of style and glamour to her many public appearances [Music] [Applause] between all this though as the reality that her managed to Prince Charles is over the family unit has been split down the middle and reunions are now centered around the two crown princes William and Harry as loving and caring parents Charles and Diana get together when duties permit for occasional visits to their sons away at boarding school for Sarah the regular morning ritual of taking her children off to school hardly raises a flicker of interest between them the ex royal wives of windsor are gradually slipping off the public stage a position they once commanded so notoriously they married into royalty only to reject its privileges and values in favor of a simpler quieter and more honest life the story of the royal wives of windsor captured people's imagination and enthralled millions the world over 150 years ago Queen Victoria visited Aberdeenshire on the river D in Scotland and fell in love with it's very special beauty since then British monarchs have made it the summer retreat when Queen Elizabeth comes to stay on the estate of Balmoral Castle her family come to traditionally it's been a place to relax and hide but in the summer of 91 cracks began to appear on the unblemished facade of the family get-together rumours spread of royal marriages in trouble when Prince Charles heir to the throne married Diana he brought his beautiful young bride to Scotland on their honeymoon alas their loveless marriage ended in separation after 11 years the Queen second son Andrew married Sarah within a few years strains began to appear in their relationship - after nearly six years they separated Sarah moved out of the family home with the two young princesses she realized there was no hope of trying to salvage her stormy marriage to Andrew the pressures were too much for these young women they married their Prince Charming's to discover that life within the royal house of windsor brought loneliness unhappiness and despair [Music] on a trip to India shortly before the official breakup of her marriage diana claimed that the Taj Mahal built out of one man's love for his wife was a healing experience in 1981 Charles had been here himself and had vowed to return one day with his new wife but when she eventually came she was alone a poignant sign that their love for each other hadn't survived the test of time in the months leading up to her official separation from Charles Diana projected the image of an accomplished confident woman a successful member of the royal family in her own right eleven years earlier their marriage was the royal event of the decade the wedding of the century the stuff that fairytales made all she vowed to love and honor but not to obey take the Charles to my wedded husband by falling in love this shy 20 year old took on the responsibility of having to play a major role in the royal family firm as well as providing her husband with heirs to the British throne she was now public property wherever she went millions of eyes would not follow [Applause] the British monarchy is a closed shop except through marriage initiation is a tough business particularly for a commoner when Sarah Ferguson fergie to her friends married Prince Andrew like Diana she had to learn the ropes for herself sadly she too ended up alone Sarah had tried to do it her way and failed she too had hopes and dreams and like Diana she made promises but at 26 she was expected to bring a greater maturity to the role of royal bride on consort she was given away by her father major Juan Ferguson in later years he would become the man she would turn to for advice in the absence of her husband away had seen at the marriage ceremony they spot wedding rings she agreed to obey saying I think it's the man's role to be the leader and he will make the final decisions but that does not mean I am a yes woman I must stress that [Applause] [Music] we made an attractive couple Andrew the dashing naval officer Sarah his exuberant partner she was a breath of fresh air in the stuffy royal circles together they projected a united front yes that's the same grace it's the fact that in the last nine months we've discovered that we worked very well together good friends good team in contrast to the worldly manner of Sarah diana at twenty was far more vulnerable than naively before the engagement was officially announced her shyness and inexperience at the mercy of a Pinecrest was very evident questioned on television before the marriage Charles accepted press intrusions as an inevitable part of the job she felt that it was just something you had to adjust to and the Diana would learn how to deal with it pretty quickly that's if you don't try to work out in your own mind some kind of method for existing and surviving this kind of thing you you would get mad I think and so in the end you do get uses but I deserved your phone that I've known six months of beginning to get used to it yes it is I suppose one of the most important things are going to have to adjust to it isn't it of course yeah and Prince Charles has been a great help to in that lashes very terrorist right Diana's a shy dye image was in sharp contrast to Sarah's mature an extrovert manner as a professional woman Sarah had a career in publishing and was confident of her own identity she seemed far more prepared than Diana for the stresses and strains of marriage in the public eye but Diana's engagement the world was officially introduced to a shy kindergarten teacher daughter of an English Earl she was unblemished untrained and inexperienced her only expectation was to marry well in her new public role the strain began to show at a polo match shortly before their wedding Diana was led away in tears exhausted by the marriage preparations and the constant glare of publicity but Charles was there to give her support when their first son William was born 11 months after their wedding she was happy and relaxed with no signs of strain six months later though during an exhausting trip to Australia in New Zealand it became apparent that Diana was losing a considerable amount of weight Buckingham Palace issued a statement dismissing rumours that Diana had the slimmers disease anorexia nervosa in fact she was suffering from an eating disorder bulimia nervosa after bouts of massive overeating most sufferers induce vomiting but none of these problems tarnished the projected image of a happy and carefree family life [Music] with the pressures of public life Diana never really gained control over her bulimia she was now always the center of attention forever the focus for a media hungry to give a waiting public the photographs they craved [Music] during official tours she would go for days without eating properly pausing only to go for chocolate bar an ambulance had to be called during a visit to Expo 86 in Vancouver Charles was exasperated after she fainted in public and had to be helped away her eating habits found little sympathy with him moments later she reappeared her composure regained the royal show must go on but behind the refined appearance and the thin pale face was a woman in distress there were happier times for Diana when Sarah Ferguson first appeared on the royal scene she joined Diana and Charles on a skiing holiday in Switzerland her appearance confirmed speculation that she was Prince Andrews girlfriend for Diana the prospect of another outsider joining the royal family was a comforting thought Sarah was a fellow commoner who would hopefully bring companionship and support the royal family was relieved when Andrew married Sarah particularly the Queen who was happy to see her second son betrothed after his many adventures with less suitable companions she felt that Andrew had met his match in Sarah boding well for a strong partnership the couple's own mood of vitality and genuine happiness seemed to rub off creating an unusually festive royal send-off overjoyed at his choice of bride the Queen never looked happier and more relaxed it was the last time the royal family would present such a genuinely united front [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] from the beginning Sarah found royal life rather pompous skiing was one of her favorite pastimes and early on in their marriage the York's joined the Wales's on the ski slopes but for Charles Duty comes first particularly when cameras are present there's a definite limit to how Royals should behave in public and it was just too much when his young wife and new sister-in-law were giggly and girly together on this occasion it was clearly Sarah's bad influence Charles obviously thought their conduct unbecoming on and off duty Diana enjoyed Sarah's company in the early days they were frequent visitors to polo matches as Sarah's father trained Charles's polo ponies later though Diana had to officially detach herself from Sarah's unacceptable behavior and they drifted apart was Duchess of York Sarah embraced her royal duties with enthusiasm shortly after their wedding they left on an official visit to Canada Sarah's passion for life in general bravado was greatly admired and the young couples relaxed manner won the hearts of the Canadian people obviously still very much in love they were a huge hit [Music] [Music] there were more surprises to come when the York's arrived at a farewell dinner in Ontario they had delighted Canadians with their informality and it wasn't over yet they were about to rewrite royal protocol on after-dinner speaking the commentators delightful phrase it's wild it's Willy it's Western and good watching like my wife sorry [Applause] before I have my head smashed in I mean my wife I mean my wife's hair it's at times like these that my speech runs out and I've decided that I'm going to give you a surprise I'm fed up with listening to my voice so I'm gonna hand the lectern over to somebody else I don't know what went wrong tonight because normally normally I'd check his speeches and he slipped that in about Willie Western whatever anyway I could not go through a whole tour letting my darling husband of a year and a day do all the public speaking so we agreed for once that I should have the last word tonight you are very lucky to be living here and I can now count myself along with Andrew equally fortunate to be an honorary Canadian early in the Wales's marriage Charles showed off his new wife to the Australian people though still very much in love they made a very different picture to the York's Diana less self-assured and Sarah was shy demure and acquiescing she allowed Charles to guide her in every sense [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Charles's after-dinner speech in Tasmania was poignant the last time I was here was two years ago in 1981 shortly before we were married and at that time everybody was saying good luck and I hope everything goes well and how lucky you are to be engaged to such a lovely lady and my goodness I was lucky enough to marry her and we had many it's amazing what ladies do when your backs in her hiding behind her Prince Diana was still bathing in the glory of being his princess and their love and affection for each other shown through but Diana later became a master of hiding her emotions she became embittered about Charles's unbending attitude when it came to doing exactly as he pleased and she confided in friends that they were beginning to drift apart but to her adoring public Diana was still seen as a happily married woman supporting her husband [Music] the Spanish royal family were particularly welcoming they gave Diana the confidence and reassurance often absent in her relationship with Charles as her confidence grew and her identity changed so did her image her flouncy girlie gowns gave way to a more experienced sophisticated look acknowledging her own sexuality and power to dazzle on state occasions her self-confidence was overwhelming Gahan was the shy dye image of the past she no longer ran from the prying eyes of the media but flaunted her newfound sense of power now she was center stage this was a butterfly bursting out from its chrysalis now an equal to Charles and no longer needing him to guide her on foreign tours Diana and our complemented Charles by more than keeping up her end of their official partnership as ambassadors at large [Music] she was now a personality in her own right striking out and conquering for herself [Music] by showing genuine compassion concern and love Diana became the people's princess their combined performances were stunning as the other royal couple Andrew and Sarah made a handsome double act very different from charles and diana it was their relaxed manner that raised comment even during the most formal occasions Sarah's dress sense also came in for a lot of public attention when they were together they reveled in each other's company but these opportunities were rare as a naval officer Andrew was away at sea for almost nine months of the year their time together was very precious and stolen kisses at polo showed their youthful love for each other but for most of the time they were forced to live apart and Sarah found the stress of being alone hard to bear with a natural zest for life she needed the buzz of excitement when Andrew wasn't around she found life within royal confines rather dull to relieve the tedium she took her pilot's license flying was a way of life for Andrew and she wanted to learn more about her husband's work not to be outdone she also decided to fly helicopters alone a lot of the time home was sunning Hill Park a Texan style house with swimming pool sauna and tennis courts grant status also meant royal duties and Sarah performed these in her own very personal and relaxed manner for independence and modern ideas were at odds with a formality and protocol of the British monarchy living in a gilded cage was not her idea of being royal and as her privileged position opens new doors she was quick to grasp new opportunities for excitement and challenge with Andrew away so much Sarah was often on duty alone she enjoyed the attention and company of men and in androids absence she turned to her father for support a man she had grown very close to after the breakup of her parents marriage when Sarah was a teenager with an absentee husband the media quickly focused on her performance as a single mum in 1986 public attention was caught by questions surrounding the state of the Wales's marriage with press reports maintaining that they were turning away from each other newspaper coverage was quick to point out that Diana was very preoccupied with her two small sons Charles on the other hand was spending less and less time with his family summer holidays as guests of the Spanish royal family was a welcome relief from the confines of British royalty Prince William felt comfortable in the arms of the relaxed and tactile King Juan Carlos Prince Charles preferred to keep his distance [Music] dianna William and Harry enjoyed the easy manner of the Royal House of Spain childhood holidays for Charles had never been like this the concept of familiarity is alien to him he'd been brought up to believe that royalty must maintain a sense of formality and mystique when William was rushed to hospital after an accident at school with a golf club Charles was accused of putting duty before family despite the possibility of surgery he slipped away for an appointment naturally there was strong criticism for his swift departure and the incident proved the Charles was to blame for his bad image as a father when William was out of danger his mother left for an engagement reveille shoes and sweet-natured on the surface diana has in her character an underlying sense of purpose with her high public status she threw her weight behind many social issues during a speech at a family congress in brighton she touched on the importance of the family unit to those mothers fathers and children in lonely isolation or in comfortable conformity who simply do their best with what they have their success is measured by the care they have for each other and I suspect there is no better form of judgment Diana's concern for family life and the loneliness of others identifies her with women under pressure she visited wives of soldiers sent to fight in the Gulf War and spoke from the heart [Music] and to say along with so many others by visiting AIDS patients diana has chosen to take up one of the world's major issues in ten years of public morality the human immunodeficiency virus has attracted more than its fair share of prejudice and ignorance meanwhile Sarah was doing her duty performing in a style the cameras had come to expect unfairly she was lampooned determined to be herself she chose to support good causes but in her own way her lack of regard for the cool stuffy royal performance left her wide open to criticism from Buckingham Palace and I have prepared a speech but I I just am so pleased to be here today I mean it's just wonderful and it's not very much known I think you've done a fantastic job there was fierce criticism that her speeches and general behavior were too unconventional and familiar the press often made disparaging comments on her dress sense [Music] but she was determined to survive the icy disapproval of Buckingham Palace and her confidence to handle the situation and go Yabu at the establishment was demonstrated by her liberated and relaxed fashion of bare legs short skirts and smiles all round she could never be like Diana and often referred to her as Miss goody two-shoes over familiarity with the press was frowned upon Diana would never have done this sadly Sarah's unguarded manner was to be her downfall in a fashionable block of flats in London's Chelsea her passionate nature and zest for life was suddenly exposed to the world when holiday photographs featuring Princess Beatrice and Texan oil millionaire Steve Wyatt were discovered by window cleaner allegations of Sarah's infidelity confirmed gossip that her marriage to Andrew was on the rocks in the eyes of the establishment the lonely royal mother had failed to progress from commoner to royalty Sarah was now convinced the Buckingham Palace was out to get her when Prince Charles broke his arm in a polo accident his marriage also took a turn for the worse leaving hospital followed by Diana he was clearly depressed at the prospect of a long convalescence the mask of coping crumbled when journalists asked how he was feeling but tender loving care he returned without Diana to their Gloucestershire home and into the arms of his close friend Camilla parker-bowles revelations of their relationship revealed Charles's love for another woman Diana found her comfort in the company of a friend James Gill be bugged telephone conversations allegedly with James Gill be revealed just how unhappy she was with her marriage to Charles but the show must always go on for generations the ceremony and privilege of royalty have been carefully maintained to perpetuate the myth that Royals are a world apart something removed and unreachable it's state occasions like trooping the colour the royal family is duty-bound to put on a happy face a well-orchestrated management system creates this facade all the pomp and circumstance is an important part of presenting stability and continuity and giving the public what they expect prying eyes into her family's personal lives is a phenomenon the Queen finds difficult to understand like many of her subjects the British monarch is typically restrained when it comes to inquiring about other people's difficulties keeping up appearances no matter what happens is a vital part of being royal as a mother the Queen finds it difficult to face up to family problems she will go to almost any lengths to avoid confrontation [Music] previous royal generations would have had arranged marriages perhaps this method would have been more successful a bride chosen from one of the European royal houses would at least have known what to expect all royal family occasions must be seen to be enjoyed grandmothers have a difficult enough task holding any family together even without the constant prying of the media under the pressures of a crumbling marriage and in the full glare of publicity Andrew and Sarah tried to continue with their daily lives Andrew carried out his duties as a naval officer while Sarah took their three-year-old daughter Beatrice to and from school after weeks of speculation the announcement of the York separation was finally made after the Queen's solicitor and a team of lawyers had discussed all the details of exactly how it would be arranged including the custody of the children [Music] the pressure on Sara was showing the palace was angry at the way she had handled her affairs all of her public engagements were canceled she was cast as the baddie in the scenario but she continued stoic ly with the daily domestic routines forces within buckingham palace closed ranks stories were leaked that Sara's extravagance in irresponsible lifestyle had caused the marriage breakup now an outcast Sara blamed the palace for having interfered in her private life the press wouldn't let go and it became a war of words but as always the public front was maintained and such upsets outwardly ignored normal royal duties continued reports that the Queen was unhappy were confirmed when palace officials claimed that the knives were out for Fergie newspaper circulations were boosted as more revelations came off the presses Saira owed her public status to that one memorable day when she married Prince Andrew now she was suffering the consequences of taking on a job she couldn't fulfill branded unsuitable for public life Buckingham Palace now closed its doors on her Andrew responded with a round of public engagements outwardly untouched by all the scandal plans were already underway for Sara to move out of the family house with the two young princesses and Inter nted accommodation down the road when asked he declined to answer any questions about his marriage breakup the death of Diana's father Earl Spencer once again focused attention onto the state of the Wales's marriage Diana had been very close to her father at her engagement he was immensely proud of his daughter and very happy for her I saw dad last night he's looking after the radiance Charles arrived at the funeral by helicopter alone this was immediately picked up on by the press as another example of their leading separate lives he then joined his wife and other members of her family at the church the Spencer family's private grief now became public spectacle as newspapers probed for more signs that Charles and Diana were moving further and further apart Diana's personal message of love to her father was simple I miss you dreadfully darling daddy but we'll love you forever Diana still mourning her father's death diana and charles attended his memorial service diana blamed herself for not being at his bedside when he died on a happier occasion she took her two sons to the premiere of the film hook again charles was conspicuous by his absence alone without her husband she is regal yet relaxed diana dispenses with stuffy royal ceremony she knows that her strengths and popularity comes from being a princess of the people alone again this time on an official trip to egypt her elegant style and uncomplicated manner stands out well against the grandeur of the surroundings her visit was a major success Charles preferred the solitude of a Turkish landscape separately they were happier people having first been introduced to foreign tours by Charles Diana now had the self-confidence to perform solo meanwhile Sarah was getting accustomed to her official single mum status she'd regained her composure and self-confidence even ex Royals must keep up appearances the Diana press attention now focused on the more intimate details of her relationship with Charles stories were leaked to the press about the real state of their marriage there were startling revelations [Music] in the face of this unprecedented speculation the palace insisted that it was business as usual the princess was doing her best and hundreds of people turned out to wish her well during her next public engagement at a hospice for cancer sufferers or mercy sign that her personal unease became very apparent than the chairman paid her a warm tribute after all the strain such praise for her work with the sick Amelia seemed to bring her close to tears it was in sharp contrast to the confident mature public image she'd cultivated so successfully over the years outside she gathered her composure to chat to the crowds but then once again her emotions spilled over and she had to retreat to the official car but strength of character seemed to pulled Ayane through the press foundings and the relentless demands of personal appearances shortly after her public breakdown she appeared poised and elegant at trooping the colour signaling that she was after all in complete control of the situation [Music] when the book Diana her true story went on sale it was clear she had a thorough understanding of her own image protection the fairytale princess had suddenly disappeared now the romantic image was shattered Charles was no longer the prince charming of every girl's dreams he was suddenly accused of being selfish and uncaring as a husband and father perhaps his own upbringing was to blame Diana too had a difficult childhood as her own parents divorced and she missed the warmth and security of a united family Charles's parents have stayed together but their relationship with their children has never been close being a monarch is a lonely and demanding role putting duty first the Queen regrets she didn't spend more time with her children when they were small but the Windsors are a close-knit Bunch particularly at a family wedding when they mustered around cousin Lady Helen Windsor for the sake of harmony and the cameras just for one day at least marriage difficulties within the royal family were put to one side as they all turned out in force the bride's mother the Duchess of Kent welcomed the guests [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Sarah had been the one missing wedding guests but as another marriage her eldest daughter Princess Beatrice was a bridesmaid the Queen's granddaughter a new generation of royalty enjoyed the limelight usually taken by her mother but mummy too is heading for more press attention and trouble after revelations of sarah's association with the texan millionaire steve wyatt public interest now centered around another Texan Johnny Bryan his cover as Sarah's financial adviser was blown wide open after photographs appeared of the almost naked couple cavorting on holiday together in the South of France it was a royal expose without precedent and the world's press had a field day Sarah's alleged lover Johnny Bryan failed to get an injunction to stop publication of the very revealing photographs and the media onslaught continued eventually Johnny Bryan and Sarah were successful in winning a court battle in France against intrusion of their privacy by the French freelance photographer Sarah insisted that he was merely her financial adviser and a close and trusted friend of her husband Andrew he was after all dealing on behalf of and with the blessing of the Queen in addition to the client continuing to protest his innocence Johnny Bryan became the center of massive public interest in debate newspapers claimed that the photographs were published to strip away the hypocrisy surrounding the couple's relationship the press were quick to tell their readers that the couple had spent holidays together in Thailand Argentina New York and Eurodisney when the story broke revealing Sara's holiday romance with Johnny Bryan the royal family including Sara Andrew and the children were the holiday guests of the Queen at Balmoral Castle the newspaper headlines exploded like a bombshell of the royal breakfast table immediately the royal publicity machine went on the defensive Prince Andrew claimed that the photographs were a setup stories were hatched that Sara was suffering from a nervous breakdown even the Queen doubted that Sara would ever be able to shoulder official duties again the Duchess of York left Balmoral in disgrace she discreetly drove her children to Aberdeen Airport while the rest of the royal family prepared for church Sarah had to face the reality that the royal family no longer considered her a member with her children she boarded a flight for London and virtual exile [Music] the official line was that Sarah had always intended to leave Balmoral at this time normal royal life resumed in Scotland as though nothing untoward had happened the royal family including Prince Andrew attended morning service at the local church it was just like any other Sunday with the crowds coming out to watch when Sarah arrived at Heathrow there was little thought of future plans except her perhaps visit her mother in Argentina her main concern was to head for the sanctuary of home as quickly as possible outside the gates of her rented home remand a Lodge newsmen were physically pushed aside as Sarah's aides tried to open the gates it was home at last but under siege back in Scotland the royal family led by a waving Prince Andrew were driven sedately home from church the palace announced that no significant developments were expected in the next few days for the moment at least peace and tranquility returned to the Scottish Highlands yet the family holiday was about to be disrupted once more the privacy of the Scottish estate was again invaded by the press transcripts appeared in newspapers of a bugged telephone conversation allegedly between the Princess of Wales endearingly referred to as squidgy and her friend James Gill be their conversation was affectionate evidence suggests that the recording was made while Diana was spending Christmas with the royal family at Sandringham in 1989 more illicit recordings would later allege that Charles had had a telephone conversation at around the same time with his girlfriend Camilla parker-bowles [Music] leaving the Fuhrer behind them Charles and Diana left on an official visit to Korea even a full-blown Korean welcome couldn't lift the prevailing gloom the Sharad was over for all to see even Diana normally a master of hiding her emotions knew the game was offered but as ever a sense of professionalism prevailed and the show went on the necessary demarcation between public duty and private folly was upheld although the Sparkle and life had gone out of the performance now it was a case of just going through the motions now out of the limelight Sarah was improving her bruised image on a trip to Poland for the charity angels international she used her high profile to draw attention to sick and deprived children in Eastern Europe the press had come to watch Sarah but soon found themselves drawn to the plight of children the world has forgotten for someone who once gained a school award for good service and praised for her cheerful personality and interest in people it's not surprising that Diana makes an almost perfect princess tactile by nature she promotes the importance of physical contact and Family Values hugging has no harmful side effects if we all play our part in making our children feel valued the result will be tremendous there are potential huggers in every household always the focus for hugs and kisses she represents a new more accessible type of royal a much-loved icon the public won't want to give up their admiration is genuine their affection spontaneous the Royal House of Windsor had been shaken by recent family crises but not yet broken it was then with cruel irony that Windsor Castle burst into flames with so many aspects of royalty already under question It was as if their home itself was now under attack the billowing smoke could be seen from more than 10 miles away the largest inhabited castle in the world was in the grip of a major disaster the Queen and her sons could only wait and watch as firefighters fought to save what was left of their family home Andrew was at Windsor when the fire broke out and was one of the first on the scene for those who saw the blaze as a symbol of a malaise within the very institution of the monarchy they hadn't long to wait when Charles and Diana attended a gala evening it was the last time they were seen together publicly before the Prime Minister John Major addressed the House of Commons it is announced from Buckingham Palace that with regret The Prince and Princess of Wales have decided to separate their royal highnesses have no plans to divorce and their constitutional positions are unaffected this decision has been reached to make ibly and they will both to continue to participate fully in the upbringing of their children memories of two royal marriages were rapidly going up in smoke a grand spectacle for some but taking with it the hopes and expectations of a majority who see the British monarchy as a point of stability in a world of change the Queen attended a banquet at the guild hall shortly after the fire and summed up the feelings of a wife and mother whose family and home had suffered incalculable damage her comments were poignant 1992 is not a year on which I shall look back with undiluted pleasure in the words of one of my most sympathetic correspondents it has turned out to be an annus horribilis [Music] the fires devastation was a sobering reflection of a family gutted by dissent scandal and bitter accusations all the Queen's grandchildren are now products of broken marriages the experiment of bringing commoners into the House of Windsor has failed and royalty can no longer set an example of happy family life two young wives have gone and all that's left is the shell of respectability and tradition it had all begun so well royal marriage is off to a good start with spontaneous signs of affection and happiness grandchildren heirs to the throne and a promised future built on mutual support and public partnership yet set against the power and ceremony of British royalty the dreams faded the husband's failed to live up to expectations and it was all too much for the wives of windsor they were a new breed young independent and unwilling to bow to a system they considered stuffy and outdated they received little guidance from within the palace and had to find their own way neither had set out to challenge time-honored customs but their effect on the whole image of the British monarchy has been dramatic together they have opened up a new line of questioning on an institution that must move with the times if it's to survive into the 21st century [Music] maybe the Windsor boys were just stepping stones to a privileged lifestyle but Diana and Sarah duo their men folks something their status and their notoriety is the ex royal wives of windsor diana and sarah will fight hard to maintain their influence over the children as mothers to the queen's grandchildren they still have an important role to play in the lives of the next royal generation [Music] you
Channel: Absolute History
Views: 63,532
Rating: 4.7003059 out of 5
Keywords: history history documentary funny history fun history school, timeline, princess diana, diana, princess, sarah ferguson, sarah, prince charles, princess of wales, princess diana and prince charles, princess diana and, diana princess of wales, diana and sarah, sarah ferguson and princess diana, princess diana crash, prince harry, princess diana best friends, princess diana killed, prince, princess diana car crash paris video, princess diana final moments
Id: 42AJalF0fMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 36sec (3276 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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