Could Camilla Be Queen? | Real Royalty With Foxy Games

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[Music] on a visit to Santiago in Chile Camilla parker-bowles hunter of foxes and mistress of the Prince of Wales found that she had unexpectedly become the quarry it was a predicament well known to her late rival Princess Diana she was hounded and harassed wherever she went Diana will pay a terrible price for her fame now the tables are turned six thousand miles from home Camilla finds that she is now the center of attention [Music] dianna manipulated the press but often resented unwelcome attention [Music] for the pursued the thrill of the chase soon lost its attraction on holiday Diana often needed help from officials to throw off the press a few years later Camilla - needed VIP protection Camilla's secretly visited her old friend Lucia Santa Cruz who cheer introduced her to Prince Charles in the early 70s and thus began a tantalizing saga of love and betrayal Highgrove country home of the prince of wales in july 1997 it was the setting for a lavish 50th birthday party for Camilla such an honor exposed her to a new level of public scrutiny I shouldn't think Prince Charles got the slightest clue it could possibly be like to be Camilla how could he the whole rarefied way in which he was brought up the rarefied way in which he lives in 1992 Camilla was revealed as Charles's mistress in a shattering book written by Andrew Morton to whom Diana had dictated the story of her unhappy marriage following publication Camilla was invited into the Royal fold at a polo match but Camilla became the most reviled woman in Britain Camilla has a thankless role to play it's one has she has to have huge sympathy for this for this woman because she's always going to bask in Diana's shadow she's always going to be seen as the wicked stepmother figure of fairy tales therefore that's a very very difficult image to change when you come to public acceptance Charles met Camilla at a polo match when they were both single polo a sport for the wealthy had an appeal for seductive girls as well as for officers and gentlemen Charles would fill in his diary with polo fixtures before his public duties he enjoyed the physical thrill of the game it was the perfect social environment for a prince used to having his own way until the tragedy of his divorce and Diana's death forced him to review his life what has changed Charles fundamentally actually is Donna's death I think he is an enormous Lee changed man I think that's thrown him into an incredible state of the soul I mean he's analyzing the mistakes he's made he's taking on the grief of his sons he's feeling all the guilt about what he did knows it that's huge baggage the birth of their sons William in 1982 and Harry two years later added the demands of parenthood to a failing marriage shortly after this New York and holiday with the Spanish royal family in 1986 Charles went off alone to Balmoral and to his mistress Camilla keeping up the false image of a happy family placed a great strain on Diana in 1987 they were apart for three months Charles ignored press reports until the Queen intervened he blamed the chill in the marriage on Diana's illness that was Charles's Charles's great downfall was but was the belief that he could actually put out one kind of is a one view of his character that this was the man who was the loving caring man for the nursing the wife through a very difficult period of time when in fact the truth was totally different and he actually believed that he could get away with it Diana was told to conceal the marriage rift for the sake of Queen and country Charles to pretend it all was well I'm quite sure that as in the past has happened and this is a history of the royal family going back two or three hundred years that the prince was expected to have a mistress what happened I think with Diana was that she said to hell with this I'm not I'm not going to do this I'm not gonna do lay down under a committer or indeed lay down under Charles but I'm going to I'm gonna be somebody who's my own woman and if he's gonna do that sort of thing I'm gonna fight back why right - in 1990 on their first royal visit to Hungary recently liberated from communism diana was already contemplating revenge against her husband after the morton book where diana had expressed worries about the relationship of Charles and Camilla that he knew perfectly well that all the panelists spin-doctors had been saying that the wealth and anything at all and this was all part of Diana's fantasy well they couldn't possibly have said that without his knowledge and approval for him then to come out and say he had done it was more than hypocrisy I mean it was an inhuman thing to say about your wife who clearly was under very considerable stress over this marriage and such it was nonsense she's not very well you know it is 300 years of arrogant inbreeding and getting your own way that created that because I don't think he's a bad man but I do think that he's a man who's just been brought up in a tradition which we are no longer prepared to accept as something that is realistic [Music] Charles believed he was the heir not just to the House of Windsor but to a thousand years of monarchy his position and royal upbringing set him apart waiting for the throne isolated him further his destiny was dictated by a family tradition begun by Queen Victoria and continued by her grandson George surface what happened there in the beginning of the 20th century with George v from Queen Mary was that there was a decision I think quite deliberately taken by George v that the monarchy should adapt itself to democracy what we're going to do we're going to symbolize the one thing that all our people have in common now the thing that everybody had in common in the until the 1960s was family you all belong to a family you're a product for family we're all going to get married very few people didn't get married and so on and the House of Windsor did this and he did it extraordinary successfully george v and queen mary and later on george the sixth and Queen Elizabeth now the Queen Mother very very successfully embodied typical middle-class bourgeois family values it was a bourgeois monarchy but some of the children rebelled notably the eldest son Edward the Prince of Wales he defied his parents family values with a string of married mistresses there was Thelma Furness and Freda Dudley Ward and Wallis Simpson for whom he gave up the throne now there are always exceptions there was the exception of course of Edward the eighth who was driven from the throne because he wouldn't fulfill this particular set of values he would not fulfill this image of the family monarchy but the trouble is you see once you set yourself that standard if you then veer from it you suffer and you suffer terribly behind a facade of pomp and pageantry the royal family tried to conceal its internal divisions and the behavior of its more wayward members they might have decided from the 1960s well why don't we admit that the family is no longer as powerful as symbol as it used to be you know the divorce rates are increasing there are more broken homes or a more illegitimate children that sort of shift the image a little bit and they didn't what they did instead they constantly pipat it they're hyped it within the royal family they hiked it supremely of course with the marriage of Charles and Diana their marriage was sold as a fairy tale it was perceived to have said we are morally virtuous and then it's Conda has discovered not to be morally virtuous and that charge of hypocrisy was thrown at it and it has stuck and they will find it very difficult to get rid of it Tamila was also following a family tradition of a special type of royal service her great-grandmother alice Keppel had been King Edward's mistress she was a very vivacious very attractive very charming woman but he's sensuous kind of woman there was Italian blood in her family and so in a way she caught his eye and he never really looked back he was very taken with her she was the perfect King's mistress King Edward the seventh was a very restless very difficult man she knew exactly how to handle him so she was as I say the perfect mistress for a king for a man like him Edward the seventh who know the man with so many mistresses that there were allegedly a sort of rules as to how the mistress should behave and one of them sort of explained how a mistress was supposed to behave that you curtsied first called him Sir and then jumped into bed there was actually a sort of court etiquette for the mistress in those days it was no scandal about that kind of thing the general public didn't know about it at all if photographs of them appeared in British newspapers then her face will be airbrushed out you would see her hat you'd see her dress but you wouldn't actually see who it was in that way the newspapers were very discreet about it Alice Kapil played the perfect wife but rumors surrounded the birth of her second child there were two daughters was violet never Sonia and as the second daughter Sonia was born after Alice Keppel had met the then Prince of Wales it's quite likely that he was her father no one can know this kind of thing for sure but I think it is more than likely that the future King Edward the seventh was Sonia kept his father if true then Sonia passed on royal blood to her granddaughter Camilla born in 1947 the Year Alice Keppel died Camilla was the first child of Sonya's daughter Rosalind and major Bruce SH and unlike Charles Camilla had a happy childhood with her parents sister and brother they lived a charmed life of the country set in their comfortable former rectory the lanes near Lewis in Sussex Camilla enjoyed ponies parties and fun in the swimming pool after attending a local preparatory school Camilla completed her education at the elite Queensgate School in Kensington like many of her classmates Camila became a debutante in search of a wealthy and important husband her eventual marriage to a courtier would bring her close to the royal circle and especially close to Prince Charles the Prince of Wales was then a young bachelor searching for a bride he could not confide in his parents and needed an older and wiser figure to be his soulmate his great uncle Lord Mountbatten filled that role in 1977 Royal Jubilee year the Queen and Prince Philip were occupied with royal duties that batten took the opportunity to guide the young Prince Charles often visited broad lands Mountbatten's Hampshire home his granddaughter Amanda knatchbull was considered a potential royal bride Divina Sheffield was another of Charles's girlfriends he was also linked with actress Susan George and the aristocratic Lady Jane Wellesley there was no shortage of girlfriends including Sabrina Guinness but Lady Tryon kanga was a married confidante who became a rival to Camilla in fact several married women became involved with Charles but Camilla occupied a special place in his heart she was more than a lover giving him the comfort and warmth he had been denied in childhood [Music] Chavan Camila began their long affair in October 1972 after an evening out at the exclusive London Club Annabelle's in the heart of Mayfair Camilla was a wealthy girl about town she enjoyed all the freedom of a young liberated woman of the sixties she was already experienced with men one of the most famous romances in history started in an unremarkable block of flats in Stackhouse on Cundy street where Camilla lived at the time at broad lands the sophisticated Camilla was enchanted by the immature young Prince Charles said society diurese Troy strong was earnest with a boyish grin and a non sophisticated sense of humor prankish thoughtful kind and shy he began a naval career that would complete his formal education and take him away from the girl he loved he would be thousands of miles from home on the high seas as a serving officer when he heard that Camilla was engaged to Andrew Parker Bowles they had a high-society wedding in July 1973 Camilla had won the most handsome man in her social sphere Charles feared he had lost her forever really the big mistake was not to have married her in the first place that of course has been his life all the way through his he's not been able to make up his own mind he's dallied and differed listen to the Duke of Edinburgh disaster for anybody I would have thought no other human being lives like that and unfortunately it was his undoing very early on should have married her then the parker-bowles lived at Bali hide Manor in Wiltshire to be close by Charles bought Highgrove under the cover of royal engagement Camilla turned up regularly Charles's relationship with a married woman was acceptable in royal circles Charles and Camilla also met at Hall place the Hampshire home of Camilla's grandmother Sonya the probable daughter of Edward the seventh enter now Charles's innocent fiancee Lady Diana Spencer she knew nothing at first of his secret life an inexperienced 19 year old Diana had accepted Camilla's friendship at face value no one would tell her the truth the royal family in her own relatives remained silent about Charles's mistress as her relationship with Charles progressed Diana grew suspicious of Camilla's influence over him Charles left for a pre-arranged tour of Australia shortly after their engagement in 1981 Diana's distress was passed off as the anxiety of a young girl facing the absence of her future husband however the awful truth was beginning to intrude on her happiness Diana had heard Charles take a last-minute phone call from Camilla before they left his office in Buckingham Palace knowing that Camilla was in constant contact with Charles Diana's tears fell as his plane took off in Australia Charles and Camilla's calls were bugged the incident was dismissed as a hoax but the press was suspicious when Charles entertained a blonde assumed to be Diana on the Royal train in sidings near the Parker Bowles home it made the front page news there were official denials over Diana's presence she knew it wasn't her and must have suspected the woman was Camilla Anna's love for Charles blinded her to reality and in July 1981 Charles and Diana were married at the wedding of the century diana was the most beautiful bride you could ever imagine said a commentator but diana knew Charles's secret few noticed the mounted escort Camilla's husband Andrew Parker Bowles head of the royal household cavalry an officer and a gentleman his discretion was assured after two nights at broad lands Charles's former love nest the newlyweds honeymoon Don Britannia Charles took with him souvenirs of Camilla the time of the honeymoon was both a romantic time but it was also a time of extreme bitterness but and and painful memories there was one occasion on the Royal Yacht Britannia where she opened Charles's Diaries and two pictures of Camilla fluttered to the floor diana later informed morton her biographer that she had suffered dreadfully from bulimia on her honeymoon cruise she blamed Charles's infatuation with his mistress Dinah's obsession with Kamel agree to the point of psychological illness at Balmoral later that summer diana hid her mental state from the cameras she knew her husband could not give her the love she craved and that he would always hunger for the woman he could not have the Prince Charles has a really very interesting chart because everything you look at in regard to women and relationships says I want what I can't have I have this romantic dream and that I want what's just out of reach again he shares that with a lot of men he's not very different there so maybe that had Camilla being the wife that he would have naturally looked for something that would give him just that extra sense of his only I could have this person and my life would be perfect what is fascinating is that this Camilla's son and her V and her moon the two very key components in a in an astrological chart are in exactly the same sign as Diana so I mean you have some very similar connections from chart to chart so I often felt that had he married Camilla Donna might have been the great love of his life the Queen did not invite Camilla to Balmoral her home in Scotland who was left to Charles his grandmother the Queen Mother to entertain Camilla and her husband at her home at Burke Hall a convenient location close by for Charles and Camilla to meet Diana believed that she had allowed a special telephone line to be installed though that Charles could phone Camilla without fear of being bugged in time Diana grew to distrust and dislike the Queen Mother outwardly for The Prince and Princess of Wales the royal show went on their dancing displays enchanted Australians first in 1983 and in 1985 when Diana stunned onlookers by wearing a royal heirloom as a jeweled headband and again in 1988 later Charles returned home to Camilla and the more traditional role of a prince with a mistress I think Charles's problem is that he appeared early on to be a very new age modern man in touch with the values of his own generation as he's grown older it's become clearer that he's actually a very traditional royal and in this department he's a very traditional royal in that he famously said to Diana do you expect me to be the first Prince of Wales in history not to have a mistress when she started kicking up a fuss about Camilla Diana turned out to be not the brainless bimbo that he thought he'd married but a thoroughly modern woman who stamped her foot publicly and became a potent icon for feminists suddenly but also a rather traditional woman and that she wanted a strong family unit with strong family values he was betraying both those things and I think as the first Prince of Wales to grow up in the mass media age the intrusive age he's not just out of touch with his own times your husband but he's trying to live an impossible contradiction in an age when you just can't get away with that so I don't think the deception would be any easier now in an age when people openly live with people who not their wives only one of those people wants to be head of the Church of England that's Prince Charles and he has to live by those rules before Prince Andrew's wedding to Sarah Ferguson in 1986 Charles dismissed Diana's bodyguard for falling in love with his wife yet he and Camilla were having a full-blown affair royal rejoicing hid the family's concern Charles and Diana hardly spoke during the entire wedding celebrations and came out of Buckingham Palace separately to wave off the York's holding pageboy William Diana knew that Charles was lost to her behind the joy for her friend Fergie now a royal bride diana was already consulting astrologer penny thornton as she feared for her own future she suspected charles met Camilla in France Spain Turkey Switzerland and in Italy Florence was where Diana believed Charles and Camilla revisited royal history at her great grandmother Alice kepples secret villa a gift from King Edward the seventh Camilla took art lessons to share Charles's passion for painting she encouraged him he took pride in his results it was an ideal partnership maybe if Charles and Camilla were to go on not being able to live openly together but seeing each other most of the time and having periods of absence from each other they would be able to sustain this very satisfactorily for them both say it was always have this rather romantic passionate edge to the relationship at a birthday party for Camilla's sister held at only Lodge home of lady Annabelle Goldsmith Diana confronted her rival he expected to go on his own Diana insisted on coming and they went in the car together and she remembers him as being very uncomfortable and so she confronted Camilla she asked her about about the relationship Camilla was evasive and from that moment onwards all Charles's friends and that what she called dismissively the Highgrove said continue to perpetuate this lie that Charles and Camilla were just friends in June 1990 the dangers of polo were evident when the prince and enthusiastic player fell heavily sustaining a badly broken arm that needed surgery diana continued the charade of the caring wife visiting her husband in hospital and taking him home to recuperate at Highgrove once there diana left and camilla nurse Charles the broken bone refused to heal and cause Charles such pain that another operation was necessary a specialist had to reset the injured arm Camela secretly visited Charles in hospital diana spent much of her time at the hospital meeting other patients but afterwards she repeated the practice performance of a dutiful wife aware that the cameras were clicking and the press were covering Charles's departure concealing a sham marriage in which kamila was the third party they went home kamila would enter through high groves gardens the moment Dianna had gone diana lost her home as well as our husband to kamila i mean i think a lot of people who not only cared about diana but cared about the whole notion of the royal family being able to choose a nineteen-year-old bride for the future king and have her give birth to his children and then be so on so immensely dumped and have her heart broken you know in some ways we understand why Prince Charles did what he did he had to have a wife he had to have children he couldn't have the woman he wanted but she Camilla she was you know a country housewife bringing up her children she's the one who should have stepped aside and said oh no I can't do this to this girl I can't do this you know because I'm decent and human and I can't watch this girl suffering and becoming suicidal and mentally unstable and ruin her life and her children's life Camille is the one who should have stepped aside eventually servants revealed details of Charles's conduct Camilla had destroyed the fairytale royal mistresses are exceedingly unpopular there have been some popular royal mistresses but it's very very they're very very rare role mistresses are unpopular first-first because their marriage breakers and certainly most women in a population will always side against somebody who is seen as a marriage brick Diana had an affair with guards officer James Hewitt over a period of five years she fantasized about breaking free from her marriage but at that stage it was an impossible dream there were other loves to possibly seven during her lifetime all hidden beneath a veneer of Duty Diana took her public position seriously she performed the traditional roles like being colonel-in-chief of the royal hampshire regiment with grace and with a smile she was the ideal choice as Princess of Wales and future Queen Diana delighted in criticisms of Camilla who was older badly groomed a much less attractive than herself when you see her in the flesh she she does have something special she's got strong features she may not be a conventional beauty the great endearing thing about her is she doesn't care anyway you know she's got a on and she's got hair all funny like a sniper so for look and then she's got her wellies on I mean one tabloid newspaper recently put a picture of Camilla beside a horse and said which one would you rather marry or which one would you rather go to bed with she has had to put up with some brutal publicity in America want some saw television show where someone described her as looking like a bag full of spanners which baffled Americans because they don't have spenders over there but anyway she has had to put up with some pretty gross insults about her looks I think Charles himself is quite sloppy in his personal habits he's very bad with paperwork but of course he has a support system he has to valence paid for by the state to clean up his clothes after him and wash his socks and make sure he's got clean Underpants every day and help him get dressed in the mornings so maybe he quite likes amid the formal world in which he lives this kind of informality that she brings to his life Charles and Camilla enjoyed secret rendezvous all over Britain they regularly met at country houses such as Guerra B Hall in Yorkshire home of the Earl of Halifax Eton Hall the Cheshire estate of the Dowager Duchess of Westminster was another a familiar retreat was north more than the Norfolk stud farm of Hugh and Emily van cut some close friends protected the couple's privacy the famously elegant stately home of the Earl and Countess of Shelburne beau wood was a favorite meeting place Earl Shelburne challenged newspaper reports of their visits to protect Charles psychologically it's very important to have a group of friends who will see you as a couple and acknowledge you as a couple and give you not just the emotional the psychological support but also lend perhaps homes and opportunities where everything can be kept in its concealed situation primarily so it's not to upset anyone else it's not so just so much deceitful as protective behind the fences of Camilla's home middle WIC house Charles was a regular visitor on one occasion the press got wind that the heir to the throne was staying over huddled under rugs in the back seat of a chauffeur-driven car Prince of Darkness was forced to experience the indignity of a hasty escape into the night impervious to this kind of evidence Charles's office continued to undermine Diana's credibility we were being told that Charles and Diana were trying to get their life back together again and this was after the Andrew Morton book had first revealed Diana's worries about Camilla and before the actual breakup so they were due to go on a royal tour of career and we were asked to hold off any kind of criticism of Charles and Diana meanwhile the spin-doctors of the palace were saying that Charles was trying to help Diana through this very difficult period of time that she was having and that all this fantasy that she was having about Camilla being Charles's mistress was subject with the problem of her illness and her bulimia so they were all bad-mouthing her like mad a sheduled royal visit to Korea in early November 1992 went ahead but the tour was a mistake the couple offended their hosts with their personal animosity towards one another quite simply Charles and Donna could not stand each other's present it was the most disastrous public relations exercise and it was quite clear that the two loathed each other I mean you need a little bit of pictures and they will call the gloves and all sorts of awful thing [Music] the poisonous atmosphere between the couple meant that they were never allowed to represent Britain abroad again the rift between them was now beyond repair in disguise [Music] we decided that the time was to come out and say that this is actually the truth of this relationship that all the bad-mouthing of Diana and the alleged fantasy of Camilla she was in fact true was in fact true and that she was right and that the palace were putting out the most terrible smokescreen no doubt they didn't believe it but that Sir Charles in fact had been doing all the things that Diana said the mirror newspaper exposed the story of a taped telephone call between Charles and Camilla made in 1989 pretty quickly became clear that this was indeed Charles and Camilla it was what the person who brought it to us said it was I thought that it was actually a very good imitation of a caricature of the Prince of Wales which indeed it was because it was caricature in himself the couple talked in intimate language and made private jokes that showed Charles had a schoolboy mentality have not forgotten that appalling thing about wanting to come back as a Tampax that's going to stick to him like various aspects of the live Monica Lewinsky affair will always stick to Clinton I think there's a lot of parallels between Charles and the Clinton episode the president the United States like the future king who's also going to be head of the church is supposed to and expected to set some kind of moral example and both of them have suffered enormously on that front they've both been sorely embarrassed by publication of transcripts of very seedy see me tapes in Charles's case it's something that he's going to find very hard to shed outwardly nothing changed at middle wick house but Camilla's secrets continued to unravel in the press it seemed such an invasion of privacy but it was quite clear that these two had a tremendously sexy and passionate relationship and that she was able to touch those parts of Java's some people hadn't been able to reach which is his mind his eroticism all that kind of thing so they clearly have a very very strong physical sexual base and that's a you know a wonderful factor for and an enduring factor for a long-term relationship diana feared that she would be divorced against her wishes and lose her children to the royal family she took the unwise step of going public in a shuttering television interview she confessed to an affair with Major James Hewitt but blamed kamila for the breakdown of her marriage although Charles had spent a lifetime dictated by duty and ceremony he too had destroyed the mystique of the monarchy in revelations to his biographer Jonathan Dimbleby televised in 1994 he admitted adultery with Camilla he arts and truthfully about the adultery the immediate reaction was very well done in this is very brave of him to admit his adultery it wasn't anything of the sort because it unleashed all those demons of the lies that had gone before in retrospect Charles's confession of adultery on the Dimbleby program in 1994 was the biggest mistake he's ever made it's quite ironic because Diana actually benefited from being honest and making honest confessions and people loved her for her faults as much as her strengths when Charles tried the same tactic of being honest it just rebounded on him hugely and of course he didn't think at all about what impact this would have on his own children let alone the parker-bowles children all sorts of people were involved who he didn't think of that moment of course precipitated the eventual divorce between the parker boses Andrew Parker Bowles had put up for 20 years with the Prince having an affair with his wife because he thought it was his national duty I think to do so but that was the last straw for him Charles making this so public did he think of Andrew Parker boulders reaction when he gave that interview I don't think so but the divorce proceedings followed very hard upon although a Catholic Andrew Parker Bowles remarried soon after his divorce came through his new wife Rosemarie enjoys imputations to Worrall a skirt and visits to royal homes now divorced Camilla with the help of Charles's good friend Lord Halifax bought a new country home ray Milhouse 10 miles from Highgrove Charles redesigned the garden set in 17 acres Camilla fell in love with the Wiltshire mansions ornate rooms it's antique furniture and the king-sized canopy bed at the time of his divorce in 1996 Charles and Camilla were secretly photographed together at the Welsh home of their friends Nick and Sookie parravicini the press had been tipped off by a mystery woman [Music] in June 1997 Camela crashed her car driving to Highgrove to meet Charles she escaped prosecution which led to accusations of special treatment because of her status as a royal mistress [Music] I know that Prince Charles has advised her which is the same as instructing her not to read about herself in the newspapers because if you read about yourself you're going to get hurt and that seems typical of their relationship actually this is really do it or don't do this and and you won't have to read that and I'm sure that she respects that because she respects most of things he says when camilla asked the newly-engaged Diana if she intended to hunt the princess suspected that Charles and Camilla secretly met through the hunting fraternity Camilla is at her best on horseback showing the humorous side of her personality that Charles loves I think the fact that Camilla exudes the kind of quality of friendliness of ease I mean she's prepared to she's prepared to muck in with Charles she does have tremendous airs and graces she's coming from the same place as he's coming from and he feels very comfortable with her through the National Osteoporosis Society Camilla has found a suitable cause to launch her charitable work it's apparent that Camila in her own walk of life is tremendously popular she does a lot of fundraising the people charities she works with she's very outgoing and people adore her so she's very fitted to the role she could easily carry off an ambassador as type role equally as well as Diana not everyone would agree Diana's ability to empathize with suffering wherever she found it was unique and cannot and should not be imitated strangely Diana seemed to have some sympathy for Camilla once her marriage was over and she was a free woman I had lunch with Diana just the two of us about nine months before she died when she was in more mellow mood about the whole issue of Charles and Camilla she'd relax since the divorce settlement she wasn't quite a spiky in what she said about Charles and she wasn't quite as spikey as what she said about Camilla the famous third person in their marriage and she said to me look why don't they get married I'm past caring was how she put it she quite as she wished Charles reasonably well-liked workers shouldn't he marry Camilla [Music] these enduring memories of diamas last campaign against landlines in sarajevo just days before her death have elevated the late princess to a near religious status but how is her death affected Charles a great deal of trouble has been removed from his life and that's clear a great deal of trouble and it was only going to get worse they were battling over the children battling for their affections I mean Diana was you know she was weak in many ways she was deeply flawed person she knew that we knew that and it's quite ridiculous to make her out to be a saint she was human if nothing else for several months after Diana's death Camilla stayed hidden away comparisons between the princess and the woman who destroyed her marriage were frequent in the winter she and Charles hunted they were careful not to be photographed together aware of public sentiment after Diana's death Charles and Camilla put on hold their plans to appear in public together instead they week ended at secret locations such as Klan over in Wales where they stayed at the secluded leafy estate of Robert Herbert and his wife Philippa there has been that element of thrill and secrecy which is undeniable I mean no one who's ever had an affair and love affair would deny that there is a thrill in using code names and secret trysts and it adds to you know the priests always you know we can meet on Saturday night and nobody knows but us and and then you know some are set apart a magnificent bedroom suite and give them their privacy and tiptoe around them and there must be an huge element being terribly special for all these years Charles says Camila is the non-negotiable part of his life his staff now have to include her when planning his private diary there's no doubt at all that he set up this network and he's plenty people working for him he doesn't have to actually make phone calls himself to say I'll be down at offers too and perhaps you'd like to invite so-and-so to dinner he's got a whole army of people only too happy to do that for him and of course they have grudgingly come to accept Camila too at bowwood house she is welcomed by Ireland counter Shelburne but some aristocrats put loyalty to the Queen first and avoid camilla camilla isn't really necessarily the top layer of aristocracy so it's probably quite tough for her trying to fit in here you'll have Prince Charles who it's of course the most VIP of them all then they all have this whole layer of Squire R key which is what he's enjoying their hospitality when he's down here where does Camilla fit into that she's neither one nor the other she's great on horseback but around the dinner table don't know she hasn't got quite the same breeding since his arm injury Charles plays less polo but when he does everything has to be right for him in recognition of his special status as the Prince of Wales everything has to bend for Charles and that includes Camilla's wishes and Camilla's life and there's no doubt that she this isn't speculation I know this she defers to him if he's in the room she will dress him as Sir the same as everyone else and I mean I don't know about what they get up to in private although we've had a glimpse of that through the Camilla gate tape but I mean it's clear that he is he is the lord master he is the ultimate chauvinist and she allows him to be that Charles knows that the key to the public approval of Camilla as his partner is the acceptance of her by William and Harry but he is cautious charles kept his sons away from Camilla while Donna was alive for fairly obvious reasons I think the late princess would have taken a very dim view of her boys cozying up to the woman she regarded as the woman who'd broken up her marriage it's very difficult I think from their point of view they want their father to be happy and clearly this is the woman who makes their father happy at the same time they must be aware this is also the woman that ruined their mother's life in her view and that's going to be very difficult for them to forget when Camilla held a party for Charles at Highgrove William was invited and so was Harry but I think of the two boys it's probably Harry who feels most unable to meet this woman who he felt made his mother terribly terribly unhappy I think William even though William would appear to be a chip off the old block in the sense of his mother they had very very similar characteristics I think he's of an age where he feels that life changes life must go on and that tolerance and acceptance a part of that I mean I think he has a more mature attitude one of Charles's best love sanctuaries is the Glenn asked estate in Wales home of Sean leg Burke lady-in-waiting to Princess Anne he often visits with William and Harry but camilla is currently not accepted at Glenn husk and stays nearby with the Herbert's at clan over this has always been his safest haven of all he loves Charlotte burke and her husband William and they love having him around and it's comfortable it's far me it's all the things he loves there's a river running through it there's horses there shooting there's everything that he and Harry and little William love the leg Burke's daughter Tiggy is a valued companion to William and Harry Diana however was very jealous of their obvious attachment to her here is this immensely warm and fun-loving and sporty and wonderful girl effectively taking over Diana's children the human beings she valued most the only human beings to ever give her unconditional love but Diana's sons have suffered the irreparable loss of their devoted mother before they were grown up on a visit to Bhutan in 1998 Charles continues his work and to find time for himself and for his hobbies [Music] he hopes that one day the public will accept Camila as his partner she is very very important in Charles's life she is the sustaining factor helping him to deal with his grief over Diana to help the boys she is the one strong stable emotional factor in his life and that over a period of time by a sort of quietness by a kind being there sort of having her thrust him in front of everybody's noses she will gain the respect time is a great healer time is enormous ly important than this there's no need to rush it in the eyes of the church Camilla is still married remarriage to Prince Charles would raise religious and constitutional issues could she ever become queen I think it's interesting that when people say Charles should have married Camilla in the first place 30 years ago when he differed and didn't marry her and she married Andrew Parker Bowles we were to remember that probably she was unsuitable then she was not really a candidate for bride a she had a bit of a past be she wasn't really blue blooded enough so he could never really have married Camilla in the first place now he could there's no need he's got his heirs which would have been the problem then it doesn't have to marry a blue blooded divorcee for 30 years she's shown that she is the main woman in his life he's called her non-negotiable part of his life on whatever basis married or not so I think we I think we'll see them moving towards marriage while the press produced fantasy photos of King Charles and Queen Camilla the couple takes advice from government ministers about their future jazz is reluctant to push the situation fearing a crisis but I think that he's wrong myself to think that public opinion will continue as Diana's death recedes into the background to tolerate a future king really living in sin with somebody else's ex-wife which is the situation at the moment I think he wants to continue that way I think she would want to get married more than him but I don't think he can maintain that status quo Camilla I think he's now permanently the mistress she is now permanently behind the scenes she will never become queen she will never have a coronation there there will be always a ghost Queen Diana by a deep paradox Diana's death put her back into the royal family and then a funny kind of way she's Queen from beyond the grave some suspect that camilla asked her friend Lucia Santa Cruz to help her have her marriage to a Roman Catholic annulled though that she would no longer have the stigma of divorce over her head but even then would Charles marry her I think it's because she's been so uncomplaining over the years that she's still there she's still trucking on you know that's people think oh this is most enduring love affair I mean its availability isn't it I mean sadly she's there it's all on a plate for him of course he amuses him and stains him and they shared great great loves like horse riding and hunting and Gardens and so on but but essentially she's there being accepted as the royal mistress in Charles's life maybe as much as she can realistically hope for just as Diana's death was the ultimate tragedy becoming Queen Camilla may be the ultimate fantasy you [Music] you you
Channel: Real Royalty
Views: 473,541
Rating: 3.8003216 out of 5
Keywords: camilla parker bowles, camilla parker bowles interview, camilla parker bowles documentary, prince charles interview, prince charles and camilla wedding, prince charles, royal family, duchess of cornwall, princess diana, royal documentary, royal documentary 2019, royal documentaries youtube, charles and camilla, charles and camilla wedding, royal wedding, royal wedding 2018
Id: t_rJ8n8vvIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 51sec (2991 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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