Prince Charles & Princess Diana visit St Gemma's Hospice Leeds 1982

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[Music] in 1958 so Gemma's school was converted into a nine bed hospice for the terminally ill since then a two million pound forty five bird extension has been built which became operational last August today March the 30th 1982 since Gemma's received a royal accolade by being opened by the Prince of Wales on their first visit to Lee's local radio station broadcast live coverage of the royal visit to those not able to be there for the invited guests and the waiting crowds it will be an event to be remembered the Duke of Norfolk awaits the royal arrival together with the Duchess and sister Mary slow the excitement mounts as the Royal Medicaid arrives at sent Gemma's [Music] the Duke and Duchess of Norfolk received the prince and princess before going into the hospice the prince and princess now enter the hospice where patrons and guests are presented professor Richards and professor Wilks chat with the lower berth tenant so William Bulma the royal party proceeds to the north agree for the unveiling of the commemorative plaque [Music] [Music] and now the Bishop of Leeds welcomes the royal couple this caring and compassionate venture listen Gemma's is a deeply chimerical one and counts on the support of all faiths and all religions so it involves us all together in one of the most important new apostolate of our time today for you and your princess have brought it new inspiration that we can only say God bless preserved in the world you bring people in this community here piece and the staff piece amongst the patience and peace in our own heart in Royal Highnesses my great delight last year can lead one in unveil this Pike to commemorate this formal opening of our service ladies and gentlemen my wife and I are delighted to have this all-too-brief opportunity of coming to visits and Jenna's hearing leads and the one of the patients that we were talking to just now in one of the wards are saying that is quite a difficult place to find if we're not exactly conversant with some of the streets of Leeds and I can only say that I died whether we would have find it if we hadn't had a policeman leading us here but having seen a little bit of the place already we have been enormous ly impressed by what I've taken place here in the last few years and I know that what has actually happened has been the translation of a vision held by a small number of very determined and enthusiastic and compassionate people into reality and it is very exciting we've seen something like this having taken place because I can imagine how much hard work and long hours and clear leads of doubt no doubt about whether you're going to find enough money and so on to be able to do it because this is a great problem now and I know so well from all the other enterprises that tend to get involved in but particularly pleased to be here because my cousin prefers our exams I believe laid the foundation stone in 1918 and what is even more impressive is that it only taken two years for this actual new extension to be opened I remember opening a hospital in New Castle I think it was a few years ago which my grandmother had laid the foundation stone of about 25 years before so you've done great work here is all I can say we would both I know like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation from the short experience we've had here of the work done by the sisters of a cross and passion and all those other nurses and sisters who work here and all the many volunteers at which there are a large number and without which without whom this place would certainly not function at all their selfless love and compassion is only too clear to be seen and almost every patient we've spoken to they said what an amazing difference this particular kind of care has made to them having arrived here almost in a state of panic many of them expect and depressed many of them have found a great difference is taking place in their lives and their mental attitude towards illness and this I think is a great example of what can be done and shows that love actually can conquer all when carried out in the way it is here so on that note I would like to unveil this CAC and declare this new expansion open Prince Charles unveiled the plaque it reads to the glory of God and for the care of the sick and distressed and generous must this was opened by their Royal Highnesses Prince Princess of Wales marks the 30th 1982 after the unveiling the royal couple signed the civic visitors book the visitors book person Jenner's and a portrait of the prince and princess which would eventually behind above the plank witnessing the signing the Lord Mayor of Leeds Patrick crappie Canon Lions the Archbishop of York and professor Richards [Music] at this point the princess receives the bouquet from Claire Spence you'll be given the right flower welcome the whole way here and in the hospice and we only say to come back again thank you very much for having Princess Diana leads the way out of the north a group [Music] Reverend Mother Lupita and sister Katherine Princeton dr. Simon leave the Norfolk room together with the Lord Lieutenant they move quickly down the covered walkway which is decorated for the occasion making their way to the hall where 100 invited guests await them all of whom are playing a part in fundraising towards the cost of the bill percent generous [Music] the invited guests now have an opportunity to view the science project the standard of Nursing ascent Jenna's demands a staff to patient ratio of one to one and that means the hospice relies heavily on volunteers
Channel: St Gemma's Hospice Leeds
Views: 7,458
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Keywords: Leeds, St Gemma's Hospice, St Gemma's, hospice, Princess Diana, Prince Charles, royal visit, 1982
Id: 9b-qhbfYXAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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