Diana told me real reason her marriage to Charles failed just before she died - it wasn't Camilla

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he just looks so happy around Queen Camila and you can tell that she's sort of giv him a a backbone she is really a glass half full and he is a glass half empty and she said that and she makes him love Clarence House is a really happy Place full of laughter little bit chaotic um just I think that they really have a laugh and I think being well I know that being Royal is really separates you from the rest of the world it's a very lonely place to be and if you have someone that's you're not getting on with it's even more difficult but Camila um makes Charles laugh and also if you think right back she's so supportive of him and she's she Praises him all the time darling you wonderful your speech was wonderful um and he needs that because in his youth he never had that so and in his dotage I suppose you could say he's really being praised and you can see how happy he is when he's meeting the crowds I never seen Charles look so joyous as he was over the Easter weekend shaking hands smiling and every sort of Walkabout he's done since he became king he's been you he looks a really happy man despite the fact that he's obviously not his health is isn't that great at the moment you know you knew Princess Diana you used to go to Kensington Palace obviously to have Cups of Tea and have a chat with her um you obviously have have a lot of affection for for Diana but why do you think this this marriage you know say 19 years is is a great achievement why do you think this has lasted so much longer or been more successful than than than his marriage to Diana well the thing that with Charles and Diana's marriage is that they were at loggerheads with each other and they were both vying for top spot certainly in the beginning Charles used to get very very I mean asked Arthur Edwards from the sun he was there right from the beginning Charles used to get very jealous as he probably wouldn't use that word but envious of the fact that everybody wanted to see his wife and he was like an also ran um and I think that a lot of their marriage was like that and Diana was it was a mismatch she was she was looking for something that wasn't there in him and even after they had William and Harry um she said that they had a real brief period of Happiness before she had Harry and then and and so she had this sort of Spectre of Camila in her head the whole time and she was obsessed with it and that yet when I last spoke to her shortly before her death I was very brave anyhow I bought the subject of Camila up and she said oh it wasn't Camila that ruined our marriage and I thought what I don't believe what I'm hearing she said oh it wasn't Camila it was the people around my husband and I thought it wasn't Camila and you've been complaining complaining about Camila all the these years but she changed Haack and decided that it was the environment in which keeping a royal marriage together you've got to be very strong and probably far more mature than she was the interest about talking about keeping the relationship strong while you they've gone up to balar or they've gone out to Burke H for for a week or so to kind of relax Camila's definitely stepped up and she's now doing um you she's now she's now the Prince Philip role you know she's now the the strength and stay of of the king um and she's when the late Queen was unwell uh Prince Charles as he was then would would step in and be the kind of lead of the royal family but now it's Camila is the uh is is the person that would that stands in for the for for the king what do you think about that do you think that's you glad that Camila is now the kind of the main focal point of the royal family when the king's not there she was all she she led them into uh uh King Constantine's memorial service because obviously King Charles couldn't was I able to go to that because the doctor said You' got to you know keep away from people but it was different on Easter Sunday and I think people really respect Kima because she was 50 when she got into this family she's now 76 and it's it's unless you were born to it it's quite hard and they have huge other winders have massive energy Charles as a Young Man used to run everywhere up and down the corridors Prince philli used to run everywhere and jump down all those staircases to just because they were in such big buildings to get there quicker Camila doesn't have that kind of energy and I think it really takes it out of her and I think people respect her for what she's done do we know um I was thinking about the crown um do you remember the the pet names they have for each other Charles and Camila yeah well they were called Fred and Gladis oh that was yeah that was years ago I I when people have nicknames they usually change don't they different phases is I mean we know that that uh Harry is H and we know that Megan is Meg but there could be lots of other things and I do remember can't remember what Prince William was Big Willie I think according to the news of the world I think that's I think that's and Kate was babykins but people change the nicknames over time so I don't know what Charles and Camila call each other now darling I think I think so I mean it's still a really strong relationship so and here Charles says it's really nice when he says my beloved wife as he used to say with the queen my beloved mother absolutely should we take a little romp through the raw relationships good or bad that are happen at the moment ABS um William and Catherine we haven't seen them for a while uh justifiably because Katherine obviously you know recovering from from cancer how the last couple of months have been incredibly stressful for The Prince and Princess of Wales um they have a very strong couple but how do you think they will be coping right now I think what what the prince and Prince of worlds are doing right now um is just concentrating on their family life um the children go back to school next week um we're going to we probably will see Kate driving them to to school possibly um I think that they people are just waiting to see her again but I think when you see William and Kate together they have a great relationship they they they're quite touchy feely but not over touchy feely like Megan and Harry are they don't cling to each other but occasionally they they do and they laugh again I think it's laughter they laugh together a lot um and I think that William is very very supportive of his wife and I know that Carol Middleton has said that to friends um he is so supportive of my daughter and she's very sort of proud of proud of him so you know it's it's it's that Mutual support they have with each other are you surprised that there was a ug go pole I think this week um that despite all the Ferrari around the the Mother's Day photograph that the prince and princess of Wales are still the two most popular members of the royal family I mean they're not without their crisis remember a couple of years ago the um Caribbean tour you know which I was on was an absolute PR disaster they're not without their problems what what is it about their you know you talk about them being warm and they are very you know affectionate to each other in private and public um what is it about their relationship that really strikes Accord with the public I think it's the warmth between them and the warmth that they they you know it's not fake it's when they give out warmth and of course that Kate is a photographer's dream she's so beautiful and William's a very good-look uh young man and I think that uh it's it's natural it's not you see with with Megan uh I feel it's she's got one expression the big grin um and I feel that's all and that doesn't feel natural but with Kate and William they've got all it's just a warmth they have and it it sort of exudes to every body around them which is what the magic that Diana had however nervous Diana was about meeting people or going out on her own the minute she was out there she exuded this warmth and friendliness and and that's what Kate and William do
Channel: The Sun
Views: 283,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MeghanAndHarry, BritishMonarchy, RoyalDrama, RoyalScandal, RoyalWedding, RoyalPhotocall, RoyalVisit, RoyalReview, RoyalRetreat, MeghanMarkle, PrinceHarry, PrinceWilliam, KateMiddleton, RoyalFashion, RoyalProtocol, RoyalPolitics, RoyalInfluence, RoyalPrivacy, RoyalMedia, RoyalCriticism, RoyalDebate, RoyalReaction, RoyalLegacy, RoyalSplitUp, RoyalFeud, RoyalRift, RoyalUnity, royals, meghan and harry, netflix, news, uk news, royal exclusive, the sun, ingrid seward, royal expert, princess diana, lady di
Id: SzwdeAwYHMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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