Camilla under huge pressure amid King Charles cancer update, experts reveal

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this is what people have been waiting for there's been a lot of hints that he was going to uh appear for the busy summer program which is you know we got the an the 80th anniversary of D-Day leading into gter and aser and uh trooping the color not in that order but um uh so very important that he should be around and I think it's it's excellent news I don't know how much interaction he will actually be allowed to do with the public and although King Charles would certainly just go ahead and do his own thing but he will have to remain under medical supervision so um he may not be quite as touchy fely as he would have been in the past but he's certainly going to be absolutely delighted to be amongst the people again I suppose you'd call it yes I mean he loves I think he he actually enjoys this role of being Monarch and head of state he really enjoys it King Charles has also been a a great um sort of fan of this you have to be seen to be believed which was one of you know his mother's great sayings you know we have to be seen to be believed which is why the late queen always wore such bright colors because she was quite dominative in stature and Charles I think it worried him that the that he wasn't out and about although he he was a little bit it worried him that there was you know nobody there as head of state uh and so he he actually took very little time off considering you know that that he had a form of councel we don't know what yet the King has been busily doing his constitutional duties behind the scenes but of course he will be delighted to be out and about again because visibility is terribly important and we will be very pleased to see him so it's extremely good news because it means to say that the treatment is obviously proving successful successful enough for him to be able to come out and um and take part in the many duties which will be kind of expected of him during the summer so as the summer might finally arrive um it'll be very good to have him with us again he will have a lot to do there is the birthday parade chances are that he will do what the queen and what King George I 6 did and attend it in a carriage I don't know but I think that's the most likely there is the gter ceremony there is Royal ascet there is a state visit from the emperor of Japan all these things are occasions when uh the king would expect to be out and about and so um it's very good news to know that he will be I think we must all understand if one particular day he doesn't quite feel up to it that's not going to be the end of the world we must be very um appreciative of the fact that he'll do as much as he can and um obviously we want him to get better and not to overdo it but um I just see everything is 100% good news frankly well there's been a huge amount of pressure on Queen Camila now we probably wouldn't they' say well she's you know she's not done that much but for someone that is not used to doing these kind of uh Royal engagements on such a high level and also on her own um I know she's been in the job a long time but it is tiring if you weren't born to it or if you weren't younger like you know Sophie and Catherine uh they were all younger when they came into the Royal world you know Camila was 50 and she'd never had a job in her life so you know this is a tough one for her but she seems also to be really enjoying it and she's said you know that this challenge has probably being just what she needed and she's thoroughly enjoyed getting out there and supporting our husband Prince William made it very very clear and obviously under his father's uh encouragement that he he was going to put his family first he's very sure that you know he is the present but his family are the future and they they have to be looked after if you like not literally looked after but they have to be you know that they upbringing is is very important because they are the future and I think William decided a long time ago that he wasn't going to put Duty first first first and foremost until such time as he had to and I think we've seen that recently because he has been with his family now he's out and about again um but I know that you know should anything go wrong he'll be be right back there we know they've had a lot of challenges and the other members of the royal family have been immensely supportive they've been doing as much as they can to to back the king up Queen Camila has been really the public face of the monarchy Prince William has done the best he possibly can his wife is as you know not well either so he has right in the middle of it all and I think they've all done a splendid job but they will all be very very pleased to uh let the king be the center of attention once more that's where he needs to be and that's where we've got him which is wonderful yes that the engagement U visiting the cancer treatment center um they tell us is is is not not connected in any way with his treatment um but how appropriate how how how Splendid that he he should follow up doing exactly what he's been doing which is to be keeping us informed about the nature of his illness to some extent the uh he hasn't told us exactly the treatment he's getting but you know to some extent keeping us um posted about all this and then as a first engagement how very appropriate to go along and um and and share that uh with the world as his first engagement so I think that's a very appropriate one too very thoughtful of him I think he I think he was sort of um incredibly touched by um the response of the crowd to him shortly after the queen died and you know you saw him going along and shaking hands and greeting people and and and that must have been a sort of what you might call a really good one-to-one affirmation of how people think about him and I think you'll agree that I think he probably has been surprised at how much people have minded about him these last weeks they've really been concerned and and really wishing him well and um you know we saw him one day with a mass of cards and telegrams and things so to for him to actually come out and meet people again uh will be a very positive step um and and one to be welcomed on all sides so um I think it's it's nothing but good news it comes as it just begins to look as say summer might come as as well so let's hope that the warm weather also AIDS his full recovery I should think King Charles is very hard to hold back because he is a workaholic he wants to get on with things and I think that Camila's had to be very firm with him to you know to stop him overdoing things um but you know that's just the way he is um and I'm sure that he will dive in head first to all the things he he will be doing um and she'll still have to sort of keep a tight rain on him King Charles is very aware of the visual image and he's very aware of how much people enjoy seeing him and the queen looking as said they're enjoying themselves you know looking happy and and sort of secure you know we live in a very visual age and I think it's important for people to see the king and the queen you know they are they are the stability of of the country he he's um he's our head of state as well as being Monarch and we need to see him and we need to see him looking good you know he's so much getting into his stride as a head of state the difference between when he was Prince of Wales and when he was became king is that now he has a sort of you know absolute right to talk to other heads of state so he meets people like President Biden president macron and they talk to him oneto one I think in a different way to how they would have responded to him when he was just prince of Wales it sounds an odd thing to say but his stature is much higher so for him to have been denied those opportunities and the opportunities to meet members of the public I I think the the warmth of the greetings that he will get will be enormous uh I saw it myself on Easter day when he did a little walk about at Windsor Castle people were really pleased to see him and I bet you he went home feeling you know greatly reassured well I think he's been a very very good head of state and I think that if you combine that with the sympathy that people will felt at the setback that he had which is now um pleasingly looking as though it was only a very temporary setback uh one that he can make a full recovery from let's hope um I think that those two things will set him on a path to yes to a very very nice and interesting phase in his Reign let's certainly hope that that's that's what happens if you've got a king you want to see him um we do see him a little bit of course because you know we've been able to the cameras have been able to go behind the scenes from time to time and that's been very reassuring very important but um to have him out and about again uh in the midst of us uh as our head of state is um is all um very very positive and very good news indeed so um I just hope that you know he will enjoy his return to public life I'm sure he will I'm sure he's uh looking forward to it enormously and and certainly you know I think all the rest of us wish him so well and really welcome this statement I mean I think when there was news that a statement was coming people were a little bit anxious and how pleased they will be will have been to uh to have some good news for a change
Channel: The Sun
Views: 53,929
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Keywords: The Sun, news, breaking news, prince harry king charles, prince harry prince william, prince harry camilla, prince harry princess diana, prince harry spare, prince harry camilla villain, prince harry meghan markle, spare prince harry book, prince harry memoir, prince harry, royal family, camilla, spare, king charles cancer, royals, the royals, royal news, harry and charles, king charles and harry, prince harry news, harry book, spare book, arthur edwards, queen, queen camilla
Id: 3r7N-TOg_4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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