Diamond on Scrappy and Erica's LOVE TRIANGLE, Bambi a HOMEWRECKER? Momma Dee and MORE!

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guess what raindrops yes I'm taking my podcast reality with the King on the road can you guess where my first stop will be yep it's Huntsville Alabama on Sunday January 21st 2024 where I will be joined by Love and Marriage Huntsville star Melody Shere make sure to buy your tickets at Hunts bell.st standup live that's huntsville.al live.com see you soon hey raindrop before we get into this episode I want to invite you to join my community my YouTube Community honey of subscribers so please make sure to subscribe to this channel I love when yall comment on my post and my videos about all of my stars hopping on reality with the King to share their lives I cannot thank y'all enough so make sure to like And subscribe to this channel now this is going to be good because like I said I hit you up first because I know you're private and I know there's been a lot of things that have been said and I am watching the show I I haven't watched that show in years in years because it it lost its magic for a very long time everybody said that and then I know they split up this season so we'll say this season this season I felt like it got back to its roots saying yeah and then I'm like well she got a story to tell because I spoke to Erica I spoke to scrap we'll get to that too but I'm going to need the woman who started it all M the reason why they were they're even able to be on the show The One turned it down oh yeah we going to start there Diamond I'm just saying we 2024 is about 2024 is about just speaking the truth everything I feel like like you said it's kind of coming back for circle is just being truthful about everything that's why we see all this stuff going on with just so many different people and you know a lot of things that had been um not spoken about or that was in the dark you know I think it's about just [ __ ] and light on just truth yeah you know yeah well no I thank you for um saying yes and us doing it the timing is good yes it was really good and that trailer was crazy mhm wellow yeah girl yeah you have a lot going on I do hey raindrops on today's episode of reality with the king I got the woman who is the original know okay young female rapper that was in a group killing the game she's also one of my loves who I met years ago when I was working on Love & Hip Hop begging her to join the show and now she has stolen the show on this new season of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta I am talking about the empress honey yes crime mobs oh and solo sensation herself Diamond thank you Carlo look at you and you're drifing Diamond baby thank you diamonds on diamonds are diamonds a girls best friend yes they are are we besties yes we are you know we go way back that's why I was so you know thankful for this opportunity to just chat with you catch up with you cuz I know we go way back and I knew that you would just handle you know me with you would just handle me delicately you know and I know that this is a safe space so definitely you you're beyond welcome and it is a safe space because you do not do a lot of interviews and I also know one thing about you you're very private so thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk to you you know I've always loved you before I met you uh because n if you bug baby gets played heavily when I'm at the gym pumping my little biceps you look good too well you know thanks to Crime Mob a you bucks the let pumps in the club the body is bodying know if you're Diamond I'm Sapphire so that's what we'll say but I want to really talk to you about the fact that we met because I was working on Love & Hip Hop Atlanta yes and we were doing season one and at this time we're casting the show right we met Stevie Mimi Rashida KK um um scrapeline josine and and Mona said we need to get diamond on the show and I was assigned to you like Carlos y you need to talk to Diamond to get her on the show because at that time you were at the epicenter of the conversation this is before like the blogs at this time Twitter was blowing up and you and I had dinner it was me you your manager we would talk like every day yeah and you would be like Carlos I don't know I love you Los I love you but I just don't know and now you're on Lov and& Hip Hop Atlanta this this season talk to me about the reason why you did not want to do the show back then wow 11 years ago um I don't think that I was as mature as I am now I was scared you know um I had just gone through a very bad breakup publicly and I wasn't ready for the type of scrutiny that we pretty much any public figure gets today my skin wasn't as tough as it is now um and I just kind of just just chose my peace I just wanted to just go somewhere and hiding and heal and get into the word of God refine myself again and just do that inner work to be able to be where I am now I just I just felt like it wasn't time was thankful for the opportunity but it was just a whole lot of mess just in between just wrapped up in the opportunity that I wasn't ready to just deal with head on what type of mess was going on in your life at that time because this is around 2011 2012 um was it this whole soja boy scandal with Scrappy that was dominating um social media at the time yes absolutely um even though I I didn't feel like like me speaking my truth on that platform at the time was a safe space because it was something that I wasn't familiar with I felt that I wanted to get to a place to where I knew that I would feel safe to tell my truth and my truth wouldn't be altered and I didn't see it I prayed about it so many nights about it and it just didn't feel right in my spirit it felt like my truth would be altered and of what really happened and the whole breakup because I was made to look like the villain you know though I could have handled things differently I still you know definitely take full accountability in my exit my exit could have been a better exit but everything kind of leading up to the exit is is really what made me you kind of look at it like a hitchhiker you out on the road with your thumb up you trying to get on the first ride out of there not it might not necessarily be the best ride but at the time you just you just trying to get out of that situation so let's clear the air because one of the biggest rumors out there is that while you were dating Scrappy and Scrappy did say on my podcast he admitted to cheating on you he cheated on you incessantly and he said your lick back was cheating on him with Soulja Boy um when you were with Soulja Boy were you still in a relationship with Scrappy and did you do that to get revenge on him well I would say well there's different forms of cheating okay Scrappy and I were still in the same household but we weren't in a relationship and it was difficult because you know we sharing bank accounts you know we got same family and friends that we're sharing so you know in a sense and I was engaged in a sense it was like a marriage so it wasn't just that easy to just pick up and leave you got to divide things I had like three cards I think he had two or three cards as well it was just a lot of moving parts and we were just trying to kind of like figure things out privately um he had kind of stepped out as well with some other figures but I guess it didn't really reach the attention of me stepping out with Soulja Boy he cheated on you with other female celebrities um I'm not gonna call them celebrities but I'll just say they have a following um but numerous people you know it was a a constant thing over and over um and now I kind of understand I don't agree with it but you know we were both young dealing with trying to manage Fame and a lot a lot of money we both had a lot of tension you know um and that probably was just the best way he could handle things at that time you know just like I wasn't mature about the way my exit was but when people saw Soulja Boy and us like Soulja Boy and I out we had not been active with each other we were literally just having fun cuz he was young he was vibrant you know we collaborated on music it was just fun fun at that time when I was in a relationship 11 years ago um with scrap it was I felt like I kind of had to be forced to grow up fast I had all these huge responsibilities on top of just regular responsibilities that I just kind of wanted to just be free I just wanted to have fun you know but again my exit and me you know maybe going to that car show with him I didn't really realize the capacity of how how big it would have it was going to and how many people how many was on us but in that moment we were living together but we had already called it quits and said that hey we kind of had talked about you know where would I move where would he move then it was like okay well you keep the house cuz you have a daughter you know I'll find somewhere else to live but it was just more of a process it wasn't just easy to do you know like pick up and pack up because we had so much invested you know in that house in at home what was your exit like you know what what made you want to leave the relationship um I didn't really feel valued um as far as I knew he loved me but I didn't think that the love that he had for me was strong enough for him to stop doing the cheating as crazy as it might sound cheating wasn't really at the top of the list you know I'm not saying it's okay but we know how men are you know it was more so of me kind of having to DM my light and it being a competition with certain things like you know me pouring into him being his biggest cheerleader and he was definitely poting to me being my cheerleader as well but I felt like you know everybody careers go up and down so one point his career was up mine was down M was up his was down we both up together and I felt like um at that time it was a lot of Envy I couldn't be really celebrated in My Success without you know it being an issue of me feeling like like I pretty much have to D my light or not being able to share my accomplishments and my growth so that really bothered me and made me paranoid in a sense because it's like we're on the same team and I'm pointing to you you pointing to me if you win I win if I win you win so what's the problem you know so that was more so at the top of my list cheating would be number two um even though I'm still not cool with cheating so I think that was that would he say things to you to make you feel that any success you had well it be at the time it like well everybody messing with you they ain't messing with me you know or little stuff like that you know or like the mic Bad Remix I'm thankful for that opportunity I felt like I had been doing my thing I have still from my understanding as far as rappers I still have the most mixtapes released or most projects released period I think about 14 projects so I think that I was deserving of that when it goes when it comes to picking Atlanta as far as when Luda was looking for you know Atlanta Miami you know Trina and then you had Eve Philly but he was signed to dtp at that time and I'm sure that he definitely you know cheerlead for me and that moment to say hey put my girl on the record or whatever the case but I think in that moment which we have talked about recently um that he feels like that's when I I guess started feeling myself or um when he really kind of saw changeing my my attitude or me kind of like just you know feeling myself I think maybe the feeling myself was more so just being happy to be recognized by myself because I had came up in a group and you figure you dealing with two females in a group at one point for guys like you fight for your own identity so it was more so just coming from a group and being able to stand on my own and be like okay that's Diamond you know I love Crime Mob that's my Foundation that's my family you know they're the reason why I am where I am today but I still am Diamond I'm still Britney outside of the whole umbrella crime so for me that's where I felt like I was feel feeling myself not more so like I was better than him or bigger than him like oh you know I'm trying to one up you but I think that was like the main thing for me that was kind of like I just I didn't see I didn't feel like that I would be able to be where I am now if probably in that moment if I would have stayed I would have probably continued to deal my life that's interesting because when I spoke to Scrappy on the podcast he mentioned that he felt Bambi did not support him in his success and that he felt he had to dim his light for Bambi like whenever he had accomplishments she never supported him or she always say what about me um so that's interesting that you had he has actually brought that up and compared that to say that he before we had like started talking back to each other that he realized a lot of the things that I was saying back in the day because he had experienced it in his relationship as well it's very interesting how did you meet Soulja Boy in the first place I think it was a celebrity basketball game or maybe it was the ozone Awards you know they have all the artists there or whatever and I think that he had reached out to me about doing the feature you know something like that and we just kind of like everyone in a while talk to each other on Twitter or um maybe the sidekicks remember the T-Mobile Sidekicks so it was just like you know very um just fun free you know it was nothing at that time like I said nothing disrespectful to disrespect my relationship or anything out of the line it was just just fun like what's up what y'all doing when did it become romantic um after it became romantic after uh scrapping and I broke up so when everybody saw us at the car show even though it appeared more than what it was it was it wasn't even that like I'm just the type of person I like I want I want to be different you know we can all have sex or we can all whatever whatever I say color um but what what set you apart you know you going to get to that at some point so for me it was more so about a person really respecting me or getting to know me and learning my personality and just really enjoying my company before it even got to that so it was literally after everything went left you know when it was like okay it's over over and the media and all the back and forth and so forth is when we kind of start to try to get things serious you got pregnant while you were in a relationship with Scrappy um and I see on your tattoo on your hand um it says 1026 is 07 07 so October 26 2007 talk to me about what that represents well at that time um well I which I will say um I don't know if this is before or after I had an abortion which I'm not happy about at that time I had an abortion not with this tattoo this was a a miscarriage which I I still deal with every day um but at that time unfortunately that was the best decision that I felt that I was making you know so to see women to be able to be pregnant and get on stage and to really have a relationship and be open and about dating like that was so unheard of you had a boyfriend you got pregnant your career was over you cut off point blank period you cut off cut off so were you told to get an abortion it was in a sense yes in a sense I was um and it was some much money that was at stake we were in the the height of our career and we literally toured every day of the week six days out the week we only came home on Sundays if we didn't have a show just to wash clothes repack and leave again I um finished high school with homeschooling I had to literally drop out of high school because the record literally took over um the summer of my ninth grade year going into my 10th grade year but going back to this this right here um I think that this I was really excited about this pregnancy because I was like I don't care if I lose my career you know this industry will was will suck you dry would take everything you know chew you up and spit you out and leave you with nothing I just wanted to have something that genuinely loved me and that I could share all these great you know you know things with whether it be material things or just traveling the world I just that was something that I was really really excited about and due to stress relationship stress and Industry stress of course I had a miscarriage and how many months were you pregnant you had a miscarriage uh I think three traumatizing very traumatizing um so I got the tattoo just as a memory you know and um that was going to be her birthday that's they should have been born I don't know if it would have been a she three months but maybe been a girl that that's that was definitely very traumatizing to me but you know between that and like I said the abortion you know which I'm not happy about I deal with every day you know I guess that was the best decision that I could make at that time I'm blessed enough to have a son now my son is seven he's the love of my life my best friend you know and I'm just thankful um I know that I've grown so much by being a mother and I know that maybe if I would have had a kid back then I probably would have grown a lot faster to kind of like deal with things head on and be able to relive the whole Love and Hip Hop opportunity and other opportunities because you know you you're a mom now you know it's like at the end of the day I'm make it home to my son but at the same time you ain't gonna play with me cuz I got a whole son you know what I'm saying so everything I do is just it's for him you know how did Scrappy take it when you told him you wanted to have an abortion he was devastated he was devastated I think that he still carry I know we talked about it he still carries that hurt that's he's still angry with me in a sense for that and allowing the industry you know but I was afraid and you know he was doing his thing I thought I would be home with a baby my career would be over he just be doing his thing like he was already doing his thing but I knew that you know he would be a great father he's hands down we know he's a great father he loves his kids but you know still at the end of the day you know it's everything is really left up to mommy you know me can come and go no it's really left up to Mom to do everything and I come from a mother that's like hey she always told us we had to struggle and we had to sleep under a bridge we was going to sleep under a bridge together so you know even now with me traveling I'm very handson I don't have anybody to raise my kid like I'll go tour even we were doing a millennium tour four days out the week and come right back home and take my son to school and pick him up like I'm very handson I wouldn't have I would have had to figured out where where my kid would have been with me or or I don't know but I just know that I'm just big on just the way my mom raised me like whether it was good bad or ugly we were gonna be with each other I was not going to allow the industry to take me away from not having that that hands on to raise my kid no that's that that's deep because you know one thing we do know is and and I'm glad you're talking about this because when cardi B for example got pregnant um I want to say it was kind of like the moment her debut album dropped and then she revealed on Saturday Night Live she was pregnant and I think there was a resounding like gasp because just real talk it was like girl you are at the height of your career and you're pregnant what what is this going to do for your career and courtesy of her being herself and and like you said this is a different time she decided to go through the pregnancy and her career hasn't stopped since then um I give you so much grace and props for your honesty and talking about that because look back in your day it was unheard of for a woman to get pregnant at the height of her career it just it just was unheard of and this industry can suck the life out of you and the UN fortunate part is you're this young black girl who fell in love with this man and you have a baby which which should be the most precious moment in your life and instead of celebrating that you're being told by the people in your ear get rid of this baby or your career is going to stop and you're forced as a young girl to handle that decision by yourself because at the end of the day it's your body and you have to deal with the ramifications of that and you also have to deal with the spiritualness of that and and and and like you said living with regret that that happened years ago and you have a beautiful son who you love dearly but the fact that that's something that's still it's something you think about you know it's it's I'm just really happy you were honest about that because you're right we see hard B on stage with a belly we sexy red on the stage for the belly um when you see that do you feel like well at least we know that times are changing it makes me feel good it it's like just like the women before me the the eaves the the brats like we we all working together you know in some form of you know a fashion we're it's Brick by Brick so if I'm placing a brick like they Place bricks before me we we building this together so I'm happy that in a space now where women can really just live their truth out you know and also still coming from an era where women were silen we wouldn't able it's always been a male dominated game but it was like it was always the woman behind the man so to be able to have that torch and for it to still be moving and to really just do your thing I'm happy for him it's a blessing so you are from my generation like I grew up on little K the first album I bought as a 17year old was Little Kim's hardcore album like little K ra me you know what I mean 17 years old like laella Mafia the tourus Kim queen [ __ ] all that right um so you're part of my generation with Crime Mob and everything else and so is scrap um Luda L John and Soulja Boy so the Soulja Boy that we would see on TV was like this animated character wild child you know always on a 100 and then you've always been this very beautiful talented sweet girl that turned into a [ __ ] monster on stage you used to like spit a hot 16 what was it like being in a relationship with Soulja Boy well he's definitely fun and wild and all that stuff but um he's smart everything he do is calculated and I guess say the flip side of it would be that I guess he didn't care about negative press or negative attention and I was like nah I'm I'm good on that you know what they say all all press bad press is good press but he's very smart he's smart you know um just with the whole digital era and um I kind of got a little bit of some of that as as far as like he would literally shoot a music video in his kitchen like you know I come from the a was like no we got to have the cars we got to have the money we got to have a sing we got to sit up director like no I bumped that the Sun hot let's drop it right now let's shoot the video in the kitchen you know what I'm saying so being able to capitalize off of you know certain moments and being able to to maximize off the opportunities but it was fun it was cool um I probably should have dated him before scrap as far as like I probably should have gotten that out of my system first you know being young cuz when scrap and I started dating I was 17 you know like I think I want to say two months or three months before my 18th birthday so and you know he's like so Advanced as far as like you know mature you know he already knew he wanted the family he want to settle down and this and that and so forth which was cool for me but I think that I needed to explore more and learn myself more you know and find out what it is I like and what I want and stuff like that before trying to get into a serious engagement almost marriage situation you know how old was Scrappy when you were guys started dating he was 21 21 okay and we weren't sexual that we weren't I was before I was 18 but yeah we were neighbors as well so he lived across the street from me so we kind of like came into this together like he knew me before the fame and before the money I knew him before the fame and the money we all kind of was like on the music scene just trying to come up you know when you were at the epicenter of this very public beef and I I really want people to realize this is before like the blogs this like I said Twitter was what was popping at the time so you are in the middle of these two hip hoppers these two rappers having a very public beef and you're in the middle of it you being called a whole a [ __ ] a home wrecker and these men are fighting each other on social media because of you what was your mind going through dealing with that um I didn't like it because I know that I wasn't a [ __ ] or a home recer that me and him had literally decided we weren't going to be together I think it was more for him I think embarrassment and the fact that he was younger than him uh why I was labeled uh a [ __ ] or a home recer um but I didn't like it at all I didn't like it not when did you go through a moment just like depression or like dealing with people judging you when they don't know all the facts I wasn't depressed I was angry I was mad I was mad cuz I felt like I really just stood up for myself how me going to a car show with somebody turn into all of this mess you know and I just wanted peace I just went at the time I felt like the most peaceful route and um at that time like I said soja boy was just fun free it wasn't in the beginning initially it wasn't drama you know and then even with him at some point it started to become a competition as well yep so these men can't handle being in a relationship with a woman who star may be shining brighter than theirs I mean back then they couldn't I don't know about now now they can't either I'm not gonna say names but no like real talk I mean that I'm just that that like I said that's what made me leave that situation and I'm not saying that I'm cool with a guy cheating but we know how these men are you know you pick and choose your battles but I to me that that just makes me paranoid like I got to look over my shoulder if you're not on my team and you're competing with me and I'm vulnerable I'm sharing my highs and my lows like I'm very submissive I never come in like I'm the man now I can talk my stuff and I stand up for myself from the gate you know that I got my own mind like you can't control me but as far as catering I'm like making your plate I'm massaging you I'm you know like I'm very nurturing like I have that nurturing energy I just want to nurture like I love just catering to people it don't have to necessarily be a dating relationship it could be a friend like I'm the friend that everyone calls for advice or just I'm like well no don't don't just just just take a minute let's just think about it for a second trying to give people the benefit of the doubt and you know even with business relationships like I just I don't know that has been like a blessing and a curse I would say in a sense but I can't help who I am you know so when you were going through feeling like this relationship with Soulja Boy is sort of running his course you're now experiencing the same thing you felt were Scrappy in terms of wait a minute it's now feeling like I'm in competition with this man I now feel like once again I have to dim my light to please this man because at one point Soulja Boy was definitely at the at the height of his career um and then it did start to like simmer down a little bit you being on um ludicrous you know my bad Chick remix with Nikki and Eve and and and Trina that was a a really big deal and big look for you and it really did set you apart it's like this girl is the one to watch or there things that he would say to you that made you feel like yeah this ain't gonna be it he would never say things but he would do things to get a reaction out of me like being with other girls to try to you know it's that mentality of you know you you can't break a person's spirit so something to try to like break my spirit you know or it went from you want me to go everywhere with you to now you want me to stay at the house type situation you don't want me to go cuz people going to be looking at me you know like people looking at you type situ situation and again I I haven't talked to him in like years so I'm sure know he has you know a son now I'm sure he's a lot more mature but this is just you know my truth of what I experienced you know years ago but he still never not gave me knowledge he always tried to put me on game if he found out about something or he learned something he still would put me up on game and he never like kept the information away from me like I don't want to share this with her cuz she going to be smart it was more so I when it came to Performance wise me performing uh whether it be a music video or doing a song with them or someone or just being out and and starting to get more notoriety you know on my own who was the love of your life I don't think I met the love of my life I feel like definitely um Scrappy was my first love my first true love I don't think I met the love of my life yet though do you think it's could be Scrappy still the love of my life I think he was my first love I don't think he's the love of my life but he's definitely my first love I still have a lot of love for him are you in love with him I wouldn't say in love but I do love him in love is when you can't live without a person you can't sleep you can't eat you can't breathe like undeniable we gonna make this happen you know the love of my life is my son yeah that's the love of my life I can't I can't even fathom to even a world without my son like that's the love of my life that's who keeps me going that's who I know that loves me unconditionally good bad and ugly you know that's going to ride for me regardless even when I have to discipline him he still come back and tell me he love me CU he know me he know my heart and is coming from a good space so that's the love of my life I know that's right [ __ ] yes I was talking to you earlier about the fact that um Crime Mob is a group that hip hop lovers still love and when I saw you perform at the Bett Awards pre-show last year I felt like you were back in your bag and I felt like you were you seem to be so happy in that moment and being on stage because at one point in time Diamond you definitely took a break from the industry in terms of like you you really just you know wasn't out in the Forefront as much what consciously were you going through to where you're part of this iconic group you're on a ludicrous smash hit single with these other iconic female artists and then all of a sudden things started to like simmer what what what happened during that time I was still going through the phase of healing and just being with God and learning myself and I was so into if it disrupts my peace it's too expensive you know and I still feel that way in a sense now but now I'm just like I deal with things head on I know that no matter how bad and ugly the situation is God is already there he going to meet me there I can get through anything I can come in a room full of vultures and we going to come out dapping each other D you know what I'm saying like that's just but I had to go through that you know to find out who I am you know through God um and it was just so much drama you know within the group so much drama coming fresh from a a breakup two breakups and I dated as well so they're not the only two breakups or whatever went through other breakups and so forth that it just cost me too much I'm like I can't let anything be it's too expensive just cost me my peace you know and it wasn't no amount of money that could get me to show up you know I think that like I said the love of my life when my son was born that's what changed everything for me I felt complete and it was like okay I'm ready to play ball I got to go get it for him I want to make sure he had a better life than what I had and um for this opportunity to keep coming back over and over again I remember going through the pandemic when JD had us to do the Essence Festival and he was adamant he was like look if I don't have all the members of the group I don't want the group so he was adamant in making sure that I performed and when I got back on that stage with him it was like okay this is what I'm supposed to be doing not always not that I can't still do the diamond solo stuff but this is this this is home you know and it it was bigger it's bigger than me it's bigger than group member it's for the culture it's for the up and cominging females coming up and you know to let them know that you know regardless of what your differences are you got to put your feelings out of it and get in your bag you know like really really get in your bag and that opportunity from that day moving forward really opened up more opportunities for the group and for me solo as well so I think that was like really my turning point I had done like couple appearances here and there like birthday badges and so forth but I wasn't like consistent you know doing things with the group you know what was the drama that you were dealing with while being in Crime Mob what was levels of drama the first drama was the label at the time before reality TV is what it is now I think it was like Jessica Simpson and her husband Jessica Simpson Julie W Julie W that was the kind of reality show that was um they literally wanted me and the other female the group to be in the house watch them uh them watching us film an album and and I didn't really feel too easy about that because we had so much more to do as a group and I kind of felt bad like we would just be leaving the guys behind but they had kind of started getting into a lot of trouble and you know label wise it's like it's a liability like in and out of jail one group member one guy's here this day the next day somebody you know and they like literally saw the future you know what I'm saying they like okay this is you two girls got it and then you have the drama between she and I which I don't know if that stem from the fans or the industry when you you Pi people against each other back in the day which colorism still exist but you have the dark skin light skin which I know a lot of people loved her her brown skin a lot of people like me and my light skin or whatever but I don't know if that's what stem to that and then it start to become a competing situation where we not again I'm like I keep dealing with having to compete which makes me paranoid and I'm like we supposed to be on the same team I can't help that people like you more and then you can't help that certain people like me more like I can't continue to keep D in my light you know it started to take a toll on me I started to lose weight I was down to like 90 pounds I was so stressed out I was not happy mind you all my friends are in school you know cheerleading uh you know going to prom because when nuof you book the day that we shot Nu if few book literally you know the HBCU is literally huge in Atlanta and my sisters all were like drill team and so forth so I had made the cut to be you know a major RI and that same day was like like um a battle of bands it was like a pre- battle of the band so it's like if you weren't a part of being in that pre-battle of the band's thing then you automatically couldn't be on the drill team when the SE when the school start and literally that was the first time I knew that this industry was going to be about making sacrifices because I had to make that was that green uh uh red or blue pill it was like okay either you stay here and you do this drill team or you go here and you do this music video for nuof you book and I really feel like if I wouldn't have went to do the music video for nuck of you book then I wouldn't be you know here today sitting in front of you but I was still going through that you know seeing my friends they drill team football games Prom you know trips some of them having kids and so forth and we're literally around each other 247 we're on tour six days out of seven day week I'm away from family I'm away from friends you know the road gets lonely gets very very lonely we're in other countries we torn you know so I just it took a toll on me in addition to like the whole miscarriage abortion the relationship it was just like a lot of [ __ ] on top of [ __ ] on top of [ __ ] on top of [ __ ] it was just a lot for me it's hard um and and one thing I always say is this when I think about reality stars for example reality shows if you will always tell people there's always a breakout star on any Ensemble reality show and it doesn't it doesn't diminish the others it just means that in every day of life there's a star employee at Walmart there's a star at the airport like there's always somebody in a group setting who is just that that person um you were arguably the breakout star crime M did you feel like some of the members at that time at that time being young and not understanding the business did you feel at the time they were jealous that you were the breakout star I think it was more so the other female group member because that's how we broke up um it was I broke up because of that it was a award show called The Dirty chick dirty Awards and um 107 I host it and they Nam me dirty chick of the year and um at the time I wanted to walk by myself because I didn't want to feel uncomfortable with getting that attention again here we go with this again right and having to D my light and at the time cuz we were Sig a scrap he was like I was like well at the time the manager that we had sent the message and said that they said if I don't walk with them then I can't be in a group no more so I wasn't even going to go and then he was like no bump that y'all sign to me he was like I'm go with you I'm walk the carpet with you so I was like okay cool and they had got there maybe 30 minutes before us and bet asked me well diam how does it feel to no longer be a member of Crime Mob we just spoke to princess and she said you're not in a group and I was devastated but I had to keep my face on good face and I had to just run with I was like yeah you know solo album coming soon you know what I'm saying just popping my [ __ ] which I was really like oh my God is this really happening like that's what he said that she or they said but they said that she was the one that said it and I just refused to to go crawling back I'm like this what you wanted now I'm going to show you because I had never planned on being a Sola artist I still had that felt like I would have that survival guilt you know and I was like no you know I'm a team player we came in this together we G to ride to the wheels fall off you know and after that moment I started getting way more opportunity and Bob magazine they had like top 25 most beautiful people they highlighted me and a couple of other lips rappers singers athletes and so forth and I got the solo deal um with the Polo Grounds I think it was job records or RCA you know start doing more features with other CBS and just I really just started getting in my bag you know but it was it was a lot that like I said around the time where I started losing all that weight you know what is your relationship like now with Princess my relationship now with her is business I think that we understand it it's best just to be cordial with each other it's a lot of underlying issues I guess that maybe she has I know how I feel about certain things um but we know that when we get on that stage we gonna do we gonna give people a damn good show even the whole Millennium tour you know having to do with 40 cities you know every weekend that was a lot and we didn't miss not one show and we know that the job that we have is is bigger than us it's about the upand coming women you know and just people period to see how you know you just got to put your big girl panties on you know it's not about you it's not about you sweetie you know it's about the people and the culture and the fact that she's a mom as well I think that probably made her grow in a lot of areas just like me having a son make me grow in a lot of areas so we might not hang out and talk on the phone but when the money calls and if the opportunity is right we gonna show we gonna get that bag and we gonna get the fans a damn good show I know that's right [ __ ] wa B for no personal [ __ ] period when you were doing My Chick Bad Remix and you shot the video were the other rappers were you guys on set at the same time yes well it started with us doing the remix first they had my dressing room and uh Eve dressing room next to each other and they had Trina and Nikki's dress room next to each other so me and Eve hope she don't kill me this I love you s me and her smoke a blunt together like oh we know pit bull smoking blunt child please that blond and all Hy definitely light one up she dated ciej so we know she did some things okay but she was truly just what I strive to be today and for the up and coming female entertainers she poured into me she listened to me she gave me advice she fed me and to this day we still have a great relationship when I filmed uh Sisterhood of Hip Hop she came on the show I went to her um bridal shower or her bachelorette party or whatever before she got married and just a real genuine soul I just everything she stand for for her to be able to have a TV show to have her own perfume line clothing line you know make great music to be married have a family have a a husband that loves her and supports her and just allows her to do her thing I can tell that you know she's really really happy you know and I'm just so happy for her and happy that I've had the time that I've had with her but beginning of that relationship was definitely um that myi bag on the set of that yep how was it with Nikki and Trina well Trina I always kind of knew Trina as well kind of doing some of the same shows being around each other Trina's a sweetheart um think Trina I okay Nikki I seen her a couple of times at hotbeat studio so I would be leaving out of the studio I guess when she was in Atlanta and she'll be coming in so we never we spoke or whatever but we like never had a relationship so it was like maybe her and TR were like that in their Corner huddling talking giggling me and eeve was in our Corner huddling talking and I think that it was a great time as well because I think it kind of helped solidify um Nikki at that time because I think that she was doing a lot of stuff with guys you know and for her to to get on board and have us to all be in the same room with women it was about us embracing because she was the newest at the time and was making you know uh headways and people she had a fan base and people were loving her so I think that that was important because we come from an era to where it has to only be one or two females like this is unheard of you would never see four rappers from different cities coming together to collaborate and then hyping each other up embracing each other it was we knew in that moment we could feel the chills like I know me and Eve talked about it like we knew that we're making history I knew Luda was happy everybody that was on set was like like this is about to go up because this is really huge what you guys are doing together Trina was in the Press recently because she named Beyonce Jazelle NOS Carter as the queen of rap and a lot of flack was in her direction for that reason um who's the queen of rap to you Eve is the queen of rap to me and then next I would say to brat that's another great that's my big sister's will just the evolution to where they are now because again I come from an era that they said it was a certain cut off when you got to a certain age you can have a family you can have kids you can be married so to see both Eve and Trina to still look beautiful and still keep going you know Brad is a mom she's doing Dish Nation she's still doing music and endorsement deals like it don't get no better than that that's you know that's to me what I want I want to be able to still be a force you know do more movies have more endorsement deals you know expand my family it it shouldn't be a cap because you're a certain age or because you want to be a mom it should be over when you determine that you want to sit down and you just like well I'm just gonna put my feet up you know so who's your top five female rappers my top five female rappers and I might be biased because I met all of these people okay um so I said Eve um De Brat Queen Latifa love her love her to Pieces MC light and Missy Elliot ah oh gosh can I do six go ahead look him look I love her as well very positive always poured into me and just been so genuine such a sweetheart you know little like me but you know big things come in little packages you know what I'm saying I've been told you know you know same thing with Missy Always she's another person like keep doing your thing remain humble always keep God first always acknowledge God let people see the humbleness in you you know and don't forget where you come from type and you far Queen Latifa as will um her manager and my manager at the time her manager I think her partner sh Kim and my manager at the time were really good friends and the first time I met her was on the set of single ladies when she was producing that show and I had got a script and was about to appear on the show right before it kind of ended or whatever and then they brought her again years later on Sisterhood of Hip Hop and we did a the whole tribute to her and stuff like that and she has a glow like my eyes got watery when I had that one on-one with her like her energy is so strong she's so positive and just so loving that it's just like oh my God like you know fan moment but it's just like no I'm like I'm humble you know I'm I'm me but I'm not going to come in here acting like I'm better than you you know I'm going love on you like a little sister you know and it just was a great experience so now Love & Hip Hop Atlanta is back okay okay I'm watching this season okay um the second half is is is airing and I stopped watching Love and& Hip Hop a minute ago because I felt like it's just it went through this weird face like what is this show about like the essence of like josn Stevie Mimi K Michelle Carly you know um Kirk Rashida it was it was we love that and then new people came in who I like and then something happened but I'm really into this current season and I'm happy the second half of the show is back I'm happy you're doing the show the trailer dropped and we see that there seems to be this energy between you and Erica Dixon um you told Erica Dixon that Scrappy ate your cotie cat I don't say the p word unless it's paid but period or period yeah with a T at the end um you said that Scrappy ate your coie cat um when was the last time Scrappy ate your cootie cat diamond is that a real question uhuh um I'm doing my thing right now I'm good I'm practicing absence did it happen in the year 2023 a girl never tells I was forced to have to tell that day oh why cuz this whole narrative like we not going to do this we're not going to do this try triangle narrative like we just in this triangle are you scrapping Erica in a love triangle definitely not so what is going on because why did you feel the need to let Erica know that that happened um cause she said that uh she had to send him home several nights and I was like okay cool but you she kept like pushing the envelope reiterating I'm like okay well this some new news for me are y'all [ __ ] because I just want to make sure we not cross-contaminating if that's the case like eoli I don't know if that should have been the right word um so some cross-contamination cuz the cross-contamination you did say was that Scrappy ate your Coe cat and your booty hole so was that a cross-contamination that occurred too oh my God I was drunk what did it happen have I ever lied to you now look [ __ ] for what I don't know so are you and Scrappy back dating or y'all just having fun having sex like what well it was a time to where we were just like kind of having fun coloring is what I call it which coloring Outside the Lines out and inside the lines oh so Scrappy's been inside your line oh wow it was a point of time time and um I'm single he's single I don't report to anybody I live a a rich [ __ ] stressfree lifestyle so I do what I want what I want with whom I want and I'm sure he's free to do the same he's a single man but what we're not going to do is Paint The Narrative like this is a a jing Mimi and Stevie J situation because it's not um and I'm not you know here to shade anybody or anything like that but I don't start nothing but if you come at me and I'm not the same person I was 11 years ago where I would just take the high road and not say nothing like I have a family and friends that care about me I have a son and I have an image that I work and a brand that I work so hard to build so I'm not going to let Erica Dixon or anybody tarnish that just because you need some camera time we know you have no motion your store has been under renovation for how long you're not getting booked so and I didn't know it was an issue I you know I really didn't know it was an issue I was I was confused I was shocked so I don't know I was I was shocked so you were shocked that the store was still renovating or you were shocked that oh okay yeah that why are you coming at me because we've had history in the past you know be she told me that she tried to come at you and you ran away from her the way s ran away from m in The Color Purple Girl by The only thing I'm running to is the [ __ ] money okay um and I just seen her New Year's Eve in Magic City which I can show you on my phone who's running sweetie she's probably talking about the first encounter when um back in the day she had got a spear key made to scraps house and my best friend which wifey baby can attest to this she was in there um his homeboy was in there I was in there we were just chilling in his room just chilling and she came into the room and went to swing on him I ain't run from nobody nowhere and I literally just saw you so she's a lot of talk and I was shocked because the interview that you're talking about was brought to my attention from my family and friends too that was done in May girl why are you talking about me I'm confused like I'm confused and I I'll be trying to keep it cool because I love you know her daughter like that's that was my baby before my baby like I have love and respect for her and even throughout the breakup you know um I would check on her and keep in contact with her and I'm just proud of the young lady that she's become but at the same time I'm a mom and I have a brand that I have to protect as well I can't not not stand up for myself because the love that I do you know that I have for her and I understand that you know she's of age to where you know you're in college people see kids see things on social Med and So you you're kind of brought into that you know so that's another reason why I tried for so long not to really speak on it and just take the high road that's why I was shocked because in pass and I've seen Erica out before you know this whatever and it was like a what's up hey by situation it was no beef there no reason for us to beef that was when I was a teenager and then you've always been number two you was never the main chick you was always number two I got the ring first and even with your new situation why are you so invested in your first baby daddy you should be trying to figure out what's going on with your second baby daddy or why you had these kids knowing that he was in a relationship with a whole another woman so don't come [ __ ] with me cuz you know I'mma tell her how TI is this ain't the same Britney diamond from 11 years ago so if you try to come for me when I Ain s for you I'mma send you right the [ __ ] back on to where the [ __ ] you at keep it cute and tell the truth at all times you know what I'm saying like I'm I'm not the one or the two you know I don't bother nobody so that's another reason why I wanted to have this conversation with you because I was shocked when it was brought to my attention I'm like what happened why are you lying why why are you why are you talking about me I'm confused but again I understand you know and you know scrap said that he wanted to bring her on board you know on the show we helping getting some coins in her pocket that's fine you know you know that's your baby mom I don't have a I didn't have a problem I still don't have a problem but I'm not going to be I can't be controlled I pay my own bills I don't need you any guy that I date I want you but I don't need you so I can't be controlled by that narrative you she needs this narrative to get back on television I literally came on to the show to defend myself because it was portrayed like I was a home recer through his marriage which I was not apparently the marriage was already broken a B I realized years ago me not speaking up for myself hurt me more than me just going live a couple months ago on my rant it helped me more than me not saying anything at all so I'm like okay I'mma come on this show you know to have your back as a friend but also to clear the air for my name and my brand because we not going to run with this I let I let that be done to me 11 years ago and I had to go through so much to clear my name and fix my brand from being talked about to say XY y it's a new day now I work too hard to get where I am before I let anybody try to tarnish what I built or to try to attach themselves to what I built you know if you want to attach yourself then we just going to tell the truth cuz I'm confused make it make sense okay I have a lot to ask you now do you feel like you're responsible for Erica eating off of love and& hipop right now well you know that they wanted me first and I turned it down ask yourself that question uhuh now why am I in it what I say what I say to you she's always been what second choice so at the end of the day I don't know I'm I'm just confused I'm confused because when them cameras go up people act a whole another kind of way I'm confused like Mama D like I love Mama d Mama D she has evolved to be such a nurturing like everybody's mom type situation like I'm so proud of her growth and you know she apologized to me about the things that were done in the past I apologize to her about the things that were done in the past and she literally has been as she said a glamma to my son and they have their relationship I go over some Sundays and eat you know my son um she got them gifts and was she car for his birthday party when my father passed away um this past it's been a week now it was last Friday this time she cooked for the repass you know so I'm I think that was kind of like another thing that affected me it was like his family and friends were affected by the breakup my family and friends were affected by the breakup a lot of my people were still friends with him you know still cool with them but I kind of just cut off all communication you know so I'm thankful that now I have that that relationship and but at the same time I know that's still your son and you still have to ride for your son and I understand because I'm a mom that's why you know we had that conversation I understood whether I agree with or not the way you move the way you move because my son is seven but you can't tell me when he turned 37 that I'mma stop defending him I'mma ride for him right wrong good bad ugly I'mma tell him about itself but I'm still going to be there for him you know so that's what I think kind of matured me in my area to really understand her more as a mom you know does it get physical between you and Erica this season on loveing hip hop she all bark no bike she said that one of the main reasons she wanted to get on Love & Hip Hop was to confront you and to you know handle some business handle what um that was when she was first approached to be on Love and& Hip Hop season one and she knew you were in the mix she was sitting already you see me I the times that he's lied to the both of us back in the day girl I done came up and popped up at your house several times a [ __ ] pull up to my house she gonna leave on the stretcher I'm just letting you know so where I'm where is all this coming from again we know you have no motion you need some camera time you the shop is still under renovation you just had new beautiful babies I'm still trying to figure out why you so invested in your first baby daddy you should be trying to figure out what's going on with your second baby daddy what is going on with the second baby daddy why you can never post him on your page why is that as I said she's always been number two she's good at being a baby mom she's good at being a baby mom like at this point the gloves is off because I'm not going to keep letting y'all play with me is the man married he's in a relationship was he in a relationship when they were yeah and she ain't leaving them she still with her man I'mma stick beside him who's still with the man the girl that's with her baby her second baby father his name so that's are we gonna see that this season you gonna see what Erica's baby daddy and all that drama going on child no she's invested in her first baby daddy that's how I know that you need motion so when we got into it with each other I'm like why are you over here me and Mama D was having a conversation I'm like oh you need some motion you could have told me this ahead of time before we came in here I could have concocted we could have came up with a fake argument a little plan a little we could have came up I'm a team player now I you offering charity I'm just saying okay you're philanthropist oh okay you got a 501c3 I do nonprofit I do not a foundation okay wring checks get that tax right off yep okay so you I'm just saying though bab I don't mess with nobody Carlos listen I will say this about you and I'm be very honest I've known you for over a decade you are very sweet and you do keep to yourself I don't know too many people that would turn down an opportunity to get on a hit reality show possibly making so much money off of the music and the appearances you I would never forget you said to me Carlos I will to jail I have a lot to lose these people do not I can't do this show I get it I love you said I like you a lot Carlo let's stay in touch y you said but I I I got too much to lose because you what you you don't realize this is real life and the moment they come at me you're going to have to take me to jail baild me out that's why they had to have three security to stand in front of me and she only had like one so when you're seen these videos of scrapping Erica on vacation hanging out bumping and grinding on the on the beach after me him went on vacation I'm sorry what were you saying I forgot what I tell you always number two I've already done this baby everything you're doing I've already done and the only reason why you're able to do that is because I remove myself from the situation I pull back from the situation and my Turning Point for me was when my father started to get sick sicker and sicker and sicker and the amount of energy the love and support and a number of other things I'm not going to say because I'm not here to bash him bash nobody really but I'm just speaking facts I had to reserve my energy and and and put that energy into myself and my father and then it became an issue like you know why you ain't calling me you ain't checking on me and this and that and it's like I'm the one that's going through something right now I need all the love and support like I'm sorry that I can't be there for you to the aspect that I've been there for you as a great friend this last year but now it's my turn I need that you know and it kind of reminded me of the old things you know it's like okay now it's about you it's not about us as a team us being great friends and being there for each other and he he had been there and done some great things for me for my father through the whole him being on life support and the pass and situation but it wasn't as consistent as I would have been if God forbid something happened to one of his family me his mother his father God forbid and even as consistent that I had been there for him through his divorce when he was at his lowest point but you know who did miss a beat you know who did miss a beat who Mama D that's beautiful to hear she did not miss a beat and his as well they didn't miss a beat she like cuz the hospital was like 10 minutes from M's house she was like you want to come over here and take a bath you you've been in that hospital cuz I had went like 10 days without bathing I was so depressed and I didn't want to leave them she's like come over here and get a plate I can come up there I can sit with you praying with you and this you know throughout like so I don't really have time to respond and do what I'm doing now like you said about all the things that have been going on online because my focus was my father and it's still very fresh I haven't because I've been having to work I still haven't really mourned which is scary cuz I don't know at what point will make me snap that's what made me snap that day that number two and I got into it with each other because I'm literally just leaving the hospital just to come be here and support it was Mama D's event I'm just here to support her because she supported me not this is before he got really really really sick he was sick but it wasn't to all the stuff that I'm telling you about but I was already dealing with that so that her coming at me when I'm having a conversation with Mama D just make me snap CU I'm already dealing with seeing my father pretty much die slowly right in front of me you know what I'm saying so that that that changes you it's it's traumatizing you know I know at some point we all have to go through it and we all leave different ways some people suffer some people just pass in they sleep some you know it's peaceful but to see him suffer like that day after day all those tubes coming out of his you know like it's it's a lot it's a lot it it's it's a lot you are a little shade assassin I know you had to in you diing girl you it takes a lot for me to G the thing I'm G tell what's funny cuz you know she gonna try to come back and do a part come back and one I know and it might come together cuz he like she took they might come sit down together not that's fine do what y'all got to do no the thing about it is you are like straight face serious you say it keep it moving that's why I'm laughing because I'm like you did because you're de ass yeah and I ain't even mad I think that's you know what that's that's that's a better description okay I can tell you're not even mad because I don't even want it to look like I'm mad that's why it's funny to me because you really are like Carlos it it is what it is there's no I was in Bahamas and the the trip to Hawaii was her friend's trip he flew out there because I wasn't talking to him to just like I guess get away or whatever so it appeared like he put this whole trip on for her when it was already a trip with her friends that was going on in Hawaii he just flew out there to kind of like be a part of that to make you jealous you think of course he's in love with you you know that right mad know I mean I just that was my turning point I I know that he loves me and like I told you before I love him as well but I feel like me going through that with my father and you wanting to continue with this narrative that meant more to you than you being there for me for my father and that was all I need to see that was what just made me be like I'm done with it now well I'll speak when I see you and we're cool cuz he just text me the other day and said can he pick up Princeton to take him and his son to go to a wrestling match and you know I'm like we not messing with each other on that level but I know that you love my son you know he's done things more more things financially for my son than his own father his father had a stroke when he was one years old that's another traumatizing thing I had to literally bathe him wipe him you know his speech is not all the way back to where it was um but he still he's he he he's sharp he still have his [ __ ] about him I love my baby dad to death but he'll be in his feelings if he see me kind of outdating or doing this but that in the third and then don't want to do what he's supposed to do to try to get back at me or because he's mad at me type situation so I am thankful for the things that scrap has done for my kid and loved him like I've loved his kid as well um and Mama D andt and so so it's no beef you know it's no beef at all do you have a relationship with Bambi that's funny that's a whole another conversation I don't but one thing I will say that's funny when me and Soulja Boy stepped out that day when FreddyO uh took pictures of us at the car show I remember Fredo asking me are you doing this because of Bambi and at the time I'm like Bambi I didn't know this was the same Bambi because my girlfriend cougar which is here as well we me and her met in 2019 and she worked for Dona magazine and had a casting agency at that time Bambi reached out to her to come moveing move to Atlanta and be in some of her music videos um when I broke up with scrap back in the day I stopped talking to everybody that wanted to still be cool with him and me it was like you got to pick a side you know in my feelings family whatever the case and I feel back from her we didn't fall out it was just more so like okay you want to just she want to be neutral and just like I'm not in it I just want to be cool with both y'all and I'm like no you got to pick a side you know I just feel back you know and she and I moved to California and she casted a music video for scrap and had Bambi to be on a music video um and I think that's when they took it serious serious but I do remember the the second okay I met her one time because she had made these earrings and she was trying to she was begging my friend cougar was like I want to meet her I want to meet her I want to S these earrings and I got her I got her as my ringtone I want to meet her I want to meet her whatever whatever but I never could really hang out I think it was really really quick but I never could hang out because I was always with him but when I went back home which people don't know the whole Soulja Boy situation we were trying to figure it out I went home for about 60 days maybe 3 months um cap one had a party and he was like let's go to cap one party you know two chains friend he was like I want to show him some love that was the first time I really like saw her saw her in person because he actually introduced me to her and was like this my home girl Bambi whatever whatever not even thinking in that's the same Bambi Fredo is asking me about you know so this whole home recer and all this other narrative that she went around with girl when we were together and we was in the same house and we was trying to figure it out apparently you was in a mix you know what I'm saying so I don't have no sympathy for you I mean I don't wish bad on anybody as far as like you know going through a divorce because they say that's like damn near like losing a loved one like dealing with dealing with a death but you know I'm not it's not like I'm G to be friends with you because I didn't forget you know and is it true that when you and Scrappy were living together that Bambi went into the house and she was one of the women that he was cheating on you with well but I guess he don't call it that because he say that's when we were on our break situation but yeah it was my house and Erica came over there as well Erica and Bambi came over your house to sleep with Scrappy I don't know what happened I wasn't there but I know they definitely came to the house okay um during last the the first half of Love and& Hip Hop when Bambi and Scrappy were moving out the house and they were talking about the reason why they're divorcing Bambi made a comment alleging that she went through his phone and saw him texting you and messages with you were you having were you coloring in your coloring book with Scrappy and his crayon coloring in the line while he was married to Bambi no but we were texting each other and it probably wasn't appropriate um but the times that um um he would have asked me to come to his room it wasn't like we were just there alone you know again a lot of his friends are my friends you know so it could have been a a party vibing situation and we had not been apart from each other we had been apart from each other for 11 years and we were friend we were childhood friends first that's a lot of ground to cover like we he's sharing pictures of his kids I'm sharing pictures of my son like oh you remember this happen what was you at when this person died you know what I'm saying it was just more so that it was like it was always people around us type situation but the whole texting and the that was definitely out of line we probably shouldn't have been texting each other um knowing that they were still married so I do take accountability in that because of course you know I'm not here to rain on anybody's parade or trying to you know add any additional issues in the situation but he was definitely going through issues and he was at a low point because when we relink up on tour I was his op and he was I was trying to speak to him so when he kept telling people he wanted to talk to me he want to talk I'm like what do you want to talk about sir but it was just more so for closure like look we getting this money together we cool with each other I don't have no issue with you hopefully you don't have no issue with me like I just want to be cool type situation and then from there it just turned into something fun just free like you know we cracking jokes up at each other it ain't awkward cuz it's like we would be in the room and people like well we know they ain't speaking to each other well let's do it it was like we made other people whether it be trillville or my other group members or whoever else on the tour have to do more work and everybody's happy reuniting we getting money we connecting with fans it's like what's the real issue here you know what I'm saying so I'm like I ain't tripping I I really I can't that [ __ ] happened so long ago I ain't tripping you ain't tripping I ain't tripping you know what I'm saying it was more so that so diamond girl you have a lot going on I'm happy used this opportunity to clear the air and I really do thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk to you about this because I know like I said you're very private and when I reach out to you you said to me like you're the only person I want to talk to I would do it only with you let me know when you have my condolences about your dadk and his passing um but what's next for you because female Hip Hop Is Back and it's dominating the industry so can respect new music is crime going to have reunion you got perfume col like everything what so tell me what's happening so definitely more music my last project I just drop is called slim thi uh slim thic reloaded that's on all platforms I have a reality TV show that I'm filming season two next week um it's called diamond cuts Atlanta I have a beauty salon we're by Mall of Georgia where it's a One-Stop shop we do hair nails makeup body contouring eyelash extensions because I'm in school now to get my esthetician license and the show is based off of the drama within the shop um other women that I've casted to come in and kind of like compete for a slot to win in my salon so I'm on the production side the production side of things I'm so it is oh that's my second calling um I have a skin care line called Diamond glow skin the website is the diamond glow skin.com and I actually brought a couple of samples for you to smell yes H I love the smell so wait what what's this one this cuz I like all things black that is lust okay you said lust are you stupid okay y so I have uh two fragrances for men this women that's men this one smells good and I have three for women is this mine sure baby thank you baby yes yes okay so you have a lot going on so you're on your entrepreneurship yes I'm on my entrepreneurship so this perfume and cologne line is my new baby I launched it right before my father really really really got sick and I didn't really give it the full attention so I'm doing some things now to relaunch it again and really give it its full attention and I'm going to create some a situation to where I give proceeds to a organization that I've created with my friend that talked about fuger it's called Daddy's girl and since the losing or the transition of my father I connected with so many women who are Daddy's Girls whether their father has passed or is still alive and to bring awareness to my father's organization um they knew him as Captain DUI he got hit by a drunk driver when I was three years old he created an organization called Foundation day Mayana to help families that are victimized by drunk drivers so between the Daddy's girl and the foundation day Mayana that's why I be kind of like giving all the proceeds to just to try to keep his legacy alive I'm proud of you thank you this is your time and listen I do mean that this is your time thank you baby you have been you know doing the work working on spirituality and now it's time for you to reap the benefits of that and I mean that and I want to see you out there I want to see you doing more music I want to see you continue to making multiple streets of income that's what you deserve thank you and I had no idea you were shade assassin so we get a chance to see that every Tuesday on love and& hip hop on MTV MTV right so thank you so much baby thank you for the opportunity anything for my baby
Channel: Carlos King
Views: 395,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Mdas4jtr5Gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 2sec (5042 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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