Part 1: Kaleidoscope Quilt and Table Runner Block | Let'sMake Quilting Tutorial

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hi i'm donna jordan from jordan fabrics today we're going to show you how to cut and sew kaleidoscope stack and whack quilt blocks so my husband matt has some of these already picked out and he's going to show us how to do this let's go find him hi I'm Scott yeah I've got I know I found this runner in the shop this is one that we did a couple years ago I remember and when I used to cut these in these pie shapes that are meant as you know or just outstanding and they're very time-consuming to make and but I found a couple ways I like to do the mound and this was a runner we did Don and what's really cool is the back of the runner was the fabric that I used to cut out these kaleidoscope pie shapes that then make it's unbelievable designs yeah individual designs just just really cool so can you show us how to cut them absolutely haha absolutely and by the way Don this wasn't you remember this was a quote we did which is extremist family poppers look at the flowers around here yeah I mean that's all out of one fathom all out of one fabric very cool so this is something that takes a really long time to cut it's very difficult cutting but Matt's got the method down now so he can show us how to cut some more so I'll go do something that's let's go okay [Music] before we start cutting I want to show you how the kaleidoscope works I've got a hinged mirror here it's two mirrors with a hinge you can find it at your local quilt store they probably have one you can try out on your fabrics now if you move this around you can get an idea of the different kaleidoscope blocks that you might get so I think my favorite one would be oh yeah one right there with all the roses and that's fun so let's grab our fabrics and we'll get math to start cutting out these blocks the first thing I'm going to do is cut the repeat on this fabric almost all fabrics have a repeat and what do I mean by a repeat you might have heard that and I'm not sure what it is by looking at this flower here down here and if you follow your hand at the same level and go out you will find that this flower is repeated right here again you can see the same leaves or below it it's been repeated and everything in between also gets repeated at certain intervals certain amount of inches you can find it quickly by going to the selvages and just picking a letter a number of color I'm going to pick this letter k and I'm going to go to the next K along the selvage which is right here on it Kotori and it's about 23 inches almost 24 inches that's very typical for larger scale prints that's perfect so I go I've chosen to cut the K to the K I line it up the fabric straight on the bottom on the bottom down here it's very straight I'm going to put my ruler right through the K I can see I'm lined up pretty well and just cut it it doesn't have to be super exact but close and now I'm going to go down to the next K to get my first repeat college so the next step is to split the fold at the bottom very simple I'm going to put my scissors in I'm pulling towards me with the top light of the scissors it keeps it straight for the kaleidoscopes that we're going to do today I'm going to need eight of these sets there'll be a total of sixteen pieces if you separate them and eight total sets repeated you just go from K to K or whatever you pick to choose to cut on that's what you do eight times the next step is to iron the fabric in this case with these kaleidoscopes you don't want to press like crazy you just want to get anything that's definitely wrinkled out but for the most part what I do is just gently whether it's nice iron just gently go back and forth and as long as I use the same amount of pressure on each fabric they'll all be relatively the same you don't want to iron hard and stretch things that's the key because then it will be hard to line the pieces up okay I'm ready to start the important pinning part of this project I've got this magnifying light and I've got it lined up so that my selvages are on the top I like to start pinning opposite the selvages I have found that is much easier to do and I'm here's how I get started I will take a larger size pin here it's probably about two inches or so with it with a nice big head on it because this pin is coming in and out of the fabric as I pin the idea now is for me to pin exactly in the same spot on each of the eight fabrics I have this lighted magnifying glass that I use and I'm going to bring it to the left hand corner I have the selvage is on the top just come to the left hand corner here now I'm going to find a spot that I like in the corner relatively close to it but high enough about an inch in an inch out it's going to be what there's little gold dots on this flower that I can see through this magnifying glass but I'm going to use the pan so I'm going to take my pin over here and what I'm going to do is follow this little narrow flower down right here and I'm going to pin right in the gold dot that's right below it on the green part of the flower and this was I laid this up relatively accurately at least in this spot after iron so this is becoming very easy to do and I just picked the fabrics up there's that cold dot pick that next fabric up just I just push the fabric up the pin up you want to keep the pin relatively straight up and down not angled like that and I keep picking up the pieces of fabric find that gold bot put the pin straight down this is not that easy to do but if you you know a little focus and patience you can get it BAM now the next after you have them all pinned you push the pin all the way through all the way through to where it stops I'm going to take my thumb I'm going to press that my forefinger is right here so here's my forefinger my thumb my four fingers just on the side of the pin pressing down just keep the fabric as flat as you can this is important I'm going to push my mirror out of the way because everything has been pinned now I push down right by the head of the pin till I touch just touch my forefinger with the pin you might want to wear a little band-aid or something because if the pin is sharp you know it'll hurt won't touch it but it'll hurt don't push too much I pushed I've got it on my finger I can feel it and now I'm going to push it right back through the fabric now I can take out the pin by pin whiz and you'll see there is the pin right there that went through the fabric they can sue bracket I can already see check this out these little lines here that are matching up on the fabric you can see it's being pinned very accurately really cool extremely cool method I love this you just take your time take your time okay now what I do for the next pin with spacing is important the way I choose the distance depend it's about six inches or about when I put my thumb and finger just like this about there but I always have to pick a spot that's easy to see in this case I'm just going to come right here to the tip of this flower bud here right here I see little spot right there and I'm a pin right on there and get that matched up Heisley get that started a little real well okay I got the last piece coming up here excellent I'm going to push the mirror away and I'm going to push the pin down towards on the top of the fabric take my thumb and forefinger rather fingers next to press it down get a smaller straight pin these are smaller straight pins you can use any size that you're comfortable with it's smaller than the big one that I'm using about an inch press it down fill my forefinger right there keep the pin head down on the big one so if everything stays good come out push excellent idea there's my second pin right there you can see a little silver right there a little bit in this thing is coming together coming together I'm very happy with those first two pins she's me to say I'm going to continue now five or six inches around finding spots that are very easy to see all the way around I'll go down to this edge and I'll head right up this edge and you just continue all the way around until I finished down here five or six inches apart by the spots that are easy for you to pin that's that's the crucial part we are ready to do the next step we have our pins in and now I'm going to do something that I have affectionately named the earthquake and I have my beautiful wife Donna here to help me and Donna field what we do is each grab a pin on the edges towards the edge here so my thumb's on the pin and her thumb's on the pin there and we're going to lift it up about three or four inches and stretch it tight do not rip sticks SP types taut now Donna you go ahead she's gonna do a little shake okay stop we'll tighten it on and I'm going to shake and what this does is it allows the fabric to settle where they naturally go and if the pinning is accurate this will put them on top of each other and down you go and go one more time oh okay i'ma go once more and then we shut it down keep it tight and then you just set it down okay so the next step is to take the pins out we've done the earthquake I'm going to press down on the pin right where it connects this out and just pull it out and that keeps the fabric right there it's not going on to do one more press down grab the head of the pin and just pull it out okay once you pull the pins out it's important that you leave the project pretty much right where it is I'm going to cut five inch strips now for the first cuts and then we're going to cut those strips into triangles so I'm going to use this line right here I'm just going to line everything up on this line right here to be sure that I get all these layers cut off I'll set that on the - up there - over here I'm going to put my weight down to set it up there for me open up my cutter there's eight layers here there we are okay I cut the five inch piece now I'm going to transfer this piece strip to another board very carefully I'm gonna pick here I'm gonna take here I'm going to pinch with my thumbs and just very carefully come over here set it down about the middle of the board just like so I want to show you this it's almost like a 3d image now you can see how the flower extends down into the eight layers very accurately that's what you can get with this type of cutting method you can see all along the flower lines here same thing awesome looking good looking good the next step is to cut my pieces into the triangles for those eight pieces of the pie and I'm going to use this 45 degree triangle and we like to have a flat top so to speak so I'm going to start the quarter inch it's easier to sew the pieces together without it being straight to the point so I'm going to place it to the right and be sure I can get all the layers so I can't come over too far but I want to get as much as I can so we make good use of our material there we are with the corners and I shall wait doubt the bottom here for stability in my hand here for stability and I'm going to go ahead get steps you're right just a little bit James thank you and cut this I really got to press down with that left hand on my right hand and just go straight to the floor BAM done now I'm going to do the other side I'm going to take my weight switch it to the other side or the side I cut I should say and I'm going to I keep my hand here just with stability I don't want that template moving and now games I need some more room thank you and now I'm going to press down and I'm going to cut left handed right there so what you have when you're done is that beautiful little Thai piece and you can see here I'm going to show you you see these leaves and you look at them it's all the same so that's how you cut them and now I'm going to go through and just repeat the steps to same steps using the angle where it belongs setting it up quarter inch down and I'm going to keep cutting all the way down the line if you'd like to see the rest of the tutorial check back for part two thanks for watching we welcome your comments and your questions you know
Channel: Jordan Fabrics
Views: 450,487
Rating: 4.9053411 out of 5
Keywords: Quilt, quilting, quilts, 12 block, log cabin, fabric, fabrics, pre cuts, table runner, table runners, sew, sewing, log cabin 12 blocks, Jordan Fabrics, Jordan's, jordan, floating point, Floating Point, North Star, north star, Donna Jordan, Matt Jordan, Patterns, Pattern, Trade, Winds, trade winds, batik, Batik, Bali Batik, bali batik' sister's choice, Kaleidoscope, Tutorial, Cutting, Stack n' Wack, stack and wack
Id: AYx_G83pFEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2017
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