The ACTUAL Reason You Make No Currency in Path of Exile | 3.21 Crucible

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yes Paul strong here and today let's talk about why you're poor in software trade first up I'm not going to tell you how to play the game if you don't care about currency that's awesome if you play solo saffron if you have certain restrictions that you put on yourself if you like Immortal builds and you're fine Shield charging around with 20 movement speed that is totally fine there's nothing against that I'm here to answer people who do care so if you're a solo cell phone player or a hardcore player this video is completely useless for you now my inspiration for this video came from this post on Reddit which states it feels like the best builds are incredibly janky and then basically listing what they don't like about certain League starters Etc or what they perceive to be the best builds and why does that have anything to do with currency let me explain now um two things I like to do in terms of content are builds and currency strats right um and I feel like people do not realize to what extent those kind of go hand in hand I don't know if you guys realize but I usually make a build and then I make a farming shred where the build excels at it and there is a reason for that now let's go over the first reason which I think honestly if I had to guess is probably the reason why 90 of you guys struggle and that is your build excels at nothing your build has to have a goal it has to have something that it does well now what do around our builds excel at mostly leak start now sure you could play a squishy mapper and just walk through the game and buy boss compilations but that's like telling you to roll away consistents in your hideout and just make currency that way I'm talking about just playing the game and I'm talking about unlocking everything needed for your farming strats with your leak starter so unlocking the game clearing the end game right and what is that number one all your watch stones and then all your favorite slots now you might have noticed that I didn't talk about Ubers and that's because Ubers are completely useless in software now while Uber's bait that is because they corner you into build making decisions that make your builds slower builds who want to clear Uber need more damage and more survivability than normal builds for example a mapper or anything else that you can specialize in on softcore and therefore you will have to sacrifice those things to get the things that get you an easier Uber experience however the second thing is even more important Ubers are basically a skill check there's people who can do Ubers on two mil DPS and there's people who can't on a hundred million if you understand the mechanics yes it's Uber viable is this build Uber viable I don't know maybe for you maybe for me I have no idea now there are people who can make money with Ubers and those are the people who once again specialize in it they go in they don't really care about movement speed they go in throw their traps or do whatever cast on death boom Falls over do it again repeat for a thousand times compare that with you kind of struggling with the Uber boss for a minute or so finally beating it and dropping nothing and you're like oh I didn't drop anemus again it doesn't matter they're not supposed to they're a complete bait Ubers can make you a ton of money but only over the long term and for people who are extremely fast at them now before I tell you the solution to this which is already getting quite obvious I want to talk about playing the best builds and as an example here I want to take seismic trab which was regarded by a ton of people I think ever since 3.16 was a 1617 up to like last league as one of if not the best build and if we look at the things you would usually look at right effective Health pool Max hit across the board uh recovery is not great but you could usually make up for that um movement speed is not great Shield charge all right but then you realize that is on extremely budget gear other than the wiring item that changed a lot for a seismic trap as well but let's let's say for example 3.19 right I mean this build is incredible on paper but let's ask the question what does seismic trap actually excel at in softcore absolutely nothing Legions garbage boss rushing garbage simulacrum five rewards light terrible Heist terrible this build fits into no Niche and that is because it's not made for software it is made for hardcore Souls I found and there we get into the softcore versus hardcore divide what is good in softcore is very different to what is good in hardcore softcore has an incredibly competitive trading Community whereas hardcore has been absolutely destroyed by the invention of solar cell phone a lot of people who play hardcore that used to be in trade now play solo cell phone and that has really taken the toll on the economy and also hardcore players need to play different builds because they can't just die nobody's gonna tell a hardcore player to just get more movement speed and sacrifice defensive players that would be stupid on softcore it's exactly the other way around at least if you care about currency now is that hardcore players fault that you're poor of course not you're asking a hardcore player what they want to play you are looking at hardcore Racers and thinking oh those are the best builds I have to play those at leak start as well that is your fault and as well as that the Path of Exile Bill threaded and other communities which are so hyper focused nowadays on getting defensive layers on every single software build even those that excel at things that don't even need defenses now why is everybody so hyper focused on defensive players nowadays it's because they all have PTSD from the time frame of 3.15 to 3.19 now 3.15 was Expedition league and this is where basically the game went into a little bit of a different direction basically what they did is they nerfed all support gems across the board to basically give players a lot less inherent in the power what was the problem with that is support gems used to be free right so at leak start you would have free Power you don't have to pay any money you just buy them from the gem vendor and most builds lost 40 to 50 percent of their damage it was absolutely insane and it made leak starting just a lot less annoying and a lot more restrictive then we had 3.16 which saw the armor and evasion rework as well as that spell suppression I should also mention uh which is still a huge thing in the game um armor evasion spell suppression this basically meant that it was way more competitive for software players to actually get defensive layers back in the day you used to just get acrobatics phase acrobatics and just get a lot of Dodge if you don't know about those times forget about it it was squishy days back then so we had 3.15 3.16 and then 3.18 came around and that was probably the biggest shakeup and while Sentinel League which is 3.18 is remembered as a crazy good leak that is only because they nerfed arch nemesis immediately arch nemesis was introduced in 4.18 and what that did to the game is the Baseline got so much harder even if you just went out can go you would just get randomly one tapped right even with defensive players you were asked to do so much defensively for your build just to run a non-jews map and even though we had the tools now from 3.16 well it doesn't matter because you have to still invest into it it's not like it's free the tools are there but now you have to use it and that will take away from damage or movement speed 3.19 saw them doubling down on arch nemesis which made it such a disaster I know Lake of Calandra was a bad league in general but let's be real the reason was the base game coupled with the doubling down of nerfing harvest removing prefixes can't be changed suffixes can't be changed from the table and it was a catastrophe the game was in the worst state of all time 3.20 for bin sanctum saw a comeback in a big way this is where the game got more vanilla again we're now in a time frame where you actually don't have to be hyper tanky to do the most normal alkan go or buy rushing style but people just don't realize subtract him makes a video about haste now being good determination being more and more overrated especially now with the molten shell Nerf everybody is swapping over to lightning coil Taste of hate and he gets laughed at it for now just want to remind everybody what makes you no currency on softcore defenses do you want to be squishy and die all the time and have Castle deaf portal of course you don't you don't have to anymore since 3.16 that is not the case anymore you can have Grace and spell suppression on every single build and you should but what makes you no currency it's defenses as long as you don't have a character that's completely out of paper as long as it can do what it's supposed to do fill its Niche you're going to make currency and every bit and every ounce of extra defense you have that you don't need you're misallocating stop jerking yourself off over Max hit and effective hitpool it doesn't matter unless you actually need it for the content you're gonna run most people on softcore do normal mapping they Boss Rush the out can go they do Allegiance they don't do a hundred percent daily they don't need that focus on easy defenses that aren't that much investment especially if you don't have that much currency you're going to have to sacrifice something and if you care about currency a little bit of that will have to be defense that doesn't mean that you have to be paper though you can get four to five kill life pretty easy there is no reason why you can't have Grace there is no reason why you can't have spell suppression at least on the right side of the tree on the left side of the tree you can have determination because you have a little bit more armor support and if you're on the right side of the tree you stack physical taken as Ellie with stuff like Taste of hate your helmet or maybe lightning coil guard skills are usually free whether that's molten shell whether that's Immortal call or steel skate even and sure this has a lot to do with player preference yada yada but what does actually make you currency and this obviously depends on what you're farming but in general movement speed you complete something faster damage you kill something faster area of effect you have less stragglers less monsters remaining at the end of the map projectile speed if you're fast enough your projectiles have to keep up with that or your tornado shot and projectile speed is basically AOE I wanted to put quad at the end here because it's obvious but I just want to make you understand these are all currency multipliers quantity usually should come in at the end when you already have your build established it's already good right you already have some currency into it so you can take away character power to introduce some quantity but until then these are usually even more efficient so what is the obvious conclusion here that is just make specialized builds I wrote down just a few things you can do there is a hundred more you just have to pick something and then be good at it your build should be forged into whatever you want to run for example I'm currently running a build that already has like 30 or 40 Fizz taken as so if I would run a lightning coil I would get a lot of tank here however I'd want to do boss rushing so Queen of the forest is the obvious choice so I'm faster I don't have anything really killing me even without a Headhunter and I'm running metamorphs with 500 more life with the Sextant and also the atlas passive tree and they still don't really want shove me why because I also invested into damage meaning they can't watch out me they're basically dead so that is what I mean you have to adapt to things and not just look at these numbers all the time you have to understand pob and most people just don't next tip stop making your builds janky what do I mean by that there's things that don't show up on pob that will make your builds a lot more fun a lot of people don't even look at movement speed they look at Max hit recovery damage right that's what people focus on for example on on this build here with queen of the forest I'm taking Fleet foot and I'm taking freedom of movement plus this Mastery right here it gives me like 30 40 movement speed and the extra evasion skills as well it made the build feel incredible first I had a cluster here and it was like there's something missing and I just unspected I lost like 20 of my damage does it matter no as long as what I'm farming with the build isn't compromised It's actually an upgrade but if you just look at the stats in pob you're gonna say uh I wonder if Pastor knew if you remove these points it got a little bit more no that's not how it works actually play the builds in game and you're gonna figure out what feels best or an even more specific example back when I made a mob Mischief Elementalist to test for leak start I got asked a lot about these two points right here spiritual command and Minion Attack speed right if you don't know that build you basically want minion life otherwise you have nothing to do with minions so people were asking me pal did you know that um attack speed doesn't scale your damage at all well no I need it for shield charge speed these two no nodes making my build feel a ton less shitty will you see it here I can't see anything does my Max it go up does my damage go up I don't think so make builds that are meant to be played not builds that you show other people and they're judging it and they don't have any idea what's going on make builds that you want to play alright so now you think I'm an elitist totally fine but let's talk about the shitty conclusion and understand this okay if you just want to play one build building not everybody has that much time to re-roll into multiple characters not everybody has Path of Exile as their main game what's the conclusion here if you play one build per League that is you're at a clear disadvantage you have to get your expectations right here that is just the truth because you're competing in the trade economy with people who do these things and they specialize at them right you're competing with them over items like Headhunter or Mage button and you just they are wondering why the hell can't I get to it and it's because they're more efficient at whatever they're doing than you doing everything a little bit and if you're a player who says but I wanna be immortal that there's payoffs for that you can be immortal on softcore just understand that comes with this right you're not going to be as fast to farm this up if you play 15 hours a day 10 hours a day I mean of course you're gonna get there but for normal person you can't get there you're competing with people who are hyper efficient I understand that all rounders let you do everything in the game with without you ever having to reroll but one thing I can tell you from almost a decade now experience is the most fun I personally have in Poe is if I absolutely annihilate content not if I barely can do it and I just like half clear Legion or something no if you have a build that actually is supposed to be there then there's one more thing I really want to talk about which mostly comes from experienced players giving new players advice which is the worst possible advice and if you're watching this right and you're a new player or even mid-tier player you don't really know how to make currency maybe this video could help you maybe not um and they tell you just make currency with whatever bro it doesn't matter as long as you stick to it that is the dumbest thing you can say to a new player ever in theory that's correct if you know what you're doing if you have enough experience you can make currency with whatever in this game I just gave you all these examples right you can make currency with all of these it doesn't matter one is like seven divines per hour this league one is six it shifts a little bit but in general play what you want is true but for new players it's completely delusional that's like telling somebody who's new to cooking don't use a recipe from some Chef cook no you're gonna use that recipe and you're gonna use another recipe and another one and at some point you can see the patterns that are true throughout all of these threads and now you're like oh I don't need this power strong guy anymore but until then you should follow a recipes until you can say okay I can do whatever I want and when you're at that stage it's a really cool feeling at that point you can also play around your builds a lot more again because you're gonna be more efficient so whereas most irana builds wouldn't excel at something just because of your experience you can get back in there and until then I understand it's harsh this game is so vast nowadays I had the luck to start learning it 10 years ago it was nothing in terms of complexity as it is now I could learn over the years slowly slowly build up my knowledge base and you're thrown into this game with complete content like overload so going back to the starting post right here I feel really bad about this because you need specialized builds unless you have 500 to a thousand divines where you can make every build kind of into a rounder build right sure but realistically do something well and your build is gonna feel Godly and there's so much more we could be talking about from Trading to how to navigate the trade website on how to craft and lose less currency but that has to be left for another video all I can say at the end of this video is play a build that feels good at a certain special content a build that you have fun with get some kind of recipe from whoever you trust or that content repeat do it over and over again the next time try something new maybe that's something you like more and once you have a vast knowledge base you can basically do whatever you want bro but that's it randover
Channel: Palsteron
Views: 145,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: path of exile, poe, path, exile, guide, build, builds, palsteron, plasteron, palsterion, 3.21, poe 3.21, patch 3.21, poe crucible, crucible, sc trade, poe uber bosses, poe ubers, lake of kalandra, spell suppression, defences poe, poe defences, poe defenses, defenses poe, poe builds, how to make currency poe, hcssf, hc ssf
Id: HeBJ4B24340
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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