The Disturbing Full Story of Diablo 3

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foreign [Music] shall appear in the heavens Justice shall fall upon the world of men amazing light and Shadow will Clash across the fields of Eternity foreign [Music] [Applause] a bad dream we should be getting you home but there's still work to be done if these translations are correct the powers of Hell could already be on the move the world must be told of the coming Darkness you do believe me don't you Leah it has begun leaving Uncle it's not important [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] I swore the Earth leaving home and family at 16 I saw my master die I took up his shield and his name and on that day I became a crusader armored by faith driven by Duty bound to kill the enemies of zakarum sworn to live as a crusader and to die as one corruption returns to the hearts of men I see it in the eyes of the Mad hear it in the howling of the Damned falling star in the west leads me to the town of new Tristram Crusade calls me so I go this is the story of the Fallen star and the quest's original appearance in Diablo 3. we first arrive on our journey from the outskirts of new Tristram as we step off the dilapidated Bridge we're first met with a dark and foreboding land moving forward to survey the town we see a broken sign to new Tristram and we mutter to ourselves the Fallen star is close but there is death here too making our way East following the path to the Village we get our first ominous sign of trouble some carrion birds are picking at a poor woman's corpse flayed out in a pool of Gore the body is rotted away in her valuables are still in place as we see two coin purses untouched we then can deduce this was not the work of Highway Bandits it's then we see the first of the undead now risen feasting on a poor couple next to their overturned wagon the undead barely notices shambling around as if confused before we end its miserable existence however it is not alone as we continue further along the path we're greeted by a terrible sight more corpses re-risen and feasting on flesh they however are less welcoming to trespassers though their assault barely scratched our Shields we realized quickly seeing the bodies ahead that what they lack and Vigor that I more than make up for in sheer numbers it's then we happen upon the gates of new Tristram corpses strewn about as a guard captain and his men fend off the Dead with flame bow and steel approaching the captain he says greetings I am a crusader of the zakaroon faith and I saw a star falling on this town it fell on the old Cathedral there was only one Survivor Leah you should speak with her Captain Rumford more data coming we can't open the gates until we drive them back before Rumford could finish his thought the dead rise Anew as a gaggle awaken in a pack of Fallen dead littered about with the guards help we fight them off as they Claw at his hungrily yet ultimately make short work of them to which Rumford remarks foreign yeah I've never seen anyone fight like that before God's open the gates you'll find Leah at the slaughtered calf Inn so this Leah is our best bet as the only survivor of the Fallen star who best head to the slaughtered calf Inn as Rumford guides heading west through the gates and stealing our weapons we see a militia man burning corpses and one of his brothers in arms says learn those corpses Before Their Eyes again we approached the militia man next to the wagon and he explains the dead have been a bean on our existence since that cursed fire fell we have to burn them just to make sure they don't rise from the grave makes sense why the guards were dousing the bodies as we head into town we see someone who has been performing autopsies in a questionably hygienic makeshift Medical Center a scholar and onlooker then remarks arcamia to study the fall of old Tristram closer to the town's history than I want to be understandable I don't think the Dead bear much Insight we then see the town healer clearly alarmed by the happenings and he says zakarum has fallen to disgrace What Faith Can Save Us now it is the end of the world can't you see that zakaroon will be restored friend we assure him we will bring the zakaroon back to its former glory before it's heading south into the Town Center which has a large Waypoint in the middle and a militia man clearly shaken up by the happenings I promise Marco I'd protect him but now he's dead standing next to him is a blacksmith heydrich who shares nothing ever seems to change and nutrition does it what do you mean there's always some threat of the Risen dead or foul evil descending on the town isn't there it certainly seems like we have a work cut out for us it's amazing that anyone is left in this town as if hearing our thoughts we cross paths with the town mayor standing in the north west corner with a cart of belongings which is very much overpacked and he scoffs as he sees us saying please move your cart how dare you speak to me like that I am the mayor of this town Lord mayor please move your cart are you mad this town is doomed anyone with a grain of sense should be trying to get out will you help me or not fleeing will not save your life and certainly not your town poor wretch has never had a chance even their mayor has abandoned them with our Grim assessment complete we head inside into their slaughtered calf in a few feet away as we enter the end we see a villager by the South Wall who informs us Tristram used to be such a wonderful place to live my family has been here since the town grew out of the ruins of old Tristram but now it's horrible the loved ones we've buried and grieved over now threaten our lives this seldom anything worse than a family member's pass except for the ghoulish reality of having to burn their zombified corpses with fire lest they take a sweet chunk out of your own flesh as we head into the main bar area we see many of the infirmed scattered about the duo of ladies loitering next to them say I don't care what anyone says that thing that fell from the sky was no rock a rock doesn't cause the dead to leave their graves have you come to help us the other adventurers who came through here didn't look so deadly though we appreciate their confidence this is still quite a mystery it's them we see a young girl brown hair looking shy of making it past 16 Winters this must be Leah and though her innocence seems to Blind an aged experience about her bow on back and standing confident compared to the rest of the townsfolk we approach her and she says are you Leah they tell me you survived the falling star I did but it blasted my uncle Deckard Kane into the depths of the old Cathedral I tried to search for him but the dead were already Rising came back here to Rally the militia but watch out the one that are turning before she can finish her thought the dead rise up forced to slaughtered the villagers in front of their kin We Begin our unenviable task with precision and Leah's Aid using our Shield to bash down the last The Tavern now left to be caked in Gore the bar keep them remarks this is killing business it's then we see Leah again for a further update the dead will overwhelm us all unless something is done something like putting the dead back to sleep I can do that thank you you should speak with Captain Rumford at the gate he can tell you what to do it seems back to Rumford we go first we take a look around for more Undead and as we gingerly step over true skeletons we gifted to the floor we stop momentarily to admire the fabled slaughter carf no doubt what the in was named after oh if that's the calf I'd hate to see a fully grown one with Leah's permission we head downstairs to see her room and although standard fare by all accounts we see her journal for inside of what's happened we've been under siege for six days now uncle Deckard is still missing Captain Rumford and the others are losing hope I tell them not to lose Faith but if Health doesn't arrive soon 16 militiamen went out only Rumford came back that cannot help us we never should have built on this cursed ground maybe Kane was right even in death Diablo torments us we then see Leah's Uncle Kane's door is now open and we look inside his home for Clues to his disappearance and spy his journal in his room which appears to be a font of knowledge on the burning hells and so we decide it will be invaluable in our cause until we find him we have come at last to tristram's Old Cathedral this is where Diablo Lord Of Terror first corrupted mankind this is where I may finally find the answers I seek Leah worries after my safety but I believe information vital to defeating the last Lords of the burning Hells can be found here heading back out the gate once more we see Captain Rumford who says I've come to help how do we stop these risen dead I admire your courage but Captain Dalton and the militia were slaughtered by those things only I survived have faith Captain have faith well I have seen you fight strike at The Wretched mothers and their Queen they're the ones vomiting out these Horrors they're attacking the barricades assuring the captain we then fight off a pack of Undead attacking the barricade as they break through we single out The Wretched mothers said to spew out more Undead in an Unholy stream of vile vomit there that's one of The Wretched mothers there are more of them in the ruins down the road with the D done we put on our tunic found off the dead and head north to hunt down The Wretched queens and quell their numbers and then confronted by the undead lingering in droves they seem somewhat aimless as they amble about mostly focused on their fleshy fresh meal as we head to purge more near a caravan there's a burning militia man checking Kane's Journal we find more law about these foul fiends and he says I will never forget the first time I saw these Horrors shambling out of the Misty Woods our loved ones buried long ago Rose from their graves and began to attack the living however the Risen dead were only the beginning three of The Matriarch Undead we say to ourselves it should slowly attacks now with the numbers thinned out we head east through a broken gate into the ruins of old Tristram old Tristram Diablo himself was here as we head inside we see packs of ambling Undead but why are they drawn to this town of all places the town itself is crumbling in a shell of its quote-unquote former glory if Tristram in Diablo 1 was already a shell of its former glory then this is a shell of a shell a decrepit ghost town in shambles as we cross past Kane's old well in the center of town which is guarded by some very girthy Undead we see his broken cage from Diablo 2. it's then weak spy Griswold the blacksmith's armor rack and it may still hold a hidden treasure however as we go to loot it there's only low quality items Bandits must have happened through here a long time ago it's then The Wretched Queen herself appears and spews her rotten attacks at us as she brings forth more zombies we stalk her down and battle through her minions to send her back to the abyss as she tries to flee from the town and save her wretched hide foreign however we're no more wiser about the Fallen star's part in all of this and so we see a handy Waypoint near a gate and teleport back to New Tristram that honestly stands in an okay State compared to the old Tristram town and speak to Leah next to Captain Rumford who shares for a long time Uncle Deckard avoided coming back to this place there were a lot of ghosts here for him this is where Diablo Drove Old King leoric mad and terrorized the people I don't know what really happened here whatever it was it was horrible nearly everyone who survived went mad I've never heard of the Crusaders we serve the zakaroon faith we're from the East and only recently came to these lands some of us did at least well I hope you're not planning to convert these people by the sort I'm not here to convert anyone my crusade is to find a way to cleanse the corruption that infests my faith when that evil is destroyed the zaka room will be restored and people can choose to believe in it or not as they please Captain Rumford then says thank you for your help but could you talk some sense into Leah she won't give up on the idea of rescuing her uncle she's Brave with help she may yet save Kane and with that we've aided the town and the Fallen Star Quest is complete but we should see Leah about her missing Uncle however that's a story for another day [Music] after aiding the town's folk of new Tristram to clear out The Wretched Undead from the ruins of old Tristram it's then that Captain Rumford points us towards young Leah Kane's Ward who asks us to Aid her in finding her uncle saying Leah let's find your uncle we'll need to open the Cathedral first the guards locked it up before they were ambushed Rumford told me they fought their way back to Adria's Hut the key must still be there first we find out the cathedral is where the Fallen star lay and created an undead blight on the land now we know that the gods were pushed out of the cathedral and lost the key to it in Adria's Hut none of this bodes well for us or the people of Tristram and we talked to Captain Rumford for information before we head off who admits when Leah told us the dead were pouring out of the cathedral we quickly went to put an end to it at first it seemed we were succeeding but but they just kept coming we well we were overcome Captain Dalton and the Man fought valiantly they protected me I have no Soldier I am I was a farmer I should not have been out there with them I do not know how I made it back here none of the others did and now somehow I'm supposed to lead the militia so Captain Dalton sacrificed himself so Rumford could live and Rumford is but a farmer thrust into duty dark Tidings indeed we could kind of tell he wasn't up for the job we asked Rumford more about himself than he replies I volunteer to help because it seemed the right thing to do but I'm no leader of men you were called and you answered that's a simple thing for you to say you were born to fight monsters like the Risen dead me um never sort this life out fate seems to have thrust him into his newly appointed position let's just hope he fares better than Dalton with that we head back through the Waypoint to Old Tristram with Lear and Tow to help us unlock the gate previously barring our path [Music] me open the gate with the gate open we see a militia man's corpse who'd previously been gnawed at by Rats the undead no doubt looking to do the same and so we step into the dark woods in search of Adria's Shack Adria was my mother but I don't know much about her she died when I was very young I was raised by Uncle Deckard and your father I'm told he was a great warrior who was lost when Tristram fell to the demons after contending with a pack of rotted risen we see more villagers left to rot or scattered about their homes in shambles these zombies move like a plague through the land heading east we cross a small stream via bridge and see a shack that unlike the others still stands this must be adrius as we tepidly step inside we see dead militiamen Rumford spoke of and Leah abruptly says look a hidden seller follow me we call out to her but she darts off out of our care and headlong down into the cellar we momentarily take inventory of the shack the East door seems bad potions Scrolls and books are littered about but there is no Ambush we can see and so we follow Leah below there are dark secrets here people said she was a witch but I never believed it inside the cellar we see grains and other suppliers various knickknacks nothing of note yet when we enter into the larger open area we see a cauldron still somehow bubbling away rats Scuttle out at our presence and we know we're not alone as we move to the cauldron and see what its contents are it falls to the grounds like a trap scrub it's there we see the undead corpse of Captain Dalton himself and presumably his guards now guarding the cavern in undeath we move quickly to kill his feeble minions blinding them as Dalton poisonous Dalton being more powerful than his Brethren summons cold Icy barbs on the ground as we realize too late and are frozen on the spot helpless as Leah attempts to contend with him throwing in the nick of time we move into slash at the Guard Captain however he also attempts the same icy trick this time we're ahead of him and sidesteppi's attack before showing him the flat side of our Shields to his withered head his Captain's helmet partially rotted doesn't save his face from being caved in or what's left of it regaining our composure we go to speak to Leah who is searching her mother's belongings and she says here's the key and my mother's journal what I've seen of it is disturbing I want to know more about her but that can wait we need to save Uncle Deckard first I will go stay here and learn what you can thank you and so now we have a key to the cathedral and head off before taking a cursory glance at Adria's Journal for further Clues and it reveals Eden came to me last night I suspected what was lurking within his troubled heart I consoled him as best I could regardless wherever he's headed hell will surely follow in his wake the Shadows close in on Tristram once again but like Aiden I'll be gone before they fall Adria spoke of the legendary Warrior Aiden the son of leoric who felt Diablo and was turned himself into the cursed Beast for his efforts strange that this was written after he had slayed the Lord Of Terror and Adria seemed to have the foresight to have escaped as we head to upside the previously barred door to the east side of the shack explodes open and we're forced to contend with a gaggle of the undead Adria's heart is so cramped we cleave her table in twine in the commotion heading outside we're greeted by more dead militia who never made it inside it looks as if their brothers must have been forced to barricade the door poor souls as we make our way North West over an old rickety Bridge we see old Tristram Road cutting apart through the undead their kinline weight with hanging townsmen as trophies dangling off the limbs of dead branches of an old rotted out tree we're starting to sense a theme here as we head north up The Path an undead Trio Feast upon a poor deceased villager barring the entrance to the cathedral foreign as we put them down we swear to the Villager his death will be Avenged as more ghoulish gods lungeness after which we checked the front of the cathedral and see it's open to restroom Cathedral the Fallen star lies within moving to the east side we also see a blocked gate with a chest on the other side and no way around the West also unfortunately holds little else we're then forced to move through the front entrance without any element of surprise and confront whatever is on the other side as we enter we see the pews literally thrust the side as the star had tore through the very center in a strange glowing Crater where it must lay after killing the shambling re-risen we carefully dropped down the floor below of the cathedral there we see a glorious painting of a man hand outstretched reaching to the heavens no expense seems to have been spared in this Cathedral that stretches out in scope Beyond imagination yet feels more like a crypt we avert our gaze to the bluish hole formed by the star and move towards it saying the star is close as we head south we see a pack of Undead in a familiar scene feasting on another poor wreck of the Villager this time however we use the chandelier above to smash down atop them before felling the foes foreign the design of this place is magnificent to say the least and although somewhat Macabre we Marvel at the glaring gargoyles and various Gothic statues therein it's then we are faced with carrying bats and kill the winged Interlopers who seem to be electrically charged we are then reminded of a passage in Kane's Journal about the bats that said some foul new disease has taken hold in this land and the carry and bats are near the heart of it since returning to Tristram I have seen their numbers surge the evil forces that linger here give them strength and I fear that the worst is yet to come then we're faced with a grotesque demon stitched together this rotund Abomination moves with unnerving speed as we move in defel it so too almost supernaturally they carry in bats move in as if hearing Kane's words the grotesque when killed explodes in a vile plume of eel-like slippery creatures that happen to be gut worms living inside its disgusting torso the only saving grace of the ordeal is facing the final bat it drops a Helm and we may have ample protection from the smell of any future grow tasks in a platform above we find describes lectin curious we move to read it and it reveals a scroll of the man named luckdanan from Legend itself my name is lot Dunham and I'm cursed once the captain of King the oryx Army I left only to honor my land and my king no man has a greater love for his King than I had for mine even as I drove my blade through his dark and corrupted heart the Mad lioric was slain by locked on in his trusted night who in our Diablo 1 series we face not only leoric the Skeleton King which is linked below and also there's a video on us finding the cursed like darn near the bowels of Hell itself after more searching we also find a second Scroll of lockdownen's personal account of the events and it reads it was Lazarus of that I am certain he alone had the king's ear and whispered dark and evil Magics into it instilling the notion of an imminent attack by West March afraid to speak against the Archbishop the counselors nodded their empty heads in agreement and sent us off to die Lazarus a legendary name that stands by most after hours of fighting our way through the Crypt like Cathedral we find more Undead Kinsmen but also Undead split down the middle and it looks like a battle took place here with hope for Kane still remaining alive fading we moved to the door that leads us below to leoric's personal passage and see Kane running through his life near the ledge of the crater oh minions stay back back may this ledgehold skeleton kid gods bring me his bones by the gods the Skeleton King himself Kane is surrounded by Undead Royal henchmen and we race to face the first group lest they killed the old scholar where he stands after we put down the first group a second wave materializes around us led by a giant skeleton leoric's own personal executioner head Cleaver who stalks us down attempting to kick us into the pit below however as we regain our footing and about face so that his back is through the pit we hit him with a shield bash that tears his limbs asunder and as we approach her scared yet safe Kane he says oh thank you but why did you risk yourself for me your niece asked me to find you and I agreed oh it is wonderful to hear that Leah is well I fear the worst I learned that this secret passage through old Maps I found we must discuss the Fallen star follow me to Tristram we follow Kane out of the path and see the chest in the gardens is now accessible then we head back to Tristram as Kane instructs I rescued the old scholar and learned from him that a creature called the Skeleton King stands between me and the star not for long when we arrived Leah standing next to Kane beckons us over and says Uncle you're alive thanks to you and your friend here it was my duty to help now I would know of the falling star the prophecy of the end days surely points to it as a sign that the end has begun please Uncle not more of your stories all that matters now is that you're back and with that the legacy of cane is complete but this mysterious Fallen star and now the re-risen Skeleton King no doubt standing our way to solving this mystery however that is a story for another day [Music] this is the story of the shattered crown and the quest's original appearance in Diablo 3. after rescuing the Aging Roderick scholar decade Kane from the Skeleton King's grasp we see him in New tristram's Town Square shaken but comforted by his niece Leah and when we approach him he informs the Skeleton King was once our beloved Lord leoric he was driven mad by Diablo's evil he lost both of his sons and his very Soul before he was finally defeated now it seems he's risen to plague This Land once again then I will be the Cure key to defeating him lies in his old Crown seek out our blacksmith heydrig he knows of its whereabouts Leah you should not dismiss the sign so lightly do you not believe the evidence of your own eyes Horrors have visited Tristram before and it endured but what are the texts the soccer room tomes warn of a falling star the herodrick scroll spoke of the Dead Rising and the Lord of Lies the prophecy of the end days says that at the end of all things the first sign shall appear in the heavens yes you've been telling me about the text since I was eight years old Uncle I just don't think we should read too much into them it seems Kane for all his knowledge is yet to make a believer of Leah but would she believe if she saw what we did in tristram's Cathedral the accursed Skeleton King leoric re-risen we shall heed Cain's words and find this heydrich the blacksmith to help us in retrieving the Unholy crown of the Mad King as we go to leave we see the mayor of New Tristram has moved his cart and wonder what changed his mind so this is how it ends they dragged my cart from the road but for what I can't get it repaired might as well dig a hole and die in it well digging a hole would certainly take your mind off your fear so much for faith in your people bless you for saving Deckard Kane I don't know what Leah would do what any of us would do if Kane would truly lost heading Northeast around the back of the Inn we overhear some villagers discussing Leah Leah spent all night alongside the blacksmith's wife tending the wounded what she was out defending the gates this morning what is driving that woman what a brave girl she only seems to think of others did you hear old Rumford has us down to half rations how are we supposed to fight if we're starving the rest of the town is down to quarter including my wife but you can quit if you want so the town is starving nothing like a fatigued and hungry militia to stay vigilant passing the merchants and down the stairs we see a man who appears to be heydrich that Kane spoke of the local blacksmith and he beckons to us saying are you heydrig Deckard Kane said you could help me find the crown of leoric not now that's my wife she's locked in the cellar like all those who've been bitten I'm to put them all down but how can I kill my own wife it is a hard burden you bear I will help thank you follow me heydrich's wife is infected Grim Tidings indeed following the blacksmith as requested we then pass villager who warns you think you're some type of era here to save us all the dead will Feast on your bones as easily as they will ours perhaps he's right God only knows what they've seen we then spy a gate out of town covered in blood but still standing and the guards then inform us this gate is locked by order of the captain with no way out of town we hurry to meet heydrich in his Cellar of the Damned as soon as we enter the cellar we realize that this place has been failed somehow as we draw our sword and cautiously feel our way through its dark rooms we then see some stretches strewn about and it looks like the infirmed were once here but we can't see them all that's left is a foul stench that lingers it's then we come across a barred door no doubt where the poor wretches are being held we break it down and all right friends I'm sorry do your duty blacksmith no matter how hard the town spoke Undead then descend upon us and after filling the falfos once hedrick's own Brothers we head to the northeastern side of the cellar it's there we see Mira hatred's poor wife surrounded by the Damned after putting them down heydrig approaches her and says my love forgive me ah hey Drake help me Mira in a new Undead form flings us casually across the room spewing poison and filth hatred momentarily stunned Becomes Her next Target we then taunt the wicked wretch and shield ourselves from the worst of a vomiter's missiles before slaying the blacksmith's wife curiously we see a tunic laying against the wall as we put it on we turn to heydrich and he says I couldn't have done this without you I'm in your dead my name is Hedrick Eamon you owe me nothing friend but I would welcome your Aid in my quest to find the crown of leoric I can help you there it's buried with his Chancellor my grandfather you'll find his tomb in a cemetery and the Weeping Hollow and if you see my fool Apprentice out there tell him to get back to town and with the Dark Day done we leave Hedrick Eamon to grieve his beloved wife now with knowledge that the crown is buried with his grandfather in the cemetery nearby we head back to town and also remember to keep an eye out for his Wayward Apprentice as we leave the cellar we see the gates are now open and enter the Weeping Hollow entering the hollow were met with more shambling Undead and scavengers preying on the recently Fallen heading Northwest it's not long before we find a camping what's this a body the blacksmith's Apprentice yet another innocent Falls hatred believed his Apprentice to be only lost we must return quickly with the Grim news to which we find heydrick standing at the Smithy in town and he replies your Apprentice was found wanting I'm sorry fool boy hope for the worst and you will not be disappointed thank you for the news oh man get courageous we then ask you more about the crown and he recalls tell me about your grandfather he was King leorics Chancellor not much to tell I lived with my father in caldium at the time we heard that my grandfather stayed in Tristram Until the End trying to save lives don't know if he succeeded but there it is when the Skeleton King fell my grandfather was dying from a sword wound he had the crown sealed with him to keep her safe he did what he had to with his last breath it seems heydrich's grandfather may have bought new Tristram respite from the Skeleton King's wrath but only momentarily we then approached Kane and Leah for more insight into the happenings and Kane recounts the story of Mad King leoric hangs heavy over this town leoric resisted Diablo's attempts to possess him with the effort left him weak and confused when his son Albright was kidnapped to be a vessel for Diablo it destroyed any sanity leoric had left and so he became the Skeleton King he commanded an army of the Dead deep within the cathedral finally serving the lord of Terror he had resisted while alive many adventurers tried and failed to slay the Skeleton King it was left to lay our ex eldest son Aiden to finally kill the monster his father had become so leoric's own son put him down after the tales of his night locked down and killing him first this Skeleton King's Fury must have no end with the Grim news we head back to the Weeping Hollow in search of the cemetery and the accursed ground heading Northeast we hear wretched cadavers in twine as they summon their six scores of zombies thank you [Music] is then we see two pillars adorned with gargoyles and a tear in the Earth itself this must be the entrance to the cemetery the corpse attempts to climb the pit as we move to enter yet we promptly send him back whence he came it looks like our presence is not welcome here entering the gates we see standard Fair of a cemetery overrun by Undead however there is a handy Waypoint back to town we take note of as we clear out the graveyard as we unearth skeletons we're reminded of what deck and Kane had told us of them saying during the last days of King leoric's Reign even the skeletons of the ancient dead could not rest they took up their broken armor and weapons once more ready to cut down anything that yet Drew breath though wasted and fragile these creatures possess a twisted cleverness that makes them quite formidable we then head inside this Southwestern mausoleum in search of heydrich's grandfather was shortly then assaulted by a trio of champion skeletons blessed with colds their freezes merely felling as where we stand only by retreating to an untainted Health pool by the entrance do we best the last of them not enough run we're then set upon by a group of ghostly murderers not content with their own grave they seem to want to continue their looting beyond the grave itself it's then we come across a spectral image of a lady in the middle of the room who says grave robbers have defiled my tomb now my husband rides in torment because I do not rest at his side return my bones so that we may rest in peace we help the Restless Spirit by searching her urns for her bones maybe some blessed hammers may be more effective as we reach into an urn lady dunhill's husband bursts forth and swipes at us confused in his unrest and seeing us as an unwanted interloper in his tomb foreign with the Lord contended with we place lady Dunn Hill's bones backing to her sarcophagus so she may rest once again the dead her at peace now in turn she drops a magnificent lightning Enchanted legendary mace as thanks now better equipped to crush the undead with more than a mere spectral Hammer we return to the surface in search of the true grave of the chancellor finding a trip to the Northeast and heading to its second level we exclaim the crown is close as we round the corner and head for the Chancellor's tomb thank you the door bursts open to reveal a guardian named manglemore with nowhere to retreat we take water with the Abomination bashing its bloated flesh until it literally bursts at the seams now entrance clear we cautiously step inside the tomb itself it's not long before we're met with Wicked laughter skeleton Guardians summon their minions to protect the tomb on mass yet we have the Cure in our right hand for such treachery [Music] after which we see in the middle of a large open room is the altar of the Chancellor's bodies are etched into the floor itself about the hooded figure beneath a skull no doubt a warning to those who disturb the grave with little recourse we reach in and touch the crown but the chancellor intercepts no I will not allow you to bring that monster leoric back to this world with no choice but to destroy the spectral form of hedrick's own grandfather [Music] we then find boots on each person and the crown now unguarded for us to take once we have the crown in our possession we poured her back to Tristram with it in hand and deliver the Grim Tidings to heydrig once again you found the crown truth be told I didn't think you'd make it back alive ah it needs repair should be no problem it's good to work again there new is the day it was placed upon the black king's head I need something more than making Spades to occupy my mind I want my life to mean something then join my crusade the work is hard the rewards are few and you'll likely die that does sound meaningful and awful that's three people close to him in one day after heydrich fixes the ground and has been given a thorough pep talk about joining The Crusade you throw yourself into the work of the Crusade is this how you grieve I don't follow your Crusade it isn't your cause friend but everyone needs to believe in something I believe this armor needs repairing then that is enough I will leave you to your work we see Kane is ready to Aid Us in destroying this Skeleton King now that we have his crown [Music] after retrieving their skeleton king's crown from the Chancellor's altar we return to new Tristram Crown in hand and speak to the scholar deck and Kane who instructs I have the crown ah at last with it you can unlock the sealed door in the room where you rescued me and enter the Royal Crypt when you find this Skeleton King place the crown atop his head and destroy him if it helps me find the Fallen star I will put an end to him and so we have a new task remove the Skeleton King from his re-risen seat of power although we can't help but puzzle at his re-emergence of more import is the fact he seems to be a final obstacle between us and the Mysterious Fallen star we seek and then we turn to see a nearby Captain Rumford standing Idol who worries the news continues to worsen how can you continue to wait to The Fray with Nary a thought for your own safety I am a crusader we understand that not many can fathom our duty to follow the Crusade or to this a cursed Fallen star yet call to us it does and so we travel back to leoric's Hidden passage via Waypoint and through the gardens once inside the cathedral we spy the crater the Fallen star is imparted no doubt coveted by the forces of hell it has stirred in its wake glowing a vibrant almost mesmerizing blue hue and inviting us to the depths below we then prepare ourselves for whatever lies Beyond lyoric's ornate door which leads to the cathedral's second level foreign the second level we're met by a large cavernous Hall to the north of great statues and are then confronted with a corpse of a villager badly scarred and obviously tortured heading Southwest we find leorig's Undead minions shambling about skeletons that take up arms in the name of the undead King and their tomb Guardians responsible for summoning the dead over and again until they too are felt once more descending some stairs we see a gaggle of skeletons caught unawares and are again treated to an assortment of bodies and limbs strewn about thanks to their sadistic Slaughter further north we spy an unguarded chest that only spills a pocket full of gold and alerts nearby carrion bats to our cause dispatching the bats with our holy flail we see another of lockdown's books on the lectin which reads we return from our horrific defeat in West March my beloved King lost all pretense of Sanity he seeds with rage spitting curses upon us as traitors with great sorrow I ran him through a tragic tale most townsfolk of the area are familiar with yet helps us understand leoric's undying rage so much more to the Northwest we see the undead are actively barring our path as we smash our way through waiting on the other side lies a weary bunch of skeleton Warriors that fall without a fuss why are they amble about it stands to reason they must be attracted to the power of the star below as we continue our search we find a wounded townsman but as we turn his body over he's all but dead and a trap is sprung by the undead that creep over a nearby balcony in ambush skeletons sorted another lectin Lane the center of the room and once more we read of lockdownen's Journal will forever live in anguish for my last attempt to honor my king as we lay him to rest in his burial chamber he manifested as a hideous skeletal demon gorash and my other Knights were overcome at once but I fought on upon entering the third level of the cathedral it's then we spy a handful of necromantic minions barring our path maintain your incantations he will soon turn s dispatching them a dark cultist then rushes at us and more skeletons pour forth protecting a ritual performed by now six cultists encircling a lone victim in the middle your magic is weakening I am free now back to my mission foreign we ask who are you friend you will know soon enough help me find my gear I will reward you well tell me what brought you to this infernal place I have questions for the Skeleton King as do I aiding this Warrior to find his items we move north west up the stairs and it ambushed by Undead ghosts led by a unique skeleton Shambo The Savage fearing the warrior will fall without his weapons we take the brunt of their attacks foreign [Music] north towards the weapons and our path is actively barred by the Servants of jonda who apparently does not want this Warrior to find his effects the cultists dragged me past this glowing pit what made it a falling star that I mean to find it it's then we head south but it met with more cultists down this way there are my weapons he's free I am Cormac Warrior of the Templar order if it is the Skeleton King you seek then you will have to fight your way past John Da there is no reason we should hunt alone very well now aided by cormack of the Templar order we seek to hunt down this jonda on route to the Skeleton King the Templar in a more formidable State proves to be a valuable Ally in battle but as we search for John Dal we find that the path itself is blocked Cormac making short work of the thorny roadblock leads us to his former Ally black magic bars our way but the will of a Templar is stronger you were a Templar Jung da How Could You succumb to this coffin the coven is my brotherhood now the powers we serve will soon rule this world gender the betrayer then sets to work summoning more of his Undead yet has foregone any semblance of his former stage spewing forth plumes of necrotic poison and thrusting his waved blade in a barely subdued Madness as a Templar jonda may have been mighty but there's a necromancer his cowardice is entwined in his strategy relying on skeletons and minions to do his dirty work at the cost of his own fortitude as John darf turns to flee Cormac pierces his dark heart from behind with his Spear and The Necromancer falls to the floor begging for forgiveness the doesn't come please forgive me my vision was clouded by the coven's evil magic betrayal can never be forgiven thank you for your Aid I will go with you on your hunt for the Skeleton King but there is one condition if we find the sacred tones of my order they are mine if these terms are not the key to Redeeming the zakaroon faith then they are indeed yours then onwards we go to fight the Skeleton King it tastes good to fight with you again we now accept Cormac as our companion in our Quest but we can't help but wonder about the Spell held over his former Ally gender we had heard of the coven previously black magic and Pax with primevals but a holy Warrior falling to become a lowly Necromancer in their ranks dark Tidings indeed a new party then sets off to find leoric's tomb deep within the Royal Crips on our travels we happen upon the final Scroll of lockdown and sitting on a pedestal I know I wonder cursed by my once beloved King evil not at my bones and I cannot risk putting my beloved Tristram in danger should I fail to contain that which tears at me I must Venture down into the Labyrinth to die alone lamenting the passing of leoric's final loyal night we realize perhaps there was a parallel between locked Onan and jondar and we should not underestimate the powers of the Skeleton King lest we suffer a similar fate down in the Royal Crypts the undead burst forth from their graves in the wall and as we head into the worst Square ceremonial room we see leoric's own sword driven into the ground touching the lone sword casts a grisly vision of the past and the Mad Kings betrayal by luck darling [Music] keep your distance running this burden is mind to bear May death bring peace from your Madness leonic traitors even in death the armies of condors will still obey their King even if you will not it's clear the curse of lyoric is powerful and perhaps his Cane said stirred once more Amplified by the strange Fallen Star as if hearing our thoughts leorics enraged ghost curses we shall put you down hell spawn we then contend with leoric's Undead minions and Destroy his pillars of power that have been bolstering them now our only task left is to confront the Skeleton King himself delving deeper into his shambled Crypt we find a parchment of leoric's own journal and it reads we have just arrived in Tristram and I must say I'm a bit dismayed this place is a Backwater filled with surfs and an ancient broken down Monastery hardly fit for the king of condoris cannot fathom why Lazarus was so intent on this becoming our new seat of power after which we find a familiar seal on a door to the north west no doubt the Crypt the Skeleton King himself upon entering he immediately taunts you were defeated the moment you surrendered to Madness our path has now crumbled before us and we searched the northern arm of the crypt but returned minions block our ascendance yet The Returned fails foreign 's Throne his body sat atop his massive chair as if to rule in undeath as he did in life we know we must confront the King which means he must rise again and so we place his crown atop his ghoulish brow oh leoric thanks to whatever black curse that sustains him Rises once more double the size of an ordinary man and hefting a mace that no mortal could carry atop his shoulder we Retreat backwards as he laughs madly swinging his giant weapon with Glee like The Necromancer jonda he summoned skeletons to his Aid splitting Cormac and eye up as we contend with the foes separately we realize that we must work in tandem dodging Lyric's great swaths while Cormac stabs relentlessly at his plan [Applause] all right using leoric's own Pride as a weapon we gain The High Ground in top his throne he rushes at us infuriated however he underestimates teamwork as his ego dictates he focuses on his prized Throne cormack seizes his opportunity and we strike him a final blow together the oryx body floats high in the air as the dark magics rip his corpse asunder leaving us to pick up his treasures including his coveted skeleton Crown once more with a skeleton king defeated we see revealed is a hidden chamber below his throne and cautiously enter the cabin below inside the desolate chamber we descend some stairs [Music] the crater at last see the source of the Fallen star finally a a man had it set up and he's alive we step towards the mysterious stranger and he stirs the falling star was a man interesting I am I was I I remember falling through several floors at least I am not your enemy I think yes I I believe I have come with a warning the darkness the darkness is coming I must be calm and come with me the perplexed Herald then hobbles to a nearby Waypoint heading back to New Tristram and as he beckons all we can do it seems is follow [Music] the Fallen star was a man only a man you begin to wonder if his fall is related to my crusade I will take him to the old scholar [Music] [Applause] [Music] we then take the man to decade Kane who incredulously questions Kane meet the falling star no man could survive such a thing who are you what are you a warrior I think I came bearing grave news but I cannot remember your message might be all that can save us from impending doom and so the riddle of the hidden star is solved or rather spawned more questions about this stranger his message of an impending Darkness confirms although we do not understand the greater forces at play we do know that our instincts were right to follow the star and that our Crusade against the forces of Hell lie with this stranger himself foreign after locating the mysterious stranger unconscious in the heart of a fallen star we escort him to new Tristram and speak to the Aging scholar Deckard Kane who begins to question his identity asking tell me everything you remember stranger every detail falling fire a sword of great power it was part of me but it shattered into three pieces as I fell it is vital that we find those pieces I believe this sword made whole will restore your memory the men are rampaging through the anything to do with that of course of course just as the Dead Rose around the stranger the sword pieces drove the Goatman to Madness oh Goatman are mad they don't need a sword for that but I will search their fields perhaps this broken sword of the stranger coveted by the feral goat men will restore his memories however we question if Kane's own her Roderick order May hold further Clues to the current events and query the Herod Rim were powerful Majors gathered together by the Archangel Tyrell to defeat the three prime evils Diablo Mephisto and Bale they devoted themselves fully to the destruction of the demon Lords and left behind valuable tomes and teachings how did you become the last of them my ancestor was the leader of the horodrim Jared Kane when the harodrum died out their tomes stayed in my family I was thrilled by tales of the haradri met a little boy but it wasn't until I returned to them as an adult that I realized they contained deeper truths although the primevals seemed to be behind most of the misgivings and tristram's own past we question why Instead The Stranger fell from the heavens and Cain expounds material is the angel of Justice he has been helping mankind for Generations though he is forbidden to do so in any direct manner long ago the high heavens and the burning Hells made a pact as a result of the sin war that they would not interfere in our world demons broke this pact material did nothing the Angelus Council the archangels that lead Heaven almost destroyed our world once to keep the demons from spreading their corruption upon it if tyrial were to act directly it would alert the council to the demons activities here and imperil us all it would seem Humanity's greatest Ally is one Archangel tyrial but he is sworn to not intervene in human matters mulling this over we turn to the stranger and press him for any memory that could potentially Aid Us in finding his sword do you remember anything besides falling only that there were surges of light and a kind of pain so nothing then the emptiness gnaws at me it is a constant frustration you have nothing to believe in the sword will help this sword is a part of his very being although we don't fully grasp the concept we do somehow understand the feeling speaking of a good sword arm we turn to enlist the aid of the Templar cormack before we explore the cars were infested fields of misery I cannot return to the order in glory until the rivers run red with the blood of our enemies lead the way to Glory [Music] entering the cemetery of The Forsaken via Waypoint we force our way through the dilapidated iron gates to the northwest heading over a ramshackle bridge that can barely sustain our weight and in to the infamous fields of misery it's then Cormac steadfastly announces if there's a sword here we will find it not long after we're waylaid by enemies and must defend ourselves foreign we see on the corpse of a slain traveler a journal by one ABD al-hazir that reads the Tristram fields are fairlands fertile and temperate superstitious Farmers kept away from them for quite a while after the fall of old Tristram but time has persuaded them to abandon these ridiculous Notions and take up the hoe and plow once more now they Supply crops to both nutrition and Wortham it's unfortunate that good people have paid with their lives but who could have guessed the event he transpire said about due to our staff number four and the Darkness would descend again on this sleepy handling once more scouring the fields we find amid the bodies of dead townsmen at a fall on Farm lies a corpse of a beast upon closer inspection we discover something has been annoying at this corpse all around the carcass borrowing leapers who lay in wait spring forth for another victim led by a unique burrow bile a grotesque scavenger guiding the Ambush it spews electricity as it wildly claws in hopes of a fresh kill bearing the brunt of the attack it's shocked to be relieved of its own life instead thanks to a powerful swipe of our holy flail foreign ERS trapped my poor wife and me down there for hours I'm sure she'd love to meet you and thank you for your help momentarily taken aback by the farmer's surprise appearance we do oblige him nonetheless and head into his Cellar below to meet his grateful wife my love this is the man who saved our farm this is your wife she appears unwell she has been ill of late but my love will see her through I should really go [Music] oh she's nodded off what a cruel and undeserving fight for the man clearly the accursed Goatman not the only denizens driven mad by the presence of the Fallen star's power dark Tidings indeed it's Southeast that we contend with plague nests and Cave leapers which seem to be the prevailing monstrosities subsisting on death and Decay wrought by The elusive goat men it's not long before we happen upon another Resident tucked into the north side of the Hill a sheltered Cottage and remark someone lives here stay away there's nothing in here of use to you we should have known the farmers left over a fortnight ago and yet we stayed last night we heard the beasts creeping closer my husband left to investigate and I haven't seen him since all I have left are the things we made together hopefully they are more used to someone else clearing the area just outside the residence in hopes of creating safe Passage foreign we then step inside and inform the tinkerer therein who says these are dark times my friend I thought for a moment you were one of those Dreadful goat men since you're not would you like to buy something we take up her offer and while perusing her Wares Cormac then States I'm glad that fate has brought us together on this path why is that you fight with both honor and ferocity I know that a pure Soul must burn within you we thank Cormac for his kind remark and while later searching for the den of the casra We Begin the task of clearing the area starting with an overrun Crypt its inhabitants unsettled by the star and learn more about the Templar as he questions for the darkness but we are courageous surely you don't suggest evil is Brave we don't know if evil is courageous per se but pervasive yes ever a threat to all that is good absolutely vigilance is required and determination especially when undertaking the unenviable task of putting to rest good men and women re-risen and in the service of the Unholy powers that be clearing the Crypt we then return to our search of the fields once more living up to their name as we miserably trudge through the bog lost and still in search of the ever elusive cause for Den probing the fields we find a den that has been borrowed out of a dead tree corpses littered about and potentially what we're in search of with no goatment about we do find however a single villager's corpse and say this one hasn't been dead long as then we're set upon by more buried leapers heading inside the borough to the east cormack then further questions are you ever afraid in battle no I feel fear before and after the battle few could admit that so simply we entered the second level and are accosted by a multitude of leapers their unique leader zalek's great Gallo attacks using a jailing ability to attempt to Hold Us in place and make us a later meal we bludgeoned the animals with our Warhammer but unfortunately it's a little effect the hide seemed to be too strong and a weapon failing but it holds out long enough for us to deliver the final blow failing the fiend we then see the spoils it was guarding including a formidable pole arm for our fight to come Fortune smiling upon us as we attempt to leave the cave via Shrine and Aaron's leaper decides to make a last-ditch attempt at barring our path giving us ample advantage to test our new weapon as it cuts to swath effortlessly through its bloated belly scouring the fields once more to the north we happen upon a trio of moon Clan Warriors Milling about and realized that they were centuries to their Lair saying the sword piece is near but the den itself is not unguarded there's a hiking wood wraith Springs to life in its defense as if called by the star itself once clear we see the familiar blue hue of the Fallen star evident a fragment of the sword has plummeted through the Earth and into the accursed Goatman Sanctuary inside we're confronted with bloody Effigies crudely bound with human skulls atop Wards for any foolish enough to venture forth Gathering our party we step West into the den as a huge log trap Springs nearly killing us with its girth we do happen to see a poor previous victim's legs all that's left of their encounter now alerted to our presence a brigade of moon Clan goat man and coven cultists rushes thankfully our halberd cleaving their flesh with ease as we explore the den another wooden trap is sprung but we are more wary this time and step aside as occultist cries kill him moving North the air changes from a crimson bloody Mist to Raw crackling energy from the star's resting place surrounding it occultists who scramble we must hurry with the ritual Magda will be here soon it is turning the zealots so focused on their prize Neri acknowledged our intrusion during their incantation we then spy a lone prisoner on the west side of the room and go to free him unfortunately it's too late we steal our resolve I admire your tenacity but you're mad and fling out holy shield into the back of the far left majors at ricochets into his Brethren caught off guard and ripped from their spell only two still stand the chief among them Orrick this year casting a curse that only momentarily breaks our resolve as we call upon the heavens themselves and leave high in the air to come crashing down on him as his body limply twists in defeat sword glows perhaps the Goatman truly were driven mad who are you to take what is mine I am a crusader regardless I have cleaned it I am Magda and I lead this coven The Shard is mine I disagree very well let the games begin the new winged Apparition Magda apparently leader of the coven summons an army of enraged zealots to do her dirty work yet without time to cast their Petty Magics a little more than fodder for the might of a crusader well fought but you will never possess the next piece it has fallen where only the Ancients May tread she is more devious than she appears although this battle has been won the war is still fought Magda promises that the next piece of the sword cannot be possessed so lightly but her Pride may be a downfall as she is imparted a valuable clue on its whereabouts cautiously we move towards the glowing sword Shard and excavate it from the earth now firmly in our possession we return to town via portal handing it to Kane who exclaims here is a piece of the sword it was held by a witch and her coven Uncle Deckard they sound like those dark cultists you told me about very good Leah you have been paying attention stranger does any of this jar your memory I have no memory of this coven but I sense a far darker Shadow guiding its hand although we now know the reason for the goatman's frenzy we cannot help but question the motives of this coven and more so the darker Shadow The Stranger mentioned guiding its hand what we do know is that we shall not have the luxury of underestimating our foes a second time foreign in the putrid khasra Den in search of the Broken Blade yet again we're nearly thwarted by the coven's leader Magda well fought but you will never possess the next piece it has fallen where only the Ancients May tread she is more devious than she appears Womack is right we can't help but think that we're being led and doing magda's bidding unwittingly still with the sword shard in hand we hurry back to Leah noticing that the strange blue glowing Hue that had emanated from The Sword seems to have abated in the town of nutrition their leader Magda said the next piece fell where only ancients May tread that makes me think of the drowned Temple near the festering woods I remember you telling me about it Uncle exactly Leia the temple was home to the Nephilim Leah your knowledge could be invaluable you must go and help our friend retrieve the sword piece the Nephilim were ancient holds that they waged a terrible battle near the temple still war with one another some power it seems is too great for man speaking of which we turn to the stranger once more curious about the power in which his sword holds and he recalls I sense power in this Twisted Metal indeed it feels familiar to me though the rest is still unclear this is the weapon of a man with strong convictions is that what I was then what am I without my convictions whatever you have forgotten is not lost it will be restored we can sense a greatness in the man and of the reforging of his weapon we hope that it will help reforge his faith as we head with our new party led by Leah into the field of misery and she says you and I aren't so different I have great power within me too the only difference is have no control over mine then you have not yet found your calling I hope I never do we too can sense a burgeoning power in Leah but don't quite understand it she seems like such a sweet girl and quite Handy by our side as we clear out the wood raids a well-deserved death it's then we happen Upon A morbid site a villager lies dead crumpled on the ground and in the midst of the village uh Moon Clan Warriors in a ritual they only stir because we had interrupted their dark Gathering which is turned into a bloodbath [Music] step over the fresh bodies littered about and on top of the mound it looks to be a sacrificial sight and a chest that they were guarding after plundering its contents so then we find villages splayed about and carrying demons are picking clean the corpses as the village Burns the field really lives up to its name a Savage Beast then spots us and becomes enraged by our trespassing it beats its chest angrily but it doesn't help its body Burns under the Holy Light and we see that it was guarding a stolen sack inside is a diary from a scoundrel which reads after much searching I have found a promising lead a family near New Tristram has obtained a valuable Relic and poor fools that they are they haven't the slightest idea what to do with it I have some idea of what to do with their daughter though and through her I'll get my prize as if demons weren't bad enough man's greed never ceases to amaze and it's then a man stops Us in the road you there please help they're going to kill my friend we try and tell the man to stop for a moment so that we can understand the situation he seems to be bound but further presses thieves are going to kill my friend if we don't do something help me break these bonds and see for yourself what do they want with your friend she's just a farmer's daughter Sasha but she has a relic that the thieves are after he's deserted you just give it over my sweet love will save me inside the ramshackle Village we find a woman in a Blue Dress who is being accosted by three brigands one is waving his dagger in her face as he tells his companions Nigel will have our hearts if we don't find this thing we don't know who Nigel is but maybe we'll find out release the girl The Relic belongs to her you actually believe what this scoundrel tells you find you fools we'll kill the both of you all three brigands then set Upon Us in a scuffle breaks out the poor girl in the blue dress is stuck in between as the scoundrel lobs his arrows from his crossbow from behind however the battle seems to have just begun as more brigands pour forth from the building to the east reinforced by the leader Nigel Cutthroat himself you won't get away from us this time this time amidst the chaos where momentarily confused what would he mean this time but it's then we realize we 100 have been had and caught in whatever Petty plot that this scoundrel had dragged us into we almost would consider negotiating if Nigel Cutthroat wasn't such a deadly foe in the world would probably be better without him and with the safety of the poor girl we're gonna have words with that scoundrel this is over this isn't over the rest of the Thieves Guild will find you with that threat of the Thieves Guild coming after us Nigel Cutthroat is dead and like clockwork we find the scoundrel by the farmer's daughter and she reveals the fate of The Relic saying here's the Relic my love I hit it like you asked father's grown suspicious of us but that won't matter once we're married it won't be long right of course my dear soon we will settle down to a quiet life of tilling the fields and raising brats uh children but first I had to sell this Relic alas I must travel away with my friend here to do so you wish to join my crusade it's a hard path yes absolutely the way is hard and all that shall we go unfortunately for the scoundrel he has a sudden Discovery wait Relic is a fake Gods I should have known you seem like you could use a helping hand and I sure as hell don't want to stay around here please tell me that you're not considering this criminal proposal although Cormac does make a really good case it seems the scoundrel is a criminal and cannot be trusted however we seem to think that perhaps the fates have brought him to us as we head east we find a broken bridge and water is coming down from the north so the drowned Temple must be in that direction as suspected we find the drowned Temple and a waypoint back to town it should be noted that we will flesh out the scoundrel story further but for now he introduces himself before we send him back to town what if you're betrothed betrothed do I look like the marrying kind to you by the way my name is Lyndon we then turn to the massive drowned Temple Leah begins to Regale us of her future dream of owning it in but is immediately caught off guard at the sheer scope of the temple as she explains when this is over I could open my own little Inns with the Tome say of Alaric and this Temple is not encouraging yes learning about her in has to wait and as we head down the massive stairs of the temple we see a ghost surrounded by dead bodies and it beckons to us Leah seems undisturbed saying You must be Alaric the guardian Uncle Decker told me of your Eternal watch over this cursed place I thought it was a myth are you devil no there have been no Nephilim for a millennium to this Temple but only I never can enter if you recruit the keys from the outlying tools and use them on the gates we will see who and what you truly are follow me I will raise the bridge that you may pass and so we follow the ghost up the stairs [Music] dead the Warriors rest and the Crypt of the Ancients within them reside the keys to our sacred Temple the ghost trudges off leaving us to find these keys to the Warrior's rest and the Ancients Temple we cannot help but think this may be outside of the purview of cormac's Duties and fearing for his safety we send him back to town honor always with fewer numbers it means fewer potential victims if we cannot make the criteria of the Nephilim we head into the festering wood says crumbling bones sinking into the ground the dead themselves rise to meet us they won't get us are these alaric's people no we've been warned of the Nephilim and the ancient Battlegrounds but this seems to be something else entirely demonic in essence a plague carrier's Nest Springs forth to send out its seed and try and end our search prematurely to the north we find the Crypt of the Ancients but it looks more like a mining tunnel as we see equipment scattered about upon entering were immediately met with a gaggle of Undead whatever the return to guarding we can't imagine that someone's life was worth the risk this is amazing it reminds me of being a child in searching for lost artifacts with Uncle Decker well what a childhood no wonder Lee is looking to own an inn we thought the Crusade was a hard life heading around the Eastern side of the pit in the center that the miners were extracting whatever it was before that they were overwhelmed by the undead we then find a super unique and Arcane Enchanted a lot Chomp Fang who would find the name somewhat humorous in normal circumstances if it wasn't for his plagarius overwhelming us Arcane beams burning our kidneys I'm injured we yell out to Leah as we head down a ramp and pull a new mob of Undead making haste we run past the Arcane beams and gather as many Health Globes as we can muster turning to face a lot Chomp thing on our terms taunting his allies into a cluster we hit him with a shield bash that sends them really clearing up the rest of the denizens of the mine we then head north finding a beacon of light sitting atop a pedestal one down we just have the beacon of Honor from the Warriors rest to go heading west it's not long until we find the Warriors rest which is very different from the Crypt of the Ancients the rest itself is a large sprawling Cavern below the natural narrow walkway belies a city which must have belonged to the Ancients we can only see in the distance then were accosted by a group of ancient returned that seemed to be guarding the beacon as their Brethren did as well plague carriers swarmus and again Arcane beams burst to life rotating laconically as we're peppered by arrows the source of the arrows is ufir Mangler of Heroes and it seems that this ancient is also Arcane Enchanted and guarding the beacon of light gather what we can of the corpse and pluck the bacon from its resting place he then remember Leah's in Leah tell me more about your Inn the world is so dangerous everybody needs a quiet safe place to rest and recover a way station on their Journeys you will make a fine Innkeeper if I survive this mess we realized that nothing in life is actually guaranteed but entering the festering woods once more we sincerely hope Leah gets a wish back at the drowned Temple we place the beacon on the pedestals as we do so a hidden door is revealed behind Alaric and we speak to the spirit once more who guides the temple is open enter and defeat the Guardians within although they are my brothers they will seek your death when you enter cautiously we entered the drowned Temple ready for a battle against the ancient Guardians look at this architecture this predates the sin War Leah's fascination with the architecture is stifled immediately by returned Guardians ready to stamp out any unwanted Interlopers the temple itself although impressive is living up to its name as it's drowned and we're forced to fight ankle Deep in water further up the hallway we encounter a skeleton nearly double the size of an ordinary man none may enter the inner sanctum name is ezek the prophet dragging his large two-handed ax it's clear that he's weary from his years guarding the drowned Temple but why it's so important to these ancient Nephilim if they are indeed our forebears shouldn't they welcome us my brothers rise and do that oh that answers that the Ancients obviously covet their secrets as brother moek brother larryl and brother Arrow are re-risen to test us once more realizing we're no match for the brothers as a trio to proceed with our final Gambit racing back to the dilapidated Bridge we hope to contend with them single file and even out the odds outface with the final blow on brother larrell quickly realized he may have the last laugh his corpse explodes in a brilliant plume call upon Heaven's might with a falling sword and land on both brothers Warwick Falls and Carol meets our Shield of brothels and Ale and so it was full of trade and new ideas there was always something exciting to see with the brothers Feld Leah then admits she misses Cal diem after visiting chaldeam we realize she's probably not a fan of this drowned Temple it's then we speak to Alaric once more your strength Rivals that are our greatest Champions what now do you think you are you may enter our most sacred Place although we don't understand what we are or how we Face the trials as we never would believe we're Nephilim especially as we don't meet the height requirement what we do know is that we are and forever will be Crusaders of delight it's then the reappears the noble hero fought his way here just to die I admire your persistence and who is this you bring with you Adria's daughter she has power within her no matter your mother will soon share your fate little one The Shard is mine fill this temple with their blood this pace we're almost saddened by the fact that Magda thought her pathetic coven could do more than slow us down but realize they needed us to access the temple as they were no Nephilim this fight was too easy she's toying with us we must get back to Uncle Deckard right away hating Leah's words we extract the glowing Shard from the crater your way back to nutrition post haste at the moment of respite we asked Leah about the drowned Temple as she seemed to know much about its architecture and history the drowned Temple was once known as the sarcium emporis it was the most sacred of their temples a site where legend claims Angels would come to impart their wisdom to the Nephilim we then inquire about Leah's childhood as her mother was mentioned but instead she talks about Cain saying Uncle Deckard and I traveled all over the world in my youth looking for lost lore and artifacts it was so exciting crawling around ancient temples Leah mid-explanation runs to her uncle and we realize this may become a habit if we then query Kane about his adventures with Leah and what it was like taking her around the big dangerous world when she was a child he says You Raised Leah during your travels but the road is a dangerous place for a child not as dangerous as you might think there was a calm about the world then most people paid no mind to an old man and young girl weaponless and penniless crossing their lands return a sword piece to the stranger we asked Cain about the Nephilim as we believed they were gone with the world Stone the world's Stone was an ancient artifact of immense power it was used not only to create our world but also to control mankind the original humans were known as the Nephilim and their power was such that it was fear they would tip the balance in the Eternal conflict between the High Heavens and the burning Hells so the world Stone was tuned to lessen our powers turning mankind into what we are today but now that it has been destroyed it is conceivable that the powers of the Nephilim will reappear so we were wrong the world Stone was used to dampen the nephilim's powers but what happened then if the world Stone itself was destroyed material was forced to destroy the world Stone when Baal the Lord Of Destruction corrupted it in his attempt to control all of mankind unfortunate it obliterated Mount Ariat the mountain that housed it leaving only a smoking crater in its place and nothing has been heard from tyril's sins foreign ly turn to the stranger and present to him his missing sword piece leaving only the final piece said to be the missing hilt [Music] in the last episode we continue our journey looking for shards of the Broken Sword of the stranger this time guarded by the spirits of the ancient and Powerful Nephilim who claimed that we are a part of their lost lineage and of course again we are barred by the witch Magda and an evil coven yet overcome them taking their Shard to new Tristram and the mysterious stranger once more and it seems we're only missing the hilts until the sword is complete here the second piece of the sword Magda now seeks the third I remember a glow streaking towards a fishing Village the only fishing Village near here is worth them you're right Leah it must be worth them there is a fairy on the edge of Tristram that will take you there before we head to the nearby fishing Village of Wortham we have questions why is this stranger being targeted specifically by the coven tell me of this coven I have no memory of them except a feeling a Darkness that is known to me known to you the coven may be part of a greater evil perhaps I intended to fight it you'll need your sword although we're uneasy that this man knows evil we cannot help but feel that he is just in his cause heading south west and around the corner We Begin our travels to the ferry and to the town of Wortham however her villager's wife glances at us as if she's in need of our help but uh surprised to hear wife don't think I don't see you undressing our fine hero with your treacherous eyes I would look at you instead head you a weapon like that somebody buy this man a Halbert and his wife a sense of decency just north we hear two guards discussing the safety of the village saying I was thinking don't hurt yourself I was thinking that we should try to recruit more soldiers what happens if we get attacked again we just spent a week fighting off hundreds of walking corpses outside our impenetrable Gates we're the hardest bastards within a hundred miles who's going to attack us although we do admire their courage Facing The Walking Dead we have witnessed Horrors so it would make the zombies at the gate pale by comparison it's then we head south west and down to the docks and see Stout man standing at the end of the dock that is swinging his Lantern to and fro it looks like something's got him jittery worth them please I will take you but beware smoke rises from the village arriving at Wortham we see the sky filled with Embers dead villagers scattered about and a man runs past screaming they're destroying the town get out while you can we check on the villagers but they've been badly burnt and Left for Dead Heading around around the south of the building we try stealth however we're pounced upon by the local coven and it looks like we're far too late on the ground we see a priest's Satchel however before we can pick up the book more coven acklets rushes scorched by a mage flinging Fireballs we contend with him before reading the burnt Journal one of the men retrieved a strange artifact in his Nets it looked like a hilt of an ancient blade but I know it must be more a fisherman argued with me but I convinced him to leave it in the safety of the chapel a holy place or a holy Relic By the Light they found a relic before we can contemplate this the coven routers death to those who defy the power of the coven we're too late don't give up no due to the priest's Journal keeping the hilt of the blade at the local Chapel the coven now desperate have a score of their acolytes between us and our goal we look around momentarily at the village that is now in Cinders and contemplate how lost can this coven be that I would burn a village full of civilians just for a hilt of a sword and what does the sword itself mean to them or their dark master we have many questions for Magda and feel that soon we will have answers heading north to the town center we encounter a disheveled villager who played please my family is hiding in the chapel with the rest of the townsfolk we must get to them don't run off you'll get yourself killed more dead Villages litter the streets and we can't help but feel afraid this is the outcome for most of the townsfolk of Wortham heading closer to the chapel a dozen coven await our arrival an attack in unison we unfortunately fall for their trap as we step back on our heels dealing with the dark dagger wielding cultists throwing our Shield at them as it ricochets in the exploding Gore exposed to the darker vocals the whole time the people in the chapel need my help I'm going on ahead fools you cannot keep the sword from me this is bad my servants will burn this town to ashes Magda keeping to her promise summons more cultists to try and overwhelm us led by the super unique Avoca urzel Mordrake content to fling Fireballs we then breached the Gap however they summon a demonic creature to their side and more evocused to try and attackers in tandem from behind we hit them with a falling sword and thrust our Halbert into their guts probably I hear something coming killing Magda is pulling no punches as she summons a trio of dark Berserkers although Berserkers are said to be weak by the standards of demon kind their strength is still far greater than that of any human the means of summoning them was actually discovered supposedly by the Archbishop Lazarus though it seems now these black blooded fiends are in service of Magda and the coven the people in the chapel need my help I'm going on ahead Leah then goes ahead to help out the villagers we ourselves move north and see the chapel some of the villagers that were hiding inside start to scramble out and as we look closer we realize they seem to be okay or at least have fared better than the coven themselves just to the east of the chapel we see a priest out the front who no doubt owned the journal speaking to him he says I seek the hilt of a sword it fell from the sky have you seen it we found it days ago I wish we'd never brought it here come I left Virgil to guard it we will be glad to be rid of it I'm going back to Tristram to check on Uncle Deckard on her uncle departs our company and we promptly head into the cellar of the Wortham Chapel now said Ablaze so we must make haste inside the chapel the walls are crumbling as it burns and Cinders around us checking the shelves and any hiding places that we can think of we then discover poor Verge hilts we check on his corpse it doesn't seem that he died of smoke inhalation a pool of blood around his body reveals he was massacred where he stood as if mimicking the gruesome depiction in the Macabre art above his body we move into the next room and what's this we see the hilt on a table but it's a ruse it's gone while you were on your Heroes errand here I captured all three sword pieces and your friends I should have known I must get back to Kane's house we're now at a severe disadvantage Magda has all the pieces of the sword and our allies we make haste to the waypoint at the northern wall and pause momentarily looking at all of the otherworldly Arts we cannot help but think these events appear to be a part much larger scheme entering new Tristram we race to Kane's house and enter to see too late it's your choice Keen either use your Horadric Arch to repair the sword or your dear Lear dies a horrible death oh this pain this destruction what is the sword to you to me nothing to my master Belial everything [Applause] your rage is overwhelming girl you win this round but if the sword cannot be mine the blade shall be mine Uncle you can't die nothing can stop that now but there is one last thing I must do the sword must be Made Who oh just as I suspected the sword is of the High Heavens The Stranger is an angel he the journal the truth lies within with Cain Dead The Stranger lost and the sword absconded with all we can do is Comfort Leah somewhat before we begin on the trail of the coven and the dark master Belial for the sword once more foreign episode we found the pieces of the broken sword only to be thwarted by Magda who had absconded with not only the sword but also with our allies returning to new Tristram we find Deckard cane being tortured along with the Stranger in efforts that Magda will have the sword reforged however he refuses and the stranger is dragged Away by Magda and Kane reforgers the sword giving his life in the process to reveal it is the weapon of an angel from the heavens outside the deceased Scholars house we find Leah his Ward who blames herself for his demise and laments if only I could control this power could have saved him I'm sorry Leah it is hard to see someone so close full I will go after Magda Magda and her master Belial the journal speaks of an Angel falling from the heavens as the shadow rises from the abyss The Stranger is the key to all of this we must bring him the sword so that he can fight at our side when my power erupted I saw into magda's mind for an instant she's fled to the highlands you can reach them through the caves above Wortham you have to know she'll be waiting for you she won't have to wait long when arriving at this sleepy Hamlet never did we imagine of the events that would transpire a fallen angel's blade that was lost and a deranged witch and a coven that erroneously swears fealty to the Lord of Lies Belial we know to uncover the Lesser evil treachery we must first recover The Stranger his powerful weapon before we head to the highlands as instructed by Leah there is one matter we don't fully understand her power we ask her more of it and she explains damned power I have Uncle Deckard said it came from my mother he tried to teach me how to control it using his herodrick training but it never really helped he never gave up on me though he was a great man of that we have little doubt we leave Leah to mourn the loss of her uncle and head back through the Waypoint to wortham's Chapel once inside we pass where the broken hilts had been absconded with and poor Virgil's corpse the building's Blaze has not yet been put out by the townsmoke and it seems Wortham has been deserted left to meet its fate heading to the northern side of the chapel we see corpses are still littered about thankfully none of the townsfolk remain and then we spy the Town Gate that was once locked opens to us covered in fresh blood more corpses are scattered about the road it's not long till we come to some steps and what's this some type of eggs spiders then burst forth out of their festering cocoons no doubt surfacing for what they thought was an easy snack tepidly stepping across the bridge it quickly becomes apparent that this area is Infested by spiders to our utter Surprise by the bridge and a stall stands a man wearing a cloak named Roger The Alchemist approaching him he says hello Wanderer I sell quality potions and dies at a fair price have a look if you like Owen would you do me a favor there's a lunatic down by the caves who wants a potion to make his blood sweet if you can believe it would you mind bringing it down to him we can hardly believe what we just saw the spiders totally ignore this Alchemist who does indeed have wears but more so he wants us to bring a potion to some lunatic who wants to make his blood sweet it sounds like The Alchemist is the lunatic here finishing trading we head down spiraling stairs defeating more spiders and indeed by a campfire and a doorway we find a crazed hermit giving him the potion he says a potion for you ah this is perfect my mistress will now accept me her blood and mine will soon sing as one we ask so your queen sings to you my queen sings to me her music Echoes from Beyond well we've heard enough it's then we head inside the caverns of arenae hopefully with a clear path as Leah mentioned to the Highlands entering the cavern the air hangs thick with a green mucousy glow and spiders come to rush forth once more their larger kin toxic workers amble in through the Shadows spewing out spider webs to Hold Us in place and singing their own disgusting song that we hope wasn't what was driving the hermit so crazy it's not long before we're ambushed Again by waves of spiders that try and drag us into their Unholy webbing led by one sin eater a golden spider a golden spider unsurprisingly enchanted with poison once the spider has been contended with we find a powerful mace on it called wrathful Titan and we take time to upgrade our armor and shield as well it should be noted that there is a cursed Hatchery event where if you can kill a hundred enemies before the timer runs out you will be rewarded with a boon that lays in the chest my faith is rewarded foreign it's not long after to the north east we find some stairs and it looks to be a structure and what's this the crazed hermit again who says my mistress has accepted me come close and feel her loving embrace rest easy madman you served your mistress he explodes in a pile of sticky Venom and icore we cannot help but feel for him if it wasn't for all the spiders that we had to contend with thanks to his mistress and it's not long before we come to the entrance of the Chamber of Queen arenae no doubt responsible for the crazed hermit State and all of these spiders the room is littered with spider eggs in the middle lies a web missed pause forth and a huge burrow lies on the West Side Disturbed hatchlings burst out of their pods to meet us we see a pool of glowing poison perhaps it's then we spy a woman Bound in the webs who begs please help me it's horrible she sucks the inwards from her victims oh no no it's too late I hear the Spider Queen is coming Spider Queen The Giant Spider Queen burst forth attacking us from the backing spewing vile Venom it's then that our fight begins during the darkening of Tristram it said arenae was enslaved or created by the Archbishop Lazarus and that leoric himself wary of the people of Tristram threatening his own manner ordered the nearby caves to be sealed to this end Lazarus spent weeks working on a group of spiders Aaron a of course was the largest of creatures and she led the other spiders into the caves and after no one who entered the caves was said to ever return during the fight Arena will leave the area to hide when she loses 25 or 50 of Health summoning her minions her five daughters the fighters returning only when they're killed and the queen will attack us either by biting or pouring poison the latter is a channeled attack and she can even summon plagued pools at will unlike common toxic lurkers she may create more than one pool of Venom at a time foreign a will drop a few items there were some yellow ones but nothing really to speak of and then we head back to the poor woman unfortunately we can't seem to free her from the web and then move to the pool of Venom harvesting some we pour it on the web that binds her and she's soon released thank you oh thank you can we please leave this horrible Place Karina looking worse for wear trudges off outside of the cabin and we follow behind meeting her outside at the Highlands Crossing an Oscar of her ordeal and she says it was terrible being stuck in there like that I think the gods you came along what are you doing out here I seek a man taken by the coven the coven I saw them dragging someone into New York's Manor House perhaps it was the man you seek you might have a small bit of trouble reaching there though I'm not proud of this but I stole the staff of a powerful cause of Shaman the cars were went mad and chased me to the caves you can find the stuff in my cart in the highlands if you take it to the cause for a barricade perhaps they will let you pass we cannot believe that this woman would ask us to put our faith in khasra goat men to allow us to pass unmolested but still we head off in search of her staff heading Northwest to the Highland Crossing we come across a bridge that leads to leoric's Manor that is being ripped down and are then assaulted by a butterfly-like creature the Wither moth we had read something about them before and re-record the Wither moth is a curious phenomenon it is tremendously large for an insect and somehow its size allows it to expel a charging Force when attacked for this reason few have survived to study it in great detail including many notable academics in fact please do not inquire further upon this subject standing on the broken bridge was a goat man Shaman who runs at the side of this and then beckons to his fellow moon Clan opening it seems that perhaps empty-handed they don't take too kindly to our trespassing into the Southern Highlands it's then unbelievably on one of their corpses we find a tone regarding the Cruces in the Eastern Kingdom of kazistan I heard the rumors of zakarum Warriors called Crusaders while the natives were most reticent I was able to deduce that this order was founded 200 years ago just as rakhis took his army of paladins West but these Crusaders went East on a very different mission thank you a different Mission and date whatever fate lies in store for us it has led us here after contending with the errant Moon Clan Warriors we then come across the barricade and a none too friendly Shaman saying as we have no stars we do not speak kazra but I'm pretty sure what he said was not exactly welcoming it's then we head West and just as promised carinya's lost wagon is lying there with the staff on top of it the cars were though don't seem too keen on an outsider getting their hands on the staff once more [Music] foreign post working on our public relations we head back to the lost wagon picking up this stuff however kazra burst from the underbrush lying in wait for those who would steal their stuffed by their Elder Shaman the super unique and doppelganger producing nalgaman the foul foreign with our assailants dead and staff in hand we head back to the barricade it seems massacring most of their Brethren seems to have blown up in our face or perhaps theirs there's only one left of the Moon clan that steps in our path the poor shaman but the moon Clan is not fully defenseless and especially not going down without a fight as impalers jump out of the underbrush Spears in hand and their Warriors rush to meet us but again even with a Savage beast on their side their might is not enough to stop us it's not long before we reached the steps of leoric's Manor in the northern Highlands it's there we find a journal of the member of the coven who appeared to be in League with the moon Clan stress it is my pleasure to report that I have broken the prisoners from Wortham words have flowed from their mouths like blood from a wound our Summoners can retrieve the weapon at your command and the enemy shall be none the wiser then we see the very man shielded by the moon Clan to me you beasts let none touch me foreign all right but what could the coven or even Belial offer the moon clan we wonder or how did they find themselves in League with either just beyond leoric's hunting grounds we find to the West his manner we break the lock and head inside all poor villagers corpses can be found on the ground it's not long before we find the source the coven have taken up residence inside the manor we check on the villagers but the bastards may have led them into a trap or worse and then we head inside leoric's Manor heading up the Great Hall were immediately set upon by dark Berserkers in League with the cover who seem to be a bit more than careless where they swing their maces heading up the winding stairs of the dilapidated Manor we find on one of the coven's corpses new orders from Magda herself there is a new piece to the game a girl named Leah my spies tell me she is the child of the witch Adria who is hiding in the deserts of chaldeam bring this news to the master at once after hacking our way through schools of coven we find the grand hall to the north hearing a conversation between Magda and her acolytes no mortal could Slaughter our Brethren with such ease then die well Lord Belial will reward your sacrifice we then kicked the doors open dear dear more cultists delay him while I prepare his demise in the depths below Lord Belial the Lord of Lies reward a sacrifice well they don't call them unwitting pawns for nothing the coven sends their scattering beasts after us in a drove as their leader disappears their sacrifice amply rewarded we head down the blood caked stairs finding a final dead villager and Beyond the Doors promised Demise by Magda in the depths below foreign episode we trailed the coven who have abducted this stranger we know he is of the High Heavens however the coven now holed up in leoric's Manor try and block our path it's only then that we find a fallen townsman who tells us where Magda has taken the stranger saying they did horrible things to us did you see a man in rags yes the man with the golden eyes I saw Magda take him into leoric's Old torture chambers below us you have done your duty friend I will deal with Magda we make a solemn promise to ourself the detailsman sacrifice will be Avenged as we head outside of the manor into the rain we see that although the manner itself is dilapidated the hills scenery and architecture must have been a sight to behold the height of leoric's power heading down some steps we then begin our search following the bodies to the promised torture chamber Knights lined the wall ever guarding leorics interests in death as they did in life entering the holes where aghast to Sea a basket of sacrificial heads the sanctity of this place has truly been failed although caked in blood in cages the place could be mistaken for a furnace and Out of the Furnace pops Inferno zombies re-risen tortured victims a final sacrilege squeezed out of their torture-ridden bodies and it's not long before we encounter the coven bring him to me that I may Rend the flesh from his bones a gaggle of coven and the Hellion Beast they spawn come to confront us led by a super unique Grand Inquisitor that's known as the master of pain but he still has a lesson to learn it's on the second level of the torture chamber as we cut a swath through the coven do we find a Macabre sight indeed interrupting their prayers and rituals we come closer to one of their torture devices that choose through a poor victim with rolling spikes and a guillotine that has more heads than we care to count deeper into torture chamber lies a barricaded pit of blood and bodies that are re-risen and born of fire now without furnaces or bound they crawl out seeking fresh victims of their ever-growing army of the undead contending with the ambling mob that seems never-ending we awaken a true horror of the pits a shambling behemoth super unique a messy mound of Flesh with thorns teeth and gaping scars comprising its grotesque Visage once Fallen we see on its body some legendary braces and a journal the braces themselves boast a boon for lightning damage and our blessed Hammer skills in a far superior to our current braces equipping them we then read the prisoner's Journal 13th day of lunasade 1263 Jana kyrgyzstani the Javas burned rooms into my flesh they say all the torture and dark magic will turn us into demonic slaves for King leoric foolish lies 17th day of Luna shot oh pain is terrible I can't think I'm so hungry uh 20th [Applause] what a poor wretched Soul indeed we wonder if he was transformed into one of the creatures such as the Behemoth we just faced dark magic indeed the coven does possess and so too their masters Magda and the Lord of Lies Belial has imparted them and good riddance to the Skeleton King it's then in the far Corner we spy an iron maiden and it has somebody alive in it opening it reveals God bless you I was certain I was gonna die in there I heard rumors of vast treasure to be found down here a damn fool that I am I believe them don't know why I thought it might be inside an Iron Maiden all I could think of while I was trapped in that horrible Darkness was that no one would ever know what had happened to me with the man freed and the event ended we head back up the stairs and threw a door to the highlands Passage stepping into the rain-soaked courtyard on a bridge awaits us two dark Berserkers curiously on one of their corpses we find another Crusaders Journal my studies indicate that the high-level cleric of the zakaroon named akan began to sense the corruption that was eating away at the heart of his feet he knew this corruption would eventually destroy his beloved church and that he must take action after much prayer akan hit upon the idea of an order of Crusaders [Music] contending with the coven now fully in League with the moon clan we dispose of more of their kin before heading inside the cursed hold once inside the gloomy holes were confronted with what's this the Headless ghost of Queen acilla I am a seller wants queen to our beloved leoric my servants and I were consumed by his Madness now I give you my blessing Champion to release my people from their eternal torment the Queen ever a dignitary besieges us to release her imprisoned people that are still being held in their jail in death as they were in life Freedom at long last freedom once all six of the poor souls have been freed in a cross in the middle of the jail were confronted by the Jailer himself the warden am I alone here [Music] the warden a giant mace-wielding skeleton we grow in size using our akarat skill ability to match his strength and fell him foreign from the prison once more these corpse we find the Crusader Shield valorous Walch increases our rate which increases our wrath regeneration ability substantially fudging our way out of the jail we're rushed by an onslaught of savage fiends and then happen upon Queen asylum's Death replayed no doubt due to the dark energies that bind her here my lord The Prisoner is ready as you requested thank you Lazarus your loyalty is invaluable in the midst of all these traitors and you my dear my own wife and queen conspiring against our kingdom my love lies until the very end after the grizzly scene plays out we see in the corner the diary of the betrayer Lazarus himself the tile of my Lord's true Awakening is at hand that fool the auric was only able to resist him because he did not yet possess his full power with with Queen dispatched as a traitor I may now devote myself fully to prepare Lazarus of course speaks of the poor possession of young Albrecht by his master Diablo the Lord Of Terror it's only after fighting through the fourth level of the halls of Agony do we find the Chamber of suffering foreign crying over the old man's corpse she'll soon have another one to cry over yours meet the butcher [Applause] fresh meat it's then the huge super unique boss the butcher returns a cacophony of Flesh stitches and raw violence the return of the butcher within the world was a deliberate action by Magda and the coven through the use of occultists to sacrifice Flesh and Blood of living beings was all to resurrect this beast and to hinder our path okay I hunger need weight the butcher can be quite formidable due to his smash grappling hook attacks frenzy charge and grating underfoot is set ablazed randomly during the fight the butcher however succumbs to his injuries and we Garner off his corpse the legendary shields denial which boasts a huge Boon to our sweep attack and looks like it's been ripped straight off one of the Iron Maidens in the halls of agony which then we exit through a northern door into the cells of The Condemned and see a bloody path trailing down some descending stairs symbols are etched in blood no doubt of the coven and their dark blood magic used to bind the angel that is now in their care at the bottom of the stairs we find the cultists performing a dark ritual again as they did to Cormac [Applause] The Stranger doesn't have much time standing down the stairs we fling our holy Shield at their fire flinging measures the other cultists still fervently attempt to finish whatever Dark Ritual that they're performing but the strength of a crusader proves too great yeah The Stranger Unbound from this spell falls limply to the floor and we realize he's Gravely injured and he says I am dying Angel take up your sword I remember now I was an archangel of the High Heavens I was the embodiment of Justice I was I am material we knew that the stranger was somehow connected to Angels or an angel themselves material the Archangel of Justice what a boon for the light this is that he is now free but this spawns so many questions where are his Brethren or his holy Wings why has he chosen to walk the earth as a man more pressing though is what is to be done about the Lesser evil Belial behind all of our recent misfortunes you have restored my mind friend and now I remember the warning I came to deliver Belial and asmodan the last Lords of hell are unleashing a tide of Darkness that will drown this world already belial's Shadow has fallen upon chaldeium then I will go to caldeum and introduce myself to Belial we must move quickly Let Us return to Tristram and make ready we have many more questions we realize we must heed tyrell's advice and leave this Unholy place there we meet him with Leah as he explains time grows short my friends even now belial's influence is spreading through chaldea but how will we find him we won't have to Magda and her coven will lead us straight to him I'm not going anywhere until Uncle deckard's been laid to rest The Crusade goes on but we must honor our dead I have called for a caravan to guide us to the east speak to the Caravan Master when you are ready to go we will see to Cain as we depart feel for Leah and her lost Uncle it was a great loss for the light thanks to Belial and his brothers Tyrell sensing our next question expounds who are Belial and asmodern Belial is the Lord of Lies he desires power before all other things and His Thousand schemes are designed toward this end his brother asmodan Reigns over the other half of hell as the Lord of sin I sense his influence in this world but I do not yet know where he will strike but Lyle may lead us to him they are more Rivals than allies in these days but I pray that you are right foreign they say that the evils cannot help but wage war against each other and that Victory is short-lived between them the fact they're working in unison are dark Tidings indeed with that we do arterial instructs and see the Caravan leader to head to cold air on the hunt for the Lord of Lies my friend shall we depart to caldium [Music] without stories my uncle saw what he wanted to see Beckett sacrificed much to protect this world but his work is not over would you know about sacrifice [Music] Spirit the ancient law of the high heaven strictly forbids us from interfering with a mortal world yet you have done so praising all I am guilty of imperious is bringing Justice while you hide cowering behind your throne silence foreign [Music] I am Justice itself we were meant for more than this to protect the innocent but of our precious laws bind you all to inaction then I will no longer stand as your brother to be one of us thank you foreign willingly because humanity is the only hope for this world [Music] I never believed all your crazy tails work [Music] [Music] I will finish an alcohol I will carry on for you foreign [Music] is safe but that is only the beginning great eastern city of Chaldean has fallen under the sway of Belial a lord of hell I'd like to have words with him [Music] we arrive at the supposed Desert Jewel of caldium just outside of the town in the bazaar however things seem more Bleak than we remember as we passed through the shop front a general malaise hangs in the air and the wind howls unforgivingly in the northeast of the makeshift shop fronts we see our old friend hadrie true to his word and joining us for our Crusade on a platform overlooking the city there stands Leah and the Archangel Tyrion approaching them Leah says here we are Chaldean Jewel of the East Uncle Deckard loved this place he wouldn't now that it is under the spell of Belial Lord of Lies I can smell his stench on the air you two try to find out where Belial is well I hunt down Magda your uncle will be of Angelia as the two depart on the mission we head to the north western side of the platform for a better look at the city there we see a woman dressed in bright garbs and first mistake her for a vagier image and then realize she must be nobility of the area I have never been outside the city my entire life I have never even been outside the palace when they threw us out here I thought I would die I was terrified but now look at this view I have never understood how large the world actually was it is beautiful we leave the woman to stand in ore of the city but all our statements done is spawned a flurry of questions why wouldn't she leave this city and who threw her out we know that the only way we're going to find answers is if we head into caldium itself once entering the chaldeam bazaar we see that the ostentatious decorations and extravagant design work still remain yet a grim atmosphere hangs in the air to our right we see some poor disheveled refugees some badly beaten and their clothes in tatters next to them we find a guard and promptly inquire why have they been displaced God where do these refugees come from I am not a God I am a Shearer commander of the iron wolves we save these refugees from magda's coven that even now wreaks Havoc throughout the Borderlands I am hunting Magda do you know where she's going she's heading toward arcanus but has blocked the road behind her however there is another way through the casino Outpost for long time fans of the Diablo series it's uh pretty surprising to come across as Shearer wearing some desert Garb that is dawned with gold it's a far cry from how we remember her back in the kurast docks sporting some skimpy undergarments a snake and not much else plus her build is rather live these days I guess Alcoa isn't around to help Supply her with a weekly potion of Manliness oh [ __ ] is a good customer she buys a portion of Manliness from me every week all of these people have fled from the cultists in arcanus they are refugees far from their homes why can't they enter the city the Imperial Guard lets no one in these people are sentenced to a slow death we can somewhat understand if a city or Palace was under attack that the first poor people to be displaced would be refugees but the nobility have been locked out as well and what have your iron wolves the iron wolves were mercenaries until we helped the zacarim priests find a successor to the first emperor hakan we became the emperor's personal guard after that but everything changed a few months ago when the first refugees began arriving an Imperial Guard was created to protect the citizens from the refugees while we were out in the desert fighting the coven and their demons spawn eventually they took over so the appointed gods of the emperor face magda's Coven in the desert and their reward is they return to caldeam to be replaced a stone's throw away we hear the refugees discussing the current plight have you heard Emperor hakun through his entire court out of the city they're trapped out here with the rest of us there is some justice in this world after all Justice there are load of pompous fools but even they don't deserve what's coming tonight what happens tonight they're wearing Jewels worth more than any of us see in a year and they have to sleep sometime Gods what a terrible fight that seems inevitable the higher class being tossed down with the so-called rabble the two classes left to their own devices are going to No Doubt create a new synthesis but we fear like the coven's rituals the outcome will be born of blood it seems like we have no time to waste in the city it's then just north we see by the fountain is Leah and the Archangel Terrier approaching her she says terryland I learned that while the iron wolves were fighting Magda in the desert the emperor replaced them with Imperial guards who bar all from the inner city I suspect that the iron wolves were sent out to Die the Lyle has made his move we must find a way into the city as a child I explored Chaldean while Uncle Deckard studied here I can get in through the sewers good learn what you can while I hunt Magda be careful how Corner sounds like magda's trap IELTS already infiltrated the city so heavily I'm afraid we might be too late we then head north east and out of the city Gates this gate leads to alconus you will need to follow the long road over the canyon bridge and through the casino Outpost we haven't heard anything from the iron wolves in the desert if you make it to the casino Outpost seek out Captain David we agreed to his terms to seek out Captain David if we make it through the baron sundered Canyon to The kasim Outpost on our way to hunt Magda in okanas as we move East down the path and the rocky ridges we happen by a curiosity a porcelain skinned woman in very scant attire is standing in our path she beckons to us and warns take heat traveler cultist guard these desert roads and they will slay any who pass that's excellent I have some questions for these cultists kill them do you not I shall come along before we can accept the enchantress joins our party there are Illusions out there mirages to some but I can see them for what they are coven's foul Magic they will lead you to your death well I've dealt with this coven before although we welcome any help or Aid in the fight against evil we cannot help but be slightly suspicious of this enchantress clearly not from these lands just by the look of her and also a Master of Illusions we don't know much about the schools of Magicka but would that not be a favored school for the Lord of Lies himself heading through an outpost the walls seem to crumble in on us and the local sand wasp greets Us in force as we read about in our Journal I would rather not discuss the sand wasp these overgrown insects wouldn't be notable whatsoever if not for their exceptionally poisonous things which alas killed my Young Apprentice I thought he would be more careful when I sent him to retrieve a sample from The Hive but his parents did not understand my perspective we see etched in the rock wall what we can only assume is one of their poorest hives and start to question the validity of ABD al-azir's Expedition for his poor Apprentice further along in the canyon we find a dead iron wolf and the Avalanches become more frequent and happen Upon A Gravely injured man who then warns stay back they're in the locks the man unfortunately was crushed soon thereafter and we check on our Journal once more as these Panther people seem to be behind the Avalanches the lacuni or Panther men as they are sometimes called have inhabited the desert wastes east of kaldim for thousands of years the large males are the tribe's leaders and protectors while the agile females are expert Hunters mostly they are primitive and reclusive creatures although they will attack if cornered or hungry have not cornered the pants of people and they seemed more vicious than hungry maybe they're in League with the coven itself the northeast of the canyon we find a dead end and no way out as the enchantress warns be careful they are very near to us are they you should never have come demons were faced on your bones although we successfully repelled the coven's Ambush we must know how the enchantress predicted the attack how did you know about the Ambush I am an enchantress the ways of magic and illusion are familiar to me my name is Arena and I am a crusader nice to meet you Irena why are you out here well I am also looking for someone but here let me clear the way for you dispatching the coven the enchantress dispels the illusion and we see before us iron wolves captain from behind protect the people we dispatch the various lacunian Demons of their assault and turn to the Iron Wolf jaroof who thanks if not for you the lacuni would have eaten well this day are there more lacuni on the road to alconus even worse cultists are casting spells in two of their desert layers to obscure the Black Canyon Bridge let us head north to the howling Plateau the cultist magic seems to be emanating from there bidding the iron wolves and refugees farewell so that they can return to the safety of town we do as the enchantress asks it's not long after heading north we then find The Outpost leading in to the howling pass inside we contend with lacuni and Fallen which have joined them to fellas at this gate there is another illusion here cultists tried to hide their footsteps their spells are weak and easily countered if we follow these prints we can find their layers and halt the rituals I will seek out any other traces of their magic so that's why they left to force to guard the gate the enchantress then shows a path of footprints leading down to the south east or Fallen try and block our path yet are unsuccessful the enchantress sink through the illusion detects more hidden tracks look more hidden footprints this is one of the cultist lairs they are casting part of the illusion inside we then cautiously step inside the secret altar on either side of the door lies blood field cauldron subling away next to the door is a cage that looks broken and unused but the secret altar is very much in use as a blue mace-wielding pain Monger comes to greet our intrusion died as it lived in pain just north we see some torture barrels and an altar with strange markings and more pain mongers file in alerted to our presence in the main room we happen upon the coven in the middle of an incantation one of their measures flings Fireballs to stop us but his Brethren are too focused on the ritual which means that they must be transforming this poor sap into a demon however we break their incantation in the nick of time realizing that they're overwhelmed they try and kill the prisoners yet a thankfully unsuccessful this should remove part of the illusion with half of the illusion broken we speak to the prisoners and they say Okay bless you I thought I was dead I'd lost all hope getting closer to the sacrificial altar we can't exactly tell what they were trying to either sacrifice or resurrect but as always blood and death are an integral part of their spells we leave the vile secret Altar and head back out into the open and the enchantress then finds more tracks look more hidden footprints traveling considerable ways Northwest we keep finding the hidden Footprints uncovered by the enchantress's illusion finally discovering the entrance to the hidden conclave this is one of the cultist Slayers they are casting part of the illusion inside how does the enchantress Gnar and only stepping into a trap at the almost identical conclave we're greeted by a demonic voice and more pain mongers inside another ritual is being held by the coven as they try and convert another demon the ritual is disrupted kill there that ought to dispel the coven's magic let us go to the bridge there they tortured my poor husband we will avenge him I owe you my life bless you no answers from those who we've saved we're only left to speculate what this ritual would achieve perhaps all this death was just to hold the Illusion in place upon surfacing from The Wretched Lair and topside once more the enchantress then asks a question we didn't expect tell me what shall you do when Magda is dead her master Belial wants to invade Sanctuary his brother asmadan as well I will kill them both destroy their forces and keep Sanctuary safe how curious you must be the one I was meant to find here Tetris seems to be taken with our response and believes she was meant to meet us what we don't tell her or anybody else is that most Crusaders don't see the age of 30 and we don't arrogantly believe it's easy or somewhat feasible to just defeat Prime evils alone however we go towards our fate willingly our heart full knowing that we serve to Delight the best we can and as for as long as akarat would permit it's at the bottom of the Ravine we see that our path has been blocked the enchantress stops us to reveal her true nature I think it is time for you to know my true tale before we hear her tale we step onto the bridge curious at the illusion we say the bridge there but we cannot still step on it so we head back to the enchantress and she reveals I am not from chaldeam I learned these spells 1500 years ago my sisters and I pledged our service to a man of great power we called him the prophet he trained us and placed us in a magical Slumber to awaken in this era I am to prevent the Lords of Hell from invading I think you're dangerous I like that come join me the enchantress after revealing she's 1500 years old and for some reason has been kept in stasis to follow us on our Quest then heads across the newly repaired bridge and we join her to continue a hunt for Magda on the other side The kasim Outpost [Music] now to find The kasim Outpost you will find it to the North though it is still some distance away perhaps in response to our intrusion a group of sand wasps and more of the Fallen moved to block our path the sand wasps are led by a super unique named hex the Slayer you never cease to impress me we heed the thoroughly impressed enchantress's words and head north barred by a trio of forward overseas soon thereafter we see that our path has been fully barricaded well the cultists actually blocked the way instead of relying on illusion I'll have to go through kasim Outpost to the West we Ponder on the cultists tactics usually they would rely on illusion so this could be taken as a good sign that their desperation is escalating to Bar our path or the cultists want us to go to the casino Outpost and we must remain Vigilant despite a light be damned it's not long to the West that we find the entrance to the stinging winds more Fallen are driven into frenzy and yet we're still to cite any of the coven in the desert sands heading Northwest and hugging the wall we begin to see signs that there is is a settlement nearby with fencing wagons on the ground is a lost Satchel it should be noted that these satchels are peppered about but we're not really to believe that Kane lost multiple satchels throughout his travels but instead is a good way to pick up some of the world's law on our travels and Ariel was the only female evil she aided the Lesser evils for many years but eventually she lost faith in their plots two decades ago she chose to help Diablo during his Resurgence and Seize The Citadel of the sightless eye ultimately she perished at the hands of Brave Heroes just north of the Satchel are some stairs that lead up to the casino Outpost we already get a brief picture next to a waypoint lies a sun bleached corpse where Gods haven't bothered to move but these aren't Iron wolves said new gods that we haven't seen before around the city it is too quiet the enchantress too seems to sense something is amiss next to two guards just inside the Outpost we find Captain's orders which read captain of the Guard you are hereby order to send a band of your most loyal men to secure the kasim Outpost control of the city hangs by a thread the commoners are becoming restless and it is imperative that we subdue them remain vigilant for there may already be an outsider within our borders looking to stir up trouble this must be a captain from this city and they're looking to quell any dissent we then turn to the man to our right wearing a green Garb and ask him of the soldiers in the Outpost we've been safe ever since the Imperial Guard came well it seems some are thankful for the God's occupation but what of the local nobility we query a man named Khalil who says if you need a place to Camp until the gates are open there is room in our Cellars safe from the desert heat well he too seems friendly enough even offering us Aid in these time of troubles next we speak to kadeen who says the Imperial guards Will Keep Us Safe when moving to speak to Lieutenant vacuum the enchantress warns the cultist magic resonates within this place beyond your guard what are the misgivings the iron wolves have of the guard it seems the citizens don't share the same sentiment and yet we can't help but sense something is amiss we then turn to the lieutenant telling him of our plans but he mocks greetings I'm headed to alcanus but this gate seems to be blocking my way you must be mad but if you're intent on the rushing headlong to your death talk to Captain David down in the command post he's got the get key we see just south of us that the gate post is indeed locked and the guards are not going to let us through without the gate key so we search out Captain David in the cellar like guard post below entering the filthy command post we see what's this an ambush as The Apparition of Magda talks here you are delivered unto me as a sacrifice a gift from Lord Belial he used you as a distraction and I let him killing you is worth a delay no he would never betray me strike him down the Lyle has never heard of loyalty he's left you to pay for Cain's dad with magda's Serpentine shapeshifters contended with holy light burns the ground around us and we see the iron wolves are trapped in makeshift cages and as we search the room making sure that it's safe we can't help but wonder how many other Serpentine doppelgangers are about we freed the leader of the iron wolves and he tells us a Belial sick plan not a moment too soon they plan to sacrifice us to Belial iron wolves take back the town oh there's our answer we follow the iron wolves topside to contend with the shape-shifting demons the copper fangs lay in a bloody Heap save for one of their Brethren that tries to flee and with that the copper fangs are defeated and the town is safe from the filthy clones we must know how they did it and ask a Lauren I wonder what happened to my son we can only be sorry for his loss Kalyan then informs the demons can disguised as members of the Imperial Guard they control our minds train them to create their Illusions what Fair Magics befitting of a lord of Lies indeed it's then Karen asks the same question burning on our mind the Imperial Guard was infiltrated by demons or are they all demons has Belial successfully fully infiltrated the city of caldium and if so light gives strength to the city and its many victims foreign [Music] liberating the outposts we then speak to Captain David about unlocking the gate so that we can finally hunt down and Corner the witch Magda and he says has Magda reached alcanus yes we've heard rumors of a horrible Slaughter there then time is short please open this gate with that Captain David obliges our request and the path to alconus is clear we step outside of kasim's outpost and see another Sun bleach core Fury creeps up and we stayed okanas is close I'm coming Magda we now have crossed over to the Eastern side of the stinging winds hugging the jagged Mountain trying to find our way through the desert lest we become another victim of the Heat or the champion June Stingers that fast approach just over there I never imagined such a creature Revel in your Victory my friend the Covenant Magda doesn't seem very difficult as we hug the lip of a cliff mainly follow the trail of corpse slitted about it's not long before we happen upon an outpost and one of the coven's favored demons a pain Monger which they seem to summon whenever gathered in any form of group and like clockwork the coven slink onto the scene daggers beard but without their demonic allies and not much of a threat we entered the north gate of volcanus in a shocked to see a gruesome display bodies in a wholesale Slaughter hung about like decorations just south we find more bodies and a waypoint in the center of the town the town itself is eerily empty and just to the east by the wall we find another of Kane satchels Uriel is the twin of andario I believe that they conspired together to assist Diablo in releasing Mephisto and Bale though they had both supported the Lesser evils in the past the Lord of pain was found guarding Bale's prison the tomb of talrasha when he was slain by Heroes to the West we find a gaggle of pain mongers hellions and cultists that undoubtedly summon them but there's no real show or Force here and as we explore further to the South we find more man-made barricades and wagons instead of the Illusions which the coven had been Reliant upon it seems that any pretense of subterfuge or subtlety has been totally dropped and the Lord of Lies has his limits as he shows his hand with wanton destruction death and misery a scary imposition indeed as a liar would only quit lying if they believed they'd already won and we soon see why facing the guardian shatter bone that bars our way shatterbone is the acolyte of Torment a mini boss super unique dark Berserker which guards the entrance to alcarnas with his giant mace and no doubt earned his name much larger and faster than a normal Berserker his attacks are generally empowered and although killing him is not required for the city of blood Quest the fight itself is hardly avoidable treasure dispatching the unique gatekeeper Shadow bone the bloody path to arcanus is now clear across the bridge we see at the Western entrance a statement of Unholy proportion corpses in more number than we can count left to rot and we find live prisoners caged in the city magda's coven if left to their own devices transform into gruesome creatures and must be put down quickly we then take the time to complete a side quest of freeing eight prisoners from their cages before they succumb to the coven's clutches as a pack of thrall strikes to attempts to overwhelm us foreign with the coven we then set about freeing the prisoners and they say I cannot thank you enough take solace friend we will free the others in response the coven panicked feverishly cast their spell help us you can't leave us here I'll free you with the area now safe we set about freeing the prisoners oh thank you mayor wounds heal swiftly friend the prisoners now safe we then have to contend with the Deluge of Coven in the midst of their rituals as they try and bar our path their efforts in vain as we cut a bloody swath through their remaining forces their Petty incantations and blood Magics rendered all but useless in the face of this searing Judgment of the light foreign side of the city by burning debris and more corpses hanging we finally find a blood trail that leads into the lair of the witch and no doubt our fated confrontation with Magda herself inside the lair of the Witch drawbridge behind us closes it seems the Trap is sprung but no Magda in sight we're in a large cross-shaped room spikes cover the surrounding areas and if we fall it will be to our deaths it's then as if On Cue Magda appears the light have mercy upon you Magda for I will not it matters not while you hunted me but Lyle's Imperial Guard captured your little witch Leah soon her power shall be his then magda's vicious assault begins as the battle is in a large Arena filled with impossible pillars and pits we have no choice but to stay away from the spikes and try and keep the battle in the middle of the Arena Magda not defenseless has a plethora of abilities at her disposal between summoning cultists and demons to her side she's known to spit flies at a close hero dealing low damage or summons a swarm of flies who will then make progress towards a distant hero this causes average damage upon contact but the Swarm does not disappear on impact pissing through Heroes and obstacles and can then turn back to hit the same Target again each swarm lives for about roughly six to seven seconds and after Magda loses at least 50 Health damage of this attack increases visibly by Sinister purple glow of each swarm she also uses the ability vessels of chaos every 30 seconds mag dirt is known to summon 10 to 15 corrupted vessels scattered around the arena who begin the transformation ritual and eventually become possessed and ultimately much more of a threat in packs and last but not least summoning every 25 percent of Life lost magdeb will summon variants of the cultists fort throughout act one to two as well as three dark Berserkers on top of this all of these beings possess the same actions as the normal variants but Heroes should be forewarned that the second wave of dark Berserkers summoned at 50 will have Frozen and a third wave of dark Berserkers will sport the molten attribute foreign she was consumed by shadow pains me to see it with the dark deed done Magda is no more and Cane's Soul can rest easier we pick up the various loot from Magnus corpse most of which is mirroring Magda herself mostly unremarkable it's then we're broken from our in amusing standing on top of a ceremonial symbol of blood and remember Magda spoke of Belial taking over the city of caldium and now has Leah in his grasp claiming she'll become some sort of Vestige to add to his power we cannot allow that to happen and portal back to the hidden Camp to meet tyrial and hopefully it's not too late as she died Magda swore belisle would rule all [Music] I will not let that happen [Music] back at the outskirts of the bazaar near khaldeam we then bring the Grim news to the Archangel Tyrell Magda is dead she claimed the Imperial Guard serves Belial and that it has captured Lear then they must be holding the emperor against his will I tremble to think what Belial might do with Leah and her Growing Power the only chance we have to rescue Leah is to rest the emperor from the grasp of the Imperial Guard the Shearer of the iron wolves can get us to the emperor I will speak with her Grim Tidings indeed the emperor is now Hostage to those Serpentine shape-shifting fiends Belial truly has his claws in chaldeam not having spent too much time in kaldiom during our Crusade and not really having a wish to do so with all of the debauchery and excess the cities known for we ask tyriel what he knows of the city and he says caldium is the greatest city in the world the seat of the empire of Kazakhstan it's large I'll give it that its libraries overflow with undeciphered tomes of Arcane knowledge its streets cover Labyrinth themed tunnels it is a city of Wonder and mystery we're taking her back momentarily that Tyrell of all people or beings especially the Archangel of Justice proposed that Carl diem is the greatest city in the world when we've seen so much and just happenings especially to the refugees and he says I do not know how these refugees persevere their situation is dire and it seems there is little hope for them where do they find the strength to carry on they carry on because they must the only way out of life is death I have much to learn perhaps cereal's role of justice is an aspect in a meta sense of heaven and not so much towards humans as it clearly doesn't understand our plight we then ask how do you know of the corruption of Belial I feel Below in the very airy air I see his shadow behind haunted eyes hear his voice Whispering lies on the Wind he need not bring an army to this city it is his already so the Lord of Lies is already claimed chaldeam well it's in our best interest to trust no one wary with this new insight we then head back to the bazaar and to search out Ashira and hopefully save the young Emperor from bilal's forces before it's too late back inside the crowded bizarre it seems our reputation precedes us as some refugees say do you see that armor no wonder he destroyed those cultistinal karna so easily I can't believe anyone could have survived that out there let alone defeat those monsters I know but he did it good news travels fast in these parts and we've garnered some considerable reputation amongst the folks in the bazaar however all is not well for the displaced nobility as we overhear another conversation damius is that you what happened healing presents they came while I was sleeping pinned me down and cut off my robes and jewelry I'm so sorry my friend come stay with me I am sharing a tent with a fine and generous family oh no I'm staying with a guardzar you wait and see that peasant family is going to Slit your throat and rub your corpse chaos seems to be sowed within the populace and the guards and not lifting a finger no wonder Ashira is trying to bring order to this city her efforts marred as her iron wolves have been a ejected from the palace it's then we see Ashira arguing with the gods by a crowd to the Northwest Captain ravan the conditions out here are deplorable something must be done to Aid these people Captain ravan however and his guards stand steadfast as the rabble grows restless we will die out here if you don't let us in seeing tensions rise we'd move through the crowd and speak to Ashira who says Ashira the emperor and my friend are in grave danger I must gain entry into the palace I heard what you did at kasim Outpost in arcanus you have my thanks and you shall have my help Captain ravan this man has vital information regarding the massacre in the Borderlands we must see the emperor at once very well but I don't think you'll find him receptive let them pass I will faint that away if I stand in the seat a moment longer before tensions boil over we follow Ashira over the Great Bridge towards the palace a Sinking Feeling creeps into our stomach as we realize if the emperor was held hostage why would the gods allow us to see him something is not right let's go I'll lead you to the Palace unfortunately we find our answer you are bold to have sought this audience with me my gods tell me you were responsible for the massacre of innocent villagers in arcanus but you know that's not true don't you if you are innocent why do you have a spy skulking through us let me go I detest violence Gods I'll leave this matter in your hands with the ruse dropped the diminutive Emperor leaves his writhing deceivers to execute us as traitors Leah suffers another episode as her powers boil over leaving us to contend with the serpents I knew you'd come for me let us be quick as Leah leads Ashira out of the South Western gate we can't help but try and find a way up to the emperor's platform and end this quickly however now only Escape is to the South West there we find by the steps Ashira who instructs get out of here I will cover your Escape thank you now we need to get to the sewers I'll explain why when we get there following Leah's lead we head further south west as more deceivers try and fellas as well as their Mage counterparts it's then Leah tells us that she read about the snake men in one of her uncle deckard's books and it read these Serpentine demons are belial's favored servants and he has granted them some of his skill in cunning and illusion deceivers will cloak themselves in the familiar forms of their enemies Companions and Friends waiting to strike when the moment is opportune it is only then that their true forms are yield we're then Guided by Leah to destroy the strange totems which are summoning the demons contending with the last of the Demons on the platform we head Southeast down some stairs it's then Lear and forms there has to be a way into the sewers from here desperate to quell our progress and our entry to the sewers the deceivers hit hard and fast cloaking when they're not near us and removing any advantage from using range attacks against them and although despite sharing a serpentine resemblance to claw vipers from Diablo 2 they are unrelated in any way claw vipers are animal-like creatures with Origins that may come from demonic magic deceivers are the demon Servants of the Lesser evil Belial and likely served him in the burning Hells before coming to Sanctuary this leads to the sewers Leah finding a loose sewer great heads inside the sewers of chaldeam and we have no choice but to follow foreign Adria she's alive but the Imperial Guard is holding her somewhere down here we will find her we then quested with helping Leah return to a maternal missing mother however we do urge caution as we know little about this witch so Magda was telling the truth somehow I knew my mother was alive I always knew it good news I hope just remember that your mother may not be the person you imagine as our voices Echo throughout the sewer we realize we're not alone as a trio of sandlings burst forth from a cavity in the wall no you don't it seems belial's evil has permeated all the way to the depths of the sewers truly nowhere is safe in galdea all right as if responding to our thought the Betrayed leap forth from the aqueducts below and explode in a plume of poison and noxious gas then the enchantress observes we shall need very long baths after this we silently agree with her musings as a bloated corpse explodes with electric eels that have been living inside its belly rat nests are littered about and more of the Betrayed crawl forth from the recesses below waiting to befell any poor soul silly enough to venture into these stinky sewers to the Northeast we find a chest unguarded however upon opening it flimsy Trap by bone Warriors is sprung to the southeast we find a corpse of a poor Iron Wolf however as we approach it more betrayed crawl up and it seems the entire sewers is one giant trap set by the undead lying in White in a central Corridor by some bloated corpses were assaulted by murderous fiends quickly now show them what you're capable of we realize the fiends are empowered and see that their leader kelrick of the darkness a skeletal Archer that is empowered by Frozen thunderstorms appears and although we succumbed to his Frost we cast our own Heaven's Fury that Felts nafel Archer a mighty foe Has Fallen we then loot The Archers corpse to find some rare grubs called Brawler's sagacity which reduces cooldown of all skills by four percent heading Northeast we come to a Crossroads and it's then Leah carries on ahead in search of her mother above Adria should be up here as the sewers have been full of traps we leave Leah momentarily to make sure that we're not being flanked and to the West we find stinging swarms after contending with the Swarms and the Bony arches we then head up some stairs and see a pile of diseased bodies which somehow have been birthing the undead of it here we could use our help the end of the sewer we find two men that beckon to us for our help in Aid of opening a chest next to them is an Envoy of Belial we think we have found a haunted chest spoken of in Legends then why do you need my Aid in case details are true of course what if it's haunted you would not mind opening it would you while we contemplate their offer of opening this no doubt nefarious chest we then check the invoice orders from Belial himself my exemplary servants keep the Witch alive until she talks pain will lose her tongue but only to a point remember what happened with the vizier's assistant it was a pleasurable time I admit but the man had only incoherent Babylon got his chance of pass spilling from his lips by the end well that was uh quite brutal realizing we're running out of time we opened the ancient chest and it reveals [Music] Raziel is actually one of three super uniques that we can run into in the sewers of kaldim the others being ningish and moon tooth dreadshark but none are required for any achievements and there are no events to look for either however we do find on his corpse a rare two-handed flail named Glory blast which has a chance to deal 14 area damage on hit and grants extra experience traveling to the Eastern Fork of the sewers we find a dead end with no unique monsters or occurrences therefore we shall head back to the center and Talia hopefully we're not too late in Saving her mother Adria the witch inside The Wretched pit above from belial's torturers tell us about the Black Soul Stone we know of the three that the haradron used to trap the primevals what is the purpose of this one your master Belial has good reason to fear it leave her alone seize them he must confront Gus tour the torturer Raper of pain and Jayla of Adria and his gaggle of serpentine minions actually with the torture at dead we then find Adria in the bone-filled pit and see a reunion between mother and daughter Leah my daughter you know who I am my darling I've watched over you all your life but I never dared get close because of the danger that always Shadows me it is not safe here let's move cutting the reunion short the two women work on a Town portal together heading back to the hidden camp and we follow in tow and finally get long-awaited answers for Leah and also ourselves regarding the whereabouts of the truant spellcaster I'm surprised Kane never told you why I left he knew I was called to fight the Lords of hell and I knew he would keep you safe he's gone now then it's fate that we have been reunited Kane's work your work is my War according to the herodrick texts only two evils remain Belial is here in khadim and asmadan has yet to reveal himself do you regret abandoning Leah what no I never saw it that way she grew up in safety while I risked my life to find the key to our Salvation it was the sacrifice that I had to make in any case Leah will meet her full potential under my guidance do you not have things to do how well did you know Kane for a time during the darkening of Tristram we spent many nights in the tavern of the Rising Sun discussing his Horadric texts and the very dark Cana I'd collected during my travels did you ever see him again only from afar from time to time our paths would cross and I would catch glimpses of Leah as she grew it broke my heart that I could not reveal myself and raise her as my own how did you come to be captured I was trying to steal out of the city I'd return to gather some things before setting out to recover Sultan Cool's head and the guards found me Sultan Gould's head he was one of the herodram and a dark Mage indeed foreign the witch Adria from belial's forces her daughter Leah queries what they were interrogating her about the guards were asking you about this black Soul Stone I remember reading about it in uncle's Journal but it didn't seem important no but it is it is the key to defeating evil forever it was created by the Mage Zoltan cool to trap demonic Souls yes he was in Renegade her rodrim dismembered by his Brethren before he could activate the soul Stone his head was sealed away in the dogger Oasis we must retrieve it because if we're to use the Soul Stone to defeat Belial and azmodan Zoltan cool must live again [Music] rescued Leah's mother Adria she told us about the Black Soul Stone an artifact that could banish evil forever find it after a brief cinematic Place explaining that the Black Soul Stone could be the key to defeating the forces of hell and locating it will now be our Prime objective we find a Tome has dropped one of Adria's writings on the axarodram Zoltan cool himself murderer torturer monster these were the titles bestowed upon Zoltan cooled by the horad gram though it cost them dearly they killed the wizard for his crimes against nature and sealed his broken corpse within a shadow realm it seems they were afraid he might return so zul is the key to the Black Soul Stone and he was banished to the shadow realm but Adria isn't he dead Zoltan cool a legend there is no doubt in my mind he is as powerful as the story say but for every bit of his genius he was surely mad he was obsessed with immortality and power a Madman we would do better to leave him asleep in the desert than to call on him for Aid you have a better idea I do not it is merely a warning Sultan cool is an unknown involving him is risky you take risks every day Crusader and one dismembered wizard is nothing compared to Belial and asmadan allying ourselves with the deceased mad wizard isn't exactly a cup of tea but if tyrial formed the herodrum what happens 300 years ago I selected cool and six others to form the horadram he was a great man who was driven mad by his long quest to hunt evil why did the haradrim kill Sultan cool he delved into Powers not meant for man trying to Fashion an artifact that could fill his empty heart with the souls of Angels and Demons the haradrum had no choice but to slay him the order never recovered wait Angels and Demons powerful enemies indeed but what did Leah learn of this Rogue Mage in her travels I don't like dealing with cool any better than you do but I see no other way if Adria says we must then we must Uncle Deckard trusted her and so will I although we agree with the Archangel tyrial this is indeed a terrible idea we have sworn to defeat the forces of evil and Belial by any means necessary tyriel had instructed us that Sultan Cool's head is inside the Forgotten ruins in the Dalgo Oasis as we enter caldium's Bazaar we hear some women gossiping discussing that man going in and out of the sewers you never can tell with those types unfortunately they're right it is disgusting and more unfortunate the only way through to the Oasis we were informed is through the flooded Causeway and back into the sewers once inside the enchantress stops us and says I think we may have a visitor up ahead and indeed we do see townsfolk up ahead a mother is standing next to a fire with a boy crying it looks like the refugees have been displaced more than we first imagined many of the gates in the sewer have been barred within and we cannot pass the North or Eastern Gate the displaced townsfolk making a camp of sorts even have a merchant but more surprising the deceptive boy Emperor hakan stands by the Southeastern sewer great approaching him he urges listen to me I cannot talk for long but Lyle's guards are constantly watching me emperor hakan forgive me for my behavior at court the gods would have killed me had I sided with you but I will help you now as I can you must be headed to the Oasis I can Open this gate for you how in the seven Hells did the boy Emperor know were going to the Oasis although he is but a boy we press him for answers how did all this happen there's little I can do between my advisors and the Imperial God my every move in action are controlled I've tried to fight back but below's influence is strong but now you've given me a chance perhaps my only chance How Could You Aid me you're here to kill below aren't you I can help perhaps in a few years I can still fight in my own way I want my Empire back I will find where Belial is hiding and deliver him to you deliver him to us that's rich we need more convincing I'm not sure I trust you after you set your guards on us told you it was not my choice my every move is controlled and I'm surrounded by enemies but I swear to you I will help you I will prove it to you we do not trust Emperor Khan's promises just yet but he did open the southeast great which leads down to the ruined System One Step Closer to the dalgan Oasis once inside the system we hear a familiar scream that of a treasure Goblin as it stands idly beside a dead body we Chase it down but it leads us into a larger pack of skeleton arches do you see that enemy over there let us cleanse it from this land although the enchantresses will cry is well-meaning it doesn't help much as we fend off sand links the treasure Goblin and exploding skeleton arches to burn you never cease to impress me with the goblin and the archers felt we find a rare legendary Amulet the dovu energy trap and although encouraging we can sense something amiss with the enchantress and ask you're distracted again that is not my intention there is nowhere I would rather be truly truly everything depends on this on you the words are comforting and her intent seems pure yet with all the lies and deception we cannot help but feel a niggling of mistrust in the back of our mind clearing much of the undead that lurk within the cistern the very walls cave in as more skeletons lie in Ambush and yet despite belial's forces attempt the pathway to the Oasis lies before us and once topside we see a beautiful Lush Oasis nothing like the surrounding desert it is so beautiful and we're instantly reminded of a journal entry about the Oasis from Abdullah which reads three centuries ago a much smaller caldium depended upon small Wells for its water then came the mysterious dalgor offering kaldim an oasis of unparalleled Splendor located in an area previously thought to be desert asking only that his name be permanently affixed to the land then he vanished into the wastes after battling through a score of belial's forces we find the entrance to the Forgotten runes and remark well if I had the head of a deranged sorcerer I'd hide it here once inside the dark Sandy forgotten runes the air is thin there is an Arcane energy about the place next to the entry we find more information of the eventual slaying of cool in a hunter's Journal that reads we are in agreement cool the Renegade Must Be Stopped he seeks to duplicate the power of the stones and wield it for his own ends he is obsessed with the powers of Heaven and Hell drawing their attention will only bring Doom to us all The Crusade Marches On we Bellow is a Battle Cry to let the undead know of our presence as they shamble towards us we realize that time has made these skeleton Warriors largely impotent lethargic and not much in terms of Guardians as we whip our flail through their flimsy bones and taunts had enough on the northeast side of the platform we see none other than Sultan cools decapitated head glyphs seem to be holding it in place and although it's just in reach we cannot help but feel this was entirely too easy as if responding to our remark as soon as we touch the head an ancient Guardian is birthed from the very Earth and Pontius us backwards nearly sending us off the platform unable to face the monster dead on we use Thorns underfoot to our advantage dancing around it as it pauses us and it finally falls back into the sand once it came on its body we find some gold and a shield and next to it the Hunter's Journal part two which reads we set out in one week's time into the desolate Sands to search for Cool's hidden archives none of us have any idea what to expect how far has Cool's Madness driven him how much power has he accumulated in his mad Quest I can only hope we are not too late with head in hand we can only hope that history isn't doomed to repeat itself as we bring the power hungry Wizard's head to Adria and see Leah herself is learning of the Arcane odds if you keep holding back then you'll never improve ah Leah are you all right yes I think so I'm sorry to push you like this but it will all be for the best in the end I know interrupting the familial lesson we present the head of Sultan cool to Adria and she instructs it is time Leah cast the spell as I taught you Leah then casts a revive spell consultant cool burst back to life I live again Zoltan cool we need you to activate the Black Soul Stone we would use it to trap the last two Lords of hell I know your voice stranger it has haunted million death just as it commanded me in life till yeah I am but now mortal ah fate is Whimsical Zoltan cool is now back in the land of the living well kind of and our Quest is complete [Music] after releasing the spirit of the herodrick betrayer Sultan cool we demand he holds up his end of the bargain of giving us the Black Soul Stone rumored to be the key to trapping the greater and lesser evils I will give you the Black Soul Stone but in exchange I must be made whole once again you were treacherous before how do I know you won't be an even greater threat once you've been fully revived you don't so you must ask yourself how much would you risk to save this wretched world everything Ma so be it to begin you will need to retrieve my blood from the dungeons where it has been hidden away you will find them in the desolate Sands beyond the aqueducts I'm going to go with you we should bring Cool's head with us maybe he'll have something useful to say I'll put him in your bag with calls decapitated head in our bag and a mission that is more about bringing him back to life in his own goals than the Black Soul Stone we turn to the former Archangel Tyrell for guidance on dealing with Belial and he says have you ever fought Belial not openly he was never one to lead an army always in the shadows much like his mentor Mephisto he wields intriguing artifice as proficiently as you wield your weapons it's true we prefer to look at enemy in the eye than all this sub diffusion seems like cowdus but with more steps speaking of subterfuge we asked the witch Adria about her motives after surviving the devastation and Tristram all those years ago I swore vengeance upon Diablo and his ilk I've sacrificed everything for it this is my path and I will follow it through to its bloody end Leah thinks highly of you she has a kind heart there are worse qualities kindness will not help us survive in these dark times the Lord of Lies is cunning he wears many masks to hide his shifting nature from us but we will have an advantage over him the Black Soul Stone Belial fears its power for soulstones have bested his siblings in the past and he could be imprisoned as well whatever Adria's motives it's clear that she is correct having a soul Stone would be a powerful Boon for the side of the light and so we head back through the Waypoint and into the dulger oasis once more it's then cool Spirit stops US you're an interesting one aren't you I wonder if your friends know what you truly are speak plainly or will be revealed in time foreign there's one thing we don't appreciate is all of this maddening cryptic double talk that people are using it's like Belial has infected the very Earth in which we stand it's not long before we come across a caravan that has been abandoned and belial's forces including the snake-like riding deceivers are found but they got something important on the body of an Envoy of Belial regarding the Black Soul Stone which read overwhelm the enemy and seize his companions there is a witch among them and another a girl be along with a black soul stew not yet he will be searching for the head of zilton cool scour The Oasis fight some old sorcery lingers on the skull and it must be mine although we are a step ahead of Belial having already gathered the head of Sultan cool we are unfortunately forever a step behind this treasure Goblin and more unfortunate once spelled it reveals a poultry few items that are of little use to us after much searching in the Northwestern Corner we find the entrance to the aqueducts guarded by astras a super unique serpent Mages who happens to be barring our path you will not enter the aqueducts Lord Belial demands your blood following a short battle we head across the bridge and to the waterways entrance to find the door is sealed I can Open this gate for you cool obligingly opens the gate but I can't help but think if he wanted us to trust him he probably shouldn't exit laughing like a maniac once inside the Waterway we see underfoot a carving of an old man and ahead of us a waterfall This truly is a sight to behold to the west of the waterfall we find the emperor Emperor Khan no time for passengers I'm very close but here's what you need to know to find Cool's blood you'll need to get to the Orthodox there are two levers that control the entrance beneath the waterfall have you located Belial not yet but I have some ideas it is difficult I have many advisors and other tendons close to me day and night I will find him how are you able to appear before us did I keep a close watch on me I can't leave the palace Ambassador I saw him use it before but you don't have much time you need to find the stone please blast me he did not really answer your question how odd indeed that hakan appears but he is aiding us in our Quest but why it's in the western channels we meet belial's forces once more there will be fighting here it's Belial so long as he lives all of Chaldean is under siege Uncle Deckard theorized that the demon Lords lead demons in their wake much like us leaving Footprints and you agree yes the more I study my uncle's books the more I realize that even I took his wisdom for granted wading through the forces in the Waterway as Cain would say in the footsteps of Belial we find one of ABD al-hazir's entries about its construction the khaldim aqueducts were created by order of the trade Consortium Council after the dalgar Oasis was discovered three centuries ago though kaldim had been prosperous for many years a reliable source of water allowed the city to grow even further luxurious public fountains were built to provide Safe Drinking Water for everyone what a Dastardly and Insidious plan of belials to infect the very drinking water of the residents of caldiam to what end we can only imagine pondering this thought as we battle our way through the aqueduct and facing a super unique Mangler named gruel Leah imparts her own thoughts saying Kawa before sakurum the philosopher Caddis said if you want to know the truth of a city you need look no further than the state of its infrastructure so caldium is magnificent and corrupt yes and built on secrets I guess Leah was too polite to say that kaldim's beautiful if you ignore being ankle deep in sewerage it's not long before we come across a dead end and another of ABD al-haziers journal entries on the aqueduct itself in recent days the aqueducts have become dilapidated and infested with Vermin the Imperial God has done nothing proclaiming that the aqueducts were intolerable condition but I have seen them with my own eyes and I know the truth many wealthy families including myself now prefer well water for our homes even if they cleaned this place out I'd be using well water for another 50 years after seeing some of the sludge coming out of the undead as we cleared debris from the fetid waterways Leah it seems has become once again preoccupied with the Enigmatic Soul Stone and her fervent desire to learn more about the Lesser evils I want more time to explore the Great Library of chaldini and when this is all over you sound like Kane maybe but they've got to have books on the Black Soul Stone and asmadan something that will help me understand his theories we may not understand the science behind Soul stones but know that zoltum cool the Lesser evils even Emperor her Khan need to be kept away from this invaluable artifact and it's not long before we come across the Eastern flow control nearing at the enchantress guides there pull that lever that passage should lead to the desolate Sands with the way to the desolate Sands now opened cool once more stops to advise a secret door hidden behind the waterfall oh imaginative you would do better you shall see when we get to my archives next stop is zolten cools archives via the waterlogged passage however when we entered the passage we're met with a cut scene hello is there anyone alive out there this initiates a kind of side quest with the infamous Covetous Shen the Jeweler of Diablo 3 though as I will probably cover his story in a later video we're going to skip his pseudo side quest for the time being with Shen leaving us we enter the ancient path and as soon as we enter the area Leah says you go on ahead I'm going back to town I need to learn the spell needed to restore Cool's body I'll meet you when you get to the archives leaving Leah to our studies we head out some stairs and cool once again appeals to our vanity you and I are the same but those others the Fallen Angel the witch they're using you for their own ends you choose to be their puppet yet the power of your Birthright could make you a god oh I haven't the vanity to seek godhood I leave that to you there's no need to be snide soon enough I'll walk this world again then I'll show you what a Nephilim can achieve whether the Nephilim in the drowned Temple or supposedly call himself all of these beings so obsessed with the birthright instead of what matters doing what's right heading east we start to make our way up some stairs and past many bones it seems like the desolate Sands are some form of graveyard there are bones about that are bigger than we've ever seen before and at the top of the stairs we find cool once more my archives lie beneath this desert perhaps even beneath the Sands we now tread upon the harajaram could not destroy them they could only lock the door behind them and I I still have the key left once more to search the Sands as we face lacuni and various desert dwelling monsters we find at the base of a cliff what seems to be three parts of a hunter's journal and of a zakarum adherence no less have endeavored to make caldium a city of mercy and salvation but we have not yet been able to convince the Emperors to change the ancient policy of Exile prisoners convicted of treason are still sent to the desolate Sands to die with nothing but the clothes on their backs in thousands of years of Records I cannot find a single account of a prisoner surviving exile to the desolate Sands the wastes are littered with bones that have been picked dry by the endlessly circling bloodhawks or desperate lacuni those who die there meet their end without the sanctity of the light the zakarum's colored just throat that the desolate Sands were created after a mage Clan battle sent out explosive energies that devastated the entire area but he doesn't account for the enormous skeletons no one has ever identified them were they a lost trace of giant beasts demons mythical dragons we may never know exactly which creatures had inhabited the desolate Sans as a mystery that remained still in Diablo 3 and the wide Diablo Universe yet is reminiscent of the Mage clan wars and the story of Bartok and Horizon it's not long before we happen upon a structure that is man-made and no doubt has to do with the Mad Mage cool himself to the north of the platform we find a hunter's Journal that reveals we found cools archives they were strangely empty at first but Kool-Aid traps everywhere each step harder than the next it was foolish to expect otherwise cool has prepared for many years for someone to come for him perhaps we are fools and yet we must push on some of my blood is within that cave I can feel it as if unnaturally summoned due to the writings of his Brethren the herodrum we too hunt artifacts of cool inside the Cave of the Betrayal the enchantress remarks the pile of Silence lays heavily here at the entrance of the cave we find another of Cool's journals that reads I believe with this Soul Stone I will finally be able to unlock the true power of man in ancient times Our Kind possessed power unmatched in this dreary age with a soul Stone I will be able to elevate myself to the strength of my ancestors a black Soul Stone will be my greatest work my legacy and my gift to humanity there will be Wars to come between man and the creatures of Heaven and Hell power housed within my stone is the very thing needed to set mankind free from demons and angels forever this madman intended to trap Angels and Demons alike it sounds altruistic on the surface but who would rule over Humanity in their stead we wonder perhaps a mad wizard sounds likely contending with the Cave's inhabitants including the huge worm like sand Tremors we finally happen across the blood of cool himself the ACT summoned some skeletal Guardians who almost appear in a mock show of Defense but just amble about it's then the enchantress rightfully questions can that wizard ever reform his ways I do not think so I think it'll be a cold day in Hell before cool drops his superiority complex contending with the lacuni and desert Raptors as well as the mosquito-like creatures that just that make us itchy Zoltan cool once again appears in front of the Vault of Assassins beneath I can feel my blood nearby they hid some of it Beyond this portal once inside the enchantress warns these holes belong to Sultan cool before they became his prison well on the bright side at least he got to be the architect of his own prison after wading through scores of the undead we finally find the other vial of Cool's blood as well as a journal in the southwestern portion picking up the blood our Quest is complete but also we unknowingly summoned the Mage Lord misjin the guardian Lord of blood it said of the skeletal Guardians that they are the most dangerous of all skeletal minions to create a skeletal Guardian a mage must put in a considerable effort and quite expensive reagents partially infusing the resulting construct with their own Essence the result however is a servant guard his master's secrets for eternity foreign vanishes into the Sands from whence it came and we can't help but wonder if a pot of Cool's own Essence has been released or lost to the Sands forever before we exit the archive we look at Cool's Journal which reads finally I have unlocked the secret of the Soul Stones once given to the horadram by tyrial impressive creation to be sure but one that I am certain can be duplicated no not just duplicated improved Upon My Soul Stone will be made to contain the souls of many demons or even angels cool wants to harness the powers of a God for himself as soon as he helps us locate the Black Soul Stone we're going to recommend deuterial we make sure he stays as far away from the powerful artifact as humanly possible [Music] upon retrieving Sultan calls blood we return to the desolate Sands in search of his body and the promised Black Soul Stone back at the Waypoint cool comments my archives are at the northern tip of the desolate Sands there we will find my body and the Black Soul Stone laughs again cool vanishes in a plume of Magicka and smoke with his maniacal laughter that really doesn't Garner any trust between us although his directions were indeed correct at the northern point we find the undead and some errant lacuni about yet it's not long before the enchantress tells us not all is as it seems these lacuni are not evil only frightened well you could have fooled us the last couple had tried to take her head off with large sticks crossing a bridge to the Northwest we see the entrance to the archives and cool appears before its entrance here is the entrance to my archives let me activate the portal foreign once inside the Gusty portal we see vast stone walkways and Arcane energies crackle therein cool once again appears and informs I had to build all of this for my research and my experiments the Black Soul Stone was a complicated creation I sacrificed much to make it we can only imagine if the Original Soul Stone shards were said to be of the world Stone itself what he sacrificed would have been immense cause hospitality is somewhat lacking an astute observation from the enchantress it feels less like we're welcomed into an abode more so walking into a den of evil looks like I got here just in time emperor hakan what are you doing here good everyone's together I came to tell you that I have found below and I'm ready to lead you to him then let's get the Black Soul Stone and kill below oh well and good but first I will be made whole we're ready to do our part just you remember yours although we're comforted by the sight of Leah we're more so troubled by the Visage of her Khan querying what he's discovered of the Lord of Lies have you discovered belial's identity yeah yes but we must be very careful he has noticed your actions and he grows nervous Thunder Soul Stone we can confront the Lyle afterwards although we agree with her Khan that we must focus on the Soul Stone curiously he failed to divulge belial's true identity Beyond these portals lie to relics that were once powered by my blood take the vials you recovered and use them to activate the relics I will stay here and prepare the ritual be careful wait cools blood as a Nephilim is that potent it can fuel these machines that does not bode well for us before we head inside we turn to Leah once more for any guidance that she can give even after everything we've come to know about Sultan call I never imagined anything like this maybe Adria is right about the Black Soul Stone you doubted me how does almost forgot the cool hears everything especially in his sanctum it's then we moved to the north west and into the unknown depths inside we are met with a Maelstrom of Magicka that holds this unnatural world together glyphs float thanks to Cool's will even long past these demise now alone cool attempts to appeal to our Nephilim nature angels are no better than demons did you know that they once voted on whether or not to eliminate all of mankind only one vote saved us from Extinction materials yes whatever else he may be he is the aspect of justice and there is no justice in Murder I guess we'll have to hold cool to that Noble thought it's not long before we find the first Shadow lock that sits like a sea mine protruding from the middle of a DS what is surprising is not the normal Undead that have been guarding Cool's own sanctum but the serpentine forces of Belial himself pervade the area is there a dark pact that we're unaware of or perhaps we're too late and Belial is again one step ahead of us after subduing the sickly serpents we see again a hunter's journal in a satchel and the writings of cool zone are Roderick brethren we will feel the shadow locks with vials of his blood and we will hide the blood in the desert under Eternal guard I can only hope that the world does not forget of Cool's evil and his blood remains undisturbed beneath the shifting Sands against our better judgment we're undoing the work of I've been fired and his erotic Brethren unlocking the seal that has acted as a safeguard for cool all this time we see the Lox glyphs etched with Cool's own blood just as he had promised the better or worse the first Shadow lock is open we head back to the main area of the Terminus and to the second Shadow lock aptly named the storm halts once inside we see that the storm holes greatly parallel the unknown depths the forces that opposes however become greater and as we're pursued through the Halls to the southwestern side we find cool once again who cryptically pose we all agree that the end times are upon us truly believe they'll be Lyle and asmodan could have engineered these events if you have a point cool please say it plainly cool however prefers to keep things cryptic leaving us to Our Fate fighting off his Guardians once contended with we find another of the herodram's journals dry as we might cool simply cannot be killed his cursed blood sustains him he bleeds sand and his laughter mocks us there is only one course of action left to us we will separate his body and his head and hide the body within the shadow Realm once both locks are opened we move back to the terms and see the portal to the shadow rail has opened before us the shadow portal lies here waiting to be opened it's then the Sandy Visage of cool himself counters did all this to lock my body away it's been very angry with me you have that effect on people they were never very imaginative Shadow realm itself is a separate realm from Sanctuary where the horodrum have placed Cool's body visually it's a generic act to ruins dungeon except for it is very dark lit with dim red light and constantly swept by black Sandstorm like torrents of smoke it said of the Shadow Vermin they were wraith like demons with long arms narrow faces that glide through the darkness as easily as water ready to smother their unwary prey however their Origins are a subject of debate some scholars believe that these wraith-like foes are formed from concentrated demonic energy While others believe they are souls of humans corrupted by Diablo and Adria herself wrote that the shadow Vermin are a concentration of Diablo's power the fears of all mankind made manifest how they became the Guardians of this place is unknown foreign upon reaching Cool's body we find a vile Sentinel a super unique toxic construct which boasts teleporting reflect damage and poison Enchanted of fixes in combat its counterpart being a molten Sentinel which is of course endowed with a molten affix two Guardians will always spawn to guard Cool's body though sometimes it will be a frost and charge Sentinel although it is randomized none of which should be taken lightly in combat the Shadows themselves rise against us now unguarded we see the body of instead of blood magic we see her Roderick symbols that have held at bound and in stasis retrieving it cool then appeals you do not trust me I understand but we are more alike than you know we have both tasted what it is to be Nephilim join with me and we can become the masters of this world no thank you although we sense Cool's offer is in fact legitimate we know if we threw our lot in with the disgraced Mage we would forever walk down a path of selfishness conquering our fellow man instead of aiding them as if bolstering this belief as we move to exit the portal we find the final writings of his old herodrick Brethren cool marks my every step I try to shut him out but his chattering is ceaseless he takes joy in daunting me I will not rise to the bait I will not give in to him I long for the silence that will come once I secure his head away we feel for the herodrum of alt and can't help but momentarily pause and question tyrell's own decision making in picking cool but who are way to question the great imaginations of an Angel back in the Terminus we see Leah once more and present to her the Torso of cool I have cool body then let me begin the ritual But I'm warning you cool you'd better not cross us by deceit young one I am the least of your concerns concentrate Leah soon now just a bit longer just a moment almost yes foreign my blood Thunders Within Me this sweated air fills my ravaged lungs alive again you're welcome now give us the Soul Stone very well the bargain stands quickly to my Sanctum foreign cool now whole again thanks to Leah's Magicka dissipates with his signature maniacal laughter and beckons us to his sanctum and so we follow him into his soul Stone chamber to retrieve the promised Black Soul Stone once inside the chamber we see floating in the middle the ominous Black Soul Stone much larger than we had imagined as it emanates dark raw barely contained evil cool it seems is not willing to give up his prize but also shocked at his own Revelation at long last I can complete my life's work oh will tremble as my power what is this how has this happened The Souls of the deadlords of Hell have been absorbed into the stone abandon your quest Nephilim your allies seek only to control you with the power I offer you and I could rule over all creation it is too late for entry cool give me the stone unsurprisingly cool resins on his former agreement to give us the Black Soul Stone once his work is complete but why we're unsure a fierce battle ensues in Cool's own circular Arena he's aided by two Eternal Guardian Golems which are quite slow but very resilient and hit hard in close combat cool himself cannot attack normally but can use the following abilities teleport which he can use to move around the arena slow time which is absolutely identical to the Wizard's spell aside from slightly different Graphics which slows movement of players within a sphere by 80 percent and attack speed by 30 Fireball a medium speed projectile that deals area of effect fire damage often used after slow time and energy twister which creates an erratically moving tornado of Arcane energy dealing heavy damage as Arcane on contact and contrary to popular belief the Twisters do not home in on players there's also the passive cave-in after 1.5 seconds which causes a rockfall across the wide area causing heavy physical damage not yet although a formidable foe cool lets out his last maniacal laugh as we finally fell him his Golems destroyed and his dreams of ruling the world as an unchallenged Nephilim come crumbling down like the walls around him foreign as his body explodes in a wave of fire and sand in his wake we find his journal which Reveals His Thoughts on his capture Awards have been triggered it seems my brothers have finally come looking for me damn them I am not ready too much of my power is invested in the Stone's creation I must finish it future of mankind depends on it we can't help but feel a twisted form of empathy for cool he clearly on some level believed in what he was doing and perhaps he was right but never should one's goal be to set themselves above others we head back to Adria with a soul Stone in hand and she reveals why cool was so shocked five Lords of hell now reside within this Stone this was your doing Adria twenty years ago during the darkening of Tristram Cain told me of Zoltan Cool's profane Soul Stone that's why you left me you went to Mark the Demon's Souls so that they could be drawn into Cool's vessel yes my daughter I have sacrificed everything for this we're momentarily taken aback had we been so wrong about Adria with our misgivings she sacrificed so much to trap the Lords of Hell back at the hidden camp we then ask Adria what would happen if indeed we trapped all of the evils would they not break free and terrorize the world again so we trapped Belial and asmadan in the Soul Stone what then then I shatter it and the Lords of Hell will be no more a bold Planet easier said than done we still have two Lords of Hell to trap Belial and asmodea surrounded by enemies and lies a hunt for the Lord of Lies nears an end [Music] after destroying the Mad wizard Zoltan cool and retrieving the Black Soul Stone we've learned that the witch Adria had trapped five Lords of Hell therein before we Face Belial the Lord of lies and attempt to trap him we first query how the witch came across such a forbidden and Powerful artifact such as the Black Soul Stone while I was in Tristram Deckard Kane told me of a black Soul Stone crafted by a renegade haradrum I didn't think anything of it at the time but later I realized its true significance I knew the Essences of the five slain Lords of Hell still existed in our world so I spent the last 20 years locating and preparing them to be drawn into the stone when it was finished finished cool was interrupted during his first attempt now that the Soul Stone is finally complete the Lords of Hell have been trapped within it know this I have given everything even my own blood my own daughter so that I could hunt Belial and asmadan do not question my dedication I have given more than any and I will give more before the end comes controlling the Black Soul Stone will be perilous will you need help it won't be me who will use it only Leah under my guidance can wield it her power is far greater than mine and it will ensure our success Leah is growing powerful the power was always within her now she's learning to control it she is your child I do not know where her power comes from I spent a lifetime studying the ways of magic it did not come so easily to me it's them returned to the newly minted Mage Leah in her mind is firmly on our task at hand we've got to reach the emperor he said he can lead us leader belail are you certain we can trust the child we have no choice but know this if Belial gets desperate he will unleash hell upon chaldeam so before we face him we must Evacuate the citizens the iron wolves can help sooner started sooner done Leah and Adria turn heal and race towards the Chaldean Bazaar and hopefully we can Evacuate the citizens before it is too late but Lyle has started his attack on the city let's go Ashira is already at the sewers upon entering the Visa we already hear the shrill screams of the citizens in a panic Harry we'll keep you safe approaching the Market Square we see belial's Fury as he Rains Down meteoric Fireballs upon the town the time for lies and sub-defuse is at an end we head to the Northeast and into the Searing Sands Inn guiding the patrons and Sadia The Innkeeper to the sewers where they may be safe but he stubbornly responds I am not going to the sewers no matter what you say I just bought these clothes there's one Fireball away from singing a very different tune back in the Chaldean Bazaar we dodged the errant missiles searching out Ashira saving savings the end of the world who guides citizens to the safety of the sewers Belial has started to slaughter when the Fireballs began falling from the sky we started evacuating the people they will be safe here I'll bring as many as I can find the iron wolves will assist you to the death I saw people hiding under the carts bring them to the sewers we can't risk our lives on this foolish heroism we must go to the emperor immediately we can't let these people die mother they'll die anyway but if we die the Lyle wins you may be right but I still won't abandon them leaving Leah and Adria to battle out their own moral conundrum we start to face the slithering serpents that are Belial servants as we free the nearby Villages some under cards we have nowhere to hide others carry in Corners Gathering up as many villages as we can and contending with belial's forces we then meet Leah once more and she says lead the rest of the people here before it's too late now to the gates we have no time to lose let's go belisle's assault subsiding just momentarily we head down into the sewers and see that the townspeople are safe for now but we must confront the Lord of Lies otherwise a victory will be short-lived once topside we see an eerie calm as belial's Fireballs have abated as if they were an illusion themselves reaching the gates of caldiam Adria then instructs no Leah use your power just the way I taught you and bring down these Gates stand back I still can't fully control it do not worry about us the gates to the city of caldiam explode under the Meijers Magicka once inside the city of caldium we see more citizens cowering but it's a bruise you dare stand in our way we finished them up well like mother like daughter we put down the remaining errant serpents that we come across and see there are still some true citizens that flee in our wake heading up the stairs and across the platforms we see more of belial's noxious poisons Mar our path and pulse with Unholy energies on the platform just ahead we find the head of the Guard Khmer lies in weight news before the Servants of Belial that sorcerer's illusion blocks our path kill him indeed Khmer has to be defeated to disperse the illusion he's also the only known human in the Imperial Guard who's willing to fight on belial's bar contending with the last of the Fallen the illusion itself has dropped and our Pathway to Belial is now clear cutting a path through this scaled serpents we then defeat a trio of scaled serpent Mages as then that Adria urges her daughter to call upon her Magics once more again daughter I I feel so weak I I don't know if I can you must now the strength lies within you Leah it is up to you now hurry I must stay here in tantalia with Leah fatigued heavily and Adria at her Aid we tepidly Step Beyond the gates and to The Emperor's Palace to confront the Lord of Lies praise the gods you've arrived just in time show me the Soul Stone come Belial the time for lies is past clever but know this Nephilim asmadan knows of the stone and the power it contains even if you defeat me he will exterminate you and every last one of your myth begotten kind foreign 's deception Fades away his true form revealed and yet he leaves his Gods to attack and they hesitate it looks like he's far better off in the shadows than he realized that was easy tell me Belial am I lying we are done this world is mine belial's own Cadre of snake men proving quite ineffectual forces the Lord of lies to drop down from his throne room as he himself proves to be a pedestrian opponent we have to say we're quite disappointed the true vision of the Lord of hell oh sweet Anew in the third phase of the battle Belial proves why he's the prince of Illusion and pestilence becoming gargantuan in stature Belial then gains full health and becomes immobile albeit due to his size and gains devastating new abilities such as fist slam which is a green ring appears on the ground where Belial is about to strike giving glass Cannon Heroes a brief moment to run out of the area meteor strike if Belial survives in a battle against the Nephilim for 50 seconds he will gnash both of his limbs onto the ground of the throne room for roughly 15 seconds during this small green Rings will show up chaotically all over the arena after two seconds each ring explodes for high lightning damage this is by far the most dangerous of his attacks as two consecutive hits can easily kill an average Hero on adequate difficulty and finally breath Belial will breathe lightning from one end of the Arena to the other hitting for average damage it can be avoided by standing very close to either the left or right of the platform as we slash with our flaming sword dodging his attacks and calling forth the lightning strikes of Heaven's Fury itself our persistence perishes the pestilent pimp all right done as belial's body is broken so too is his illusion and the throne room returns to its normal state after which we gather up the loot as well as a legendary ring the Nagel ring which has a unique trait of summoning a fallen lunatic every 10 seconds Gathering up the items we call back Adria and Leah to perform the ritual quickly Leah seal belail Soul within the stone it is ironic that one is Twisted as zolt and cool played so great a role in our Salvation cool was once a tireless enemy of Hell from his life let us learn the longer we fight evil the more it can corrupt our hearts as a quick aside I feel very foolish that I put that ring on not realizing that the Fallen lunatics would be summoned during a cut scene after the rituals completed we find that we have a little fallen family and head back to the hidden camp we head down the stairs to the city of caldium we see all around that the townsfolk are once again celebrating they must have seen the great battle Atop The Palace and no the Lord of Lies rule of tyranny is now ended back at the gates of Cal diem the townsfolk graciously applaud our return and between all of the thank yous and cheers we can come across a quite spicy conversation between a noble woman and one of the local irons sent to protect them during The Siege thank you for saving us from that foul demon he would have destroyed us all thank you for bringing sanity back to our city Jaren and I owe you our lives Jeremy uh that would be me we hid during the bombardment pressed together in a crevice we had some time to get to know each other heroically shielded my body with his own throughout the entire night and told me delightfully risque stories to keep me calm happy too my lady well it seems the crowd is cheering for the wrong hero back inside the Searing Sands Inn we then speak to one of the refugees about belisle's true identity I always knew the emperor was possessed by that demon it explains everything what does cedar The Innkeeper think of the Revelation everything's gone the way of the burning Hells around here as far as I'm concerned know what they say give them an inch they think they're a ruler back at the hidden camp we get a moment to speak to Leah and see how she is she responds I miss Uncle Deckard so much it's hard going on without him he lives in your memory Leah take comfort in that thank you I'm going to get back to my research I'm not sure what I expected it would be like to have my mother back but it wasn't this she's different than what I imagined I can see the toll her Mission has exacted from her just as it had with my uncle it's true seldom does one battle the burning hells and not pay a heavy price although Tyrion seems in High Spirits saying today is a good day you have liberated this land and brought low a lord of Hell enjoy this moment for tomorrow our war continues there is no time for rest even now asmadan plots are destruction the Lord of sin is an uncanny tactician he'll attack us where he believes we are least expect it and where defeat would break our will to resist you are learning well Leah now you must go to caldiam's Great Library and continue with your uncle's work the Lord of Lies Quest is complete all we have left to do speak to the Caravan leader and start on the trail of asmodean Lord of sin I can be ready to leave at a moment's notice let me know when you are prepared to go [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] none of this makes any sense to me what am I missing a goal what am I supposed to see [Music] foreign [Music] but not me music bandage from the Shattered Mountain ravaging this world and all the hope of resistance we'll find the stone wherever you choose to hide it that long last osmotan shall reign as the Prime Evil are you all right speak to me child the demons Invasion will come from area foreign [Music] is free of Belial and his lies yet asmadan remains with his armies staged in Ariat crater the ancient bulwark of bastion's keep is all that keeps him in check will not let that Fortress fall we arrived at bastion's Cape Northern tip after the tenth day of Siege from asmodan staged from his base in the Ariat crater the keep Zone structure is damaged from the explosion of the world Stone and as we approach the Archangel tyrial as he overlooks the Carnage he says that keeps defenses cannot hold its soldiers are scattered fleeing before asmodan's Onslaught which rushes forth from Ariat crater should the keep fall asmodan will claim the Black Soul Stone if he does there will be no hope for this world it will stand I must rally The Defenders light the signal fires and show these soldiers that we are not yet defeated salvation has arrived go you are needed below tyrio rallies ethereal rallies the forces below lighting the signifiers once more in the once thought impregnable Fortress we turn to him and ask all he knows of asthma down and newest enemy his bid for the Black Soul Stone and how tyrial will battle him now as Immortal a few thousand of your years ago on a distant Battlefield I stood over asmodan sword raised to deliver the death blow folded no one of my brethren ardlion called for help and you saved him instead yes and now asmer Dan threatens all I hold dear once again you stay true to your beliefs there was no other way I see that now I wish my Angelic Brethren felt the same how is it different being mortal I will die of course granted but but that is the difference when you are mortal every moment is precious everything matters it is exhilarating of the many things I find intriguing about humans the greatest is their endless thirst for knowledge Angels believe that everything there is to know is written in the scroll of Fate therefore curiosity is not a common Angelic trait ironically my suspicions have been confirmed Angels do not in fact know everything seeing the world through mortal eyes has given me much the Black Soul Stone was created to be an improvement over the original Three they were crafted to contain single demons but cool intended his to hold many but the Black Soul Stone is flawed and cannot contain that many demons for long we must capture asmodan within it and shatter it lest all these evils be reborn I knew Zoltan cool was special from the moment I met him he had a keen mind for the Arcane during the hunt for the three he was the bearer of the Soul stones and must have studied them intently though it is an aberration the Black Soul Stone is a testament to his genius speaking of the Soul Stone we realized that if it is in fact unstable that Leah must still be hard at work containing the demons we head down the stairs and into the Armory and witness Leah struggling against asmodean's own Brethren fighting to break free of their containment the black soul Stones getting hotter straining against me they're whispering to me from inside the demons within seek Escape only your power can keep it from splitting apart my daughter it's a heavy burden but the fate of the world lies in your hands yes Leah can handle this although it will be very hard on her Leah the stone is fighting you are you okay it's getting more difficult but it's nothing I can't handle the demons war and rage to escape their imprisonment their Fury will only increase over time Leah is very brave but we'd best hurry before her strength fails of course do not worry Leah we will be swift witnessing Leah's struggles difficult and we can only imagine what it's doing to her poor mother we then turn to Adria and assure her that the Lord of sins Reign shall be short and she rebukes asmadan's defeat is at hand Only Fools celebrate Victory before the battle's begun along with Belial asmadan has ruled the ravening hordes of the burning Hells for over three centuries his cunning is beyond imagining well beyond yours perhaps sensing Adria is not really a fan of our sarcasm and their time of need we then head into Bastion keeps stronghold on our journey to light the signifiers and see the people are in Dire Straits someone's got to light those signal fires which is not me tyrial's lighting of the fire seems to have boosted morale you heard the Angel's command let the cause sound forth bastion's keep shall not fall following suit it's our duty to find the remaining signifiers and light them but as we turn to leave the keep we see mayor Hollis the last time we saw him he was trying to escape nutrition with his cart the Lord mayor of New Tristram what brings you to bastian's keep cruel Fortune has left me as a lowly Merchant once again and now I'm minutes away from Slaughter by the Demonic hordes please escort me out of here I will pay anything no place is safe anymore the world is more dangerous now you'll grow used to it soon I hope a fun fact in regards to Mayor Hollis is that he's voiced by Paul eiding the veteran actor who plays the warrior in Diablo 1 narrator even Pepin the Healer who the anxious mayor's voice mirrors in a lot of ways what ails you my friend following the forces out of the cape and across the drawbridge were immediately confronted with the Lord of sin himself [Music] Adria was saying such pride and arrogance like the signal fire it's then the first of the signifiers is lit and we begin our task of bashing through the horde of demon Troopers that bar our path wading through the Fallen that besieged the cape refined Fallen Shaman mid-ritual we mistakenly deemed them a non-threat to our own peril finally a challenge they've managed to summon a colossal galgol known for its nasty knock back it wields two huge Masons with much proficiency yet the light burns its Unholy flesh and sends it back whence it came dodging debris and the meteors that rain down upon us we head up the final stairs final Beacon guarded by the gargantuan hellbearers fight a light be damned our Thorns have a nasty effect underfoot and we light the final signal fire as the foul-themed force to its Doom below the signal fire slits and the men rally asmodean makes another appearance so you know the rest of the rest that's given me such trouble Thrash as you might [Music] for all of asthma dance Bluster we are largely unimpressed however heating Adria's very words the only way he would show his face and be so prideful is if he believed his victory was already at hand and we swear to ourselves he will burn in the light as our Crusade presses on [Music] post-lighting the signal fires in an attempt to Rally the forces of the light against asthma dance assault on bastion's keep we once again see tyrial the Archangel who says I can see the signal fires lit all across the keep and on the battlefield The Defenders rallied to the fires but though the battlements are secured we have bought ourselves no Victory only time we need the catapults but with the demons on the walls the crews have been unable to raise them then I will remove the demons and raise the catapults myself if I have to I am once again filled with the thrill of battle it has been too long since I have raised my blade against the forces of the burning Hells I remember countless battles within the heart of pandemonium as my brethren and I risked everything to drive the demon spawned back to their Hells must have been a sight to see it was glorious and terrible we waged our Eternal conflict since the light first broke upon creation but now for the first time it feels as if its end is in sight indeed it does seem as if the conflict will finally come to an end but will the light or the forces of Darkness Victor offer the weapons in this Heap are covered in Rust what does the quarter must have been doing with his time fighting alongside us for days you fool even with the signifiers lit the soldiers are fatigued there's a hundred other places the demons could come at Us From Below for instance you may not through to keep your fortifications are even tougher down here if the enemies broke in From Below then Leah and Adria would be susceptible remembering Leia's struggle we had inside the Armory and see she is visibly waning against the evils trying to escape their imprisonment I'm glad this is a almost done I don't I don't think I have much time left you can endure this Leah think of your hopes for the future you're in perhaps no you were right there's no safe place for anyone look around us if this keep can't protect us what chance would a silly little Inn have Cain would be proudly just hold on a little longer and think of your dreams when this is over and you can build your Inn the Demonic rage is building up again but I can do this I know I can attempting to ground Leia with a positive thought as she struggles against the forces of hell we actually Garner ourselves to achievements both of which have to do with listening to conversations with the main cast but what does Adria think of Leah's plight your daughter suffers it must be difficult to witness everyone suffers but to do so for a cause greater than oneself that is the mark of a true hero my daughter is everything I hoped she would be what uncharacteristically kind words from the witch focusing on our objective to raise the catapults we head back to stonefort greeted in turn look just over there I never imagined such a creature the creature that the enchantress speaks of is nizun the gorgon and as far as Fallen Shaman go this is a particularly nasty one blessed with the affixes of teleporter poison Enchanted and nightmarish so not only do you get feared but you run into the snail-like sludge of poison that he just casually trails in his wake before teleporting about earning a long overdue dirt nap after failing the Fallen foe the enchantress then comments I'm glad that the set of Tyrion leads us now as am I it is as it should be although we agree with the enchantress we wouldn't mind having the powerful Sword of Justice eldrawn by our side in these trying times heading to the Northwestern section of the ramparts we see that our path is blocked thank the heavens you're here we're down to Four Lads until reinforcements arrive trouble is the lips stopped we can't see what went wrong through all the muck down there this sounds ominous Oh what now more of the brutes from below captain what do we do private if you need to be told which end of the sword goes where you haven't been paying attention hi to your last breath Lads it's then we're ambushed by demonic Troopers and Hell Flyers it was said of the hell Flyers that azmudan created them specifically after he nearly lost deterior breeding the winged demons capable of tearing even angels asunder it's then the lift unexpectedly Rises the lift is moving again hold steady Lads reinforcements are on their way half dozen demons Rise Up from the debts below demons the demons are led by dragus soldier of Hell a super unique with the electrified and mortar affixes Victory both of which proved to fall short against the burning light with our path clear we then move west across the bridge and it's not long before we find the first of the catapults contending with a Duo of demon Troopers we see Sergeant Burrows by the Catapult and he needs our Aid instructing you must be the one that let the signal fires help me free the recruit so they can raise this catapult over here we follow the Sergeant's Northwest taking care of demon Troopers in his wake that have the recruits held hostage in the keep excellent let's protect the recruits while they race the Catapult as the path is clear and the recruits slip through the great we are then confronted by Fallen Mongols only you can defeat this monstrosity One By One The recruits spilled from the great and we contend with the hell spawn however their numbers seem to be unending and wouldn't you know they had a plethora of affixes including mortar Vortex poison Enchanted and thunderstorm but as we're contending with the cantankerous canines we realized their Ploy as we've left the recruits unguarded and they're attacked by more demon Spore the demons attempt to slow us I enjoyed that we recognized their feeble Ploy and cannot hide our contempt it's not long after battling the voracious hellspawn to the recruit succeed in raising the catapults foreign lit and the catapults firing on the battlefield bastian's keep just might hold you've given us hope thank you one down three to go heading to the second catapult stand the enchantress warns the Demon's presence has grown stronger I can see them everywhere they are angry now Leah seemed so weary I hope that she is holding on we will visit her soon worrying about Leah's strengths and State of Mind meteors reigned down upon us time is not our friend heading up some stairs and breaking down a flimsy barricade we see Lieutenant Lavale who says Scouts report that more of those wretched demon hellbearers will be here in a moment the soldiers need to be protected the platform will rise more quickly if we don't lose men the recruits then enter from a gate in the north east and we're required to defend them this time against asmedan's Mighty hellbearers as the recruits get to work we prepare for the onslaught the hellbearers are colossal demons originating straight from the depths of hell and they look much like giant centipedes clinging upon the walls and anchoring with their claws once they're in position they start regurgitating demon Troopers who pour forth from the hellbearers more in packs of four at time the total number of demons each held era can transport thankfully is finite but killing the demon will end the reinforcements as the living Siege Tower will lose its grasp and fall to the grounds below thanks to the power of our Thorns under claw thanks to your help we can finally get these catapults firing on the demons on the battlefield the soldiers out there have a chance now moving between the ramparts we have put one catapult to find as the Fallen begin to flank us and as we destroy their forces we find something totally unexpected put on one of the shaman but instead the final underling on its body we find a legendary sword named sever which boasts incredible damage plus eight percent damage to demons and slain enemies Rest In Pieces equipping the blade we find to the final catapult and Lieutenant Clifton by it Lieutenant are you alone of course I'm bloody well alone everyone else has gone and died but I'll be damned if I leave my post make yourself useful and spin that winch Blizzard's credit this Quest actually features three different ways to help people with catapults breaking up the monotony of the actual Quest if you forget to turn the catapults Lieutenant Clifton will have some Choice words oh my mistake I thought you came over here to help lift this catapult I didn't realize you were here for the bloody scenery I can't believe you're making me foolish on my own stay calm we will Aid you when we are ready successfully defending the cranky Lieutenant from the monsters attack he then will implore uh promise Captain ho I'd watch my temper do me a favor and don't mention that I shouted at you a little alright promising to keep the secret between us we then portal back to bastion's keep in half an unexpected visitor while you tinkered with your paltry catapults My Demons breach the depths of your keep once they've claimed the black soul stone for me your entire world will burn it's as we feared Leah is in trouble and we have a promise to keep not just the Defender as she is the key to containing Evil Within the Soul Stone but also her dream of an inn when it's all over foreign with the catapults repulsing the Demon's armies from the walls asmedan proves tenacious its sabbaths have tunneled into the keeps depths if we don't go down and stop the incursion they will boil up from the sub-level and kill every man woman and child within asmodan's demons have opened an enormous hole in our walls and are flooding Into the Depths if it is not closed the keep will be overrun then I will seal it you are a great warrior I'd say you know a bit about war yourself I do what I can imperius himself would have been hard-pressed to hold these walls as long as these soldiers have this world owes them a great debt imperious imperious is the Archangel of Valor it is he who commands the legions of Baha'i Heavens as the conflicts between heaven and hell ever come close to an end we thought we had lost everything at the fifth Battle of the diamond Gates the prime evils and their Legions crashed against the very entrance of Heaven itself but one of my most trusted lieutenants Israel turned them back still the day might have been lost had the demon Lords not Fallen to fighting amongst themselves so confident of their impending Victory they turned on each other over the spoils they had yet to win I shudder to think what the demon Lords might accomplish should they ever stop betraying one another such is the self-defeating nature of evil then we get word of reinforcements from West March I bring word from the king of West March has he agreed to send us reinforcements my Lord says he will send no living men to battle imaginary demon Lords perhaps he'll believe when his kingdom is burnt to ashes around him surely with the destruction that the Lord of Lies caused in DM the king of West March must sense that our battle is his as well visit Leah down in the Armory luckily asthma dance forces have not breached this area but we can see the Stone's resistance is intensified stone is vibrating I can barely hold it voices they're screaming in my head will Leah be able to resist the Stone's evil she must clearly the stone wasn't built to contain Six Demon Lords indefinitely only Leah's will holds it together stay strong Leah I will kill asmadan quickly I wish we could do more for Leah maybe I could hold the stone together for a while that is her burden ours lies on the battlefield very well with time running out we leave Leah to contend with the demons in the stone heading north we find demons have boiled forth from the keeps Northern Tower the demons are in the keep they're coming up from the depths to Arms to Arms I would ask if you're all right but I know better that was hardly an ambush anyway do you remember when The Barbarians tried the same thing 30 years ago hey they tried to steal you away didn't they I was frantic until they brought you back two hours later with an apology I simply reasoned with him gamma still sends me a bundle of hard sometimes you know he was the nicest kidnapper I ever met leaving the soldier and his wife to discuss the barbarians ongoing gifts we head down into the level one of the keeps depths we then are confronted with the voracious Soul ribbons we remember reading about them in Kane's Journal we must face another file my friend Soul rippers are the bane of the living creatures born of the Endless malice churning within hell agile and Swift the Rippers cover ground quickly by latching on to prey with their enormous tongues and then leaping on top of their victims from this point the Ripper cannot be deterred it has begun to feast they also come across a satchel that gives insight into the life of The Barbarians I have been fortunate enough to learn much of the barbarian's complicated history in my time yet the origins of these large Mighty Warriors are hazy at best legend holds that they are The Offspring of bull cathos an ancient who embodied their ideals of strength bravery and courage the children of bull cathos settled in the northern steps an area that is now known as the dreadlands theirs was primarily a nomadic and tribal culture though they had a few permanent settlements such as cesaron and hiragath a group of revered former Warriors known as the Elder Council Ruled The Barbarians The Barbarians have always defended their lands in the north from trespassers they believed that it is their sacred charge to guard mount Ariat and the world Stone within it from the outside world unfortunately their battle prowess and tenacity have been misinterpreted as bloodthirst and territorial savagery by soldiers in West March death sucks you as we call upon the holy light to burn through asthma dance forces we locate his orders on one of his Fallen demon Troopers the men actually think that they can hide behind their Pottery little walls but they have only had a glimpse of the full host of hell we will see them drown in our tide of sin girl is still weak and their hero will not expect us to attack from below [Music] well Miriam's really not going to appreciate that nickname drugs aside what was asmadan talking about who is this ravening beast and we must quell you're Uprising before they make it to the Soul Stone above patience The Crusade marches on having stymied much of the uprising that had occurred in the keeps first couple of levels we then entered the cold air of the breach again azmodern appears before us two my servant is already inside your walls and his hunger is ravenous he will devour your and those of your friends we see that asthma dance thread is not idle perished troops lit at the grounds and the way to the keeps depths and upon entry in the northeastern wall we find a scroll that outlines the history of bastion's cave itself many centuries ago King corsic built bastion's keep to pen the Barbarian threat in the North after years of military disasters the frustrated king led a large out of the Fortress and into the north to conquer the barbarians once and for all not one of them came back our trials have been few up until this point asmodan will make his move soon the blood of Innocence flows over our path inside the breached Cape we slide and go strewn about the hallways reminiscent of our time against the Butcher and at the end of a Northeastern Hall there lies the Larder the stench of Rotting Flesh is almost overwhelming the enchantress then warns the demon he's here the one who killed Lord The Lion The Flesh from your bones foreign the gates behind us abruptly closes and we have no choice but to defend ourselves for his size the Lord of gluttony moves surprisingly quickly but his attacks are very slow of the four attacks we are bombarded with gas clouds this creates two clouds of gas the deal average poison damage over time damage of each Cloud grows as the player stands in it the second abilities bile spew spraying plays in a mid-ranged cone in front of gome with acid dealing High poison damage over two seconds the third ability slime is a long range attack that deals slight poison damage and spawns two disgusting slimes on enemies that continuously attack the player once both are killed they drop a guaranteed Health Globe this attack is used with no regards as to whether a foe is in melee range or not and the final ability bite is a regular melee attack and deal slide to average physical damage the northeastern end of the room we find a half eaten guard and on his corpse gom's own log what the originals are panicking now they must have noticed that fresh meat only comes after one of the numbers trapped away screaming this will not hold trouble the one who starve themselves and feed them to their hungry friends when those ones are fully stuffed I will be ready after a long and arduous battle the demon begins to fatigue and has had his filled of our blade accompanied by lashings of the light gone upon defeat erupts in a putrid mess and soils himself I call and noxious gas Ooze from his body we collect up the goods that we find he swallowed previously and head back to town where asthma down awaits I'm returning to town [Music] s have grown no stronger our assault continues unabated Stone with deny even after losing his Lieutenant azmatian is as confident as ever however Leah Can Only Hold on so long and a war of attrition has begun [Music] contending with the breach in the cape by quelling the uprising spearheaded by the gluttonous gastropod known as gome we re-emerge in Bastion keeps stronghold and sense something's amiss where the Archangel tyrial once stood is Lieutenant Lavale who informs terrifying noises were coming from the Armory so tyrial went to investigate he said if you were to return I should send you there the Armory but oh no the Black Soul Stone we raced to the Armory and are met by a harrowing scene I am losing control all but Leah Adria and tyriel are destroyed by a wave of destructive power that emanates from the Soul Stone we are set upon by the terror spawn summoned from the stone itself massacring the remnants of Terror we then check on Leah who appears to be heavily fatigued but were unsure if she's hurt the Soul Stone seems stable now the Demon's rage has been subdued yes but for how long our time grows short we must take this fight to asmodan then we shouldn't waste time discussing it I will break their battle lines enter the crater and end this Leah then resumes her incantation holding the demons at bay lest they escape once more and it's then we turn to Adria and query can the war really be ended the last of the great evils will soon be defeated what will you do then this war will never end for me even if we defeat all evil forever I will carry the scars of this nightmare till the end of my days hmm and Leah I wish Leah could have the life I never had but in truth I fear she'll be damned as well I disagree we then turn to tyrial for advice on a next move and he imparts can you feel the keep shuddering asmodan Siege weapons saving these walls will have meant nothing if they're reduced to Rubble I'll shatter those weapons before that happens we will not fail you Seraph tell me more of the Eternal conflict since time immemorial the forces of Heaven and Hell fought for control of the Sacred World Stone until the day it was stolen by Renegades and used to forge your world since then the forces of Hell became more interested in corrupting mankind than in facing us on the field of battle they wished to turn Humanity into a weapon they knew that mankind would tip the balance of power forever and very clearly you have what do you know of the creation of our world to escape the Eternal conflict a group of renegade Angels and Demons came together and created a Hidden Paradise for themselves they called this world sanctuary eventually they co-mingled they gave birth to mankind that is why you have both Good and Evil Within you and the power of both Realms as your Birthright the power of your Nephilim ancestors was so terrifying to their parents that they tuned the world's Stone to weaken them they knew they had lose something unimaginable upon creation Tremors in the stone is a short Quest and has already been completed I thought we would take time before we head into Ariat crater and speak to some of the citizens in Bastion keep as a rare opportunity to hear their dialogue I told you Marcus I told you the demons would find a way up from underneath I heard that hero slaughtered a huge fat one in a ladder I've never eaten anything from there again hold on there he goes we hear you're heading out onto the battlefields we'll hold the gates but I don't think you need us to we all do our part without you this keep would have fallen before I got here when this is all over we should have a family of what children drian we can have children that sounds wonderful I I think I'm needed back on the wall no I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't come back on purpose at this rate they defended demon he killed things are looking up Marta as barely anything left to kill I knew you could do it there are other soldiers about besides me if you haven't noticed no I haven't finally we get to speak to my favorite former mayor Hollis Now's the Time to run isn't it well there's a lull in the fighting I don't know much about fleeing I'll Trust your expertise gotta love a good servant of the public got their own interests at the Forefront Till The Bitter End it's then we head towards the Ariat crater gate bodies litter the path and we sense our fight with asmodean we'll soon come to our head [Music] bastian's keep Stands Tall now I go to the battlefield whereas modern's War Machine bombard our scattered soldiers foreign [Music] passing through the Ariat gate we see the walls are constantly bombarded and cannot maintain the destruction for much longer from our perch above we see the battle below rages on a demonic hellbearer is pinned to the wall it's more aghast as it's held Aloft by all manner of Spears and spiked objects and the forces of Bastion keep continue defend off the demon Troopers we shall soon defeat azmudan and the Lords of Hell will be a mere memory what a nourishing thought in this hell Sergeant pale then instructs thank for God you're here you've got to destroy those ballisti the reigning held down upon us we can't last much longer then tasks to take down the ballisti but must first cross the bridge of corsic speaking of sick we then come across some of the Wounded in a forward Medicare I can't take the pain do you think we're all just waiting around for you to save us hero well I've secured this post I don't need your help please save us these men are helpless screeching winged mollix then pour forth and we're forced to defend the camp at large lest they Feast on the second infirmed what is that some flaws don't you feel it rising up from the ground a Heralds of pestilence led by a super unique handle we remember of these Heralds from our Journal which reads long ago the Heralds of pestle and swirl lesser demons rebelled against asmodan the Lord of sin vanquished them easily but instead of slaying them he granted each one a long arm infested with a poison that could kill anything but asmodan himself the Heralds have been plague riddled menaces ever since with the camp now safe we speak to nurse Milana who thanks your bravery is an inspiration to us all may Accra bless you after trudging through the snow-laden battlefield to the Northeast we find a messenger of asmodeir and more of his orders [Music] yes I can hear them even down here voices are so beautiful and small that they almost [Music] yet they are my prize not the nephilims or the girls for that matter [Music] this age of sin it's then we finally find the bridge of course bridge is unsteady we must be swift after swiftly stepping across the sinking structure we then find the fields of Slaughter and but a stone's throw away is the Demonic ballista firing tri-pronged projectiles at the keep we dutifully destroy it before searching out the others to the Northeast we find raucous Crossing with the trebuchet still in place Lieutenant Rael informs we'll hold this bridge as long as we can but you must clear out those war machines behind us two steps forward one step back it's not long to the South before we find a gnarled crack in the Earth this trebuchet is an Abomination We Must Destroy it drawing from the crater below is the trebuchet which we destroy I do not need my Siege weapons stand in the middle of the army of hell it will crush you rally your defenses demon you'll need them with asthma dance Siege weapons broken we head back to Ruckus Crossing there we find Tyrell who informs I could no longer sit idly by well you brought the fight to asmadan it has been too long since I felt the thrill of battle myself thank you trying drawings makes little difference every hour more of my forces pour forth from the mouth of hell they will wipe your pathetic sheep from existence Brave words asthmodan but words are all you have left to hurl at us [Music] forward friend now we shall Drive asmodan's Army back into the accursed crater let's hope that sword was worth the sacrifice forward you honor us Seraph the Battle Is Ours after destroying asthma dance ballista we head across raucous bridge now with the archangelion by our side and in search of the entrance to Ariat crater it's not long after battling the forces of hell do we find one private James slumped by some stairs holding his wounded side and he explains I'm just a scout I was supposed to survey the battlefield from this Tower along with my lieutenant but we were attacked I still have the Spyglass here please take it to my lieutenant I don't know how long he'll be able to hold out up there doing as the private instructs we climb the stairs with spy glass in it looking for his lost lieutenant and scrubbing forces of hell off the tower ascending the stairs a demonic hellbarrow looms over us spewing out its demon Troopers led by the super unique Buzz sword Eater of man flesh we cut their feasts short casually lopping off the Demon's head with our ax thank you with the cape now clear we approached Lieutenant Griffin with the Spyglass in hand what happened to the Scout is he still alive he is Gravely injured you will have to go on alone I see thank you for the news I will tell his family Judy Dunn we turned to leave the lieutenant and look out that poor man he's eviscerated where he stood adding insult to injury we then see private James has perished during our time aiding his ill-fated lieutenant as we push forward across raucous bridge I wanted to do something a little bit different this episode during filming I found the final piece of the biography of the Crusaders so instead of the normal narration I thought this is a rare opportunity to play all nine parts for a great backstory before we contend with the Lord of sin in the Eastern Kingdom of kazistan I heard the rumors of zakarum Warriors called Crusaders while the natives were most reticent I was able to deduce that this order was founded 200 years ago just as rakhis took his army of paladins West but these Crusaders went East on a very different Mission my studies indicate that the high-level cleric of the zakaroon named akan began to sense the corruption that was eating away at the heart of his faith he knew this corruption would eventually destroy his beloved church and that he must take action after much prayer akan hit upon the idea of an order of Crusaders akhan gathered the most devout-driven and martial zakaru madhedans he taught them to channel the power of light in the same way that the newly founded paladins were being trained but these recruits these Crusaders were given insight into the Primal powers of zakarum in a way no Paladin ever was when the crusaders had learned all they could akan sent them out into the world seeking a way to cleanse the corruption that coiled at the heart of the zakarum faith there was no clear goal for them to pursue and some clerics claimed it was a Fool's errand that they could never succeed but these Crusaders would not be deterred the Crusaders swore an oath to dedicate their lives to the search none believed that they would be the one to end the Crusade by finding and cleansing the corruption they believed the search enabled them that the discipline of their life and journey was the true goal the Crusader was meant to find meaning in the quest itself each and every Crusader was a warrior of rare strength they had mastered the power of light of weapon and shield and of self each was sworn to live as a crusader and to die as one two hundred years ago they took their apprentices and set out into the Eastern swamplands they were never heard from again until now rumors swirl that the Crusaders have returned and that they mean to go to the west but who are these tall blonde Warriors they look nothing like the Crusaders who set out from travinkal 200 years ago and those who inhabit the ruins of that ancient city suspect trickery I recently met a returning Crusader and now I understand each Crusader took an apprentice when a crusader fell his Apprentice would take up his armor his place in the order and even his very name when the first generation of Crusaders fell their own apprentices took up their identities and so it has continued for 200 years of the original 427 Crusaders who disappeared into the East 341 return do they still seek the Redemption of their faith how will they react to the destruction of the city that birthed their Crusade will they continue West to the lands of West March what does their return Port end after battling our way across Ruckus Bridge we finally find the chained gate to the edge of the Abyss eldrun will destroy the Demonic seal protecting this gate Tyrion is unwittingly Unleashed one of Hell's most fearsome of foes siegebreakers and massive demons that are the most prized champion of all demon Lords because of their massive size and strength enough to turn any battle in their masters favor siegebrechers boast many devastating abilities including slash attack swiping its claws at the hero while its other attacks are on cooldown ground pound where it will pound the grounds with its claws dealing damage and knocking back the hero who's unable to avoid the hit charge where the siege breaker will attempt to charge at a distant hero rapidly covering ground and causing high damage and knockback to all caught within its path should this charge kill someone all that will remain is a bloodied skeleton then there is trample which The Siege breaker will rise menacingly before hitting the ground with a sheer Mass this causes knockback and average damage to all nearby foes and finally armies of hell where the siege breaker will summon they'll bear us to its side calling upon the holy light and Thorns underfoot we finally fell the falfo whoever named you chose poorly a victory for the ages The Siege bearers crumpled body begins to smoke blackened and Char as it sets itself Ablaze collecting the items of its corpse we then turned to see Adria who informs I come with urgent news Leah has had another Vision a vision of Twisted demonic towers and enormous hearts beating within them I know of them they are the sin hearts as modan must have dredged them up from the depths of his realm to empower his Legions then I'll stop his hearts and his Legions the demon gate is shattered and the armies of Hell await empowered by vile sin Hearts I will slay them all until only the Lord of sin remains then I will slay him too foreign crater we see a demonic influences taking hold so then a demon's voice calls from the shadow you've killed one of my play things now you have my undivided attention another d aemon day a maiden of lust that we read about in Kane's Journal though as modan is close to all of his lieutenants sedaya is his special favorite the maiden of lust is both beautiful and grotesque in appearance with the Torso of a woman and the legs of a spider her voice is said to be as smooth as honey but she only speaks words of death as if on purpose we find the orders from asmedan to sadea on one of his Messengers [Music] I have an apple so drag yourself out of whatever carnal corner of the burning Hells you Lounge in your daughters with you be wary enemy has proven to be both cunning and strong but the more The Mortals have always been used have they not so today is asmidan's lap dog haven't we already killed one half spider woman before moving deeper into the crater we see that demonic influence has overwhelmed the entire landscape a disturbing Revelation for the enchantress this is an Abomination asmodan has brought pieces of Hell into our world along with his demonic hosts well the pact between Heaven and Hell staying out of sanctuary is long been broken and leave it to the Lord of sin to make himself at home prematurely your misbegotten kind is creation's greatest sin but your time is done only only in my Realm but if we're creation's greatest sin was asthma Dan admiring us on some level will make sure to ask him when we reach the heart of Ariat crater descending into the Tower of the Damned chains hold asthma dance new demonic Decor Aloft and we see one of sadaya's vile play things these poor things live in eternal torment these poor things as she puts it are flayed ones they earn their Unholy moniker as their skin is ripped from their flesh and is used to decorate the very flaws that we walk on exploring deeper into the crater sodea continues her taunts your presence pleases me every step brings you closer to my embrace that nobody's taught the enchantress The Art of Seduction though her midriff says otherwise it's not long before we're introduced to sadaya's daughters the succubi as we Edge nearer to her location oh we've met my daughters I see are you enjoying our company you're gonna get a resounding no from us worse yet we've run afoul of the hulking phase beasts the horodrick Scrolls describe hulking phase beasts as Sin made flesh as modan granted them great power allowing the beasts to shift in and out of sight at will it is believed that the Lord of sin only loses the phase beasts against uncommonly clever enemies who cannot be bested with tooth and Claw hearing the screams of the flayed one Echo throughout the crater cedaya remarks on the sweetness of the sound the chains tear up their flesh hear their screams such sweet music done with her foreplay the first sin heart zideia then reveals herself to us you are so eager I suppose I should introduce myself I am Sadaya maiden of lust Council of asmada zedaya then goes about spewing vile poison pestilent and Plagueis but we find very quickly just toying this how invigorating play with my daughters I do not wish to Tire you out today then leaves us to contend with her succubus daughters once disposed of we hack it the vile's sin heart well done I can feel the blood hemorrhaging from the sin heart oh you will pay for this as we descend the crater hacking through hordes of demons zadaya's taunts start to become more frequent and for expedient's sake I'm just going to cut into each of the taunts before we finally face the maiden of lust all the pain and suffering you're enduring you must be dying to meet me so close now so close even asthma dance stops to talk up his favorite maiden's abilities pain of um you think you know anguish soon my concubine will show you their true meaning I do hope you're not in over your head why must she be so disgusting uh the things I'm going to do to you you have interesting tastes me what did I do it's not like we signed up for this however we soon find some Poor Richards that did being mind controlled by the succubus a submissive prisoners unfortunate men that must have succumbed to the hateful Hobbies once freeing them they think my mind is my own again naked bruised and tortured they helped turn on their captors as we snuff out the remaining succubus with their aid pay for my freedom I have only my own flesh and Blood come the maiden of lust lurks below dear the maiden of lust lured us with her damned promises I'll never forget what she made me do if we gave you a pen and paper could you draw it for us Jokes Aside men can be abused just as women can especially by succubus as we pass by more of Sade's poor and wretched play things the flayed ones we then head into a cursed Lair oh yes I've been looking forward to this our path now barred by burning chains our only hope is to fell today the maiden of lust if we're to destroy the final sin heart why are you trying to hurt me you will beg for mercy and I will laugh tired of the game today decides it's time for our tryst to end I eat you now unfortunately for cedaya she's really not our type no with Sadaya now sedated we destroy asthma Dance Final sin heart with a path now clear we head into the heart of sin to confront asmodeon himself Ash chokes the air and our enemies come for us in droves yet you are undaunted This truly is your destiny at the heart of Ariat crater we descend the final stairs and find ourselves in a round large Arena where asmadan awaits Nephilim fool when the Soul Stone is invest in my flesh the seven shall be as one within me I will be the son of all Hells the once again we're locked in the arena by burning chains and glyphs that hold them in place and must face the Lord of sin on his terms he hurls giant Fireballs at us and we think that we have an advantage due to a slow speed in size but then he rains down a cacophony of Flesh down upon us sensing that we may have some form of upper hand asmer Dan then calls forth his minions in a desperate attempt to quell our advancement my servants will Feast on your pride as they devour your flesh as Medan then uses his eye laser attack a channeled in continuous beam and as we try and Escape it were then pushed into his pools of Destruction which damage on the foot dodging asmedan's next reigning corpses and his demons not so lucky we then Focus down the Lord of sin who succumbs to our holy might enough the soul of asmedan floats before us we can hardly believe it with the final evil at Bay we can now trap them in the Black Soul Stone and potentially end evil forever we've done it quickly now Leah trap asmidan's Essence within the soul Stone it's done I never dare dream all evil lies trapped within that stone once it is destroyed the Eternal conflict will finally end destroying the stone is no simple matter there are rituals to consider we must return to the keep and make our final preparations Leah and our companions then return to bastian's keep to start whatever incantations needed to destroy the Black Soul Stone we however pause for a moment to pick up the legendary belt that asmodean dropped named Razer strop which has the attributes of picking up Health Globes which will release an explosion that deals 353 weapon damage to enemies in a 20-yard radius I'm returning to town happy to leave the heart of sin behind we head back to bastion's keep and see outside the portal Lieutenant Lavale who congratulates an incredible Victory I knew ahmadan could never stand up to the likes of you where are Adria Leah and tyrial they're all in the Armory no doubt celebrating you should join them before joining them we see what the citizens have to say now free of evil bloody leaping hell I just heard he defeated the demon Army's General that means we're going home we can go home well Marta that Demon Lord is dead time to move on I'll go pack my knitting there he goes hooray Our Savior did you hear the Battle Is Over the demons are fleeing we can go home bless him bless him for what he's done for us as Madan is dead how in hell did we live to see this what a great day indeed we head inside the Armory and see a trail of blood gore and Carnage strewn about Leah tyriel and Adria are nowhere in sight but bodies are eviscerated and the trail leads up to the bastions keep Watchtower where a grisly scene unfolds Adria when did you decide to betray us oh 20 years ago a great and terrible power drew me to Tristram but Aiden leoric's eldest son defeated that power and sought to contain it within his own flesh the Dark Wanderer it was Diablo I saw within him and I pledged myself to his service now at last his Grand Design comes to fruition dear Leah Deckard always suspected your true father was Diablo himself and now my daughter you shall serve as his vessel I live but I am more than I once was the seven Evils are now one Within Me I am the Prime Evil well done faithful Adria go now until I call upon you again now at last to my true goal the one that has always eluded me the utter destruction of the High Heavens hell's bloody Bells Adria the betrayer used her own daughter as a surrogate for the Lord Of Terror her sins won't go unpunished but first we must follow Tyrion into the portal to heaven and Beyond [Music] The Heart Of Heaven angels can still feel fear [Music] my old enemy you cannot hide from me no matter what form you choose to wear let your true self feel now [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Adria has betrayed us her body Diablo has been Reborn as the Primeval the power of Hell answers his call and the heavens Buckle under the weight of corruption I will Purge this evil forever we arrive in the High Heavens in the wake of Diablo's destruction his evil and Corruption permeates the very ground and structure we stand on the diamond Gates lying and ruins behind us we head up the platform and the enchantress remarks Heavens what have we done it's true how could we have been so blind to Adria's treachery pushing the thought aside we see tyrial and imperious ahead the latter is Gravely wounded from his battle with the Lord Of Terror now as the Primeval imperious you cannot mean to face Diablo again your wounds are barely healed the heavens burn this is your fault burial has wrought the aspect of Valor condemns us this will be difficult we then turned to a clearly dejected terial who laments the diamond Gates have stood since the light first broke over the High Heavens now they lie in Ruins imperius is right I am the cause of this you didn't destroy those Gates yet I defended Humanity when imperius would have destroyed it and now the Primeval storms Heaven itself this is not the time for doubt and weakness Tyrion imperius is a fool and if you side with him against me you are too but you don't understand hope has been silenced dire Tidings indeed we are lost Diablo is too powerful always before the Lords of hell bickered and worked against each other they undid themselves within Diablo within the prime there is no such Division and now the halls of the High Heavens Quake beneath his steps the Prime Evil I can't believe all this has come to pass Adria played us all for fools Diablo's influence Twisted her inside and out I suspect we have not seen the last of her I should have known that Leah's father was The Wanderer how could I not have sensed Diablo's foul presence within her I could not either it is too sad Adria made fools of all of us no one could have known she'd sacrifice her own child to resurrect Diablo but poor Leah I grieve for her soul as do I Leah deserved better than this but right now we must stop Diablo with hope lost it seems the angels are now ambling aimless their Unity once a Cornerstone of their strength now has been broken by the Prime Evil ironically themselves is all of the evils combined and working together as one we head inside the Heavenly portal and are confronted by The Lord Of Terror himself gaze upon the destruction I have wrought it will be the without it they need news is splatter destroy the Neverland [Music] you'll find only death in this eternal well like Diablo Escada disappears out of sight his Terra Vermin rained down from the skies gathering together in a cloud of sludge and death they try and overwhelm us iskato himself tries to flank Us in The Fray [Music] your corpses the shades will devour your soul the counter-attack is skatoo with our own holy Warriors Thorns underfoot and our ultimate Rains Down holy retribution forcing him to retreat we head to the Northwest wall and see a skin-like barrier with a rune on it that bars our exits utter re-engages his attacks and taunts I can defeat me water I have our armies are endless escatu teleports to the Western Wall however succumbs to our bombardment [Music] Victorious against escatu and angering the Prime Evil we leave the Ambush site and head towards the halls of Fate there we see ethereal the angel of Fate who can Aid Us in restoring hope to the High Heavens once more foreign with the terror demon iskatu we then find ethereal Archangel of Fate In Front Of The Gardens of hope it is my duty to record what is and what will be within a scroll of faith but you never you are not in the scroll your faith is Unwritten I care little for Destiny will you help me or should we stand here and watch the heavens fall apart perhaps fate can be changed Archangel of Hope has been captured by raganov the Lord of despair she will be free perhaps that will bring hope back to these Heavens so that explains what tyrial doubted himself then we head into The Gardens of hope these are The Gardens of Hope the Archangel Ariel cannot be far once inside we Aid the angels in felling a foul oppressor we once read about these terrible demons in Kane's Journal which reads I have seen many warriors in my day but only a scanned few of them could face the might of an oppressor this monster Towers over the tallest barbarians and wields weapons crafted from hellforged steel they were last seen with bail during his Resurgence and left Legions of dead men in their wake that's good it's not long before journeying through the buff out Heavens do we find to the West a door to the library of fate I miss Leah she was a sister to me when all of my other sisters were gone I wanted to protect her but it was not meant to be although we too mourn the passing of Leah now is not the time for lamentation as we must save the High Heavens and free Oriole from the grasp of rakanoth Lord of Despair who no doubt holds hope captive for just a moment we pause and Marvel at the beauty of the halls of Fate light wisps up in tendrils and the calm and serenity permeates the very architecture yet evil somehow emanates to the Northwest it's there we find Oriole Bound by the malice and Corruption that holds her and a captor raganoth himself [Music] rocking off then teleports at a suite of this first dizzying assault this bladed Beast boasts a few powerful abilities such as his melee attacks with his blades occasionally he uses distance missiles and summon two Soul Ashes to his side and has the ability of course to teleport to devastating effect Kane once wrote of rakanoth in the beginning rakanoth served and Ariel a maiden of Anguish with efficient brutality for his touch may open up many painful wounds it was also the warden of Israel during many long years that the Angels suffered in rackenoff's own Plains of despair but he has quit his realm unexpectedly in recent times using the pillars to our advantage to quell his blighted swaths it is rakhanov who succumbs to our assaults after dealing with despair we find Orioles prison to the northwest after freeing a ethereal joins us and she thanks thank you Nephilim I hope the scroll of Fate was wrong that Harmony would once again fill this troubled realm I see now that all hope lies in I will be worthy of it with my blessing you can now dispel Diablo's corruption it hides the riffs which would bring his curse and servants to this Hollow Place the rest must be closed we will not fail you and they're a champion from the mortal world would light our darkest hour your courage shine out across this realm blinding our enemies I thank you lady Oreo your song will not be silenced again I know he will do all you can for this is your hour go forth with my blessing and show all creation why the Nephilim or the future can you help tyrio his faith is shaken there is a shadow upon his heart but it will it will chose to be immortal and he must overcome this despair as a mortal I understand but we have little time have faith in him of all the archangels his light has always shown the brightest in this hour darkest hour he will ensure that Justice what are you going to do now though the Angelic host is scattered we are not defeated I will try [Music] try yes they have always flocked to your call during times of Crisis aurum so I've heard [Music] I pray that this day will end in another tale of victory do you believe Diablo can be defeated only in the light that lies within you Nephilim I will take heart from it and hope for your victory the future is ever writing itself unknowable just beyond sight and touch we then take the time to learn what we can from ethereal before we continue our hunt for the Lord Of Terror only once in the history of sanctuary been as powerful as you his name was odyssian aldician but he is just a myth a lesson in selflessness because of his Noble sacrifice I saw the inherent potential in your kind as such I voted with Oreo to spare Mankind from annihilation I'm grateful I'll be sure to vote that we spare the Angels when that time comes you just of that day is not impossible you can see the future all intertwining and weaving into one another I can hear them echoing forward into eternity how do you choose a path then called To Be A Champion As You Are Milo is simply to observe have you seen the fates of the Prophet I know that [Music] I see the battle approaches what says the scroll of Fate To The Darkness these Heavens through it the Angelic host broken Diablo Victorious ah so the scroll is wrong your destiny is Unwritten you alone may change these dark times Diablo brought despair to the halls of heaven but hope is restored I thought this would bring tyriel back to us but there is no sign of him I must press on and Destroy Diablo's infernal portals alone [Music] foreign Oriole the Angel of Hope We Now can destroy Diablo's corruption which taints the High Heavens and barred our way the corruption was strongest Northeast of here we then proceed to cut a path to the Northeast uncovering Diablo's hidden hell riffs and the corruption therein your suffering is over now they seed with the corruption of Hell Diablo's words unfortunately ring true Heaven crumbles around us and we must enter the hell Rift and shut it down if we're to quell the uprising inside the hell Rift we see a Barren Wasteland of death impaled angels are strewn about and to the Northeast we find Diablo's denizens of The Realm of Terror demons come from Diablo's A Realm of Terror in the burning Hills the Gateway must be shut Strange Magic radiates from these foes although these demons serve a powerful Darkness we hold the Cure burn in the light in the Demon's careless Looting of the heavens we find a book on the and jerus counts the young Jewish council is comprised of the five archangels who old dominion over the High Heavens they determine the laws by which all Angels must abide each of them embodies a pure aspect of creation of Valor Justice oh fate and wisdom crossing the outskirts in one formed whole of hell we find the rift happiness will tear you apart Diablo it seems wasn't bluffing as we encounter one of the massive Mallet Lords we read about in Kane's journal the Mallet Lords are brutal overseers second only to the seven evils themselves the Mallet demons rule the seething outer reaches of the hells that surround the central Realms and have long refused to join any of the Lesser Evil's armies surely the destruction would be Unthinkable if such a thing ever came to pass after manselling the Mallet Lord we then close down the rift Oculus vile minions can no longer use this Rift to find their way into the Silver City now only one Rift remains with the first Rift shutdown we stumble out of the portal as the realm crumbles around us [Music] we locate the second hell Rift and the enchantress remarks there are seven Realms in the Hills one for each of the evils it's hard to comprehend but they must be even Fuller than this we can only imagine the seven Hells depths of depravities as we free tortured angels we find a book regarding imperius the Archangel of valorius the Archangel of battle is The Greatest Warrior in all of creation he rebels in the war and combat and has led the hosts of Heaven to innumerable victories absence it is imperious who now rules over the end Juris Council seeking always to defend the High Heavens we then contend with the second Mallet Lord as Diablo taunts if you'll destroy the Oculus [Music] with the second Mallet Lord now a husk of its former glory we're free to shut down the rift [Music] Ed my expectations exiting the hell Rift we find Diablo displeased with our progress [Music] but it is of no matter soon there will be nothing left of these High Heavens all creation will be the Realm of Terror as we head towards the Silver Spire we find tyrial fending off the forces of hell and he proclaims material yes my friend I am ready to again fight by your side I was wrong to give in to despair you have shown me there is still a chance for victory but we must hurry even now Diablo makes his way to the Silver Spire I finally understand your kind faces death and darkness every day yet still you find the courage to move forward it is an honor to be one of you I knew you would understand with time I'll look at the destruction Diablo has wrought if we do not stop him this is the future of all creation we then take a moment to gaze over the edge of the High Heavens at the Crystal column art and we don't like what we see Diablo's minions infest every inch of the once sacred realm as we Sprint up to the Silver Spire we're suddenly stopped by an unexpected sight okay you your kind does not belong here if I see you again you will die pay him no mind this is your fight Nephilim your power is even greater than Tyrion Warsaw one can only hope but now we must stop Diablo before he reaches the crystal Arch above us heading towards the crystal Arch shade stalkers rained down from the skies above an impotent attempt at stopping us but we know it won't be the last Diablo means to corrupt the crystal Arch Atop The Silver Spire if he succeeds Heavens will be lost forever material and I go to face the Lord Of Terror himself foreign [Music] the corruption is thicker here we entered the gateway to the Silver Spire and see Diablo's corruption has permeated to the heart of the High Heavens and at the end of the platform we're shocked to meet the spirit the familiar face how does it feel knowing you helped me become the Prime Evil for all your Mighty Deeds all you've really accomplished was unleashing me upon the world so the Savior you are never alone the wife will soak my home to see it again like this any Joy I might have had is replaced with sorrow upwards we must make it to the summit tyrion's right we must push forth to the summit and this aspect of Terror is clearly The primeval's Assault on our senses in an effort to crush our resolve however the effort is in vain we then cross into the crumbling Silver Spire interior exclaims Diablo is climbing the Spire to the crystal Arch we must hurry it's then we're confronted by the spirit of Mira yemon the blacksmith's wife how could you convince my own husband to kill me I could have been saved but you made him cut me down we see it's but an illusion of Belial and that now Diablo as the Prime Evil is leveraging the different aspects of Evil Within himself to cause us mental anguish the crushing The Pretender belials aspect and it's worth noting that these encounters are randomized and you won't face all seven evils in any given playthrough it's then amidst the fighting terrial remarks the corruption is so much more thorough here than it was in the gardens so much more complete Diablo knows the Spire is the heart of the High Heavens soon thereafter we come across the gateway to the great span The Fountains of Heaven flowed with the energy of the crystal Arch but now look at them we do as tyrial instructs and see that Diablo's evil already flows freely through the heavens as we cross into the great span the corruption becomes more prevalent and Heaven itself crumbles around us there is something different here a sense it as well be on your guard we too sense something's amiss and it's then Diablo taunts you can't as we head onto a large platform surrounded by Ice shards we have a feeling this is not a welcomed reunion Diablo the master of mockery has sent forth his wall the Betrayal whose law reads Lieutenant but he was captured by the enemy after an ill-advised assault upon the health Forge is all surrendered to demonic corruption and revealed the secrets of the Soul stones to the prime evils tyrio claimed that Israel was slain years ago but his replacement has never emerged from the crystal Arch can you failed again look beneath you and see the ruin of Heaven having successfully stopped Israel we then head to the second level of the Silver Spire I often came to this great span to meditate on things as I looked out over the Silver City The View used to calm me now I find it does the opposite understanding tyrell's disquiet we then head to the second level of the Silver Spire and say it's more akin to the hells themselves it is not far now I only hope we are not too late I can feel Diablo's corruption closing around the light of Heaven contending with the corrupted angels and demonic forces we then see somebody from tyrell's past Marius the Patsy for the three's machinations why'd you forsake me when you knew Bale is still walked Among Us Paul marius's Spirit then transforms into the aspect of Destruction and a giant Mallet Lord fitting as the aspect of Baal himself fighting our way through the more Lou and the Fallen forces of hell we then find the gateway to the Pinnacle of heaven and an unexpected Ally or perhaps enemy foreign [Music] perhaps I do imperious stop this madness Diablo is the enemy here not the Nephilim I will deal with you soon enough I will what's this no you know everything they are no Diablo has begun extinguishing the crystal Arch that's why the angels have fallen if its light should go out forever we must defeat Diablo before that happens it is up to us now I'm glad you're Immortal my friend Diablo's vile corruption bars our path stand back eldrun's light shall clear the way with the angels all but indisposed the enchantress remembers who's responsible for this tragedy do you think Adria came here no she is in hiding I cannot rest until she has fallen that woman has lost every right to live agreed but first we deal with Diablo the gate has been opened Nephilim this last trial is yours alone you were a fine Commander tyriel I am proud to call you friend it was an honor but this is the moment you were made for this is the hour of Mankind's Victory you've said that the crystal Arch is the heart of Heaven tell me about it it is older than time itself and over the eons this shining realm took shape around it it thrums with living light and sound that courses through the very fabric of the Silver City the angels are birthed from it as well yes like musical notes in a grand chorus angels are the manifestation of the Archer's intrinsic Harmony the purest expressions of this harmony were my brethren the archangels I see little Harmony in this place yes but hope has returned and as you Mortals are fond of saying it is not over yet I fear that if we defeat Diablo Leah's innocent spirit will die with him I refuse to believe that no matter how long it takes I will not rest until her soul is at peace you are right Leah knew that part Diablo took control over her body but he can never twist her mind what is the Prime Evil it is the sum total of all seven evils housed within one body there is an ancient legend known only to a few of the Great Dragon taphomet who was the original embodiment of evil the legend says that he was ripped apart during an epic battle with Anu and that the burning Hells are composed of his remains who is Anu just as taffemat was the ultimate Evil Anu was the ultimate good it is said by some that the crystal Arch is All That Remains of this great warrior are you saying Diablo wants to become this dragon in a manner of speaking yes learning of what Diablo looks to become we cannot allow it to become tassimets and dominate all of existence forever we enter the crystal Arch and race towards Diablo but I am trapped you must keep going we try to free our companion to no avail with no choice we must face the Prime Evil alone Diablo's corruption has Twisted Heaven into another realm of hell but we see what tyril spoke of the spine of a new the backbone of Heaven and the seat of its power in the middle of the platform where a news Essence pulls is Diablo its evil Essence reverberating through the heavens itself the seven Evils are one within me I Am Legend Diablo then opens its assaultedness swiping with its razor-like claws and an AOE Fireball damage that burns underfoot he will then summon skeletal cages like he trapped the enchantress in but thankfully we have an item that does not allow us to be bound finding it difficult to breach the Gap we summon pair of Astral avatars to aidis in the battle but Diablo infuriated with our tactics besides the change to Playing Field enough let us see how you fare in my Realm of Terror only by defeating us can you return to your hands of their own Terror we awaken in Diablo's Realm of Terror that is filled with screaming winds and a void unlike any other the Lord Of Terror goads us into the first move and says how does it feel nowhere as if the punishers for spawning our own avatars Diablo spores Terror clones as well as his own shadow Phantasm you shall never our only way out of the realm is to stand our ground and face our fears head on light must be eradicated [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] the ground under the crystal Arch begins to buckle under the Whitey stump of the Prime Evil as he unleashes his final assault we see our way is barred by Thorns funneled back into the fight and into Diablo's destructive abilities including the Fearsome hose lightning that licks at our height as we try and Escape it a meteor rain sprinkles the heavens as the light guides our hands with a final killing blow tearing the Prime Evil asunder foreign we can hardly believe what has transpired and as Diablo Falls the angels in our companions return we then have a final chance to speak to them starting with the scoundrel Lyndon who says in utter disbelief I can't believe you really did it well those tears in your eyes Lyndon no no it's raining but it doesn't rain in the heavens well it does now that was astounding what you did back there you're the greatest hero in history everyone in Kingsport will know your name if I have my way they'll sing it for the rest of time hell I will sing right now if you want me to well it was all worth it everything the cuts the bruises having to break bread with that Templar ah just you were like family to me now I owe you the world my friend but now I better shut up before I make myself sick speaking of the Templar we then turned to Cormac who congratulates victory at last there was never a doubt in my mind friend you are a true champion and so the Lord Of Terror Falls May all the souls ravaged by his evil rest in peace it's finally over many brave souls died in this war thanks to us they did not perish in vain although his words ring true a victory is Bittersweet as we look at the corpse of the Primeval we cannot help but mourn the loss of our friend Leah and hoped that a soul has somehow found rest we then turn to Oriole the angel who says the day is one Diablo is vanquished and all evil with him a bold claim evil is resilient time will tell [Music] in the end it was a mortal heart that saved two worlds from ruin and cast down the Prime Evil forever [Music] a new day breaks for both angels and Men for Mankind's greatest champion the Nephilim grows to confront the darkness that we in our pride would not face [Music] oh foreign I will take my place among you once again but this time as a mortal since justice has been met this day I will now stand as wisdom on behalf of those who risked all to save us forevermore we shall stand together angels and men in the light of this glorious New Dawn
Channel: Dark LORE Dash
Views: 478,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all cinematics, all lore, blizzard entertainment, diablo (video game), diablo 3, diablo 3 full story, diablo 3 game movie, diablo 3 gameplay, diablo 3 reaper of souls, diablo 3 review, diablo 3 season 24, diablo 3 switch, diablo 4, diablo iii, diablo iii (video game), lord of terror, reaper of souls
Id: 45EdcDgRDs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 374min 17sec (22457 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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