Diablo 4: Charged Bolt Tal Rasha X'Fals Build Guide - Sorcerer Endgame Tier 100 Uber Lilith Season 2

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how's it going Diablo friends today I'm going to be showing you yet another new lightning build and similar as my last chain lightning build this is also based on the X Falls corroded Signet and the tar rusher ring but this one is going to be charge bolts so if you already tried my chain lightning build you can pretty much use the same gear for this build there's really not so much of a difference here but yeah this build here has so many numbers it is like completely ridiculous it has amazing clear speed you can clear uberis you can instag bosses in like 10 seconds like this build is really great while you can play at a range if you want to so in this build we take advantage of the stuff of lam e or however you pronounce that thing and you pretty much have a zerg of charge bolts going forward in front of you and pretty much eating everything up also we can take advantage of charge bolts actually having true area of effect since if a charge bolt hits one enemy with at least three bolts it will explode which basically means we can deal our damage in an area of effect and also we can apply our lucky hit in an area of effect that's why in this build you get like so many static ball Lightnings from the ball lightning enchant and also we get a lot of power from the xforce corroded signx explosion here furthermore we have a very low cool down on unstable currents and whenever we use unstable currents it's basically going to turn us into an Unstoppable lightning god you can find all links to the sections of this guide as well as to the planner in the description down below also make sure to check out my XA St rusher chain lightning build in the description down below these two builds are pretty similar so you can pretty much use them with the same gear so you might just choose the one you like more here and before we get into the actual guide let me just explain real quick how this build Works what synergies we're using and why this build feels so amazing amazing all right so in this build we're using the unique stuff and the unique stuff's effect actually makes our charge bolts last 300% longer and be attracted to enemies normally if you use charge bools you have to go into every enemy's face because they have a very short range and they will not hit enemies properly unless you go directly in front of them by using the unique sta we can get around this and our charge bolts will actually hit the enemies no matter where we fire them we combine that with the aspect of piercing static and that will furthermore make our static bolts Pierce and they pierce through the enemies and then they hit the next one and the next one and the next one and they pretty much explode on every enemy dealing AOE damage this basically means a single cast of charge bols can actually hit like 10 enemies 10 times or something like that so basically it hits the first one in an AOE so it h hits the entire group then it pierces through the first enemy hits the second one and aoe's to the entire entire group again then it pierces through the third one and hits the entire group again and so on and so on and so on and that gives us a great opportunity to apply lucky hit effects because we can get a lot of hits out of our charge bolts those lucky hit effects are first of all the ball lightning enchant which is doing a lot of damage and you can see a lot of static ball lightning enchants on the ground in this build second it's going to stun enemies using the convulsions passive third it's going to regenerate our Mana because we have a very high Mana return on Lucky hit Force it's going to generate crackling energy for us and last but not least together with the Firebolt enchant it's going to trigger the explosions from the xals corroded Signet we can also use the infection vampiric power here to boost the bonus damage from our tal rusher ring to 60% remember poison damage counts as a stack for the T rusher ring and also we can use a lot of additional vampiric Powers because we do not have to use the vampiric curse in this build at all because we have such a high attack speed and our charge bolts actually hit in an area of effect that it's totally enough to just use the static search node for apply vulnerable and also gain some extra Mana regeneration this allows us to get the 45 from the zangu brace vampiric power which gives us another 10% damage decrease as well as a nice 8% buff to our Critical Strike chance the build is also very defensive because we can take advantage of a lot of damage decrease nodes from our skill tree first of all we can use the destructive charge bolts for a 25% damage decrease then we can use Mana shield for another 21% and last but not least we use electrocution for another 15% that's a 61% damage increase coming from our skill tree alone there you have it the short description of this build make sure to check out the links to the sections of this guide in the description deson down below check out the planner link and also check out my other build guides at the very bottom of the description and now let's go into the detailed guide the skill tree so we put two points into Firebolt since we're using the Firebolt enchant and to get access to core skills then we max out charge bolt with enhanced charge bolts and destructive charge bolts these are going to give us a nice damage reduction we put one point into flame Shield one point into teleport one point into ANS teleport one point into shimmering teleport for additional damage reduction one point into ice armor then one point into Elemental Attunement and three points into glass Cannon so this is a pretty basic setup here and then we put three points into Precision magic since this is a lucky hit build one point into ice blades we just need this for a t rusher stack here one point into align the elements three points into our defensives Mana shield and protection to keep our barrier up then we put three points into conjuration Mastery here this is the first optional um this uh is going to give you a lot of bonus damage against bosses but it's going to make you weaker because you're not going to have the lightning Spar stun so if you struggle with you know getting hit too much not having enough St stun while you're going to the nightmare dungeons definitely take these into lightning spare enhanced lightning spare and invoked lightning spare this is completely optional you going to lose a little bit of Boss damage but it's not a huge deal then we put one point into inner flames and three points into devouring Blaze if you have a plus three devouring Blaze ulate that is of course great then we max out ball lightning and one point into ball enhance ball lightning and one point into Wizards ball lightning then one point into static discharge um the 5% for me is enough to get enough crackling energy to um stay up on crackling energy and three point into invigorating conduit this is just for some extra Mana regeneration if you happen to have the staff with like Max you probably can get away without these three points here um there's also an option um to do feur resarch instead of this three points and you're going to do a little bit of less regeneration with bosses but this is going to help you a lot with regeneration in Nightmare dungeons for example then we put one point into unstable currents one point into Prime unstable currents and one point into Supreme stable currents one point into causing currents three points into electrocution for the damage reduction and three points into convulsion for the stun and our key passive is overflowing energy this is the general skill build if you want to do like uberis so you go to a complete single Target scenario you change overflowing energy to verse Mastery and furthermore you would probably get rid of some defensives like Mana shield and put them into static discharge just to get some a little bit more Mana regeneration you will also be able to probably um take some points into Elemental dominance um basically just remove more defensive if you are in single Target mode but for the general build this is the general build without any adjustments works just fine works for bosses works for nightmare dungeons period for the skills and enchantments we use unstable currents as our ultimate this is pretty much mandatory for all lightning builds we use ice blades these are just going to be used to get additional stack for the T rusher ring um teleport for obvious reasons get around and also the damage reduction um flame Shield is our main defensive ability then charge bolts is our main attack ability and our main lucky hit applicator um ice armor is really nice defensive ability want to use as often as possible then we're still going to use the ball lightning enchant this simply just does so much damage in this build because you are going to be spawning like so many of them and we use the Firebolt enchant to trigger burning Synergy and also to um feed our x Falls corroded signal ring to get those nice little fire explosions off legendary aspects and unique items so on our helmet we use the aspect of Fortune This is a lucky hit based build so we want to get as much lucky hit as possible because we are using a 200 stuff here so we are already losing a lot of Lucky hit from our want and our Focus so we really really have to stay on top of our lucky hit in this build then we take the aspect of Disobedience this is pretty much mandatory for every build and furthermore we take the ever living aspect for another 25% damage reduction then we are using the um aspect of piercing static this makes our charge Bol Pierce and this is pretty much uh enabling all these um charge bolt explosions on top of each other we use the conceded aspect on our amulet you can probably also use the storm swell for a little bit of extra damage I just like the considered aspect here since we don't have vulnerable up um immediately we just have to wait for our um static searge to trigger so I like to take the conceded one here and that's already it for legendary aspects because the rest is unique item so let's start with the Rings we use the X fors corroded Signet here um this is going to trigger a nice um fire explosion from our burning damage which is applied by the Firebolt enchantment uh try to get as much cooldown reduction and lucky it as possible the explosion damage is not super important um you can definitely get away with getting lower explosion damage if you have the other stats being high then we use the tar rasher ring um again here look for the highest resource generation lucky it and coold down reduction um the 15% is actually not so important you can easily get away with like 13.5 but you know it might take some time to farm yourself a decent T rushes um ring then we use the um stuff of Al Lam e or however you're going to pronounce this um this is a pretty big trade off because we lose like want and focus which gives us so much great stats and this stuff yeah it gives like more than 200% additive damage it gives us the nice resource gain on hit but still it's it's a very very big tradeoff but this build works better with it I tried it with want and focus it just works better with this stuff here um important here is the percent chance of charge bolts being attracted um this is definitely the most important stat the second most important stat then is the resource gener eration here and then uh we use the Asus boots for our Critical Strike chance um most important St here definitely Mana cost reduction and movement speed um the Critical Strike chance increase is also important so you want to have at least 25% I guess you don't want to have a low Roll But since these drop when farming wasan it should be pretty easy to get like a decent pair of these so let's go through the items and Stat priorities as always you find the link to the planner with the dream stats in the description down below so let's get started on our Helm we want to have lucky hit chance total armor cool down reduction and maximum Mana or maximum life both are great maximum Mana gives you a little bit more Mana sustain so if you struggle with Mana try maximum Mana if you don't struggle with Mana definitely try to get maximum life here on our chest piece we want Total armor maximum life and two damage reduction stats this is a pretty good piece um you can also have like all stats it helps if you have one piece with all stats because again with our two-handed stuff we don't have main stat and we don't have all stats on our weapon so it helps a little bit to reach the break point in the Paragon board if you have all stats on here but definitely damage reduction total armor maximum life is great stats for you armor um on our gloves we want attack speed Critical Strike chance lucky H chance and resource generation this is pretty much a very good piece here um if you can only get three out of four you can probably drop the attack speed here um for example you could get ranks of charge bolt instead of that on our pants we want to go pure defenses total armor damage reduction stats and ball lightning stats um definitely nice also if you have a life roll here I have I have like no life roads on my armor pieces which is like super annoying I just can't find them I have been searching forever um that's why my life is like very low I only have like 12.5k so definitely try to get some life roads on those armor pieces it's going to help a lot and then on our amulet you want to have cool down reduction movement speed Mastery skills and devouring Blaze ideally um I have percent intelligence so just swap percent intelligence here with cooldown reduction and you have the perfect piece um Mastery skills is great to boost the B lightning damage it's definitely not required but it's a good staff to have stat to have vampiric powers there's actually a lot of options we can do because we are actually not running the um pre on the weak and the aurs touch combination here to apply vulnerable and vampiric curse um it opens up a lot of different builds with your vampiric powers um what I would say is mandatory for this build definitely ravers we need the attack speed definitely undying it just these are like super super great then um sangu Embrace is definitely also great it gives a 10% damage reduction and 8% Critical Strike chance so I really really encourage you to get this one then we have anticipation for more ultimate cooldown reduction um you can definitely skip this if you have more cooldown reduction like I'm I'm missing cool down reduction on my amulet for example so if you get coold down reduction on your amulet on amulet you could definitely skip this one here and also infection is optional it gives the fourar rusher stack and it does quite a bit of damage but it's it's still optional so if you struggle with survivability you can definitely for example get resilence here um res silence is great um you have room for it if you want to get it um this is this is for for example a great option yet um if you struggle with Mana regeneration in general or in boss fights um you can definitely go for feed the coven um when you have unstable current active this pretty much gives you infinite mana and 10% damage boost as well okay this Paragon board is a little bit more damage focused than I usually build my Paragon boards because we have additional damage reduction from our skill tree because we're using charge bolts and we also need to pick up maximum Mana from our Paragon board I just have to get a little bit less defensive with the Paragon here so let's go through the first board we just pick up the non-physical damage and the all resistance here and we put in the Elementalist glyph for 15% multiplicative damage increase then let's move over to the enchantment Master board um we pick up the non-physical damage and or s here again then we put in the tactician glyph for another 10% multiplicative damage after casting a defensive skill and then we pick up those non-physical damage nodes here um you can definitely get these ones um if you happen to find points um to put there from like a different board I didn't really find um good solution to get these um I guess it needs like eight or nine nodes to get here so just keep in mind you can go for these These are totally optional here um then moving over to the keyless conduit board we pick up all these nice damage to Elite nodes at the bottom here then we put in our destruction GL with the maximum dexterity this is just too good to not use it it gives 12% multiplicative damage and also a nice 194% Critical Strike damage pick up the lightning damage here and move over to the next board that is going to be the elemental Summoner this is like a board you probably usually don't get in this kind of variation um we pick up the non-physical damage notes here at the bottom and we pick up the maximum mana and maximum Life notes Here we need the high Mana pool because our Mana regeneration is solely based on Lucky hit so that's why we're definitely picking up some notes um keep in mind that you follow the Paragon B exactly because if you don't have any all stats on your gear or your um xals crowed Signet is maybe like just one point weaker you have to like restructure the Paragon a tiny tiny bit just to make sure you have to get the 430 will power here for the extra eight Mana that's like super important and then we put in the charge glove here the crackling energy damage doesn't matter but this gives us a 15% multiplicative damage increase and we pick up the all resistance nodes here at the bottom you could definitely um if you have an item which gives all stats you can also get like the 440 Willow here which is another 3% to um or resistance which is definitely nice to get then let's move over to the next board that is going to be the static search board um we pick up the um ma Mana nodes here again and the damage to stunt the damage to stunt is nice but doesn't really matter all that much and then we pick up the damage to stunt here just for the intelligence bonus and we put in the exploit glyph here for another 10% multiplicative damage we don't really care so much about the additive part here we really don't have many nodes to spend that's why I'm just using this with 27 dexterity here we pick up the legendary node static search this helps a lot with Mana regeneration but this is also our only applicator of vulnerable in this build but since we are attacking very fast and our charge bolts do area of effect damage this is quite nice and I don't have any issues with getting enemies vulnerable fast enough then on the way to the next board we pick up those damage to Elite and damage to stunt nodes here and we move over to the last board that's going to be the frigid fate board um we pick up frigid fate it gives bonus damage of 25% multiplicative to all vulnerable enemies so this gives bonus damage to All Enemies it doesn't have to be cold damage um we pick up the damage reduction from vulnerable here and we move over pick up the vulnerable damage and we put in the flame feeder glyph again we just have 29 dexterity we only care about the 10% multiplicative damage increase we don't care so much about the additive part and then we pick up the Cod resistance here just to get access to these dexterity noes so we pick up a little bit less additive damage in this board to get additional legendary notes here and it's still like more than enough additive damage um but it's more Focus to get the multiplicative damage and get the increased Mana for our Mana pool pool because our Mana regeneration again is lucky hit based we need a high Mana pool um in our items we have like 50 to 60% Mana restore on Lucky hit so basically that means if you lucky hit and restore mana and that's 50 to 60% you have like 160 mana and you restore 50% you basically restore 75 Mana if you do the lucky hit so it needs to be high because you know if you don't restore like three or four or five hits in a row then actually you're going to get Mana stuffed well you can still pick up crackling energy and you also still have the static search node um it usually you will not run out of Mana but if you wouldn't have a high enough Mana pool it will certainly happen so I highly encourage you to get like at least 160 Mana pool in this build there you have it that's my XF Falls T rushers charge bold build and I really enjoy this build it deals a lot of damage and it has so many numbers and I just like numbers and I'm going to leave you like two full nightmare Dungeons and uberis now and that's it for me and I hope you enjoyed the video and thank you so much for watching and I see you guys next time yeah e I yeah you yeah yeah yeah [Music] oh no yeah well
Channel: goldfarmingGUIDE
Views: 87,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 4, diablo iv, d4, diablo 4 season 2, d4 season 2, diablo iv season 2, diablo 4 sorceress, diablo 4 sorcerer, diablo 4 sorc, tal rasha sorc, diablo 4 tal rasha, diablo 4 xfals, tal rasha xfals, sorcerer charged bolt guide, charged bolt sorc, ball lightning sorc, charged bolt, diablo 4 charged bolt, charged bolt build guide, t100, diablo 4 tier 100, sorc tier 100, sorcerer tier 100, sorceress tier 100, tier 100 nightmare dungeon, t100 nightmare, xfals
Id: Is4w_lJ4jqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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