Highest Damage Necro Build | Diablo 4 Bone Spear Build Guide

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bone spear is absolutely crushing everything in season 2 it has the tankiness to farm 100s it has the damage to speed Farm every boss one shot everything 100s and it has the speed to be the fastest leveling build in the game in fact the team that was the first team to level 100 was four bone spear necros there are two different engines that this build uses for Essence generation one is for single Target and the other is for AOE let's first talk about the one we use in AOE because it's really interesting the way that works is we use lidless wall which will cause us to spawn bone storms whenever we have an active bone storm which you haven't seen it before it's just going to cover the map of bone storms you get loads of them and then we're going to run the aspect of aus Gale which will cause our bone storms to consume nearby corpses and this includes the bone storm spawned by lless wall so we are constantly consuming corpses of everything that we spawn then this is paired with grim Harvest which gives us six Essence every time we consume a corpse and you can see how the essence generation of this build gets out of control we have completely infinite Essence in AOE in single Target we're going to use bone prison which will give us 30 Essence on cast in combination with tibble Will which is going to give us 50 Essence every time we Dash these two sources combined allow us to have infinite Essence and single Target the interaction between lless wall and Aus Gale gets even more interesting because the corpses consumed from the bone storms created by lless wall actually increase the duration of your main bone storm meaning getting 100% % up time bone STM in AOE is completely trivial it never falls off so Essence generation is a big part of this build it's very important that we always have near cap Essence because of so many of our damage multipliers are coming from the amount of essence we have but with all that in mind let's get into the skill tree and start breaking down how this build works so for basic skill we're actually going to be running Hemorrhage because it's the largest Essence generation or range skill that we can get and then we're going to be constantly picking up blood orbs meaning that we're going to get even more Essence on use so the idea here is that we can just cast hrh like once or twice and cap up on Essence again we're going to be putting Five Points into bone spear getting paranormal bone spear for the increase crit chance and damage all that stuff we're going to be running hu flesh the corpse generation from this is really important for bossing and an AOE H flesh is just amazing in this build specifically because it just gives us targets for corpse tendrils we're going to be putting three points into Grim Harvest this is what we were talking about before about the essence generation from A's Gale pistle this wall and we're going to be putting three points in field by death and this buff will always be up we're going to be running bone prison so bone prison is actually decent in this build because all minions now have the old death defense passive and that includes the bone Prison Walls so when you drop them it actually takes them a little bit to get killed so it's actually a decent form of crowd control but the biggest reason why we're running them is because in single Target against a boss it's going to be 30 Essence on one cast so bone prison is going to be able to refill our Essence extremely quickly uh Moving On We're going to be running three points of deaths Embrace this is going to give us the damage reduction and also because there's so many mobs with suppression where you have to run into melee range to fight them it's also a nice damage buff so it's damage reduction in a lot of cases is also a damage Buff when you need it death reach we're always going to be using this on bosses and against a lot of packs it's just going to be 12% damage it's kind of weird to run both I know but I think you want to in this build we're also going to be running abhorent decrepify for cool down reduction mostly just for uptime on corpse tendrils and then for the 20 I have a Harley Quin on so for me it's 24% damage reduction um the Harley Quin by the way is not needed but I am wearing it which is why you can see all these skills have plus four harleyquin is definitely amazing in this build but it is not at all needed it just takes the build over the edge we're also going to be running Amplified damage for 12% against cursed enemies we're going to be running corpse tendrils and we're going to be running blinded corpse tendrils we have you could run plate corpse tendrils the thing is that we have a lot of sources of vulnerable in this build through our Dash through bone spear itself we have a lot of ways to apply vulnerable and the health orbs are kind of nice you could though make the argument for play corpse tendrils I think both are fine but definitely we're running corpse tendrils we're going to be putting two points in necrotic carus just for some fortified generation from hu flesh and then we're going to be running three points of serration for the increased crit chance three points of compound fracture for the increased damage and three points into evulsion for even more damage and then we're going to be running you know bone storm this is is another build where we're running the full bone storm setup I saw there's a lot of comments in the last video people don't like it but it's just so good for survivability right we get tons of tankiness 15% plus all of the shield generation and the corpse consumption and you have lless Wall putting bone storms everywhere and enemies are getting hit like crazy the essence everything is just wild you kind of have to have it and then we're also getting 20% crit which is also great is going to allow us to hit crit cap really easily with 100% three points into stand alone for the damage reduction three points into momentum Mor for the sacrifice bonuses we're also going to be running aifi essence of course for our key passive so for our gear like I said we're going to start with the helmet like I said Harley Quinn is not needed but this is absolute turbo gabys nothing is even close to Harley Quinn but you could run Gods Slayer helmet is a decent option and then also deathless Vis is a decent option I think harleyquinn though is like a mile ahead of deathless Vis but obviously most people are going to have one so deathless Vis is a decent alternative or Gods Slayer Crown we're definitely going to be running the aspect of shielding storm and our stat priority on our chest we're going to want Total armor max life damage reduction damage reduction while fortified then so gloves uh I actually don't have a decent pair of gloves but we're going to be running auss scale on them in this case but you want int lucky hit chance attack speed and ranks of bone spear for pants so um when you're bossing so this is going to get into like the first weird thing so when you're bossing we're going to run tibble will with a two-handed weapon but whenever we're farming the world or nightmare 100 we're going to do this little Swap and the swap is really easy to do it's it's only the gear that we have to change but it's going to make a dramatic difference and basically we're going to be swapping from Disobedience into tibble tll because we don't have the essence generation in single Target to not run tibbles and tibbles is also going to be a 40% damage multiplier bosses do like no damage in this game and so the extra survivability is not needed at all so we're instead just going to run tibs for the damage and generation against bosses and then the other thing that we're swapping against bosses again because the damage reduction doesn't really matter that much we can just take off lless wall and at that point we just want to switch to a two-handed weapon right because it's just generally going to be a lot more damage and the bone spear uh aspect splintering aspect is amazing for that so this is going to be like one of the awkward things about the build but I think this is needed you need the survivability to do 100s and you can see in the clips I'm still one-shotting everything so who cares on our boots we're going to want movement speed damage reduction while injured Essence cost reduction and ranks of corpse tendrils and then we're going to be running the wind Striker aspect which will give us 16% movement speed there's a vampiric power that a lot of you guys will know that gives you attack speed based on your movement speed and so this is also a damage aspect which is pretty nice um like I said before we're going to be running splintering aspect on our weapon lidless wall and then on our necklace I like moving speed on the necklace because you're you're speed farming 100's anyway so who cares so you want move movement speed and then a ranks of a damage passive cool down reduction and then any damage reduction that's useful for you is fine and then you're going to be running the aspect of grasping Vines for the damage multiplier um for the Rings we just want crit chance Max Essence resource generation Max life those kind of things crit damage is all right like any damage modifier is okay but none of them are that amazing so I think lucky hit would probably be better so the best stats would probably be crit chance lucky hit Max Essence resource generation but regardless we're running the aspect of serration which is going to give us another 40% damage multiplier and then we're going to be running the aspect of Torment so torment is going to give us a constant flow of essence whereas the aspect of exposed flesh gives you RNG burst Essence and because of the amount of essence generation we have access to the RNG burst Essence isn't very useful in this build it's a lot better to just get this constant flow of steady 170% % resource generation than it is to randomly get 50 and so that's why we're going to be running the aspect of tornament and that's going to do it for a gear in terms of Book of the Dead we're going to be running skirmishers for our Warriors for the increased crit chance we're going to be running cold for our Mages for 15% damage to vulnerable and for the Golem of course we're going to be running the 30% crit damage part of what makes bone spear do so much damage is the 15% to vulnerable and 30% crit damage those are massive multipliers consider the fact that that everything's always vulnerable and also everything is permanently being crit every single attack that we do is going to crit so moving on to the Paragon board we've made a lot of changes to it this season because between lidless wall the the defense reworks and everything else we have a lot more survivability than we used to have and because of that it's actually we're actually able to play pretty much full offensive glyphs because you're able to be so tanky 100s that it doesn't really matter and bosses don't do enough damage for them to really ever matter so we're going to be running sacrificial for 10% damage and then we're going to be coming up here running amplify for 10% damage and obviously we're going to pick up bone graft we're going to be grabbing exploit for another 10% damage going to get flesh eater and remember flesh heater is going to be up all the time because of the oia scale lless wall interaction so this buff is going to be essentially permanent 40% damage we're going to be grabbing corporeal for an additional 10% and then scent of death so scent of death is actually it's almost always going to act as a damage buff because you're consuming all the corpses whenever you're in AOE because the loadless wall and in single Target because you're so far away from the boss you're almost never going to have corpses near you as well so this is just going to generally just be a straight 15% damage multiplier and then Essence is a fantastic uh glyph for this build because it's going to give us a 22% crit damage multiplier which is all of our hits right because we have 100% crit chance and it's going to give us 22% damage when they're not healthy so this is extremely strong next let's break down our vampiric powers so the first one is going to be anticipation now anticipation isn't terribly useful in this build but it's more of a quality of life thing if you're constantly running and gunning you're never going to drop your bone storm this is a 20% won't mean much but if you have to like AFK for a minute if you all tab if you like run through an area there's no mobs if you have to backtrack you can easily lose your bone storm and this glyph just kind of makes it easier right it just makes the build feel a lot better to play we really don't need a ton of damage because we're already like one-shotting everything in 100s and boss fights are already crazy fast and there's not really any good damage Alternatives so it's nice to just get some quality of life stuff the next one though this is pure damage and clear speed this is going to give us an attack speed buff based on our movement speed on a lucky hit this is partly why lucky hit on jewelry is really important and especially on gloves is to make sure that this is always up because this is going to be an absurd attack me modifier because your base movement speed is 100% so this is at least a 4% modifier plus any other movement speed that you have this is a ridiculous attack modifier next is PR on the weak enemies are always vulnerable so it's just a 16% damage buff the other thing is that this is really useful because when your mobs are inside of a suppression it can be hard to hit them with the bone shards to apply vulnerable and pray on the week allows us to dash through those mobs and apply vulnerable manually like that meaning that it basically makes the build a lot more consistent while also giving us a huge damage multiplier sanguine brace the Fortified generation is absolutely amazing for survivability eight 8% crit chance is decent um especially if you're below crit cap if you're below crit cap this is amazing for me I think I'm pretty far over it to be honest but this is still great to run for the fortifi generation and finally the power that every single necro build is going to be running for the entire season metamorphosis is primarily being run because it gives us Unstoppable but it also allows that interaction I described before where you can Dash through enemies to apply vulnerable I want to close this video with a quick tip about bone spear so if you don't know most of the damage from the spear is actually coming from the shards not from the spear itself this is because of the splintering aspect which is going to give them on a one-handed weapon a 60% damage buff but on a two-handed weapon it's going to give 135% damage buff that is a wild damage increase so the shards are actually going to end up doing most of the damage now the reason that's really important is cuz the shards are spawned either when the spear reaches is its maximum length or if the spear hits a wall so it's very important that when you're clearing and when you're bossing you're going to notice that whenever you see a bone SE player bossing the boss is always super far away and it's for this reason and you're going to constantly see people pull mobs into walls and hit their Spears on the walls to break them and again this is so that the splinters hit the mobs this is that like reverse kind of shotgun effect where you're shotgunning them from the back so it's very important to use this and anyway that's all I've got for you guys today hope you guys enjoyed the video and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Goblin Inc.
Views: 77,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 4, diablo iv, diablo builds, diablo guides, goblin inc, mobalytics, goblin inc diablo, diablo 4 gameplay, diablo 4 classes, barbarian, necromancer, druid, sorcerer
Id: AOhqjsm-QI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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