Uber Lilith Necro ONE SHOT Step By Step Guide (Season 4) | EASY RESPLENDENT SPARK | Diablo 4

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hi everybody Plato here thank you for all that support on that last video I really do appreciate it you guys said you wanted a tutorial so here we go we're going to start right away no BS let's go with our gear first then we'll cover our skills our skill tree and also our Paragon board um starting off for our helmet the two stats that I would recommend is going to be intelligence and cooldown reduction the tempers here aren't going to matter but just try to get them to the best you can you know whether it's like Max life armor corpse tendal size decrep High size um don't try to Brick it intentionally but the tempers again really don't realistically matter if you're just going for the one shot Uber Lilith kill however coold down reduction is going to be the most important stat and then intelligence and then Max life if you can the reason we're going to want cool down reduction is we need our army of the Dead to be at a certain low enough coold down so we can cast it both on the first phase of uber Lilith as well as the second phase of uber Lilith so definitely do focus on that all of our armor pieces are going to have rubies cuz Max life op and the aspect we have here is blood getter so our skeletal priest Now power us at 70% Effectiveness for our chest PS we have int life and Golem Mastery you definitely want Golem Mastery if you don't have Golem Mastery try to find a chest piece with at least Golem Mastery and it's a bonus whether if you have both int or Max life right up to you Temperance for this isn't going to matter try not to break your item try to get the best you possibly can for the aspect we have hardened bones for a bit more survivability for ourselves and our minions moving to our gloves we have int attack speed chit chance you can get either of the two options here you know whether it's attack speed or in attack speed or crit chance even if you have something like crit strike damage that works as well the reason I like crit chance and attack speed it's just so you know it Buffs up our minions more attack speed for our minions also more attack speed for us means we can cast our summons faster which helps doesn't really matter too much for Uber Lilith um but it does help when you're doing pits and stuff and you're just spamming uh your summon so you can get that fles heater bonus more and we'll talk about that more a little bit later uh the only temper that matters here is going to be the Golem damage um the other one really doesn't matter try not to break it if you can but a if you only roll Golem damage that's perfectly fine the aspect we have here is grasping BS for that crit strike chance doesn't really matter that the second part of grasping veins isn't working right now the 25% crit strike chance for 6 seconds when we cast corpse chle is going to be huge for us because we want to be as close to 100% crit chance as possible just so when we go in with all of our damage Buffs and we hit the Golem button we know that mofo is going to crit as you can see here I'm at about 62% crit p and a little bit this is being supplemented by our skill tree we're going to go into that a little bit later uh but when we cast grasping veins for that 6 seconds or sorry corpse tendrils for that's 6 seconds we basically have 100% crit damage so I know every time I do my whole combo and I press that go button my Golem is going to crit for the massive DPS moving to our pants nothing really special int Max life armor I would recommend just having int or Max life um as the two out of the three stats the reason I have armor armor here one being my temper is just so I hit armor cap which is like that they show on the tool tip now after the latest update uh cuz all of this gear that I use here minus my ring swap is the same gear that I use for the pits uh the aspect here uh we have a cult Dominion for the additional Warriors and skeletal Mages not so much for their damage for um Uber Lilith but more so that they can apply Shadow blight faster and that's going to help and be supplemented by our boots which have the eotic aspect which our skeletal priests Empower our Warriors to deal Shadow damage the stun here isn't going to matter um since Uber l can't be stunned she can be staggered however uh that being said the three stats we want to focus on here are going to be intelligence Max life and movement speed but the most important stat we want here is going to be movement speed because we need I would say around 160 movement speed to be comfortable to avoid the One-Shot ghost that she spawns in the second phase that way we can just literally Circle the map with no effort and the ghost will just follow us being ever so slightly behind and not being able to One-Shot us so definitely get that temper on move speed um have it roll with move speed as well and intelligence and the plus three of a charges definitely helps to dodge uh those uh ghosts but definitely not necessary you just want to focus on move speed int and move speed on The Temper here um moving on to our weapon oh we have intelligence Max life and crit strike damage so for this one here uh this is really helpful for me and the pits having that Max life damage but if you're trying to go for like the big DPS numbers for the one shot something like intelligence vulnerable damage or flat damage and crit stri strike damage would also work for our tempers here we have Minion Attack speed which is helpful and we also have Golem damage which is required so if you don't have Minion Attack speed that's fine you can definitely definitely want Golem damage so again wherever we can get Golem damage we want Golem damage and the reason we use a scythe is because the damage per hit is higher than a two-handed sword you can definitely still use a two-handed sword but that higher damage does mean that a Golem does hit harder and for the aspect here um we are running blighted um and that is just going to give us a massive 240% multiplicative damage for 6 seconds when our shadow blight key passive damages enemies 10 times um and we get Shadow blight thanks to aoic warlord boots for our Warriors um as well as our Mages being Shadow Mages and we'll cover that Book of the Dead in just a little bit but yeah our shadow blight is going to stack up super fast uh and then we're going to just be able to do our nuke uh that whole combo which we'll go into a little bit later uh as far as the gems here I have uh emeralds just for the additional 60 sorry 50% crit strike damage moving on to our amulet we have attack speed crit strike and hellbent Commander uh the reason being is hellbent Commander is op and if you don't have an amulet with hellbent Commander I recommend getting one with hellbent Commander bare minimum the other two stats are very helpful but they're just icing on the cake right if you only have two out of the three that's perfectly fine as well that being said the tempers here are going to matter again just for the Golem damage since I use this in the the pits the active goldm cooldown reduction is super helpful but since you're just doing this for the um One Shot for Uber Lilith Golem damage is really realistically the only temper you need try not to break the other one uh the aspect we have here is going to be unyielding commander and the reason we're going unyielding Commander for the aspect is it provides us when we use our army of the Dead uh for that duration of army of the Dead 150% increase damage for our minions and this is not additive even though the tool tip says there's a little plus sign that's incorrect this is multiplicative so that's 150% multiplicative damage when we hit the go button with our army of the dead and as an additional bonus our minions get super tanky as well uh for all the gems here we're just going to be using our diamonds uh just for that 8% resistance to all elements you can realistically put whatever the heck you want for the gems this is just what I did um as far as the other attributes uh for the amulet you can do something like int um int percentage is what I sorry Max HP along with hellbent Commander uh but I definitely like having the attack speed and Chris strike chance personally but you can do whatever you really want realistically just make sure you have help and Commander uh moving on to our ring um we have intelligence attack speed and crit strike chance uh you can kind of play around with your rings if you want to if you don't have something perfect but I swear to God rings with at least one of the two out of the three stats here drop consistently and you can just go to the enchanter and get the other stat that you want you can also do something like crit strike damage that also works on the ring ring to just an example or really any other damage stat but I like having the attack speed and the CR strike chance uh the most important temper here is going to be ultimate cooldown reduction well I guess the two most tempers because you want both right you want the Golem damage and you want ultimate cooldown reduction if you don't get either one of the two go on to the next ring uh that being said the reason we want that is again like I alluded to earlier Golem damage means our Golems hit harder for the one shot but ultimate cooldown reduction means Army of the dead has a lower cooldown which is going to be required to be able to cast it for both Phase 1 and phase two the aspect we're running on our first ring is going to be reanimation so our minions gain increased damage while alive up to 39% after 10 seconds moving on to our second ring int Max life crit strike chance like I said see both of my rings they don't have the exact same stats you basically just want like two out of the three it really doesn't matter you do so much damage um but if you want to see the bigger damage numbers you can definitely kind of mix and match your gear to kind of minmax that um again for our tempers we have ultimate cooldown reduction and Golem damage both required as I explained why and for our aspect we have frenzy dead so when we summon our minions and they damage enemies they gain 15% attack speed for 3 seconds up to 45 seconds now that we've covered our gear and I've kind of explained uh you know why we need some of the stats and some of the tempers we're going to go ahead and move on to our Book of the Dead So for our Book of the Dead we are running skeletal Warriors Reaper and the reason we're running Reaper is so that our Reapers have a 15% chance to carve the flesh off enemies forming a corpse which which is going to be important when we do um our Uber lth combo and I'll explain a little bit why but the reason we choose this over the wind up giving us a reduced cool down um for our active coold Downs is because if you select this you also get the bonus of this it's bugged right now so you get two for one you know buy one get one free pretty much for our skeletal Mages we are running Shadow so we deal 3% increased damage for each active Shadow Mage extra damage is always going to be nice for us uh for our big DPS and for gos we're running blood specifically we're running the second one in blood um so that when our blood Golem is healthy they gain 25% damage reduction but most importantly the 50% multiplicative increase in damage now that we've covered our Book of the Dead with a little bit of a jump cut that you probably didn't notice let's go ahead and talk about our skill tree uh skill tree is pretty self-explanatory but I'm just going to cover over some of the main points you just want to grab two random points here so we can go ahead and go into Supernatural blight for that 20% increase in damage which is going to be part of our combo uh three into hute flesh for a little bit extra corpses which is always nice five into blood Mist because I like to have that extra cool down reduction whether I'm doing the one shot or just generally running in pits um and this is also kind of nice to have a lower cool down on blood Miss if you panic easily when you're getting chased by the ghosts so you can have an O button um two or three times during that phase uh and we definitely want Gastly blood Mist where blood Mist leaves behind a corpse every second um because this is going to be important part of our setup before we actually go into fight Lilith and we'll get into more of that a little bit later uh three points into skeletal Warrior Mastery self-explanatory one into Grim Harvest so we can go ahead and take three into fuel by death which gives us a 9% multiplicative increase damage when we consume a course for 6 seconds and this is also going to be part of our combo for that damage boost uh three into deaths Embrace uh three into deaths approach for extra movement speed which is going to be super helpful for running around for those One-Shot ghosts three and to amplify damage for more damage when you use decrepify and for decrepify we want to go into aborn topify because this combined with our two ultimate cool down reduction on our rings as well as the cool down reduction on our helmet the second you cast to kify on Lilith on that second phase you're going to see that like your 30 second on Army of the Dead just literally go to zero in an instant um but it can only be supplemented uh to get to that point to have it up in time to do our combo again when you have those cool down reduction tempers on your ring as well as that cool down on your helmet that being said corpse tendrils so we can go ahead and take play corpse tendrils here and the reason I have three points here is usually when I run pits I have it at five just so I have more corpse tendal spamming whenever I can because for the pits it's nice to have corpse tals pretty much all the time and this is only going to be this is our only source of vulnerable which is going to be super important for our combo so we definitely want to go play corpse tendrils here just so we can apply vulnerable for the additional vulnerable damage um here we go next into neurotic for extra fortify a little bit of survivability then we have seven into gol of Mastery thanks to our gear um this is self-explanatory uh for Army Of The Dead We want to go all the way until Supreme Army of the dead because we want to pop this again one more time at the very last stage because while we're running around the platform our minion AI isn't the best and they're either going to die randomly through Lilith or as my Golem loves to do from time to time just fall off the cliff this isn't going to help bringing Golem back but this is going to help bring up all of our other Mages back for that last final blow we need to deal to Lilith and we'll get into more of that when we get into the tutorial uh three into inspiring leader this is self-explanatory as well we get extra chisik chance when we're healthy and this is also what helps us to get to that base 62% crit crit strike chance you saw earlier when I went over my stats um and then here for hellbent Commander uh this is self-explanatory our minions deal more damage when we're close to them uh great for our Golem going Smash and lastly we have Shadow blight here uh and this is going to be great uh to combine with our blight it for that massive 240% increase in damage when we have those 10 Shadow blight Stacks now that we've gone ahead and finished talking about our skill tree with a jump cut that you definitely didn't notice because I completely butchered butchered my words just like I just did right there let's go ahead and quickly talk about our skills that we'll be using however before that here's a quick look at my stats I know everybody likes to see this so I'm just going to quickly go Z and Z don't Tunnel Vision on this too much your stats don't need to be what mine are exactly just as you know depending on where you're at at the game where you're at with your Masterwork they're going to vastly differ uh depending on your items as well just follow what I said earlier about the gear and you will be set and of course follow the instructions for the tutorial a little bit later and you will be Set uh for our skills we have decrepify for the additional damage with Amplified damage and that lucky hit for the additional cool down reduction uh corpse chals for vulnerable and also grasping veins we have blood Mist for our get out of jail free card and to set up our corpses in the beginning of the fight we have Golem for our big DPS we have um army of the Dead to supplement our big DPS with the unyielding Commander aspect and also raises our skeletal Mages and warriors because they're going to die when we're getting chased by the ghost I guarantee you that and then Ray skeleton for our fueled by death bonus as well as our flesh eater bonus because anytime you use this you're going to go ahead and consume one corpse and you know fueled by death uh one corpse 9% extra damage uh flesh eater five corpses massive 40% damage which will cover in the Paragon tree one other thing about consuming a corpse is that when you consumer corpse and we'll get to this more when we talk about our combo it does activate a photic um aspect so we can stack Shadow blight faster but now that we've gone ahead and covered our skills that we're using let's go ahead and take a look at our Paragon tree I'm not going to spend too much time on this this is just a quick overview um we have amplify for the first board uh we have dead riser for our cult leader board and cult leader Is Amazing by the way this is also where we get a ton of damage um then we also o have Essence in our third board and this third board is going to be bone graft um then we have gravekeeper on this board um and this is going to be the hulking monstrosity board another great board for a Golem one thing I want to mention is you do want to go to the planner and go ahead and you know try to make your skill tree as close to mine as possible because I made it so where I did all the math for The Willpower in the deck so you get the additional damage bonus for mutation as well as borrowed strength um then we go on to our next board which is going to be flesh eater which we talked about for that massive 40% damage and that's where we're going to have corporeal and corporeal is another way that I alluded to earlier which we're going to get a bit more movement speed right for um every U minion that we have uh we get increased movement speed which is going to be super nice and then we're going to move up here to scent of death for some damage reduction and we have Golem here for obviously that additional massive Golem damage and then for our last board at the moment we have exploit here and that is going to be blood bath and that is pretty much our Paragon tree and now let's get to the juice of it the tutorial all right guys the moment you've all been waiting for the tutorial so the first thing we're going to do when we get into Lil's uh pit is basically go into blood mist and poop out three corpses and then consume them right away with Ray skeleton so what's this going to do is it's going to stack up three of our flesh eater Stacks so it's one less thing to worry about when we do our whole combo cuz that whole combo is going to going to be a little bit more complicated enough already so it's nice to save a little bit of time of prepping these corpses once we've gone ahead and pre these corpses we're going to swap blood Mist to blight so we can use blight's additional 20% multiplicative damage with the rest of our combo now we're just going to go ahead and wait for the cool down for blight to go down and then go ahead and start the lth encounter so when lth drops here I just put a little Dy uh just for that little bit of increase in damage I just do this just because it's habit of mine just spamming to gripy everywhere uh but the most thing you want to do here is wait for our Warriors to go ahead and cleave Lilith to drop a corpse it's either them or hu flesh doesn't matter how we get that corpse the second we see the first corpse we want to consume it right away this is going to do a few things one it's going to go ahead and activate our fuel by death timer for 6 seconds which while we won't get the damage B bonus for this right now we don't need to because this is going to serve as a mental timer for when we hit the Go Button more importantly when we consume that for the corpse um it goes ahead and activates a poic aspect and our Mages will now Empower our Warriors to do that shadow damage to go ahead and apply the blight Stacks faster that's what I've seen happen anytime we summon an additional Mage is that it just activates Apothic let me know in the comments below if that's something you've noticed as well maybe that's just how the interaction is supposed to happen with that aspect but that's at least what I've noticed so we have our fourth stack we have our Warriors now going to be doing Shadow blight really really really fast as you can see here and we also have this timer of fueled by death run running out uh when this timer is about to run out and we're about at six or seven Stacks what I'm going to do is reapply decrepify just so we have that damage bonus from amplify damage up just because decrepify only lasts for 10 seconds so you can see me here I po decrepify and when we're about to get to Seven Stacks I now pop corpse tendrils you can see me pop corpse tendrils here and now I'll consume that fifth corpse so we can get that flesh eater damage bonus and I'll consume that fifth corpse right as the timer for this field by death runs out as you'll see here boom field by death ran out I went ahead and popped my fifth corpse for fles heater and then it reocs field by death for additional 6 seconds as well for that additional 9% damage now I'm going to go ahead and hit blight I did it really really quickly um all of this has to be done in pretty quick succession but you can see me going ahead and pop blight right there right after my fifth corpse tles pop boom you can see kind of me dropping uh blight in that middle just so can we get that increasing damage and when our shadow blight is around nine Stacks I go ahead head and pop Army of the dead and at that point the vulnerable from the corpse tendal is going to snap back and apply on Lilith and the second we have all of these Buffs up right we have that corpse tendril snapping back for vulnerable we have our fueled by death we have our flesh eater we have our shadow blight we have our blight we have our decrepify all we got to do now is hit the go button on Golem and there she goes um one thing I've noticed people ask about this specifically is they ask Plato I did the same thing you did but Lilith just flies up and she goes and starts doing her phases right spawning the minions flying up and down doing all these waves uh that happens if you don't nuke her fast enough before she gets to a certain HP threshold usually it's around like here below 60% HP sometimes there's a bit of leeway depending on how the damage is buffered and it can get about to half HP but generally speaking if you don't do enough damage by the time her health bar hits here so basically popping her like so um as you saw there right you're going to have that instance where she's going to fly back up and come down and do all of her mechanics um so either you messed up on the combo and it does take a little bit of time because it is a little bit of practice to get the timing right for everything or maybe you just don't have enough damage um and you do like two hits in succession so you just get her health bar down like below you know that threshold and then she'll do her mechanics but generally speaking um if you if you can go ahead and pop her around herish maybe even here a little bit uh you should be get to C but that's why she's flying up and down is because um you didn't pop her before she got to that threshold to start her mechanics but once we've gone ahead and popped her here on this first phase you can see our Buffs just run out pretty darn quickly and now we can set up for that second phase and of course if you can't get this pop right away practice makes perfect it is a little bit of a Time window that is small that we have to do all those Buffs and damage in but once you figure it out that time window it's pretty pretty darn easy and you can consistently ly do this over and over again and carry your friends um so when we go ahead and start the second phase we're going to do the same thing as the first phase we're going to go ahead and consume those three corpses and we're just going to wait for Lilith to spawn hey guys future Playdoh here really quickly I completely spaced and forgot to mention how we lower that cool down of army of the Dead remember we want those cool down tempers on the ring as well as coold down reduction AR helmet and the other ways I mentioned we can also get additional cool down reduction if you happen to not get them on your ring Etc what we're going to do is when Lilith spawns we're going to pop a decrepify over her body what that's going to do is allow aborn decrepify to go ahead and proc those lucky hits when our minions are attacking as well as our Reapers and that's basically going to instantly take that cool down down from like that 27 seconds instantly to zero so we can go ahead and continue with the combo so that being said enjoy the rest of the video when she's going to go ahead and finish that spawn animation we're going to go ahead and consume that fourth corpse so we can start that field by death timer again and also Empower Warriors to apply Shadow blight faster and I just pop it to grapy like always right um now we're just going to go ahead and wait for that timer while blighted is being stacked being stacked being stacked and as you can see um the field by death timer has run out we have about seven stacks on Shadow blight I go ahead and pop our grasping veins I go ahead and pop blighted consume our fifth corpse and also pop another decrepify and when we go ahead and have our shadow blight and 10 Stacks here we go ahead and once again hit that go button Army of the Dead wait for that corpse tendril to snap back for that vulnerable damage and press Golem and there she goes um if you want to go ahead and see that one more time really quickly because I did go a little bit faster in this explanation just because we went over it in the first phase um this timing window is going to be exactly the same as we did on the first phase right when we have that fuel by death timer run out over here uh let's see here fueled by death timer is running out we're going to go ahead and pop our corpse tendrils then we're going to go ahead and consume our fifth corpse pop our decrepify again then pop our blight and then go ahead and use our army of the dead and then when the vulnerable hits we go ahead and pop our Golem and she's just dead this is also where we have the time to go ahead and swap back from Blight to blood Mist because we won't need blight for the remainder of the fight since she's already at one HP and that blood mist is going to go ahead and help us out to dodge any of the ghosts if we panic but this part is super easy you just wait for the first little um ghost that you see here and you want to go into a clockwise motion um I recommend evading over this little uh platform here cuz sometimes there's like invisible rocks or just rocks that are just on the ground that's going to block your pathing and you might get stuck so just to be safe I always like to evade over here and then I just go ahead and go in that clockwise Circle um I go ahead and pop another corpse tendrils here this is just to get her stagger bar up a little bit so I like to set it up just in case um I don't get that Instant Pop when she drops back down when she is damageable after she breaks all the platform that she will be able to be staggered with one more corpse tendril so we can go ahead and deal that damage without having to deal with her Echoes uh sometimes you're going to still get the Echoes no matter what depending on game logic or whatever but generally speaking you don't have to worry about the Echoes and she'll just either be staggered or die instantly once you go ahead and you know pop a Golem on her at the end phase as you'll see me doing here in just a bit but yeah I went ahead and did that corpse Central applied a bit more stagger now we're just running around we're going to wait here on this platform here I like to decrepify and just bang her one more time with the Golem just to really make sure she's at 1 HP um and then once you see that first little uh ghost fly back here as we saw here we just want to go back ahead and continue that clockwise pattern um I go ahead and always like I said evade here uh you should be able to survive this flame even if it does a little bit of damage since you will be fortified just check a potion or if you're scared blood Mist but I generally like to save blood Mist for the last platform as you'll see me do that in just a bit so I'm just going to go ahead and go in a circle here go in a circle here go in a circle here nothing too special we're just outrunning the ghost cuz we have that movement speed and when we get to this final platform I'm just going to go ahead and blood Miss so I can get to this platform I actually end blood Mist early um around over here this is simply because while you're in blood Mist your minions just kind of ignore you and they don't follow you so we want to exit blood Mist when we kind of get a little bit clear from these ghosts and then instantly after blood Mist I like to evade and pop our army of the dead so we have all of our minions back there we go there we go all our minions are back we're still going in the circle to avoid everything when she goes ahead and drops down here I do one more corpse tendrils and then I'll do a decrepify and pop her um I lied I didn't do the corpse tendrils here generally speaking um I tried to spam the corpse tendal but I guess my inputs didn't buffer fast enough um but usually if she doesn't pop after popping your Golem or if your Golem dies um you can always use Corps dend will stagger her and your Mages and warriors will finish her off if your Golem happens to just fall off the platform because he's stupid as F sometimes but that's pretty much it that's just fight in a nutshell um thank you so much guys for watching this tutorial if you have any more questions leave them down in the comments hit me up that like subscribe and I'm live on my twitch at twitch.tv/ plob bear um when I can so feel free to check me out there until the next time peace
Channel: PlayDohBear
Views: 202,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Uber, Lilith, Uber Lilith, Diablo 4, Diablo, IV, Diablo IV, Echo of Lilith, Hatred Incarnate, Mother of Mankind, Uber Lilith Necro, Uber Lilith Necromancer, Necro, Necromancer, Best Uber Lilith, Guide, Best Necro Build, Best Necro, Best Necromancer, Tutorial, ONE SHOT, One-Shot Uber Lilith, Necromancer Minions, Necro Minoins, Minions, Golem, Shadow Minions, Shadow Necro, ONE-SHOT, one shot uber lilith necro season 4, Step by step guide, Step-by-step guide, Season 4
Id: sX8lIpkU1l4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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