Tal Rasha Meteor Build Guide Best Build in Diablo 3 Season 28

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hi everyone it's Rax bringing you a super important build guide for next season this is the talrasha meteor wizard in my opinion I think this is probably pound for pound the best build in the game it crushes solo speeds it's pretty good in t16 it's going to detonate gr 150 solo maybe with the fastest time in the world it's Godly for Speed metas it's Godly for the high metas this build can do it all it can crush the trash it can kill the elites and it murders the boss has absolutely no weaknesses it's super tanky there's two ways to play it I'll go over both of them and actually I think with the season 28 altar it's definitely going to be the strongest version of it that you've ever seen so let's jump in and let's learn how to play it the first thing that I'm going to teach you is the comet version the comet version is very easy to play the reason why is you just take the comet meteor and you just throw meteors everywhere and you do like literally nothing you just walk around you throw some meteors here and there and that's it that's like the entire gameplay and you just keep your distance it's very low APM very low actions per minute very good for a casual player chilling playing on the couch walk over here throw a meteor it's very simple the other way to play is with star pact and star pact is a little bit trickier because star pact spends all of your Arcane power and throws a mega meteor which hits way harder so obviously the idea is is to build back up all of your Arcane power and throw it again well that requires some extra work you got to actually get the Arcane power back and one of the ways you could do that is with spectral blades Etc but there is a node in the altar next season that gives you resource on crit and it looks to be pretty good so maybe you can actually throw the meteors they'll hit they'll crit and maybe it'll just give you your Arcane power back and then you can just go around and just throw meteors everywhere so this mind might end up being just as easy as Comet so they're both here but just in case we don't have season 28 I want this build guide to last for a long time let's just look at the comet version which is even easier okay so obviously we're going to take tal Rasha set there's a lot of words here pretty much it says you need to hit with all four of the elements Arcane cold fire and lightning and then whenever that comes down it gives you some temporarily some temporary immunity to those elements okay then it gives you massive all resist which is going to keep you alive then it's going to give you a massive damage increase and then it's also going to throw meteors of that element so for example when you teleport forward and you hit them with Calamity it's going to throw an Arcane meteor when you throw meteor it's gonna obviously gonna hit them with an ice meter you're literally throwing one when you're spark Flint attacks them because it's a fire attack it's going to throw a fire meteor Etc and it's going to keep refreshing your four stacks so pretty much what it turns into is you got to activate all of your abilities in the beginning and then you pretty much just have to cycle through two of them as long as you keep doing two attacks all the time your Buffs stay up and the meteors keep flying but actually this just happens naturally your familiar naturally attacks your storm armor naturally zaps you're going to be teleporting through the rift and of course you're going to be throwing your own meteors so you're going to keep everything up naturally which is what makes the build so easy to play now as far as the stats if that wasn't enough good news tell Russia is very forgiving on the stats especially next season because they give you the resource on crit so you can you obviously want crit crit and area damage those are the three Superstar stats of course you want the cold Elemental damage here if you're playing Comet and you would want Arcane Elemental damage if you're playing Star Pact but the other stats are just not that important you don't really need cooldown because there really isn't a cool down on the build yeah black hole or Diamond skin whatever you want to use that's fine but it's not that important you don't have captain crimson's on so you don't need cooldown for that either resource cost reduction is normally pretty important just so you can keep throwing as many meteors as you want but not as important this season because again you have for the resource on crit attack speed is okay usually though you don't sit there and just throw meteors as fast as you can so attack speed isn't the absolute best either so the stats are very very flexible here which is very very good for you as long as you have crit crit area damage and the elemental damage where you want a lot of the stuff is pretty flexible um there are two weapons that you must have you have to have the smoldering core it's going to lure enemies to your meteor impacts and meteor steel increased damage on consecutive hits on the same Target up to 10 times this is why the talrasha wizard is so good at pretty much everything when they can if they hit you with one meter and you die well you're dead right problem solved but if you're really tanky if they hit you with a ton of meteors in a row all of a sudden you're taking way more damage so if you're tanky well then you get destroyed as well so it's like a win-win and then uh the grand desire is going to make it way cheaper and just give you way more damage the nice thing about having two staffs here is whichever one is your better one equip that and the worst one qubit however it drops for you so you can actually interchange the weapons which makes it easier to farm for so you're gonna win there no first post um 600 damage on meteor on a pair of boots that's insane and if your meteor hits three or fewer enemies the damage is increased by 900 percent that's why taurasha is so good at killing the bosses and that's why when talrasha pulls the whole map and they throw meteors well everything dies to area damage then the kind of chunky stuff dies because you have the smoldering core and they're taking more damage and then when there's only two or one or two juggernauts left the reason that they die is because of this the pair of boots when you hit three or fewer enemies you get 900 increased damage I mean this is why how Russia has everything and I think they also even have I forgot to mention they have teleport resets attacking with meteor reduces the teleport cooldown of teleport by one second they also have teleport resets this build has everything in it it's why it's so good and then for the main stats on most of these Armory pieces we're looking for INT Vitality meteor damage when we can get it and armor of course to stay alive okay so let's look at the Coe I mean you should know what Coe is it's used in literally every build um we do way more damage on cold so when cold is coming you got to set it up right before cold is Arcane I believe so when Arcane is coming get set up get very far away from the enemies because you have zestone you do more damage that are far away jump into an Aki or jump into one of the pink rings from season 28 very far away and start throwing the meteors and when they hit on the cold cycle they're all going to die and it's no surprise we take crit area damage there band of the Trap is used in literally every build makes them take 60 more damage Halo of Carini is absolutely required take 80 percent less damage when your storm armor electrocutes something be careful do not stand right next to the monsters if you only have one monster left and you stand right next to him it only works if your storm armor electrocutes an enemy 15 yards away stand right next to them they're not 15 yards away your Carini will drop and you will die I can just pretty much guarantee it remember you also have power hungry so you do more damage to enemies that are further away again so you should not be giving the monsters a hug and Zay is again as we explained you do more damage as they're further away why wear one set where you can wear two you can also wear all guilds or you can try to squeeze in Guardians at the beginning of the season but with the altar I just don't think so I think you just go straight all guilds all Guild is going to take you make you take away less damage and deal way more damage to Elites just a win-win here so you'll take that in the bracers a life on hit roll is good on the bracers to keep you alive and uh the cold Elemental damage is is needed if you're playing comet and then sports necklace obviously Wizards survivability relies on Shields and there's actually a built-in shield in the Altar and some other defense so Wizards can keep their squirts necklaces up way better than most classes so we gotta take this and we take stricken to help help us kill the really high-end bosses um black hole absolute zero is just for more damage you don't have to take this what I like to take is some other times is Diamond skin prism and that just gives you infinite Arcane power you just never need to worry about it ever but with the Arcane power on crit next season you probably don't need it so maybe you do go black hole so you go black hole absolute zero spark familiar is going to give you more damage but the main reason we take it is it's a fire skill that's passive it's going to keep your fire buff up for tall Russia teleport must be Calamity if you're playing Comet do not take another Rune if you take another Rune you're gonna brick the build because you need to deal Arcane damage somehow and the Rune that deals damage for teleport is calamity so you need to take Calamity do not take another one it's a huge mistake people put together a tower Ashville they say their talasha build sucks I don't know why but the first thing I always look at is their teleport Rune you didn't take Calamity like the guide said you need to deal damage as Arcane take Calamity it's a must storm armor power of the storm this is going to give us our lightning meteor our lightning talrasha stack and it's going to make everything very cheap so we can throw more meteors magic weapon deflection is going to Keep Us Alive if you're feeling Immortal you can take something else you can take uh maybe force weapon or something just to get more damage okay and then meteor comment is what's going to deal all of our damage power hungry more damaged enemies that are further away Elemental exposure when we deal damage with multiple elements we get five percent more damage for each of our attacks well we use all the different elements on talrasha so this this passive was literally made for this set astral presence is going to give us infinite uh Arcane power again if you're good on Arcane power you can swap this for something else you could take blur to stay alive you could take illusionists to stay alive and help reset your teleports you could take a cheat death you could take audacity to do at you do damage when they're further away and do damage when they're close you could take that as well anything works here mempo you must have we're going to cube this and meteor show Rune applies to all casted meters and does weigh more damage huge multiplier and finally Ring of Royal Grandeur rounds out all of our sets so that's essentially how you would push with Comet just changing it slightly for Star pact obviously you need to put star pact on your bars which means that you have to have a generator to bring back your Arcane power so we'll take spectral blades ice blades remember we lost our ice Rune so we need something with ice to bring back the Arcane power so we can throw the star packed meteors the rest of this I think is pretty much the same conduit instead of deflection is going to help you generate the Arcane power need the Arcane rolls on your gear here and here you can take Arcane dynamos passive whenever you use your signature spells five times then your next major spell is going to deal 60 increased damage you charge up the Arcane Dynamo stacks and then you throw a star packed meteor on your Arcane cycle and everything dies instantly it's it's a lot of damage this might be very playable with the resource on crit node but if you don't want to bother with all this generating and timing and throwing the Arcane dynamos just play Comet it's almost as good speedgrs is almost the exact same we don't need stricken for Speed gr so you just put in a band of the powerful but you'll notice it's almost exactly the same setup as the comet setup Illusionist resets your teleports that's very good for Speed content so that's a good idea and then in t16 you just wear an eighth or Walker you can actually take away one of the huge staffs you can wear an Aether Walker so you can just teleport whenever you want and take a bunch of stuff to regenerate your Arcane power and the evocation is nice to reset your cooldowns you take a gold wrap to be immortal you can take a boon to the hoarder to pick up a bunch of gold if you need that there's a lot of flexibility on the t16 version just use Aether Walker to teleport everywhere and you're just going to destroy everything okay um let's quickly talk about the Paragon points you'll take move speed you'll only take Arcane power if you're playing Star Pack you shouldn't eat it for Comet then most of your stuff should go into intelligence you shouldn't need too much Vitality next season take the two crits first then the cool down and then finally the attack speed for the defense you want to go armor and then life and then all res and light per second last and then in the utility um honestly all these are good I'd go 80 first then probably the RCR and then the life on hit and then the Globes last okay let's get into some gameplay now let's play some Diablo 3. I have a very mediocre tow Rasha wizard made here I purposely made her kind of bad um strength strength OG by the way um level 65 Bay to the powerful level 120 bane of the Trap that's pretty good level 78 zays okay not even 10K inch no I'm not using my Paragon points okay and I want to show you uh how this gameplay works and I want you to notice one thing here I'll try let's try a 100 with a very mediocre tow Rasha wizard remember your talrasha wizard will be way stronger not only in terms of gear but you'll have the altar but I want you to pay attention to how chill this gameplay is so go ahead and activate everything just throw meteors I'll throw a meteor oh throw a meteor on that ghost throw him at dead well there's a media ghost back here meteor dead this is what it's like to play towel Rush everything just dies I have my four Stacks you have to make sure that you have your four Stacks if you're playing and you don't have four something's wrong gotta go back gotta go back to town and look and see what's up just throw meteors on the elites dead instantly I mean it just requires no skills Bill's just way too powerful let's throw a meteor here teleport there you can see when the spark Flint attacks it throws a fire meteor when I attack I throw the cold meter when my storm armor zaps something it throws a lightning meteor okay oh I do I don't even have my enchantress geared I'm playing without a follower right now okay I don't even have a follower that sucks I don't have nems okay well let's go next I got my four Stacks notice how it's starting to fall off because I'm not attacked I'll let him fall off I'm standing here see how they fall off now we got to hit him with four elements again already hit him with two three okay we need to get our final thing teleport on to him we got our four stacks and notice how it keeps refreshing okay it's very easy as long as you just move around and stay active you'll keep everything up naturally it's not something that you should have to monitor okay well I killed that guy instantly one thing to notice um do you notice how on the tier list I told you that the god DH was better for farming than talrasha the god DH is way faster talrasha is not the fastest build in the world um Tau Rasha will clear much higher than the god DH but slower and in general the Diablo 3 rewards speed over High clearing but taurasha does fall into one of those exceptions where talrasha is so good it's so powerful it can clear so much higher than other builds um that it makes up for it so for talrasha you could definitely Target three minute clears three and a half minute clears four minute clears that's not a problem um that makes sense for this build it's not the most mobile out there um but its power makes up for it Okay so we've gotten an absolutely terrible map but I mean this build is perfect for the Casual player because you just don't do anything the the number of buttons that I have to press is almost nothing I only I only activated these at the start of the rift I pressed my storm armor once I pressed my my familiar once I pressed my magic weapon once you only have to refresh it at the most once per Rift okay so those three buttons are gone from my bars I teleport just to move around whenever I want to I'm throwing meteors whenever I see stuff to kill and the only thing that you spam is your diamond skin but if you take black hole you don't have to spam that you would just throw that on Elites so that would be even less buttons to press so if you're a person that likes to choose a build based upon you know how many buttons do you have to mash all the time that this is like the best there's no build in the game where you press less buttons and still win okay this guy is in my way I don't like that it's just been a really bad MAP but it doesn't matter I'm still gonna do fine here and by the way I want you to watch how fast the boss dies watch how good this build is on the boss okay it's going to be funny okay vaselius I'm throwing the meteors by the way my Arcane power is always full okay look uh gone that is the towerasha meteor wizard probably pound for pound the best build in the game My gems are level 65 and 78 I don't even have 10K int on this wizard your wizard not only will be way better than mine but you'll have the full altar which is a minimum of 10 gr tiers maybe like closer to 15 gr tiers of damage when you count everything and uh I promise you if you make this build as we have outlined it and there will be the Maxwell guide as well you're just going to destroy season 28 it's just a guarantee hope you like this build guys and many more videos are coming thanks for all the subs that have been coming in lately thank you
Channel: Raxxanterax
Views: 379,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 3, diablo, d3, rax, raxx, raxxanterax, guide, walkthrough, greater rift, rift, gr, diablo 4, monk, dh, demon hunter, wiz, wizard, wd, witch doctor, barb, barbarian, sader, crusader, necro, necromancer, blizzard, blizz, streamer, stream, youtube, diablo guide, diablo walkthrough, d4, druid, amazon, zon, sorceress, sorc, sorcerer, paladin, pally, challenge, challenge rift, EU, NA, Diablo 2 Resurrected, D2R, Echoing Nightmare, Orek's Dream, Season 27, Season 28, Maxroll
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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