How to Crush Echoing Nightmares Every Time (Insane XP + Augments)

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hi everyone it's rax bringing you a video that i think will really really help you guys this is how to crush echoing nightmares every single time my team and i have plugged a lot of them you can share echoing nightmare keys between four players so i have fully cleared level 150 quite a few times as you can see and by the way it's actually way more than this because i already fully logged a character so i'm going to show you a strategy that is so easy to use and you do not need a good character really at all to finish it all right let me show you how this works and how i would put this together so first of all before we get into the build of how you do it let's understand how the echoing nightmare itself works so you do greater rifts and when you kill a rift guardian you have a chance to get a petrified screen right right here and they're pretty rare to drop which is kind of unfortunate so when you get a couple of them you can put one in the queue and transmute it and it's going to open a portal right and i haven't tried the strategy on solo but i'm going to try it and see if i can 150 with this monk who is kind of a baby as i'll show you in a second when the echoing nightmare spawns there are a couple of mechanics that it has first of all the goal of an echoing nightmare is to clear above 150 so actually level 150 and then to immediately lose the second it hits 150 stop you just want to stand there and die obviously not in hardcore or you want to get overwhelmed to stop stop attacking let the monster spawn and just lose so this strategy is how do we get to 150 as fast as possible and then lose one second after and that's exactly what we've fine-tuned this to do now when you're doing the echoing nightmare there is a top priority that you want to kill and they are the little twisty turny machines and these machines usually not always but usually spawn on the edges of the map and they start sending forward these exploding lunatics the reason why you want to kill them instantly is because when you kill them they're not spawning the lunatics it's not the the lunatics are necessarily the problem it's the total mob count in your echoing nightmare is low when the game sees that your mob count is low it increases your wave level very quickly this is what's going to allow you to get all the way to the end there are four pylons you always get the same ones all of them except shield speed channeling power conduit there's a very specific strategy that you can use to either get to 150 or get super high without too much trouble so there is only one program that we can use to see this strategy in action that's sophisticated enough paint and this is probably going to go into a museum when i'm done because i'm such a godly artist as you're about to see just kidding all right so you get into the echoing nightmare and it kind of looks like a baseball diamond right or kind of like a square something like this okay there's different terrain in the middle it doesn't matter it's the same thing so let's say up here we got the speed pylon speed say over here is kandy just spell it out correctly instead of using nicknames let's say we have power here and let's say we have channeling channeling is so many letters why ch chat channeling just made up a new word channeling all right the first thing you want to do is play normally just play the game to wave a hundred okay wave 100. and if you can't quite get to 100 if this strategy doesn't work perfectly for you then lower it a little bit if you can only get to 90 or 80 without using a pylon then do it but the first goal is to get to 100 and what you'll do with this build is just move around and just kill monsters and you're looking for machines all right so the machines are kind of a grayish color let's use a little bit of a lighter color they can't spawn in the middle but usually they spawn on the edge and they have this like twisty turny twisty tiny look and here's how i find them so easily when i'm moving around the map i'll see a molten explosion i'll see a molten explosion from a fallen lunatic let's say boom that's a molten explosion right then i'm trying to find where the next one is i'm looking for like a path of them so maybe i see one here and then maybe i see one here when i see this pattern right here of molten explosions i am almost certain that thing that's spawning them is somewhere over here go right up to it and kill it this is always the top priority besides that there are a lot of bosses that spawn there's rift guardians and there's i don't care what they're called they're called like the aspects or something the big rift guardians like the normal ones veracity all them i wouldn't really worry about killing them we want to reduce the mob count we want the mob count to be low so the counter keeps going up the next step after you take so when you get to 100 you want to take what i like to call all three all three at one hundred now reacts what the hell does all three mean it there's four all three means everything except comedy all three of them power channeling speed now you should be very very strong for the next minute or so and you're just going to be plowing the monsters in the middle okay just start plowing them this will hopefully take you to wave 120. you got three pylons now you should be quite strong again target the machines first and keep blasting and then at 120 you take gandhi that's it it should take you all the way to level 150 that's the entire strategy play normally to 100 targeting the machines first always take all three all of them except conduit and then 120 take condi again if you're weaker do it at 90 and 110 and then maybe you'll get like uh i don't know 145. remember if you kill the big aspect guys they spawn a huge circle and can like one shot the whole room which is can be extremely helpful that's the entire strategy now for the build i use enos obviously everybody's playing this build you can go echoing fury and in geom by the way i have a primal i have a primal echoing theory somewhere um so it's the normal enable just put on five pieces of the ena set should be familiar with that if not just check out my channel on an ina guide ring of royal grandeur to complete it and the main thing here that we want to do is survive we want to survive because the kandy is what's going to take us to level 150 not really our own power our own power only has to get us to 120. so i take spirit guards in the cube with the februas when we cycle and strike we get damage reduction when we punch we get damage reduction we're going to stay alive obviously bindings to do more damage grew to his boots to do more damage again this character i just threw him together i didn't start on monk i started on necro and my character doesn't have one aug not one and very very basic gear very very very basic gear in the cube i go flying dragon for more damage we go focus and restraint for more damage as well to get to 120 flavor of time is required you have to use this if you're doing solo you should be using a follower as well they can take the flavor of time for you and that's fine but i've been doing it in groups so i've just been wearing the flavor of time now in four player this works like the dream and you should be doing this in four player anyway because they give you uh they give you the excuse me you can share the petrified screams only one person has to plug them so you shouldn't do this solo and i haven't tried it solo but just for you guys we're going to do it on the fly first time and see if the strategy works okay and uh for the skills of course here are the skills where the hundred fists is just your generator or proc your focus and your restraint and your um spirit guards cyclone strike is required to put the diva for the bindings of the lesser gods you go epiphany desert shroud for damage mystic reduction water ally is our attack dashing strike quicksilver to move away from all the dangerous stuff serenity ascension seize beacon near death and you can either go relentless or for damage excuse me i'm losing my voice i've streamed so many hours lately guardian's path is super godly for surviving all right and that is what we're going to be doing here so here we go let's plug the echoing nightmare and let's put the strategy into action notice how i'm going to target the machines first let's see where our pylons are so there's candy there's channeling there's power there's speed this is a super super basic monk okay you can make this monk easily i don't have a single augment on this monk did i even put in my paragon points yes i've been putting i won't even use all my paragon points look you see you see the trail you see how i followed the trail back and killed that little machine there easy just be mobile and just move around here there's a machine right there look i killed it before it could summon one uh monster sorry that i'm losing my voice guys excuse me maybe i'll just stop just stop talking i've streamed for uh 43 of the last 49 hours been crazy here's a machine see how you follow the explosions back just trying to get to 100. and when you get to 100 when you get to 100 if you're having absolutely no problem then by all means you can go a bit further that may help you you can go a bit further than 100. look follow the follow the explosions back there's the machine the machine dies first top priority every time don't mind me guys i'm just dying there's perendi i don't really target the rift guardians very much again remember the name of the game is a low mob count a low mob count see the explosions follow them back follow them back there's the machine it's dead keep moving around keep moving around be mobile okay there goes perendi okay so here's a hundred here come the meteors i think they start spawning around now now we could click every single pylon except kandi but just since this is the first time i've tried it since i'm having no problem surviving let's uh let's just go a little bit longer just to make it easier all right now let's grab it all power that's a machine that must die machines must die because we need the mob count low lagging a bit here lagging a lot actually may die to lag that's okay look for the machines guys look for the machines where are the machines at it's what i'm most concerned with where are the machines at okay there's 120 beautiful let's take the candy see the machine right there gone okay we killed the big boss do you see the big circle right there it would kill everything target the machines first look how the kandy just does everything for you it's uh pretty amazing just be stay mobile stay mobile keep moving keep up your spirit guards keep up your spirit guards keep up your the fabrics look we got a bandit shrine okay so this is a bit tougher in solo got the big thingy boom okay keep stay mobile stay mobile and bandit shrines can spawn here in our okay where is the machine back in the corner see see how i followed the explosions back okay 148. one two on first try two off of the max right so maybe we delay the condi a little bit there you go it even works in solo i've never even tried that boom massive massive xp and uh this is more xp than our rats we uh we got some significant significant paragons by doing this look at how easy that was and this is a very very non-ancient non-ancient non-ancient non-ancient this flavor of time sucks non-ancient non-ancient non-ancient non-ancient ancient but it's it's only 183 and just i the only thing i have are two ancient weapons and i just did a 148. all i did was move around and target the machines first and do the all three around 100 you can go a little bit higher that would make it a little bit easier then grab the kandy when you're getting overwhelmed i would delay it a little bit longer next time and i would hit 150. i only missed 150 by a few seconds okay you don't need a good character to do this the reason why the monk is so good for this is because you can stack lefebras plus desert shroud plus the serenity ascension for the immortality plus the spirit guards they have so much damage reduction and it's very easy for them to survive and all you got to do is stand there with the conduit all right that's how to crush echoing nightmares in four player with your buddies not only can you share keys it's even easier than that we are getting a 150 every time and not even trying just essentially afk hope that this video helps you hope you guys have an amazing time with the new seasonal things stop by the live stream if you have any questions and starting tomorrow i'm going to be playing with you guys so if you guys have any keys and you want me to play with you i'm ready here i am my monk is ready and today i'm going to actually pay attention to my monk and get much better gear and og him so my mug my monk is going to be dominating ggs guys [Music]
Channel: Raxxanterax
Views: 305,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 3, diablo, d3, rax, raxx, raxxanterax, guide, walkthrough, greater rift, rift, gr, diablo 4, diablo immortal, monk, dh, demon hunter, wiz, wizard, wd, witch doctor, barb, barbarian, sader, crusader, necro, necromancer, blizzard, blizz, streamer, stream, youtube, diablo guide, diablo walkthrough, d4, druid, amazon, zon, sorceress, sorc, sorcerer, paladin, pally, challenge, challenge rift, EU, NA, Diablo 2 Resurrected, D2R, Diablo Immortal, DI, Season 26, Echoing Nightmare, Orek's Dream
Id: 4GXuPfsYjZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 18 2022
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