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what's up youtube mr lomasi here and welcome back to the hell hardcore smiter guided play through um so once again this is going to be showing a little bit more of the defensive side of things we're gonna be playing through uh now there are there is a small issue that we've run into and that is i actually think i beat act one on nightmare like a couple weeks ago but i was having like internet struggles with it all and whatnot so we'll just kind of like go through all of it again get some levels and it's fine and i'll show you guys some more of the stuff and whatnot um and then we can also of course talk about uh once again some of the shields and some of the things that you're gonna want and stuff along the way but uh yeah this is part nightmare so hopefully you guys had some fun in normal so let's go ahead and start in here and just talk a little bit about what what we have where we're at because it's been a little bit uh maybe on youtube you just came from the video but for us on twitch it's been a couple weeks since we since we didn't made this character and was kind of starting along the way so first off we are not going max block fully yet um this is something that we will be going into very soon um and you can kind of make the start to go towards max block whenever you want honestly but i always like to wait until i get you know a few points going in holy shield like we have now so around now is the time that i would recommend it i'm level 34. um additionally we are just maxing out our holy shield now that we have our smite here um and so we're just maxing this whole shield just getting the damage up getting the duration up getting the successful block chance up right all just very nice and then of course we do have fanaticism as well which has a nice boost to damage and attack speed right there so that's kind of the spot that we are boosting our smite this is that base damage that's really good um we're gonna boost this bad boy up and then we'll be boosting over to fanaticism um right there so kind of one two and three uh gear wise i have a steel on this gives me that 25 ias which is really nice and chance of open wounds so we'll use that for a bit um i have a lore helm i got this from the night nightmare countess once again we'll run a few more of those runs um this isn't crazy important yes it's plus one doll skills but plus the skills isn't as important on this character but it's still nice to have and for right now it's totally fine if you find that ort soul you can do it otherwise especially in hardcore getting a helmet that can get three open sockets and just shoving like three runes into it with good resistance also not bad i'm just using magic find right now um i made this rhyme shield this is the most important thing that you want to find from the countess getting that shell rune so you can get cannot be frozen um i don't have any good two open socket paladin shields so i just made it into spike shield for that damage right there but if you can make this later in a nicer shield that is going to be the way to go i have my stealth still obviously there's still better armors that you can find for this um it's still nice because it does give you the ability for like teleporting right i have this teleport staff on the offhand so it still gives the fcr for those sorts of things but you know getting a twitch throw or something like that getting a durian shell obviously or a spirit shroud or whatever all of those things are really nice um i have blood fist probably one of the best gloves that we're gonna have here for a while sanders are also really nice um we have angelic's ring get us a little bit of life we have the hisaris belt get us some life in coldress fires ring and then just some boots with a little bit of cold resonate recovery honestly these boots could be replaced and once you're in nightmare you can totally go and just go to shop for replacements on these things so i probably won't replace the blood fist but just for boot purposes because six cold reds is very minimal there that's not really going to be a lot so what i can do is just keep resetting and this is just kind of a fast way to reset you just x out enter that and then you can either press enter or you can double click whichever you like and then n is the key for nightmare and r is the key for our normal obviously and there you can see like within a couple runs we already found some 20 fast runway boots and there's even better um better boots to get along the way right you can get some like oh 30 fast run walks there's some 20 mf 30 fast run knocks with you know 30 fire res like there's some really nice boots that you can snag uh just doing a little bit of shopping so boots and gloves are very good um very good things to kind of shop for right like here you can get uh you know mf on gloves you can get ias on the gloves you can get whatever stuff additionally you can also get big life on armors so for some reason you were tired of uh the armor you had there you could go ahead and look for something nicer right get some like big life on that and later on i will definitely go to 60 strength and probably try and get a um belt with uh like 100 life like a plated belt with 100 life it's really not that hard to get you can just get that later but for now i am just gonna do a little bit of this i have these twenty faster unlocks so it's really not a big deal i'm just seeing if i can get like 30 fast run walks or 20 or 30s with nice resistances yes all of this will be on the tube so do not worry and all right whatever we got what we need let's go ahead and repair and we can move out thank you dube we'll just go to the black marsh and uh just look around for the tower really and once again uh with your mercenary if you want to uh glitch him intercloister is really going to be the best place to do that so obviously you can't get that right at the start it's it's a little tough uh so that's why i'm always at the start of all that you just want to be a little careful with your mercenary just watch him some feed him a health potion if he's ever getting low um you know all that stuff right make it make a little nice and easy also i like picking up diamonds because you can shove diamonds in the shield later on assuming that you get um something decent right you get cannot be frozen somewhere because once again cannot be frozen is just kind of one of those things that you're just gonna need you just you just need it otherwise you're just not gonna have a fun time plain and simple just uh it's just rough and thank you smim for the five gifted sucks wow thank you so much okay so we just heal our dude up and i mean you know we're pretty we're pretty strong here right this is this is pretty easy mode uh for us looks like there's nothing over here so we'll go ahead and [Music] go back this way good day oh maybe i didn't kill in daryl okay i just got to the jail and then it all cut out remember make sure that you always have um some rejuve potions especially on hardcore on softcore yeah you know at this point maybe i would maybe i wouldn't on hardcore though like you really just have no reason to not always have rejuve potions on your belt um because you just never know what sort of weird situations you're just gonna come into and you're like ah great you know and there you can see like the cold enchant not an issue for me thank you love and honor right whereas normally it'd be very annoying okay so we go here and we'll just keep boosting holy shield you might ask why not boost fanaticism and i mean fanaticism is nice you're gonna get a little ias boost which is solid you're gonna get a damage boost which is nice but the thing about it um is this is boosting your base damage so this is what multipliers go on top of right this is like the damage you get from a grief right um it's very very very good to get the the base damage boost because then after all the multipliers the damage ends up being a lot higher so you know right now we want to get that damage boosted up as high as we can and so we're gonna do that um you know right here by boosting holy shield plus you also get a little bit better chance for blocking and all of that stuff which will come in handy here soon uh like i said we will be um moving into that at some point here so if i wanted more resistances i could totally have this right this gives us 40 cold res which would be very nice but i would be dropping a line in my belt and personally i prefer to have my belt um like just have a little bit more space in my belt so i'm not going to be using that but you know it's good to to know your options and and look around right and see like what do you want to do oh no mercenary and once again that's the stuff with the mercenary he's just gonna have a little bit of difficulty now stuff to look for the big thing we'd love to look for is a paladin shield right that's that's the main thing that i really want to find i want to find a paladin shield with some sockets two sockets uh to be more specific about it and here you can see okay my blog chance is 20 and now it's 27. so like it doesn't take a lot of points in dexterity to really get up to full block at level 35 here so i can dump the next few levels into dexterity and actually get my block up to 50 percent whatever it is pretty easily right plus seven percent is huge and that just goes to show the stupidness uh you could say of smite or of holy shield i should say and how good holy shield is and why like even if you're not a smite or whatever it is you just as a paladin you pretty much always just get holy shield because it's just so good i mean it's just so easy to get that block up um which is just crazy so once again if we want to fight in a little more narrow passages we can always just be careful of dual enchants and fire enchants that's gonna be your main focus um something that is like lightning fire enchanted your best bet is to probably avoid it in nightmare because of the way that the game is a little bit bugged so their damage is going to be insanely high and you will not have a good time whatsoever that is a mr lama guarantee there's a little fire res on an amulet right there um i'm feeling pretty fine right now so i'm not gonna worry crazy about all of that uh what do we have here spine ripper okay we'll go ahead and put that on the ground so i'm not gonna be crazy about it but you know still good to have always make sure that you're just continuing to rebuff um and making sure that your holy shield is up because there's nothing worse than being in a situation and your holy shield goes down when you did not expect it there you go that's a fire colon chant and you know we could fight it but we also could just not fight it and you're gonna get that cold explosion right the frost nova explosion on death and uh you just got to kind of make the decision at that point that like you know i don't i don't need to deal with that i that's they're going to kill my mercenary pretty much guaranteed because their damage is going to be hot there's gonna be an explosion on death um and it's gonna be a lot of damage and i have 12 and 18 resistances i'm gonna lose half my life from that frost nova an explosion probably i'm just not here for that so here this guy's just lightning enchanted you know that's fine single single chance are totally fine it's just when you get to the doubles that things start to get pretty hairy also when you are going down here all right here's a fire enchant but it's just fire enchant by itself still not the greatest still gonna explode for a little damage ooh a co-roon we can save that to work towards a sanctuary maybe in the future coco mal um not sure how how much else i really would be using it for on this character but it's always good to have in your pocket you never know what you're gonna get from your fortress the very least it's a good rune and we always have our teleport staff as well to get over some spots we don't care to fight uh love and honor thank you for this up and you can see that i'm level 35 now so my experience is going to start slowing down a little bit in the tower um this is you know you generally want to be moving out of the tower around like 33 i'd say you know something like that 33 34 but if you have to spend a little more time in there to get that shell room do it 100 if you want to increase the players count a little bit just remember to unset it by the time the countess comes around because you don't want to fight the countess at a high player's count because she drops less rooms but uh other than that oh god man they're doing so much damage to our mercenary oh she's fire cold enchanted all right we got to be careful mercenary you probably gonna die all right we gotta be careful okay just got to be careful on those situations another flawless diamond gladly take it now i have three flawless diamonds right so should i morph them into a perfect diamond no of course not no we're gonna gem shrine those bad boys and get three perfect diamonds out of it that's what we're gonna do see now you're thinking like a winner good job chat all right we'll put the koa and the rao rune and i've got this ancient pledge just a little bit which is nice so yeah we can do that later and once again that is assuming that we get um cannot be frozen somewhere else in the event that we don't we just leave it alone in the event that we do we can go to the stony field and just farm shrines you just run around look at the shrines and whenever you have a gem shrine you put the flawless diamond in your inventory make sure you have nothing else there and then you're good to go so easy as that let me hold up you're right i do have that let me get the piece up so it'll show my stats i think if that was in that spot there we go perfect yes now you can see my stats yeah sometimes it takes a little bit to find a couple gem shrines sometimes they're they're faster you know but either way it's faster than going and finding nine flawless diamonds i promise you so the gem trine farming is uh is very nice this is no place for a warrior to die anyways let's get our mercenary again come on assab you got this buddy what gear is he rocking nice okay all right he shouldn't yeah he should be okay okay so we're really gonna once again focus on trying to kill you know more bosses and minions and things like that um we got to be careful with these guys they can be kind of annoying the bug i was talking about is a uh fire enchanted and nightmare just does way too much damage they they forgot to change the value when they updated the game um basically they increased the the hp of monsters in 1.10 right there was a big increase to hp and they adjusted the amount of damage fire enchant does based on the hp down to match it in hell but they did not adjust it in nightmare they forgot to change the value and so now nightmare monsters can literally like one shot you uh sometimes with their fire enchant damage and it's just yeah so that's the first one now the second bug is that there's actually kind of like multiple pieces but essentially when you have a dual stack of enchants the damage like stacks in this like insane way and so the monsters end up doing crazy damage and it really gets dangerous with lightning enchanted because of the like so like let's say you have lightning enchanted mixed with um fire enchanted every time that you put the hit the monster into hit recovery it will release bolts that will do the fire enchant explosions at the bolts it's something insane like that um it's it's just like it's bad um to say the least it's very bad so yeah and and so when you get to monsters especially when you get to a monster though with the fire enchant bug that's like lister or something right very high hb um right yeah and with smite it's always faster hit recovery so every faster hit recovery every time you hit a monster with smite that is lightning fire enchant whatever it is you're going to get the explosion on you and it's just literally like the worst thing ever your character will die but yeah lister will blow up your character in a single shot now why did i just lock my mercenary over there once again we talked about this in part normal of this run that is the mercenary bug my mercenary now does not get targeted you can see these guys will run around him but they will not attack him so he kind of becomes invisible to monsters that is the best place to do it is in the inner cloister it's guaranteed whereas other places and not always guaranteed hit or miss sometimes okay we'll stun a couple dudes up and go smack a boss down if you want to pick up a gothic plate and see if it's a little better for your mercenary and things like that you totally can the biggest thing i'd be looking for right now for my mercenary is a better weapon he's just using a chill pike uh so if i can find a nice weapon for him that'll be my thing i'll be looking for and we have tons of potions and can get plenty more potions so if you're ever like starting to lose a little life feel free to don't you know don't play it close just like have a potion kind of rolling and you know this is hardcore like you want to be very careful with your characters plenty of potions to be gotten there you go exactly worn i mean it's just i mean beetles are the worst yeah with it but it's just uh awful okay so once again easier if you bash them up into something that always ends up being better lock them against a wall pretty simple having a jewel or two can also be nice because it can be a nice way to uh craft something right so like let's say later on we want to craft ourselves some blood gloves right okay we just pop that jewel in we're all good additionally hey maybe it's 15 ias or something we get something decent out of the jewel right okay we level up so once again we're at 26 block now we're at 32 block right i mean just a couple levels and you you already boosted a decent amount and now still 32 didn't get didn't gain one from there but we'll get another percent on the next level so yeah we put that point into holy shield and we put those points into dexterity nice and simple and we'll come here and grab this waypoint and then we'll go over here and why are we getting the waypoint because nightmare and dario is nice she's got a decent drop table not crazy and not crazy but decent and we like that additionally we also have a strength that we've made over here with crushing blow so that's very good for bosses right so that's one more rune you want to find right what did you want to get out of countess shell roon and amaran are really your team just thinking 14 hours ago i was making barbecue and traditional brown gravy for the restaurants how many eight of each so 16 of them 40 pound buckets i had to constantly stir and carry around but at least don't have to work that hard for that long smiley face quick black gave her story what just stirred gravy all day all right well anyways let's kill some ghouls let's kill some ghouls and you can see this is also not like crazy dangerous and stuff so once again if you want to increase the player count a little bit go ahead you know it's not a terrible idea you can just run around here uh kill a bunch of ghouls kill some tainted kill some whatevers and great place to just you know level up some this is always i mean the game is never a race but when you get to hardcore especially the game becomes less and less um you know gotta gotta get to the end gotta rush and beat this and uh you know you're you're just kind of leveling right just leveling getting cool gear and this is where you can do things like farm and dario and just have a lot of fun you know doing that stuff remember that you have a nice stun timer as well so resetting the stun timer on a monster is never a bad idea if you're getting hit a lot i can just like hit that guy then hit that guy then focus this guy and now they're all stunned so it's like not bad at all you know and you will see that the vampire uh is focusing down my guy and that's because he's a range so ranged monsters like mages and things will uh attack your um your guy but melees will ignore him completely [Music] and should have a boss somewhere here there it is careful lightning enchanted cursed so what are things that we really want to look at making sure we're doing one of the big things is we always want to make sure that we're making keeping our resistances high enough right so here 12 18 32 is a little low um you know i i feel a little bit safer with my play but getting some resistance charms getting resistance on your gloves finding rings and amulets with good resistance all that stuff is very nice to do and will will help you out a lot also i'm cursed right now so you know before i fight and dial i want to make sure that that curse is off just for the sake of safety there we go gotta be a little careful cool is hitting for a little bit of damage extra strong yep you can definitely tell when monsters are extra strong when like one or two minions hit you i'll keep those guys locked up and there we go easy as that now you can shut this door if you want i do want my mercenary to come through though so i'll wait on that i don't really want to deal with all the dudes respawning and everything and now i'll just go ahead and make a swap right here um just for the sake of swapping so i can have a little crushing bloat which helps out for andario now your mercenary has a good chance of dying to indaria if she does any sort of spray or something on him and this is also where rejuves are very handy just just always watch your health very quickly this is the ideal setup you want a double teamer where you're coming from the front and then your mercenary is just jabbing in from behind that tends to be the best um best method and there you go fine congratulations properly first boil water while the water is boiling now do we leave the game immediately no we do not we do not right we go back to town we talk to warrev and we go to act two now now we have a bugged in dario which means we can kill in dario over and over again and she'll drop us nice things we like that that is nice to elemental skills hate to see it um let's get rid of an ethereum sure i do like the nadir a gift for you 44 months of 44 llamas of 44 double teams of 44 restraining orders of 44 chipotle burritos in the past 44 days and i'll go ahead and put my open wounds back up don't forget that in hardcore you have to run in a circle around her portal before going to town or the bug won't work that's not true don't listen to them chat so now if you want to leave the game you totally could and dario is bugged and when i say she's bugged it means she drops better drops right her quest drop so now what do you do you would go here this is an example of how you can do this great place to get a couple levels and all of that stuff we don't need giant stories black gave her and then we go down and let's go ahead and do players three because players three in dario is going to have uh a higher quantity of drops i can also just jump over here and let's put our crushing blow back on thanks app so once again what's the ideal setup llama in the front the saab in the back that's the way we do it around here and you can see all right she's kind of doing a little bit of damage we do got to be careful [Applause] thank you lori and there you go right and so now she's dropping good good and how do you know that she's dropping the good good and not just some lame stuff well if she drops gold you did not bug her correctly your character can no longer farm her uh there for her quest drops if she does not drop gold then you're good to go simple as that let's see what weapons we got here uh all right we got the rakes car which has the ias which is nice yeah but other than that yeah and those things so just some gold really we can look at some boots see what we get nothing crazy you can also find some like 20 is gloves here if you'd like that can be nice and then if you really want to do some boot shopping this is my favorite place to boot shop also you can get really nice belts so like this 46 life and 10 light res is better than 20 life and 20 caldras so we've already found an improved belt right and you can find lots of those sorts of things but killing and dario is a great place to farm a few hours ago i received an email following instructions please copy and paste this message and donate 100 bits at precisely 8 20 pm central okay in order to sync up the live chat with the pre-recorded video that's not anyways um you can also let's go back to players one it's not pre-recorded you can also just shop a lot of magic find gear uh you can put topaz in an armor put topaz and a helmet stuff and you can have a couple hundred um magic find you know pretty easily with just random topaz and some random garbage gear and that's gonna help a lot if you're doing a lot of uh farming right there so good day exclamation mark gear to see all of my gear all right we might just stick with this belt hello we'll see here pretty soon good day oh there we go what did i say what did i say you guys sometimes you can get 30 faster runway i think i said 30 fires but this is the stuff that you can get from a little shopping and these are end game boots i mean that's better than a hisaris boot that's bet like i mean it's amazing so all right i probably don't need that my cold res is a little bit low um i might just trash this ancients pledge to be honest i mean it is nice let's get rid of that okay we'll hold on to this for now a little shopping you mean 20 years worth of shopping those are the best chopped boots ever those are very nice shopped boots i mean they're perfect they're not 40 40s but i can't shop 40s yet so it's literally perfect perfect 30 40s is uh the greatest that i can get right now okay so now what do we do we go back and we just glitch our mercenary come back here now we are in a dangerous spot because we are in act two and you know what else is in act two beetles and you know what's very dangerous to a smiter fire enchanted beetles so you need to be very very careful when fighting that you do not go ham on some fire enchant beetles and start whacking away we've all been there and then you're dead before you know it so be very careful of the beetles that you hit they can be uh life ending but other than that you know i mean obviously you always want to watch out for dual enchants and stuff but you know should be asked bad and you can tell we're slower right now and i don't have my steel on but great experience you know there's i love farming and act too honestly um with the exception of getting some dual enchant beetles there's just so many bosses out here that are really not bad you know so like saber cats and birds and spear cats like okay whatever i'll fight those guys um so they're really not that uh not that painful and decent experience as well when's wrap numero trace i've got a couple things uh in the works right now obviously i've got the main rap number three um but i've also got some other things that i'm kind of looking at uh you know popping out maybe a little stuff on the side that's a little more chill so okay regular beetles we're good always look for the minion text under the name if that's it you need to be careful what that boss is because remember those those properties will apply to the minions as well also i don't really care to spend all my time running around in these uh in the maggot lair even though sure it's fine i mean the smiter's actually decent in the magnet layer because it is kind of a single target and it's kind of smashing down a narrow hall um but you know just for the sake of time purposes we're pretty safe we can teleport around you know what would be amazing a meme rap where your lyrics are entirely comprised of chat names that sounds bad i i don't like it just i o doll spamming over and over again i'm pretty sure okay we'll just kill a couple dudes here we have a boss group right here it's kind of slow and annoying to go after but you know a little bit of experience never hurt nobody especially on hardcore once again there's a lot of minions there's a second group over to the right as well okay okay so we'll recast and now we're up to 38 so we gained another six percent in our block chance right there uh this group is uh manor burn that's annoying but experiences experience okay so i'll grab the staff and travel back home easy peasy welcome to my show i'm not sure what just took so much gold to repair did i have charges on something oh teleport charges that's right that's right i was like wait what okay so then of course we go back to the far oasis and mana burn spectral hit which means we can fight them without worry besides just mana burn worries but yeah i'll always be aware of what your resistances are and i'll actually teach you guys why cold resist is the resistance that you need to care about the least okay magic resist extra fast beetle burst so we're fine there we'll we'll get to that in a in a quick second here because you always want to be aware what is my good resist what is my bad resist right now what do i need to be careful of like right now i need to be careful of cold resistance thank you panda right i need to be careful of frost novas and things like that actually stepping out of lurking to show off my founder badge before going back into the abyss of just watching that sounds right hey fury how's it going but remember how we have thawing potions every 30 seconds per potion you get 50 cold res so one minute two two minutes three minutes four minutes five minutes six six and a half minutes right now we have 12 minutes now we have 18 minutes and as long as i don't leave this game i now have 48 cold reds for the next 18 minutes so okay you know like the duration stacks yes so it's a nice way to just juice a little bit exactly and juicing never hurt nobody in diablo 2. clarify that really fast there's some more fire res if we wanted it our fires is looking pretty good right now got some more minions a little bit of damage and there we can see cold enchant light enchant once again you can tell pretty quickly when you start hitting a monster that is dual enchanted so you always have to keep an eye on your life and if it starts going down like that when you're attacking a boss stop just don't do it we also have champion beetles up there which are fabulous experience so we will definitely partake also we don't have to worry about any of the crazy stuff of you know the multi enchants and stuff because but very yummy experience here so we like it and we'll just get the rest of them up here and you might have to heal your mercenary up because even though nobody's attacking him of course he's taking damage from all the lightning bolts that are raining down so thanks okay and we'll go down this way and go to the lost city where once again you can get a couple boss groups that really aren't that bad you know especially if you bring him into a tight hole now i'm just fighting a couple at a time yeah i'm cursed so i got to be a little careful because of that but otherwise really not that bad plus this helps with just beating against the walls rather than getting the like knock back over and over and over and over again that you know we're all familiar with 15 mf does us no good we'll get off the curse by picking up a random shrine always a good idea and we'll stun a couple zombies because why not we're here to have a little fun okay let's see what we got here we don't have an exit right there we do have some more zombies extra fast it looks like let's recast make sure we're good on all that i don't know where a saab is i'm kind of curious there he is come on buddy come fight with me these guys are definitely extra strong though you can feel the the pain they deliver so we'll just kind of try and make sure that they stay stunned a little bit kill the boss go from there all simple right so far uh nothing too complicated nothing too crazy we're just playing simple diablo two i see man i pound them i move on to the next one right it's kind of like a life motto be like mr lomasi that's right then you too can get no dates while playing video games okay and so move on now snakes can be a little aggressive and a little bit annoying because of it but we can lock him up pretty well so it's not crazy awful let's see if it's right here it is not always be careful teleporting around i do it because i feel safer doing it um but you know when you teleport blind to the areas like that it can get dicey here do any items except bone hue have corpse explosion charges i find it very useful in my whirlwind barbarian black ruin word has corpse explosion charges and it's fantastic okay we got lightning enchant right here and this is a spot like i say i'm gonna pop rejuve i'm not gonna play around down here you've got lightning enchant you've got some nasty uh dudes that are just gonna be coming at you really quick so you gotta you gotta take care of yourself and there you go the light can never be extinguished that was easy enough okay and go there and uh we can go ahead and make a couple more full rejuve's here just good for storing up for later so let's see do we want this shield still [Music] nah we can make a better shield later so let's free up some space for ourselves all right arcane time [Applause] welcome to llamas of the round appreciate that yeah allergies allergy time for sure and when you're in these areas you know once again you don't have to always fight every single monster that's kind of the beauty of d2 you get to pick and choose do i want to fight against all these archer packs right here ah you know what i'm okay i'm gonna pass like simple as that this surely is the product of a twisted line let's go up this way i'm gonna kill these guys just because i want to level up really fast cool okay and now we're at 44 block chance so in a matter of very little time we have boosted up our block chance uh a ton which is great now nightmare arcane i usually don't end up killing that much if you want to feel free um for me i usually just wait okay that's not gonna let us in let's just go this way but generally i feel like there's just not enough uh like good monster boss groups and stuff to fight in the arcane you run into maybe one or something and maybe you kill that but a lot of times it's just a run and telly sort of place for me and i like to run and then teleport here because it's a lot cheaper um if you're just gonna mass teleport it ends up getting a lot more expensive because you're gonna burn a lot more charges right so when i get to hell and stuff i usually just mass teleport or you know you can go slower but you are going to have wraiths um being physical immune in hell so one of the few areas not really good for melee characters but one of the nice things about teleporting down here is certain monsters are too slow essentially to hit you out of your come on man um they're too slow to hit you out of your uh like teleport so if you just teleport the whole time then they aren't gonna catch you ridiculous okay now you don't have to kill summoner we'll go ahead and just do it for a little fun um our mercenary is also not glitched anymore because we did exit the game at that last one so let's go ahead and glitch him again every time and my cold is reset this is true not a big deal it's 25 gold a potion and that's like 14 minutes i think so pretty easy all right so now we go to the double down arrows and once again these are always going to be in the same spots so it goes circle moon like under under moon square sun is in the middle double down arrow triangle then circle over moon that's your left to right okay we can see we have in here we do have beetles we need to be a little careful with that let's go ahead and get our staff out as well this is not my favorite monster pairing in here and not a great time to run out of teleport charges but we do have champion beetles over there so let's go ahead and go back we can either repair with gold or we can use a chip gem plus what's that chat that's right in ort rune and we can use that for a full repair of the staff if we want to do that i'll keep the or run for now i'll just use the gold but let's go ahead and come in here and just smack some dudes remember take out the big guys first otherwise it's just really not going to be a fun time and then it's just cleaning up a bunch of little dudes a couple more big dudes over there we'll go deal with them soon okay take out the unravelers cool and now we have champion beetles that we get to fight and once again that's basically because we have a little bit of magic find we have that amulet and we have rhyme shield which has a little bit of magic find as well now be careful there's a minion here you can see did you see how much damage i took that's because there's a stupid enchanted beetle in here mixed among the champions and he's cold fire enchanted i mean it's amazing it's absolutely amazing how fast they they do damage death beetle cold fire and then he has lightning bolts so this is a uh this is a guy we got a super super watch i mean that's one minion that was half my life they're absolutely disgusting this is where we let our uh mercenary handle them get a mercenary and then we run away because you should never be too proud in this game there's one thing i can really lay on you never be too proud to run away because that is exactly the hell that i said will kill you right there that is it we still have all of our thawing potion cold resistance for darial if we did not what would we do that's right chat we would just switch go go back home go get a few thawing potions so you smack dudes and you pound dudes do you smack the dudes first or pound them i smacked that's not really a first or second kind of question whatever you know just do it all together thank you red appreciate the question a little confusing but appreciate nonetheless and now big ol scary durian is nothing you know because once again we've drank our thawing potions we have 48 cold reds and we're sitting on our jubes if he ever gets some big hits off and booyaka shot just like that he's dead let's grab the rings those are very nice yeah smiders are amazing boss killers so you should not have problems with any bosses um should not have any issues hey you're that one that kill all you bring me magic banner or we attack yeah so this is nice it says 21 light res on it so we like that thank you zargot uh so that's 17 fire res we can look at our resistances i mean so far all of our res are fine we can keep that over there but it's good to have did you mess up the prediction oh my god can you die before going to act three we messed up you have two options yes or no why do i not pay you guys back the dudes then pound the dudes when do you whack off i mean whack the dudes whack the dudes come on we just whack em my goodness three points i'm sorry my mods are this is the quality i get you give your heart and soul to the mods and this is how they repay you our mercenary decided to teleport over that water interesting choice now act three is not going to be your favorite act simply because there's a lot of little dudes right we like when there's a few guys this is just a lot of tiny dudes oh god lightning enchanted gotta be careful only doing some damage but oh gucci got some spiders yeah now if you're if you're an aoe player this is all good you've really been on a roll with great content thank you appreciate that okay so we got spooder time cold enchanted cursed need to be very careful as there's a lot of guys attacking right now and we're gonna get the curse from that cold enchant explosion so we just gotta be careful there because these guys hit very hard they are extra strong thank you damon appreciate that just gotta watch slightly and we got the eye and we're good to go actually is there some crazy good damage on it consider mitre holy freeze now yeah so that's that's actually a really good point so it is now time to swap our mercenary and why might you ask well this mercenary we got a neck to normal and you actually should have swapped it right when you got to nightmare act two i wasn't really thinking about it but now you have to make one of two decisions do you want to play more aggressive with more damage and go for my dora from the mercenary in which case you would go for an offensive or do you want to play a little bit safer where you're going to get holy freeze so that you can be a little bit safer around now this is hardcore so going for the holy freeze i would say is probably the better bet um some of you might want to play with emilio here yeah you really got to make your own choice on it um you know what do you want uh there's never a case for thorns no so we'll go ahead and grab um the might aura and play aggressive for a little bit and i might switch over to defensive later i might switch over to defensive later but for now emilio right so now we get the extra boost from some from uh might as well as fanaticism so we're both kind kinda you know stepping each other's game up here which is nice and i do need to glitch him as well so that'll be something that we have to go do otherwise you can see what happens he dies very quickly hello again good day now a rune word that i love from mercenary is uh honor and i will show it over here [Applause] mroy16 gifted a tier 1 sub to honor 8888. thank you they have given 43 gift subs in the channel it's very sweet so here you can see it it is uh not a ladder only ruin words this is available to everybody ml if tier soul very easy runes to get and you just get so many good stats on it really good ed min max deadly strike ar lifesteal strength i mean it's really amazing and it's only level 27 required um so if you find a nice you know two-hander especially one that can get max five um this is this is mr lam is like recommended rune word for the mercenary they will carry very hard with this another really good one is obedience but it is ladder only this is where i could use that co-rune but once again you need to have ladder rune words enabled in order to use this you get the enchant and then you get a lot of nice bonuses from it as well so insight is also very good if you would like the mana and it just has good damage on it but this is a great like non-ladder single player one right here if you have no rune words enabled anyways going back okay stop the cursed guy before he curses us and just a lot of dudes to bash so once again like i say it's not my favorite area because there's just so many so many guys that we have to hit but you know beyond that you can get decent experience a lot a lot of decent experience like boss groups and stuff out here so it is good from that perspective now if you're curious how do i read the maps in act 3 i have a video called something like how to read act 3 maps should hopefully explain a lot and i'm just gonna kind of run a little bit i might fight some things here at some point that's three four so this should be our five which means this should take us hopefully to flare jungle let's fight with these guys first okay it looks like we have a fire enchant there but these guys aren't gonna be too much of a worry with fire enchant because they're not like crazy high life totals where you really have to worry about fire enchant is monsters with a lot of life traven coal you know lister things like that that's where it starts to really get dangerous and i'm still trying to keep my eyes out uh and look for a um paladin shield i haven't really just found any good paladin shields or seen many along the way so unfortunately not really using any of those so we have that right there for the great marsh we'll go ahead and check over here if this will take us to a flare jungle if it will not then well it looks like we only have a great marsh to go through unfortunately which seems most likely the case but you know there's a there's a chance this continues forward that actually i believe check out the death mask hey three open socket death mask perfect so that's going to be something we will definitely be looking for um in the future there already up to 48 percent um is getting three open sockets in our helm because as you can see our resistances aren't amazing right and uh and with resistances like this when you get to hell that's gonna be some pretty big negatives so we're gonna have to swap out our lore helm for something a little bit nicer so this is actually gonna take us to the flare through that weird passage it's a very rare map to get like that but super nice it's annoying a little guy in the back just murdering no mercenary so many dudes to kill all right um el roon can go away this can go in here come back this way have you all right we need a defensive it's just gonna be too annoying to deal with it in any other manner emilio you did your best unfortunately your best wasn't good enough okay greetings okay so emilio goes bye-bye and we get niraj back to the player jungle and it takes their auras a tiny bit to come online usually they have to like hit a couple monsters and stuff and then they'll like get their aura on so okay and we'll just come down here always glitch the new guy greetings greetings and perfect grab an amulet see what we can get 37 to life you know that's pretty nice i'm gonna go ahead and swap my magic find amulet off now and we'll go for that and now our holy freeze is active so that'll be very helpful for this character once again glitching the mercenary exclamation mark murse bug for those on youtube we are just making it so our mercenary does not get targeted so yeah so this is just gonna help us a lot in terms of survivability and uh even more importantly his survivability as you know he was struggling a tiny bit there so we lose about 40 damage or so i would say right now but we gain holy freeze seems good to me and remember if you're still trying to look for things that have uh gold value to them stabs are great right check it out see if it has plus skills on it that one doesn't so we'll go ahead and drop it back down but nice and that's decent there i'm gonna go ahead and throw the ort rune into the death mask see what ring we get pretty garbage but it does have 19 cold res which i need a lot of night uh cold res right now because i am pretty low on it so we'll go ahead and save it it's not great um by any means but you know it works for where we're at right now um and then we'll get rid of the diamond there [Music] and that'll be good sort of slowly improving our characters all around um abilities right just wanted to say thanks for all the entertaining content as an old school d2 player you have still taught me a lot i did not realize i tell my wife you are the d2 professor i like that the professor grab the staff to the fireball that'd be worth a little bit of gold the professor ooh superior rondich see what we get here 30 already jesus so that is very very solid for us now there's a couple of problems here the first one of course being this shield is how we get cannot be frozen and if we use our larsek quest on this it's going to get four open sockets now why is that good for open sockets is great you can make a spirit shield right you can make four perfect diamonds in a shield so then you just have giant resistance what is that uh that's gonna be 76 all res so we'd have 106 all resistances which would clear up all of our resistance problems through hell and be amazing um you wouldn't smite with a ronda's though oh it's fine you know i mean it's not amazing obviously you're gonna lose some of that damage but you're gonna gain insane res um so in hardcore like still very nice um but yes you will lose a little bit of the damage but the nice thing is smite is or you're gaining a lot of damage from holy shield right the difference between this rondich and say like in a car in rondich or something is gonna be like three points in holy shield so it's it's not the end of the world and if you can sure up all of your resistances really really good but once again i lose canopy frozen and right now i just would not be uh cool losing cannot be frozen maybe very later on you know if my reds aren't very good i'll say forget about it i you know that's fine whatever we have to give up to get these resistances i would uh do it yeah we got great boots now we can try rolling it in our cube for two open sockets but that comes with its own trickiness of we could roll one open socket on it we could roll three open sock you know you never know what you're gonna get right so we'd have a one in four chance to to get four open sockets and a one in four chance to get two open sockets and the other two pretty much a brick i mean i guess he could make an ancient pledge in it if you wanted and you'll have like 70 all res but you know that is that is the chance though if we if we really feel like we want it we can try and just roll for that i do have two flawless rubies so we can just try and roll for those on a gem shrine superior errand shield see what this one offers all res 26 jesus okay um these are these are both very good all right so i guess we should try and roll both of them what is the full recipe for rolling well it's only because i have holy shield active right this is gonna be uh 43 to 52 this is 45-54 this is 46-53 they're all basically the same thing ral-am p-ruby oh no this one's superior i can't roll it this one is also superior really two superiors bruh now it hurts a little bit all right well we've now botched our teepee that we set back there but that's okay let's go get some gold a gift for you all right well if they weren't superior i would i would roll the cube on him and see what happens oh 15 max damage nine fire is it's pretty not bad uh jewel right there um okay we have another shell let's get rid of this and this put that away thank you brute still we can use like this like i said um you don't you can't roll it but you can get the four open sockets in it later so you know there is some uh play there but i'm not gonna get two open sockets in it which sucks okay so let's go ahead and run back and go to the flare dungeon yeah deckard kane charges us gold because we didn't save him because he's he's a little angry okay there is conviction or over there be very careful with that don't be afraid to use a rejuve on your uh your buddy as well especially because we have a lot of rejuve saved up not a big deal i will actually check these demon hide gloves i know i have good demon or good gloves already with flood fists but you can find some really nice rare gloves you can find some really really good ones so we'll keep looking around and those are not bad 10 is 9 light res 23 magic find those are really not bad at all um these are going to be a little better because i get the hit recovery in the life and i like it a little bit more but 23 mf this is fantastic if you're just saving those bad boys up right you go do some mephisto runs those are the gloves to put on right there i mean basically a chansey if you ever want your mercenary to catch up to just teleport he'll come right to your side very helpful when he gets trapped in little places like this and once again like i say just a lot of little dudes it just gets uh very tedious this is not a smiders dream smiter's like one big boy aoe guys like lots of small boys so a nova source has a ball in here a smiter gets very annoyed okay but i am enjoying the holy freeze just helps with us getting hits off with them attacking us you know like we said a little more survivable ooh rare pike give that to our mercenary nice okay and another point holy shield we'll go ahead and buff that up a little bit more we also do have a respect so once again we could totally respect if we wanted um i just don't feel the crazy need to do it right now because well we're uh we're doing fine you know why would he need to go do that we're getting to our max block right now 75 is max block by the way so we're pretty close to that already we're at 54 a few more levels we'll be right there there's a boss group commander burn a little bit annoying but come here go so yeah this is a decent place for experience um so i do like it for that at the very least all resistance is three a little bit low for us rather keep my 37 to life there yeah crushing blow and open wounds work with smite so right now i'm using open wounds from steel because i get the is as well which is nice um and then i've got crushing blow on a scimitar strength that i swap over for any big bosses you know anything like that that i need to kill wonder what hollow shield looks like i hope it looks good okay be a little careful around these guys they uh gain charges right they've got frenzy so always dangerous oh yeah that's right can't charge when it it's gonna be broken would it not let let me cast a teepee either very strange it's wrong yeah it seems like uh end of the year for for d2r i mean we still haven't even seen the beta yet so you know if you're thinking it's gonna be like next month or two months from now i i would say probably not because they're still gonna do another round of testing at least one they talked about maybe multiple rounds of testing still just gonna pop a rejuve there not even play around so november december is definitely my assumption but i have i have no concrete facts on that and if i did i probably wouldn't be allowed to share them with you anyways unfortunately now nightmare lower cursed runs great thing to talk about and we'll actually do a couple of them here and and just show a little bit of why we might be interested in doing such things first let's kill these guys mark sphere get some gold cool so what is a nightmare cursed one why might we be we'd be interested in this and once again because this is hardcore and you're going to be spending a little bit more time i'm definitely going to talk a little bit more and encourage these sorts of things because they can be very good for you so the first thing is what is it well it is the first place that you can really spam to get skillers gives me something to listen thank you tainted appreciate that i'm doing that just so i can have my players set so what you do is you run around and you look for the fires okay so let me just run a little bit look for a fire it doesn't look like this is the greatest map if you really wanted to do a lot with it you could reset it here's one so you look for the fires okay now at these fires you're going to have three super chests if you want to learn more about chest i have a video on chest and a video on racks as well two great racks and chess videos on my youtube so feel free to go learn about those but essentially what you do is you go to players eight and you just click on that chest this chest having keys is very good by the way because they're gonna be locked a lot of time and this chest okay and that's it then you go and you see if you have a second fire as well you won't always have a second fire but you can have one or two fire locations and if you have a second fire you do it at that location as well and if you don't then you probably reset your map if you're going to actually do a lot of these because having multiple fires is actually very good right so then i would come back here and we would just go and do this again let's actually uh talk to michief and get a golden bird going okay so the reason i do that is because did you see how i just press entered up enter right there i didn't have to actually type it again that's because i spammed players before and i'm doing that because i don't want all the monsters out here to be players eight i just wanted the mon the chest to be players eight right and i'll go ahead and fight a couple of these dudes while i'm here hanging out gotta be a little careful because the curse i'll just kind of kite him back a little bit [Music] war sword another fire enchant the atlantean or colwin's point excuse me which is actually not a terrible sword you know good attack speed on it get some skills but we don't crazy care about skills on this character so anyways we come back here and then we just players 8 again and we push it and you can see there's a lot of things that are going to drop here right so you're going to get a lot of rares you're going to get a lot of jewels you're going to get a lot of gems and you're going to get a lot of charms and all of this combined can be very very very nice as you can run into a lot of decent stuff that's not good that's good magic fine but nothing really else then we come up here and we pop this guy as well and you can essentially just do this over and over and over right as many times as you would like you can also pop the armor stand and the weapon stand in there weapon rack if you would like and you can get a lot of um gold with it and you can get all sorts of jewels and all sorts of charms and blah blah blah blah and you can really stack your character up pretty well um with with pretty pretty simple way to do it right very little very low risk and you can get a lot of stuff so you toggle the player setting just before you push the chest that is the only only thing before you pop a chest you just turn it to players eight other than that you good and like i say just make sure you have like a stack of keys or two because those are gonna get locked so resetting until you get a close map with two fire locations nearby is usually the best way to go about it as that's a great way to uh make sure that you can get the most chest right six super chest lots of stuff to be gotten no swapping to magic find gear makes no difference there you're simply pushing the chest for super chest magic fine gear does not matter if you watch my chest video you will learn everything about all of that okay we'll get lame essence tomb good day go to town and now we'll go get some stats and some life so once again we're up to 59 and a little more life never hurt nobody battle made serena in that temple is also a pretty good farm spot for experience if you're ever feeling like you want to get a little bit extra exp going one of my faves and we got a cold enchant in here i'm just gonna pop a rejuve right before i kill because once again we're always just playing it a little bit safe and we'll go ahead and grab that and we're looking great you guys everybody here is doing a great job a gift for you d2 for life d2 for life thank you tato is this hardcore yes for all the people who say yeah but it doesn't count not hardcore you know who you are they'll find something else to complain about though they always do okay so we can go down here if we want uh just for a little bit of experience get a couple of boss groups or something in here you don't have to if you don't want to but you know hey more experience nobody ever got mad about that get some beetles in here which is nice just always once again be careful of a beetle boss group that is your true danger and now we're up to 64 black crazy crazy chat that's a lot so without even having to respec we went from a no block character to a max block just about going with the red theme for the gear yeah it's nice everybody likes a little red feel free to murder some dudes around the travel just because travis kind of annoying and dangerous a little bit sometimes so generally you don't want to be fighting with like five thousand guys while trying to fight the travel as uh they can pop you for some pretty bad damage okay make sure we have health potions and clear our cube out well i play immortal when it releases you know so we just want to make sure that we have all this stuff cleared out everything good to go and uh and be ready i don't know maybe okay be careful [Music] and if you can get into a better spot where he's not hitting you as much that's also like a great way to do it right monsters release charge bolts unequally around them so try and find the zones where it's not going to be an issue for you definitely some llama advice there and once again never be afraid of uh using some rejuves or anything against like the travancore and stuff right never never never be afraid of that okay that guy is multi-enchanted let's get a curse off let's go back to town put this on i don't even put ads in my vods though nah that's just your ad block no um there's only an ad at the start of my videos which i feel like is pretty good considering you're getting usually like five hours of content at least not it's not bad there's just i just hate watching a video and then right in the middle of the video there being an ad like at the start of the video i don't mind that much you know it's like a little annoying but it's like okay sure but getting interrupted in the middle of my watching experience to get blasted by some stupid ad i just hate it so i don't do it i mean i hate ads in general but like you know for me to even want to put in the work to put up all of the things onto youtube the one ad gives enough revenue that i go okay this is good enough you know if there were zero ads completely and i got zero from it then i'd probably just get too lazy to even put the videos up i'm not gonna lie now dang it so now we're at mephisto uh or almost at mephisto and of course first off always be careful of dolls in here dolls are just gonna murder you so you know be careful there um but you know go and get uh go and get that waypoint right this is a great place to farm mephisto in nightmare is probably going to be your best farm spot i would say for this character like highest reward versus lowest like uh chance of death i mean fifo can still kill you don't get me wrong he's very strong but i feel like helen dario's got some like scarier mobs that'll spawn in there and stuff that's not a great map you could once again reroll the map until it's like right next to it um now i'm going to die because i said all that is aren't i but uh you know we'll go ahead and swap this on but it's like not insanely deadly um you know if your reds are half okay you're usually going to be fine against him obviously life tap would also work well we're not even going for that and then look at the stuff that you can get you can get unique rings right there's a lot of uh nice drops that are gonna come there don't die don't die niraj you got this ah gosh dang it i wanted raven frost so badly stupid man old toy life isn't bad i have angelic though so like yeah this has replenish life on it henry mana but lame regardless congratulations give yourselves the clap you just completed act three which is very nice and it wasn't that hard either right like that's the nice thing it was pretty simple and once again this is a fabulous fabulous place once again not my map per se but fabulous place to do a little bit of farming this is actually a very long annoying map so i would definitely reset this if i was gonna farm this a lot but look at that i mean it doesn't take that much that long to get over there our mercenary dies because he's a little chump sometimes greetings come here rush i mean i like no mods i pluggy mod is also nice there's plenty of great mods but no mods is also very nice in this game repairs perfect so anyways um oh yeah we gotta go kill mephisto one more time but this is this is a classic farm spot and like i say there's so many items on this list that are going to be really good items for you from mephisto and it's just drop cool just so many that are gonna be really really nice and uh you know i mean you're gonna drop plenty of these things so don't think it's gonna happen in a couple durial shell would be ah creme de la creme but we got some clay glass we got some venom ward did we say if slo's target applies through smite i think it does impossible i believe it does okay we'll morph this over just so we can craft with that later darn you shield and bring this so yeah anyways there's there's just so many items that mephisto can drop i would highly recommend spending a little time just farming nightmare mephisto and if you can get that cannot be frozen somewhere else that's going to be the biggest helper in my opinion get cannot be frozen on a raven frost on a spirit shroud on a um durian shell you know whatever it is that is going to just be huge yeah that's right i'll go get my steal i like the open wounds better anyways for the starter of it i mean mephisto is the farm spot guy everything also i don't really like to fight things with holy freeze also especially extra fast dudes and then holy freeze it's just kind of a rough thing even though you have cannot be frozen remember holy freeze is not um cold damage like that it is a you have chilling damage and freezing damage so essentially they're like two separate types of damage or cold damage and chill damage basically so cannot be frozen is different than cannot be chilled and there is no cannot be chilled holy freeze will always work in this game so i'm just pretty much running around looking for usual now get those two bonus skill points no souls is very nice we like that where is he come on homie likes to hide okay well whatever we'll come back to it just drop a tp move forward he's shy yeah not my favorite monster type out there i don't like the birds a lot i can do some pretty quick shock damage on you slow target should work yeah i thought it did can use it on bail if you really want not that we need to slow target any anybody really is the only place you open chest sometimes in lower caress no i mean you know i'll open random chest here and there but uh that's the main place that i'm gonna be opening the chest you know when i'm like really actively going for chest hunting but okay and this is why we just have our quick switch just kill a couple bad dudes and i like to just face off with dario monoi mono fighting with all these other guys around is just kind of annoying 1v1 plus a mercenary you know close enough um cool so now let's buff the holy shield one point and the fanaticism one point you could also throw one point into salvation if you really want it totally fine to do and let's go ahead and just get our cold res up one two three four five six seven minutes no red wing spread too thin and 14 minutes of cauldron and now we just head down here where we can once again fight as much or as little as we want to fight the less confident you feel the more you should fight along the way minus immunities of course right okay we want to be careful up here but we'll look at doing our forge here and one of the main reasons i would be interested in looking is omrun is now a possible drop he does have mitora though so we have to be very careful with her life this brings him back to 1.0 where you just farm all the maggots infinite spawns so hmm okay we got him right there let's see if we can drag him away and lock him up so he doesn't hit us perfect let's go get the soul stone that we threw on the ground somewhere and pray for an um rune lemroon is also nice i would take a treachery uh we'll see uh we'll see what we got io not ideal such is life but we can make a black now if we would like increase the uh crushing blow a little bit so you know it gives us options two more rubies perfect topaz good for magic finding and now this is where you have to decide if you want to fight your way in or if you just want to be like llama and go ham um you know you got to be a little careful with that for sure right there's a little bit of risk in flying into the cast sanctuary like that no shield but uh you know feel free to take your time to walk in though like it's good experience along the way so that's you know always one of the really important things to remember and think about is how we do an experience twice and we gotta be careful with our mercenary here as these guys will target him down also we're going to take a little bit of damage see what we have over here we do a fire is there but i'm just gonna go slow and steady with these areas here and just kind of take them out one at a time there's no reason to rush like crazy especially in dangerous areas like the gas sanctuary these are uh these are the spots to really just chill i'll settle one of those okay and the nice thing is smider really crushes him am i gonna play more enlisted you know i actually might like i don't think they're doing another sponsorship round but i actually was enjoying that game like world war ii play with the squad thing one shot kills you know like a real war game i don't know i thought it was actually a super fun game now i'm actually going to show you guys a little trick here okay so you can get cloak of shadows if you would like and this is if you don't want to have to fight all these guys this is too difficult whatever it is right you cloak of shadows these guys you can separate them off they'll leave you alone and you can take out the boss maybe a couple of them come over just because they're following the leader but for the most part they're just going to leave you alone so very easy way to separate out we will 100 do that in hell um but you can do it here in nightmare as well now if you want to fight all those guys you totally can right up to you and let's go up here let's come down here extra fast is not ideal remember i said take it slow here well sometimes if you don't take it slow this is what happens so now we have to kind of uh clear some stuff out a little bit or at least make some space for ourself so we can then do some things after that so i'm gonna go ahead and drag just some of these guys down here now we'll teleport up here but yes we have a little bit of wild monster density in here not my favorite we're gonna try and clear out a couple of these guys and one of the best things that you can honestly do for yourself is create a safe place right just like on twitter so i'm going to clear out this area right here and this is kind of always the place that i can come back to whenever i am in uh just kind of some trouble right there's a lot of stuff chasing me there's whatever stuff and i just need somewhere to regroup where i can fight one monster at a time right so we're kinda gonna just build that out for ourselves right now it's just gonna be this section down here so now we kind of have a little bit of a safe area i bought some advertising listed oh need to turn that off at some point and now we can just fight in you know and kind of clear our way to the bosses because we did get a little bit excited going over there and then we ran into a lot of monsters and you know how it goes let's kill a couple bad boys let's go get some mouth butts and boss fighting time now he has a fire enchant so be a little explosion but he doesn't have crazy amounts of life cool yeah let's kill some of these guys take out some minions and just be careful around the sace and his minions because especially when they're extra fast with fanaticism they're just gonna do a lot of damage to say the least when they hit you they will hit you hard so as is such you really need to get the first hits off on them yeah i mean it's pretty disgusting like how much damage they'll do so let's go ahead and clean up this guy perfect and there you go now with diablo if you stand perfectly underneath him have your hand on the uh juice then he will actually breathe lightning on top of you and you can see i'm not actually taking lightning damage from him swap onto this so he'll actually breathe lightning over my head oh no that one was hitting me i must have moved a little bit we have to be like right underneath him regardless that's why we have reach use right hey heavy boots and look at that everybody look at that we got it oh praise the lord that is the king of everything right there that is the king of all items that we would want right now durian shell not only does it carry resistances 50 20 20 20. but cannot be frozen and it has life on it and 15 to strength uh so we can now get rid of the rhyme shield that we talked about before let's also check the amulet 10 fcr two shadow disciplines unfortunate can't wear it correct but we haven't done the den yet so well first let's just go back here let's go to act five give ourselves a pat on the back congratulations you've made it now we're gonna go back to nightmare or normal and we'll reset our stats and skills so that we can wear this so the first thing you'll note is you want to look and see what sources of strength do i currently have okay so the strength scimitar is my current source of strength and i still have plus one from a charm that is all that i have i will keep that charm though so i need to get to 65 strength without the strength rune word right now i can wear that now i will need dexterity of course i'm going to be going for a max block and we will be rocking this shield right here and of course you can take this did i use this quest already oh i did all right well we'll just do it in the next act so now we have this or we can put four open sockets in it we can keep our stealth if we would like go ahead and drop the hell rune and a railroad um this can be used for teleporting later which can be really nice obviously we don't need gore foot because we have amazing boots so those are garbage to us um we'll go and do that so now dexterity we know that this is the shield we're going to be using so first we will come here i guess we want to make sure we max out smite okay then we want to make sure that we get fanaticism get a point there if we want the point in salvation we can put it there i'm gonna hold off right now i don't think we'll actually need it uh so we can probably just put the rest into holy shield that would make sense and then we'll dump this into fanaticism like we had before so now you cast this to see what your chance to block is okay then you start increasing your dexterity okay and that's max block everything else into vitality we can keep the rhyme for magic finding if we so choose i'll get rid of these um we need this obviously so we can uh get rid of the angelic and i don't need the amethyst so i'll keep that like that as you level up you will need to do more and more so now we can also start running around let me go find the stony field and we're gonna get some diamonds because diamonds are forever your block chance is just gonna be your level there so whenever you level up you have to put a couple more points into it brought to you by the diamond industry that's right such a scam um i mean it just doesn't get you know more uh simple than that right there right okay make sure you only have diamonds in your inventory or a diamond and then you push it look at that streamer rng stony field is the best place to find him that's why i'm in the stony field okay so now we look for the shrine or a waypoint i mean yeah it rolls the most gem shrines hello very annoying i don't think it's anywhere over here so where is it is it gonna be deeper in here i just didn't go deep enough ah potentially but doubtful nothing like looking for a waypoint up in that corner tired of doing broken charging um am i crazy guys where have we not looked it's okay we can both watch the stream from his chair thanks for the advice thank you geez louise it's not uh you know don't do that no it's not there not there maybe like right here jesus anyways like how how was that not i i can't even tell you how that was not found but it's nice it's right next to two shrines which is the name of my next album so you just look for uh some gem trench really fast what's with the super slow save and exit uh stony field can be kind of slow on the save and exit speed not as bad as cold planes though cold planes is like miserable to save an exit on this is where uh the strats came in to turn the sound off oh gemma shrine second one i wish i had a fourth one i had a diamond before i threw it out but that was dumb of me i should have kept it should have kept it help me double check i'm going to give you this one for free you should have a track with xyz title and it says featuring two chains crazy good click bait and all you have to do it craft two chains of honor wow seems real high on the click bait there would you farm gem shrines on battle net where maps reset i mean i still don't think it's the worst thing ever oh hey i have a shrine right here as well cool perfect look at that and just like that we have three diamonds that was easy i wish i had a fourth diamond to work with but that's okay yeah like it's not that bad the biggest thing is if you're on ladder or on batternet you can't save quit save quit save quick save quit like that or you're gonna get in trouble so instead what you do is you run around the cold planes completely you can run around the blood more if you'd like you run around the stony field the dark wood and the black marsh so i usually like to run around like those five areas look for all of the shrines you can get up to 20 shrines doing that um and then you exit out so that's the the llama way okay anyways we're looking great let's repair same with lk farming exactly you can also do it in that same vein and it's all good why don't you get a fourth well i have to get a fourth flawless diamond so oh nice so that's actually a good point though here would be a nice time to go and do like lk farming right and we just reset our maps so we don't know maybe we have a better map here check around see what we got but you know this can be a good place from these chests to get diamonds so okay i need a key flawed diamond topaz okay and we have two fires here nope [Applause] and we'll just get a little gold doing this farm daddy thank you is it worth getting three gem shrines to upgrade the flawed uh i mean i feel like we could find a flawless faster but i'm also looking to get gold and things right because i'm a little low on gold i've got 130k we could use a little bit more right so like yeah i can go here grab this ghost armor that's worth some nice gold come over here towel rune drops okay glowing orb in there if i wanted more gold sharks can boot that's worth some gold let go another ghost armor it's locked all right i didn't get keys mercenaries hanging out there good day it's locked okay you can get keys from a chest careful of the might aura from there flood ruby okay we'll use the gem shrine so now we have a diamond so now with a diamond it's probably best to just go with it and just do two more then keep shopping around but we got some really quick and easy nice gold there which is really nice because we were short a little bit on that so let's look at our cold planes really fast see if there's anything doesn't look like it all right we'll go back to normal go to the stony field we're gonna have a different map i really like that old map because it was super nice um you know we had shrines right next to it so we'll see how close they are here or if there's a pack of shrines that we can go look at nothing great health shrine okay pretty bad way point no all you have to do is change between normal and nightmare so i'll go back to nightmare then i go back to normal and now we have a new set of maps let's see what we have over here come on looking bad and it's not even the most crazy important thing that we turn this into a perfect because like that's still 11 all res it's eight all reds that we would be losing but our shield is going to give us so much resistance that will probably be maxed or very near maxed anyways this is just for like a slight optimization because why not sort of thing right just farming for shrines where my shines at i just want like even one shrine that's right next door you know it's maybe a little far away for a single shine yeah we can also start with three perfect and add the last one and later if we really want i mean it's not a big deal uh let's let's just look a tiny bit more if we don't get it here soon then uh all good okay we have a shrine right below that's nice it's not two shrines but not bad and you know all told this takes a few minutes right if you're speed running these sorts of things are like forever if you're just playing the game to spend 15 20 minutes to do something like this is so minimal right let's check in our cold planes really fast see if there's a shrine here i don't see it yeah it's also a great way to farm bases using racks from lower cross i've got a whole if you check out my racks video that's one of the craziest things i've ever seen done in my life it's gorgeous so single shrine could definitely take a little bit of time it depends how lucky we get if there were two shrines here that'd be really nice [Music] mm-hmm also i booked a vacation for myself you guys the first vacation i've taken and like i don't even know how long gonna go back to the beach i mean i did like a tiny no man tiny little trip um skiing was a vacation skiing was but skiing was three years ago or whatever i don't remember approving any vacation time gem shrine perfect one down but i mean like i used to travel all the time and i traveled for work plenty but i'd like throw vacation in on top of it you know whatever stuff or go visit zizeron or cute dog or whatever but at least since the pandemic and before i guess the last vacation i took was i went to italy ireland and south korea back in 2019 so it's been like a year and a half going to cancun so that's like i'm oh gosh darn it i'm always traveling so that's crazy i went to all three of those places in one trip no that they just ended up being back to back basically i went to korea for three weeks i came back a week later i went to italy well austria then italy for two weeks then i flew from there to ireland to spend a week in ireland with zizerin and then i came home i was exhausted everybody had unsubbed in my channel and uh everybody was like who's this who's this streamer the blizzard release rider yes i have planned i have planned with d2r in mind so no it was it was too much travel at that point but i'm kind of happy i did all of it because then the pandemic hit so it was like well i got a lot of it in which was great so yeah so i am uh no the pandemic is still real i am i am fully vaccinated now i am still going to be very safe i will wear my mask everywhere um for sure i will keep my distance like i'm not gonna go and party it up and whatever but i'm gonna go and lay on the beach away from people and uh relax man what's going on with the girl in the dating app you asked if she liked to ski was there one i liked if she asked to ski there's some other girl who likes to board oh no i think she said she doesn't like to ski oh yeah i haven't heard from her she she kind of bounced after that what about the one you asked which microchip she got that one's actually she's still talking to me so that was a good opener you guys yes the the girl i asked if she liked to ski man yeah she hasn't talked to me in a while i think since i asked her if she liked to ski am i going with family no it's a llama vacation a lot location what about the one with the view on the death penalty no she never responded i thought that was a great opener hey all right perfect so you see it's not that crazy and that's if i was only trying to get one diamond up two times so i was fine with one trine if you're if you have like two diamonds and two flawless diamonds make sure you get at least like two shrines nearby that's just gonna be way more helpful chat will always respond to me thanks chat appreciated no overall i would say it is going okay i need i need a little bit of profile help maybe because i'm not sure why they don't like my profiles but you know we'll figure that out later todd job thank you very much appreciate that also make sure that you're on players one still oops i am on players one but we'll just reset the players and now we're getting back to our favorite spot getting back to one of our favorite spots now you could also make a spirit in your shield i want to note that could also make a spirit but not in single player that is a ladder only rune word so you need pluggy or ladder inwards enabled somehow to be able to do that just be aware since i am playing without that so sauron that'd be nice for making an honor did you miss the hot tub stream it has not happened yet i i think i know where i can find a hot tub that'll be good enough for a nice stream of it all all right we're about to get we're about to go off chat things about to pop off in here exclamation mark gear ooh heraldic shield let's see it let's see it baby it is one open socket eight alright alright we'll move on from that now we are at our favorite spot and the first thing i'm going to do is you might say mr lama mr lama why don't you just socket this rondich right now shove these four things in well the first thing is my resistances are already pretty much maxed in nightmare currently um so i don't need insane resistance at the moment right this is not the greatest shield for me you can see it's a low might smite smite damage my holy shield's on so you can't see it but it's two to eight right let's go ahead and take a look at some shields over here right different uh shields that we could have so here's rondich two to eight smite damage not great right even crown would be a little bit better if we can get into an exceptional shield we can start to really get to some nice shields crown shield 24 to 32 these aren't the most important things in hardcore because once again it's a little bit of damage it will be nice to have it to get boosted and everything it's a few points of holy shield though i would definitely say make sure you have your res and life and all this stuff higher um than whatever but i would love to find one of these shields um they are not uh you know crazy right 59 strength 69 strength 44 strength right whatever even that gilded shield 89 we have a durian shell so we're at 80 strength overall um if we found like a sacred targe i mean that would be really nice this is going to be hell stuff that we could find later on sacred rondich i probably wouldn't be using anything above that but uh you know these are kind of like really nice ones to get but regardless just getting some of these could be super nice so you know so i'm gonna wait because i just don't need the resistances yet my res are totally fine and honestly i don't even craze need the resistances later but the nice thing is i can take off things like this and replace you know you can get like more life in these spots and you don't have to worry about um getting those reds can haas drop a nightmare it can yes it can haze haws is very nice mephisto can actually drop it believe it or not so uh you know so we will we will chill on that a little bit for right now just have it as a thing that we'll you know work up towards right but in the meantime while we wait what do we love to do in act five that's right everybody we like to farm eldritch and lose our mercenary doing it which is just gonna happen with archers got a bug immersed every elder's run that's why generally i just don't uh i just don't bring him along for it because yes otherwise you have to do that so you know you can once again make the decision do i want to try players three on it right okay one more point gets me max block holy shield cool why farm him well first off he does have some decent like you know drops and things like that but really it's just experience is the main main purpose here he's just really really nice to get uh some experience going and we can just smite in a big circle and nobody really touches us and it's nice everybody to stay stunned charms plus to life not great seven life 18 poison res technically it's okay and this plus to life exiles overrated for smite yes i mean exile is still good don't get me wrong it's still an amazing ruin word but hot smiting is usually better yep up toss so this is a nice place as we've done in normal as we've done in so many of our runs just a great place to get a little bit of farm in um because it's just not not crazy dangerous decent experience you can just put that players count on players three or five even if you really wanna whatever you know and uh you know it's just nice i mean you can also do some bail runs this character does have that option be careful of cursed always i get some jedi sounds good curse makes every area dangerous by the way this is nightmare so we'll do one more we'll go to 44 here and then we'll move forward a little bit still no bang songs still no mang songs cows would be great if you're looking for a base racks are also very good crown shield a little bit high strength on a crown shield oh wait no it's not that's not a crown shield that'll be a uh royal shield needs a crown shield okay and we have maxed out smite and that so now we just buff up fanaticism but yes cows is not friendly to a smiter this is true and it's only one open socket anyway so we move on and remember we're just looking for a white pally shield that is our main desirable right now i really don't like that charge is over there there we go almost got instead yeah not my favorite groups if you need those runes go ahead and grab them good night violences are pretty gross to be honest one of my least favorite monsters to fight as they just come in and hit so quick so hard uh kite shield kelly charges yeah i mean they're really nice i always recommend playing with some sort of teleport and i actually love tele charges like i'm i understand enigma but i i'm kind of sad i'm kind of sad that enigma did come into play because i think teleport charges were actually a super interesting way to bring teleport to all characters like i understand it but an enigma you know it is good for a lot of dueling as well like it's it makes it so sorceresses don't just dominate pvp you know it has plenty of use there but uh teleport charges were definitely an interesting [Music] component okay so i like to get this waypoint just for safety and then that's one of those groups extra fast death lords that first off we're never fighting but additionally if they catch on to you just save and quit man don't try and like escape it you're not getting out of there a gift for you hello hello how you doing taviarn don't try and be a hero you know sometimes you just gotta say yep that's a thing in this game okay let's hope for uh no souls snakes okay hello my honey jesus there's so many monsters here are you kidding this might be a reset just because that is the most harpies i've ever seen in my life and which balls are very opie agreed we're gonna be careful here ooh shark skin gloves wilhelm's very nice tony ias and they've got some light res on him as well or i mean fires now i do have max block here so once again that helps a lot but this is still a ridiculous amount glove upgrade so it has 10 is more but i do lose 40 life and i don't need the uh resistances so overall i would say not the upgrade we would need though it is nice they are very nice for sure that was so much stuff man rip merce uh he wasn't alive anyways okay let's go get some health pots and healed that curse off [Music] you know it's just not quite good enough at your service um is there anything to save it over i don't really need that we can get rid of that now the ethereum can drop out and the ethereum can drop out oh wait let me see if l f soul okay all i need is a tyrone actually i have two afternoon so i don't need that one i do want the if and the soul though we can make an honor for a mercenary shale f i mean i i'm not gonna get rid of this uh durian shell unless i get like a 45 all res to open socket or something you know to make rhyme in and even then i probably just use both trust me i know about rhyme shield i know but i have cannot be frozen this is i know what i'm doing i a promise for you it's my 10 minutes i just came in chat to give you my sub i can't stay like i wish i could thanks kirsten still just had enough time to come in here and show some support can we get a sub train in the chat less than three i'm trying to think what's a loach brax's mac sockets three isn't it i guess we could make a black ruiner for our mercenary with that chad's just trying to help thank you chat all right anyways let's keep moving on we'll grab our mercenary who goes there just need a ming song to get that credibility it doesn't make sense that does make sense all right i don't want to talk about it chat leave me alone okay careful of those guys their charge damage can get so stupid yeah it seems fine sash you partying with the crew again for the release yeah we just posted up a new uh world record time for um our uber's kill and almost a new world record time we were two three seconds off for hell bail kill but uh this was on us east and the last time was on a private server so private server is gonna be faster yadda yadda bt will tell you it's the world record also if you're worried about ancients just get this waypoint at the frozen tundra or the ancients waypoint one of the two um and that way if you ever run into like some difficulties at ancients then you can just do that speaking of ancients we're about to come up on them here soon and it's probably good to start chatting about what are we looking for when we go into the area at summit because remember these guys are going to spawn a variety of skills right so you really want to make sure that you're not running into curse you don't want to run into um and feel free to put like a couple you know potions in your cube if you want just for a little bit more um you don't want to run into curse you don't want to run into holy freeze you're not going to want to run into probably some combinations like dual enchants of things like that i don't like fighting a lot of lightning enchant but if like just one of them was it won't be that big of a deal any multi enchants i'm probably gonna get rid of stone skin i'm gonna get rid of as well um and we'll put our strength on and repair it um and then [Music] that's mostly it and then obviously like fanaticism or a mite aura stuff like that right so what i like to do is just come here and then check okay we've got curse in there that just seemed like a little bit too much fire enchanted i don't want to die to him extra strong mana burn cold enchanted that's not that bad but i'm gonna reset it i don't want extra strong on him magic resistance fine fire enchant over there is okay man of burn we will work with so what we can do is we can do this and then we can literally come here to try and split them off we'll have to try and like separate them a little bit thank you freddie and we're probably strong enough that we don't need to separate them honestly but uh it's one of those things that you know we can we can kind of do at this point so that's gonna be okay that separation will work so we'll take out corlik we'll hide behind the pillar so maddox doesn't hit us thanks kaylee thanks freddy and i mean because we can stun luck and stuff it's not crazy dangerous like i was saying to fight all three at the same time but you know it can be nice to just not that's the best way i can put it it can be nice to just not have to deal with that let's go ahead and hit maddock down some and since he is fire enchanted i'm gonna back off a little bit when he's super low and let my mercenary finish him off just like that and now for italic i'm just gonna stand down here so he doesn't spin on us not that there's really any issues he's magic resistant he's not going to kill me whatsoever but in case you guys once again in the guide he will not spin on you if you are right here against this wall and he comes at you from this direction so this is just a nice simple way to avoid that like i say we're just gonna have them stunned up anyways it's not a big deal but when you're up against the the ledge cliff he will not spin because you know he'd spin off the cliff so this is the cliff place that it will work for sure go for fanaticism get uh back to 75 block and just keep rolling okay we're still on players one all right so not too bad now we explore for level two and as always this is a great place to get the waypoint when you are in level two because farming down here is usually never a bad idea to do some bail runs usually never a bad idea and once again feel free to kill as much or as little as you want along the way the better that you get at this game the less you feel the need to kill everything uh where you can run past it all um and you know the less experienced you are the most you're going to want to kill stuff because you don't want to run past it all and get caught in terrible situations now we have souls here as well we did get the waypoint so if you feel unsafe you can totally reset that i have max resistances right now so i'm feeling okay but uh you know i can understand why someone would feel a little tense because it does get a little uncomfortable level three it's also not terrible to get a little bit of oops there's experience killing some dudes in here sometimes just depends what the monsters are so you know if you want to spend a little time you killing you can souls in here super not fun but no dolls is nice so for that we are grateful these guys will go after my mercenary though so i do need to be a little careful with him and make sure i'm feeding him some potions there's a lot of stuff that will attack him oh okay we'll take the curse off go back to town get some potions really fast and continue yeah it's rough there and that's where hit recovery and is and cannot be frozen all come into play okay we'll knock all these guys into being just confused and then we'll come kill boss man and once again what's the biggest thing we need to watch out for fire enchant on wave four or five that is the biggest concern that is our one shot death lost too many good men that way ah they're actually gonna attack my mercenary that's kind of annoying try and drag them drag them out here come on come on sometimes having a mercenary can be very annoying now we actually probably could have fought up in that grouping of stuff but it's okay just to be safe we'll drag them away we will hear our mercenary though he's probably going to die in this next wave just because this next wave is well very stupid uh okay let's go there well we'll see what happens yeah hydra wave this is a wave we can drag down a little bit get him out of the range of the decrepify from bale and niraj how you doing bud he's trying now the nice thing is you can catch these guys by just giving them one knock really fast you know all right yeah he's out so that's very helpful just gotta be very careful with your life total here do not get cocky as there is still a lot of lightning enchanted uh death to be had so lock him in all right we're good i know we'll get hurry ready okay once again we do have curse on so we need to be careful he's cold enchanted not fire enchanted so that's nice don't have to worry about crazy death explosion damage but there is still a lot of damage and i am cursed so really waiting for this curse to come off here i actually do want to bring the boss back in and i just want to get rid of this curse there we go now goes so now i feel more comfortable fighting and manning up on them whereas before i did not and i actually want to drag more of them in i don't want to spawn wave 5 yet because i do want to kill these guys i guess i can spawn wave 5 now it's not a big deal ah yes so really once we got rid of the curse then that group was not a big deal knocking into the wall baby yeah wave four is not that bad okay and he's cold enchanted which should be fine for us let's try and just break them off a little bit get a little like separation here just can't fight all of them at once you know okay come here so i mean we really handle wave five pretty easily just need to maneuver around and just you know one at a time that's really just the big thing here we're not looking to fight all of them together unless we're being we're able to like stun them you know hit them here and there whatever it is just need a good hit i really just wanna have time you're good to go not fire enchanted so we are okay that was fire enchanted we literally would have just died right there yeah and it's such a juicy experience exactly super super nice and now put on our strength no even with salvation or it wouldn't matter you'd be dead i've died with max rez to that so many times because i didn't check it if it was fire enchanted i wouldn't kill him i would just go outside drag him away and then teleport in i would kill the other minions but just not him even with max fires it's a bug in the game you guys it's terrible and how simple was that you are now the proud owner of uh the hell killer look at that conqueror jaron absolutely beautiful and he's level 47 and at this point you can say yeah level 47 i feel strong let's go forward you can also say level 47 that's a little low which is what i would probably say for you guys let's go and do some more runs right so just like that come out here i really don't like these guys way too much damage to ghostly it's just this ghostly theme that's really killing us so yeah i mean you can go and just do you know a few more uh bell runs with it right and you can also once again reset for better maps um if desired these are not great map spawns this one is level three is really nice level one and two are pretty your level two is pretty uh far away death lords fun i would be very hesitant to fight dolls in here uh mercenary would be very helpful for dolls so just you know consider that oh my god dark lords have so much life so hard to kill so much immunity uh good enough all for that precious experience that's right snakes oh sin killer traveled way far to see us that's very thoughtful of him we should be fine with his explosion but we can let him blow up on his own thanks to open wounds just so we don't have to deal with it eldritch's not worth at this point you can go kill eldritch if you would like it's not like a terrible thing he won't be worth a lot of experience but we can also up the players count right to help help improve that so you know like i always do that so i'll go and do like one more run here but you guys will probably want to do a few more runs on this character uh you know just get him a little bit of love haven't had a trapson guide yet yes and i'll be doing another one actually here probably soon uh i need to make a guided playthrough playlist to be honest that's the graphite it's like why am i so slow do i have a kickstand play through i have a kicks in hell speed run [Applause] hello just the run extra strong yeah wave three is a little spicy because all the hydras and lightning enchants and it's a lot of damage and uh in wave three a lot of bursts d2r with all the hydras so sexy so okay stone skin a little bit annoying so strangling gas potion only run i mean that's kind of a barb run gonna be honest farms are so weak a lot of times the strongest thing for them is throwing potions need more hp i agree but we're running max block so you know we're sacrificing a little bit of hp some people like to run like 50 block instead get a little bit more life you know you can really play around with it lifestyle would be nice there's no lifesteal for uh for this i would need life tap which i can get life tap charges on a one so you know that totally is an option get some potions they finish the diamond shield yeah i just haven't put the diamonds in yet because i'm already max resin nightmare so waiting to see if we find a little bit better shield meantime we'll just level up off here chat wants cows cows are awful for this character ugh controls the destruction too in the hot tub i don't know if we'll be able to play games in the hot tub i was thinking if in cancun it was good enough we could do the hot tub there but i feel like the wi-fi is not going to be good there for my data connection or anything you know okay nothing good there let's try players five no mana burn that's annoying i have a steal and a strength thank you mana burn does do damage have a good night anyways uh feel free to farm up to whatever level you kind of want using the mix of these two things right um whether it is uh doing you know just some eldritch or um doing some you know bail runs or whatever it is uh you know feel free to do that nightmares i've got my holy freeze merc i like him but uh yeah that is nightmare right there so i hope that this was helpful i hope that you guys feel good what level do i typically feel comfortable going forward i would say moving forward probably around 50 i mean i feel a lot comfortable earlier i would say for you guys you know go for like 55 to 65 somewhere around there some people like to go to 70. honestly they they really do like there's no there's no answer i feel like that is uh wrong in that case you know whatever you feel comfortable with um you know just just kind of go with that i would say um and again as you the nice thing about bail runs thank you spawn is as you do bail runs um you're going to it's going to become easier to do bail runs and easier to do them and then you can up the player count a little bit so you can keep them at like a good pace to get a decent amount of leveling while you're doing that um you know so yeah 70 is probably a little high but like you know 60 i think 60 is totally fine 60 65 somewhere in there um you know and and once again like i said i mean this is i'm not i'm on what players five right now so this is just like players five eldritch that i'm doing right now mana burn again a little annoying but you know look at the experience i gained from players five eldritch and then you know from all of like his minions and stuff it ends up actually not being bad and this is even safer so if i don't feel good going all the way you know doing like bales minions and stuff which you should feel okay doing it but let's say that you don't um you know wave three scaring you a little bit whatever it is and come out here and kill some of these guys and then you can go to player seven and then players eight right as uh as you get even more comfortable why be a smider rather than a zealot i mean they're both fine right it's just this is the smiter guide i also have a zealot guide i think right like you know spiders always hit those so they don't have to care about attack rating that's one big reason though a lot of people you know don't want to have to care about attack rating so in this case you don't have to hmm holy freeze as well sure i mean anything's viable if you take your time enough and you know level up properly and whatever you can even make like an inferno source work for a lot of the game is it worth it to get mf gloves boots all that stuff and switch it before nightmare bale sure i mean it doesn't hurt especially if you're looking for more gear you know that's great for mephisto and bale and all that stuff i'm just going to level up to 50 really fast but even still i'll probably want to level a little bit beyond i'll probably want to go closer to 60 on this character even for myself just because as a smiter you know it'll it'll start to get a little testy and a little dangerous uh once we get up there so you know we want to be careful we're not going to want to kill everything in hell that's for sure and if you do then you have to be even higher level we'll be focusing in hell on things that you know maybe some birds and stuff like that or that a little bit easier kill for us thank you good night butterfly find the wall or monster to smite into me either um yeah so this is this is the plan right you're just gonna keep going there and then uh for your skill points you'll just keep maxing out fanaticism right there and really once you get these three skills you're kind of done with your skill points um for the main part right like getting holy shield smite and fanaticism pretty much covers everything you need for the smiter uh there's no synergies to this there's no synergies to this and here you get a little defense bonus but you know like we're not crazy running defense i mean with my you know holy shield or with my uh durian shell i kind of have a little bit of defense going um but you know it's it's nothing crazy so you know redemption is great right and this is where people start going into like getting vigor getting redemption getting points in to resist fire cold and lightning um because this will increase the uh your maximum resistances right every 2.0 increases by one um you know stuff like that but yeah you really don't like have anything else that you need to get as a smider so it's really nice it's a very cheap easy build and additionally you could also you know like if you want to get into some weapon of some sort for something you can but uh a nice clust um but yeah i hope that is good for you guys youtube and uh i'll see you guys in hell good luck with the leveling hope everything's been going well peace youtube
Channel: MrLlamaSC
Views: 106,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: P3iumrY7PoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 220min 4sec (13204 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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