[WORLD RECORD] Diablo 2 - 8 Man Hell Speedrun - 2:07:24

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again and not a bad exit first it's really world-record pace let's go this way I see that by chest no ten right here then right here then right here oh my god haha I was really close yeah I love salmon it shines early it's like my favorite Chinese skill shines probably first probably sort of love it for you the statement of potions are actually pretty clutch for me a lot I helped me get to study like easily on time yeah you're actually the fastest eight-man team we restarted cuz we had a bunch of deaths and laughs had no gold and stuff and that was really causing us issues honestly I can't pick anything right now to circuited cap here for Durham okay for Mom I guess yeah I'll take it's just on the girl in there yeah it's like I don't see it on the ground no I dropped it what this has not been dropped no where is it there it is nobody picked my cap it's been tainted by two people now alright it's gross it's like used get it for ten cents out of garage sale at this point gross cross shields kreygasm can't get some good stuff sources double-teaming yeah but I let you be in the way oh yeah there's another dagger down here for whoever needs that dagger I got it how are you in gym just go there you need TP I'm ready but everybody else does that shop no-neck refer curses no right necro blows TP skill shrine here probably best for assassin champions on the left at you nice got some big ol hunky assassins now ya nekros just aren't great Amazon could be decent in the run she does take a little bit to get going though and that's can problem stones above so spiked club nice tips all you do sit first gosh dang it respect the dibs game you gotta respect it if that breaks down then like what do you have you know can I ask exactly god whitepoint god weapon here okay nice V truth you can pick that up this way okay ultimate role in an eight-man it's a lot of damage today no it's greater than Denis yeah if you got a basket Brown that's fantastic this is super empty yeah everybody is that doesn't Wow rape out of this one I never that's a weird dead end what you know have you seen that before ductile I've gotten that tile like twice maybe no sweetly runner goodness gracious okay I got my strangling a sip got him exits right here screw it up one exit flourish nothing here you go left take that oh we got we got chance to got use the waypoint wait point right here we got boss and champion Wow nice I loved it seven yeah that was nice here's a champion group over here headed nobody find tree on all that dang no that sucks it's gonna be all we aren't doing it deathless they were dead fallen see ya Oh Oh down and right gotcha maybe yeah boss group up there I'll throw a punch like Marsh okay I may just go to the Black Marsh Oh got it okay wasn't ours here no TP up for party do we have weight point are we doing here hold the putter product I'll drop a CP for you laughs let me know you ready okay okay I will shape it goes with our potions mama yeah I got good let's push on time I don't have any TPS though Archer boss keep them all together nice no spread it's crazy when I get my stand up oceans I'd only need to go back to the shop jump in some here only to got a comp new VP power get Li okay tower level 3 okay coming no I'm in nice just so go get a date last night nice the OID where'd you take her get some trash or something nice if you need any dating tips just let me know is blocking that door the boss's big bosses I got my tool panel socket by the way armor stayed out later than you normally would so at like 8:00 8:30 you got a new date idea for me oh nice take down his Christmas lights your Christmas lights are still up all right careful everybody out everybody out all right three wants this house oh my god did I just got caught in a horrible lag I was I was awful it has to be hey how did it actually just won't die Morales rip pretty please - no closer to human foot I have a boss I have a boss right here on tsdp okay boss group on the left here after all right it's same time or whatever false grippers Costa Mesa cool laughs you know yeah another one another one a spread way too much okay let's do it don't eat that much in here what's bad for come on sei edge it goes boss okay dead end though Jake loved it [Music] there we go that's our TB love could be so fast spent the morning climbing a tree sounds fun oh so I was in Chinatown hanging out with one of my friends from high school and we walked past something I'm trying to remember what it was and I was like this would be the greatest idea it's with a great date ever I remember what it was no pasa parrot ghost nice try my royal eyes their lightening in chant ring and a me nice clear this got the whoopin interesting on them I'm trapped let's be sure on Jim's TV talath all right sick we got it wobble when you join Jim TP for that snuggly exit no no that's okay all right great here part party party party what waiting for me oh I'm Stevie Jim Stevie okay let me drop and go get it I have to go shop really fast as well and no trash fruit in jail is also terrible oh my god takes so long to buy potions sorry but I just okay yeah thank you no it's back here could be reverse I'm ready where are you okay all right okay I can't move wander it there tripped emerald as well sorry buying potions takes like 10 years you kind of need put belts for it yeah seriously would take like a minute and a half for me to go fill put yeah it is so awful now possible scope here tails with the gold okay gotcha a progression change progress over the wall we're in level 5 okay we'll probably just have one of you guys stay then because I already have talath actually so we don't really care that much unless we want a second one yes all right ready all right we got T riff Neff is up and are you kidding me right now well Scoob okay and stamina going both ish with team one actually our people in Coto yeah I'm waiting for when he's ready I'm not really searching with them okay all right capita colored almost the entire area anyway I figured you like three times as fast Thank You P BOM go left of the wrist other team is gonna write a check that way hey job see me for me long run top left I think bottom left should be able scrap I think oh my god that stupid ghost all right I gotta exit blanks or I'm soon up and it's up going both again with the boys go sir jerk just lightning injured just 40 minutes art evening the boys dad boys second boss nice oh god no oh sorry I have to remember to get strength later out of here big remembrance big thing to remember that's rough yeah that's shorter oh there's a boss here you've half killed ish yeah just didn't want to die yeah sounds a bit like rank all right then we're just joining on this one right yeah all right I go fix it morale yeah all right pour yourself a lexer t be ready TV oh no legs are okay I heard a steel in there Oh drink chat choice is perfect scoot we make it so we actually put the TP in the first chicken the burial chamber division under its custom was a bus group there hey I'm not a bad Act one I think we're higher level than yeah we are I'm sixteen already yeah I'm only 13 gosh dang it belts no no I think there was only one if any okay you're serious come we have beetles and rocky waist but we have first exit yep James Tiki is that our boss group on Jim's teepee nice a mana burn that's a rough wolves love okay yeah a couple years today up but right here's how I got the halls up here I'm gonna check for exits quick doesn't look like we got Waypoint exits at and subtly keep us far away this TP upper body let's do it I got your armor don't do you need it to turn armor I get right here oh wait this is this has to be an upright wait where are we to the left side oh okay oh so let's give that we check that yes okay extreme shine like I also don't have a teepee AP near my body so I'm fine dang I really wish she had beetles gotta go north from the entrance as a way to learn all right on my way I saw it do you find a teepee let me know yeah this is actually good experience still laughs so just like killya cheese yeah yeah that's great thanks bro diamond Brodie and we just can't just stuff so there's Anna it she's a carny we have to go down again oh yes some really bad maps here awesome yeah whatever yeah it's fun we get experience another tp'ed no no don't go back in your teepee any advice um mm-hmm I have more teepees okay all right progress teepee anywhere love Thank You yep which way down last cities right here yeah all right awesome all the books to dance alright there is a ancient town oh sweet honey XP who busker oh my god Oh likey likey likey likey yeah Mike my tip is of an injury you guys wanna come up to I'm almost 18 pull up an OTB I'll get my strength later did you go for the bus cool all right my nap didn't and right here right here let's kill this stuff for 18 if you have a TP I can just teleport or do mid teleport which one go to maggot right now yeah oh wow it's not that way that sucks too much can't set my TP over my other TP oh wait you should hold up actually let me let me get down here and I'll shoot I can't drop one for you legs were got a bell for you thank you hopefully they have enough I'm really confused it must be on the just the entrance next to the entrance yeah I could use a sorceress and somebody can you know I can still help you yeah but I'm in level 3 right now okay I got staph where do you need me and no health potions Oh laughs do you need me yeah it's very much all of it okay I'll teleport it yep mama Dee over to second armor right yeah I already got myself made you can go back to leveling yeah it's all dead ends Tony all dead ends all dead ends it's a weird map how much time do we have can we do up here yeah you have like a maybe like nah it's as soon as I get all right maybe you have more time than I thought 30 seconds this map really sucks oh there it is Oh oh my god are you kidding me and beat themselves home oh that's actual pigs all right it's all the way down below like to the right of my body but like down and right yeah I know we had beetles out here that's such a stupid death has anybody got TP near me you know everybody knows GPS system Alicia no okay okay we can I'm doing amulet right now everybody ni - yeah do it okay okay it's collect level - over here I need a cute I need a cube I mean I'll need it yeah thank you it's one boss here to Omega attack the super unique is in the middle path and drag now and we have time where did we go Tom every time okay good this is really good experience I guess what we were lacking on the progress I'd I still need a belt alright where you don't have teepees left yeah alright I'll just wait for you I guess I don't he's only then drop teepees someone dr. Tom on weapon if you want to wait yeah alright Tom on Waypoint oh wait Oh fire I doesn't give me nice man we gotta get laughs from teepees top left is good way so I'm gonna leap down a direction yeah I'll go bottom right yep 12 times that is been like I don't know these guys like it's at the Internet to not bottom right now button right wow this is uh ridiculous up here yeah I've got Tower in tow uh nice I I have a second ass so okay let's ago the tayo cold it's not bottom left to top right at top left it's not it's not top left its it's not top right we're not sure yet so it's top left then it's top left okay all right I'll go drop a TP on the Summoner party fourth wait all right my tip is up and it's hot I made a laughs and model of a teal TP bro there is no chance God that was spicy no actually it's it's to the northeast that's all I know yeah it's right here okay motor shots we have vehicles yeah great to accept I don't have an ocean okay it looks like it's not down it's it's a bad man and you don't know them though it's a bad man there's nothing over here and here it is here this here this llama TV Ford Ariel you have lots of beetles up there top left top juice there's tons of beetles all over this place PTP Wow lag is so bad right now are you kidding me no not my fault good lord I need one mana potion thank you drop in room yeah that's on ground nice yeah I have zero FCR I've been trying to look for ones but town see did we go back main tomb where do we go for boss look good a domain to him for sure like a stutters or a gamble yeah Cadiz FC are like no yeah that's really good hey supey I need a belt hello what do that was slow yeah call that he's fast same day of gold we're ready Mac - now most of us I don't have I'm not sure if I have be honest who's looking for the gold llama review enact grease I'll go I have about kissing okay just drop it at Waypoint olabs already here okay laughs can I get two Ramos that's undergrad marshal oh okay I'll keep going this way on the ground no you must not cheat another layer it what did you say can you teleport on next tune yes Logan's a boy of 17 dead-end and flare or spider for us but I have spider laughs might be yep all right double X or next to you have you have beetles in this one also but if you want to continue while we had TB the next one will breastplate get that or wall ITP the next one I guess man actually someone should leave the waypoint CBO second super tip it check the all right I got an earlier great marsh or close to great Marsh Eric's be like oh my god are you got it so stupid right now no certain level 18 I'm nineteen point five next one up in lecture I'm still 17 right it's like so laggy right now almost 18 amp curse doesn't do anything with fire damage wait somebody can kill so many beetles here safety TP he can put up a TP and rejoin us for beetles can you help me get my body that was so many people which one you know there you are oh it's humanity being met Lord I mean you can kill me if this in the meantime right yeah hoping for the BOCES beat the boss group in the next one 1 lakh sir yes thank you alright I'm going it's free I'm 20 okay I'm in I'm in flair that's great Tina in 1/5 okay so one one you guys go to sewers when he goes tell me which one I'll go forward you look you look Ford engine direction became like this yeah I started go topside or something broad teams and then to the right obviously ignore the one we already did all right getting kid been on me I love ya know I've got the N bus on my TP if you want it I'll just leave it there there's also another boss just up to the right of that say I double boss on my TBR ring nice I need it so bad oh my god I have zero FCR 1920 [ __ ] don't you well 25 0 extra say next next if you want experience love the players staying things I guess so you don't need it right now actually no I don't need this right now 10 all wrists - damage reduction a militant oh my god all right answers [Music] where's that gold someone's gonna leave the gold is at the Waypoint ok Souter some lecture if you haven't experienced yeah yeah go and go in my TP or you're in seriously let's go peer other bus shop the Tennessee r-13 home okay thank you who asked that ring I did okay we also need someone to turn in all those actually things okay got it good thanks dropping and a few 10% faster castrate and 9% lightening res hey ring Travel travel-time on 28cm zone come on try okay everybody I am 19 and 3/4 all right 3 3 3 3 V Bar B 3 take the so much like every drop the things out there thank you rings turn - I'm missing a piece I need the brain oh and 20 HP popped coming in I only find the I in brain where's the brain Wow I just were paying it all the way back through I drop them at rubbing yeah oh there there service at the add the thing get it yeah why is that note cubes here it was cubes now I'm a puppy good yep faster castrate ring with fire is at warmest thing you got my thing I think if somebody else dropped fun you drop a TP and how close are you to 20 llama almost there okay and the bar of the ones I got three I am 3/4 I'm a teepee Tucker suppressor not the best act 3 it says okay nice not the best actor it was okay though still gave us room looks like you and I have CR f CR okay I'm good on my okay what that's not what I but right here in Philly TP is that planes oh my god I'm added gold again got some soul soup in here I'm out of gold again just for laughs alright city of the Damned and transcendence these make it to be and severe the dank where is it like sir top left lecturers woman I dropped my lost TP I'm teleporting for it but I have no teepees all right well I guess get to a point and then go back on its yeah okay I found it I need peace okay I need gold I need gold whoever has it please drop in town he was up this way okay thank you all right give it up on the lexer okay a fortune - welcome to what the heck I'm going for exit done I just went through tears TP how far other level nineties I'm like 20 I am like can't get up there we keep spying like 10,000 experience such a strange one 1/6 all right I'm going into gas yeah that's in 3rd stuff mama oh god I can't do anything okay I'm gonna tip you up you call my TP sauce huh dude there's a lot going on there hmm did we have to tell also or I just found out dropping it thank you yeah that's so nice crystal that's good I'm that Boulder the towels on the ground let me TP is hot already better one out of now taking one little trouble okay coming who Anadyr action what spread those can't see anything ring normally you should miss a report into next year or this is that is dead all god is bad it's good enough okay IRA ring is go a little bit of fire okay strength from here on out skull go get potions remember guys guys can you actually not get it I don't think I left my gold I think somebody else oh right dropping gems in town so looked into single player if you have diamonds I think I have one forty twenty now everybody twenty now yep I am yes GP on shank okay I'll go to the next I'll CP that first Barb's going for Barb's also I'm just going to lay some around there's first barb first barb up on lecturer Oh someone doesn't mess Naxos TPS extremists second one up still man dupa teepee llama all right I'm in crystalline uh yeah somebody get this one weirdo response tubes top left is it man why don't get those runs and those stupid maps in my world record runs to be so good a little spicy I need TP so now I thought I maxed out TPS when I bought Wow ancients are roughly up yep so you go for we go ancients okay top right teepee yeah remember strength at the end of this and I can wear it going to Freud's I know if I had Anya not now it stops topside strike up top left on the next one it's nothing there I go bottom right I got it I got it but get wait when I go up there waypoints I got the witness I look three is up you going back to show nothing there oh it's gonna be left or top left I got it I got it I got thrown yep all right to be coming and now cheap yep little hon there all right TP to 20 past cos she's on the floor ooh attempting that is tempting I I've I think I should run wall alright I'm at 10:28 I'm at 55 love does not attitude I can drop your ring I need an amulet who are airing now be nice love is drop has dropped their legs someone has to open the postcards because it's not get acute I'll get a cube either all right here's the cubes someone is dolphinese take this take my cube for now and then just give it back something here's a flawless diamond by the way for pally super poisonous real remove all the teepees that are not yeah for real like that can't be like that I see how this lets go there you go I never died oh thank you towns Beatrice remember potions so if you don't have potions and you're not one of the settlers I got that this time is fine very good heavy boots serpent skin armor nice powers up was coming let's do it remember the Aaron shield yeah I look for look for a stuff superior and shield up there though I don't know if it's good or not it's white I'll run scoop on the left program where he wears the King at if anybody finds an FCR amulet that would be amazing that's what I need oh there it is that's hot yeah look for stuff come on come on broad swords crystal swords keep your eyes up in chat long swords all the sorts of the swords oh yes nice I still have my collective heraldic shield right there man mama Kurt I call it a shield it's garbage sorry alright I'll stop calling him out I got a thingy I don't know what it was I've already forgotten heraldic shield right there I must have someone need you just drop oh I got Diamond ice let me know where you want it or when you ready there you are ok diamond diamond on ground sir man where's the dang severe crystals and stuff you've been abroad sort ofits amulet I really need an FCRA broad rights are there it is I see it okay I'll go okay make sure you got enough strength yeah whoops TV on your corpse love forever I took your gold okay alright next how's that key news right here Oh God all right all right let me tell me to have a TP away mommy TP allow me TP don't go left left his king King is literally on portal yeah its battle even there do I go and teleport if I'm 25 yep okay see you see ya are you falling for its going to bail I say what is it I'll take that 38 is I'm the what do I have now ten already yeah nevermind God and keep it I'll use the 10 RS I got router I'll helm so borrow make sure you're grabbing like those gothic plates and stuff brunei sold okay I'm 25 Lovelace Maps only ball missing I'm uh like 1/7 away yep is Cal team standing cows yeah but this one barb all right just a little this little all right I'm a oh wait let me let me just sell this if here actually come on Stan think I'm like crazy okay we can go there's so much most should be aesthetic down though just very spread out there in there there's some old stuff if you haven't won there was I need the runes I need the rinse the am and stuff there it is and do we have a Thal know if I if I can get a couple orcs not be good that RAL probably don't need I just need some works so sorceress should be able to keep the Angels pledged them you know if you only need to freak I need two more organs you guys caught waves we're on two down or do you need to leave soon llama to start telling nightmare I mean I'm gonna go to 20 I'm like halfway to 26 so even if you drop them over by whatever this name is that's fine three is dead three is dead basically yeah for you don't okay does the white kite shield here get down triple so kills yeah great thank alright there's one more or any one more or one more I'm 26 I need to go actually I'll get my own I'll get my okay I'm good I'm good thanks I dropped one okay okay go yeah we'll start taking it pretty just I'm respecting right now okay oops game is gonna be too for a nightmare what do you guys already okay tell oh right yeah 34 nice seven-letter gold away huh nice roll take it Mannering one of the assassins I have the real egg sorry yeah base agents flinch hello our town I never remember this Edgar Plains you never get oh my god 63 is so nice this is like heaven just in case we got a crystal sword go to the next guy yeah if we make a second one Oh weird map flawless diamond appear at the beginning of their let's go some cards or punch goes blind I can't see myself normal diamond if that is needed man I really hate skipping those things while mentoring catacombs Oh your emotions do good wave 33 right now all right this will be your last one Oh again another one I have to skip three gone when you're not used to have my normal sinteres [Music] and Orioles up yeah we're moving that's good yeah well spirits be held open have an FCR amulet I think I would take that to get my 65 wow it's so laggy you guys oh my god wow the leg is on the ground guys I can't do it I'm so like holy we have leg up fast that's me I got her Wow alright I'm just gonna have you guys come in cuz I can't even like go through the TPS Saudi synched man that really sucks I was disgusting in there easy alright alright so now you guys are out again nice act 1 that's good present you got me a present ah that's a sweet yeah for some reason I can't see the leg anywhere blonde loses clutter yeah chop off to the side I tried to drop it in the back but I think you were just too far forward coming up I need potions Stephen Matt so who needs the ten FCRA mule and say oh that's convenient I'm take it if mama doesn't you different I don't I don't need it go ahead are you already at 65 to them I'm in 65 with that angry look Wow man if I wrote a 35 on the spirit I would totally take it though how much link to fight weight using 105 well no but if we you know it maybe find some age fist or something then we're good to go okay oh I see hopefully a cop in like oh yeah sure Wallace yeah we yeah so with the wall I would have it if I had a 35 FCR sword but I got 34 so if you roll the thirty-five tail let me know that would be sick that is the crew cat a second one wave three years don't have it need that second Amran it's a good point oh wait let me check here I do all right man how are we doing on active and I'm in plot my first last one for you guys like like no your respects oh my god don't we wreath that just done fine I should know I'm trying to it's one more six like ransom alright I'm ready for you guys somebody go immediately to drug and everything that whole things I may go to harem [Music] everybody get in ACTU all right kick done stroke for you so use okay let me talk there you go ahead I'll leave my TP up mama mama I'm gonna throw up you an amulet thanks to the teepees okay you got leg I think that'll be better for you laughs needs a DK gold in a pole I got like sorry sir sir I'm dropping golden axe I only got four more I got 28 here you should really have somebody else teleport the arcane just cuz did my arcane luck I can't thank you never ever yeah here I got a small one more failed TP announced dead oh never saw never even saw him you guys just do too much damage he never even sold a penny was it hey Jim I got all res 9 3 second Roger I dropped a TP there I guess better than yours I dropped that did I drop a TP it's on the ground I dropped it earlier oh okay alright okay okay yeah I did somehow nay we didn't see that he fences I really thought I I didn't see charter vaults like they need a bail runs anyways yeah I'll take that and I've got a summoner wait what everybody know that I just went the wrong way yeah yeah so I know you guys got to your bail around seven days I need to know if I should race pick also yeah wild yes fun and it's just not a fun area at all to be in all right it's good because let's just party there we can respect yeah mushroom already dead respect all right does anybody want a rail room I'm almost ready you guys oh god maybe no I'm like I'm it's popping just I have to wait for Durrell to spawn yeah do your respects and no don't so I'm yet see barb all right now - I'm naturally night John that's funny right now okay all right tomorrow your night - okay I mean it's already spawn so yeah you guys go to summoner yeah keep the wire here we go seminary let me know when you're done with that and I'll drop TP for derrial hit a bow and the sorcs get here by the way I guess you have four in there so I'm gonna do it now some noun all right there is up now which tomb was it square we can please set the TPM square TP brightest got crit hard talking about the precept pre-open - teepees for children yeah mine is up I guess that's it didn't ya know I was respecting constantly I just um so here's CP then after you know how do we known sooner I could have read speaking like that's right good act yeah I got it look let's see what we need later I guess go go go [Applause] thank you Jesus boss group don't good open just go back after mission Thank You Misha and see gonna yeah left first always always I needed that certainly our diamonds are sellable should do they diabla one stratton you not jumping feels us running low on t peace and beauty boss nice Wow wow they're all over that are you kidding next one there's not even room to pop it you kidding I might need some help in act 3 with this my teepees up I literally can't nope I couldn't get high at all so somebody with damage that's why he's know you're in this game oh yeah I'm right here I'm already moving forward now so just copied that TP I guess for now and then I'm gonna try and get back to you okay I got Waypoint all right I'll be there be two three where you at I'm in Sophie you do nightmare like hell I think you're in the cavern okay alright go on my CP okay and jump this way yeah like gonna go knock this do you want me to just jump through yeah just just like get them off of it I literally can't click it okay also correcting okay I got it yeah thanks oh my god wow I could have actually stayed right side okay I'm right I could have stayed I didn't think I was gonna get out you want a bunch of potions on the ground yeah that conviction or I was just not fun you tell us again boss group there's the jinn bin if you wanna like I don't know if you want to copy on that yeah seems like a good thing to be on soup oh wait I probably two times ooh soon so it's probably not a thing I hate that glitch oh we didn't spawn yeah it's the hole what fire enchanted curse I'm just I'm just gonna be right back yep good lord that one shot uh yeah and then oh please oh god oh god where you at V truth I thought you were here to boo me he also spawn now okay like a delay it's fun good lord my TP might be whom bottom right from our God are you God were you forget it I went on your other I didn't have another one that was yours no that was oh my god just ten years that's not all right go yeah well now I'm available strip here around blacks or steepy it's going left after this I'm like Northwest acting good Lord what is he doing man don't be something so a truth you gotta like T in the right spots party party party oh it's so far away I'm great tipping nobody bobby's this again wow this isn't even working you guys this is straight-up not not working yeah players say it's hard there's not many spots to teleport there they're pretty much all over here so not much density okay we do the [ __ ] wrong that's good yeah oh my god they're everywhere I am straight-up not having a good time stupid flares man they're always so bad just like extra ref right now okay we had some time save earlier or something so all right I'm still only 31 so I'm not gonna have max usually the last to know I had a teepee set like a thousand percent chose to puke influence is right-clicking it like a madman Otis of two beautiful scripts in the next Oh weirdest Kelly's olives are attacked apparently you sure you don't want to try to do it on players one just freakin dolls down in the sewers and stuff killing me man unfortunate spawns there was two boys groups in there beetles I think now maybe hatred cheese all right so that's why we do the tombs I guess drawing back what did you get it oh yes I should just go back here all right good thank you did you grab it yeah I got it wow I got all the pieces yeah teleport for the Waypoint you know and then I'll go to next thing would it be on my body all right I'll make three all those five potions and you're done trying done trying done trying man that's some bad time loss enacted a man so made us all right come in party please ship okay missing one or missing one who are we missing stuck up this way great act one great act too awful act three good to go hmm six health nice take out the 96-minute and milla it's level 3700 decent oh dang oh here this here this let's say 34:44 I'll take that ring probably actually I don't even know if I need the mana I'd rather have liquor sir it was this way point nice straight up 20 light pot had it Alcor it's up here Thanks okay my face stuff on Mac sir you look like you went over it Lama I don't know yeah I did didn't see it but no that's some bad time loss that's so bad I don't shield horse our champ I gotta do better than that nak three I mean players they definitely did not make it easy for me but not left alright experienced in the external if you come yep here's a city waypoint RTP I'm to the city already so yeah you can double it double boss pack on Sully easel on - okay boss pectin on don't TP - I got river of flame up Wow we might want to do is he like tears on the left let me know when it's ready - copied potatoes is copy I'm at Lamas all right I'll just give it later something if needed all right let me teepee up no it's really hot keeps trying but they're all over the thinking I can't press it spawned him alright should I just go ahead and pop all the seals right now yeah leave one good Lord why is everything so stupidly hot right now sounds good to us it's summer Oh God ridiculous trying to make up for the map pack you got going on right now I guess so it's ridiculous imma tell everyone actually coughing good way yeah nothing on the way it's just at the seals I mean I mean yeah yeah see exactly tell ya I'm a captain at least we'll need help with that or just see got it pop so we'll just come down here and pop this one I'll go get it all right this one's pops as well all right whatever it's good enough okay I'll see us pop oh it's just bad spawns of stuff man like boss monsters we got those dolls and the sewers they got the whatever trash right there that seal like everything has just been that bad some gold I could use it llama dropping gold on the ground yeah all right I'll grab that when I know I'm not gonna die so this is percent results Wow nice llama drop the Waypoint in the next game and then we then you teleport so in the next game you know okay for some decent boots if someone has sixty I could use some boots how much strength do I need sixty five howdy Finn are they not enough norm and got for you for play cursors catch it so bad so I'm gonna stash ever since I made it that's probably good idea 10 F CR amulet I'll take it forget fire assimilating I need any kind of FC I can get still once would help really much is it ready to fire a simulant I don't utter it you know you know I'll take it no gosh-dang are you kidding so kidding me yeah like Jesus I'm dying oh yeah I need V truth bow this is are you I am just connect I'm just connecting or something I don't know what's happening alright poped it's alright yeah I'm in act 5 sure remember you're the big boy v truth and you get the babysit the little girl can you give me the battle order sir thank you yeah I need to be I need to get that from you like all the time now especially with players eight running because I'm just getting one shot right now from everything cereal I'll just keep trying to find Cameron Pope's do we have another fol I have made so painful I don't see them it's the snakes are the worst cuz they'll pop me out of my teleporter uh muhrtelle okay go yeah I got a crystalline Waypoint if any one of the assassins want that ring for mana 100 mana ring that's its Ryan will we're doing players eight stuff this run now also it's pretty laggy on the server's thing I'll be honest like half my dad's XP store have just been from and if we okay also two players behind is found a 20% fee to spawn it here do all my spawn here I've got gold yeah then we go okay I'll go spawn it just give me a second return to them all right it's fun and oh my god rape we both missed clicked what yeah oh my god yeah might hurt some I didn't see mad at cold chant huh we got other damning sources up here I was so completely I didn't get the quest for a second going top laughs you're joining our source go on in now yeah and we're point top right all right TVs up for that Oh God it's doable but I need to rejoin oh god okay I need so I'm right there but there's like a bunch of stuff on it if I can have the truth come in with me the same time which one might emotes let me know when you're ready Wow llama llama let me know you ready yep ready three two one going oh Jesus oh gosh dang it people are standing on the teepee and I couldn't join at the same time and I bearable going next no oh my god say well it's fine gosh dang it just save a quick time this bad yeah we get party party up party up and then yeah give me and give me Bo I'm dropping from its cradle it's just throwing up we got souls all right [ __ ] come in and leap you can stop with nothing and get back now we're getting our gold though we've got so much golden they don't go I got it I got it all right get out okay okay 50k put then someone's dog probably because I picked it up accidentally subdued by Rose right on the ground accidentally and the truth can you come I'm like give me some bail no you can't get into the front for socket stuff it's about making 40 you didn't get the Questor thank you all right let's see if I got this time snakes and souls so good dude I need some reduce badly first time in a while we haven't got them in sight yeah if you do get the runes and that's office for sockets I'm a TPI Beatrice Beatrice Louis may already have a staff that has everything bleeping bleeping [ __ ] oh my god I'm leavin all right well when everybody finishes with their stuff we have Anya already we'll just need some people okay yeah we can do it after bill then yeah yeah do it after bail we could know this in half because it's a nightmare bails dice Vance he once wanting my [ __ ] got to get his leaps go in there should be something good like he should never have the truth you should never have be like killed from that yes we're doing it now then go go like you got to make sure you're jumping right on top of yourself for sure frozen rivers frozen rivers can be killed at the same time buddy oh shoot me killed a let's sink okay oh my god oh it's just getting worse in there I should probably get a lot of people here Thank You Bo that's either we did all together or not and because we need yeah no no it's weird we usually don't do fine now is it is it good in there all right I'm finishing it boss okay and and bail this has been rough I say at least be true Theo with here with me man I mean one okay one don't worry about leaving enjoying fast could be could be fun to do that yeah my RTP Stang we're gonna [ __ ] Sun looked let me get TV system I'm though so go through there go through there be truth okay ready anybody a two second armor or gold oh please God is that all the life I have oh my god real from me I could eat some lady that's that I need so many flares like a man be more Gillian Aranda or what I need a little bit of both straight down I'm still stuck at the 25 FCR dang brittle did you check it I'm you know once yeah one service the customers get know that freaking players eight game is nestled on open any any nightmare that's checked my onion that one all right so just gave the rude I remember pressing escape I'm also checking wands and shops by the way yeah like mine is really good for tanking its mana and high resistance so but that sure is better CR Bronstein tank you know sadly a Friday that it's just probably truth how are you an act one in catacombs level one in level three let's uh let's do Eldridge angered me have a pond of it all just to it I mean I'm almost there like four yes here I'm in for coming win-win [Music] please don't leave up random VP's like yeah I keep thinking the wrong ones yes alright alright time save one for you time saves let's go my twos up and nightmare about you leaving my gold right there in act two Ebert's EPS the Waypoint arts the woods - can you split that and leave like 10k out for me sure thanks and put it over by the teepees please below stash notice below stash I got it yeah 100 to 0 instantly I know you've got a new one yeah it's good for druid yeah go alright I'll take your wand all right spit low no skills level 2 I got level three sitting at over 300 mana without PO Wow thank you I got staff nice shame only sources can use the source one or my necro can use or anyone can use that one that's something to drink thoughts yeah but they get help spamming spam drinking person taking them all I'm actually fully mature or not so what did you have before I could use whatever you have a big tanking one south side here and it's kind of good right for no FCR are we doing tombs in Hell or we go I'm at claw Viper yes I'm waiting to pop tomb I think goodbye to everybody get in everybody to act - all right popped sepia that was level one way back at the waypoint copy that yeah Oh coffee don't if I copy that three three honey a really long one I'm dropping friend of us going top left god okay here you got barb come copy this awesome Reba Reba Reba this up lags are hacks pretty no 50 ways let's last have knife invade you guys double over one was so freaking yeah don't answer that I a legit thought it was some kind of backward wanted truth summonings yeah I need someone after that don't get a sub injured never first say Oh God you're summoning your oak stage on my help does he get bear later on right there's great gosh I hate this game why am I so bad at the arcane sanctuary I swear to god I'm the worst arcane sanctuary player ever V truth if you want to copy that you got it yep copy forty-four all of us grouchy forty-four all account yes what month's 90 all right all right you guys almost ready I'm at dirty all Hispano just give me like okay we're fight my fight and ready for ready keep your keep your sleep with every barb so I can go talk to somebody yeah - 35 is Jim's TP is better actually he's dead No I can't get through yeah oh why is the TP inside there I'll need some golden Act three by the way barb yep YF is up in darkman is it in act 3 yeah next warmest ok thank you don't spend it all in one place it's already spent all of it literally because Matt was horrible that is one set of potions yeah yeah I went through the derailed or you can kind of like movie just tell you right through I'm so badly for stay that's not that okay I missed that first entrance though in a bunch of potions I named battle orders please I don't have it thank you I'm on throne great Marsh we've got two exits off of it though so that's nice dang it it wasn't that first one it was literally lost enemies still kind of killed you yeah you want to just go outside or did you have a waypoint yeah come outside cuz I don't know this first way anyways thank you I got unlucky missed it and it was the one I guess I got our questions right yep come late come late come late Oh God Oh God we're tiny leaps dude I can't even see that chest just get them off that chest so I can telekinesis it oops oh dude yeah tiny leaves tiny leaves leaps are too big all right leap up to the town portal and leap on top of that no we're good oh Jesus oh my god alright you stay you stay you stay one sec yeah nothing should be able to hit you if you're leaping correctly like you need to leap literally right on top of yourself and you should be fine mm-hmm okay party up and then go in TP TP TP Oh what the [ __ ] party oh my god know what she dang it this is so bad oh my god this is the baddest thing ever did you die or it's happening I can't even teleport like it's literally just not even registering my clicks right now I think I just saw my power flicker yikes or maybe it's just my light I hope it's just my life jeez it's so steep and ready to meet all right let's just let's just make a new game or something honestly let's go to hurt yeah that's all the gold though any gold whatever whatever that's just so stupid in there alright please see ya - yeah he's got to get his leaps figure it out cuz it should be zero zero Lee pushes I bow me please like as soon as he comes in nothing should touch us you do cleansing up it is a hundred percent yeah it's not back all the time running the good money in case law means again he's good so stupid you guys finally got an antidote geez so sheriff I also have no life and I wonder levelled I usually won't be like 37 it's too far to walk so I am really really low in levels and this is hurting us a lot might and fanaticism fantastic don't three on the right didn't you go into one no got round very laggy on the players or map fing them just whenever I drop a TP like that just come in and start leaping immediately like always don't come in okay let me know alright you can come in now but it's okay there's just always dudes there's so many spiders right now it's never just nuts first all right I got the eye okay man that was that was an awful time 23 rows I'm just outside now from Athens I hope you all get the other organs nope it's been a really bad actor dream man oh I can't get it come on alright I got it I got it I was getting hit locked that was like five minute time loss that sounds about right Wow I mean it was just the one thing after the other you're just like so gosh dang great Marsh with I need a skip so badly I'm not gonna get it am I nope no skip and their souls in the great Marsh so we might have to reset literally just got the spider killer right it's been real hard alright well become too much I go three go three we could join them soon rights three three yes three and the others assassin droid if I I got a TP combo please yeah I mean it's like five-minute time loss right now we're just throwing it back three weird I I invited but you guys farmed one without great Marsh I'm just gonna take it I'm gonna go great Wow awesome it's been real real tough with the servers and everything on the rights come tanam yeah they're bad over here to Blair it's so much better here than it is me lags are wait for the Oh before you start teleporting away okay I got the flare dungeon Kentucky all right you did that on my own reward I'm gone forward okay I'll go for sewers okay I'll go travandkel like a PT is waypoint I'm getting travel a point I found I need you to leave Fifi I got waypoint for Trevor hey you got it you don't oh okay drop drop Oregon's in town I need gold any girl I'm so good it's totally left so can someone take my TP yeah copy do it's not enough of a point already llama for traffic I got it top left where lawmen do you do next game I can okay then I go for all right Oh such big time why not Thor wouldn't almost ready no don't join yet don't join it don't turn yet I got spawn it I got a solo room by the way just from this fashion I'm gonna need mana some time Oracle larceny god okay come come come I need gold badly all right dropping gold in town thank you drop the hard heart got it you drop this little ring I'll grab it now that's so much gold important nice easy and now for the big one got it alright level three all right only two minute time loss after all that I'll take it good lord good I'm gonna leave that gold off its first one let's hope he rat tail too sleepy I'm ready Welman did you pick both of the gold packets up in that yeah I got river I'm running river right now mighty pieces here I mean I'm in chaos chaos CPD one in middle-earth seal yeah okay oh just so just go just go middle just go middle just middle there's like four boss kids up in the top left got it is spicy over there all right I'm gonna go pop seals okay seal on right is popped oh no it's a broken one top sila spot for the face I'm a gang in town barb come to town and hang with me so they get more experience yep though you guys should all hit 60th yeah just go from module yeah I only popped one sip I only popped one seal on the bottom right by the way we do it so they can get all the experience yeah I do not great there are we gonna stay in this game will I stay in this game for next oh yeah okay yeah frak five good sighs I'd have in Act three I just kept dying man it was out there just yeah stay together stragglers everywhere we need to sold it like this is really really rough so I mean it's it's mostly me Beatrice is having a little bit of Lepanto but yeah some bad stuff yeah well no Jess I couldn't see you that he died we'll find out to be kids I'm telling that's three TVs for you but it's okay it's okay oh we're gonna we had a good egg for our egg three still wasn't awful it wasn't great but it wasn't awful they got experience while I was happening so that's good at least like I mean you know we lost two minutes to p4 I agree I agree thank what yeah wait point I'll drop it again words there's there's mine there's two at Waypoint but I need like a fifth could you just do 60 like kill shank and stuff again oopsies again top left knee knee popped top left dumb okay could you guys just kill shank and and eldritch and get sixty no I have it yeah I've already got River flame set but say or you or not do you have enough red of I have right I didn't really well what Lama has been saying like can we get it yeah I've got a river a flame Waypoint set so go ahead go yeah I got that okay okay I'll drop a TV for you vibe just keep we'll be back in like 10 seconds yeah I literally a 60 on the next month yeah yeah for me it's just like my next Bosco I hate this archers oh my god okay that's nasty just go top left from the circle I will get it that's like three Bhaskar sir you want me to spawn this players want ancients anyways so yes yeah yes say I just hang out make sure yeah they're not like dual rez yep oh god oh god oh my god hey barb it is so bad in there but go in and like immediately immediately thank you wow yeah and you get my Dora archers and it's so bad I don't get in don't get any it don't get in yet it's been a year already 13 months I'm gonna need battle orders by the way hold up oh here it is here this here is it's immediate flames these battle orders remember longer clear one or two Spana Eric are you not here not here checking around here is maybe I'm checking for back ok here this here this here just yeah get out get out oh thank you drop a TP there mm-hmm ok come in come in come in friend it's all singles party thanks for the book yep trying to catch you as you guys are come in alright spirit on ground pledge on ground stealth on ground FCR ring FCR in with res both those res a mere as a me and 13 light wrist gloves and a rail rail helm grab what you need the Rings he's so fast holder he wants me alright go go go Plus orangey no souls all right me and Barb get out now right yes yes here here barb come sit and channel with me I'm going to uplift TV Souls I got it from room no level free right forget the st. petty OD players a solo hug no for reals appointed you know like this soon what's wrong with you so little it's our own servers that we don't have to deal with ROM downs and stuff basically so easy FCR hold it crap yes yeah it's nice just twist operating flow hockey's a bunch of gold immunes yeah so I'm level 30 he's level 41 so we're just gonna come in and get the Bale quest that's the whole like a fast way through is you sacrifice the tele source and the Barbarian while they do all their leveling I'm constantly moving forward into the next act to teleport and everything like that so in working with no levels so I'm like really underleveled legacy I'd like to be around like 35 36 it gives me a little bit more life if anyone has some being I was like 27 and stuff for so long it was just thank you rude oh those sorts have access roads don't keep no Te'o spawning bail nice I still don't believe so you have teepees good did you get spirit like I've gone to yes it's okay to our and I'm getting a spirit would be hard this is a really good run with the exception of nightmare and hell AK 3 both of those we lost honestly 2 minutes cuz I miss split and I'm happy so we've set a goal for a long time it could have been like -4 still there if I didn't screw up that and then nightmare 3 but they start to get experience that's the thing like there's always the experience back and forth right whoa resetting 3 was was brittle as well where we lost a minute dying or nightmare so you're still feeding hey no feets to ten something as world record just keep getting stronger they got it like two weeks ago or something like that where did they mostly farm experience nightmare in hell they would do bail run I also did some nightmare tomb runs you see spawn let's go let's go yeah and I've been I owned our last time here good and only cold I mean nice to ten forty one is that it so yeah we just wanted sub to ten that's been our goal for a long time so as long as they don't screw up which it sounds like they're Lister no extra fast alright let us know when everybody make sure to party make sure to party go party party party party but no we got - we got three parties Jesus Christ alright get in there go go go go was too much effort boys Wow - Oh 724 it said I got I got 207 25 wow I guess tomb works too misty work cuz I I had terrible Act threes I had really good like act 2 and ones and 4/5 my act threes were atrocious in both regards the act 3 it was probably like what a but you guys were farming experience so it wasn't that bad to be honest but yes it was the sitting around waiting yep at the end tons of beetles and beetle bosses in those tombs though that's really nice that helps a turn [Applause] normal was crazy was it it was it seemed like a decent split but I mean even on the other time it was only 30 seconds save well in terms of experience it was also I guess that I dig thing yeah like I think I hit 20 before you guys came to entry yeah and I have no experience or experience because we had like a really bad that seemed always experience Vegas drop was act to inhale we dropped three and a half minutes save time I have that was like the biggest drop and then also from bale nightmare - and Dario hell so act 1 & 2 hell were like huge time saves yeah we had we had to bail runs on hole under oh right yeah GG like I didn't even have much experience of the fact what we could have I still have 20 really fast so tons of experience in that yeah Wow 2:07 we smashed the 2:10 holy correct we need to go subdued some to good luck I mean even if I have perfect ACT threes there that probably gets us down to like 204 where we save in the extra four good Lord we were like five almost six minutes ahead in actually yeah like it was so we went down to like 40 seconds by X 4head so that's like five more than five minutes a lot of that I think was well I guess we half of it was experienced and half of it was me sucking in act 3 hell yeah if you manage going a little bit faster through her now we heard like I think two sections where we have four people were sitting in the channel waiting sure man yeah yeah while you were to the potting like three and while you were teleporting it five yeah that's of course just a symptom from the right right yeah I mean I see like three to four minutes save seven and a half minute save is god that's there's probably a good like two maybe three minutes of just general cleanup that's Russ I mean I felt like minutes trying to fight in in that are actin stupid spider okay spider cave bro it was so filled there were champions and a boss group and then like also the beetle boss group or not the beetle the spider boss group Sark plus like just random spiders they were like one attacking on your lot of each other on the 210 I had fanaticism czarek with who yeah the bus goes on top oh my god is not even a spot to teleport on I just yeah that's how it felt with mine and they were like stacked they would stand on top of the chest and like not move at all even when when he was like leaping on top of them they wouldn't shove off the chest is so dumb yeah that was yeah you have to like like almost every chest you can teleport use telekinesis student from exactly other side of the wall yeah yourself to get there it wasn't working yeah but like my act ones and twos and stuff we're flying I mean that's gonna be hard to replicate that's gonna be hard to replicate cuz I was I didn't die it all in those usually it's like underground passage something stupid or claw Viper temple something stupid I wanted to uh never have problems with dying I usually have problems with maps yeah yeah the maps were also really good the maps are also really good except archeins I think I fourth wait every arcane sanctuary I v Wade the first one Queen yeah I v Wade nightmare and I for Slade hell so it was great I didn't die once that runs Wow well I only died about 72 times that run so when Erica knows play sorcery so I only did get one shot once this Rondo the other ones I could say that's nice one one was just straight up I I just when I ride with the TP my character was napping yeah so yeah my question was for is like could we open up this private server if green dude gave like a couple of us or all of us like admin access and so like you know people from the twitch community could join in and try to do group runs on the server and if we see people like you know bahding or whatever on here we just phantom from the server I mean the problem is we might get trolls joining and then screwing up with our games it's one thought and already has those issues yep I got you so it's unfortunate that's another team that actually wants to do runs yes you trolls and we know who you are it's those it's those other yeah or other stream viewers slash whatever that don't like us they come in and they like they think it's funny to do that stuff well I mean they back but they don't bought it could be single-player I'd be okay with the map pack compared to body I'm like good with both oh no I'm just saying like comparing the two like anyways Hey so what you got in one moment mama I don't know you were always doing something else rather than running through the Toa yeah so I mean it was I didn't even get way point that run because I like back and so but every time that I'd join a game you would already have Tower and so I just kept going to tower immediately and then the on the last one I thought that we were just going forward basically at that point instead of doing the other because I already had telleth so yeah usually I get in the way point we run around but like every single time I killed countess and came in you already were in the tower so I was like I guess I'll just go tower again so yeah I know I'm i usually get waypoint and then I run with you but it was just super fast to tower every time except the last one I think it was unsullied who dropped an altar on during normal baths and you drop it outside of the third of the throne in town on the teepees yeah there was one there was one in town yep yeah there was one there was one in town by the the teepees because when I went back to go get my runes I found it okay I think I thought you were in town at the time is why I did it but yeah it's generally just when there's bail runs go and just come into the bail room and drop it that's like the easy easy spot it's the same with the leg in our frame below the portals just a little bit but yeah stuff yeah do you remember the same a and that's that doesn't apply to me but I don't know I always think it's hard to pick up items when they get dropped and caliber randomly why we're running around at top speed it's tough but it's one of those if you like communicate it well then it works sort of things you just have to make sure that the other person is like you have to look look for the person exactly like I saw the Paladin running to me and so I was like okay he knows where I am here's the diamond in space like yeah make sure you don't drop it near like a big pack and pour a bunch of cows just died yeah you have two other people that are not involved in the transaction that might want to pick up the item you're dropping yep so I don't know I always think that's dangerous anyway after the nightmare toons I reached level 37 on my first stop so we were able to have resist that was really bad act 3 though though like he died so many times I died so what I we had that's the reason why we have so much time to clear like all the tumors yeah yeah because just because my x3 on the last run was also worried about but I think like realistically we shouldn't expect to clean out more than like three or four toons not all that's unrealistic on a really good x-ray yeah yeah getting like everything is she that's written yeah so I would assume that like 35 maybe 36 is like maximum you can reach how long I had bad splits that bad splits there - yeah yeah like I said the Act threes were bad but it was extra bail run so there was experience to be gotten during the time at least so if we did less tombs then we would end up having to do a second chaos run and nightmare right probably yes Americas would be I mean we helped teleporting there instead of experience no that was only home oh yeah just just because we had all the you know so we need one more cat kills from them yeah I mean it was like 20 seconds of chaos actually we did help in at five nightmare though right yeah cuz we were all level 40 way before llama was already with ancients so I think it's actually know their necks for Karen an act 5 I think next goal for nightmare we just ran on experience yeah we created a first game yeah but but in general we don't need that extra Cal's room like if we if we continue with that strategy work out that we are level 40 by the time we reach Diablo maybe angels so it should be should be like when Lama gets or when the telescope gets to the ancients we should hit level 40 I think it's more efficient to do the bail runs and the term runs obviously or whatever else were the all-cash ones yeah so the ideal scenarios - yeah London boys when Rome original tell soaks rich-looking that's my crazy stuff thanks for calling out the shield slam on Cal's end up getting a 90 alright shield which was four perfect diamonds which never happened that's good yeah and then I still died two wave three still makes a few better that twice way free I think the oak sage died too that's why okay I can't want to go back and look at that I instantly popped yeah that's what happened to me on normal although some particles like on top of me and yeah I think we can also save some time by honestly had only issues that one no one moment in a bell run that was really bad yeah I even like over like act act one normal had so much lag though like and and then also when I died to and Dario and like nothing or hell so and I was helping nama teleporting it was actually like overtaking than it usually is for me there was one point at lag but yeah only there one day one wave five just didn't spawn for three seconds so yeah yep actually did that did survive a little bit on my screen but are we doing another run I don't know and we've got a replace him with Gotti if we want to do [Music] [Laughter] all right well GG guys catch you guys later yeah yeah I just I can't do another two hours here unfortunately unfortunately not
Channel: MrLlamaSC
Views: 60,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: p8Be3fkmD-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 33sec (8613 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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